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Class-5 Unit-5 (Prose) Shabale (Sabala)

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Over All Objects: - 1) To enable learners to read and comprehend the text. 2) To help them to appreciate Shable and write
Learning Objectives Classroom Process Materials/Resources CCE Tools Teacher Reflection Date
(facilitating Activities) Required (TML) &
* Students will active their Preparatory Activity, Text Book Written Questions - Were all the students
background knowledge Teacher begins the class with the warm up activities as Black Board actively involved in my
about the topic. Students suggested in book. Note Book Oral discussion class?
will also develop to speak in 1) Re-arrange the given word in the correct order to form
English and rearrange the meaningful sentences. (page no.41) - Did I involve all the
words. 2) How do you think that a cow is a useful animal? Discuss students in today‟s class?
with your partner.
Today let us know about the lesson „Shabale (shabala)‟
* Recognition of words and Reading aloud by teacher Text Book To assess reading - What changes would I
sentences and reading 5. „Shabale (shabala)‟ comprehension skill. like to make to my
aloud. Once there was a sage whose name was Vasistha ________ teaching?
____________ Vishwamitra means the friend of the world.
Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress,
pronunciation, pause and intonation.
*Students will be able to Introducing new words, Dictionary / pictures How many students were
listen and comprehend the Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through able to comprehend the
meanings of new words. pictures/dictionary use/kannada equivalents. meanings of new words?
New words- sage = hermit; greet= welcome; amazing =
surprising; chased = drove, etc.

Students will acquire the Silent reading by the learners, Text Book To assess reading -How many students were
ability to read the text Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently comprehension skill. able to read silently?
silently and understand the and find answer for the following questions.
main theme and supporting 1) What was special about Shabale?
details. 2) What did Koushik realize?
Students will learn to share Comprehension check (let’s understand) Text Book - How do I feel about the
their ideas in groups and Teacher narrates the lesson with the help of pictures and Note Book just concluded class?
present them to the whole through discussion method. Teacher asks a few questions to - Am I happy / satisfied /
class. check the comprehension level of the students. For doing this disappointed?
teacher divides them into 3-4 groups and writes a few - Why do I feel so?
questions (relevant questions from C1 and C2) on the black
board. Children sit in groups and discuss the answers. Later
one member from each group presents the answer orally.
And later students write the answers individually in their
*Students will acquire the Grammar / Language Exercise: Text Book Observation - How many students were
skill to write the past tense Teacher suggest the students to write the past tense Note Book Observation schedule able to write past tense
forms. forms of given words in page no.47 forms?
Students will develop the Reading aloud by the students, Text Book Reading aloud and - How many students were
skill of reading aloud. Students will read the lesson aloud in groups with correct individual reading. able to read aloud?
pronunciation, pause, stress and intonation. The group
monitor will correct the mistakes if any and report to the
teacher. One child from each group will then read the
paragraphs aloud to the whole class.
*Students will develop the - Activity of Talking / Writing: Text Book Reading aloud and - Were all the students
ability to read the lines and Read the lines and put them in the right column. (on Note Book respond to question. actively involved in my
put them in the write page no. 46 activity C2) class?

Students will construct Assignment, Questions Bank Questions answers - How should I plan my
meaningful phrase and Answer the following questions- Note Book next lesson?
sentences. 1) Write a short note on Shabale in your own words.
2) Solve all questions / exercises given in the lesson.


