Residual Flux Mitigation of Protective Current Transformers Used in An Autoreclosing Scheme
Residual Flux Mitigation of Protective Current Transformers Used in An Autoreclosing Scheme
Residual Flux Mitigation of Protective Current Transformers Used in An Autoreclosing Scheme
4, AUGUST 2016
Abstract—To avoid saturation of a protective current trans- a deep saturation and, thus, the CT output will be severely
former (CT) operating under an autoreclosing scheme, the CT size distorted [4]. The magnitude of residual flux that remained
should be chosen much higher than a similar CT operating under in the CT core under the breaker deadtime interval, directly
a single-step fault clearing scheme. The main reason for this sig-
nificant difference is that the residual flux (caused by the first stage contributes to CT saturation.
of the fault) cannot be noticeably reduced during the deadtime The conventional methods used to control the CT residual
interval of the reclosing process and, therefore, the occurrence of flux include: utilizing a special grade of steel in CT core, using
a subsequent fault can extremely saturate the CT. In this paper, a gapped core CTs, or employing biased core CTs [5]. These
low-cost, low-power electronic device is developed and introduced methods lead to the application of larger and more expensive
to demagnetize the CT under the reclosing deadtime interval. It
will be shown that by using this device, the required size of the cores [6]. Furthermore, when an unanticipated change occurs
CT is reduced by about 40%. To develop this device, an existing in the related power system short-circuit capacity (e.g., due to
flux-based demagnetization technique is improved to operate topological changes [7]), none of these methods are applicable
faster and more efficient. The performance of this technique is for the in-service CTs.
independent of the CT characteristic parameters and provides In this study, the CT secondary terminal voltage at which CT
promising results despite its simplicity. The proposed device can
be employed to de-rate the new CTs to be installed in the system will meet the ratio error limit of 10% at 20 times its rated pri-
and/or to compensate the existing inservice CTs. Comprehensive mary current is named “CT size” [5]. To design a CT with a
computer simulations and laboratory experiments are employed higher secondary terminal voltage, either the core area needs to
to validate the reliability and effectiveness of the proposed com- be increased or the flux density of the core has to be increased
pensation method. by selecting the appropriate material. Both of these would result
Index Terms—Autoreclosing, protective current transformer, in a rise in the CT cost [8]. Therefore, the CT sizing procedure
residual flux reduction, saturation. may be defined as the determination of the minimum secondary
terminal voltage to guarantee saturation-free performance for
the CT [8].
In this paper, an effective and low-cost method is proposed
C URRENT-TRANSFORMER (CT) saturation threatens to notably reduce the CT size required for an autoreclosing
the reliable and proper performance of protective relays scheme. In this method, the CT residual flux under autore-
[1]. This phenomenon introduces serious distortions in the closing deadtime is mitigated by the application of an electronic
CT output and, as a result, significantly falsifies information demagnetizing device. Theoretically, if the residual flux is
delivered to the protection devices [2]. CT faces a critical eliminated, the CT transient behavior during each reclosing
regime when working under the application of an autoreclosing shot will be independent of the other shots. Therefore, the re-
scheme [3]. In this reclosing scheme, after initiation of a fault, quired CT size would not depend on the autoreclose open/close
and opening of the related circuit breaker (CB), a large amount duty cycle. Consequently, the required CT size to be employed
of residual flux can remain in the CT core. If the second fault in an autoreclosing scheme would be equivalent to the CT size
occurring after reclosing of the circuit breaker (CB) results in under a single fault case. Therefore, this proposed device will
a flux with the same polarity of the residual flux, CT may enter result in major CT size reduction.
To achieve this goal, a fast and reliable CT demagnetizing
technique is required. According to IEEE C57.13-2008 [9], CT
Manuscript received May 18, 2015; revised September 09, 2015; accepted
September 18, 2015. Date of publication September 22, 2015; date of current demagnetization may be accomplished through the application
version July 21, 2016. Paper no. TPWRD-00605-2015. of a certain level of an external ac voltage to the CT secondary
E. Hajipour, M. Salehizadeh, and M. Vakilian are with the Center of Excel-
terminal to saturate its core; then reducing the voltage magni-
lence in Power System Management and Control, Department of Electrical En-
gineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 11365-11155, Iran (e-mail: tude slowly toward zero. This method needs extensive time for;; demagnetization. However, commercially, a current-controlled
M. Sanaye-Pasand is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering School,
method using a dc voltage source is employed to demagne-
College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran 14395-515, Iran, and also
with the Control and Intelligent Processing Center of Excellence, Electrical and tize the transformer core as stated in IEEE C57.152-2013 [10].
Computer Engineering School, University of Tehran, Tehran 14395-515, Iran Based on [11], at the first step, a fixed voltage is applied to the
transformer terminal; next at the instant the current approaches a
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at preset value, the dc supply is automatically disconnected. Once
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2480773 the current value approaches zero, a reverse polarity voltage is
0885-8977 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Fig. 2. CT size reduction factor in percentage when 200 ms and Fig. 3. Proposed demagnetizing device connected to the CT secondary
(a) 3 s and 60 ms. (b) 120 ms and 400 ms. terminals.
Fig. 6. Typical fault current and the corresponding CT flux and variation. where is the secondary circuit total resistance (including CT
winding resistance , CT burden resistance and demag-
TABLE I netizer limiting-resistance ). determines the average value
PERFORMANCE OF THE RESIDUAL FLUX SIGN DETERMINATION UNIT of the measured current between the points of and in Fig. 4.
In this paper, is equal to one quarter of a power system cycle
(20 samples for a sampling frequency of 4 kHz).
4) Saturation Flux Estimation: After measurement of
the resistance , the applied voltage is reversed. As can
be seen in Fig. 3, a relation could be derived for the voltage
across the magnetic core as follows:
Using Faraday's law, the overall time spent to demagnetize V. SIMULATION RESULTS
CT can be determined using (12); which should be less In this section, simulations are presented to show the effec-
than the autoreclosing deadtime tiveness of the proposed compensation method. An appropriate
CT model including accurate representation of the hysteresis
(12) characteristic is designed using the Jiles-Atherton theory [23].
Fig. 9. Applied voltage and measured CT secondary current during the demag-
netizing process.
Fig. 13. Applied voltage , the measured CT secondary current, the induced
voltage across the CT core , and the CT core flux during the demagnetizing
Fig. 12. Experimental setup: 1) digital oscilloscope card, 2) under test CT, process.
3) resistance burden, 4) demagnetizing device, and 5) monitored signals.
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