Prospectus: Graduate School of
Prospectus: Graduate School of
Prospectus: Graduate School of
La Trobe University
G r a d u at e S c h o o l o f
2 008
Graduate School of Management
This Prospectus is produced by the Graduate and Graduate Management Programs 2007.
School of Management. This award indicates that 80% or more of the
teaching staff hold a PhD or its equivalent.
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t
De a n ’s Me s s a g e contents
Application Forms 19
We lcom e
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
La Trobe University was established in 1964 The Graduate School of Management offers La Trobe has links of different types to many
and is now one of Australia’s largest, most you a complete range of study options to meet universities around the world and offers
respected and fastest growing universities. your needs. All courses have four intakes per teaching and training programs in many
It has earned a reputation for excellent teaching year and you may complete the MBA in 12 months countries. These links with international
and research. Its courses are recognised by of full-time study. Classes are taught in day institutions allow MBA students the opportunity
international accreditation authorities, and held and evening sessions, with some units offered to spend up to two terms abroad at one of the
in high regard by overseas companies and in block mode on weekends. All courses Graduate School of Management’s exchange
educators. La Trobe University is a member of are taught at the Melbourne (Bundoora) and partners in countries including France,
the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Bendigo Campuses. Bendigo Campus offers Norway, Denmark or the USA.
part-time study only.
La Trobe University’s courses are recognised The Graduate School of Management has
by the Australian Government and by major Graduate Certificate and Diploma courses are also developed successful relationships with
professional bodies in Australia and abroad. structured to allow smooth progression to Hanoi University and Burgundy School of
They are equal to the standards of the finest further studies. Students who successfully Business giving MBA students who are nearing
university courses offered anywhere in the world. complete the Graduate Diploma in Business completion of their course the opportunity to
Administration may be permitted to upgrade participate in a 3 week exchange program to
La Trobe University has a number of campuses to the MBA with full advanced standing. either location.
in Victoria with the main campus at Bundoora
in Melbourne. The University has more than
26,500 students, including 3,000 international
students from more than 60 countries, and
3,000 staff. Students from many countries,
of all ages, and from very different professional
and social backgrounds, study at La Trobe
University. Such diversity provides an exciting
atmosphere for all students.
Bendigo Campus
The Bendigo campus is situated on 33 hectares
of natural Australian bushland and is located
three kilometres from the centre of Bendigo,
providing a peaceful, quiet and secure study
environment. Business administration courses
at the Bendigo Campus are offered on a part
time basis only.
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
ac a de m ic CO U RS E S
Academic Courses
The Graduate School of Management provides
students with an education in the essential
techniques of management, keeping a balance
between academic rigour and exposure to a
wide variety of experience in commerce, industry Graduate Certificate in Business Graduate Diploma in Business
and government, which is a necessity of modern Administration Administration
management. The course content has been This innovative management program provides This management program provides candidates
designed to develop in sequence core skills candidates with a range of essential skills with a range of essential skills for working
and abilities, leading up to a specialist stream, if and the background knowledge necessary for within contemporary organisations and a broad
desired. Specialist streams include e-commerce, working within contemporary organisations. knowledge of today’s business environment.
entrepreneurship, finance, human resource The program may also be taken as an entry
management, intellectual property management, Admission Requirements path to the Master of Business Administration
international monetary economics, management, Applicants should have an undergraduate with full advanced standing if the course is
management information systems and marketing. degree from any discipline, be proficient in completed with a grade average of 65%
English and possess strong verbal and written or above.
The School offers the following courses: communication skills. The course aims to provide students with
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration a rigorous education in the techniques of
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration Course Structure management, business and administration
Master of Business Administration The Certificate consists of 3 core and 1 through an integration of theory and previously
Doctor of Philosophy elective unit from the Master of Business acquired workplace experience.
Administration program (see Management
All courses have intakes in January, April, units). The Graduate Certificate of Business Admission Requirements
July and September each year. An Orientation Administration can be completed in one term
Applicants should have completed an
session is offered to all commencing students (3 months) of full-time study or 1 year part-time.
undergraduate degree (relevant and
on the Tuesday before start of every term at the Students who successfully complete the course
significant professional experience may
Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus and the Thursday at an appropriate level may be permitted to
be accepted), be proficient in English
before start of term at the Bendigo Campus. upgrade to the Graduate Diploma in Business
and possess strong verbal and written
Administration with full advanced standing.
Course Structure
The Graduate Diploma can be taken over 6
months of full-time study, or 2 years part-time.
