Waste Management and Logistics of Craft Beer Production
Waste Management and Logistics of Craft Beer Production
Waste Management and Logistics of Craft Beer Production
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- During small-scale brewing, the energy II. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLING IN
demand and the amount of waste generated are very high. THE FOOD INDUSTRY
In order to reduce these quantities, the methods and
materials used in production and their logistics need to be One of the most important tasks of logistics is the
reviewed. Therefore, in my research, I look for the critical storage, transport and disposal of waste generated during
points where most waste is generated and try to find production. The professional, environmentally friendly
alternative methods that help reduce energy demand, collection of materials and waste used in production is the task
waste generated, and transportation costs. I will examine of recycling logistics. CLXXXV of 2012 on waste
what the Life Cycle Assessment and the Carbon Footprint management. The law is in line with the European Union's
are and look for a solution to reduce these metrics. I map environmental policy. This law covers the following activities:
out the possible recycling opportunities that can be used -collection and transport of waste,
in brewing processes, especially the recycling possibilities -waste management,
of wastewater, sludge and yeast. I am also looking at -monitoring of these activities,
alternative waste reduction options for packaging waste, -activity as a trader or intermediary,
as well as ways to reduce the logistical problems and costs -operation of waste management facilities and equipment,
associated with waste management. With this -Aftercare of waste facilities.
information, small-scale brewing will have the
opportunity to create a more sustainable, environmentally The Waste Act imposes the following conditions on
friendly production process. waste management activities:
-the activity must be carried out without endangering human
Keywords:- Craft Beer, Waste Management, Logistics, health and the environment
Sustainability, Recycling. -the activity does not pose a risk to the environmental
I. INTRODUCTION -do not cause a nuisance or smell to the public,
-does not adversely affect the landscape, protected natural and
Brewing is a high energy process. For the industry to be cultural values.
sustainable, renewable energy sources must be involved in
production. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method that The concept of waste is most simply formulated as what
allows the environmental impact of a product during its life is not needed, what is unnecessary, what we put in the trash
cycle to be individualized and quantified. As neither small- [2].
scale and large-scale brewing can be described as
environmentally friendly, especially with regard to the The primary goal of the plants is to minimize the amount
resources used, such as water and energy, some sustainable of waste generated during production. The part of the material
practices need to be introduced into the brewing process in used that appears in the finished product is called useful or
order to be sustainable [1]. Carbon Footprint (CF) is an pure use, and its size is specified by the so-called net norm. In
indicator of the total amount of direct and indirect emissions some industries, such as the food industry, a certain amount of
of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, raw material in the finished product is an essential condition
expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq). The LCA for the required quality of the product. In these sectors, the
method is often used to calculate this indicator. At present, raw material content of the finished product is usually set by
these indicators are very high in the industry, moreover, in standards. In such cases, the reduction of clean use degrades
terms of the amount produced, the waste and energy used in the quality of the finished product [3]. In the case of small
small-scale production are significantly higher in specific plants, it is even more important to minimize the waste
terms than in large-scale production. In order to reduce these generated, as the cost of waste management per product will
indicators, we need to review production processes and apply be higher for fewer finished products.
new methods that help reduce energy consumption and the
amount of waste generated.