Journal Macromolecule Research 2014 Fabrication of Hydrogels
Journal Macromolecule Research 2014 Fabrication of Hydrogels
Journal Macromolecule Research 2014 Fabrication of Hydrogels
DOI 10.1007/s13233-014-2023-z pISSN 1598-5032 eISSN 2092-7673
Haryanto1, SeongCheol Kim*,1, Jeong Hwan Kim2, Jong Oh Kim2, SaeKwang Ku3,
Hyunkug Cho4, Do Hung Han4, and PilHo Huh5
Department of Advanced Organic Materials Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongbuk 712-749, Korea
College of Pharmacy, Yeungnam University, Gyeongbuk 712-749, Korea
College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Hanny University, Gyeongbuk 712-715, Korea
School of Chemical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongbuk 712-749, Korea
Department of Polymer Science & Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735, Korea
Received May 21, 2013; Revised September 5, 2013; Accepted October 5, 2013
Abstract: Cross-linked poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) hydrogel was developed for application to wound dressings. To
determine the optimum conditions for wound dressing materials, PEO with different molecular weights and various
PEO/poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) compositions were irradiated in order to obtain cross-linked hydro-
gels using an electron beam with various beam intensities. The contents of the PEGDA influenced the gel fraction,
swelling ratio, mechanical properties, and water vapor transmission rate. To evaluate the healing effect of PEO/
PEGDA cross-linked hydrogel for wound dressing, wounds on the backs of mice were covered with PEO/PEGDA
hydrogel films. Healing under the wet environment of the hydrogel dressing was faster than with a gauze control
and a commercial reference. The results demonstrate the possibility of the facile production of mechanically robust
and transparent wound dressing materials with improved wound healing characteristics.
Keywords: crosslinked hydrogel, electron beam, mechanical properties, wound dressing.
to preparation of the crosslinked polymer hydrogels. Among oven at 55 oC for 24 h, and then remaining moisture was
them, radiation techniques γ-ray13 and electron beam14 are removed in a vacuum oven for 6 h at the same temperature.
relatively simple for improvement or modification of poly- Dry PEO films were sealed in an evacuated polyethylene
meric materials through cross-linking, grafting, and degra- bag, followed by irradiation at various doses (100, 150, 200,
dation reactions.15 However, the e-beam irradiation method 250, and 300 kGy) using an electron beam (EB) having a
is more advantageous because the radiation dose can be eas- beam current of 5 and 10 mA with an energy of 0.7 MeV
ily controlled and the experimental condition is straight for- generated from an Electron Beam Accelerator.
ward for mass production of products and also the product Determination of Gel Fraction. Immediately after irra-
is free from unwanted chemical impurities such as residues diation, the seal was opened and the weight of the dry PEO
from initiators, retarders, and/or accelerators for initiation film sample (2 cm×2 cm) was measured accurately. After that,
and for manipulation of the crosslinking reaction in chemical the crosslinked PEO film was placed in distilled water at
crosslinking methods. Moreover, the degree of crosslinking 50 oC for 24 h for removal of the soluble parts. The insolu-
and grafting can be controlled by controlling the radiation ble gel obtained was dried in the oven at 50 oC for 24 h and
dose.16 When the e-beam is irradiated on a polymer film, many then in a vacuum oven at 50 oC for 6 h in order to obtain a
free radicals are generated on the polymer backbone of PEO, as constant dry weight. The gel fraction was determined from
the main component in a polymer blend film. The radicals the weight ratio between the insoluble dry gel weight and
attack the double bonds of PEGDA to polymerize and finally the initial weight of the polymer,
crosslink the PEGDA and PEO or the radicals undergo the
Gel fraction (%) = (Wc/Wo)×100
chain scission reaction which reduces the molecular weight of
polymer. At high temperature the viscosity of polymer is Where Wc and Wo are the weight of insoluble dry gel and the
low, therefore, the radical has enough mobility to find the initial weight of a dry film.18
double bonds or another radical to make crosslinking reac- Determination of Swelling Ratio. The known weight of
tion before the decay of radicals causing chain scission.17 the crosslinked dry PEO film (2 cm×2 cm) was soaked in
In this article, we demonstrate the possibility of mass pro- distilled water at room temperature. The weight of the swollen
duction of the mechanically robust PEO hydrogel wound gel was measured at specific time intervals after removal of
dressing with water permeability similar to that of a natural excessive surface water using filter papers. The procedure
skin of human bodies. was repeated until there was no further weight increase. The
swelling ratio (SR) was calculated using the following equation:
Experimental SR (%) = (Wt/Wo)×100
Materials. Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(ethylene Where Wt and Wo are the weight of swollen gel at time t and
glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) were purchased from Sigma- that of the dry PEO film, respectively.10
Aldrich, St. Louis, USA. Determination of the Percentage Increase of the Size.