Over All Objects: - 1) To enable learners to read and appreciate the poem. 2) To help them to write or say answers on given
Learning Objectives Classroom Process Materials/Resources CCE Tools Teacher Reflection Date
(facilitating Activities) Required (TML) &
* Students will active their Preparatory Activity, Text Book Oral - Did I involve all the
background knowledge about Teacher begins the class with the warm up activities as Question Bank Answer Questions students in today‟s class?
the topic. Students will also suggested below:
develop the ability to sing 1) Teacher asks a few questions to get the statement of aim. -What changes would I like
the rhymes with actions. a) Which are the domestic animals and wild animals? to make to my teaching?
b) Which animal gives us milk?
* Students will develop the c) Which animal makes the sound „moos‟?
ability to say answers. d) Did you know the poem „The Cow‟ written by Robert
Louis Stevenson?
Let us know about the poem, „The Cow‟.
* Recognition of words and Reading aloud by teacher Text Book To assess reading -What went well and what
sentences and reading aloud. 5. „The Cow‟. By, Robert Louis Stevenson. comprehension skill. did not go so well in
The friendly cow ______________________ today‟s class?
____________meadow flowers.
Teacher reads the poem aloud with proper stress,
pronunciation, pause and intonation.
*Students will be able to Introducing new words, Dictionary / pictures - How many students were
listen and comprehend the Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through able to comprehend the
meanings of new words. pictures/dictionary use/kannada equivalents. meanings of new words?
New words- might = strength; apple tart = apple cake stray =
deviate; meadow = grassland, etc.
Students will acquire the Silent reading by the learners, Text Book To assess reading - How many students were
ability to read the text Teacher encourages the students to read the poem silently comprehension skill. able to read silently?
silently and understand the and find answer for the following questions.
main theme and supporting 1) What colour is the cow in this poem?
details. 2) “In what kind of air” does the cow wander?
Students will learn to share Comprehension check (let’s understand) Text Book - How do I feel about the
their ideas in groups and Teacher narrates the poem with the help of pictures and Note Book just concluded class?
present them to the whole through discussion method. Teacher asks a few questions to - Am I happy / satisfied /
class. check the comprehension level of the students. For doing this disappointed?
teacher divides them into 3-4 groups and writes a few - Why do I feel so?
questions (relevant questions from C1) on the black board.
Children sit in groups and discuss the answers. Later one
member from each group presents the answer orally. And
later students write the answers individually in their
*Students will acquire the Grammar Work: Rhyming Words: Text Book Written -What went well and what
ability to find out and write a) Teacher suggests the students to write pair of rhyming Note Book Written Questions did not go so well in
the rhyming words in words from this poem. today‟s class?
English. b) Write past tense of the following words-
give, eat, open, present, walk.
Students will develop the Reading aloud by the students, Text Book Reading aloud and - How many students were
skill of reading aloud. Students will read the poem aloud in groups with correct individual reading. able to read aloud?
pronunciation, pause, stress and intonation. The group
monitor will correct the mistakes if any and report to the
teacher. One child from each group will then read the
paragraphs aloud to the whole class.
*Students will acquire the Activity of Comprehension: Text Book Written - Did I involve all the
skill to match the animals Activities of page no. 52 (A1 and A3) Note Book Written Questions. students in today‟s class?
with their sounds and list the Black Board
animals under domestic And
wild animals.
Students will construct Assignment, Questions Bank Written - How should I plan my
meaningful phrases and Answer the following questions- Note Book Written Questions next lesson?
sentences. 1) Write a short note on the cow in your own words. Text Book
2) Solve all questions / exercises given in the poem.


Over All Objects: - 1) To enable learners to read and sensitive the lesson. 2) To help them to discuss with friends and write
Learning Objectives Classroom Process Materials/Resources CCE Tools Teacher Reflection Date
(facilitating Activities) Required (TML) &
* Students will active their Preparatory Activity, Text Book Oral (speaking)
background knowledge Teacher begins the class with the warm up activities as Black Board Discussion - Did I involve all the
about the topic. Students suggested in book. Note Book Observation students in today‟s class?
will also develop to speak in 1) Discuss with your partner the different kinds of Observation Schedule.
English and make a list of professions. - Were all the students
work of father and mother. 2) You must have seen your mother and father at home actively involved in my
outside. They work hard from morning till night. Make a list class?
of work each one does.
- What is your father? Did you know the lesson „Dignity of
Today let us know about the lesson „Dignity of Labour‟
* Recognition of words and Reading aloud by teacher Text Book To assess reading - What changes would I
sentences and reading 5. ‘Dignity of Labour‟. comprehension skill. like to make to my
aloud. Once there lived a rich businessman ________ teaching?
____________ the keys of his shop to the son.
Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress,
pronunciation, pause and intonation.
*Students will be able to Introducing new words, Dictionary / pictures How many students were
listen and comprehend the Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through able to comprehend the
meanings of new words. pictures/dictionary use/kannada equivalents. meanings of new words?
New words- labour = hard work; wisdom= knowledge;
accept = agree; rashes = red marks on the skit, etc.

