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Be142 Genset Controller Manual

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Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.

XX - January - 2015 page 1

Genset Controller Manual Be142

OEM’s Manual V3.0.XX
The information in this document may be subject to change without prior notice.
No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or any means without the prior written
consent of Bernini Design company. Bernini Design assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in
this instruction manual or in the wiring diagrams.
Although Bernini Design has taken all possible steps to ensure that the User Manual is complete, bug free and
up-to-date, we accept that errors may occur. If you encounter problems with this instruction manual, please
contact us.

Customer Support BERNINI DESIGN SRL Italy

e-mail: bernini@bernini-design.com

mobile #1: +39 335 70 77 148 mobile #2: 0040 721 241 361

Bernini Design SRL (hereinafter "BD") warrants that Be142 shall be free from defect in material or workmanship
for a period of 3 years from the BD delivery date. BD shall, at its discretion, repair or replace the product without
charge. BD shall return the Be142 to the buyer with the Default parameters at no extra charge. The buyer shall
provide sufficient information on any alleged defects in the product, so as to enable BD to determine their cause
and existence. If the Be142 is not defective, or the product is defective for reasons other than covered by this
warranty, the buyer will be charged accordingly. This warranty shall not apply if the Be142 has not been used in
accordance with the User Manual and other operating instruction, particularly if any defects are caused by
misuse, improper repair attempts, and negligence in use or handling.
This purchase is non-refundable.

This equipment complies with EMC protection requirements

WARNING!! High voltage is present inside the Be142. To avoid electric-shock hazard, operating
personnel must not remove the protective cover. Do not disconnect the Earth connection. The Be142
can start the engine at anytime. Do not work on equipment, which is controlled by the Be142. When
servicing the engine, disconnect the battery and battery charger. We recommend that warning signs be
placed on equipment indicating the above.

!! W A R N I N G !! Relays and solenoids connected to the Be142 must be

suppressed using flywheel diodes or suppression devices as indicated in section 18.0.
In case the Vdc supply spuriously introduces spikes over 40 Vdc we recommend
placing a 2 A (fast-blow fuse) in series with the terminal #24.

Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.XX - January - 2015 page 2

Alphabetic index

Alternator Failure E04 ..... 7.02B [P.15] Measurements .................... 3.0

Alarms .............................. 4.10, 8.0 Memory clear ...................... 12.3
Alarm output control ....... 7.09, [39] Memory Events................... 4.30
Alarm inputs .................... 7.06, 8.0 Messages (Display) ............ 4.0
Automatic......................... 2.3 Manual................................. 2.2
Battery, Alarms ................ 4.10 [Er.13] Oil pressure ....................... 7.03B [P.29]
Belt break ........................ 4.10 [Er.02] Outputs (programmable) ... 7.09
Choke, control ................. Table 7.03 [P.22] Operation modes ................ 2.0
Calibration ........................ 12.0 Overload ............................. 4.10 [Er.05]
Characteristics ................. 14.0 Overload (external)............. 7.07 [20][21]
Charger Alternator ........... 11.0, 7.03 [P.26] Over Frequency .................. 4.10 [Er.01]
Clear the memory ............ 12.3 Over Voltage HI-U ............... 4.10 [HI-U]
Contactors ........................ 2.21, 18.0 Parameters ......................... 7.0
Connectors, Plugs........... 18.0 Password ............................ 6.40
Connections list .............. 21.0 Parameters reading ............ 6.30
Crank timing .................... 7.03A [P.19] Periodic test........................ 7.05 [P.41][P.42]
Current Transformer ....... 7.02B [P.18] Program, Programming ..... 6.0
Cooling down time .......... 7.03A [P.24] Pre Glow ............................. 7.03[P.22]
Defaults ............................ 6.20 Pump Set control ............... 10.0
Dimensions ...................... 20.0 Power Supply ..................... 14.0
Display ............................. 3.0 Push buttons ...................... 2.0, 2.2
Display Messages ........... 4.10, 4.20 Rest time ............................. 7.03A [P.21]
Er.0--8.. Error codes ........ 4.10 Rental Programming .......... 7.05 [P.47]
[FAIL] Memory error ........ 4.10 [FAIL] R.P.M...................................7.02B [P.16]
Engine Running ............... 11.0 Settings (Parameters) ........ 7.0
Emergency input ............. 4.10[Er.08] Serial interface ................... 22.0
Events .............................. 4.30 Single Phase operation ...... 16.30
Fail to Start ...................... 4.10[Er.11], P.34 Specifications ..................... 14.0
Fail to Stop....................... 4.10[Er.07] Software upgrade ............... 15.0
Front Panel ...................... 1.0 Figure 1 Start..................................... 2.2
Frequency ........................ 7.02A [P.11][P.12] Start Attempts .................... 7.03B [P.31]
Fuel Level......................... 7.04 [P.36 - - 38] Starting Failure ................... 4.10 [Er.11]
Generator Voltage ........... 7.02 [P.9] [P.10] Stop, Stop solenoid............ 7.03A [P.25]
Generator Frequency ...... 7.02 [P.11] [P.12] Temperature ....................... 7.03B [P.30]
Generator Failure E04 ..... 7.02B [P.15] Terminal description .......... 21.0
Glow Plugs....................... 7.03 [P.22] Test, Remote Test ............. 7.07 [10] [11]
Hi-U, Over Voltage ........... 7.02A [P.10] Test mode .......................... 2.4
Hour Counter ................... 9.0 Test timeout ....................... 16.60
Horn Programming.......... 7.05 [P.50] Transformer, Current ......... 7.02B [P.18]
Inputs (Programmable) ... 7.06, 7.07 Troubleshooting ................. 13.0
Idle Speed ........................ 16.60 Under Voltage Lo-U ............ 7.02A [P.09]
LED, LEDs ........................ 5.0 Under Frequency ................ 7.02A [P.11]
Lamp Test ........................ 5.1 Voltage measurements ...... 3.0
Lo-U, Under Voltage ........ 7.02A [P.09] Warm-Up time ..................... 7.03A [P.23]
Lock, Remote Lock E03 .. 4.10 Wiring diagram ................... 18.0
Low Battery voltage ........ 4.10,[Er.13]
Log Events.........................4.30
Mains Failure ................... 7.01A [P.01]
Mains Restore .................. 7.01B [P.02]
Maintenance timers ......... 7.05, 16.40
Mains Simulation ............. 7.07 [15]
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Be142 OEM's Manual - Contents

1.0 Introduction ...................................................... page 4
2.0 Selection of a Mode of operation ................... page 4
2.1 OFF mode ........................................................ page 5
2.2 MANUAL mode ................................................ page 5
2.3 AUTO mode ..................................................... page 6
2.4 TEST mode ...................................................... page 6
2.5 PROGRAM mode ............. .............................. page 6
2.6 CALIBRATION mode ........ .............................. page 6
2.7 TROUBLESHOOTING mode .......................... page 6
3.0 DISPLAY measurements ................................. page 6
4.0 DISPLAY messages and Log Events ............. page 8
4.10 Alarm Messages ........................................... page 8
4.20 Miscellaneous Messages ............................. page 8
4.30 Log Events / Memory Events ........................ page 9
5.0 LED indicators ................................................. page 9
5.1 Lamp and Display Test .................................. page 9
6.0 PROGRAMMING & READING parameters ..... page 9
6.10 Enter the Programming Mode ...................... page 9
6.11 Enter the password ....................................... page 9
6.12 Programming ................................................ page 10
6.13 Saving ........................................................... page 10
6.14 Exit without saving ........................................ page 10
6.20 Re-programming default settings ................. page 10
6.30 Reading the parameters ............................... page 10
6.40 Activating the password ................................ page 11
6.50 Changing the password ................................ page 11
6.60 Removing the password ............................... page 11
7.0 Programmable Parameter ............................... page 11
Table 7.01A-B Mains Failure Control................... page 12
Table 7.02A-B Generator Parameters ................ page 13
Table 7.03A-B Engine Parameters ..................... page 14
Table 7.04 Alarms Options .................................. page 15
Table 7.05 Miscellaneous ................................... page 15
Table 7.06 Programmable Inputs ........................ page 16
Table 7.07 Input Options list ................................ page 16
Table 7.08 Programmable Outputs ..................... page 16
Table 7.09 Outputs Options list ........................... page 17
Table 7.10 Oil Pressure Sensor .......................... page 17
Table 7.11 Temperature Sensor .......................... page 18
Table 7.12 Fuel Level Sensor .............................. page 18
8.0 Alarms, Warnings & Shutdowns .................... page 18
9.0 Hour Meter ........................................................ page 18
10.0 Be142; settings for Pump Set ...................... page 19
11.0 Engine Running detect ............................... page 19
12.0 Calibration and Memory Clear ..................... page 19
13.0 Troubleshooting guide ................................. page 20
14.0 General Specifications ................................. page 23
15.0 Software Upgrades & Revisions ................. page 23
16.0 Application Notes ......................................... page 24
17.0 Interfacing with remote Autostart ............... page 25
18.0 Typical application wiring ............................. page 26
19.0 Wiring recommendations ............................ page 27
20.0 Dimensions & Miscellaneous ...................... page 27
21.0 Connections description ............................. page 28

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Section 1.0 Introduction

The Be142 integrates a 3-Phase Automatic Mains Failure controller and a Generating Set controller. The Be142
provides visual indication by means of LEDs and Displays for Engine & Electrical parameters, Alarms and Status
of the contactors. It features 7 modes of operation and provides a RS485 (MODBUS-RTU) interface for remote
control & monitoring. Figure 1 presents the panel layout. Be242 is cost effective controller without RS485.

