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Mechanical Engineering

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Mechanical Engineering (Course 2)

First-Year Introductory Subjects

2.00A Fundamentals of Engineering Design: Explore Space, Sea and Earth
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR) and Physics I (GIR)

2.00B Toy Product Design

2.00C[J] Design for Complex Environmental Issues: Building Solutions

and Communicating Ideas

Core Undergraduate Subjects

2.00 Introduction to Design

2.000 Explorations in Mechanical Engineering

2.001 Mechanics and Materials I

Prereq: Physics I (GIR); 

2.002 Mechanics and Materials II

Prereq: Chemistry (GIR) and 2.001

2.003[J] Dynamics and Control I

Same subject as 1.053[J]
Prereq: Physics II (GIR); 

2.004 Dynamics and Control II

Prereq: Physics II (GIR) and 2.003[J]

2.005 Thermal-Fluids Engineering I

Prereq: (Calculus II (GIR), Physics II (GIR), and (2.086, 6.0002, or 18.06)) or permission of

2.006 Thermal-Fluids Engineering II

Prereq: 2.005 or (2.051 and 2.06)

2.007 Design and Manufacturing I

Prereq: 2.001 and 2.670; Coreq: 2.086

2.008 Design and Manufacturing II

Prereq: 2.007; or Coreq:  2.017[J] and (2.005 or 2.051)

2.009 The Product Engineering Process

Prereq: 2.001, 2.003[J], (2.005 or 2.051), and (2.00B, 2.670, or 2.678)

2.013 Engineering Systems Design

Subject meets with 2.733
Prereq: (2.001, 2.003[J], (2.005 or 2.051), and (2.00B, 2.670, or 2.678)) or permission of

2.014 Engineering Systems Development

Subject meets with 2.734
Prereq: (2.001, 2.003[J], (2.005 or 2.051), and (2.00B, 2.670, or 2.678)) or permission of

2.016 Hydrodynamics
Prereq: 2.005

2.017[J] Design of Electromechanical Robotic Systems

Same subject as 1.015[J]
Prereq: 2.003[J], 2.016, and 2.678; Coreq: 2.671

2.019 Design of Ocean Systems

Prereq: 2.001, 2.003[J], and (2.005 or 2.016)

2.05 Thermodynamics
Prereq: 2.001

2.051 Introduction to Heat Transfer

Prereq: 2.05

2.06 Fluid Dynamics

2.086 Numerical Computation for Mechanical Engineers

Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and Physics I (GIR); Coreq: 2.087 or  18.03

2.087 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra and ODEs

Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and Physics I (GIR)

Dynamics and Acoustics

2.032 Dynamics
Prereq: 2.003[J]

2.033[J] Nonlinear Dynamics and Turbulence

Same subject as 1.686[J], 18.358[J]
Subject meets with 1.068
Prereq: 1.060A
2.034[J] Nonlinear Dynamics and Waves
Same subject as 1.685[J], 18.377[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.036[J] Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Same subject as 18.385[J]
Prereq: 18.03 or 18.032

2.050[J] Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos

Same subject as 12.006[J], 18.353[J]
Prereq: Physics II (GIR) and (18.03 or 18.032)

2.060[J] Structural Dynamics

Same subject as 1.581[J], 16.221[J]
Subject meets with 1.058
Prereq: 18.03 or permission of instructor

2.062[J] Wave Propagation

Same subject as 1.138[J], 18.376[J]
Prereq: 2.003[J] and 18.075

2.065 Acoustics and Sensing

Subject meets with 2.066
Prereq: 2.003[J], 6.003, 8.03, or 16.003

2.066 Acoustics and Sensing

Subject meets with 2.065
Prereq: 2.003[J], 6.003, 8.03, 16.003, or permission of instructor

