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Project Report On TTM by Prince Soni

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Here I have developed a project on Tour and Travel. Online Tour and Travel Booking is a system
that gives you the facility of booking any type of packages (Summer special packages, Manali tour
packages, Shimla special packages, adventures etc ). This system is made, so that customer can
easily book ticket for all packages of tourist place such as hills, trekking, adventures, spirituals and
user can also register for hotels for different types of room.

The project ‘Tours and Travels’ is developed to replace the currently existing system, which helps
in keeping records of the customer, details of destination as well as payment received. It saves the
precious asset that is time, and also accuracy, reliability and uniformity can be maintained. This
project is useful for the manager of the company as it helps them to search the data faster than
existing system, to get customer record easily and report of the customer payment, etc are generated
as per requirement.

Details of different types of tours which include tours like family tours, couple tours, general tours,
date and time of departure and the fair of the tours etc are maintained. Through this site we can
provide different types of travel packages to the customers. This sites provide everything related to
it itineraries.

This site gives new packages on flexible price, so that user can book easily. According to season
admin can change packages. We revise our itineraries regularly. Vacation-O-City offers a large
range of travel opportunities. Tours and Travels Project is designed in asp.net
programming language, and SQL server used for this site.

In this site, Admin can add packages, add destinations (adventures, spirituals), add hotels details,
and delete hotel details. Admin can also add different types of rooms.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………………… i
ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………… ii
LIST OF TABLE………………………………………………………………………………..v
LIST OF FIGURE……………………………………………………………………………....vi


1.1 General Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 1

1.2 Area of computer science……………………………………………………………... 2

1.3 Hardware and Software Requirements………………………………………………... 3



4.1 Working of Website on .net platform………………………………………………… 7

4.2 Database Design………………………………………………………………………… 7

4.3 Database Schema………………………………………………………………………….. 8

4.4 Dataflow Diagram……………………………………………………………………… 14

5.1 Methodology………………………………………………………………………… 18


6.1 Screenshot of Website………………………………………………………………….......19


REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………..36


4.1 User Register…………………………………………………………………..........08

4.2 Add Package……………. ……………………………………………………….…09

4.3 Add Source ……………………….………………………………………… ..…....09

4.4 Add Destination…………………………………………….. ……………………...10

4.5 Package Description………………………………………………. ………………..10

4.6 Package Booking and Payment………………………………………………...........11

4.7Add Hotel Details……………………………………………………………….…...12

4.8 Add Room Type……………………………………………………………………..12

4.9 Hotel Booking …………………………………………………….………….……...13


4.11Add Adventure……………………………………………………………………...14

4.12Destination of Adventure……………………………………………………………15

4.13 Booking Adventure and Payment…………………………………………………..15


4.1 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram……………………………………………………16

4.1 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram……………………………………………………17

6.1 Add Package……………. ……………………………………………………...20

6.2 Delete Package………………………………………………………….....…......21

6.3 Add Source …………………………………………….. ………………………21

6.4 Add Destination………………………………………………………………….22

6.5 Add Package Description……….………………………………………………..22

6.6 Add Hotel Details………………………………………………….………….….23

6.7 User Registration…………………………………………………………………24

6.8 User Login………………….…………………………………………………….24

6.9 Change Password………………………………………………….………….…..25

6.10 Package Demo…………………………………………………………………...25

6.11 Book Package……….…………………………………………………………...29

6.12 payment for package………………………………………………….………….29

6.13 List of Hotels……….………………………………………………………….....30

6.14 Book Hotel………………………………………………….……………………31

6.15 Payment Hotel………………………………………………….………………...33

6.16 Add Adventure………………………………………………….……………….33

6.17 Book Adventure………………………………………………….………………34

6.18 Payment Adventure………………………………………………………………34


1.1 General Introduction

Online Tour and Travel is a very user friendly project. In this project user can easily
understand and book all packages and also register for hotel. In this project there are various
types of forms, like all types of packages, book for package and Room Registration Page in
which user can insert his personal needs & facilities then upload his form by which user can
register in the web site. In this website user can also pay money through credit card.

This site provides different tour packages, hotel booking and summer special tour packages.
Through this site, user can book different types of room such as deluxe room, ac room etc on
flexible price.

