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2020 - March
IPC Test Method
Development Packet
Supersedes IPC-TM-650-MDP
May 2012

An international standard developed by IPC

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• Contain simple (simplified) language • Increase cycle time
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• Include a feedback system on use and be defended with data
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Notice IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating mis-
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IPC spends hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to support IPC’s volunteers in the standards
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IPC Test Method

Development Packet

Developed by the IPC Test Methods Subcommittee (7-11) of the Testing

Committee (7-10) of IPC

Supersedes: Users of this publication are encouraged to participate in the

IPC-TM-650-MDP - May 2012 development of future revisions.


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March 2020 IPC-TM-650-MDP-A

Members of the IPC Test Methods Subcommittee (7-11) of the Testing Committee (7-10) of IPC worked together to develop
this document. We thank them for their dedication to this effort. Any document involving a complex technology draws
material from a vast number of sources across many continents. While the principal members of the IPC Test Methods Sub-
committee is shown below, it is not possible to include all of those who assisted in the evolution of this standard. To each
of them, the members of the IPC extend their gratitude.

Testing Committee Test Methods Subcommittee Technical Liaison of the

IPC Board of Directors
Chair Chair
Chris Mahanna Joseph Russeau Bob Neves
Robisan Laboratory Inc. Precision Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Microtek (Changzhou) Laboratories
Vice-Chair Vice Chair
Russell Shepherd David Lober
NTS-Anaheim Kyzen
Test Methods Subcommittee

Elizabeth Allison, NTS-Baltimore Hisao Kasuga Gerard O’Brien, Solderability Testing

Alisha Amar, Lockheed Martin Space Jason Keeping, Celestica & Solutions, Inc.
Systems Company International L.P. Jan Obrzut, NIST
Norman Armendariz, Raytheon Satoshi Kojima, Kojima eDesign Chris Parker, Henkel US Operations
Company Office Corp.
Kevin Belisario, NTS-Anaheim Maan Zaid Kikash, BAE Systems Douglas Pauls, Collins Aerospace
Steven Bowles, DuPont SVTC Matthew Kreiner, Hitachi High-Tech Orlando Perez, Raytheon
Eric Camden, Foresite, Inc. Analytical Science William Pfingston, Miraco, Inc
Hikmat Chammas, Honeywell Inc. Susan Le, Microtek Laboratories Randy Reed, R. Reed Consultancy
Air Transport Systems China LLC
Eric Chen Sarah Liu, Microtek Laboratories Jose Rios, Raytheon
Beverley Christian, HDP User Group China Joseph Russeau, Precision Analytical
Sean Owen Clancy, HzO, Inc. David Lober, Kyzen Corporation Laboratory, Inc.
Kristopher Clark, Environmental Kyle Loomis, Kester Karl Sauter, Oracle America, Inc.
Monitoring & Technologies Inc. Jennifer Ly, BAE Systems Land an Tony Senese, Panasonic Industrial
Cesar De Luna, NTS-Anaheim Armaments Devices Sales Company of
Don DeGroot, Connected Community Brian Madsen, Continental America (PIDSA)
Networks, Inc. Automotive GmbH Russell Shepherd, NTS-Anaheim
Arturo Espejo, Kester John Magnani, Raytheon Company Lowell Sherman, DLA Land and
Timothy Estes, Conductor Analysis Chris Mahanna, Robisan Laboratory Maritime
Technologies, Inc. Inc. Hans Shin, Pacific Testing
Rebekah Fraser, P2i Ltd. Henry Martinez, atag Luther Maelzer Laboratories, Inc.
Stefan Gerhold, Atotech Deutschland GmbH Rebecca Steinbauer, ALL Flex LLC
GmbH Matthew McQueen, Naval Surface Bob Teegarden, Honeywell
Andrew Goddard, ZF Automotive Warfare Control International - Torrance
UK Limited Mauricio Mendez, Plexus Karen Tellefsen, MacDermid Alpha
Vicka Hammill, Honeywell Inc. Air Manufacturing Solutions- Electronics Solutions
Transport Systems Guadalajara Melby Thelakkaden, Raytheon
Ed Hirsch Scott Merrell, Zmetrix Inc. Missile Systems
Eddie Hoffer, Collins Aerospace Michael Miller, Naval Surface John Paul Thompson, FCI USA, Inc.
Warfare Control Crystal Vanderpan UL LLC
Ethan Hotchkiss, TTM Technologies,
Inc. Graham Naisbitt, Gen3 Systems Greg Vorhis, Coastal Technical
Limited Services, LLC
Sharissa Johns, Lockheed Martin
Missiles & Fire Control Robert Neves, Microtek Laboratories David Wynants, AGC Nelco America,
China Inc.
Angelica Joson-Eltanal, Teradyne
Philippines Ltd Mark Northrup, Raytheon Missile Lamar Young, Specialty Coating
Systems Systems Inc
Norman Juan, Co-Tech Development

