Annual Report - 0 - Part000001
Annual Report - 0 - Part000001
Annual Report - 0 - Part000001
1.1 Animal Husbandry, Dairying and incomes, offering employment opportunities,
Fisheries activities, along with agriculture, and finally being a dependable "bank on hooves"
continue to be an integral part of human life in times of need. It acts as a supplementary and
since the process of civilization started. These complementary enterprise.
activities have contributed not only to the food
1.3 According to NSSO 66th Round Survey
basket and draught animal power but also by
(July 2009 - June 2010) on Employment and
maintaining ecological balance. Owing to
Unemployment, 15.60 million workers as per
conducive climate and topography, Animal
usual status (Principal status plus subsidiaries
Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Sectors have
status) were engaged in farming of animals,
played prominent socio-economic role in India.
mixed farming and fishing. Whereas as per
Traditional, cultural and religious beliefs have
estimate of NSS 68th Round (July 2011-June
also contributed in the continuance of these
2012) survey on Employment and
activities. They further also play a significant
Unemployment , 16.44 million workers as per
role in generating gainful employment in the
usual status (Principal status plus subsidiaries
rural sector, particularly among the landless,
status) were engaged in the activities of farming
small and marginal farmers and women, besides
of animals, mixed farming, fishing and
providing cheap and nutritious food to millions
of people.
1.4 India has vast resource of livestock and
1.2 Livestock production and agriculture are
poultry, which plays a vital role in improving
intrinsically linked, each being dependent on the
the socio-economic conditions of rural masses.
other, and both are crucial for overall food
There are about 300 million bovines, 65.07
security. Livestock sector is an important sub-
million sheep, 135.2 million goats and about 10.3
sector of the agriculture in Indian economy. It
million pigs as per 19th Livestock Census in the
forms an important livelihood activity for most
country. The species wise population of animals
of the farmers, supporting agriculture in the
in Livestock and Poultry population during the
form of critical inputs, contributing to the health
last three Censuses is given in table 1.1.
and nutrition of the household, supplementing