Figure 1: Front Panel layout

Alarm Display control
messages & indicators


A V Hz / R.P.M. Engine h / Prog.

F8 F9

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7

Manual Engine Contactors Mode

Control Control pushbuttons & LEDs

Section 2.0: Selection of the Mode of operation

When you apply the DC supply, the display indicates for a second, the version of the software (example 1.0.01)
and the date of production (example 22.12, that means week 22 of year 2012). The modes of operation are
selected by pushbuttons and indicated by means of green LEDs (indicators) as shown below:

Operating Modes Pusbuttons

Operating Modes
green LED green LED green LED


Pushbutton Pushbutton Pushbutton Pushbutton

Note: default programming for input #36 is ‘normally closed ‘. To inhibit the alarm [Er.08]
you are required to connect terminal #36 to ground (Emergency input).

Every time the power supply is switched on, if the BE142 was in TEST or AUTO prior to power down, the Be142
returns to the “AUTO” mode. In the other cases, the Be142 will enter the OFF mode. The following table
indicates the modes of operation.

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Mode Pushbutton Indication Section

OFF [ OFF ] All turned Off, dot on display 2.1
MANUAL [ MAN ] Green LED on the button 2.2
AUTO [AUTO] Green LED on the button 2.3
TEST [TEST] Green LED on the button 2.4
PROGRAMMING - The display shows [ProG] 6.0
CALIBRATION - The display shows [-CAL] 12.0
TROUBLESHOOTING - Various messages 13.0

2.1 OFF mode

Push the button [OFF] to enter the OFF mode. The OFF mode clears the fault alarms and allows you to read or
program parameters (section 6.0). The Display and LEDs are turned off and a dot on the display will blink slowly.
Push one of the pushbuttons on the front panel to energise the display.

2.2 MANUAL mode

Note: default programming for input #36 is ‘normally closed ‘. To inhibit the alarm [Er.08]
you are required to connect terminal #36 to ground (Emergency input).

The MANUAL mode allows manual control of the Engine and Contactors.

Manual Engine Control
Push the [MAN] pushbutton to select the MANUAL mode. Push
Engine Running
green LED
the [START] pushbutton until engine starts; the display indicates
the message [. . . .] during the starting attempts (and [! ! ! !] during
START STOP the preheat).
Pushbutton Pushbutton When the engine is running, the green LED turns on. To stop the
engine, push the [STOP] pushbutton until the [StOP] message
appears on the display. If the engine has already stopped, it is
possible to reset the STOP sequence by pressing the [STOP]

2.21 Contactors: Manual control To control the contactors follow the instructions:

Contactors Control Panel

Generator KG-closed KM-closed Mains
Presence LED indicator indicator Presence LED Select the MANUAL mode, start the engine (see
(Green) (Green) (Green) (Green) above) and wait for voltage presence.
Push the [ I ] (KG) pushbutton to close the
KG KM contactor of the Generator. To transfer the Load
to Mains, push the [I] (KM) pushbutton (the [KG]
will open). To open a Contactor, push the [O]
Pushbutton Pushbutton
pushbutton. In manual mode the CHANGEOVER
(push to close) (push to close) timer lasts one second.
[ O ]Pushbutton
(push to open)
NOTE: for heavy applications, you can
connect external pushbuttons for Start & Stop
(see Input options [27]-[28] in table 7.07)

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2.3 AUTO mode

Note: default programming for input #36 is ‘normally closed ‘. To inhibit the alarm [Er.08]
you are required to connect terminal #36 to ground (Emergency input).

Push the [AUTO] pushbutton until the green LED illuminates. The engine starts when the Be142 detects a
Mains failure (see table 7.01A). The Contactor of the MAINS (KM) opens after the BREAKER timing. After
the warm-up time, if the Voltage and Frequency are within the settings, the contactor of the Generator (KG)
will close. If the Mains restores, the KG will open. The KM will close following a programmed changeover
timing. The Engine will stop after a cooling down time (see tables 7.02 and 7.03). If the engine shuts down,
the KM closes independently of the Mains status if the [P.48] is [ON] (NFPA-110 mode), otherwise the KM
will close only if the Mains is within programmed settings. In AUTO mode, the Be142 will periodically test
the engine if the parameters [P.41] and [P.42] have been programmed. During this test, the green LED of
the AUTO mode will continue to blink. In AUTO mode, the Be142 can start and stop the engine according to
programmed inputs (see Tables 7.06 and 7.07 options [10] & [11] for example).

2.4 TEST mode

Push the [TEST] pushbutton until the green LED illuminates. The Be142 starts the engine and transfers the load
to the Generator if [P.17] is [on]. To stop the engine, select the AUTO mode (if Mains is present) or select the
OFF mode. If you push the [STOP] pushbutton when the Be142 is in AUTO or TEST, the [Er.09] will energise.
To clear the alarm, select the OFF mode (section 8.0).

2.5 PROGRAM mode

The PROGRAM mode allows parameter programming and modifications of settings. A password can be set to
protect the panel from unauthorised access (see 6.0).


The CALIBRATION mode allows calibration of all analogue measurements (see 12.0).


The TROUBLESHOOTING mode is used to diagnose system faults (see 13.0).

Section 3.0 Display measurements

The Be142 features a 4 Digit display, two pushbuttons and 5 yellow LEDs as indicated below.

Display and Menus

Frequency-Speed OIL-°C-%FUEL-Vb
Vac-Generator-Mains Display menu
Display menu
Display menu
h-count - Programming
Generator-Current Display menu
Display menu A V Hz / R.P.M. Engine h / Prog.
[ F9 ]
[ F8 ] control Display control
F8 F9 Pushbutton

4Digit Display

Use [←F8] and [F9→] to select a menu. Use [ACK-F10] (see the layout in section 1.0) to display the name of the
parameter. The OFF mode shuts down the display and turns on the dot on the right side of it. Push a button to
turn on the panel. The following table lists the functions of the display.

Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.XX - January - 2015 page 7

Display Function Display indications (*) Pushbutton(s) Menu & Led indicator
Current of the Generator [AXXX] Ampere L1 A ac Yellow
(0 up to 1000A) [-XXX] Ampere L2 [←F8] or [F9→] menu
[_XXX] Ampere L3
[A -G] [ACK-F10]
Voltage of the Generator [GXXX] Volt L1-L2 V ac Yellow
(60V up to 998V) [-XXX] Volt L2-L3 [←F8] or [F9→] menu
[_XXX] Volt L1-L3

[U -G] [ACK-F10]

Voltage of the Mains [nXXX] (V R-S)

(60 V up to 998 V). If the [-XXX] (V S-T) [←F8] or [F9→]
Mains is simulated, see [_XXX] (L R-T)
option [15] in table 7.07,
the display will show the [U -on] [ACK-F10]
message [n-on]
Generator Frequency [GXXX] Hz [←F8] or [F9→] Hz/RPM Yellow
(20Hz up to 70Hz) menu
[H - G] [ACK-F10]

Mains Frequency [nXXX] Hz [←F8] or [F9→]

(20Hz up to 70Hz)
[H - n]

Speed [XXXX] RPM [←F8] or [F9→] Hz/RPM Yellow

(600RPM up to 4000RPM) menu (blinks)
[SPd] [ACK-F10]

Battery Voltage [bXX.X] Vdc Engine Yellow

[←F8] or [F9→]
(5.5 Vdc up to 36 Vdc)

[batt] [ACK-F10]

Charger Voltage [cXX.X] Vdc [←F8] or [F9→]

(3.0 Vdc up to 36 Vdc)
[Char.] [ACK-F10]

Oil Pressure 0.0 - 20.0 Bar [PXX.X] Bar [←F8] or [F9→]

[ bar ] [ACK]

Temperature 0° - 250 °C [XXX °] °C [←F8] or [F9→]

[ °C ] [ACK]

Fuel Level % 0% - 99% [F XX] % [←F8] or [F9→]

[FUEL] [ACK-F10]
Hours-count :0 up to [XXXX] h [←F8] or [F9→] Yellow
50,000 h. Over 9999 a dot
on the right will appear [Hour] [ACK-F10] h/Prog
indicating X10. menu

(*)NOTE: X indicates a numerical digit, if the measurement is out of range, the display will indicate [- - - -]

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Section 4.0 Display messages and LOG Events

The Be142 shows alarms (table 4.10) and messages (table 4.20). The presence of alarms is indicated by the
blinking message [ ALAr.]. Push the [→F9] pushbuttons to display the alarms one by one. Push the [←F8]
pushbutton to display additional information (section 8.0).