It comprises 8 units from the Master of
Business Administration program (see
Management units). Students must complete
6 core and 2 elective units. Students who
complete the course with a grade average of
65% and above may progress to the MBA.
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration 1 term 4 units Bachelor degree English $7,000
full-time or part-time (3 core, 1 elective proficiency
equivalent unit)
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration 2 terms 8 units Bachelor degree and/or $14,000
full-time or part-time (6 core, 2 elective relevant work experience
equivalent units) or Graduate Certificate in
Business Administration,
English proficiency
The tuition fees do not include living expenses, books, course materials, transport costs or other costs.
Master of Business Administration
The MBA is designed to enhance the skills
that participants bring to the course in order to
increase their potential for creating value in the
world of business and/or to meet the priorities
of government organisations through effective
public administration. It prepares graduates to
tackle problems creatively in order to achieve
optimum results for the organisation.
Specifically, the aims and objectives of the
course are:
• to provide participants with a rigorous
education in the essential techniques of
• to extend this fundamental knowledge into
various areas of specialisation and;
• to achieve a balance between academic
rigour and an exposure to the wide variety
of experience in commerce, industry and
government which is a necessity of Student Scholarships and Awards
modern management.
The Graduate School of Management
Admission Requirements has secured industry-sponsored awards
for outstanding students. Awards are given
Applicants must have completed an
in the areas of marketing, human resource
undergraduate degree, have 2 years
management, strategy, international
postgraduate work experience, be proficient in
business and management information
the English language and possess strong verbal
systems. Sponsors include: ASTA
and written communication skills. Applicants
Solutions Pty. Ltd., Commercial Traveller's
who have completed a Graduate Diploma in
Association, Hudson Global Resources,
Business Administration elsewhere may receive
Pearson Education, M.A.P.S Marketing and
advanced standing and gain direct entry into the
Siemans VDO.
MBA program, subject to certain conditions.
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
ac a de m ic CO U RS E S
Doctor of Philosophy Admission Requirements
The Graduate School of Management offers Students should have:
research opportunities for study towards the (a) graduated with or qualified for the degree
Doctor of Philosophy. The Doctor of Philosophy of master with a dissertation demonstrating an
is taken by thesis only, the program enables ability to undertake research at Doctoral level; or
candidates to engage in independent research (b) graduated with or qualified for an honours
that should make an original contribution to degree at first-class or upper second-class
knowledge. Information about the areas of division with a dissertation demonstrating the
research in which supervision is currently ability to undertake research at Doctoral level; or
available can be obtained from Dr Richard (c) hold qualifications and/or have
Pech, Director of Research, Graduate School demonstrated skills, experience, research
of Management, La Trobe University, Victoria, or publications which in the opinion of the
Australia, 3086 Higher Degrees Committee are considered to
be at least equivalent to, or are a satisfactory
Our Graduates
substitute for, any of the qualifications
described in (a) and (b) above.
Mr Roger Darvall-Stevens
Associate Director
Application Procedures Ernst & Young
my career.
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
m an a g e m e n t u n i ts
Core Units Occupational Health and Safety Grading Scheme
Financial and Management Accounting Occupational Health and Safety Principles and The Grading Scheme at La Trobe University is based
Strategic Human Resource Management Legislation
on letters, each with a value as indicated below:
International Business Environment Ergonomics in Occupational Health and Safety
A 80-100%
Issues in Strategic Management (MBA) Screening and Monitoring Occupational Health
and Safety B 70-79%
Management Fundamentals
Occupational Health and Safety Program C 60-69%
Management D 50-59%
Organisational Behaviour
Due to the innovative nature of the program, N Fail
Elective Units and Specialist Streams the list of available units is reviewed each year
and the structure of the courses outlined in this University Statutes and Regulations
Electronic Marketing Strategy Prospectus may change. Prospective students are advised that information
about La Trobe University Statutes and Regulations
Entrepreneurship Study Methods
can be found at:
Business Improvement Methodology At La Trobe University, students are encouraged
Entrepreneurial Business Planning to participate in class discussion, to ask questions For information about availability of units and
Finance and to express their ideas. Students must also courses, academic standards and conduct,
Advanced Management Finance learn to use the library effectively and read widely. equal opportunity, occupational health and safety,
Business Analysis and Modelling Mode of Delivery insurance, freedom of information and copyright,
Financial and Management Accounting refer to:
Unit delivery is normally 30 hours of class contact
(core unit)
per unit over a 10-week term. Final assessment
Management Finance occurs in week 11 (see Term Dates 2008). Class
Human Resource Management sizes range in number and classes are held
Developing People and High Performance on a weekly basis. Classes are scheduled in 3-
Organisations hour blocks for day and evening sessions with
Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility some elective units offered in block mode on
International and Comparative Human Resource weekends. Students are expected to actively Our Graduates
participate. Not all electives will be offered each
International Employment Relations
year. Units are offered on a rotational basis and Dr Karen Dodd
Strategic Human Resource Management (core unit)
may be undertaken out of sequence except where Physiotherapist and Professor
Money and Banking assignments and case studies. the varied perspectives of fellow students
Risk Management Specific information regarding individual have made my decision to enrol in an MBA
Management unit assessment is available in the University at La Trobe University one of the best career
Business Communications Postgraduate Handbook. decisions that I have made. I really appreciate
Corporate Strategy To view go to: the diversity of different subjects being offered
International Business Environment (core unit) by the GSM which gives me the opportunity
Issues in Strategic Management (MBA core unit) to tailor my learning experience to make
Management Fundamentals (core unit) it more relevant to my needs. The new
Organisational Behaviour (core unit)
knowledge and the confidence I have gained
The Leadership Challenge
is already paying off with greater opportunities
Management Information Systems for career progression.