Animals. Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats weighting 250- The pieces of dry crosslinked PEO film (2 cm×2 cm) was
280 g were purchased from Oreint Bio (Seongnam, Korea). soaked in distilled water at room temperature until the film
All rats received food and water at a temperature of 20-23 oC reach constant length (cm) of PEO gel. The PEO hydrogel
and a relative humidity of 50±5% for 24 h prior to the experi- was placed on a glass plate and then the length (cm) of PEO
ments. The rats were housed singly to prevent fighting and gel was measured. The following equation was used for cal-
atack the wound. All animal procedures were performed culation of percentage increase of the size (IS):
according to the Guiding Principles in the Use of Animals
IS (%) = (L-Lo)/Lo×100
in Toxicology, as adopted in 2008 by the Society of Toxicol-
ogy (20). The protocols for the animal studies were approved Where L and Lo are the length of swollen gel at an equilib-
by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources of Yeung- rium state and that of the dry PEO film.
nam University. Determination of Water Vapor Transmission Rate. The
Preparation of Hydrogel. Poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate water vapor transmission rate was measured using JIS 1099A
(PEGDA) (Mn=700) and various molecular weights of poly standard test methods.20,29 A round piece of crosslinked dry
(ethylene oxide) (PEO), Mn=2×105, 4×105, 6×105 were used PEO film was mounted on the mouth of a cup with a diame-
for preparation of the hydrogel. Aqueous solution of PEO ter of 7 cm containing 50 g CaCl2 and placed in an incubator
(8% w/w) was prepared by stirring the solution at room of 90% RH at 40 oC. The water vapor transmission rate
temperature for 24 h. The composition of PEGDA/PEO was (WVTR) was determined as follows:
changed from 0/100, 2.5/100, 5/100, 7.5/100, and 10/100
WVTR (g m-2h-1) = ((W2-W1)/S)
(w/w), respectively. The calculated amount of aqueous solu-
tion was poured into a petri dish to formdry PEO film with a where W1 and W2 are the weight of the whole cup at the first
thickness of 0.3 mm. The PEO solution was dried in the and the second hours, respectively, and S is the transmitting
Figure 1. Effect of dose rate on (a) gel fraction, (b) swelling ratio, and (c) percentage increase of the size for PEO 200,000 Mn.
Figure 2. Effect of molecular weight on (a) gel fraction, (b) swelling ratio, and (c) percentage increase of the size.
the increase of the crosslink density, as shown in Figure 1(b). molecular weight may have increased physical crosslink due
All films swelled rapidly in water and reached equilibrium to the radical coupling in the polymer chains. The swelling
within 10 min, except for 100 kGy dose rate, which reached ratio decreases from 1013% with 200,000 MW to 800% with
equilibrium around 60 min. This result demonstrated that 400,000 MW and then decrease slightly to 780% at 600,000
the structure with the low crosslink density could sustain MW. On the other hand, Figure 1(b) showed that the swell-
much water within the gel structure, as expected from equa- ing ratio decreases very significantly from 3567% to 1013%
tion.29 The percentage increase of the size (IS) decreased with increasing dose rate from 100 to 300 kGy. It showed that
with increasing dose rates. The percentage increase of the the swelling ratio is more influenced by irradiation dose
size was 120%, which was obtained at 300 kGy, as shown at than by the molecular weight of PEO.
Figure 1(c). According to the result above, the maximum gel fraction
Effect of Molecular Weight on the Gel Fraction and and the minimum swelling ratio were reached at a dose rate
Swelling Properties. The influence of the molecular weight of 300 kGy with the molecular weight of 400,000. However,
on the gel fraction is shown in Figure 2(a). It shows that the when the molecular weight of PEO increased, the dissolu-
higher the molecular weight of PEO, the higher the gel frac- tion of PEO in distilled water was very poor due to increased
tion was. The gel fraction showed a significant increase viscosity. Therefore, medium molecular weight of PEO
from 59% at 200,000 MW to 66% at 400,000 MW and then (400,000) was used to make PEO and PEO/PEGDA film
just increase slightly to 69% at 600,000 MW. The effect of for further experiments.
the molecular weight of PEO on swelling ratio and percent- Effect of PEGDA Content on Gel Fraction and Swell-
age increase of the size is shown in Figure 2(b) and Figure ing Properties. A small amount of PEGDA was added to
2(c).The swelling ratio and percentage increase of the size the PEO in order to increase the mechanical strength of the
showed a significant decrease as the molecular weight of e-beam crosslinked PEO. Figure 3(a) shows the gel fraction
PEO increased from 200,000 to 400,000. Further decrease of PEO/PEGDA hydrogel. The result showed that the gel
of the swelling ratio and percentage increase of the size was fraction increased almost linearly with increasing the weight
observed with the molecular weight of 600,000, however, percentage of the PEGDA in a mixture. The swelling ratio
the decrease was reduced. The reason for different swelling of PEO/PEGDA hydrogel film with various compositions
ratio and percentage increase of the size with different molecu- as a function of swelling time is shown in Figure 3(b). It
lar weight may be explained as follows: although the radical shows that all of the hydrogel films absorb water very rapidly
density in irradiated PEO film is the same, the film with higher and reach an equilibrium weight within 10 min. The swell-
Figure 3. Effect of content of PEGDA on (a) gel fraction, (b) swelling ratio, and (c) percentage increase of the size.