Solid Mechanics and Materials

2.071 Mechanics of Solid Materials
Prereq: 2.002
G (Spring)

2.072 Mechanics of Continuous Media

Prereq: 2.071

2.073 Solid Mechanics: Plasticity and Inelastic Deformation

Prereq: 2.071

2.074 Solid Mechanics: Elasticity

Prereq: 2.002 and 18.03
2.075 Mechanics of Soft Materials

2.076[J] Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials

Same subject as 16.223[J]
Prereq: 2.002, 3.032, 16.20, or permission of instructor

2.080[J] Structural Mechanics

Same subject as 1.573[J]
Prereq: 2.002

2.081[J] Plates and Shells: Static and Dynamic Analysis

Same subject as 16.230[J]
Prereq: 2.071, 2.080[J], or permission of instructor

2.082 Ship Structural Analysis and Design

Prereq: 2.081[J] and 2.701

Computational Engineering
2.089[J] Computational Geometry
Same subject as 1.128[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.091[J] Software and Computation for Simulation

Same subject as 1.124[J]
Prereq: 1.00 or permission of instructor

2.096[J] Introduction to Modeling and Simulation

Same subject as 6.336[J], 16.910[J]
Prereq: 18.03 or 18.06

2.097[J] Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Same subject as 6.339[J], 16.920[J]
Prereq: 18.03 or 18.06

2.098 Introduction to Finite Element Methods for Partial Differential

Prereq: 2.086 and 18.06

2.099[J] Computational Mechanics of Materials

Same subject as 16.225[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
System Dynamics and Control
2.110[J] Information, Entropy, and Computation
Same subject as 6.050[J]
Prereq: Physics I (GIR)

2.111[J] Quantum Computation

Same subject as 8.370[J], 18.435[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.12 Introduction to Robotics

Subject meets with 2.120
Prereq: 2.004

2.120 Introduction to Robotics

Subject meets with 2.12
Prereq: 2.004 or permission of instructor

2.121 Stochastic Systems

Subject meets with 2.122, 2.22
Prereq: None. Coreq: 2.004

2.122 Stochastic Systems

Subject meets with 2.121, 2.22
Prereq: 2.004 and 2.087

2.131 Advanced Instrumentation and Measurement

Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.14 Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems

Subject meets with 2.140
Prereq: 2.004

2.140 Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems

Subject meets with 2.14
Prereq: 2.004 or permission of instructor

2.141 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems

Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.151 Advanced System Dynamics and Control

Prereq: 2.004 and (2.087 or 18.06)

2.152[J] Nonlinear Control

Same subject as 9.110[J]
Prereq: 2.151, 6.241[J], 16.31, or permission of instructor

2.153 Adaptive Control and Connections to Machine Learning

Prereq: 2.151

2.154 Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles

Prereq: 2.22

2.16 Learning Machines

Subject meets with 2.168
Prereq: 2.086, 18.075, and (18.05 or 6.041)

2.160 Identification, Estimation, and Learning

Prereq: 2.151

2.165[J] Robotics
Same subject as 9.175[J]
Prereq: 2.151 or permission of instructor

2.166 Autonomous Vehicles

Prereq: 6.041B or permission of instructor

2.168 Learning Machines

Subject meets with 2.16
Prereq: None

2.171 Analysis and Design of Digital Control Systems

Prereq: 2.14, 2.151, or permission of instructor

2.18[J] Biomolecular Feedback Systems

Same subject as 6.557[J]
Subject meets with 2.180[J], 6.027[J]
Prereq: Biology (GIR), 18.03, or permission of instructor

2.180[J] Biomolecular Feedback Systems

Same subject as 6.027[J]
Subject meets with 2.18[J], 6.557[J]
Prereq: Biology (GIR), 18.03, or permission of instructor

2.183[J] Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement

Same subject as 9.34[J]
Subject meets with 2.184
Prereq: 2.004 or permission of instructor