Table 4.10: Alarm messages

Display Display
Description of the Alarm Description of the Alarm
Message Message
[Er.01] Over Frequency Shutdown (see [P.12]) [Er. 14] Low Oil Pressure Shutdown
(Pressure switch connected to input #35)
[Er.02] Engine Belt Break Shutdown (see [P.26]) [Er. 15] Temperature Switch Shutdown
(Temperature switch connected to Input #34)
[Er.03] Remote LOCK Shutdown (see 7.07 option [Hi-C] Over Current Shutdown or Warning (see
[13]) [P.13]).
[Er.04] Alternator Failure Shutdown [Hi-U] Over Voltage Shutdown (see [P.10])

[Er.05] Overload Warning (see 7.07 option [20]) [Lo-U] Under Voltage Shutdown (see [P.09])

[Er.05] Overload Shutdown (see 7.07 option [21]) [InP.1] Input 1 Shutdown / Warning (see 7.07)

[Er.06] Under Frequency Shutdown (see [P.11]) [InP.2] Input 2 Shutdown / Warning (see 7.07)

[Er.07] Fail To STOP Shutdown (see parameter [InP.3] Input 3 Shutdown / Warning (see 7.07)
P.34, section 7, table 7.04)
[Er.08] Emergency Shutdown (see parameter [InP.4] Input 4 Shutdown / Warning (see 7.07)
P.35, section 7, table 7.04)
[Er.09] Emergency Shutdown triggered by Front [-oIL] Oil pressure warning or sensor failure. Push
Panel (Stop or [0] pushbutton) [←F8] to display the value (see P29).
[Er.10] Maintenance SERVICE warning [ -°C] Water temperature warning or sensor failure.
(see parameters P44,P45 and P46) Push [←F8] to display the value (see P30).
[Er.11] Fail To START Shutdown [FUEL] Fuel level warning (High or Low) or sensor
failure. Push [←F8] to display the value.
[Er.12] Low Fuel Shutdown (If Low Fuel input, [rEnt] The rental contract is going to expire (48
terminal #33, is activated for longer than hours remaining). Push [←F8] to display the
the P.36 time. See Table 7.04A) value.
[Er. 13] Battery Voltage Warning. Push [←F8] to [FAIL] There is an internal failure or memory error in
display the value. the BE142 controller (see 12.3)

4.20 Miscellaneous messages & description

[rESt] The Be142 is counting the rest time between [ProG] The Be142 is in program mode
the starting attempts
[n-on] MAINS simulated by an input programmed with [-CAL] The Be142 is in calibration mode
option [15] (see table 7.07). [. . . .] The Be142 is cranking the engine
[''''] The Be142 is performing the pre-glow (P22) [tEst] The Be142 is in Test mode
[StoP] The Be142 is stopping the engine (P25) [----] Measurement out of range or disabled
[U-uP] Warm up time of the engine before closing the The engine is running off load for
contactor of the generator (P23). [CooL] cooling.
[ dEL] Delay time before cranking (P.19,table 7.03A)

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To have access to the LOG events follow the instructions:

- Push the [OFF] button.

- Push and hold the [STOP] button until the message [Hist.] appears on display (approx. 10 seconds).
- Release the [STOP] button.
- Using [←F8] and [F9→] you can browse the events E01 up to E100.
- Push the [STOP] button to display the code of the EVENT (see table 4.10). The message [----] indicates ‘No
Event’ in the memory.
- To quit the LOG EVENTS push the [OFF] button.

Note: to cancel the LOG EVENTS push [←F8] and [F9→] simultaneously until the display blinks (approx. 10

Section 5.0 LED indicators

5.1 Lamp and Display Testing

To test the LEDs and DISPLAY push the [OFF] pushbutton; the display turns off (OFF mode). Push and hold the
[←F8] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously. The LEDs and DISPLAYs remain energised as long as the
pushbuttons are pressed and held together.

Section 6.0 Programming and Reading Parameters

We recommend that you use the BE142 - SCADA software for programming. You can also program the
controller by using the pushbuttons on the front fascia. The 4-digits display indicates the code of a parameter
and its setting. Section 7.0 lists all parameters. To enter the Programming Mode, use the following instructions.
To use a password see sections 6.40, 6.50 and 6.60. Monitoring via TCP-IP is also allowed.

6.10 Enter the Programming Mode

1) - Provide a voltage from a battery supply of over 11.5 V. Push the [OFF-F7] pushbutton to enter the OFF
mode; the LEDs and display turn OFF (the dot on the right side of the display will start to blink)

2) - Push and hold the [F9→] and [ACK-F10] pushbuttons simultaneously for about 5 seconds, until the yellow
Led [h/Prog.] starts to blink. When the display indicates [ProG], release the buttons.

3) - If the Be142 is password protected (*), the messages [PASS] and [42.42] will appear in sequence; you are
required to follow the instructions of Table 6.11. If the Be142 is not password protected, the programmable
parameter [P.0] will be displayed and the Be142 is ready for programming (section 6.12, step-2).

(*) Note: the password consists of 2 groups of digits ranging from 0 to 99. Example: [12.34]; 12 is the 2-digit code
on the left, and 34 is the 2-digit code on the right.

TABLE 6.11: Enter the PASSWORD

1) - Push [TEST] or [AUTO] in order to choose the proper code (between 00 and 99, except 42).
2) - Push [F9→] to select the 2 digits on the right side.
3) - Push [TEST] or [AUTO] in order to choose the proper code (between 00 and 99, except 42).
4) - Push [ACK-F10] to confirm the password; if the password is ok, the Be142 will indicate [P.0] and the unit is ready
for programming. If the password is wrong, the display will indicate [4242] and you are required to insert the correct

If you lose the password, the unit must be returned for service.

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6.12 Programming

1) - Enter the Programming mode (see section 6.10).

2) - Press the [←F8] or [F9→] pushbutton to select a parameter (see the list in section 7.0).
3) - To adjust the parameter, press [START-F1] and [TEST ↑] (or [AUTO ↓]) simultaneously.
(example: [P.10] = [500]; the Overvoltage limit is set to 500 Volt. If you want to set 450, push and hold
[START-F1] and [AUTO ↓] until the display indicates 450 )
4) - To adjust additional features of the same parameter, press [STOP-F2] and [TEST ↑] (or [AUTO ↓])
simultaneously (example: [P.10] [10'']; the timing delay of Overvoltage is set to 10 seconds)
5) - Press the [←F8] or [F9→] pushbutton to select another parameter.
6) - Follow the instructions of section 6.13 or 6.14 according to your needs.

6.13 Saving

Press and hold the [ACK-F10] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously until the [SaVE] message appears
(approximately 5 seconds); the Be142 saves the settings and will enter the OFF mode. You can select the mode
of operation as indicated in section 2.0.

Note: if the memory fails, the message [FAIL] will appear. Try again to save or remove the power supply. If the
message persists, the Be142 is damaged and should be returned to Bernini Design for repair.

6.14 Exit without Saving

Press the [OFF] pushbutton to enter the OFF mode without saving the parameters. You can select a mode of
operation as indicated in section 2.0.

6.20 Re-programming Default settings

The parameters of the Be142 are programmed in factory with default settings (section 7.0). To restore them,
enter the Programming Mode (section 6.10). When the message [P.0] appears, follow the instructions:

1) - Press and hold the [←F8] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously until the display blinks twice. Select option
2A or 2B according to your needs.

2A) - Press the [OFF] pushbutton to exit the procedure without saving the parameters.

2B) - Press and hold the [ACK-F10] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously until the [SAVE] message appears
(approximately 5 seconds); the Be142 saves the settings and the display will indicate [P0]. Push the [OFF]
pushbutton in order to enter the OFF mode.