ing ratio decreased with the increasing content of PEGDA, from a wound at an optimal rate. The rate for normal skin is
and the equilibrium swelling ratio of the crosslinked hydro- 8.5 gm-2h-1, while that for injured skin can range from 11.6
gel films decreased from 771% in the film without the pres- gm-2h-1.31 Therefore, the ideal wound dressing should have a
ence of PEGDA to 310% in that with 10% of PEGDA. The WVTR similar or greater than 11.6 gm-2h-1. The WVTR of
result indicated that the higher content of PEGDA can decrease the PEO/PEGDA hydrogel was close to the ideal value for
the water absorption capacity of PEO/PEGDA hydrogel due wound dressing.
to the crosslinking of PEGDA together with radicals in PEO Effect of PEGDA Content on Mechanical Properties.
backbones via radical polymerization. Furthermore, PEGDA The tensile strength of PEO/PEGDA wet hydrogel film as a
also enhanced the crosslinking reaction of the PEO/PEGDA function of the PEGDA content is shown in Figure 5(a). It
film owing to reduced viscosity, which can enhance the cou- can be seen that the tensile strength of PEO/PEGDA hydro-
pling reaction of radicals before the radical decays into an gel increased exponentially with increasing PEGDA content
unreactive species.The percentage increase of the size declines due to the increased crosslink density and reached the maxi-
from 105% with pure PEO film to 58% with PEO/PEGDA
containing 10% of PEGDA, as shown in Figure 3(c).
Effect of PEGDA Content on Water Vapor Transmission
Rate (WVTR). The effect of the content of PEGDA on the
WVTR of the hydrogel is shown in Figure 4. The figure
shows that the WVTR value is almost constant for all com-
positions of PEGDA because most of the matrix is PEO.
The average WVTR was 19 gm-2h-1 for 2.5%-10% of PEGDA,
however, that of pure PEO was somewhat lower, 15.89 gm-2h-1.
When the value of WVTR is too high, the wound can dry
rapidly, resulting in scars. In addition, if the value is too low
to accumulate exudates, the healing process can be retarded,
resulting in increased risk of bacterial growth.30 Use of an
ideal dressing is known to control evaporation of water
Figure 6. Representative macroscopic data of wounds treated with gauze control, reference and test material on day 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15,
mum value (0.48 MPa) with 10% of PEGDA, of which strength whereas the reference and the test material exhibited a moist
was10 times higher than that of the pure PEO (0.044 MPa). surface. On the sixth postoperative day, reference and test
Figure 5(b) shows the Young’s modulus of the PEGDA/ material-applied wounds showed enhanced size reduction.
PEO films. The Young’s modulus increased even more rap- However, the gauze-applied wounds showed lower size
idly with the increasing content of PEGDA. reduction. After the 12th postoperative day, considerable clo-
In vivo Wound Healing. All animals survived until the sure of wounds was discovered in the reference and the test
sacrifice and there was no evidence for necrosis of epider- material-applied wounds, whereas comparatively large expo-
mal tissue. Slight inflammation and bleeding were detected sure was still detected in gauze-applied wounds (p<0.05,
throughout the experiment. Each representative macroscopic Figure 7). In addition, the trend of enhanced epithelization
data on wounds is shown in Figure 6 on the third postopera- was observed mainly in the reference and test material-
tive day, highly severe inflammation was detected in every applied groups. In the same way, both epithelizing rates of
group of wounds. In particular, hemorrhage was accompa- the test material and the reference were significantly (p<0.01 or
nied in the wounds to which sterile gauze only was applied. p<0.05) higher than that of gauze control (Figure 8). The
In addition, the control group showed a dry surface and scabs, test material and the reference displayed equivalent wound-
Figure 7. Size reduction (%) profiles of gauze control (■), refer- Figure 8. Epithelizing rate (%) profiles of gauze control (■), ref-
ence (▲), and test material (●). *; p<0.05 as compared with gauze erence (▲ ), and test material (●). *; p<0.05 as compared with gauze
control group. control group, †; p<0.01 as compared with gauze control group.
pared with reference by LSD test. dp<0.01 as compared with gauze control by MW test. ep<0.01 as compared with reference by LSD test.
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