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Choose The Correct Answer

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Choose the correct answer:

1. An object moves at a constant speed of 6 m/s. This means that the object
(a) Decreases its speed by 6 m/s every second (b) Doesn’t move
(c) Has a positive acceleration (d) Moves 6 meters every second

2. A toy car moves 8 m in 4 s at the constant velocity. What is the car’s velocity
a) 32 m/sec (b) 1 m/sec (c) 4m/sec (d) 2 m/sec

3. A bicyclist moves at a constant speed of 4 m/s. How long it will take for the
bicyclist to move 36 m
a) 9 sec b) 144 sec c) 6 sec d) 18 sec

4. The graph represents the relationship between

velocity and time for an object moving in a straight
line. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The object speeds up
b) The object slows down
c) The object moves with a constant velocity
d) The object stays at rest

5. What is the average velocity of the motorbike during first 5 sec ?

a) 5 m/sec b) 10 m/sec c) 15 m/sec d) 20 m/sec

6. How fast you are moving in which direction is a property of motion known as
a) Speed b) Velocity c) acceleration d) no correct answer
7. How fast you are changing your speed or direction of travel is a property of
motion known as
a) Speed b) Velocity c) acceleration d) no correct
8. A football, a hockey puck, and a tennis ball all fall down
in the absence of air resistance. Which of the following is
true about their acceleration?
a) The acceleration of the football is greater than the other two
b) the acceleration of the hockey puck is greater than the other two
c) The acceleration of the tennis ball is greater than the other two
d) They all fall down with the same constant acceleration

9. The following graph represents the position as a function

of time for a moving object. Which of the following
statements is true?
a) The object increases its velocity
b) The object decreases its velocity
c) The object’s velocity stays unchanged
d) The object stays at rest

The given graph represents the position as a function

of time of a moving object. Use this graph to answer
questions 10 and 11.
10. What is the initial position of the object?
a) 2 m b) 4 m c) 8 m d) 10 m

11. What is the average velocity of the object?

a) 2 m/sec b) 4 m/sec c) 6 m/sec d) 10 m/sec

12. An object moves with a constant acceleration of 5

m/s2. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The object’s acceleration increases by 5 m/s2 each
b) The object’s acceleration decreases by 5 m/s2 each second
c) The object’s velocity increases by 5 m/s each second
d) The object’s velocity stays the same
13. Velocity of ball its velocity 10 m/sec , at highest point when its thrown vertically
upward is
a) 10 m/sec b) -10 m /sec c) 8 m/sec d) zero

14. A car start from the rest and uniform acceleration to final speed 20 m/sec in 15
sec . How the car travel during this time
a) 300 m b) 600 m c) 450 m d) 150 m

15. The position or a ball thrown vertically upward is given by the equation
y = 10.0+12.0t – 5.0t2 (Sl units), the height at t=0 is:
a) 15 m b)1m c) 5 m d) Zero e)10m

16. A car moves along a straight line with velocity in m/s given by v = t2 + 3. The
velocity at t=0 is.
a) zero b) 4 m/s c) 3 m/s d) 2 m/s e) 6 m/s

17. A particle is moving along a straight line At t=3s its velocity is 20 m/s and at t=8s
its velocity is zero The average acceleration is:
a) -6 m/s2 b) -2 m/s2 c) -3 m/s2 d) -4m/s2 e) -5 m/s2

18. A car travels in a straight line with an initial velocity of 4 m/s and an
acceleration of 2 m/s' The distance traveled in 4s is
a) 36 m b) 40 m c) 24 m d) 28 m e) 32 m

19. A car, initially at rest, travels 32 m in 4s along a straight line with constant
acceleration The acceleration of the car is:
a) 4 m/s2 b) 5 m/s2 c) 6 m/s2 d) 2 m/s2 e)3 m/s4

20. What is the initial speed of a car moving a distance of 60 m in 6s if the final
speed was 15 m/s?
a) 15 m/s b) 10 m/s c) 5 m/s d) zero e) 20 m/s

21. A car uniformly changes its speed from 20 m/s to 5 m/s in 5 s. The distance
moved in the fourth second is:
a) 56 m b) 9.5 m c) 62.5 m d) 3 m e) 46.5 m
22. An object is thrown straight up from ground level with a speed of 30 m/s Its
height after 10s is
a) 15.1 m b)5.1m c) 45.1 m d) 35.1 m e) 25.1 m

23. A ball is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 21 m/s. It will reach its
maximum height in:
a) 1.8 s b) 2.1 s c) 0.60 s d) 0.33 s e) 1.2 s

24. The velocity of a particle starts from the origin as v(t) = (3t2 + 5) m/s. The
acceleration of the particle after 2 seconds is:
a) 6m/s2 b) 12m/s2 c) 18m/s2 d) 24m/s2 e) 30 m/s2

25. A bicycle is moving along x - axis according to the equation x(t) = 2t + 3t2
where x is in meters and t is in seconds. Its instantaneous velocity at t = 2 sec. is:
a) 14m/s b)26m/s c) 32m/s d)m/s e)38m/s

26. The initial and final positions of a particle along the X-axis are -3m, 10m, then
its displacement X equals:
a) + 7m b) +13m c)-13m d)-7m e) 4.5m

