Bick Nell 1996
Bick Nell 1996
Bick Nell 1996
Univcrsify of Leicesfeu Department qf' Pathology, Robert Kirkpatrick Clinical Sciences Building, Lvicester Royal Infivnu~~.y,
P.O. Box 65, Leicester LE2 7LX, U.K.
A method has been developed by which single human glomeruli may be plucked from fresh renal biopsies under direct vision, followed
by separation of mRNA using oligo-dT-linked paramagnetic beads. The mRNA was amplified by reverse transcription and polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR). Primers for a variety of human and rat proteins have been developed. The quantity of the amplified cDNA
was measured by an enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA), where biotinylated forward strands of DNA were captured, probed
with a fluorescein-conjugated DNA oligomer, and then assayed with an enzyme-linked anti-fluorescein antibody. The cDNA-linked
beads are reported to be stable and can be reused with different primer sets, thus forming a 'bank' of samples from cases with defined
glomerular disorders, which can be used to address new questions as they arise. Using rat glomeruli, a method has been devised which
permits at least partial separation of epithelial cell mRNA from mesangial and endothelial cell mRNA.
KEY WORDS-reVerSe transcription-polymerase chain reaction; RT-PCR; glomerulus; renal; mRNA; matrix; collagen; metalloprotein-
ase; TIMP
PCR primers
ELISA probes
I = Biotin
# = Avidin
= Anti-fluorescein HRP-Antibody
= Biotinylated cDNA
f = Fluorescein Probe
= CovaLink Plate
Fig. 1---Schematic representation of the detection of amplified cDNA using ELISA. Biotin is covalently
linked to the CovaLink plate. Avidin is then bound to the biotin and is used to capture biotinylated cDNA.
A fluoresein-labelled probe specific to the cDNA in question is detected with an anti-fluorescein antibody, to
which horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been conjugated. The HRP catalyses a colorimetric reaction
strand by addition of an equal volume of 0.25 M NaOH substrate for 10 min at room temperature. The colour
for 10 min. Probes had previously been labelled reaction was stopped by addition of an equal volume
with a 1:2 ratio of fluorescein-1 I-dUTP (Amersham of 1 M H,SO,. The optical density of the resulting
International, Amersham, UK): dATP by terminal solutions was read at 450 nm with a differential reading
deoxynucleotidyl transferase (Gibco) in a buffer contain- at 630 nm.
ing MnCI, (1 mM), sodium cacodylate ( 1 2 0 m ~ ) ,and
dithiothreitol (100 p ~ ) Plates
. were then washed three
times in buffer 2 and incubated with fluorescein- RESULTS
conjugated DNA probes (0.2 pmol/,ul in RapidHyb
buffer; Amersham) for li-2 h at 42°C (Fig. 1). Probe The five human sequences tested all gave bands on
sequences are shown in Table I. gel electrophoresis after 40 cycles of PCR, as shown in
Following three washes in buffer 2, plates were treated Fig. 2. These results were reproduced on five occasions.
with anti-fluorescein antibody conjugated with horse- The absence of a significant actin band in samples pro-
radish peroxidase (1:500 in PBS/BSA) for 30 min at cessed without reverse transcription (not shown) con-
room temperature, with agitation. After a final three firms that the bands are the result of amplified cDNA,
washes in buffer 2, plates were incubated with TMB rather than amplified genomic DNA contaminants.
1.600 P
+ w 2
-A- COL Na5
2 I +nwi
i -m- nw-2
investigation of renal disease. There are obvious appli- We can at present see no way in which the mRNA
cations, not only to improve our understanding of from the endothelial and mesangial cells can be
renal diseases, but also to investigate renal disease in separated, but consideration of the pathological pro-
individual patients. cesses seen in most glomerular disorders suggests
Comparison of mRNA levels for one gene product that this may be somewhat less important than the
with mRNA levels for a ‘housekeeping’ gene can provide separation which we have already partly achieved.
an approach which may be applicable to small biopsies Limitations of this technique must be recognized. It is
of other tissues. However, the renal glomerulus provides likely to be of less value in conditions which do not effect
an additional opportunity, because it represents a all glomeruli to a similar extent, as the morphology of
defined anatomical unit. If quantitation is made abso- the individual glomeruli used cannot be studied. Even
lute by applying competitive RT-PCR,8 then not only with the development of ELISA-based assay methods of
can one measure rates of protein synthesis by the whole product quantitation and competitive PCR techniques,
glomerulus, but also the ‘housekeeping gene’ becomes a quantitation is less precise than most biochemical assays
rapid measure of glomerular cellularity. The level of and is subject to occasional method failures. Neverthe-
genes constitutively expressed by one cell type (e.g., less, we feel that the method has such potential that we
macrophages) may become a measure of the number of are now collecting cDNA samples from most renal
that type of cell in one glomerulus. We hope that the biopsies. Dynabead-linked cDNA is relatively stable,
level of expression of collagen mRNA may correspond so we are able to develop a ‘bank’ of reusable cDNA,
to the rate of glomerular sclerosis, thus giving a new with each sample reflecting the synthetic activity of a
measure of rate of disease progression in conditions single glomerulus from a single patient with a defined
which are currently notoriously unpredictable. Expres- condition at a known time. This will be an invaluable
sion of tenascin may also be of prognostic value, as resource with which to address new questions about
it has been proposed as a marker of active matrix specific conditions as they arise in the future.
remodelling. It is conceivable that expression of some
mRNA species may allow one to distinguish between
different glomerular diseases. The potential exists for an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
expansion of the way in which we investigate renal We are grateful for financial support for this work
biopsies, comparable to that which occurred with the from the U.K. Medical Research Council, Grant No.
introduction of immunofluorescence. 9429414.
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