IPC-TM-650-MDP-A March 2020

Table of Contents
1 SCOPE ........................................................................ 1 4 IPC TEST METHODS FOR A SINGLE
1.1 Background .......................................................... 1
1.2 Terms and Definitions ......................................... 1 5 IPC TEST METHODS INVOLVING PATENTED
1.2.1 Quantitative Method ............................................ 1
1.2.2 Qualitative Method .............................................. 1 6 EXISTING IPC TEST METHODS ............................. 3

2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .................................... 1 APPENDIX A IPC-TM-650 Test Method

Template ................................................ 4
2.1 IPC ....................................................................... 1
1 Scope ............................................................................ 4
2.2 ISO/IEC ................................................................ 1
2 Applicable Documents ................................................. 4
2.3 The International Bureau of Weights and
Measure (BIPM) .................................................. 2 3 Test Specimens ............................................................. 4
4 Apparatus or Material .................................................. 4
METHOD (QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE) .... 2 5 Procedure ...................................................................... 4
3.1 Test Method Format ............................................ 2 6 Notes ............................................................................. 4
3.2 Measurements and Values ................................... 2
3.3 Test Method Validation ........................................ 2
3.3.1 IPC Test Method Validation ................................ 2
3.3.2 Multiple Facility Gauge R&R ............................. 3

March 2020 IPC-TM-650-MDP-A

IPC Test Method Development Packet

This packet defines the elements that shall be included in an IPC-TM-650 Test Method and used to assist the IPC 7-11 Test
Methods Subcommittee (TMSC) in their reviewing process. The goal is to evolve a coordinated and standardized approach
for drafting and validating an IPC test Method.

1.1 Background The purpose of the following is to help in defining criteria that will yield better test methods for use by
the electronics and all related industries. With the ever-increasing demand for improved accuracy, precision and documen-
tation, it is the responsibility of the IPC TMSC to regularly request better evaluation of the methods that IPC publishes and
maintains. This not only aids the user achieving a higher quality standard, but also keeps IPC in leading the way in its con-
tinuous improvement endeavors. As such, the TMSC has compiled, from multiple sources, the criteria believed to assist in
achieving a higher standard in IPC test methods without sacrificing from originating task groups (OTGs) their ability to
utilize shared expertise.

1.2 Terms and Definitions

1.2.1 Quantitative Method A method by which an objective measurement is being made.

1.2.2 Qualitative Method A method by which a subjective measurement is being made.


2.1 IPC1

IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual, Section 1, Reporting and Measurement Analysis Methods2

IPC-QL-653 Certification of Facilities that Inspect/Test Printed Boards, Components and Materials

IPC Metric Policy3

IPC Test Methods Approval Form

IPC Test Methods Flow Chart4

IPC Patent Policy5

2.2 ISO/IEC6

ISO / IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (Sections and

ISO 5725-1 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 1: General principles and defi-

ISO 5725-2 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 2: Basic method for the deter-
mination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method

ISO 5725-3 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 3: Intermediate measures of the
precision of a standard measurement method

1. www.ipc.org
2. www.ipc.org/test-methods.aspx
3. The IPC Metric Policy and Patent Policy are contained within the Standardization Process of the IPC, available at www.ipc.org/standards
4. www.ipc.org/test-methods.aspx
5. The IPC Metric Policy and Patent Policy are contained within the Standardization Process of the IPC, available at www.ipc.org/standards
6. www.iso.org/www.iec.ch

