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Principles and Objectives: Victorian Environmental Policy and Stormwater Management

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Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines.

© CSIRO 1999. This electronic edition published by CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2006.

Chapter 2
and Objectives
Victorian environmental policy and stormwater

State environment protection policies (SEPPs) provide a clear statutory framework of pub-
licly agreed environmental objectives. SEPPs identify the ‘beneficial uses’ (indicating the
environmental values) of the land, water or air environment in any particular place. They
establish environmental quality objectives at levels which will ensure the protection of
these uses. As legally enforceable statutory instruments, SEPPs provide the cornerstone for
a wide range of environmental protection and management activities in Victoria.

There are several SEPPs that include urban waterways and other urban waters. State
Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria) is the statewide policy. This policy
contains some catchment specific Schedules—for example Port Phillip Bay and Yarra
River. There are also some separate SEPPs for individual catchments such as Western
Port. These are progressively being reviewed and included as schedules under the Waters
of Victoria policy.

The State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria) identifies a number of beneficial
uses of Victoria’s waterways including:

• natural aquatic ecosystems and associated wildlife;

• water-based recreation;

• agricultural water supply;

• potable water supply;

• production of molluscs for human consumption;

• commercial and recreational use of edible fish and crustacea; and

• industrial water use.

Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines.
© CSIRO 1999. This electronic edition published by CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2006.
Urban Stormwater

SEPP (Waters of Victoria) requires that run-off from urban and rural areas must not com-
promise the identified beneficial uses of the receiving waters. Several provisions of SEPP
(Waters of Victoria) specifically refer to stormwater pollution and require that measures be
implemented to control its environmental impact.

These Guidelines establish stormwater quality objectives to assist in determining the

level of stormwater management necessary to meet the SEPP requirements.

Urban stormwater management principles

Protecting the beneficial uses of urban waterways requires an integrated approach

directed at managing the volume and rate of catchment run-off, the quality of the run-off
and the habitats necessary for supporting a healthy aquatic community.

Flood prevention and public safety remain as fundamental objectives of stormwater

system planning and design. Stormwater quality measures should in no way compro-
mise these objectives. In fact, many measures designed for stormwater quality control
have inherent water quantity management benefits (and vice versa).

2.2.1 Preservation, source and structural control

Stormwater management should be based on the following three principles:

• preservation: preserve existing valuable elements of the stormwater system, such as

natural channels, wetlands and stream-side vegetation;

• source control : limit changes to the quantity and quality of stormwater at or near the
source; and

• structural control : use structural measures, such as treatment techniques or detention

basins, to improve water quality and control streamflow discharges.

These principles can be applied as part of an ordered framework to achieve environmen-

tal management objectives as described in Figure 2.1.

Source controls may be used effectively to avoid a number of stormwater impacts. These
measures can include land-use planning, education, regulation and operational practices
to limit changes to the quality or quantity of urban run-off before it enters the stormwater

Structural control, as the name implies, involves building structures to reduce or delay
stormwater flow, or to intercept or remove pollutants after they have entered the storm-
water system.

Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines.
© CSIRO 1999. This electronic edition published by CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2006.
2 Principles and Objectives


Potential environmental impact

avoid Source control

minimise In-transit structural control

manage residual impacts Receiving waters management

Receiving water quality

Figure 2.1 Stormwater management framework.

As a last resort, where pollutant levels or stormwater flows remain too high, it may be
necessary to manage the receiving environment itself by the use of bed and bank stabili-
sation techniques or by installing treatment measures such as floating litter traps, by
implementing a clean-up program for major pollution accumulation, or by restricting
certain uses of waterways (such as recreation or water supply).

Figure 2.2 The last resort: restricting use of receiving waters.

Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines.
© CSIRO 1999. This electronic edition published by CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2006.
Urban Stormwater

2.2.2 The treatment train approach

Constructing a ‘treatment train’ using structural treatment measures involves the selec-
tion and sequential ordering of treatments to achieve optimal pollutant removal. Differ-
ent treatments use different processes to remove pollutants, depending on the size range
of the pollutant types. No one treatment can remove all stormwater pollutants. To
achieve removal for a range of pollutants a number of treatments will be required and the
selection and order in which they are constructed is a critical consideration.

Figure 2.3 illustrates typical pollutant types and size ranges that can be addressed with
structural controls. The particle size fractions are presented and matched with the
removal processes that structural treatments employ. Selection of treatment measures
should be based on matching the pollutant type with the removal process.

More details on selecting treatment measures based on target pollutants are provided in
Chapter 7.

Particle Pollutant removal processes


Gross pollutants E E

Coarse sediment

Medium sediment
T Enhanced sedimentation P
Fine sediment/ R E
attached B S
pollutants I I
D L Adhesion and filtration L
Dissolved 0
pollutants Y Biological uptake 3

Visual Sediment Nutrients Toxicants

Figure 2.3 Typical pollutants and treatment processes.

Stormwater performance objectives

2.3.1 Determining performance objectives

The environmental objectives of SEPPs define the required water quality conditions of
urban waterways. While the environmental objectives of SEPPs form the targets for
stormwater management, there are several ways to estimate the level of stormwater

Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines.
© CSIRO 1999. This electronic edition published by CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2006.
2 Principles and Objectives

quality improvement necessary to ensure SEPP objectives can be met and the beneficial
uses protected (refer Figure 2.4). These are by either:

• monitoring: actual stormwater quality can be compared with receiving water quality
to establish the level of treatment necessary to protect beneficial uses, where sufficient
monitoring data are available;

• modelling: stormwater quality and its potential impact on receiving waters can be
mathematically modelled to determine treatment requirements. Some monitoring
data are usually required to validate such models; and

• generic values : averaged values for typical urban stormwater quality can be com-
pared to receiving water quality and SEPP objectives to indicate the level of improve-
ment required (refer Table 2.1).