This site provides different packages, destination, and hotel booking services in one
particular state of India. Himachal Pradesh is very popular hill station of north India. Visitors
enjoy snow covered mountain peaks and adventure sports like trekking, mountaineering and

In this website, according to the tour packages it provides services like online booking
facilities for all packages and hotels registration to the customer. In this project user can
easily understand and fill up the Room Reservation form. User can search for various types
of rooms.

Online Tour and Travel is a web based application made in Asp.Net. So with the help of this
project user can apply for packages of tour and room reservation.

In this project, Admin can add travel packages and all details of hotels which is located in
Himachal Pradesh and also add all details of bus for this particular city.


HCL Company is multinational IT Services Company, headquartered in Noida, Uttar

Pradesh, India. It is a subsidiary of HCL Enterprise. Originally the research and development
division of HCL Limited, it emerged as an independent company in 1991 when HCL Limited
ventured into the software services business. HCL Technologies (often called Hindustan
Computer Limited) offers services including IT consulting, enterprise transformation, remote
infrastructure management, engineering and R&D, and business process outsourcing.

HCL Company has offices in 32 countries and operates across a number of verticals industry
including aerospace and defense, automotive, consumer electronics, energy.

1.2 Area of Computer Science

Web Development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a web site for the
internet or an Intranet (a private network). Web development can range from developing the
simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web based internet
applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.

Using Web development we can design different types of websites and the web application.
A more comprehensive list of tasks to which web development commonly refers, may
include web engineering, web design, web content development, client liaison, e-
commerce development. Among web professionals, "web development" usually refers to the
main non-design aspects of building web sites: writing markup and coding.


1.3.1 Software Requirements:

• Operating System: Windows 7/8/10
• Application: ASP.Net using C#
• Database: SQL SERVER
• Software: Internet Explorer/Google Chrome

1.3.2 Hardware Requirements:

• Processor: Preferably 1.0 GHz or Greater.
• RAM : 1GB or Greater.


The purpose of tour and travel is mainly to provide online booking services for the user. This
statement describes the problem definition of the proposed system. The purpose of this site is
to book online ticket for hotels and all tourist places of Himachal Pradesh.

The problem definition of the vacation-o-city is to book online ticket for hotel and tourist
place where user wants to visit. It is a Web Based Application to develop website in which
end user interact with the web-app easily. In this website, Customer or User can search and
book all tourist places and all hill stations and all hotels of Himachal Pradesh.

The problem is that we although have many websites but they offer a different kinds of
services. The customers are enjoying a lot but there is a lack of relationship between travel
agency and customers and hence we are establishing that relationship by carrying and
servicing all customers in the same manner that we wish to serve.


This system provides Online Registration, Tour Package Information, Bus ticket booking and
all other destinations. The purpose of this project is very clear that user can find room
facilities easily & hotel service providers also get good customers very easily. Customer can
register in the website & can create his own registration then he can receive email for his
room status related to his reservation and book all packages. User can register hotel for
different types of room what they want.

The Main Goal of this project is to provide a very faster room reservation services and also
booking services for different types of packages so any user can get this service very easily.

 Our objective is to make strong relationship with customers so that they can enjoy the
holiday of their dreams.

 It saves lots of time , now a days there is a fast process world any one can work
quickly so, this project helps that people who are searching for reservation in
organization, so they can easily fill up the form and search rooms and different tourist

 Possess complete back up services.

People wish to see the website in an even better and organized form always. The use of this
website is to book online packages and online hotel reservation etc. for fun have become a
favorite pass time of the people. Features vary from website to website. Usually this website
focuses on the different types of packages, adventure and destination, what they want.

This tour and travel website is based on .net 4.5 platform. Along with several architecture
domains, Applications Architecture from the pillars of an solution architecture. Application
architecture is used for an internal structure of an application. These apps have become
common trend now.

Online Tour and Travel is a web based application made in the Asp.Net. So with the help of
this project user can apply for packages of tour and room reservation. All details of packages,
adventure, destination and hotels are added by Admin on the Admin panel. User can search
more attractive packages, destination etc. you will create web pages that visitors can interact
with in wonderful way.