IPC-TM-650-MDP-A March 2020

ISO 5725-4 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 4: Basic methods for the deter-
mination of the trueness of a standard measurement method

ISO 5725-5 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 5: Alternative methods for the
determination of the precision of a standard measurement method

ISO 5725-6 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results – Part 6: Use in practice of accuracy

ISO 21748 Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility, and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty evalu-

ISO 17000, Conformity assessment Vocabulary and general principles VIM, International vocabulary of basic and general
terms in metrology

ISO/IEC Guide 43-1 Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons – Part 1: Development and operation of proficiency
testing schemes

ISO/lEC Guide 43-2 Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons – Part 2: Selection and use of proficiency testing
schemes by laboratory accreditation bodies

2.3 The International Bureau of Weights and Measure (BIPM)7

GUM Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement1


Each IPC test method, prior to its submission to the TMSC, shall include the items described in the following paragraphs:

3.1 Test Method Format The test method format shall conform to the IPC-TM-650 Test Method Template (see Appendix

3.2 Measurements and Values In accordance with the IPC Metric Policy, any measurements or values found within an
IPC test method shall be defined metrically with imperial soft values contained in brackets as mandated by the IPC Tech-
nical Activities Executive Committee (TAEC). Explanations and examples of the metrics policies can be found within the
IPC Metric Policy document and IPC-TM-650, Method 1.6.

3.3 Test Method Validation There are two key objectives to validating an IPC test method. The first objective, as
described in 3.3.1, is to provide objective evidence that the elements defined within a method fulfill the intended use. The
second objective, as described in 3.3.2, is a Gauge R&R study, to show that a method yields repeatable and reproducible
results when executed by multiple facilities, which are preferably separate entities. The following describes the items that
the TMSC requires when any method is submitted for review.

3.3.1 IPC Test Method Validation The OTG shall validate that any submitted IPC test method meets the requirements
identified by that group and clearly defines the procedures used for validation and the collecting of relevant data. Addition-
ally, the OTG shall define variables that may influence the outcome of the data, the method detection limits (MDL’s) and
the statistical impacts of all variables on the data (where practicable). IPC-TM-650, Methods 1.8 and 1.9, have procedures
defined to help with the evaluation of measurement variables (see also ISO 5725 – Part 1 through Part 6 and/or GUM).
The validation procedure, all collected data, measurement variables, MDL’s, statistical impacts and a statement from the
OTG that the IPC test method does meet the intended requirements shall be submitted to the TMSC for review upon sub-
mission of any such method. No IPC test method will be approved by TMSC until all validation testing is completed by the
OTG. Further, the OTG shall have a minimum of three independent task group members perform the validation protocol
and report their results.

7. www.bipm.org

March 2020 IPC-TM-650-MDP-A

3.3.2 Multiple Facility Gauge R&R The OTG shall support the IPC test method with proven Gauge R&R that shall be
appropriate for the proposed test method. The Gauge R&R shall be performed by a minimum of three independent facili-
ties as a blind study. In addition, Cpk values supported by data shall be provided where applicable as determined by the
originating task group (OTG).


A minimum of three independent facilities, defined by the OTG, shall perform a study of the instrument to validate the abil-
ity of the equipment to objectively carry out the method and generate data considered as reasonable by the OTG. Where
practicable the output of the equipment shall be traceable to SI (le Système international d’unités [International System of
Units]) or SI derived units. Additionally, the OTG shall follow the same criteria defined in Section 3 when validating the
equipment and method and reporting the results to the TMSC.


For IPC test methods utilizing patented equipment, materials or processes, IPC’s patent policy shall be adhered to. The OTG
shall follow the same criteria defined in Section 3 when validating the patented items and reporting the results to the TMSC.
Additionally, the OTG shall include an accompanying statement in the IPC test method noting that proper license has been
obtained. The following language taken from IPC’s patent policy is an example:
‘‘The user’s attention is called to the possibility that compliance with this standard may require use of an invention
covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no positions taken with respect to the validity of this claim
or of any patent rights in connection therewith. The patent holder has, however, filed a statement of willingness to
grant license under these rights on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring to
obtain such a license. Details may be oriented from the standards developer.’’


