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1. Which of the following changes when a particle is moving with uniform velocity?
a) Position vector b) Speed c) Velocity d) Acceleration
2 A train is moving east at a speed of 5 m/s. A particle moves westwards with a velocity of 10 m/s crosses
the train in 8s. The length of the train is
a) 120 m b) 60 m c) 30 m d) 15 m
3. Which one of the following equations represents the motion of a body with finite constant acceleration? In
these equation, y denotes the displacement of the body at time t and a, b and c are constants of motion.
1) y=at 2) y=at+bt2 3) y=at+bt2+ct3 4) y= (a/t) +bt
4. The equation √𝒙= t+9 given the variation of displacement with time. Which of the following is correct?
a) Velocity is proportional to time b) Velocity is inversely proportional to time
c) Acceleration depends upon time d) Acceleration is constant
.5 A particle starts with initial velocity u and retardation a. It will reach the point of start in time
a) u/a b) u/a2 c) u2/a d) 2u/a
6. A body moves in a straight line along Y-axis. Its distance y (in meter) from the origin is given by y= 8t -3t2.
The average speed in the time interval from t=0 second to t=1 second is
a) -4 m/s b) Zero c) 5 m/s d) 12 m/s
7. A particle accelerates from rest at a constant rate for some time and attains a velocity of 8 m/s .
Afterwards, it decelerates at the same constant rate and comes to rest. If the total time taken is 4s, the
distance travelled is
a) 4 m b) 16 m c) 32 m d) 64 m
𝒂 𝒂
8. The displacement x of a particle along a straight line at time t is given by x=𝒂𝒐 + 𝟏 𝒕 + 𝟐 𝒕𝟐 : . The
𝟐 𝟑
acceleration of the particle is
a) a1/2 b) a2/3 c) ao+a2/3 d) 2a2/3
9. The displacement of a body is given by at+2bt2, where a and b are constants. What is the velocity the
body at the end of 1 second?
1) 4b 2) a + 4b 3) a - 4b 4)
10. A bus starts from rest with an acceleration of 1 m/s 2. A man who is 48m behind the bus starts with a
uniform velocity of 10 m/s , The minimum time after which the man will catch the bus is
a) 4 s b) 16 s c) 20 s d) 24 s
11. A body travelling with uniform acceleration crosses two points A and B with velocity 20 m/s and 30 m/s
respectively. The speed of the body at the mid - point of A and B is
a) 24 m/s b) 25 m/s c) 25.5 d)10√𝟔
12. A electron starting from rest has a velocity that increases linearly with time i.e. v=kt where . k = 2m/s 2 The
distance covered in the first 3 seconds is
a) 9 m b) 16 m c) 27 m d) 36 m
13. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate α for some time after which it decelerates at a constant rate β
come to rest. If t is the total time elapsed, then maximum velocity attained by the car is
𝟏 𝜶𝜷𝒕 (𝜶+𝜷)𝜷𝒕
a) αβt b) c) d)
𝜶𝜷 𝜶+𝜷 𝜶
14. The initial velocity of a particle is u (at t=0) and the acceleration f is given by at. Which of
the following relations is valid?