Students will acquire the Silent reading by the learners, Text Book To assess reading -How many students were
ability to read the text Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently comprehension skill. able to read silently?
silently and understand the and find answer for the following questions.
main theme and supporting 1) What did the businessman tell his son?
details. 2) Why did the son go to the market?
Students will learn to share Comprehension check (let’s understand) Text Book - How do I feel about the
their ideas in groups and Teacher narrates the lesson with the help of pictures and Note Book just concluded class?
present them to the whole through discussion method. Teacher asks a few questions to - Am I happy / satisfied /
class. check the comprehension level of the students. For doing this disappointed?
teacher divides them into 3-4 groups and writes a few - Why do I feel so?
questions (relevant questions from C1 and C2) on the black
board. Children sit in groups and discuss the answers. Later
one member from each group presents the answer orally.
And later students write the answers individually in their
*Students will acquire the Grammar / Language Exercise: Text Book Observation - How many students were
skill to read full form and Page no.59 V1 Activity. Note Book Observation schedule able to read full form and
short form (apostrophe) Black Board short form (apostrophe)
words and write short words and write short
forms. forms?
Students will develop the Reading aloud by the students, Text Book Reading aloud and - How many students were
skill of reading aloud. Students will read the lesson aloud in groups with correct individual reading. able to read aloud?
pronunciation, pause, stress and intonation. The group
monitor will correct the mistakes if any and report to the
teacher. One child from each group will then read the
paragraphs aloud to the whole class.
*Students will acquire the - Activity of writing (essay writing): Text Book Oral (speaking) - Were all the students
skill to discuss with their Teacher guides the students to write an easy any one Note Book Discussion actively involved in my
friends and write in four to of the followings. Written class?
six sentences. a) Vivekananda life and achievements. Written Questions
b) Swami Vivekananda a great coachman like Krishna.
c) A great man of our country.
Students will construct Assignment, Questions Bank Written - How should I plan my
meaningful phrase and Answer the following questions- Text Book Written Questions next lesson?
sentences. 1) Collect pictures of Swami Vivekananda and write about
his life in ten sentences.
2) Solve all questions / exercises given in the lesson.


Over All Objects: - 1) To enable learners to read and comprehend the poem. 2) To help them to answer the questions.
Learning Objectives Classroom Process Materials/Resources CCE Tools Teacher Reflection Date
(facilitating Activities) Required (TML) &
* Students will active their Preparatory Activity, Text Book Oral - Did I involve all the
background knowledge about Teacher begins the class with the warm up activities as Question Bank Answer Questions students in today‟s class?
the topic. Students will also suggested below:
develop the ability to sing 1) Teacher asks a few questions to get the statement of aim. -What changes would I like
the rhymes with actions and a) How many flowers have you seen? Name them. to make to my teaching?
speak in English. b) Which flower do you like?
c) Do you like roses?
d) Did you know the poem „Results and Roses‟ written by
Edgar A. Guest?
Let us know about the poem, „Results and Roses‟.
* Recognition of words and Reading aloud by teacher Text Book To assess reading -What went well and what
sentences and reading aloud. 5. „Results and Roses‟. By, Edgar A. Guest. comprehension skill. did not go so well in
The man who wants ______________________ today‟s class?
____________results or roses.
Teacher reads the poem aloud with proper stress,
pronunciation, pause and intonation.
*Students will be able to Introducing new words, Dictionary / pictures - How many students were
listen and comprehend the Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through able to comprehend the
meanings of new words. pictures/dictionary use/kannada equivalents. meanings of new words?
New words- attain = to reach or succeed in getting
something to achieve ; repose = to rest or stay: seek = to try
to find or get something, etc.
Students will acquire the Silent reading by the learners, Text Book To assess reading - How many students were
ability to read the text Teacher encourages the students to read the poem silently comprehension skill. able to read silently?
silently and understand the and find answer for the following questions.
main theme and supporting 1) What does this poem
details. 2) Who is the poet of this poem?
Students will learn to share Comprehension check (let’s understand) Text Book - How do I feel about the
their ideas in groups and Teacher narrates the poem with the help of pictures and Note Book just concluded class?
present them to the whole through discussion method. Teacher asks a few questions to - Am I happy / satisfied /
class. check the comprehension level of the students. For doing this disappointed?
teacher divides them into 3-4 groups and writes a few - Why do I feel so?
questions (relevant questions from C1) on the black board.
Children sit in groups and discuss the answers. Later one
member from each group presents the answer orally. And
later students write the answers individually in their
*Students will acquire the Grammar Work: Rhyming Words: Text Book Observation -What went well and what
ability to find out and write Activity page no.61, A1 and A2) Note Book Observation schedule did not go so well in
the rhyming words in today‟s class?
Students will develop the Reading aloud by the students, Text Book Reading aloud and - How many students were
skill of reading aloud. Students will read the poem aloud in groups with correct individual reading. able to read aloud?
pronunciation, pause, stress and intonation. The group
monitor will correct the mistakes if any and report to the
teacher. One child from each group will then read the
paragraphs aloud to the whole class.
*Students will acquire the Activity of Comprehension: Text Book Writing - Did I involve all the
skill to match the animals Activities of page no. 52 (A1 and A3) Note Book Writing a brief students in today‟s class?
with their sounds and list the Black Board summary
animals under domestic And Oral reading one by
wild animals. one.
Students will construct Assignment, Questions Bank Written - How should I plan my
meaningful phrases and Answer the following questions- Note Book Written Questions next lesson?
sentences. 1) What should the man (you) do to get beautiful roses? Text Book
2) Solve all questions / exercises given in the poem.