Advanced Management Information Systems
Management Information Systems
Advanced and International Marketing
Marketing (core unit)
Services Marketing and Management
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
un i t de s c r i p t ion s
This unit provides a basis for understanding price Mr Bret Slade Dr Richard Pech
determination under various market structures This unit builds on the concepts introduced in Firm profitability and even survival is at risk
(perfect competition, monopolistic competition, Management of Information Systems. The unit as never before in today’s world of globalised
oligopoly and monopoly). The application of these material introduces students to the planning, markets. Every firm’s customers are regularly
theories will provide students with a knowledge development and management of information presented with alternative ways of spending
and appreciation of the market structures that systems. Students examine computer-based their money as the firm’s rivals strive to capture
arise in economies. In addition, students will gain information systems from the perspective of their business, and every firm’s customers must
an understanding of the reasons for government systems analysis, design and implementation, be presented with reasons to stay customers of
interventions in the market place. Topics include together with alternative development that firm. This requires innovation: new business
consumer behaviour and demand, costs and methodologies. An understanding of the way in processes, to deliver higher value or secure lower
supply, firm behaviour, price determination and the which information systems require integration with costs, new products, to capture new customers
operation of markets. business strategies will also be developed. and to secure the continued loyalty of existing
Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week. Prerequisite: Management Information Systems ones, and new qualities of established products,
Class Requirements: One 3 hour seminar per week. to restore the margins eroded by rising costs and
ADVANCED AND INTERNATIONAL increased competitive pressure. This unit examines
MARKETING BUSINESS ANALYSIS AND MODELLING and instructs students in methods to make
Professor Geoff Durden Dr Kok-Boon Oh business both more innovative and effective.
Marketing environment from an international This unit aims to provide you with a strong Prerequisite: Issues in Strategic Management
perspective. The principal objective is to provide foundation in quantitative and modelling Class Requirements: One 3 hour seminar per week.
a robust conceptual framework of the international techniques for effective managerial decision-
marketing strategy and planning process within making in finance, production planning, operations CORPORATE STRATEGY
which firms are able to make decisions regarding and marketing. Throughout the unit the emphasis Mr Bret Slade
the internationalisation of their markets. Macro level will be continually on two main areas: learning Students will be introduced to the rigorous thought
issues relating to the international environment are conceptual knowledge through modelling and processes involved in strategic thinking. There
canvassed, including economic, political, legal problem solving (using manual and computer is a dual focus on both strategy theory and the
and cultural dimensions, as are micro level issues application software) and critical thinking through strategic decision-making processes. Students
relating to market entry and market development. application of these models in case analysis and will be prepared for demanding analytical
The importance of international marketing research discussion. Models analysed include probability and advisory roles in the strategy field. The
is reflected in the treatment of all of the topics and decision models, linear programming, understanding students have of strategy and
presented. forecasting methods, queuing models and project its relevance to the concepts of the competitive
Prerequisite: Marketing management. landscape, change in the general environment,
Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week. Class Requirements: One 3 hour seminar per week. and corporate performance will be expanded.
Prerequisite: Issues in Strategic Management
Dr Kok-Boon Oh Dr Richard Pech session per week.