𝒂 𝒕𝟐
a) v=u b) v= u + at c) v =u + at2 d) v=u+
15. A train is moving with a velocity of 30 m/s. When brakes are applied, it is found that the velocity reduces to
10 m/s in 240m. When the velocity of the train is zero, the distance travelled from the begining of the
journey is
a) 220 m b) 240 m c) 250 m d) 270 m
16. The equation of motion of a particle is x = t2-t3 . The particle is moving with
a) Uniform velocity b) Uniform acceleration c) Variable retardation d) Uniform retardation
17. When two bodies move uniformly towards each other the distance decreases by 6 m/s. If both bodies
move in the same direction with the same speeds (as above) the distance between them increases by 4m/s
. Then the speeds of the two bodies are
a) 3 m/s and 3 m/s b) 4 m/s and 2 m/s c) 5 m/s and 1 m/s d) 7 m/s and 3 m/s
18. A person is running with a uniform speed of 5 m/s to catch a bus at rest. When the person is 12 m behind
the bus, the bus starts and moves with uniforms acceleration of . The person catch the bus at times
a) 3s or 1s b) 9s or 11s c) 6s or 4s d) 7s or 8s
19. A car travels 1/3 of the distance on a straight road with a velocity of 10 km/hour, next one third with
velocity 20 km/hour and the last one third with velocity 60 km/hour. The average velocity of the car in the
whole journey is
a) 18 kmph b) 12kmph c) 36 kmph d) 9 kmph
20. A particle is moving eastward with a velocity of 5 m/s. in 10 seconds, the velocity changes to 5m/second
northward. The average acceleration in this time is
a) 1/√𝟐 m/s2 towards north - west b) 1/√𝟐 m/s2 towards south - east
c) ½ m/s towards south - west d) ½ m/s2 towards south – east
21. The driver of a train travelling at 115 km/hour sees on the same track, 100m in front of him, a slow train
travelling in the same direction at 25 km/hour. The least retardation that must be applied to faster train to
avoid a collision is
a) 1.50 m/s2 b) 2.75 m/s2 c) 2.125 m/s2 d) 3.125 m/s2
22. A body moving with uniform acceleration describes 4m in 3rd second and 12 m in the 5th second. The
distance described in the next three seconds is
a) 20 m b) 60 m c) 80 m d) 100 m
23. A car accelerates from rest at constant rate of 2 m/s 2 for some time. Then, it retards at a constant rate of 4
m/s2 and comes to rest. The maximum speed attained by the car, if it remains in motion for 3 seconds is.
a) 4 m/s b) 3 m/s c) 2 m/s d) 6 m/s
24. An escalator taken a man to his destination in t1 sec. If he walks the distance, he reaches the destination in
t2 sec. If he walks on the escalator
𝒕 𝒕
a) t2 –t1 b) t1+t2 c) t1t2 d) 𝟏 𝟐
𝒕𝟏 +𝒕𝟐
25. A driver driving a truck at constant speed of 20 m/s, suddenly saw a parked car ahead of him by 95m. He
could apply the break after some time to produce retardation of 2.5 m/s 2. An accident was just avoided, his
