Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight concrete
Lightweight concretes can either be lightweight aggregate concrete, foamed concrete or
autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). Lightweight concrete blocks are often used in house
The required properties of the lightweight concrete will have a bearing on the best type of
lightweight aggregate to use. If little structural requirement, but high thermal insulation
properties, are needed then a light, weak aggregate can be used. This will result in relatively
low strength concrete.
Foamed concrete
Lightweight aggregate concretes can be used for structural applications, with strengths
equivalent to normal weight concrete. 1/2
10/11/2018 Lightweight concrete
The elastic modulus of lightweight concretes is lower than the equivalent strength normal
weight concrete, but when considering the de ection of a slab or beam, this is counteracted
by the reduced self-weight.
The basic design for lightweight concrete is covered in Eurocode 2 Part 1-1, with section 11
having particular rules required for lightweight aggregate concretes. Concrete is considered
to be lightweight is the density is not more than 2200kg/m3 (the density of normal weight
concrete is assumed to be between 2300kg/m3 and 2400kg/m3) and a proportion of the
aggregate should have a density of less than 2000kg/m3. Lightweight concrete can be
speci ed using the notation LC for the strength class, e.g LC30/33, which denotes a
lightweight concrete with a cylinder strength of 30MPa and a cube strength of 33MPa.
The lighter the concrete, the greater are the di erences to be accounted for in the
properties of the concrete. The tensile strength, ultimate strains and shear strengths are all
lower than a normal weight concrete with the same cylinder strength. Lightweight concretes
are also less sti than the equivalent normal strength concrete. However, this is mitigated by
the reduction in self-weight to be carried, so the overall e ect tends to be a slight reduction
in the depth of a beam or slab.
Creep and shrinkage for lightweight concretes are higher than that for the equivalent normal
weight concrete, and this should be taken into account when designing the structure.
AAC was rst commercially produced in 1923 in Sweden. Since then, AAC construction
systems such as masonry units, reinforced oor/roof and wall panels and lintels have been
used on all continents and every climatic condition. AAC can also be sawn by hand, sculpted
and penetrated by nails, screws and xings. 2/2