Over All Objects: - 1) To enable learners to read and appreciate the lesson. 2) To help them to write an easy.
Learning Objectives Classroom Process Materials/Resources CCE Tools Teacher Reflection Date
(facilitating Activities) Required (TML) &
* Students will active their Preparatory Activity, Text Book Oral (speaking)
background knowledge Teacher begins the class with the warm up activities as Discussion - Did I involve all the
about the topic. Students suggested in book. Student‟s participation. Oral Question. students in today‟s class?
will also develop the ability 1) What do you want to be when you grow up? Why do you
to speak in English and want to become thus? Discuss with your friends. - Were all the students
discuss with their friends. 2) a) Name some of your family members whom you think actively involved in my
are great. class?
b) Name some great men of our country.
c) 1) Who made a great speech in the parliament of
religious at Chicago?
2) Did you know the lesson „A Great Coachman‟?
Today let us know about the lesson „A Great Coachman‟.
* Recognition of words and Reading aloud by teacher Text Book To assess reading - What changes would I
sentences and reading 5. „A Great Coachman‟. comprehension skill. like to make to my
aloud. A little boy jumped ________ teaching?
____________ Vivekananda‟s words guide us even today.
Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress,
pronunciation, pause and intonation.
*Students will be able to Introducing new words, Dictionary / pictures How many students were
listen and comprehend the Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through able to comprehend the
meanings of new words. pictures/dictionary use/kannada equivalents. meanings of new words?
New words- coach = horse drawn carriage; desire = wish;
scholar = a learned man; achievements = great works, etc.

Students will acquire the Silent reading by the learners, Text Book To assess reading -How many students were
ability to read the text Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently comprehension skill. able to read silently?
silently and understand the and find answer for the following questions.
main theme and supporting 1) What did Naren tell his mother one day?
details. 2) Who was the guru of Narendranath?
Students will learn to share Comprehension check (let’s understand) Text Book - How do I feel about the
their ideas in groups and Teacher narrates the lesson with the help of pictures and Note Book just concluded class?
present them to the whole through discussion method. Teacher asks a few questions to - Am I happy / satisfied /
class. check the comprehension level of the students. For doing this disappointed?
teacher divides them into 3-4 groups and writes a few - Why do I feel so?
questions (relevant questions from C1 and C2) on the black
board. Children sit in groups and discuss the answers. Later
one member from each group presents the answer orally.
And later students write the answers individually in their
*Students will acquire the Grammar / Vocabulary Activity: Text Book Observation - How many students were
skill to make as many words Page no.65 and 61 V1 & V2 Activity. Note Book Observation schedule able to make as many
as possible the given words Black Board words as possible the given
and fill in the blanks with words and fill in the blanks
suitable words. with suitable words?
Students will develop the Reading aloud by the students, Text Book Reading aloud and - How many students were
skill of reading aloud. Students will read the lesson aloud in groups with correct individual reading. able to read aloud?
pronunciation, pause, stress and intonation. The group
monitor will correct the mistakes if any and report to the
teacher. One child from each group will then read the
paragraphs aloud to the whole class.
*Students will acquire the - Activity of Comprehension: Text Book Oral (speaking) - Were all the students
skill to discuss with their Teacher suggests the students to discuss with their Note Book Discussion actively involved in my
friends and write in four to friends and write the following questions in four to six Written class?
six sentences. sentences each. (C2 Activity, page no. 58) Written Questions