This unit focuses on a comprehensive set of On completion of this unit students should be able
techniques for enterprise valuation. The course to describe the theories that underlie effective DEVELOPING PEOPLE AND HIGH
begins with an introduction to the fundamental oral and written communication, including cross- PERFORMANCE ORGANISATIONS
variables involved in valuation. Two main cultural communication; have gained specific Dr Pauline Stanton
approaches to valuation - the discounted cash research, written and oral presentation skills that This unit builds on the knowledge gained in
flow and relative valuation - are then discussed. will assist them to deliver oral and written reports Strategic Human Resource Management and
Apart from public firms, modules also cover to a professional business standard; have a Organisational Behaviour and develops a
valuing private firms, real estate and mergers greater understanding of negotiation and conflict contextual understanding of the link between
and acquisitions. A module on financial option management skills; be able to describe a range of managing people and organisational performance
pricing models for evaluating real options is to organisational communication approaches and to in terms of the human resource development
give you an idea of how derivatives impact on be able to critically analyse their advantages and (HRD) function. Based on this understanding, the
firm value. All through the course you will be disadvantages; recognise the potential of general unit provides opportunity for a more detailed and
exposed to practical applications of the techniques legal issues arising out of business communication practical exploration of people and team related
and the evolving academic research in the field. and to be able to identify basic legal issues. issues in a high-performance workplace. The
At the completion of the course you should be Class Requirements: One 3 hour seminar per week. program will be structured, to provide a learning
able to understand the value creation process opportunity that meets, within reason, specific
in a business, independently value any public student interests. The approach is essentially an
enterprise, its equity or its debt, value special firms active learning and research approach based on
like real estate, private and acquisitions, and know selected readings and case studies.
how to value distressed firms.
Prerequisites: Strategic Human Resource
Prerequisite: Management Finance Management, Organisational Behaviour
Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week. Class Requirements: The unit will be taught either
in weekly 3 hour sessions, or in block mode at
weekends or a mixture of both.
Mr Peter Lamb Dr Kok-Boon Oh ENVIRONMENT
This unit examines exchange and exchange This unit deals with sources of finance, the Mr Bret Slade
processes between businesses and customers, requirements of funders, and the corporate The issues that managers confront when they
and the interaction between these parties development of technology start-ups. Australian enter the global market, whether the business is
and their broader environment, with particular venture-capital sources will be analysed, as well big or small, are introduced. The unit analyses
emphasis on electronic exchange. Creating as the expectations that they have for returns, the problems managers face whether they
and sustaining exchange relationships within a equity positions, and intellectual property rights. export to other countries, or invest resources
dynamic and competitive environment is the focus Licensing, as a means of deriving revenue flow, in another country. The policy issues related
of marketing, marketing strategy and, of course, while retaining control over intellectual property, to an organisation’s strategy, organisational
electronic marketing. This unit aims to develop and will be analysed. Comparisons will be drawn with structure, human resources, finance and trade
extend the theory and practice of marketing and venture capital supply in the USA and Europe. are introduced. This enables students to gain
marketing strategy to electronic technologies. Its Taxation structures will be examined, as well as an understanding of the four main forces that
purpose is to develop an appropriate and suitable stock-market flotation, corporate planning and affect international business; the political/legal,
rationale for the introduction, and extension, of structures. Current models for funding decisions, economic/financial, social/cultural and technology.
electronic marketing strategy to both profit and and impediments to funding will be considered. In addition students will study the theoretical
non-profit organisations. Students will have the Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week. and practical dimensions of central international
opportunity to apply skills learned in this unit by business concepts such as risk, organisation
combining the technical aspects of electronic GOVERNANCE AND CORPORATE structure and cross-cultural management, and
technologies to the marketing interface of SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY learn to appreciate leadership and strategy in
organisations. Dr Suzanne Young international business arenas.
Class Requirements: On-Line Teaching: Equivalent In this unit, students will be provided with an Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week.
to 3 hours per week class contact. overview of the new and emerging field of
corporate governance. Numerous corporate INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT
failures and environmental disasters in recent times
PLANNING have provided a surge of interest in ensuring that Dr Pauline Stanton
Dr Richard Pech companies reflect not only regulatory standards This unit explores the changing nature of
Innovation is the engine that drives economic but also conduct their operations to reflect employment relationships in the context of
growth and improvements in living standards, but community and society norms. By the conclusion internationalisation and globalisation. Using
there is little that is spontaneous about the process of this unit students should be able to add value comparative employment relations methodology
that turns an idea into a concept and a concept to their organisations through their understanding we explore labour market developments,
into a proposal. Students will find and analyse of corporate governance and of the role of the international trade unionism, the role of
cases of innovation and present their conclusions. board of directors and management. Students will international institutions, recent developments in
Students will be introduced to a systematic way approach the subject from a variety of different collective bargaining and the changing nature
of developing convincing business plans that perspectives: accountability to shareholders; of work. We compare employment relations
will become a focus of attraction for both the legal, regulatory and professional frameworks; structures and processes in a range of countries
finance and the people needed to turn a concept the external environment and the responsibility to including from Europe and Asia. We also explore
into reality. Entrepreneurs leading teams create stakeholders; board responsibilities, processes developments in particular industries that have an
innovations, and so a team assignment will form a and remuneration; and the behavioural international focus.
major part of the workload and assessment. perspective. Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week.
