Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer
Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer
Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer
3. Functions of the Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer:
a) Verify the appointment of Licensed Electrical contractor for the execution of
the work. (Under Regulation 29)
b) Ensure the electrical design is approved in the form of drawings from the
concerned Electrical Inspector. (Under Regulation 43 & Sec 53)
c) Verify the work executed by Licensed Electrical Contractor is as per the
approved drawings duly following the relevant standards of NEC, BIS, IEC
and guidelines Issue by Direct of Electrical safety and Chief Electrical
Inspector to Government. (Under Regulation 12)
d) On receipt of work completion report from the Licensed Electrical contractor,
he shall conduct the pre-commissioning tests and issue an advisory note to
the consumer for the rectification (Under Regulation 33 to 51)
e) He shall ensure the observance of the safety provisions laid under the
Electricity Act, 2003 and the Regulations made there under.
f) He shall issue the certificate in Form-IV prescribed by Director of Electrical
Safety and Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt. under Regulation 43.
g) The test/inspection reports shall be recorded thereof in Form-I (or) Form-II
(or) Form-III, under Schedule-IV Under Regulation 30 (or) and Form –IV
Under Regulation 43 as the case may be and submit the same to Electrical
Inspector within 15 days from date of inspection/testing.
h) Test Reports & Register of Recommendations in regard with safety duly
acknowledged by owner, compliances made thereafter and such record shall
be made available to the Electrical Inspector as and when required.
4. Submission of Records:
a) The Electrical Inspector may require a supplier or an owner or a Chartered
Electrical Safety Engineer who assisted the owner for “Self-Certification” to
submit to him for examination any records of tests made in connection with
his works and he shall comply with such requisition.
b) The Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer shall maintain the records the tests
and examinations conducted by him for Self-Certification.
5. List of Consumers:
a) The Electrical Inspector may require a supplier (or) DISCOM to submit to
him a list of all persons supplied with energy by him, the addresses at which
such energy is supplied, the months of service, the voltage of supply, the
purpose of supply and the supplier (or) DISCOM, shall comply with such
b) The Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer who have assisted the owner for
self-certification shall submit the electrical Inspector on request the list of
consumers/owners he have assisted with all such details of the installation
as desired by the Electrical Inspector.
6. Inspections:
a) The Electrical Inspector may enter, inspect and examine any installation
which is self certified by the owner or with the assistance of the chartered
Electrical safety engineer within one year from the date of self- certification.
b) Every supplier (or) consumer (or) owner and occupier shall afford a given
reasonable time and facilitate to any such inspector to make such
examinations and test as may be necessary to satisfy himself as to the due
observance of the provisions of The Electricity Act’2003 and Regulation made
there under.
c) The Electrical Inspector may serve an order in the form set out , upon any
supplier, consumer, owner or occupier, calling upon him to comply with any
specified regulations and standards and the person so served shall
thereupon comply with the order within the period named therein, and shall
report in writing to the Electrical Inspector.
7. Appeals:
a) An appeal against an order served under these shall lie to the State
b) Every appeal made shall be in writing, shall be accompanied by a copy of the
order appealed against and shall be presented within 3 months of the date
on which such order has been served or delivered or is deemed to have been
served or delivered as the case may be.
8. Amount of Fees and Incidence of fees recoverable in the case of dispute:
a) Where an Inspector is called in to decide any difference or dispute between
the owner/consumer or the chartered Electrical Safety Engineer or the
supplier and where a fee for such service is recoverable, the inspector shall
decide by whom such fee shall be payable.
9. Penalty for breach of Electricity act 2003 and Regulation made there
under and Procedure.
a) Who being responsible for the obstructions of any of these act, regulation
and procedure shall be punishable for every such breach with fine which
may extend to fifty thousand Rupees.
b) Whoever fails to comply with any order (or) directors and Electrical Inspector
guidelines under this act and or indulging in willful negligence mal-Practice,
misuse or any other activities affectively the Safety of Electrical installation
leads to fatal and or fire accident and failure of Electrical equipments shall
be punishable under section 146 of The Electricity Act, 2003.
c) The Andhra Pradesh Electrical Licensing Board (or) Director of Electrical
Safety and Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt. shall have the right to
terminate/cancel/suspend the certificate of authorisation for Chartered
Electrical Safety Engineer at any time, on noticing of indulging in willful
negligence, mal-practice, misuse and/or any other activities affecting the
safety of electrical installation. The concerned Electrical Inspector shall issue
the show cause notice to the Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer indulging
such activity and if the reply is not satisfactory, he shall recommend for
termination (or) suspension to the Andhra Pradesh Electrical Licensing