4.1 Working of .Net Website

Website Tour and Travel is used to book online ticket for different packages and hotels,
adventures and different destinations of Himachal Pradesh. The main page of this website
has Home page which contains Register for new account, Login for account.

The user can choose different packages, destinations and hotels from gallery. The user also has
the option of changing the password for security purpose and new user must have to create the
account to book the packages and hotels. The first option in the navigation drawer is Home,
Packages, Hotel, and Destinations (Adventures, Spirituals). Online payment option is also
available on this website.


Tables and Relationship

 In my Project Tour and travel, I used VISUAL STUDIO 2008 as a front end and use
SQL server 2008 as a backend.

 Front end is mainly used for the designing purpose or designing the various kinds of
forms and implement the logic and the backend is mainly used for, to store the data,
records, or the information.

 I make all the tables in the SQL Server 2008. My tables name are Add package, add
package description, add source, add destination, add hotels, Hotel Rooms, Hotel Info.,
add adventures, delete and update adventure and city. These are the tables to store the
records, data, and information in the back end means in the SQL Server 2008.

 All the tables are used to store the records, and administrator is able to watch all the
data. Now we talk about the tables and how this tables work in a back end that we can
know but the main thing is the relationship of the tables.

 That’s the most important thing for the back end. In my project there is a relationship
between the tables means all the tables are connected with each other so all the
records or the data or the information can easily stored and there is a no chance of the
mistakes in the tables.

 The Relationship between the tables is also considered as a security part if the records
are not stored properly so candidate can not able to work further so it can avoid the
chance of the dummy records.

4.3 Database Schema

User Register: This is the schema of User.

Fields Type Constraint

UserID int Auto Incre.

(Primary Key)
UserName nvarchar(max)

Password nvarchar(max)

UserEmailAddress Text

UserPhoneNumbe nvarchar(10)
Address nvarchar(max)

Table 4.1 User Register

Add package: By this admin can add all details of packages. In this table PackageID is
auto incremented and unique. Image will be upload by FileUpload control.

Fields Type Constraint

PackageID int Auto Incre.(Primary

HotelName nvarchar(max)

Image Nvarchar(max
Duration1 Text

Duration2 nvarchar(10)

Duration3 nvarchar(10)

Duration4 Nvarchar(10)

Image1 nvarchar(100)

Image2 nvarchar(max)

PackageAmount Nvarchar(max
Table 4.2 Add package

Add Source: On the behalf of this table admin will add the source in database. Here
SourceId is primary key and auto Incremented.

Fields Name Type Constraint

SourceId Int Auto Incre

(Primary Key)
SourceName nvarchar(50)

Table 4.3 Add Source

Add Destination: By this admin will add all9 Destination name and DestinationID will auto
Incremented. DestinationID is primary key.

Fields Name Type Constraint

DestinationId Int Auto Increment
(Primary Key)
DestinationNam nvarchar(50)
Table 4.4 Add Destination

Package Description: By this Admin can add package Name, days number, source and
destination and details of particular package.

Fields Type Constraint

Package_desID Int Auto Incre

(Primary Key)
packageID Int (foreignkey)

PackageName nvarchar(200)

Days Number nvarchar(max)

Source nvarchar(max)

Destination nvarchar(max)

Package_Detail Nvarchar(max)
Table 4.5 Package Description

Package Booking and Payment : In this schema, BookingID is auto Incremented and
primary key. BookingID will Auto Increment and packageId, packageName, packageAmount
all will come on the behalf of add package table. UserID, UserName, UserPhoneNumber,
UserAddress will fill on the behalf of User_Register Schema.

Fields Type 10 Constraint

BookingID Auto Incre.

(Primary Key)

PackageID int

PackageName nvarchar(max)

PackageAmount nvarchar(max)

UserID int

UserName nvarchar(max)

UserPhoneNumbe nvarchar(max)
r )
UserAddress nvarchar(max)

CardNumber nvarchar(100)

CVVNumber nvarchar(3)

ExpiryDate nvarchar(max)

NameOnCard Nvarchar(max)

BookingDate Nvarchar(max)

Table 4.6 Package Booking and Payment

Add Hotels : In this table Admin will add HotelName, CityName, Amount of Room, Room
Type, hotel details and admin can also upload hotel image and HotelID is primary key and it
will auto increment.