Prerequisite: Marketing Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per
Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week. week. This unit is equivalent to thirty (30) hours of INTERNATIONAL FINANCE
classroom contact. Dr Kok-Boon Oh
FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT This unit deals with the workings of financial
markets and the management of multi-national
Dr Kok-Boon Oh HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT business. The starting point is an examination of
This unit provides students with an appreciation Dr Pauline Stanton the structure and development of the international
of the role of financial information for purposes of This unit extends the knowledge gained in monetary system, which provides the macro
internal control of operations and decision making Strategic Human Resource Management financial environment in which multi-national
in business management. No previous knowledge (BUA4SHR) by examining international and business firms operate. Within this framework,
of accounting is required or assumed. The unit comparative human resource management. This the behaviour of these firms is examined with
provides an understanding of the fundamentals of unit focuses on two major areas. First, students special emphasis on investment, financing, and
financial accounting and management accounting will be exposed to both theoretical and practical hedging decisions. Students have the opportunity
information. Students will have the opportunity issues relating to both the management of to learn about the international framework within
to learn the elements of developing accounting expatriates as well as local staff in the global which firms operate, the market forces that affect
information for managerial control and decision- environment. Second, the unit explores the country relative values of assets such as exchange rates
making, including some of the major shortcomings context of HRM and building on theories of culture and interest rates in the international market
of financial and management accounting and context compares different practices in place. Students should develop a knowledge of
information. different environments. On completion of this unit the mechanics of foreign exchange markets and
Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week. students should have a general understanding effectively managing foreign exchange and interest
of the role of international human resource rate risk.
management in multinational enterprises. Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week.
Prerequisites: Strategic Human Resource
Management, Organisational Behaviour
Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week.
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
Dr Pauline Stanton In this unit students are introduced to the This unit has two major foci. Students will examine
The aim of this unit is to introduce students development of occupational health and safety the principles of chemical, biological and
to the theory and practice of strategic human principles through a study of the concepts of radiation hazard management in the workplace.
resource management. Topics to be covered occupational health and disease, models of Students will also extend their professional skills
include: SHRM policy and planning, diversity occupational health, safety and risk, health in screening and monitoring the worker in the
management, recruitment and selection, promotion, prevention, and rehabilitation. Topics areas of interviewing, history taking, physical and
employment relations, performance management include the changing demands of work, the psychological assessment and data collection,
and reward, occupational health and safety and structure of the Australian workforce, the history including special screening tests.
HRM measurement and evaluation. In this unit and future of work, the impact of technological Class Requirements: WebCt enhanced distance
we examine contemporary HRM issues facing change, and the effect of retirement and education learning package equivalent to 39-hours
the practising manager through a case study and unemployment on the health of workers. The of classroom teaching. Package will be mailed to
problem solving approach. On completion of this legislation, legal and ethical issues in occupational students with full notes and readings. Lecturers
unit students should have a general understanding health and safety and workers’ compensation are will provide consultation by WebCT or telephone
of the role of strategic human resource introduced. The unit also covers an introduction and email to the equivalent of two half days per
management in the success of any organization. to dangerous goods and hazardous subjects, week. Two x one-day chemical demonstration and
Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week. privacy legislation, professional roles and practice conference/sessions will be offered.
and industrial relations, as well as ethical decision
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF making in occupational health.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Class Requirements: Distance education learning OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY
Dr Kok-Boon Oh package equivalent to 39-hours of classroom PROGRAM MANAGEMENT
This unit focuses on the value-adding that may teaching. Learning is augmented through WebCT. In this unit topics covered include risk
arise from the ownership of intellectual property. Package will be mailed to students with full notes management and control, principles of service
It approaches the issue through the use of case- and readings. Lecturers will provide consultation delivery and program planning, preventive health
studies that are considered not for their legal by telephone, email and WebCT to the equivalent education and promotion including teaching
interest, but for their commercial interest. The of two half days per week. One day of seminar and learning strategies, project management,
question to be dealt with is the line between profit, attendance will be offered but will be optional. budgeting and costing, and principles and
value and intellectual property ownership. Case- techniques of first aid, emergency management
ERGONOMICS IN OCCUPATIONAL and rehabilitation. This unit will also consider
studies will be used to illustrate the importance
HEALTH AND SAFETY accountability, evaluation and quality management,
of intellectual property management, and the
link between ownership of trade marks, patents, This unit presents an overview of the application program evaluation in occupational health and
designs and copyright, in the development of of ergonomics to occupational health and safety. safety, evaluative methods of data collection and
revenue and profits. Issues such as the ownership It will introduce the student to a range of human analysis, report writing and presentation methods.