2.184 Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement

Subject meets with 2.183[J], 9.34[J]
Prereq: 2.004 or permission of instructor

Fluid Mechanics and Combustion

2.20 Marine Hydrodynamics
Prereq: 1.060, 2.006, 2.016, or 2.06

2.22 Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles

Subject meets with 2.121, 2.122
Prereq: 2.20

2.23 Hydrofoils and Propellers

Prereq: 2.20 and 18.085

2.24[J] Seakeeping of Ships and Offshore Energy Systems

Same subject as 1.692[J]
Prereq: 2.20 and 18.085

2.25 Fluid Mechanics

Prereq: 2.006 or 2.06; Coreq:  18.075 or 18.085

2.250[J] Fluids and Diseases

Same subject as 1.631[J], HST.537[J]
Subject meets with 1.063
Prereq: None

2.26[J] Advanced Fluid Dynamics

Same subject as 1.63[J]
Prereq: 18.085 and (2.25 or permission of instructor)

2.28 Fundamentals and Applications of Combustion

Prereq: 2.006 or (2.051 and 2.06)

2.29 Numerical Fluid Mechanics

Subject meets with 2.290
Prereq: 18.075 and (2.006, 2.016, 2.06, 2.20, or 2.25)

2.290 Numerical Fluid Mechanics

Subject meets with 2.29
Prereq: 2.005

2.341[J] Macromolecular Hydrodynamics

Same subject as 10.531[J]
Prereq: 2.25, 10.301, or permission of instructor

MEMS and Nanotechnology

2.37 Fundamentals of Nanoengineering
Subject meets with 2.370
Prereq: Permission of instructor

N. G. Hadjiconstantinou

2.370 Fundamentals of Nanoengineering

Subject meets with 2.37
Prereq: Chemistry (GIR) and 2.001

2.372[J] Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Systems

Same subject as 6.777[J]
Subject meets with 2.374[J], 6.717[J]
Prereq: (Physics II (GIR) and (2.003[J] or 6.003)) or permission of instructor

2.374[J] Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Systems

Same subject as 6.717[J]
Subject meets with 2.372[J], 6.777[J]
Prereq: (Physics II (GIR) and (2.003[J] or 6.003)) or permission of instructor

2.391[J] Nanostructure Fabrication

Same subject as 6.781[J]
Prereq: (2.710, 6.152[J], or 6.161) or permission of instructor

2.42 General Thermodynamics
Prereq: Permission of instructor

Heat and Mass Transfer

2.500 Desalination and Water Purification
Prereq: 1.020, 2.006, 10.302, (2.051 and 2.06), or permission of instructor

2.51 Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer

Prereq: (2.005 and 18.03) or permission of instructor

2.52[J] Modeling and Approximation of Thermal Processes

Same subject as 4.424[J]
Prereq: 2.51
2.55 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
Prereq: 2.51

2.57 Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes

Subject meets with 2.570
Prereq: 2.005, 2.051, or permission of instructor

2.570 Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes

Subject meets with 2.57
Prereq: 2.005, 2.051, or permission of instructor

2.58 Radiative Transfer

Prereq: 2.51, 10.302, or permission of instructor

2.59[J] Thermal Hydraulics in Power Technology

Same subject as 10.536[J], 22.313[J]
Prereq: 2.006, 10.302, 22.312, or permission of instructor

Energy and Power Systems

2.60[J] Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion
Same subject as 10.390[J]
Subject meets with 2.62[J], 10.392[J], 22.40[J]
Prereq: 2.006, (2.051 and 2.06), or permission of instructor

2.603 Fundamentals of Smart and Resilient Grids

Prereq: 2.003[J]

2.61 Internal Combustion Engines

Prereq: 2.006

2.611 Marine Power and Propulsion

Subject meets with 2.612
Prereq: 2.005

2.612 Marine Power and Propulsion

Subject meets with 2.611
Prereq: 2.005

2.62[J] Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion

Same subject as 10.392[J], 22.40[J]
Subject meets with 2.60[J], 10.390[J]
Prereq: 2.006, (2.051 and 2.06), or permission of instructor

2.625[J] Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage: Fundamentals,

Materials and Applications
Same subject as 10.625[J]
Prereq: 2.005, 3.046, 3.53, 10.40, (2.051 and 2.06), or permission of instructor