6.30 Reading the parameters

To read the parameter settings, follow the instructions:

1) - Press the [OFF] pushbutton until the LEDs and display turn off (OFF mode of operation).
2) - Push the [←F8] or [F9→] pushbutton to select a parameter (section 7.0).
3) - Push [START-F1] to display the setting of the parameter (example: [P.10] > [450]; the Overvoltage limit is
set to 450 Volt).
4) - Push [STOP-F2] to display the setting of the sub-parameter (example: [P.10] > [2'']. The timing delay of
Overvoltage is set to 2 seconds).
5) - Push the [←F8] or [F9→] pushbutton to select another parameter.
NOTE: if the pushbuttons remain inoperative for more than 5 minutes, the Be142 enters the OFF mode.

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6.40 Activating the password

1) - Enter the programming mode as indicated in section 6.10.

2) - When the display shows [P.0], push the [ACK-F10] pushbutton for about 10 seconds until the display shows
[PPPP]. When the display will indicate [4242], release the button. The two digits on the right will blink.
3) - Push [TEST] or [AUTO] in order to choose a code.
4) - Push [←F8] to select the 2 digits on the left side. Repeat step 3) in order to choose a code
5) - Press the [OFF] pushbutton if you want to exit the procedure without activating the password.
6) - Press and hold the [ACK-F10] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously until the [SAVE] message appears;
the Be142 saves the password and remains in PROGRAM mode. To exit, push the OFF pushbutton. You can
change the password at anytime as indicated in section 6.50.

6.50 Changing the password

1) - Enter the programming as indicated in section 6.10 and table 6.11. When the display indicates the
parameter [P.0], push and hold the [ACK-F10] pushbutton for about 10 seconds until the messages [PP.PP] and
[4242] appear. The two digits on the right side of the display will blink.
2) - Push [TEST] or [AUTO] in order to choose a code.
3) - Push [←F8] to select the 2 digits on the left side. Repeat step 3) in order to choose a code
4) - Press the [OFF] pushbutton if you want to exit the procedure without activating the password.
5) - Press and hold the [ACK-F10] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously until the [SAVE] message appears
(approximately 5 seconds); the Be142 saves the password and remains in PROGRAM mode. To exit, push the
OFF pushbutton.

6.60 Removing the password

1) - Enter the programming mode as indicated in section 6.10 part 3 (you are required to use the old password).
2) - When the display indicates the parameter [P.0], push and hold the [ACK-F10] pushbutton, for about 10
seconds until the display indicates in sequence [PPPP] and [4242]. The two digits on the right side will start to
blink. The code [4242] disables the use of the password. Follow step 3 of 4 according to your needs.
3) - Press the [OFF] pushbutton if you no longer want to remove the password (exits the procedure).
4) - Press and hold the [ACK-F10] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously until the [SAVE] message appears
(approximately 5 seconds); the Be142 saves the code [4242] that disables the password. The Be142 remains in
PROGRAM mode. To exit, push the OFF pushbutton.

Section 7.0 Programmable Parameters

The programmable parameters are divided into classes as indicated below.

7.01 - A, B - Mains Failure Control 7.07 - Input Options List
7.02 - A, B - Generator Parameters 7.08 - Programmable Outputs
7.03 - A, B - Engine Parameters 7.09 - Output Options table
7.04 - Alarms Options 7.10 - Oil Pressure Sensor
7.05 - Miscellaneous 7.11 - Temperature Sensor
7.06 - Programmable Inputs 7.12 - Fuel level Sensor

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Table 7.01A - Mains Failure Control Note: [ xx " ] = seconds, [ xx ' ] = minutes, [xxh ] = hours

Parameter Code & Description Default Min Max

P.0 Mains Contactor control (KM). If the Mains Failure persists for more than [P.0] [ 5’’] 0 59 mins
(seconds or minutes), the Mains contactor will open and the [P.1] timer will start to
count. The Mains contactor will close only after the [P.2] timing.

P.1 Mains Failure time. After the [P.0] timing (see above), the engine will start if the [ 5’’] 0 23 h
Mains Failure persists for the [P.1] time.

P.2 Mains Restore time. The Be142 transfers the Load to the Mains once the MAINS [ 5’’] 0 23 h
is stable for at least [P.2] (seconds, minutes or hours). During [P.2], the engine will
continue to run ON-LOAD. After [P.2], the [P.24] timer will take place to run the engine
OFF-LOAD (the contactor of the generator will open).

Table 7.01B - Mains Failure Control Note: [ xx " ] = seconds, [ xx ' ] = minutes, [ oFF ] = disabled

Parameter Code & Description Default Min Max Options

P.3 Contactors changeover. This timing introduces a delay [ 2’’] 0.1secs 15.0secs -
between the switching of the contactors.

P.4 Under voltage limit. If the Phase-to-Phase voltage falls [320] 60V 998V
under this limit, the [P.0] timer will energise. [oFF]

P.5 Over voltage limit. If the Phase-to-Phase voltage rises [500] 60V 998V [oFF]
above the limit, the [P.0] timer will energise.
P.6 Under Hz limit. If the Phase-to-Phase frequency falls [47.0] 20.0Hz 70.0Hz
under the limit, the [P.0] timer will energise. [oFF]

P.7 Over Hz limit. If the Phase-to-Phase frequency rises [53.0] 20.0Hz 70.0Hz
above the limit, the [P.0] timer will energise. [oFF]

P.8 Phase Selection. It allows 3-Phase or Single Phase control [0] 0 3 -

The following options are available:
[0] 3 Phase V Mains & 3 Phase V/C Generator (*)
[1] 3 Phase V Mains & 1 Phase V/C Generator
[2] 1 Phase V Mains & 3 Phase V/C Generator
[3] 1 Phase V Mains & 1 Phase V/C Generator
See section 16.30 for details and connections.
(*) V/C means Voltages and Currents

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Table 7.02A - GENERATOR PARAMETERS Note: [ xx " ] = seconds, [ xx ' ] = minutes, [ oFF ] = disabled

Parameter Code & Description Mode (°) Default Min Max Options

P.9 Under voltage (AUTO & TEST mode) 1 [320] 60 V 998 V [oFF]

Under voltage delay [ 6" ] 1 sec 15 secs -

P.10 Over voltage 2 [500] 60 V 998 V [oFF]

Over voltage delay [ 2" ] 1 sec 15 secs -

P.11 Under Hz (AUTO & TEST mode) 1 [47.0] 20.0 Hz 70.0 Hz [oFF]

Under Hz delay [ 6'' ] 1 sec 15 secs -

P.12 Over Hz 2 [53.0] 20.0 Hz 70.0 Hz [oFF]

Over Hz delay [ 1" ] 1 sec 15 secs -

P.13 Current limit Warning 3 [oFF] 10 A 999 A [oFF]

(*) Current delay Warning [ 1" ] 1 sec 15 mins -

P.14 Over current shut down 1 [oFF] 10 A 999 A [oFF]

Over current shut down delay [ 1" ] 1 sec 15 mins -

(°) Mode1: The engine shuts down after a cooling down time ([P.24]). (°) Mode2: The engine shuts down without a cooling down time.
(°) Mode3: The Be142 provides a warning if the parameters rise above the setting for the specified timing.
(*) The setting is allowed in step of 5 Amps by using the pushbutton on Be142 or in step of 1Amp by using programming by Computer.

Table 7.02B - GENERATOR PARAMETERS Note: [ oFF ] = disabled, [ on ] = enabled

Parameter Code & Description Default Min Max Options

P.15 Alternator failure options. The alarm [E04] energises if the [oFF] - - [on]
voltage (or the frequency) is lower than the setting of P.9 (or [oFF]
P11) for more than 150 seconds.

P.16 Alternator number of Poles. Options [2] or [4] allow you to [4] 2 4 -
display the engine speed.

P.17 Generator Contactor Control. The option [off] inhibits Load [oFF] - - [on]
transfer to the generator in TEST mode (or remote TEST) [oFF]
when MAINS is present.