reaction time is
1) 0.5 sec 2) 0.75 sec 3) 0.8 sec 4) 1 sec
26. The displacement of a particle is varying as a function of time as x=2t3-4t2+5t+2 . Its average velocity in the
first 3 seconds is
a) 11 m/s b) 22 m/s c) 5.5 m/s d) Zero
27. The displacement x of a particle moving one direction is related to time by the equation t = √𝒙+3where x
is in m and t is in sec. The displacement when velocity is zero is
a) 1 m b) 2 m c) 4 m d) zero
28. A food packet is dropped from helicopter rising up with a velocity of 5m/s . The velocity of packet after 3
sec will be
a) 16.4m/s b) 28.4m/s c) 20.4m/s d) 24.4m/s
29. A balloon rise from rest with a constant accleration of g/8. When it is at a height of ‘h’ it released a stone.
The time taken by stone to reach the ground is
𝒉 𝒉 𝟐𝒉 𝒉
a)4√ b) )2√ c) )√ d) )√
𝒈 𝒈 𝒈 𝒈
30. A person throws balls into the air one after the other at an interval of one second. The next ball is thrown
when the velocity of the ball thrown earlier is zero. The height to which the ball rises is (g = 10 m/s 2)
a) 5 m b) 10 m c) 30 m d) 40 m
31. A man in a lift ascending with an acceleration throws a ball vertically upwards with a velocity V and catches
it after t1 seconds. When the lift is descending with same acceleration the man again throws a ball vertically
upwards with same velocity and catches it after time t2 seconds g is acceleration due to gravity, the velocity
of ptojection V is
𝒈𝒕𝟏 𝒕𝟐 𝒈(𝒕𝟏 +𝒕𝟐) 𝟐 𝒈(𝒕𝟏 𝒕𝟐) 𝟐 𝒈(𝒕𝟏+ 𝒕𝟐 )
a) b) c) d)
𝒕𝟏 +𝒕𝟐 𝒕𝟏 𝒕𝟐 𝒕𝟏 +𝒕𝟐 𝒕𝟏 𝒕𝟐
32. A lift is ascending with an acceleration of 1.2 m/s2. When its velocity is 3m/s a loose bolt which is at a
height of 22m got dropped . The distance travelled by before it reaches the floor of the lift is ,(g=9.8 m/s2)
a) 8.4 m b) 13.6 m c) 11 m d) 22 m
33. A disc arranged in a vertical plane has several grooves directed along chords drawn from
a point A as shown in figure. Four bodies started sliding along the grooves AB, AC, AD, AE
simultaneously. The one which reaches the bottom earlier is along
a) AB b) AC c) AD d) All the four reaches in the same time
34 At t=0 packet is dropped from a balloon rising up with uniform velocity 8 m/s. The distance of separation
between the balloon and the packet will be 20m after a time
a) 0.8 sec b) 1.6 sec c) 0.5 sec d) 2 sec
35. The time taken by a stone of fall through a height h is t . If it falls from a height (h+x), where x is very small,
the increment in time to reach the ground is
𝒕𝒙 𝒕 𝒕
a) b) c) d) tx
𝟐𝒉 𝒉 𝒙𝒉
36 A body dropped from top of a tower falls through 40m during the last two seconds of its fall. The height of
tower in meter is
a) 60m b) 45m c) 80m d) 50m
37. A body is released from a height falling towards earth. One second later, another body is dropped from
same height . The separation between the bodies 2 sec after release of second body is
a) 4.9m b) 9.8m c) 19.6m d) 24.5 m
38 The velocity of a freely falling body after ‘n’ sec of its fall is ‘V’. Its displacement in the last two seconds is
𝟐𝒗(𝒏−𝟏) 𝒗(𝒏−𝟏) 𝒗(𝒏+𝟏) 𝟐𝒗(𝟐𝒏+𝟏)
a) b) c) d)
𝒏 𝒏 𝒏 𝒏
39. A body falls freely from a height ‘h’ to the ground. Its average velocity is
a)√𝟐𝒈𝒉 b) √𝒈𝒉/𝟐 c) √𝒈𝒉 /2 d) √𝟐𝒈𝒉
40 The average velocity of a freely falling body is numerically equal to 2/3 rd of acceleration due to gravity.
The velocity of the body at the mid point of journey is
𝒈 𝟐√𝟐𝒈 𝟐√𝟑𝒈
a) b) c) d) 𝟐√𝟐𝒈
√𝟐 𝟑 𝟐
41. A ball is dropped from a point A crosses a point B in ‘t’ sec. The time taken by it to travel from B to C if
AB=BC is
a) t b) √𝟐𝒕 c) 2t d) (√𝟐 − 𝟏)𝒕
42. A body allowed to fall freely reaches the ground in 6 seconds. The ratio of its displacements in last 0.75
seconds to first 0.75 seconds is,
a) 1:1 b) 8:1 c) 15:13 d) 15:1
43. A particle is released from rest from a tower of height 3h. The ratio of times equal height h i.e. t 1:t2:t3 is
a) √𝟑:√𝟐:1 b) 3:2:1 c) 9:4:1 d) 1: (√𝟐-𝟏): (√𝟑-√𝟐)
44. A stone is dropped into a well in which the level of water is h below the top of well . If v is the speed of