2.626 Fundamentals of Photovoltaics

Subject meets with 2.627
Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.627 Fundamentals of Photovoltaics

Subject meets with 2.626
Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.65[J] Sustainable Energy

Same subject as 1.818[J], 10.391[J], 11.371[J], 22.811[J]
Subject meets with 2.650[J], 10.291[J], 22.081[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.650[J] Introduction to Sustainable Energy

Same subject as 10.291[J], 22.081[J]
Subject meets with 1.818[J], 2.65[J], 10.391[J], 11.371[J], 22.811[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor

2.651[J] Introduction to Energy in Global Development

Same subject as EC.711[J]
Subject meets with EC.791

2.652[J] Applications of Energy in Global Development (New)

Same subject as EC.712[J]
Subject meets with EC.782

Experimental Engineering
2.670 Mechanical Engineering Tools
Prereq: None
U (Fall, Spring, Summer)
0-1-2 units
Introduces the fundamentals of machine tools use and fabrication techniques. Students work
with a variety of machine tools including the bandsaw, milling machine, and lathe.
Mechanical Engineering students are advised to take this subject in the first IAP after
declaring their major. Enrollment may be limited due to laboratory capacity. Preference to
Course 2 majors and minors.
M. Culpepper

2.671 Measurement and Instrumentation

Prereq: Physics II (GIR), 2.001, 2.003[J], and 2.086
U (Fall, Spring)
3-3-6 units. Institute LAB
Experimental techniques for observation and measurement of physical variables such as
force, strain, temperature, flow rate, and acceleration. Emphasizes principles of transduction,
measurement circuitry, MEMS sensors, Fourier transforms, linear and nonlinear function
fitting, uncertainty analysis, probability density functions and statistics, system identification,
electrical impedance analysis and transfer functions, computer-aided experimentation, and
technical reporting. Typical laboratory experiments involve oscilloscopes, electronic circuits
including operational amplifiers, thermocouples, strain gauges, digital recorders, lasers, etc.
Basic material and lab objectives are developed in lectures. Instruction and practice in oral
and written communication provided. Enrollment limited.
I. W. Hunter, M. Kolle, B. Hughey

2.673[J] Instrumentation and Measurement for Biological Systems

Same subject as 20.309[J]
Subject meets with 20.409
Prereq: (Biology (GIR), Physics II (GIR), 6.0002, and 18.03) or permission of instructor
U (Fall, Spring)
3-6-3 units
See description under subject 20.309[J]. Enrollment limited; preference to Course 20
P. Blainey, S. Manalis, E. Frank, S. Wasserman, J. Bagnall, E. Boyden, P. So

2.674 Introduction to Micro/Nano Engineering Laboratory

Prereq: Physics II (GIR) or permission of instructor
U (Spring)
1-3-2 units
Credit cannot also be received for 2.675, 2.676
Presents concepts, ideas, and enabling tools for nanoengineering through experiential lab
modules, which include microfluidics, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and
nanomaterials and nanoimaging tools such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and atomic-force microscopy (AFM). Provides
knowledge and experience via building, observing and manipulating micro- and nanoscale
structures. Exposes students to fluid, thermal, and dynamic systems at small scales.
Enrollment limited; preference to Course 2 and 2-A majors and minors.
S. G. Kim, R. Karnik, M. Kolle, J. Kim

2.675 Micro/Nano Engineering Laboratory

Subject meets with 2.676
Prereq: 2.25 and (6.777[J] or permission of instructor)
G (Fall)
2-3-7 units
Credit cannot also be received for 2.674
Covers advanced nanoengineering via practical lab modules in connection with classical fluid
dynamics, mechanics, thermodynamics, and material physics. Labs include microfluidic
systems, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), emerging nanomaterials such as
graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and nanoimaging tools. Student teams lead an
experimental term project that uses the tools and knowledge acquired through the lab
modules and experimental work, and culminates in a report and presentation. Recitations
cover idea development, experiment design, planning and execution, and analysis of results
pertinent to the project. In person not required. Enrollment limited.
B. Comeau, J. Kim