P.18 CT size (/5Aac). [500] 50 A 1000 A -

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Table 7.03A - ENGINE PARAMETERS Note: [ xx " ] = seconds, [ xx ' ] = minutes, [ oFF ] = disabled

Parameter Code & Description Default Min Max Options

P.19 Crank delay (it delays the cranking) [ 2" ] 0 15 secs -

P.20 Crank time (maximum cranking time if the [ 5" ] 1 sec 15 secs -
engine fails to start during the attempt)

P.21 Rest time (pause of time between starting [ 5" ] 3 secs 15 secs -

P.22 Pre-glow time (see ‘Modes’ for the mode of [ oFF ] 1 sec 59 mins [ oFF ]

Modes (see the figure below) [ 1] - - 1-2-3-4

Starting Motor Total rest timing

[ P.20 ]
Pre-glow mode 1 [ P.22 ]
[ P.22 ]
Pre-glow mode 2
[ P.21 ]
Pre-glow mode 3

Pre-glow mode 4 (Choke) [ P.22 ]

Crank termination (engine running detect) [ P.26]..27]..28 ]

P.23 Engine Warm up time [ 15" ] 0 59 mins -

P.24 Engine Cooling time [ 15" ] 0 59 mins -

P.25 Stop Solenoid timing (Energized to stop) [ 15" ] 1 sec 59 mins -

P.26 Crank termination setting (Charger Alternator) [ 8.0 ] 3.0 V 30.0 V [oFF]

Belt break setting (Charger Alternator) [ 8.0 ] 3.0 V 30.0 V [oFF]

P.27 Crank termination setting (Generator Voltage) [ 70 ] 60 V 998 V [oFF]

P.28 Crank termination (Generator Frequency) [25.0] 20.0 Hz 70.0 Hz [oFF]

Table 7.03B - ENGINE PARAMETERS Note: [ xx " ] = seconds, [ xx ' ] = minutes, [ oFF ] = disabled

Parameter Code & Description Default Min Max Options

P.29 Low Oil pressure warning [oFF] 0.1 Bar 20.0 Bar [oFF]

P.30 High engine temperature warning [oFF] 40° C 250° C [oFF]

P.31 Crank attempts (numbers) [3] 3 15 -

P.32 Purge timing (for Gas fuelled engine) [ 1" ] 1 sec 15 secs -

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Table 7.04 - ALARM OPTIONS Note: [ xx " ] = seconds, [ xx ' ] = minutes, [ oFF ] = disabled

Parameter Code & Description Default Min Max Options

P.33 Alarm bypass (for Oil, Temperature, Auxiliary1- [ 5" ] 2 secs 90 secs -
2-3-4 alarms)

P.34 Fail to stop alarm control (oFF = inhibited, [oFF] - - [oFF]/ [on]
on = enabled)

P.35 Emergency contact type (Input #36). It [n.c.] [n.o. / n.c.]

generates the alarm [Er.08]. - -

P.36 No fuel bypass timeout (it starts to count when [ 5' ] 15 secs 99 mins
you activate the Low Fuel Input, terminal #33. It
shuts down the engine after timeout) [oFF]

P.37 Low fuel % limit (WARNING ONLY) [oFF] 1% 99% [oFF]

P.38 High fuel % limit (WARNING ONLY) [oFF] 1% 99% [oFF]

P.39 Engine Temperature Switch type (input # 34) [n.o.] - - [n.o. / n.c.]

Table 7.05 - MISCELLANEOUS Note: [ xx " ] = seconds, [ xx ' ] = minutes, [ oFF ] = disabled

Parameter Code & Description Default Min Max Options

P.40 EJP time [ 5" ] 1 sec 99 mins -

P.41 Periodic Test interval (see 16.10) [oFF] 2 hours 9999 h [oFF]

P.42 Periodic Test duration (see 16.10) [ 5' ] 1 min 99 mins -

P.43 Test timeout ([OFF]= no timeout). It [ 5' ] 1 min 99 mins [oFF]

limits the running time in case of
TEST initiated by a MODBUS
command. Idle speed control (see
application note in section16.60)

P.44 Maintenance SERVICE 1 / 2 / 3 [oFF] 1h 9999 h [oFF]

(for the use, see section 16.40)
The alarm generated by these
P.46 parameters only provides a warning.

P.47 Rental Contract Setting (see section [oFF]

1h 9999 h [oFF]
P.48 NFPA - 110 Level 1&2 [on] - - [on]/[oFF]

P.49 RS485 Node Address [ 1 ] 1 127 -

P.50 Horn timeout (see section 8.0) [ 5" ] 5secs 15 mins [oFF]

P.51 Hour Counter set (over 9999, a dot [ 0]

will appear to indicate a value
multiplied by10. Example 3250. will
indicate 32500 hours. In this case the
resolution is 10 hours). 0h 50.000 [oFF]

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Table 7.06 - Programmable inputs (see options list in table 7.07)

Parameter Options Default Parameter Options Default

Option [0] - - - [28] [2] Option [0] - - - [28] [10]

available available
[InP.1] [InP.3]
(terminal Contact [n.o.][n.c.] [n.o.] (terminal Contact type [n.o.][n.c.] [n.o.]
32) type 30)

Option [0] - - - [28] [13] Option [0] - - - [28] [15]

available available
[InP.2] [InP.4]
(terminal Contac_t [n.o.][n.c.] [n.o.] (terminal Contact type [n.o. ][n.c.] [n.o.]
31) type 29)

Table 7.07 - Input Options List

Option Option
[0] Off: disables the input [ 14 ] Generator simulation ON
[1] Immediate Stop [ 15 ] Mains Simulated ON
[2] Bypass and Stop [ 16 ] Front panel LEDs test
[3] Cooling and Stop [ 17 ] Horn silence
[4] Bypass+Cooling and Stop [ 18 ] Display Right Pushbutton
[5] Warning only (^) [ 19 ] Display Left Pushbutton
[6] Bypass and Warning [ 20 ] Overload Input Warning
[7] Remote Manual Mode (^^) [ 21 ] Overload Input Shutdown
[8] Remote Auto Mode (^^) [ 22 ] KG Forced closed
[9] Remote Off Mode (^^) [ 23 ] KM Forced closed
[ 10 ] Remote Engine Test [ 24 ] KG LED Feedback
[ 11 ] Remote Generator Test [ 25 ] KM LED Feedback
[ 12 ] Ejp function [ 26 ] Idle Engine
[ 13 ] Remote LOCK [ 27 ] Manual START pushbutton
[ 28 ] Manual STOP pushbutton

(^) The Be142 detects the alarm if the engine is running

(^^) We recommend the use of an AUTO-OFF-MAN switch

7.08 - Programmable Outputs

Parameter Code & description Default Parameter Code & description Default Options

[Out.1] Output 1 (terminal 6) [ 39 ] [Out.3] Output 3 (terminal 4) [ 54 ] see 7.09

[Out.2] Output 2 (terminal 5) [ 28 ] [Out.4] Output 4 (terminal 3) [ 57 ] see 7.09

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Table 7.09 - Output Options Table

Option & description Option & description
[ 0 ] Output is disabled [32] Alarm from Input 2: Shutdown/Warning
[ 1 ] Under Frequency Shutdown [33] Alarm from Input 3: Shutdown/Warning
[ 2 ] Over Frequency Shutdown [34] Alarm from Input 4: Shutdown/Warning
[ 3 ] Over Current Shutdown [35] Cumulative Oil Alarms
[ 4 ] Over Current Warning [36] Cumulative Temperature Alarms
[ 5 ] Overload Warning or Shutdown (^^^) [37] Cumulative Alternator Alarms
[ 6 ] Over Voltage Shutdown [38] Common Fuel Alarms
[ 7 ] Under Voltage Shutdown [39] HORN
[ 8 ] Alternator Failure Shutdown [40] Crank Delay (Start Warning)
[ 9 ] Low Oil Pressure Warning [41] Presence of Nominal Mains Parameters
[10] Low Oil Pressure Shutdown [42] Mains Failure Timing
[11] Oil Sender Failure Warning [43] Mains Restore Timing
[12] High Temperature Warning [44] KG Status
[13] Temperature Switch Shutdown [45] KM Status
[14] Temperature Sender Failure Warning [46] Pre-glow MODE 1/2/3/4
[15] Low Battery Voltage Warning [47] PURGE (gas engine valve control)
[16] High Battery Voltage Warning [48] RENT<48h
[17] Low Fuel Shutdown (switch) [49] RENT=0h (Expired)
[18] Fuel Low Warning (sensor) [50] Engine Running Status
[19] Fuel Reserve Warning (switch) [51] Presence of Nominal Generator Voltage
[20] Fuel high Warning (sensor) [52] Be142 in OFF MODE (Status)
[21] Fuel Sender Failure Warning [53] Be142 in MANUAL MODE (Status)
[22] Emergency Stop Shutdown (Er08) [54] Be142 in AUTO MODE (Status)
[23] Stop Pushbutton Used in AUTO (Er09) [55] Be142 in TEST MODE (Status)
[24] Maintenance SERVICE 1 (Er10) [56] Be142 in LOCK MODE (Status)
[25] Maintenance SERVICE 2 (Er10) [57] Be142 runs the Automatic Periodic Test
[26] Maintenance SERVICE 3 (Er10) [58] Cooling Timing
[27] Engine Belt Break Shutdown [59] Warm up Timing
[28] Fail To START Shutdown [60] Cycling mode (Logical OR of engine running
and stop solenoid)
[29] Fail To STOP Shutdown [61] Start Pilot repeat output (it repeats the crank
output terminal #9)
[30] Idle Speed (see section 16.60) - --
[31] Alarm from Input 1: Shutdown/Warning - --