of patents and the defending of patents will be factors, workplace environment and design issues Class Requirements: Distance education learning
placed in a commercial context, as will questions which influence work performance, job satisfaction package equivalent to 39-hours of classroom
of the strategic value of intellectual property and the prevention of workplace injury. The human- teaching. Package will be mailed to students with
ownership in the “clever economy”. task-environment system is explored including full notes and readings. Lecturers will provide
physical, psychosocial, environmental and consultation by telephone, email or WebCT to the
Class Requirements: One 3-hour seminar per week.
biological influences. Physical environment factors equivalent of two half days per week. One day of
THE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE such as lighting, sound, vibration, the thermal seminar attendance will be offered and students
environment, furniture, workstation equipment, job are strongly encouraged to attend.
Mr Bret Slade
and task design are examined. These influences
In this unit students develop and apply an
are discussed in relation to physiological,
understanding of the practical skills and theoretical Occupational Health and Safety coursework is co-
biomechanical, anthropometric, psychosocial and
knowledge required to become an effective ordinated by Ms Marilyn DiStefano, Postgraduate
cognitive individual performance considerations.
leader in the organisational context. Teams, tasks, OH&S Program Coordinator, in the Faculty of
organisational intent and the complexities of being Class Requirements: Distance education learning
Health Sciences, Division of Allied Health.
a leader in the dynamic and complex arena of the package equivalent to 39-hours of classroom
teaching. Package will be mailed to students with Email:
contemporary organisation form an essential part
of this unit. The medium of film plays a significant full notes and readings. Lecturers will provide
consultation by telephone, email or WebCT to the It is a requirement that all students interested in
part in developing and analysing leadership
equivalent of two half days per week. One day of the above OH&S units discuss their prospective
seminar attendance will be offered and students enrolment with the OH&S Program Coordinator, as
Prerequisites: Organisational Behaviour, these units rely on some relevant prior coursework
are strongly encouraged to attend.
Management Fundamentals. and/or work experience.
Class Requirements: In standard mode, this unit
is taught in one 3-hour seminar per week over ten
weeks. However, the unit may also be taught in
block mode and as an experiential program. In
these latter modes, the unit will be delivered over
a series of half-day, full-day, week or fortnight long
sessions to a total of 30 instructional hours.
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
Adjunct Professor
Mr Bret Slade, MBA Program Director Dr Pauline Stanton, Associate Professor Dr Suzanne Young
Bret has significant experience in the corporate Dr Young has been an academic for over ten years,
Dr Pauline Stanton moved to the Graduate School
headquarters and strategic management lecturing in both undergraduate and post graduate
of Management in 2002 after six years as Program
consulting roles. His areas of expertise are programs in management, organisational behaviour,
Director of Health Services Management in the
strategy and leadership. He has worked organisational theory, employee relations and
School of Public Health at La Trobe University. She
extensively in management with Australian national strategic management. Suzanne has also taught
has a background in employment relations and in the
and state government organisations, including the extensively in international programs including
United Kingdom she worked in and with a number
Australian Defence Force, the Australian Securities Vietnam, Mongolia, Singapore and Malaysia. Prior
of industries; including engineering, manufacturing,
and Investment Commission, and the Victorian to moving to the education sector she worked in
education, textiles and local government. In Australia,
Country Fire Authority. In addition to corporate accounting and finance in the public health system,
her experience has been largely in the health sector
trouble-shooting roles, Bret has developed a and in chartered accounting, business consulting,
and she has had a range of roles including general
specialisation in teaching strategy through the taxation and auditing. Suzanne has experience in
manager, project manager, training and development
use of computer-based group and first person a number of executive positions including finance
officer and board member. She has also taught
simulation environments. Organisations that manager, chairperson and board memberships in the
and presented extensively in Asia including China,
have utilised this specific method for improving health and education sectors; and in employee and
Vietnam and Mongolia.
senior management teams, and organisational employer associations.