2.676 Micro/Nano Engineering Laboratory

Subject meets with 2.675
Prereq: 2.001, 2.003[J], 2.671, and Coreq: (2.005 or (2.051 and 2.06)); or permission of
U (Fall)
2-3-7 units
Credit cannot also be received for 2.674
Studies advanced nanoengineering via experiental lab modules with classical fluid dynamics,
mechanics, thermodynamics, and materials science. Lab modules include microfluidic
systems; microelectromechanical systems (MEMS); emerging nanomaterials, such as
graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs); and nanoimaging tools. Recitation develops in-depth
knowledge and understanding of physical phenomena observed in the lab through
quantitative analysis. Students have the option to engage in term projects led by students
taking 2.675. In person not required. Enrollment limited; preference to Course 2 and 2-OE
majors and minors.
B. Comeau, J. Kim

2.677 Design and Experimentation for Ocean Engineering

Prereq: 2.00A and 2.086; Coreq:  2.016 or permission of instructor
U (Fall)
0-3-3 units
Design and experimental observation for ocean engineering systems focusing on the
fundamentals of ocean wave propagation, ocean wave spectra and wave dispersion,
cavitation, added mass, acoustic sound propagation in water, sea loads on offshore structures,
design of experiments for ship model testing, fish-like swimming propulsion, propellers, and
ocean energy harvesting. Emphasizes fundamentals of data analysis of signals from random
environments using Fourier transforms, noise filtering, statistics and error analysis using
MATLAB. Students carry out experiential laboratory exercises in various Ocean Engineering
laboratories on campus, including short labs and demos, longer exercises with written reports,
and a final experimental design project. Enrollment may be limited due to laboratory
A. H. Techet

2.678 Electronics for Mechanical Systems

Prereq: Physics II (GIR)
U (Fall, Spring)
2-2-2 units
Practical introduction to the fundamentals of electronics in the context of electro-mechanical
systems, with emphasis on experimentation and project work in basic electronics. Laboratory
exercises include the design and construction of simple electronic devices, such as power
supplies, amplifiers, op-amp circuits, switched mode dc-dc converters, and dc motor drivers.
Surveys embedded microcontrollers as system elements. Laboratory sessions stress the
understanding of electronic circuits at the component level, but also point out the modern
approach of system integration using commercial modules and specialized integrated circuits.
Enrollment may be limited due to laboratory capacity; preference to Course 2 majors and
<!--class="Mso"--><!--class="Mso"-->S. Banzaert, J. Leonard, M. Kolle, D. Trumper
2.679 Electronics for Mechanical Systems II (New)
Prereq: 2.086, 2.678, and 18.03
U (Spring)
2-3-1 units
Extends the concepts and techniques developed in 2.678 to include complex systems and
modeling of real-world elements with a strong emphasis on lab experimentation and
independent project work. Topics include sampling theory, energy storage, embedded mobile
systems, autonomous navigation, printed circuit board design, system integration, and
machine vision. Enrollment may be limited; preference to Course 2 majors.
S. Banzaert, J. Leonard

Oceanographic Engineering and Acoustics

2.680 Unmanned Marine Vehicle Autonomy, Sensing, and
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Spring)
2-6-4 units
Focuses on software and algorithms for autonomous decision making (autonomy) by
underwater vehicles operating in ocean environments. Discusses how autonomous marine
vehicles (UMVs) adapt to the environment for improved sensing performance. Covers
sensors for acoustic, biological and chemical sensing and their integration with the autonomy
system for environmentally adaptive undersea mapping and observation. Introduces students
to the underwater acoustic communication environment and various options for undersea
navigation, highlighting their relevance to the operation of collaborative undersea networks
for environmental sensing. Labs involve the use of the MOOP-IvP autonomy software for the
development of integrated sensing, modeling and control solutions. Solutions modeled in
simulation environments and include field tests with small autonomous surface and
underwater vehicles operated on the Charles River. In person not required. Limited
H. Schmidt, J. J. Leonard, M. Benjamin