Students will construct Assignment, Questions Bank Questions answers - How should I plan my
meaningful phrase and Answer the following questions- Note Book next lesson?
sentences. 1) Why was the boy not ready to throw the two rupee coin
into the well?
2) Solve all questions / exercises given in the lesson.


Over All Objects: - 1) To enable learners to read and appreciate the poem. 2) To help them to make paper boat and decorate it.
Learning Objectives Classroom Process Materials/Resources CCE Tools Teacher Reflection Date
(facilitating Activities) Required (TML) &
* Students will active their Preparatory Activity, Text Book Oral (question) - Did I involve all the
background knowledge about Teacher begins the class with the warm up activities as Question Bank Oral Questions students in today‟s class?
the topic. Students will also suggested below:
develop the ability to sing 1) Teacher asks a few questions to get the statement of aim. -What changes would I like
the rhyme with actions and a) What do you do with papers? to make to my teaching?
speak in English. b) Are you able to make a paper boat?
c) Do you want to decorate it?
d) Did you float your paper boat while raining?
e) Did you know the poem „Paper Boats‟ written by
Rabindranath Tagore.
Today let us know about the poem, „Paper Boats‟.
* Recognition of words and Reading aloud by teacher Text Book To assess reading -What went well and what
sentences and reading aloud. 5. „Paper Boats‟. By, Rabindranath Tagore. comprehension skill. did not go so well in
Day by day I float my paper boats _________________ today‟s class?
____________ lading is their baskets full of dreams.
Teacher reads the poem aloud with proper stress,
pronunciation, pause and intonation.
*Students will be able to Introducing new words, Dictionary / pictures - How many students were
listen and comprehend the Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through able to comprehend the
meanings of new words. pictures/dictionary use/kannada equivalents. meanings of new words?
New words- stream = floating water; launch = send:
bulging = swollen; lading = load, etc.
Students will acquire the Silent reading by the learners, Text Book To assess reading - How many students were
ability to read the text Teacher encourages the students to read the poem silently comprehension skill. able to read silently?
silently and understand the and find answer for the following questions.
main theme and supporting 1) How many boats did the child float?
details. 2) What did the child dream at night?
Students will learn to share Comprehension check (let’s understand) Text Book - How do I feel about the
their ideas in groups and Teacher narrates the poem with the help of pictures and Note Book just concluded class?
present them to the whole through discussion method. Teacher asks a few questions to - Am I happy / satisfied /
class. check the comprehension level of the students. For doing this disappointed?
teacher divides them into 3-4 groups and writes a few - Why do I feel so?
questions (relevant questions from C1) on the black board.
Children sit in groups and discuss the answers. Later one
member from each group presents the answer orally. And
later students write the answers individually in their
*Students will acquire the Grammar Work: Rhyming Words: Text Book Observation -What went well and what
skill to write opposite words Teacher guides the students to do the followings. Note Book Observation schedule did not go so well in
and respond to the riddle. 1) Write the opposite of- day, down, village, bloom, white Black Board today‟s class?
2) Riddle. (page no.70 A1, activity)
Students will develop the Reading aloud by the students, Text Book Reading aloud and - How many students were
skill of reading aloud. Students will read the poem aloud in groups with correct individual reading. able to read aloud?
pronunciation, pause, stress and intonation. The group
monitor will correct the mistakes if any and report to the
teacher. One child from each group will then read the
paragraphs aloud to the whole class.
*Students will acquire the Activity of Comprehension: Text Book Observation - Did I involve all the
skill to pick out words of 1) Teacher suggests the students to pick out words or phrases Note Book Observation schedule students in today‟s class?
phrases and make a paper from the poem that mean following.
boat decorate it. - flowing water
- flowers that are blossoms in the early morning
- imaginary friend
- small and white balloon – like clouds
2) Make a paper boat and decorate it.
Students will construct Assignment, Questions Bank Written - How should I plan my
meaningful phrases and Answer the following questions- Note Book Written Questions next lesson?
sentences. 1) Why did the child write the name on the boat? Text Book
2) Solve all questions / exercises given in the poem.


