CN 1.4 Striking and Fielding Games
CN 1.4 Striking and Fielding Games
CN 1.4 Striking and Fielding Games
SUBJECT: Physical Education 5 SCHOOL YEAR: 2021-2022 QUARTER: FIRST
Words to Ponder:
1. Striking and fielding games refer to activities in which players score points by striking objects and
running to the designated playing areas.
2. The activities prevent opponents from scoring by retrieving the object and returning it to stop the
3. By playing these, participants will learn skills and tactics for specific games.
4. In the 1800s, ball games were played in the field using the feet. Now, specific rubber shoes are
required for the better results in playing the game.
5. Fielding games include games that deal with skills in throwing, catching, and kicking. These skills
can only be learned and developed in wide spaces like open fields so it is important that players
learn ball control.
6. There are lead-up games or training strategies and tactics that progress to sports and more choices
become available for students.
softball badminton
baseball kickball
run the bases (Dodgeball) cricket
Tasks to do:
Note: You can ask assistance or accompaniment from your parents, guardians, or someone with you
at home in doing the assigned activities.
A. Warm-up Exercises
1. Body in stride position.
2. Execute body twists right and left 16 times.
3. Swing arms right and left in upward-sideward motion and a badminton strike showing an
imaginary shuttle cock being stricken forward by the right forearm.
Repeat three times.
4. Execute 8 low jumps, then 8 high jumps, and go jogging around the area.