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Minutes of The Meeting Focused Group Discussion (FGD)

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Minutes of the Meeting

Focused Group Discussion (FGD)

Date: September 19, 2021

Computer- Based Training Delivery

1. Judy Ann Maghinay
2. Angelie Joy Curambao
3. Wensyl Mae M. De Guzman
4. Rollyster Maghanoy

CBT Concerns Discussion Resolution/Agreement

1. CBT Layout All of us are satisfied with the Always check CBT layout for
CBT lay out that we organized. the trainee’s purpose.
2. Monitoring of The attendance was always Continue checking attendance
Attendance check during the meeting. every meeting.
3. Utilization of Work Some of our members did not Trainer should introduce the
Area introduce their trainees to their work station
respective work station
4. Orientation Some of our trainees are not Trainer must see to it that
a. CBT familiar to CBT, roles, TR, enough information is given to
b. Roles CBLM, facilities and evaluation the trainee about such aspects.
c. TR system
e. Facilities
f. Evaluation
5. RPL In this matter, some of our Trainer must give ample
members were not having hard instruction and evaluation of
time in conducting and previous learning of the
recognizing prior knowledge of trainee.
our trainees because they
actually know the things that
need to be done. However,
some of our members,
overlooked the previous
learning of the trainee.
6. Teaching methods and The flow of the concept is The trainer should present the
technique confusing. concepts in clear and concise.
7. Monitoring of Learning Some of the achievement and The trainer should regularly
Activities progress chart of our members update these charts.
a. Achievement are not regularly confusing.
b. Progress Chart
8. Feedback Some of our members rarely Always give feedback and the
give feedback to their trainees. correct ways in giving
feedbacks must be observed.
9. Slow Learners Some of our trainees often The trainer should address or
consume their working time of initiate remedial activities to
their co-trainee hasten their progress.
10. Other Concerns Chairs in the session hall are We suggest that the chairs
uncomfortable should be replaced with back

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