(System Administration and Maintenance) : College of Computer Studeis Information Technology Department
(System Administration and Maintenance) : College of Computer Studeis Information Technology Department
(System Administration and Maintenance) : College of Computer Studeis Information Technology Department
(System Administration and Maintenance)
Windows Server Installation
In this experiment, the students are expected:
1. to be familiarized with the installation of open-source for server
2. to be familiarized with the features of open-source for server.
A. Preliminary Activity
Notes: For this installation, the installation will be done in virtual machine and the open-source to be
used will be CentOS.
1. Run your virtual machine and locate the installer labeled with iso.
2. Change the boot sequence of the virtual machine to the installer.
3. Exit the virtual machine and run again. Make sure it will boot to the installer.
B. Exercises
Files needed :
Virtual Box - https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
Microsoft Server 2012 R2 - https://www.technig.com/free-download-windows-server-
License Key: D2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX
1. Install VirtualBox
2. Click New
3. Provide the name for your virtual machine
Set the memory size to 1024mb
Tick “Create a virtual hard disk now”
Click “Create”
7. Click Start
Wait for the installation setup
8. Click Next
9. Click Install now
10. Select server with GUI
Click Next
11. Accept the License Agreement
Click Next
12. Select a drive and click Next
13. Wait for the Installation to be completed
14. Setup Administrator password
Click Finish