Over All Objects: - 1) To enable learners to read and comprehend the lesson. 2) To help them to discuss and answers the given
Learning Objectives Classroom Process Materials/Resources CCE Tools Teacher Reflection Date
(facilitating Activities) Required (TML) &
* Students will active their Preparatory Activity, Text Book Oral (speaking)
background knowledge Teacher begins the class with the warm up activities as Discussion - Did I involve all the
about the topic. Students suggested in book. Student‟s participation. Oral Question. students in today‟s class?
will also develop the ability 1) Page no.71 warm up activities.
to speak in English and 2) When did the national awards for children begin? - Were all the students
discuss with their friends. 3) Did you know the lesson „Children Of Courage Bravery actively involved in my
Awards‟? class?
Today let us know about the lesson „Children Of
Courage Bravery Awards‟
* Recognition of words and Reading aloud by teacher Text Book To assess reading - What changes would I
sentences and reading 5. „Children Of Courage Bravery Awards‟. comprehension skill. like to make to my
aloud. Every year the Indian council of child welfare ________ teaching?
____________ We salute these brave children.
Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress,
pronunciation, pause and intonation.
*Students will be able to Introducing new words, Dictionary / pictures How many students were
listen and comprehend the Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through able to comprehend the
meanings of new words. pictures/dictionary use/kannada equivalents. meanings of new words?
New words- shamiana = decorated tent; initiate = to begin
something; eve = evening before the event; averted =
avoided, etc.
Students will acquire the Silent reading by the learners, Text Book To assess reading -How many students were
ability to read the text Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently comprehension skill. able to read silently?
silently and understand the and find answer for the following questions.
main theme and supporting 1) Why are the bravery awards given?
details. 2) What is the age group that is considered for the bravery
Students will learn to share Comprehension check (let’s understand) Text Book - How do I feel about the
their ideas in groups and Teacher narrates the lesson with the help of pictures and Note Book just concluded class?
present them to the whole through discussion method. Teacher asks a few questions to - Am I happy / satisfied /
class. check the comprehension level of the students. For doing this disappointed?
teacher divides them into 3-4 groups and writes a few - Why do I feel so?
questions (relevant questions from C1 and C2) on the black
board. Children sit in groups and discuss the answers. Later
one member from each group presents the answer orally.
And later students write the answers individually in their
*Students will acquire the Grammar Work: Text Book Observation - How many students were
skill to identify adjectives 1) Teacher guides the students to identify the adjectives in Note Book Observation schedule able to identify adjectives
and underline the nouns in given paragraphno.10. Black Board and underline the nouns in
the paragraph. 2) Teacher gives the instructions to underline the nouns in the paragraph.
the following paragraph (page no. 79)

Students will develop the Reading aloud by the students, Text Book Reading aloud and - How many students were
skill of reading aloud. Students will read the lesson aloud in groups with correct individual reading. able to read aloud?
pronunciation, pause, stress and intonation. The group
monitor will correct the mistakes if any and report to the
teacher. One child from each group will then read the
paragraphs aloud to the whole class.
*Students will acquire the - Activity of Comprehension: Text Book Oral (speaking) - Were all the students
skill write a note after 1) Discuss the stories of bravery that you have read: Describe Note Book Discussion actively involved in my
discussion and fill in the which act impressed you the most and write it down as a note Written class?
blanks with suitable 2) Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives choosing the Written Questions
adjectives. correct word. (page no. 77 V3 activity)

Students will construct Assignment, Questions Bank Questions answers - How should I plan my
meaningful phrase and Answer the following questions- Note Book next lesson?
sentences. 1) Describe the events that are connected with the
presentation of awards.
2) Solve all questions / exercises given in the lesson.