responsiveness to crisis, have included the Pauline is also an active researcher accumulating
over forty peer reviewed publications since 1999 and Suzanne’s research has been presented at national
Australian Army and the Victorian Country Fire
presenting her research at national and international conferences in UK, Europe and America. She has
conferences in London, Beijing, Seoul, Limerick, published in Australian and international journals and
With a Master’s Degree in Education and a has recently co-edited and contributed to a book
Lisbon and Auckland. Current research projects
Bachelor of Arts from La Trobe University, Bret is titled Workplace Reform in the Healthcare Industry:
include studies in Vietnam and China.
currently pursuing doctoral studies in the area of The Australian Experience. Her research interests
national defence. are in the public sector, outsourcing, corporate
governance and employee relations.
fac i l i t i e s a n d s e rv ic es
The University has received a high
level of government funding and its
buildings and facilities are among
the best in Australia.
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
G r a d uat e S c ho ol of M a n a g e m e n t – p r o s pe c t u s
outside the normal operating hours, by contacting who are students. Students also have access to a range, covering all areas of management
the Faculty Office in the Business Building. Campus Nurse who is able to provide health advice and business, accelerated learning through
and information in conjunction with a range of Clinical block mode teaching and the chance to
Career Program
Health Services. Various health promotions and
Please see page 16 undertake research projects all assisted in
vaccination programs are held throughout the year.
my decision to study at La Trobe.
Sport and Recreation
The immediate surrounds of the Bendigo campus Course Information
I have found, in the position I hold at
are home to an athletics track, local swimming pool Graduate School of Management Westpac, the units I am studying are
and bush walking tracks, whilst the campus itself La Trobe University
adding to my workplace knowledge and
boasts high quality facilities to enable students to Victoria Australia 3086
Telephone +61 3 9479 3100 assisting me to think more broadly and
pursue a range of recreational and sporting activities,
such as Evolution Sports & Fitness Centre. Operated Facsimile +61 3 9479 3144 to make more informed decisions in the
by the Bendigo Student Association, Evolution offers Email workplace. Taking advantage of units
Read this application carefully, complete all sections and ensure that supporting documents
(certified) are attached.
Application for
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (4 subjects) Full Time Part Time
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (8 subjects) Full Time Part Time
Master of Business Administration (16 subjects) Full Time Part Time
Requested intake Year January April July September
Campus Bundoora Bendigo (Part time study only)
FEE-HELP Option (Australian citizens only)
Have you applied for PELS or FEE-HELP funding previously? Yes No
Personal Details
Family Name
Given Names
If your name has changed since you undertook any studies, give the name you used then and attach evidence of change of name.
Academic Qualifications
Documentary evidence of qualifications claimed must be attached. List all courses in which you have been
enrolled at tertiary institutions, including those you have not completed.
Name of qualification (eg. BSc, BA) Name of Institution Period of Enrolment Language of Instruction Completed
to Yes No
to Yes No
to Yes No
Employment History
Year Year
Year Year
Australian Student
a dm i ssion statistics
Australian Citizen (1) New Zealand Citizen (2) Permanent Humanitarian Visa (8)*
Permanent Resident Status (3)* Date you obtained Permanent Resident Status
3. Residence
4. What is your highest educational attainment prior to the first enrolment to this course?
07 Completed final year of secondary education course at school or TAFE completion year is
Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) offer Fee offer Conditional Offer or Special Conditions on Enrolment
Application Authorisation
All applications MUST be signed and dated. Applications WILL NOT
be accepted without this information.
Signature / /
Australian Student
Read this application carefully, complete all sections and ensure that supporting documents
(certified) are attached.
All applicants must ask two [2] senior academics, professional persons and/or employers familiar with their recent achievements to provide
a reference stating why they regard the candidate as suitable for a Business Administration course. A copy of the relevant form is attached to
this application and should be given to referees who have agreed to provide this reference. When completed referee reports should be forwarded to
the Graduate School of Management.
Referee 1 Referee 2
Name Name
Title/Position Title/Position
(Business/Mobile) (Business/Mobile)
E-mail E-mail
Supplementary Information
Any additional information relevant to your submission should be detailed on a separate piece of paper and attached to your application.
I acknowledge that La Trobe University reserves the right at any stage to vary or reverse any decision regarding admission or enrolment made on the basis of
incorrect or incomplete information.
I am aware of the conditions relating to my admission, and agree to pay all fees for which I am liable, and have read and agree to the conditions relating to the
refund of fees. Information regarding the University refund policy on the inside back cover of this prospectus.