(^^^) If an input is configured with option [20] or [21] (see table 7.07)

Table 7.10 - Oil Pressure Sensor Settings

Display Parameter Default
[Pr.1] Pressure [ 0.0] Bar 0 up to 20 Bar
[-r1-] Resistance [ 10] Ohm 0 up to 2000
[Pr.2] Pressure [ 2.0] Bar Ohm
[-r2-] Resistance [ 51] Ohm
[Pr.3] Pressure [ 4.0] Bar
[-r3-] Resistance [ 86] Ohm
[Pr.4] Pressure [ 6.0] Bar
[-r4-] Resistance [ 122] Ohm
[Pr.5] Pressure [ 8.0] Bar
[-r5-] Resistance [ 152] Ohm
[Pr.6] Pressure [ 10.0] Bar
[-r6-] Resistance [ 180] Ohm

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7.11 - Temperature Sensor

7.12 - Fuel Level Sensor
Display Default Display Parameter Default
Parameter Range Range
[°C1] Temperature [ 128] 0 °C up to [FUE1] Fuel Level [ 0] 0% up to
[-r1-] Resistance [ 19 ] 250 °C [-r1-] Resistance [ 10] 99%
[°C 2] Temperature [ 115] 0 Ohm up [FUE2] Fuel Level [ 20] 0 Ohm
[-r2-] Resistance [ 26] to 2000 [-r2-] Resistance [ 50] up to
[°C 3] Temperature [ 90] Ohm [FUE3] Fuel Level [ 50] 2000
[-r3- ] Resistance [ 46] [-r3-] Resistance [ 100] Ohm
[°C 4] Temperature [ 80] [FUE4] Fuel Level [ 80]
[-r4- ] Resistance [ 67] [-r4-] Resistance [ 150]
[°C 5] Temperature [ 70] [FUE5] Fuel Level [ 90]
[-r5- ] Resistance [ 95] [-r5-] Resistance [ 200]
[°C 6] Temperature [ 40] [FUE6] Fuel Level [ 99]
[-r6- ] Resistance [ 287] [-r6-] Resistance [ 250]

Section 8.0 - Alarms, Warnings and Shutdowns

The Be142 features Shutdowns (the engine stops) and Warnings (the engine will continue to run) and provides:
A) - a general indication of alarm presence by means of the message [ALAr.] on the display
B) - 4 configurable outputs for specific alarm indication with more than 40 options (see 7.08 and 7.09)
C) - symbols on the front panel to indicate the most important alarms
D) - display messages indicating warnings and shutdowns (see Table 4.1)
E) - a pushbutton to silence the Horn ([ACK-F10])
Terminal #6 is pre-configured for HORN output (Option 39). A relay and a HORN should be externally provided.
To silence the HORN, push the [ACK-F10] pushbutton or wait for the [P.50] to expire (see section 7.05). If the
[P.50] is set to [OFF], the only way to silence the Horn is by means of the [ACK-F10] pushbutton.
To browse the alarm memory push the [→F9] pushbutton. To display alarm details, push the [←F8] pushbutton.
To clear the alarm from the panel, remove the cause of the alarm and then press the [OFF] pushbutton. Table
4.10 in the section 4.0 indicates all alarms.

Section 9.0 Hour Meter

To clear or pre-load the counter, use the following instructions:

1) - Enter the programming mode as indicated in sections 6.10 & 6.20
2) - Select the parameter [P.51] by means of the [←F8] or [F9→] pushbutton.
3) - Press the [START-F1] and [TEST ↑] to set a value. If you set [0], you will cancel the [h-counter]. If you set a
value between 1 and 50000, you will pre-set the counter. Follow steps 4A) or 4B) according to your needs.
4A) - Press and hold the [ACK-F10] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously until the [SaVE] message appears
(for about 5 seconds); the Be142 saves the hour counter in the memory and will enter the OFF mode.
4B) - Press the [OFF] pushbutton to exit the procedure without modifying the counter.

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Section 10.0 B42 for PUMP SETS

If you use the Be142 to control a PUMP SET, we recommend the use of the following settings:

Parameter Table 10.0: Recommended settings setup

[P.15] [oFF] (This disables the 'alternator failure alarm')

[Inp.4] [ 15 ] (This selects the Mains Simulation input mode). Connect a switch (or level switch) to
terminal #29 in order to control the set by remote
[P.41] [oFF] (This disables the Periodic Test interval)
[P.0] [ 0 ] (This disables the Breaker delay time)
[P.1] According to your needs; the engine will start after a delay
[P.2] According to your needs; the engine will stop after a delay

Section 11.0 Engine Running Detect (Charger Alternator)

The Be142 inhibits the starter motor when the engine starts running. When the engine is not running, voltage in
terminal D+/WL of the charger alternator (input #22) is 0 V. As soon as the Be142 starts the engine, a voltage
appears in the D+/WL terminal (0.8 to 2.5 V). When the engine starts running, the voltage of the D+/WL terminal
increases by up to 3 V - 6 V. When the engine runs, the voltage reaches 14 V (28 V) needed to charge the
battery. The safest point to disconnect the starter motor is between 6 V to 10 V. The default parameter of [P.26]
is 8.0 V. This value is recommended for engines using 12 V batteries. For 24 V batteries, we recommend that
you set the threshold to 16 V.
For safe calibration, be sure that the green ‘ENGINE RUNNING’ LED on the front panel is off during all of the
starting attempts. The Charger Alternator voltage can be displayed in the 'Engine menu' as indicated in the
section 3.0. For Flywheel chargers, the reading is not accurate. The [P.26] setting, in this case, expresses only a
proportional factor.
The Be142 also uses the output of the Generator in order to disconnect the crank motor. Parameters [P.27] and
[P.28] set the crank termination. These parameters do not affect the status of the green ‘ENGINE RUNNING’
LED. The insertion of switches or breakers in series to terminals #13 and #14 is not recommended.


Normally, using a diesel engine, we recommend enabling the BELT BREAK protection. This is accomplished by
programming a voltage setting in the [P.26] sub-menu. To test the efficiency of this protection, disconnect
terminal D+ from the charger alternator and connect to ground the #22 terminal. This protection is delayed by 15

Section 12.0 - Calibration and Memory Reset

12.1 - Enter the calibration mode To enter the calibration mode follow the instructions.

1) - Make sure the Battery voltage is over 12.0 Vdc and select the MAN mode. Start the engine if you need to
calibrate a parameter of the generator or,
2) - Push and hold the [F9→] and [ACK-F10] pushbuttons simultaneously, for about 5 seconds, until the yellow
LED [h/Prog.] starts to blink and display indicates [-CAL]; release the buttons.
3) - If the Be142 programming is password protected, the message [42.42] will appear; follow the instructions in
table 6.11. If the Be142 is not password protected, the parameter [n1.n2] will appear on the display and you can
proceed as indicated in section 12.2.

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12.2 - Calibrating a measurement (Note: to exit the procedure push the [OFF] pushbutton at anytime)

1) - Press the [←F8] or [F9→] pushbutton to select a 'Parameter name' (see Table 12.2).
2) - Press the [ACK-F10] pushbutton to display the reading of the measurement (example 395 V).
3) - Press the [TEST ↑] (or [AUTO ↓]) to adjust the reading according to an external reference (example 400 V).
4) - When finished, push the [ACK-F10] again to display the 'Parameter name'. Select another 'Parameter
name' to calibrate by pushing the [←F8] or [F9→] pushbutton. When finished, you have 3 options: 5A, 5B or 5C.
5 A ) - Exit the procedure without saving by pushing the [OFF] pushbutton.
5 B ) - Restore the factory default calibration: press and hold the [←F8] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously
until the display blinks twice. You are required to save the setting as indicated in step 5C).
5 C ) - Save the calibration: push and hold the [ACK] and [F9→] pushbuttons simultaneously until the [SAVE]
message appears (approximately 5 seconds); the Be142 saves the calibrations and remains in Manual mode.