2.681 Environmental Ocean Acoustics

Prereq: 2.066, 18.075, or permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Fundamentals of underwater sound, and its application to mapping and surveillance in an
ocean environment. Wave equations for fluid and elastic media. Reflection and transmission
of sound at plane interfaces. Wave theory representation of acoustic source radiation and
propagation in shallow and deep ocean waveguides. Interaction of underwater sound with
elastic waves in the seabed and an Arctic ice cover, including effects of porosity and
anisotropy. Numerical modeling of the propagation of underwater sound, including spectral
methods, normal mode theory, and the parabolic equation method, for laterally homogeneous
and inhomogeneous environments. Doppler effects. Effects of oceanographic variability and
fluctuation - spatial and temporal coherence. Generation and propagation of ocean ambient
noise. Modeling and simulation of signals and noise in traditional sonar systems, as well as
modern, distributed, autonomous acoustic surveillance systems.
H. Schmidt

2.682 Acoustical Oceanography

Prereq: 2.681
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit.
Provides brief overview of what important current research topics are in oceanography
(physical, geological, and biological) and how acoustics can be used as a tool to address
them. Three typical examples are climate, bottom geology, and marine mammal behavior.
Addresses the acoustic inverse problem, reviewing inverse methods (linear and nonlinear)
and the combination of acoustical methods with other measurements as an integrated system.
Concentrates on specific case studies, taken from current research journals.
J. F. Lynch, Woods Hole Staff

2.683 Marine Bioacoustics and Geoacoustics

Prereq: 2.681
G (Spring)
3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit.
Both active and passive acoustic methods of measuring marine organisms, the seafloor, and
their interactions are reviewed. Acoustic methods of detecting, observing, and quantifying
marine biological organisms are described, as are acoustic methods of measuring geological
properties of the seafloor, including depth, and surficial and volumetric composition.
Interactions are also described, including effects of biological scatterers on geological
measurements, and effects of seafloor scattering on measurements of biological scatterers on,
in, or immediately above the seafloor. Methods of determining small-scale material
properties of organisms and the seafloor are outlined. Operational methods are emphasized,
and corresponding measurement theory is described. Case studies are used in illustration.
Principles of acoustic-system calibration are elaborated.
K. G. Foote, Woods Hole Staff

2.684 Wave Scattering by Rough Surfaces and Inhomogeneous Media

Prereq: 2.066 or permission of instrctor
Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Fall)
Acad Year 2021-2022: Not offered
3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit.
An advanced-level subject designed to give students a working knowledge of current
techniques in this area. Material is presented principally in the context of ocean acoustics, but
can be used in other acoustic and electromagnetic applications. Includes fundamentals of
wave propagation through, and/or scattering by: random media, extended coherent structures,
rough surfaces, and discrete scatterers.
T. K. Stanton, A. C. Lavery, Woods Hole Staff

2.687 Time Series Analysis and System Identification

Prereq: 6.011 and 18.06
G (Spring)
3-0-9 units
Can be repeated for credit.
Covers matched filtering, power spectral (PSD) estimation, and adaptive signal processing /
system identification algorithms. Algorithm development is framed as an optimization
problem, and optimal and approximate solutions are described. Reviews time-varying
systems, first and second moment representations of stochastic processes, and state-space
models. Also covers algorithm derivation, performance analysis, and robustness to modeling
errors. Algorithms for PSD estimation, the LMS and RLS algorithms, and the Kalman Filter
are treated in detail.
J. C. Preisig, Woods Hole Staff

