remainder is
3. If the digits are reversed, the result will be 792 less. Find the ten’s digit of the original number. *
1 point
a. 6
b. 7
c. 2
d. 4
PROBLEM #14: When sold, the sum of the cost of 8chickens and 5duck is 220 more than the cost of 2 geese. If 9
chicken, 4 ducks and 6 geese would cost 697, how much does geese cost each piece? *
1 point
a. Php 60
b. Php 28
c. Php 65
d. Php 68
PROBLEM #15: If a certain number of two digit be divided by the sum of the digits, the quotient is 6 and
remainder is 3. Three times the given number is 168 more than the number expressed by the digits in reverse
order. What is the unit's digitof the original number? *
1 point
a. 5
b. 8
c. 3
d. 4
PROBLEM #16: The sum of the digits of a 3 digit number is 8. The hundreds digit being three times the unit
digit. If 198 is subtracted from the number, the order of the digits will be reversed. Find the tens digit of the
number. *
1 point
a. 6
b. 7
c. 2
d. 4