This agreement does not remove my right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection law.
Signature Date
Please note: your application will not be considered unless you have supplied the following information. Check that you have:
Completed and signed the application form, and answered all questions
Attached original or certified copies of academic transcripts issued by all institutions at which you have been enrolled
Ensure that two [2] references are forwarded to the Graduate School of Management
Attached a certified copy of any evidence relating to a change of name
Privacy Statement
La Trobe University respects the privacy of your personal information. We collect personal information on this form to determine the suitability of
intending students to undertake courses in the Graduate School of Management.
If your personal information is not provided to us then we cannot assess your application.
You may have the right to access the personal information that we hold about you subject to any exceptions in relevant laws, by contacting us on
Telephone +61 3 9479 3100 or Email
Australian Student
The person named above is applying for admission to a Business Administration course at La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia.
We would be grateful for your assessment of this applicant. This report is one of our admission requirements and no decision can be
made regarding the application until we have received your report. Our policy requires us to hold the contents of all referee reports
in the strictest confidence.
Please return this form as soon as possible to:
Graduate School of Management
La Trobe University
Victoria 3086 Australia
1. For how long have you known the above applicant, and in what capacity?
2. Please rate the applicant with other persons you have known who are comparable in age and professional experience and tick the box that best applies.
Academic ability
Oral expression
Written expression
Ability to work independently
Diligence & effort
3. Please comment on the applicant’s past academic and/or professional work, career aspirations, personal qualities and any other information you believe to be
relevant to his/her suitability for the Business Administration program.
Your Name
Title Position
Telephone (Business)
Facsimile (Business)
Signature Date
The person named above is applying for admission to a Business Administration course at La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia.
We would be grateful for your assessment of this applicant. This report is one of our admission requirements and no decision can be
made regarding the application until we have received your report. Our policy requires us to hold the contents of all referee reports
in the strictest confidence.
1. For how long have you known the above applicant, and in what capacity?
2. Please rate the applicant with other persons you have known who are comparable in age and professional experience and tick the box that best applies.
Academic ability
Oral expression
Written expression
Ability to work independently
3. Please comment on the applicant’s past academic and/or professional work, career aspirations, personal qualities and any other information you believe to be
relevant to his/her suitability for the Business Administration program.
Your Name
Title Position
Telephone (Business)
Facsimile (Business)
Signature Date
po s tg r a d uat e
fu l l f e e p ol ic y
Refund of Unit Fees, and FEE-HELP
Prior to a Unit Census Date, applications
can be made to have any unit tuition
fees and part payments with respect to
FEE-HELP liability, refunded directly by Our Graduates
Electronic Funds Transfer.
After a Unit Census Date (for further Paul Jones
information regarding Unit Census Dates
Dean’s Commendation Winner 2005
please contact the Graduate School of
General Manager - Alliance Group
Management) normally liability is non
refundable. If a student becomes seriously The skills I gained while studying the MBA
ill or other special circumstances occur
assisted in presenting myself as a confident
and they are unable to continue studies,
application can be made to have their individual, being able to skillfully approach
unit tuition fee, or FEE-HELP debt for and answer questions at interview assisted
the term reduced or removed. 'Special me in getting the position I was looking for.
circumstances' does not include lack of
Tailoring the MBA to suit the area of business
knowledge or understanding of fees and
how they are administered, or of La Trobe management I was interested in has certainly
University's enrolment procedures and paid off. Corporate Strategy and Human
Resource Management were of particular
interest to me.
FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that assists Management Buy Out (MBO) and set up
students who are not Commonwealth a national expansion plan, previously the
Supported to pay their tuition fees. FEE-
company only operated in Victoria.
HELP replaces previous loan schemes
including the Postgraduate Education Loan
I am sure that I would not have achieved all of
Scheme (PELS), Open Learning Deferred
Payment Scheme (OLDPS), and Bridging this without the MBA!
for Overseas-Trained Professionals Loan
Scheme (BOTPLS). FEE-HELP covers
student tuition amounts up to $81,600.
To be eligible for FEE-HELP, you must not
be Commonwealth supported in the unit of
study for which you are applying. You must
be either an Australian citizen or holder of
an Australian permanent humanitarian visa,
or a holder of a permanent visa undertaking
a bridging course for overseas-trained
FEE-HELP Assistance
If eligible for FEE-HELP, you can pay your
tuition fee by:
• paying some of the tuition fee and
requesting a FEE-HELP assistance for the
balance of the fee; OR
• requesting FEE-HELP assistance for the
full tuition fee.
Graduate School of Management