SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis
SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis
SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis
When planning a project it is important to learn about the internal and external
factors that can affect the project. There are some excellent strategic planning
methods that you can use analyze all these factors. SWOT analysis and
PEST analysis are two of the most frequently used planning methods. Below
is a brief introduction to both methods and a comparison of SWOT analysis
and PEST analysis.
Pest can also be known as PESTLE which includes other factors such as:
Legal – Legislation which has been proposed and may come into effect
and any passed legislations.
Environmental – Environmental issues either locally or globally and their
social and political factors.
Unlike SWOT this strategy is more directly aimed at the external macro
environmental factors that might be affecting the position of your business, the
reasons behind growth or decline in the market and also identify new
directions for the business as a whole. Creately has some excellent PEST
analysis templates for you to get started instantly. Best of all you can use
our PEST Analysis Tool to draw them.
PEST analysis template available at Creately ( click to use as template )
SWOT analysis considers both the internal and external factors. It captures
the external factors in the opportunities and threats section. However, when
creating a SWOT diagram a deep analysis of external factors are not
performed. At least not as extensively as a PEST analysis. So you might miss
out on external factors that can benefit your project.
It is best practice to do the PEST analysis and include the results in SWOT analysis
The results which have been recorded on your Creately SWOT template can
then be used to plan a project carefully and overcoming problems which could
cause significant issues to the positive outcome of the project. Being prepared
for all eventualities is vital in business, which is why SWOT and PEST
analysis is so important.