Table 12-2, List of the Measurements

'Parameter' Description Unit Recommended Calibration Range

[n1.n2] Mains Voltage phase R-S Volt 300 up to 400 Vac
[n2.n3] Mains Voltage phase S-T
[n1.n3] Mains Voltage phase T-R
[FrEq] Frequency (Mains/Generator) Hz. 45 up to 55 Hz
[L1.L2] Generator Voltage L1.L2 Volt 300 up to 400 Vac
[L2.L3] Generator Voltage L2.L3
[L1.L3] Generator Voltage L3.L1
[C 1] Generator Current L1 Amp 4 up to 5 Aac (C.T. output)
[C 2] Generator Current L2
[C 3] Generator Current L3
[bAtt] Battery voltage Vdc Voltage of the battery
[bAr] (°) Oil Pressure Bar 2 Bar up to 4 Bar
[°C] (°) Engine Temperature °C 80 °C up to 100 °C
[FUEL] (°) Fuel Level % 80% - 90%

(°)Note: in order to obtain a reading on display you are required to set a value in P29, P30 and P38

12.3 - To clear the Memory

- Remove the supply. Push and hold the [I-F3] & [I-F5] pushbuttons simultaneously and apply the Vdc supply.
- As soon as the message AUTO-TEST appears, release the pushbuttons; the display will indicate [ F1].
- Push [F1] and then push, one by one, all pushbuttons indicated by the message on display.
- After pushing the last pushbutton ([AUTO]), the message [-EPP] will appear; wait a few seconds.
- The memory, now, is erased. The Be142 will use the factory-programmed parameters (defaults).
- Remove the supply and re-program the controller according to your need. We always recommend that you
program a password in order to limit the access (see section 6.40).

Section 13.0 Troubleshooting Guide

The Basic Troubleshooting Guide is intended to provide you with a guide to problems that you may experience
with the Be142. We recommend that you disconnect the unit from the panel and set up the troubleshooting
application circuit as indicated in section 13.1. This procedure should only be carried out by qualified personnel.

To exit the Troubleshooting, remove the Vdc supply at anytime

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! W A R N I N G ! High voltage is present inside this instrument. To avoid electric-shock hazard,

operating personnel must not remove the protective cover. Do not disconnect the Earth connection. Any
interruption of the grounding connection can create an electric shock hazard. Before making external
connections, always ground the B42 first by connecting the control panel to ground.

Section13.1 - Be142 Troubleshooting circuit


3 x Resistor 1%
Switches (100-1000Ohm) 12-24V
Not connected

40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21


















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Not connected Not connected


Follow the instructions:

A) - Remove the battery power supply; disconnect all connectors

B) - Push and hold the [ACK-F10] pushbutton, apply the Vdc power supply; all LEDs and Display turn on.
C) - Release the button when you have verified all indicators; the LEDs will turn off and the message [- - - -] will
be displayed.

NOTE - At this stage of the TEST, if the display indicates one of the codes contained in Table13.1 or 13.2,
the Be142 is damaged and should be returned to Bernini Design.

To exit the Troubleshooting, remove the Vdc supply at anytime

13.1 Testing the Pushbuttons

A) - Push the pushbuttons on the front panel one by one. The display will show a message according to Table
13.1. As soon as you release all buttons, the message [- - - -] will be displayed.

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Table 13.1: Pushbuttons true table

Pushbutton Display Pushbutton Display

Code Code
[START-F1] [ F1 ] [OFF-F7 ] [ F7 ]
[STOP-F2] [ F2 ] [AUTO↓] [auto]
[ I-F3 ] [ F3 ] [TEST↑] [tESt]
[ O-F4 ] [ F4 ] [←F8] [ F8 ]
[ I-F5 ] [ F5 ] [F9→] [ F9 ]
[ MAN-F6 ] [ F6 ] [ACK-F10] [ F10]

13.2 Testing the Inputs

Push and hold the [ACK-F10] button until the message [-in-] appears. Connect, one by one, inputs #29 to #36 to
the battery minus. For each input, a code will be displayed according to Table 13.2. If more than one input is
connected together (or some of them in short circuit), the display indicates the messages in sequence.

Table 13.2
Terminal number Display Terminal number Display
(function) Code (function) Code
#29 (Input 4) [ inP 4] #33 (Low fuel) [ FUEL]
#30 (Input 3) [ inP 3] #34 (Temperature) [ tEMP]
#31 (Input 2) [ inP 2] #35 (Oil pressure) [ oiL]
#32 (Input 1) [ inP 1] #36 (Emergency) [ EMEr]

13.3 Testing the Outputs

A) - Push the [ACK-F10] pushbutton, for about 10 seconds, until the message [-out] appears.
B) - Plug the output connector (terminal #1 - #10), as indicated in the section 13.1. At this stage, if a lamp turns
on, the Be142 is damaged and should be returned for service.
C) - Push a button on the front panel. According to Table 13.3, the display should indicate the proper message
and the lamp turns on. If a lamp fails to turn on, the Be142 is damaged and should be returned for service.

Table 13.3: Outputs true table

Pushbutton Display Terminal Pushbutton Display Terminal

Code Output Code Output
[START-F1] [KG] #1 [OFF-F7] [FUEL] #7
[STOP-F2] [KM] #2 [DISPLAY-F8] [StoP] #8
[I-F3] [out 4] #3 [DISPLAY-F9] [StAr] #9
[O-F4] [out 3] #4 [AUTO]
[I-F5] [out 2] #5 [TEST] none
[MAN-F6] [out 1] #6 [ACK-F10]

To exit the Troubleshooting, remove the Vdc supply at anytime

Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.XX - January - 2015 page 23
13.4 Testing the senders and analog inputs

A) - Push the [ACK-F10] pushbutton, for about 10 seconds, until the message [SEnS] appears. If the display
indicates the message [Gnd] you are requested to connect the ground compensation input terminal #25.
B) - Apply 3 resistors of known value (+/- 1%) in a range 100 Ohm up to 1000 Ohm as indicated in section 13.1.
C) - Push the pushbuttons according to the Table 13.4. You should read the value in OHM on the display. The
display indicates the reading as long as you push and hold the button. If the value indicated by the display is
more than 3% (or less than 3%), the Be142 is damaged and should be returned for service.

Table 13.4: Senders and Analog inputs true table

Pushbutton Display Terminal Function Recommended

Code (°) number range
[I-F5] [XXXX] # 26 Fuel Level Sensor 100-1000 Ohm
[O-F4] [XXXX] # 27 Temperature Sensor 100-1000 Ohm
[I-F3] [XXXX] # 28 Oil Pressure Sensor 100-1000 Ohm
[MAN] [cXX.X] #21-22 Voltage of the charger Alternator (*) 10-24 VDC
[OFF] [bXX.X] #23-24 Voltage of the Battery 10-24 VDC
(°)Note. [XXXX] indicates a 4-digit number. (*) You are requested to connect terminals 21(Gnd) &22 (Plus battery)

Section 14.0 General Specifications

Supply Voltage [***]: 4.5 Vdc to 36 Vdc. Protection: internal 300 mA thermal fuse. Supply Current: 50 mA up to 150 mA
(a 2 A fasf-blow fuse must be provided in series to the power supply terminal #24). Measurement Precision Vdc: 1%

Dimensions: 224 mm X 105 mm X 68 mm, Panel Cut-out: 190 mm X 93 mm, indoor operation
Operating Temperature range: -30 deg C up to +70 deg C. Humidity Range: 5% up to 95% non-condensing.
Weight: 500 gr., Vibration: 40 mm/sec

General Design: 89/336 EEC, 89/392 EEC, 73/23 EEC, 93/68 EEC, IEC 68-2-6 Certification: CE

Static Output Characteristics:

Output Current: 300 mA / 100 Vdc (internal AUTO-reset 700 mA Fuse is provided). Logic: negative.

Mains and Generator Voltage Inputs: Nominal Voltage: 80 Vac up to 600 Vac (permanent & continously Ph-Ph)
Over voltage: 4 KVac for one second. Measurement precision: +/- 2% [**]. Input impedance: 2 Mega Ohm

Mains and Generator Frequency Measurements: 30-99Hz, Resolution 0,1Hz, Precision/Accuracy 0,2% /0.2%.

Current Transformer Inputs (3-Phases): 10 / 5 Aac up to 1000 / 5 Aac. Maximum Over Current: 8 Aac for 30 seconds.
Measurement precision: +/- 2% [**]. Internal resistance: 0.05 Ohm

Digital /Analog Inputs: Open circuit voltage: 10 /22 Vdc (12 V /24V supply). - Closed circuit current: 15 mAdc max.
Sensors (Analog Inputs): 0-2000 OHM precision +/-2% .(BAR/FUEL%TEMPERATURE reading precision 2%)

Charger Alternator Monitoring: Operating 3-36 Vdc. Vdc reading accuracy +/- 2%. Excitation Power: max 3 W

Hour Run Counter & Timers: internal Quartz Crystal oscillator 4.91Mhz. Resolution 1 second; precision 0,25%

[*] NOTE: the sum of the total output current (# 1- # 10) may not exceed 2 A at 70°C
[**] NOTE: errors can be reduced by using the calibration mode (section 12.0)
[***] NOTE: operations with memory (storing parameters, hours, etc) are allowed only if the Vdc is over 11.5V.