Fields Type 11 Constraint

HotelID int Auto Incre.(Primary
HotelName nvarchar(max)

CityName nvarchar(max)

Amount nvarchar(max)

HotelImage nvarchar(max)

HotelDetail nvarchar(max)
s 11
RoomType Nvarchar(max)

Table 4.7 Add Hotel Details

Room Type: In this schema admin will add different types of room of hotel.

Fields Name Type Constraint

RoomTypeId Int Auto Incre

(Primary Key)
RoomTypeName nvarchar(50)

Table 4.7 Room Type

Hotel Booking: In this schema, BookingID is auto Incremented and primary key. BookingID
will Auto Increment and HotelID, HotelName, Amount, Room Type all will come on the
behalf of User Booking. UserID, UserName, UserPhoneNumber, UserAddress will fill on the
behalf of User_Register Schema. Dateof Booking is selected date of user.

Fields Type Constraint

BookingID int 12 Auto Incre

(Primary Key)
HotelID int

HoteName nvarchar(max)

UserID int

UserName nvarchar(max)

RoomType nvarchar(max)

Adults int

Child int

DateOFBooking nvarchar(max)

UserEmailAddres nvarchar(max)
Table 4.8 Hotel Booking

Hotel Payment: When user will book for particular hotel room, that details of user and hotel
will come. BookingID will Auto Increment.

Fields Type Constraint

BookingID int Auto Incre (Primary
HotelID int

HoteName nvarchar(max)

UserID int

UserName nvarchar(max)

CardNumber nvarchar(16)

cvvnumber int

expirydate nvarchar(max)

Amount nvarchar(max)

Booking nvarchar(max)
Table 4.9 Payment

Add Adventures: Admin will add details of adventure and AdventureID will auto

Fields Type Constraint

AdventureID int Auto Incre.(Primary

AdventureNam nvarchar(max)
Amount nvarchar(max)

Duration nvarchar(max)

AddImage nvarchar(max)

Destination nvarchar(max)

Details nvarchar(max)

Table 4.10 Add Adventure

Destination of Adventure: Admin will add CityName of Adventure and CityID will auto

Fields Name Type Constraint

CityID int Auto Incre

(Primary Key)
CityName nvarchar(50)

Table 4.11 Destination of Adventure

Book Adventure and Payment: Details of booking and details of user will come in this

Fields Type Constraint

BookingID int Auto Incre

(Primary Key)
AdventureID int

AdventureName nvarchar(max)

Amount nvarchar(max)

UserID int

UserName Nvarchar(max
UserPhoneNumber nvarchar(max)

Address nvarchar(max)

CardNumber int

cvvnumber int

expirydate nvarchar(max)

Booking Date nvarchar(max)

Table 4.12 Booking and Payment for Adventure

4.4 Data Flow Diagram




Book Package/Hotel
Payment Add
X Add (Search/Update/Delete)

Packages/Hotel/ Hot Packages/Hotel/Adventure


Figure 4.1 Data Flow Level 0



Manage Packages/

Register User


Search Packages


Figure 4.2 Dataflow Level 1


Front end design and tour booking

Front end refers to the visual layer of website and applications. The UI, layout, images and
other visual elements and their styling comprises of:

 Developing visual standards.

 Handling site accessibility.
 Page layout
 Form design

It is very helpful in business applications. Since, it is web based it gives online booking
facility for packages, destinations i.e adventures, spirituals and hotels and customer can also
payment by card. Vacation-o-city is to book online ticket for hotel and tourist place. It is a
Web Based Application to develop website in which end user interact with the webapp
easily. In this website, Customer or User can search and book all tourist places and all hill
station, adventures, spirituals and all hotels of Himachal Pradesh.

5.2 Choose working page.

1. This is the home screen that contains the title in the toolbar and has four links which takes
the user to four different features.

2. On the top right corner of title bar is a button which on clicking opens the navigation, on
which user will click.

3. In the navigation drawer, the user can choose package from package link, destination from
destination link, or hotels from hotels link. The user also has the option of changing the user
password which in return changes it to your password in the database.

4. User has also option for payment after 18

the booking of package, hotels and destinations
which includes adventures, spirituals.