Existing methods are those that have already been adopted into the TM-650 Test Methods Manual. Existing methods shall
be reviewed and reaffirmed every five years to ensure that a test method is still current. If an existing method is kept active,
then the TMSC requires that the OTG make an effort to validate the method per Section 3, assuming no prior effort to vali-
date the test method has taken place. If the data from a previous validation effort is already available, it should be reviewed
and provided to the TMSC to ensure that it is still valid.
Note: There is no requirement to gather historical data from their independent sources each time an IPC test method is sub-
mitted for its five-year review if such data was previously submitted.

IPC-TM-650-MDP-A March 2020

IPC-TM-650 Test Method Template

Test Method ##Title:

Date: Month 200X
Originating Task Group: Group Name (Code)
Working Task Group: Group
Name (Code)

1 Scope The Scope Section defines the purpose of the test method, as well as giving an overall view of the test method.
This section should be written in summary fashion and include any limitations that might cause erroneous test results. It
should also include a general statement regarding any cautions, hazards, or warning about the test method, referencing sec-
tion 6 Notes for detailed information. The scope should also indicate who typically would be performing the test as well as
providing information on where (scenarios, such as a type of lot) the test is to be employed.

2 Applicable Documents The Applicable Documents Section should include a list of all applicable documents and may
show where to obtain these documents. Applicable documents are defined as documents that are specifically called out
within the test method, and do not include other reference documents. Reference documents may be included in Section 6
Notes of the test method.

3 Test Specimens Test Specimens Section should include the type, size, and quantity of specimens required to conduct
the test. Preparation of the specimens should be detailed in this section. If preparation is covered by another IPC-TM-650
test method (i.e., microsection preparation), then that method should be referenced here. Necessary considerations for stor-
age preservation and handling of test specimens must also be made in this section.

4 Apparatus or Material This section should include all apparatus or materials utilized in the test method. It should
include the technical data, accuracy requirements, and range capabilities of the equipment or materials necessary to
adequately complete the test. This section should also include reference drawings for any specialized equipment or test fix-
tures required. If chemical reagents, purified water, or other specialized materials are to be used, purity, concentration, and/or
special formulas required must be detailed. Specific brand names or trademarks should be avoided unless they are required
for a well-defined reason. In this case utilize a footnote giving the required information along with either of the following
phrases: ‘‘has been found satisfactory for this purpose’’; ‘‘or equivalent.’’

5 Procedure The Procedure Section is to be used to detail all of the specific steps necessary to perform the actual test. It
shall include any specific conditioning requirements, or other specimen preparation not previously detailed. It shall then
describe in detail the successive steps of the procedure, grouping related operations into logical divisions in a concise man-
ner. It shall include times, temperatures, voltages, pressures, concentrations, linear measurements and quantitative criteria
when necessary in applicable units (both Metric and English).
It shall then state any detailed information required in reporting the test results. When two or more procedures are described
in the same test method, the report shall indicate which of the procedures was used. When a test method allows variations
in operating or other conditions, the report shall state the particular conditions utilized for the test.

6 Notes The Notes Section is to be used to discuss any special considerations, or detail other reference documents nec-
essary or recommended for the test. This section should include any safety precautions, hazard information, or warning
statements necessary for the safe completion of the test method. This section should also be used to show sources of obtain-
ing specialized test apparatus or materials for the test.

ANSI/IPC-T-50 Terms and Definitions for
Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
Definition Submission/Approval Sheet
The purpose of this form is to keep SUBMITTOR INFORMATION:
current with terms routinely used in Name:
the industry and their definitions.
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Standard Improvement Form IPC-TM-650-MDP-A

The purpose of this form is to provide the Individuals or companies are invited to If you can provide input, please complete
Technical Committee of IPC with input submit comments to IPC. All comments this form and return to:
from the industry regarding usage of will be collected and dispersed to the IPC
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Fax: 847 615.7105
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ISBN #978-1-951577-17-9

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