Receiving water Current best practice

Pollutant objective: performance objective:
Post construction phase:
Suspended solids (SS) comply with SEPP (e.g. not exceed 80% retention of the typical urban annual load
the 90th percentile of 80 mg/L) (1)
Total phosphorus (TP) comply with SEPP (e.g. base flow 45% retention of the typical urban annual load
concentration not to exceed 0.08
mg/L) (2)
Total nitrogen (TN) comply with SEPP (e.g. base flow 45% retention of the typical urban annual load
concentration not to exceed 0.9 mg/
L) (2)
Litter comply with SEPP (e.g. No litter in 70% reduction of typical urban annual load (3)
waterways) (1)
Flows Maintain flows at pre-urbanisation Maintain discharges for the 1.5 year ARI at pre-
levels development levels

Construction phase:
Suspended solids comply with SEPP Effective treatment of 90% of daily run-off
events (e.g. <4 months ARI). Effective
treatment equates to a 50%ile SS concentration
of 50 mg/L.
Litter comply with SEPP (e.g. No litter in Prevent litter from entering the stormwater
waterways) (1) system.
Other pollutants comply with SEPP Limit the application, generation and migration
of toxic substances to the maximum extent

1 An example using SEPP (Waters of Victoria 1988), general surface waters segment.
2 SEPP Schedule F7—Yarra Catchment—urban waterways for the Yarra River main stream.
3 Litter is defined as anthropogenic material larger than five millimetres.

Table 2.1 Objectives for environmental management of stormwater.

The preferred method for determining the required level of treatment is by use of moni-
toring data. However, the inherent variability in water quality experienced both in
waterways and stormwater systems means that an extensive monitoring program is usu-
ally required to obtain sufficient data for such assessments.

Modelling provides an ability to predict likely changes in water quality associated with
proposed urban developments. Such water quality models can be used to establish per-
formance objectives for stormwater systems. These are limited by the availability of local

Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines.
© CSIRO 1999. This electronic edition published by CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2006.
Urban Stormwater

Are information
Is monitoring data No and appropriate models No
available to characterise available to characterise
stormwater quality? stormwater

Yes Yes

Direct determination of Modelled predictions of Generic stormwater

stormwater performance stormwater performance performance requirements
requirements requirements from Table 2.1

Stormwater performance objectives

Integrated stormwater management

Examples: Primary treatment Constructed

Education programs
measures wetland systems

Figure 2.4 Alternative approaches for determining stormwater performance objectives

and their context in integrated stormwater management.

water quality data and the understanding of the biological and physical processes that
influence water quality and the receiving water environment. There are often significant
limits on the confidence with which predictions can be made using water quality models.

The typical quality of urban stormwater and the performance capabilities of certain treat-
ment measures have been determined from a number of studies (Mudgway et al. 1997,
and Duncan 1997b).

These measures of typical urban stormwater quality can be compared to SEPP objectives
to determine treatment requirements. Performance objectives for stormwater manage-
ment have been derived using this approach because of the limited availability of water
quality data and the limitations of modelling. Table 2.1 presents the performance objec-
tives based on the expected improvement required to meet SEPP objectives and that can
be achieved by current best practice techniques.

These performance objectives are indicative only. In many situations, where there are no
extreme or unusual factors, stormwater management which achieves these objectives
will generally satisfy the environmental objectives of the SEPP.

Further information on the derivation of the performance objectives in Table 2.1 can be
found in: L. B. Mudgway, H. P. Duncan, T. A. McMahon and F. H. S. Chiew, 1997, Best
Practice Environmental Management Guidelines for Urban Stormwater. Background Report to

Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines.
© CSIRO 1999. This electronic edition published by CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2006.
2 Principles and Objectives

the Environment Protection Authority, Melbourne Water Corporation and the Department of
Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria, Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment
Hydrology Report 97/7, October 1997.

Urban stormwater has a major influence on the water quality of urban waterways. Inte-
grated stormwater management provides a means for minimising the environmental
impact from urban stormwater systems. Other sources, such as sewer overflows, septic
tank losses, vehicle emissions and so on, can also have significant effects on water qual-
ity. These are, however, beyond the scope of these guidelines. It must be recognised
that, depending on the relative impacts of these different inputs, improvements to
urban stormwater by themselves may not be sufficient to achieve SEPP requirements in
some waterways.

2.3.2 Application of objectives

The performance objectives can be achieved by employing a variety of structural and
non-structural treatment measures. The stormwater performance objectives should be
used to guide planning and design for the environmental management of stormwater
including urban form, drainage infrastructure, maintenance and operational programs.

The tools described in Chapters 4, 5 and 6 provide stormwater quality benefits when
applied in the appropriate situation or context. Therefore, all of the tools should be con-
sidered for use where practicable and in the absence of any apparent adverse impacts.
The extent of water quality improvement likely to result from the use of these tools or
combinations of measures can be estimated in a qualitative or semi-quantitative manner
using the performance information in these guidelines. This allows some judgments to
be made on the relationship between proposals and stormwater performance objectives.
Consideration of all benefits, including those outside of stormwater quality, should be
included in this assessment.

Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines.
© CSIRO 1999. This electronic edition published by CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2006.

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