2.688 Principles of Oceanographic Instrument Systems -- Sensors and

Prereq: 2.671 and 18.075
G (Fall)
3-3-6 units
Introduces theoretical and practical principles of design of oceanographic sensor systems.
Transducer characteristics for acoustic, current, temperature, pressure, electric, magnetic,
gravity, salinity, velocity, heat flow, and optical devices. Limitations on these devices
imposed by ocean environment. Signal conditioning and recording; noise, sensitivity, and
sampling limitations; standards. Principles of state-of-the-art systems being used in physical
oceanography, geophysics, submersibles, acoustics discussed in lectures by experts in these
areas. Day cruises in local waters during which the students will prepare, deploy and analyze
observations from standard oceanographic instruments constitute the lab work for this
H. Singh, R. Geyer, A. Michel

2.689[J] Projects in Oceanographic Engineering

Same subject as 1.699[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Projects in oceanographic engineering, carried out under supervision of Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution staff. Given at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
J. Preisig, Woods Hole Staff

2.690 Corrosion in Marine Engineering

Prereq: 3.012 and permission of instructor
G (Summer)
3-0-3 units
Introduction to forms of corrosion encountered in marine systems material selection, coatings
and protection systems. Case studies and causal analysis developed through student
J. Page, T. Eagar

Naval Architecture
2.700 Principles of Naval Architecture
Subject meets with 2.701
Prereq: 2.002
U (Fall)
4-2-6 units
Presents principles of naval architecture, ship geometry, hydrostatics, calculation and
drawing of curves of form, intact and damage stability, hull structure strength calculations
and ship resistance. Introduces computer-aided naval ship design and analysis tools. Projects
include analysis of ship lines drawings, calculation of ship hydrostatic characteristics,
analysis of intact and damaged stability, ship model testing, and hull structure strength
calculations. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. In person not
R. Bebermeyer, P. D. Sclavounos

2.701 Principles of Naval Architecture

Subject meets with 2.700
Prereq: 2.002
G (Fall)
4-2-6 units
Presents principles of naval architecture, ship geometry, hydrostatics, calculation and
drawing of curves of form, intact and damage stability, hull structure strength calculations
and ship resistance. Introduces computer-aided naval ship design and analysis tools. Projects
include analysis of ship lines drawings, calculation of ship hydrostatic characteristics,
analysis of intact and damaged stability, ship model testing, and hull structure strength
calculations. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. In person not
R. Bebermeyer, P. Sclavounuos

2.702 Systems Engineering and Naval Ship Design

Prereq: 2.701
G (Spring)
3-3-6 units
Introduces principles of systems engineering and ship design with an overview of naval ship
design and acquisition processes, requirements setting, formulation of a systematic plan,
design philosophy and constraints, formal decision making methods, selection criteria,
optimization, variant analysis, trade-offs, analysis of ship design trends, risk, and cost
analysis. Emphasizes the application of principles through completion of a design exercise
and project.
R. Bebermeyer, A. Gillespy

2.703 Principles of Naval Ship Design

Prereq: 2.082, 2.20, 2.611, and 2.702
G (Fall)
4-2-6 units
Covers the design of surface ship platforms for naval applications. Includes topics such as
hull form selection and concept design synthesis, topside and general arrangements, weight
estimation, and technical feasibility analyses (including strength, stability, seakeeping, and
survivability.). Practical exercises involve application of design principles and utilization of
advanced computer-aided ship design tools.
J. Harbour, J. Page

2.704 Projects in Naval Ship Conversion Design

Prereq: 2.703
G (IAP, Spring)
1-6-5 units
Focuses on conversion design of a naval ship. A new mission requirement is defined,
requiring significant modification to an existing ship. Involves requirements setting, design
plan formulation and design philosophy, and employs formal decision-making methods.
Technical aspects demonstrate feasibility and desirability. Includes formal written and verbal
reports and team projects.
J. Harbour, J. Page

2.705 Projects in New Concept Naval Ship Design

Prereq: 2.704
G (Fall, Spring)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Focus on preliminary design of a new naval ship, fulfilling a given set of mission
requirements. Design plan formulation, system level trade-off studies, emphasizes achieving
a balanced design and total system integration. Formal written and oral reports. Team
projects extend over three terms. In person not required.
R. Bebermeyer, R. Jonart

