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Assignment - I

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1. The displacement – time graph of a moving particle

is shown below. The instantaneous velocity of the
particle is –ve at the point.

a) C b) D c) E d) F
2. A stone is dropped from the top of the tower and reaches the ground in 3s. Then the height of the
tower is

a) 18.6m b) 39.2m c) 44.1m d) 98m

3. A car travels equal distances in the same direction with velocities 60km/h, 20km/h and 10km/h
respectively. The average velocity of the car over the whole journey of motion is

a) 8m/s b) 7m/s c) 6m/s d) 5m/s

4. A body starts from rest and moves along a straight line with uniform acceleration . It covers a
distance of 150m during 8th second of its motion . The acceleration of the body is

a) 20m/s2 b) 10m/s2 c) 30m/s2 d) 15m/s2

5. A ball is thrown straight upward with a speed v from a height h above the ground. The time taken for
the ball to strike the ground is given by

a) -h = vt – ½ gt2 b) h = vt – ½ gt2 c) ½ gt2 d) 2g / h

6. An elevator is going up. The variation in the velocity of

the elevator is as given in the graph. What is the height
to which the elevator takes the passengers.

a) 3.6m b) 28.8m c) 36.0m d) 72.0m

7. For the displacement – time graph shown in fig the ratio

of the magnitude of the speed during the first two seconds
and the next four seconds is

a) 1 : 1 b) 2:1 c) 1 : 2 d) 3 : 2
8. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the surface of earth with a speed of 18km/h. If g = 10m/s 2
then the maximum height attained by the ball is

a) 1.25m b) 3m c) 10m d) 180m

9. A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the top of a tower at 4.9m/s. It strikes the pond near the base
of the tower after 3 seconds. The height of the tower is

a) 29.4m b) 44.1m c) 73.5 m d) 490m

10. A body is thrown vertically upwards in air when air resistance is taken into consideration . Let the
time of ascent be t1 and time of descent be t2 then

a) t1 = t2 b) t1 < t2 c) t1 > t2 d) t1 > = < t2

11. A ball is dropped from abridge 125m high after the ball has been falling for 2 seconds another ball is
thrown downwards with such a velocity that the two balls strike the surface of water simultaneously.
The velocity of the second ball is nearly.

a) 27 m/s b) 30m/s c) 30m/s d) infinite

12. A particle experiences constant acceleration for 20s after starting from rest . If it travels a distance s 1
in the first 10seconds and a distance s2 in the next 10 seconds then

a) s2 = 2s1 b) s2 = 3s1 c) s2 = 4s1 d) s2 = 5s1

13. One car moving on a straight road covers one third of the distance with 20km/h and the rest with
60km/h. The average speed is

a) 40km/h b) 80km/h c) 46 2/3 km/h d) 36km/h

14. A ball is dropped from the top of a building 120m high. At the same time, another ball is thrown
upwards with a velocity of 40m/s from the bottom of the building. The two balls will meet after
a) 5.6s b) 3.5s c) 4s d) 3s
15. A person sitting in a train moving with uniform velocity tossed a coin vertically up. The coin will fall
a) back into the hands b) Behind the c) Before the d) By the side of
of the person person person the person
16. Velocity – time graph of a body thrown vertically up is
a) a straight line b) a parabola c) a hyperbola d) a circle
17. A disc arranged in a vertical plane has several grooves
directed along chords drawn from a point ‘A’ as
shown in the figure. Several bodies begin to
slide down the respective grooves from A
simultaneously. The ratio of their times of slide
will be in the ratio (neglect friction and air resistance)

a) AB : AC : AD : AE b) 1 : 1:1 :1 c) AC : AD : AC : AB D) 1 : 2 : 3: 4
18. A ball dropped from one metre above the top of a window crosses the window in t1 second . If the
same ball is dropped from 2m above the top of the same window, time taken by it to across the
window is t2s then
a) t2 = t1 b) t2 = 2t1 c) t2 > t1 d) t2 < t1
19. At the maximum height of a body thrown vertically up
a) velocity is not zero b) acceleration is not zero c) Both acceleration d) Both acceleration and
but acceleration is zero but velocity is zero and velocity are zero velocity are not zero
20. The average velocity of a freely falling body is numerically equal to half of the acceleration due to
gravity. The velocity of the body as it reaches the ground is
a) g b) g/2 c) g/2 d) 2 g
21. In the case of a body falling freely from small height
a) The changes of position are equal in equal intervals of time
b) The changes of velocity are equal in unequal intervals of time
c) The changes of acceleration is zero in unequal intervals if time
d) All the above
22. Velocity displacement graph of a freely falling body is
a) straight line passing through the origin b) straight line intersecting X and Y axis
c) parabola d) hyperbola
23. Displacement time graph of a body projected vertically up is
a) a straight line b) a parabola c) a hyperbola d) a circle
24. Two balls of different masses are thrown vertically upwards with the same speed. They pass through
the point of projection in their downward motion with the

