Topic - 5B-Earthing System
Topic - 5B-Earthing System
Topic - 5B-Earthing System
© VTC 2015 1
1. Earthing Arrangement
2. Types of Earthing System
3. Protective Conductor
1. Earthing Arrangement
* In the main switchroom, a copper earthing electrode (接地
棒) is inserted to ground and connected to the main
earthing terminal (MTC) (總接地終端)of the building.
* All the metal covers of electrical equipment (the ‘exposed
conductive parts’ - ECP parts 外露非帶電金屬部分(外露可
導電部分)) are connected to the main earthing terminal of
the building via a system of circuit protective conductors
* Besides, the water pipes, gas pipes, and all structural steel
(the ‘extraneous conductive parts’ - ETC parts非電氣裝置
金屬部分(外界可導電部分)) are connected to the main
earthing terminal via equipotential bonding conductors
2. Types of Earthing System
2. Types of Earthing System
2. Types of Earthing System
2. Types of Earthing System
2. Type of earthing system
TT system
All exposed-
conductive-parts of
an installation are
connected to its own
earth electrode
which is electrically
independent of the
source earth
2. Types of Earthing System
TN-S system
• Separate neutral and
protective conductors
throughout the system
• All exposed conductive
parts of an installation
are connected to the
protective conductor
provided by the source
via the earthing terminal
of the installation
2. Types of Earthing System
TN-S and TT system
• Initially it is a TT
3. Protective Conductors
(a) Types of Protective Conductors
(b) Sizing of Protective Conductor
(c) Adiabatic Equation
(d) Sizing of Earthing conductor
(e) Types of Earth Electrode
(f) Main Equipotential Bonding
(g) Supplementary Bonding Conductors
(a) Types of Protective conductors
• Circuit protective conductor
11D(3) P68)COP-11
• Main equipotential bonding
總等電位接駁導體(Code 11E
• Supplementary bonding 輔助
接駁導體(Code 11F P70)
• Earthing conductors 接地導
體(Code 11H P71)
(a) Types of Protective conductors
(a) Types of Protective conductors
Main Earth Terminal (MET)
(b) Sizing of protective conductors
(b) Sizing of circuit protective conductors
Table 11(1) - minimum size of separate
protective conductors Table 11 P73
Table 11(2) - minimum size of protective
conductor in relation to the cross-sectional
area of associated phase conductor
S ≦16 cpc size= S
16 < S ≦ 35 cpc size=16
S>35 cpc size=S/2
Table 11(3)-(8) - minimum size of protective
conductor for circuits protected by HRC
fuses, MCB, and MCCB
(c) Adiabatic Equation 絕熱
By calculation using the adiabatic equation:
Ie t
• Where
(e) Type of earth electrode (Code 12C)
Earth rod or pipes (Dia. 12.5mm cu, 16mm fo Al)
Earth tapes or wires (3mm x 25mm)
Earth plates (3mm x 120mm x 120mm)
Metallic reinforcement of concrete, including sheet
Metalwork of gas and water services should not
(f) Main equipotential Bonding (COP 11E)
Within each installation, main equipotential bonding
conductors should be connected to the main earthing
terminal for all extraneous conductive parts to create an
equipotential zone, such conductive parts include:
– Main water pipes
– Gas installation pipes
– Risers and ductings of central heating and air-conditioning
– Exposed metallic parts of structural framework; and
– The lightning protection system
Size of Main bonding conductor (copper): > ½ of the Earth
Conductor subject to 6mm2 (min) and 25mm2 (max)
and 150mm2 for connecting MET and supplier’s bonding
(g) Supplementary bonding (Code 11F)
• Within the zone formed by the main equipotential
bonding, local supplementary bonding connections
should be made to metal parts, to maintain the
equipotential zone, where those parts are:
• Extraneous conductive parts, and
• Simultaneously accessible (separation < 2m) with
exposed conductive parts or other extraneous
conductive parts
• Size of bonding conductor (copper): 2.5mm2
(sheathed cable); 4.0mm2 (non-sheathed cable)
Table 11(1) P73