Section 15.0 Software Upgrades & Revisions

Firmware Date Description
1.0.01 December 2012 First release

Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.XX - January - 2015 page 24
Section 16.0 Application Notes
16.10 - Programming of the Automatic Periodic Test (example: 20 minutes every 7 days)

A) - Enter the 'Program Mode' and set [P.41] to [168] hours (168 hours=7days).
B) - Set [P.42] to [ 20'] and save the programming
C) - Select the AUTO mode
D) - Disconnect the battery and wait for the desired start time (using an external clock reference).
E) - Connect the battery and select the 'AUTO' mode.
The Be142 will start the engine after the programmed hours. The engine will run OFF-LOAD for 20 minutes. If
the Mains fails during the automatic periodic test, the Be142 will transfer the load to the generator.

16.11 - Automatic Periodic Test Accuracy

The Be142 does not use an internal real time clock for the programmed hours ([P.41] setting, table 7.05). The
user could experiment with shifting the periodic tests (about some minutes a month). To avoid error
accumulation, we recommend the following procedures (D) and (E) as indicated in section 16.10.

IMPORTANT NOTICE If the Vdc voltage supply is removed, the Be142 loses count of the days. When the
supply restores, the Be142 starts to count the A.P.T. from zero. To synchronize the periodic start follow the
above instructions (D) & (E).

16.20 - Interfacing an Autostart with Be142 A.T.S Controller

To use the Be142 as an A.T.S. controller, follow the wiring diagram of the section 17.0. If the engine running
output from the AUTOSTART is not available, program the [P.26] to [oFF]. We recommend that you program the
[P.31] to [15] (number of attempts) in order to provide proper time for AUTOSTART to start the engine.

16.30 - Single Phase operation

Program the parameter [P.8] with the proper option as indicated in section 7.01B. Connect the Mains to
terminals ‘R’ (Phase) and ‘S’ (Neutral). Connect the Generator to terminals ‘L1’ (Phase) and ‘L2’ (Neutral).
Connect the current transformer to terminals ‘COM’ and ‘CT1’. Do not forget to set P4, P5, P9 and P10
(Over/Under Voltage settings) according to your needs.

16.40 - Maintenance & Rental Timers

Once a timer expires, the Be142 indicates the [Er.10] on display. To clear the alarm(s), enter the manual mode,
push and hold the [ACK-F10] button for at least 20 seconds. You are allowed to modify the programmed
Maintenance timer at anytime. Programmable timers are described in section 7, table 7.05A-B (P44, P45 and
P46). To restart the Rental Timer, you are required to enter in programming and exit the programming (we
recommend that you limit the access to the programming by using a password).

16.50 - Panel & Gen-set Builders Notes:



16.60 – Idle Speed operation

Program an output with option [30] and program the time you need into [P.43]. The output will energize at the
beginning of a start attempt. The output will remain active for all time programmed into [P43 ]. The output will be
de-energized after timeout or in case you stop the engine. You can use the output with option [30] to energize a
relay that controls the IDLE SPEED function. During the IDLE SPEED timing, the alarm ALTERNATOR
FAILURE [Er.04] will be ignored. Please note that [P.43] is used also as TIMEOUT protection in case MODBUS
communication fails after sending a start command (e.g. Engine Test or Genset Test). This will prevent Be142
holding engine running for long time: being MODBUS communication out of service you will not be able to stop
the engine. After starting the engine by MODBUS, if communication fails, you are sure that BE142 will stop the

Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.XX - January - 2015 page 25
Section 17.0 - Automatic Transfer Switch (A.T.S.) controller wiring diagram



Be142 Rear View

40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21







36Vdc 60Vdc











600Vac 600Vac
Max. Max.

C.T. 1
C.T. 2
C.T. 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L L L T S R
3 2 1




K-ALARM Mechanical
N interlock N


A B C L1 L2 L3


A B C L1 L2 L3
Autostart Terminal Block Power ac Terminal Block
(**) Relays connected to the Be142 must be
GENERATING SET suppressed using flywell diodes
(*) Shielding required over 25 meters

Genset Remote Start Input

Battery Minus B (Negative logic=Start) L1 Generator Phase L1

Engine Running Output

Battery Plus (6-33Vdc) C (Positive logic=Running) L2 Generator Phase L2

Genset Alarm Output

A (Positive logic=Alarm) N Generator Neutral L3 Generator Phase L3

Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.XX - January - 2015 page 26

18.0 Typical application wiring

NOTE: a minimum of 4 KVac insulation is recommended for the relays KGC and KMC, A fuse of 2 A (fast-blow) in series with
terminal #24 is recommended to protect against large spikes on power supply.
Floating Charger


40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21







36Vdc 60Vdc










600Vac 600Vac
Max. Max.
CT 1
CT 3
CT 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 2 1



N interlock N

L1 R
L2 S
(°°) L3 T




Charger KG KM
2A Fuse Alternator 30A Fuse

KFS 20A 20A 20A
Rated Rated Rated
12-24V Starter
Battery negative Starter Motor Fuel Solenoid Horn
must be grounded Valve

(°°) Relays connected to the Be142 must be suppressed using flywheel diodes

Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.XX - January - 2015 page 27

Electric panel Electric panel

Be142 Be142


Battery charger the separation of the battery Battery charger
(see NOTE)
charger wires is a mandatory
requirements in case of
switching or SCR chargers

Fuel sensor

Temperature sensor

Ground reference

Oil sensor


The separation of AC and DC

cables is strongly recommended

A V Hz / R.P.M. Engine h / Prog. Shipping Dimensions: 130x250x60mm

Shipping Weight: 560Gr.

Connectors: removable Plug & Socket



224 mm 14 45 mm
204 mm mm
105 mm
84 mm

91 mm

186 mm Cut-out 190x93mm

Be142 OEM's Manual V3.X.XX - January - 2015 page 28
Section 21.0: Connections description

Terminal Description Note Section

1 Generator Contactor output 2.21
2 Mains Contactor output
3 Programmable output ‘4’ 7.09
4 Programmable output ‘3’
5 Programmable output ‘2’
6 Programmable output ‘1’ 300 mA Active 'Low'
7 Fuel Solenoid output 18.0
8 Stop Solenoid output
9 Crank Pilot output
10 Alternator Excitement output Positive Output 3 W 11.0
CT3 Current Transformer ‘L3’ S1 input 5 Aac nominal; Max 8 Aac 7.02B
CT2 Current Transformer ‘L2’ S1 input 5 Aac nominal; Max 8 Aac ([P.18])
CT1 Current Transformer ‘L1’ S1 input 5 Aac nominal; Max 8 Aac
COM Current Transformer S2 input common input
L3 Generator Voltage’ Phase L3’ input 7.02B
L3 Generator Voltage ‘Phase L2’ input
L1 Generator Voltage ‘Phase L1’ input
T Mains Voltage ‘Phase T’ input 600 Vac rated 7.01A
S Mains Voltage ‘Phase S’ input
R Mains Voltage’ Phase R’ input
21 Engine Running Minus detect Connect to ground 11.0
22 Engine Running Plus detect D+ or W.L. sensing
23 Supply Battery minus connection - 14.0
24 Supply +12 or +24V Battery connection Internal 300 mA fuse
25 Common Sender ground sense - 19.0
26 Fuel Level Sender input 7.12
27 Temperature Sender input 2000 Ohm max 7.11
28 Oil Pressure Sender input 7.10
29 Programmable input Switch '4' 7.07
30 Programmable input Switch '3'
31 Programmable input Switch '2'
32 Programmable input Switch '1'
33 Low Fuel Switch input Active Low (<2 Vdc) 18.0
34 High Temperature Switch input
35 Low Oil Pressure Switch input
36 Emergency Stop Switch input
37 RS485 Termination See Be142
38 RS485 Signal A MODBUS
See RS485 standard user manual
39 RS485 Signal B
40 RS485 Common Ground

!! W A R N I N G !! Relays and solenoids connected to the Be142 must be

suppressed using flywheel diodes or suppression devices as indicated in section 18.0.
We recommend that you connect a 2A Fuse (Fast-Blow type) in series with the
terminal #24; it will protect the controller against large spikes on the power supply.


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