sound , the time T after which the splash is heard is given by,
𝟐𝒉 𝟐𝒉 𝒉 𝟐𝒉 𝒉 𝟑𝒉
a) b) √ + c) √ + d)
𝒗 𝒈 𝒗 𝒗 𝒗 𝒗
45. For a freely falling body, the distance travelled in the first eleven seconds of its fall is equal to the distance
travelled in the last second of its fall, then its time of free fall is ,
a) 160 sec b) 40 sec c) 52 sec d) 61 sec
46. A body starts from rest and falls vertically from a height of 19.6m. If = the distance travelled by the body in
the last 0.1 second of its motion is ,
a) 0.05 m b) 1.95 m c) 17.7 m d) Zero
47. Water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap which is 5.0m from the ground . The third drop is leaving the
tap at the instant the first drop touches the ground . At that instant the height of the second drop from the
ground is,
a) 1.25 m b) 2.50 m c) 3.75 m d) 4.00 m
48. A body is allowed to fall freely. The distance travelled by it in four seconds of its fall is equal to the distance
travelled by it in the next three seconds of its fall and each is equal to d. The value of d is
a) 220 m b) 390 m c) 410 m d) 470 m
49. A ball is dropped from the top of the tower of height h. It covers a distance of h/2 in the last second of its
motion. The value of h is,
a) 58.28 m b) 68.28m c) 8 m d) 100 m
50. Two balls are dropped from the same point after an interval of 1 sec. If acceleration due to gravity is , the
distance of separation between them 3 seconds after the release of first ball is
a) 5 m b) 10 m c) 25 m d) 30 m
51. A paper weight is dropped from a roof of a block of multistorey flats, each storey being 3m high. It passes
the ceiling of the 20th storey from the bottom at 30 m/s .If g=10 m/s2 , the number of storeys the building
a) 28 b) 35 c) 42 d) 21
52. Two stones whose masses are 0.5kg and 1kg are dropped from heights 100m and 200m freely. The ratio of
their momenta on reaching the ground is,
a) 1:2 b) 1:1 c)1 : 2√𝟐 d) √𝟐 : 1
53. A body is allowed to fall freely. The distance travelled by it in first n seconds of its fall is x, the distance
travelled by it on the next second is,
𝒈 𝒈
a) x+g b) x - g c) √𝟐𝒈𝒙 + d) √𝟐𝒈𝒙 −
𝟐 𝟐
54. A body is falling freely through air. It the force of resistance due to air is equal to its weight, the body
a) Remains at rest b) Moves with uniform velocity
c) Moves with decreasing velocity d) Moves with increasing velocity
55 The parachutist drops freely from an aero plane for 10 sec before the parachute opens out. Then he
descends with a net retardation of 2.5 m/s2. If he bated out of the plane at a height of 2495 m and if , his
velocity on reaching the ground will be.
a) 2.5 m/s b) 5 m/s c) 8 m/s d) 10 m/s
56. A body is projected vertically up with some velocity ‘u’. It travels 35m in the last second of its total flight. If
velocity of projection is doubled, the distance it travelled in the last second of its total flight is
a) 70 m b) 75 m c) 80 m d) 60
57. A man in a lift ascending with certain acceleration throws a ball vertically up with a velocity ‘V’ and catches
it after a time of 2 sec. If that lift descends with the same acceleration and throws the ball with same way
with same velocity catches it after 3 sec., then V is
a) 6 m/s b) 24 m/s c) 12 m/s d) 25/3 m/s
58. A body is projected vertically upwards. During its ascent the acceleration is g 𝒋⃗, during its descent
acceleration acting on it is.
a)g 𝒋⃗ b) –g 𝒋⃗ c) g 𝒊⃗ d) Zero
59. A rocket is fired vertically from the ground. It moves upwards with a constant acceleration 10 m/s2 for 30
seconds after which the fuel is consumed. After what time from the instant of firing the rocket will attain
the maximum height? ( g=10ms-2)
a) 30 sec b) 45 sec c) 60 sec d) 75 sec
60. A ball is thrown upwards from the ground with an initial speed u. The ball is at a height of 80m at two
times, the time interval being 6sec. The value of u is (g=10ms -2)
a) 10 m/s b) 25 m/s c)50 m/s d) 10 m/s

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