27. A car is traveling at constant speed of 30m/s for 3 S, the acceleration of the car is
a) 0 b) 3m/s2 c) 10m/s2 d)9m/s2

28. A car is traveling at constant speed of 30m/s for 3 S, the distance after that time
(a) 90m (b) 50m (c)33m (d) 27m

A ball is thrown vertically upward. It returns to its starting point after 4s:
29. The initial velocity of the ball is
(a) 19.6m/s (b) zero (c) 39.2m/s (d) 9.8 m/s

30. The maximum height the ball rise is:

(a) 39.2m (b) 9.8m (c) 196m (d) 19.6m

31. Change in position is called

A) Velocity B) Displacement C) Rate
32. The change of velocity over time is called
a) Acceleration b) Speed c) Distance

33.. The speedometer on your car shows your

a) Average acceleration b) Average velocity c) Instantaneous speed

34. An object in free-fall is undergoing ……………. acceleration.

a) Constant b) Average c) Instantaneous

35. The acceleration due to gravity at or near the earth's surface is ______ m/s2.
a) 3.5 b) 27 c) 9.8

36. When struck by a club, a golf ball initially at rest acquires a speed of 31.0m/s. If
the ball is in contact with the club for 1.17 ms, what is the magnitude of the
average acceleration of the ball?
a) 26500 m/s2 b)2000 m/ s2 c) 3200 m/ s2 d) 1000 m/ s2

37. A car traveling initially at a speed of 60m/s is accelerated uniformly to a speed

85m/s in 12s. How far (x – xo) does the car travel during the 12s interval?
a) 770 m b) 640 m c) 540 m d) 870 m

38. A ball is thrown directly downward with an initial velocity of 8m/s from a height
of 30m. When does the ball strike the ground?
a) 1.8 s b) 3.2s c) 4s d) 5 S

39. A car moves along a straight line with velocity in 𝒎⁄𝒔 given by v=2+2t2
velocity at t=0 is
a) 3 m/s b)2 m/s c) 10 m/s d)5 m/s

40. The velocity of a particle starts from the origin as v(t)=(6t2+3) 𝒎⁄𝒔.
The acceleration of the particle after 3 s is:
a)30 m/s2 b)20 m/ s2 c) 25 m /s2 d)36 m /s2
41. A stone is dropped from rest from the top of a building ,after 5s of free fall ,
what is the displacement y of the stone? Y=y0+v0t-.5gt2
a)-49m b)35m c)-45 m d)50m

42. A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation x = 2t + 3t2, where x
is in meters and t is in seconds. Calculate the instantaneous velocity acceleration at t
= 3.0 s.
a)v=20 m /s b)25 m /s c) 35 m /s

43. The Position of a particle along the x-axis is given by x=3t3 -7t where x in meters
and t in seconds. What is the average velocity of the particle during the interval
from t=2sec to t=5sec?
a)130m/s b)110 m/s c)140m /s

44. The initial speed of a body is 5.2m/s. What is its speed after 2.5s if it (a)
accelerates uniformaly at 3m/s2 and (b) accelerates uniformly at -3m/s2.
a) v = 12.7 m/s b) 15 𝒎⁄𝒔 c)16.1 𝑚⁄𝑠 d) 17.7𝑚⁄𝑠

45. Write the position vector for a particle in the rectangular coordinate (x, y, z) for
the points (5, -6, 0), (5, -4), and (-1, 3, 6).

46. Calculate the displacement vector for a particle moved from the point (4, 3, 2) to
a point (8, 3, 6).
47. If the position of a particle is given as a function of time according to the
equation r(t) 3t 2 i (3t 2) j where t in seconds. Find the displacement vector for
t1=1 and t2=8

48. The coordinate of a particle moving along the x-axis depends on time according
to the expression x = 5t2 - 2t3 where x is in meters and t is in seconds.
1. Find the velocity and acceleration of the particle as a function of time.
2. Find the displacement during the first 2 seconds.
3. Find the velocity and acceleration of the particle after 2 seconds
49. A man swims the length of a 50m pool in 20s and makes the return trip to the
starting position in 22s. Determine his average velocity in (a) the first half of the
swim, (b) the second half of the swim, and (c) the round trip.

50. A car makes a 200km trip at an average speed of 40 km/h. A second car starting
1h later arrives at their mutual destination at the same time. What was the average
speed of the second car?

51. A particle moves along the x-axis according to the equation x=2t+3t2, where x is
in m and t is in second. Calculate the instantaneous velocity and instantaneous
acceleration at t=3s.
52. A body moving with uniform acceleration has a velocity of 12cm/s when its x
coordinate is 3cm. If its x coordinates 2s later is -5cm, what is the magnitude of its

53. A car moving at constant speed of 30m/s suddenly stalls at the bottom of a hill.
The car undergoes a constant acceleration of -2m/s2 while ascending the hill.
1. Write equations for the position and the velocity as a function of time, taking x=0
at the bottom of the hill where vo = 30m/s.
2. Determine the maximum distance traveled by the car up the hill after stalling.
54. A stone is dropped from rest from the top of a building. After 3s of free fall,
what is the displacement y of the stone?

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