a) heavier ball having more speed b) lighter ball having more speed
c) both having same speed d) Both having different speeds
25. A man standing in a lift falling under gravity releases a ball from his hand. As seen by him the ball
a) falls down b) remain stationary c) goes up d) executes S.H.M
26. A body is moving along the circumference of a circle of radius R and completes half of the
revolution. Then the ratio of its displacement to distance is

a)    b) 2 : 1 c) 2 :  d) 1 : 2
27. Starting from rest a body travels 36m in the first 2 seconds of its journey. Distance it can travel in the
11th second is
a) 72m b) 108m c) 144m d) 1 89m
28. A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity in penetrating 15cm. Before coming to rest it
can penetrate a further distance of

a) 5cm b) 15cm c) 7.5cm d) 10cm

29. A body completes one round of a circle of radius ‘R’ in 20 seconds. The displacement of the body
after 45seconds is

a) R / 2 b) 2R c) 2R d) 2R
30. For a body moving with uniform acceleration ‘a’ initial and final velocities in a time interval ‘t’ are u
and v respectively. Then its average velocity in the time interval ‘t’ is

a) (V + at/2) b) (V-at/2) c) (V-at) d) u+at/2

31. Two cars started simultaneously towards each other from towns A and B which are 480 km apart. It
took first car travelling from A to B 8 hours to cover the distance and second car travelling from B to
A 12 hours. Determine when the car meet after starting and at what distance from town A.

a) 5hrs, 288km b) 4.8hrs, 288km c) 5hrs, 280km d) 4.8hrs, 280km

32. Two trains each of length 100m are moving on parallel tracks. One over takes the other in 20seconds
and one crosses the other in 10 seconds. Calculate the velocities of each train.

a) 15 m/sec, 5m/sec b) 10m/sec, 5m/sec c) 15m/sec, 10m/sec d) 10m/sec, 20m/sec

33. The height of a tower is h metre. A body is thrown from the top of tower vertically upward with some
speed, it takes t1 second to reach the ground. Another body thrown from the top of tower with same
speed downwards takes t2 seconds to reach the ground. If third body, released from same place takes
‘t’ seconds to reach the ground

a) t = (t1+t2)/2 b) t = t1 / t2 c) 2/t = 1/t1+1/t2 d) t = t1t 2

34. Fig . shows the displacement (x) – time (t0) graph of a

particle moving on the X-axis
a) The particle is at rest
b) The particle is continuously going along X-direction
c) The velocity of particle increases up to time t0 and then becomes constant
d) The particle moves at a constant velocity up to a time t0 and the stops
35. The slope of velocity time graph for motion with uniform velocity is equal to
a) final velocity b) initial velocity c) zero d) None of them
36. Which of the following can be zero, when a particle is in motion for some time?
a) distance b) displacement c) speed d) None of them
37. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance is
a) always less b) always more c) always equal to d) equal to or less
than one than one one than one
38. A body moving with uniform velocity is in equilibrium
a) True b) false c) may be true or false d) None of the above
39. Which one of the following represents the time – displacement graph of two objects A and B moving
with zero relative speed

40. Two balls of different masses are thrown vertically upwards with the same speed. They pass through
the point of projection in their downward motion

a) With same speed b) with different speed

c) with same momentum d) Information is insufficient

Key :
1) c 2) c 3) d 4) a 5) a 6) c 7) b 8) a 9) a 10) b

11) a 12) b 13) d 14) d 15) a 16) a 17) b 18) d 19) b 20) a

21) c 22) c 23) b 24) c 25) b 26) c 27) d 28) a 29) b 30) d

31) b 32) a 33) d 34) d 35) c 36) b 37) d 38) a 39) b 40) a

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