6.1 Admin Panel
Step 1: Add packages: In this step admin added package name and also uploaded image.
When package added successfully it will show Inserted successfully in label.

Admin can add package, delete package, modify package and admin can also add all
description of packages and add duration.

Figure 6.1 Add package

Step 2: Delete Package: By the following Edit button and Delete button Admin can update
and delete details particular package.

Figure 6.2 Delete Package

Step 3: Add Source: Admin are adding Source.

Figure 6.3 Add Source


Step 4: Add Destination: Admin can add destination name. If Destination name will add in
the database, it will show Saved in label

Figure 6.4

Step 5: Add Package Description: Admin added all the details of package and package
name will select from Dropdown list which referred from the database.

Figure 6.5 Package Description

Step6 Add Hotel Details


Figure 6.6 Add Hotel Details

User Panel:

User Register: In this step new user must have to create account. Login is possible only after
the registration. User can also change his/her password.


Figure 6.7 User Registration

Step: 2 User Login: In this step registered customer can login/signin the account. Login is
possible only after the registration. User can also change his/her password.

Figure 6.8 User Login

Step 3: Change password: By this page user can change own password.

Figure 6.9 Change Password

Step4: For booking, User will first login after login user can go to package panel this page
will open. By this user can know details of package.

Figure 6.10 Package demo

Step 5: Booking Package: When user will click on booking package button, user will go to
the Payment.
Code snippet for Book Package and Payment for package

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

this.UnobtrusiveValidationMode = System.Web.UI.UnobtrusiveValidationMode.None;

if (!IsPostBack)
if (Session["username"] != null)
DataTable _Dt1 = mydbconnection.CreateInstance().GetSingleTable("select *
from User_Registers where UserEmailAddress='" + Session["userName"].ToString() + "'");

if (_Dt1 != null && _Dt1.Rows.Count > 0)

txtTotalAmount.Text = Session["PackageAmount"].ToString();

Session["UId"] = _Dt1.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
UserID = _Dt1.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
Username = _Dt1.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();
txtAddress.Text = _Dt1.Rows[0]["UserAddress"].ToString();

btnSaveandBuy.Enabled = true;
if (txtAddress.Text != "")
Label14.Visible = btnUpdateAddress.Visible = false;
txtAddress.ReadOnly = true;
Label14.Visible = btnUpdateAddress.Visible = true;

txtPhoneNo.Text = _Dt1.Rows[0]["UserPhoneNumber"].ToString();
if (txtPhoneNo.Text != "")
Label14.Visible = btnUpdatePhone.Visible = false;
txtPhoneNo.ReadOnly = true;
Label14.Visible = btnUpdatePhone.Visible = true;

DataTable dt2 =
mydbconnection.CreateInstance().GetSingleTable("select * from pkg join package_detail
on pkg. pkg_id=package_detail.pkg_id where pkg.pkg_id='" +
Session["pkg_id"].ToString() + "'");
if (dt2 != null && dt2.Rows.Count > 0)


packageid = dt2.Rows[dt2.Rows.Count - 1]
packageName = dt2.Rows[dt2.Rows.Count - 1]
PackageAmount = dt2.Rows[dt2.Rows.Count - 1]
DataList1.DataSource = dt2;
Label14.Visible = false;
btnSaveandBuy.Enabled = false;
catch (Exception ex)
Label14.Text = ex.Message;

protected void btnUpdateAddress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.; Initial
Catalog=vacation;Integrated Security=true;");

string Qry = "update User_Registers set UserAddress='" + txtAddress.Text +

"' where UserID='" + UserID + "'";
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(Qry, conn);

int i = comm.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (i > 0)
Label14.Visible = btnUpdateAddress.Visible = false;
txtAddress.ReadOnly = true;
catch (Exception ex)
{ }

protected void btnUpdatePhone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.; Initial
Catalog=vacation;Integrated Security=true;");

string Qry = "update User_Registers set UserPhoneNumber='" +

txtPhoneNo.Text + "' where UserID='" + UserID + "'";
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(Qry, conn);

