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Study Guide Prepared By: Cuyan, Aurora S

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Benguet State University

College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Social Sciences
SS 21 Understanding the Self

II. Study Schedule

Study Schedule
Week Topic Learning outcomes Activities
Introduction About the Course
Aug. 2021 Diagnostic Test: This activity aims to draw out your own perceptions of yourself and how you
Week 2 relate with and to the world. Since you do not yet have a clear understanding of the subject
matter, we do not expect you to elucidate much on the matter. However, we encourage you to
introspect and think deeply and clearly as your answer the following questions. Compose your
essay in three paragraphs – introduction, body/summary, and conclusion.

An overview of the self:

Week 2 1. Determine the different factors that Engage: Activity 1. “Knowing Myself”
contribute to one’s being. Explore: “What’s in a NAME?” highlights different
2. Present different factors of the self- factors (social, environmental, biological and other
according to one’s self-appraisal life factors) that contribute to the development of the
3. Focus attention as well as listen self
wholeheartedly and openly to each Explain:
member of the class during video a. An overview of the Self / identity
sharing sessions. b.” Me “and “I” perspective
4. Demonstrate self- understanding Elaborate: Activity 2. Poster- slogan- sharing of
and self-acceptance one’s self (group activity)
Evaluate: Activity 3. “The Factors of My Self”

Module 1 The self from various perspective

Unit1.1 Philosophical perspective
Week 3 1. Define and explain the different Engage: What is your philosophy in Life?
philosophical stand points about the Explore: What philosophy says about the Self?
self. Defining the different philosophical stand point about
2.Trace and explain in how the self
philosophical models have transformed Explain: Discuss how the classical and modern
from classical to contemporary times philosophical models defined the self and the
3. Synthesize and evaluate the evolution of these philosophical frameworks from
different perspectives of self. ancient to contemporary times.
Elaborate: Choose two (2) philosophies and explain
how each impacts the self
A. Analyze and tabulate the relevance of various
philosophical standpoints to their sense of self.
B. Two-minute speech about the Philosophical Self.
C. Poster Making
D. Personality Test
Do graded quiz
Finalize assignments : Activities/exercises given
Unit 1.2 Psychological perspective
Week 4 1. Define and describe the different Engage: Watch: short videos on psychological
concepts of the self. theories such as:
2. Differentiate the various concepts  Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of
of the self and identify their Development: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
interrelationships.  Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Theory
3. Explain how the concepts of self- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBX7IDuh1bU
influence behavior.  Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory
4. Apply concepts of self in one’s life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhcgYgx7aAA
 Lawrence Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory
to develop self-awareness and
self- understanding.  William James
Benguet State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
SS 21 Understanding the Self

 Carl Rogers Theory of Personality

 Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Explore: Familiarize with the psychological theories
that influence the way people understand the self
and the growth process to live life to the fullest.
Explain: Discuss the psychological theories
Elaborate: Summarize the different psychological
A. Make a self –description essay or a story: An
inspiration “The story of my life”.
B. Take the “The BIG Five Personality Test
Do graded quiz
Finalize assignments : Activities/exercises given
Unit 1.3 Sociological perspective
1. Recognize what sociology tells Engage: Introduction to the sociologists on the self
September about understanding the self and Explore: Watch: “No Man is an Island” by oan
2021 others Whitney and reflect on the song’s meaning
Week 1 2. Understand how individuals Explain:
view the self as a product of  Discuss theories of the social self
socialization  Discuss the self as a product of modern and
3. Explain the theories of the postmodern societies
social self Elaborate: Highlight some aspect of your physical
4. Discuss the self as a product appearance or behavior and how you have changed
of modern and postmodern it based on the imagined interactions/thoughts of
societies others.
5. Appreciate own social experiences Evaluate:
that have been  Sharing of social experience through a song/
particularly helpful in understanding poem or story
the self  Drawing comparisons
Do graded quiz
Finalize assignments : Activities/exercises given
Unit 1.4 Anthropological Perspective
Week 2 1. Recognize what the field of Engage: Observations of the Filipino Self
anthropology can contribute to the Explore: Read the “Culture and the Self”
understanding of the self  Compare and contrast he American and
2. Understand how culture and self
Japanese culture.
are complimentary concepts
3. Discuss the cultural construction of  Identify some characteristics of the Filipino
the self and social identity Self
4. Explain of identity struggles  Identify some characteristics of your Ethno-
5. Develop insights on how to linguistic group
achieve a sense of self, situated in Explain:
multicultural and dynamic  What are the cultural construction of the self
and identity?
 Discuss subfields of Anthropology and some
notable Anthropologists
Elaborate: Make a drawing about your cultural self
A. Narrate some of your identity struggles
Do graded quiz
Finalize assignments : Activities/exercises given
Unit 1.5 The Self in Western/Eastern thought
Week 3 1. Understand the western concept of Engage:
the self. Explore:
2. Enumerate and discuss the Explain:
different Eastern conception of self Elaborate:
3. Compare eastern and Western
Benguet State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
SS 21 Understanding the Self