Over All Objects: - 1) To enable learners to read and appreciate the poem. 2) To help them to draw a map and answer the
Learning Objectives Classroom Process Materials/Resources CCE Tools Teacher Reflection Date
(facilitating Activities) Required (TML) &
* Students will active their Preparatory Activity, Text Book Oral (question) - Did I involve all the
background knowledge about Teacher begins the class with the warm up activities as Student‟s participation Oral Questions students in today‟s class?
the topic. Students will also suggested below:
develop the ability to draw a 1) Teacher guides and gives instructions the students to draw -What changes would I like
map and speak in English. a India map (outline) and say / write about a few words or to make to my teaching?
sentences about India (my country) in English or mother Observation
tongue. Observation schedule
2) Teacher asks a few questions to get the statement of aim.
a) Do you like and love our country Or native land?
b) How is our native land?
c) Did you know the poem „My Land‟ written by Thomas
Today let us know about the poem, „My Land‟.
* Recognition of words and Reading aloud by teacher Text Book To assess reading -What went well and what
sentences and reading aloud. 5. „My Land‟. By, Thomas Davis comprehension skill. did not go so well in
She is a rich land today‟s class?
__This native land of mine.
Teacher reads the poem aloud with proper stress,
pronunciation, pause and intonation.
*Students will be able to Introducing new words, Dictionary / pictures - How many students were
listen and comprehend the Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through able to comprehend the
meanings of new words. pictures/dictionary use/kannada equivalents. meanings of new words?
New words- rare = un - common; fair = beautiful: divine =
god-like; bold = courageous, etc.
Students will acquire the Silent reading by the learners, Text Book To assess reading - How many students were
ability to read the text Teacher encourages the students to read the poem silently comprehension skill. able to read silently?
silently and understand the and find answer for the following questions.
main theme and supporting 1) How is the native land?
details. 2) Who has written this poem?
Students will learn to share Comprehension check (let’s understand) Text Book - How do I feel about the
their ideas in groups and Teacher narrates the poem with the help of pictures and Note Book just concluded class?
present them to the whole through discussion method. Teacher asks a few questions to - Am I happy / satisfied /
class. check the comprehension level of the students. For doing this disappointed?
teacher divides them into 3-4 groups and writes a few - Why do I feel so?
questions (relevant questions from C1) on the black board.
Children sit in groups and discuss the answers. Later one
member from each group presents the answer orally. And
later students write the answers individually in their
*Students will acquire the Grammar Work: Rhyming Words: Text Book Observation How many students were
skill to write opposite words Teacher guides the students to write the opposites of the Note Book Observation schedule able to write opposite
and rhyming words. following words. words and rhyming words?
* dull, brave, warm, fearful, plenty.
2) Identify the rhyming words and write down.
Students will develop the Reading aloud by the students, Text Book Reading aloud and - How many students were
skill of reading aloud. Students will read the poem aloud in groups with correct individual reading. able to read aloud?
pronunciation, pause, stress and intonation. The group
monitor will correct the mistakes if any and report to the
teacher. One child from each group will then read the
paragraphs aloud to the whole class.
*Students will acquire the Activities: Text Book Oral (speaking) - Did I involve all the
skill to write a brief *Teacher gives instructions to do the following activities. Note Book Discussion students in today‟s class?
summary of the poem after 1) Discuss in groups and write a brief summary on the poem Written
discussion and give suitable „My Land‟. Written Questions
title. 2) Read the paragraph and do the tasks that follow. (page
*Identify the nouns after no.82 A2 activity)
Students will construct Assignment, Questions Bank Written - How should I plan my
meaningful phrases and Answer the following questions- Note Book Written Questions next lesson?
sentences. 1) How are the men or women in this land? Text Book
2) Solve all questions / exercises given in the poem.


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