27 2
int i = comm.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (i > 0)
Label14.Visible = btnUpdatePhone.Visible = false;
txtPhoneNo.ReadOnly = true;
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
static string UserID = "";
static string Username = "";
static string Address = "";
static string phoneno = "";
static string packageid = "";
static string packageName = "";
static string PackageAmount = "";

protected void btnSaveandBuy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Address = txtAddress.Text; phoneno = txtPhoneNo.Text;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.; Initial
Catalog=vacation;Integrated Security=true;");
SqlCommand comm;
string exp = ddlExpireMonth.SelectedValue + "/" +
string Qry = "Insert into Booking values ('" + packageid + "','" +
packageName + "','" + PackageAmount + "','" + UserID + "','" + Username + "','" +
phoneno + "','" + Address + "','" + txtCardNumber.Text + "','" + txtCvv.Text + "','" +
exp + "','" + txtNameonCard.Text + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
comm = new SqlCommand(Qry, conn);
int i = comm.ExecuteNonQuery();
Label7.Text = "Payment Successfully.";
catch (Exception ex)
{ }

Figure 6.11 Book Package

Step 6: Payment: In this step user will payment for package.

Figure 6.12 Payment for package


Step1: List of Hotels

When User will click on Hotel link, this page will open and when user will click Book Hotel
button, user will go to hotel details page and on the last user will go to payment page, on
which user can pay for hotel.

Figure 6.13 List of Hotels

Step 2: User can see Hotels Details and they can register for hotel and choose different types
of rooms from the dropdown list.

30 2
Figure 6.14 Book Hotel

Step 3: Payment Gateway for Hotel.

Code Snippet for Payment of Hotel

protected void btnSaveandBuy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (Session["HotelID"] != null)

DataTable _Dt1 =
mydbconnection.CreateInstance().GetSingleTable("select * from AddHotel where
AddHotel.HotelID='" + Session["HotelID"].ToString() + "'");
if (_Dt1 != null && _Dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
Session["hotelId"] = _Dt1.Rows[0]["HotelID"].ToString();
hotelid = _Dt1.Rows[0]["HotelID"].ToString();

Session["HotelName"] = _Dt1.Rows[0]["HotelName"].ToString();
hotelname = _Dt1.Rows[0]["HotelName"].ToString();

Session["amount"] = _Dt1.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString();
amount = _Dt1.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString();

if (Session["UserName"] != null)
DataTable _Dt2 =
mydbconnection.CreateInstance().GetSingleTable("select * from User_Registers where
UserEmailAddress='" + Session["UserName"].ToString() + "'");
if (_Dt2 != null && _Dt2.Rows.Count > 0)

Session["Userid"] = _Dt2.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
Userid = _Dt2.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();

Session["Username"] = _Dt2.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();
Username = _Dt2.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString();

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.; Initial

Catalog=vacation;Integrated Security=true;");
SqlCommand comm;
string exp = ddlExpireMonth.SelectedValue + "/" +
string Qry = "Insert into Payment values ('" + bookingId + "','" + hotelid
+ "','" + hotelname + "','" + Userid + "','" + Username + "','" + txtNameonCard.Text +
"','" + txtCardNumber.Text + "','" + txtCvv.Text + "','" + exp + "','" + amount +
"','" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
comm = new SqlCommand(Qry, conn);
int i = comm.ExecuteNonQuery();

Label1.Text = "Payment Successfully!";


catch (Exception ex)

Label1.Text = ex.Message;

32 2
Figure 6.15 Payment for hotel


Admin Panel of Adventures: Admin can add adventures, Modify adventures (ie. Delete,
Update details.

Figure 6.16 Add Adventure

33 2
Book Adventure: when user will click on Book Adventure Button, it will go to the
payment gateway.

Figure 6.17 Book Adventure

Pyment for Adventure: User can pay online for Adventure, and all details of logged in user
will update automatically. Address, phone number of logged in people will showing.


Figure 6.18 Payments for Adventure


This web application provides easy way to book tickets online. This application developed is
designed in such a way that any further enhancements can be done with ease.

Through this website user can book all packages of tourist places and hotels. By using this
site we can save our time.

35 2

[1] Mathew Macdonald, Apress Beginning ASP.net 4.5 in C#

[2] Tutorialspoint.com for searching for new options and features to add in the application
[3] Thenewboston.com for basic application development learning.


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