views of the self

4. Examine your own
conceptualization of self
Do chapter graded quiz
Finalize assignments :
Activities/exercises given
Module 2 Unpacking the Self ( Part 1)
Unit 2.1 The physical Self
Week 4 1. Identify the contributions of genetic Engage: Why Do I Exercise? (View any video clip
and environmental factors on about physical fitness)
physical development of the self Explore: Share your tips on how you take good care
2. Describe the factors that affect of yourself.
body image Explain: The contributions of genetic and
3. Examine the impact of culture on environmental factors on physical development of
body image and self the self
4. Develop a positive Body image Elaborate: In your own culture, what are the factors
that affect your body image?
A. Make a good tip on how to develop positive
Body Image. Think of a good title.
Do graded quiz
Finalize assignments :
Activities/exercises given
Unit 2.2 The Sexual Self
Week 4 1. Explain the development of sex Engage: Development of sex characteristics and
characteristics and human human reproductive systems: “My journey”
reproductive system Explore: Read on the different sexually transmitted
2. Describe the erogenous zones and diseases (STD’s) and take note of the causes.
understand human sexual
response Explain: Attraction, love and attachment
3. Understand attraction, love, and Elaborate: Narrate a story about teen age
attachment pregnancy
4. Explain sexual orientation Evaluate: Reflect on the importance of the
5. Identify the causes and Reproductive health and Population Development
consequences of sexually act of 2008 (RH Bill)
transmitted infections disease and
early pregnancy
6. Reflect on the importance of
contraception and reproductive
Health Law

October 1, Do graded quiz

2021 Finalize assignments :
, Activities/exercises given
Oct 4-8 Midterm Examination

III. Course Requirements:

A. Midterm Exam (Written/Performance)
B. Final Exam (Written/ Performance)
C. Quizzes
D. Essays
E. Graded recitations
F. Group Outputs (Reports, Structured Learning Experiences, Reaction Papers, Workshop)
G. Photo essays a
H. Quick surveys

IV. Evaluation and Grading System:

A. Grading System
Benguet State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
SS 21 Understanding the Self

(CSx 2)+ Term Exam Grade

Midterm Grade = 3

(Tentative Final Grade x 2 )+ Midterm Grade

Final Term Grade = 3
V. References:

Brawner, Daisy G. et al (2018). Understanding the self. C & E Publishing, Inc 839 EDSA, South Triangle,
Quezon City

Belk (2013). Extended Self in a Digital World. Journal of Consumer Research. 40. 3. 477 — 500 (For the
topic, Unpacking The Self - The Digital self)

Brown,B. (2017). Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way we Live, Love,
Parent and Lead. New York Times

Covey,S. (2014). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

Covey,S.R. (2004). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change.
SImon and Schuster

Demello, M. (2014). Beautiful Bodies. Pp 173 188. And Fat and Thin Bodies. 189 — 205. In Body Studies:
Introduction. Routledge (For the topic, Unpacking the Self - The Physical Self)

Dittmer, H. The Individual Centered Approach: Material Possessions as Parts of the Extended Self. Pp. 41-
64 and Possessions as Symbolic Expressions of Identity. Pp. 95-121 in The Social Psychology of
Material Possessions: To Have is to Be? St. Martin's Press.

J. Duntosky, K.A. Rawson, E.J. Marsh, M.J. Nathan, & D. T. Willingham. (2013). Improving Students'
Learning with Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions from Cognitive and Educational
Psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4-58.
Doi:10.1177/1529100612453266 (For the topic, Managing and Caring for the Self) Ellison et. Al.
(2006). Managing impressions online: Self presentation processes in the online dating environment.
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication. 11. 415 — 441. Dot: 10.11 1/j.1083-6101

Horsley,K. (2016). Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advance Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember
More and be More Productive.

Johnson,S. (2018). Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in
Your Life. Amazon

Knight,K. (2017). Mind Mapping: Improve Memory, Concentration, Communication, Organization, Creativity
and Time Management. Kindle Editio

Lewrick,M.,Link,P., Leifer,L. (2018). The Design Thinking Playbook. Wiley

Levine,A. & Heller,R. (2010). Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You.
London, England
Benguet State University
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
SS 21 Understanding the Self

Macayan, Jonathan V. et al (2018). Understanding the self. C & E Publishing, Inc 839 EDSA, South
Triangle, Quezon City

McAdams,D.P., Josselson,R., Lieblich. (eds)(2013). Identity and Story: Creating Self in Narrative (Narrative
Study of Lives). Amazon

Medina,J. (2014). Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home and School. 2 nd
edition. Pear Press

Neff, K. (2012). The Science of Self Compassion. In Germer & Siegel (eds). Compassion and Wellness in
NY. Guilford Press. 79-92. Or http://self-compassion.org/the-research

Sadghuru,J.V.(2016). inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy.

Sosis, R. (2010). The Adaptive Value of Religious Ritual. In Angeloni (ed). Annual Editions: Anthropology
10/11. 33rd ed. McGraw Hill. 133-137.

Stein & Stein (2011). Ritual. In the Anthropology of Religion) Magic and Witchcraft. Prentice Hall. 77-102.

Taag. Gregorio C. et. al (2018). Understanding the Self/ IPM Publising House. Bulacan.

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