2.707 Submarine Structural Acoustics

Prereq: 2.066
G (Spring; first half of term)
Not offered regularly; consult department
2-0-4 units
Introduction to the acoustic interaction of submerged structures with the surrounding fluid.
Fluid and elastic wave equations. Elastic waves in plates. Radiation and scattering from
planar structures as well as curved structures such as spheres and cylinders. Acoustic imaging
of structural vibrations. Students can take 2.085 in the second half of term.
H. Schmidt

2.708 Traditional Naval Architecture Design

Prereq: None
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: G (IAP)
2-0-1 units
Week-long intensive introduction to traditional design methods in which students hand draw
a lines plan of a N. G. Herreshoff (MIT Class of 1870) design based on hull shape offsets
taken from his original design model. After completing the plan, students then carve a
wooden half-hull model of the boat design. Covers methods used to develop hull shape
analysis data from lines plans. Provides students with instruction in safe hand tool use and
how to transfer their lines to 3D in the form of their model. Limited to 15.
K. Hasselbalch, J. Harbour

2.71 Optics
Subject meets with 2.710
Prereq: (Physics II (GIR), 2.004, and 18.03) or permission of instructor
U (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Introduction to optical science with elementary engineering applications. Geometrical optics:
ray-tracing, aberrations, lens design, apertures and stops, radiometry and photometry. Wave
optics: basic electrodynamics, polarization, interference, wave-guiding, Fresnel and
Fraunhofer diffraction, image formation, resolution, space-bandwidth product. Emphasis on
analytical and numerical tools used in optical design. Graduate students are required to
complete additional assignments with stronger analytical content, and an advanced design
G. Barbastathis, P. T. So

2.710 Optics
Subject meets with 2.71
Prereq: (Physics II (GIR), 2.004, and 18.03) or permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Introduction to optical science with elementary engineering applications. Geometrical optics:
ray-tracing, aberrations, lens design, apertures and stops, radiometry and photometry. Wave
optics: basic electrodynamics, polarization, interference, wave-guiding, Fresnel and
Fraunhofer diffraction, image formation, resolution, space-bandwidth product. Emphasis on
analytical and numerical tools used in optical design. Graduate students are required to
complete additional assignments with stronger analytical content, and an advanced design
G. Barbastathis, P. T. So

2.715[J] Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy for Biology and Medicine

Same subject as 20.487[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Introduces the theory and the design of optical microscopy and its applications in biology and
medicine. The course starts from an overview of basic optical principles allowing an
understanding of microscopic image formation and common contrast modalities such as dark
field, phase, and DIC. Advanced microscopy imaging techniques such as total internal
reflection, confocal, and multiphoton will also be discussed. Quantitative analysis of
biochemical microenvironment using spectroscopic techniques based on fluorescence, second
harmonic, Raman signals will be covered. We will also provide an overview of key image
processing techniques for microscopic data.
P. T. So, C. Sheppard

2.717 Optical Engineering

Prereq: 2.710 or permission of instructor
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Theory and practice of optical methods in engineering and system design. Emphasis on
diffraction, statistical optics, holography, and imaging. Provides engineering methodology
skills necessary to incorporate optical components in systems serving diverse areas such as
precision engineering and metrology, bio-imaging, and computing (sensors, data storage,
communication in multi-processor systems). Experimental demonstrations and a design
project are included.
P. T. So, G. Barbastathis

2.718 Photonic Materials

Subject meets with 2.719
Prereq: 2.003[J], 6.161, 8.03, or permission of instructor
U (Fall)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Provides a review of Maxwell's equations and the Helmholtz wave equation. Optical devices:
waveguides and cavities, phase and group velocity, causality, and scattering. Light-matter
interaction in bulk, surface, and subwavelength-structured matter. Effective media, dispersion
relationships, wavefronts and rays, eikonal description of light propagation, phase
singularities. Transformation optics, gradient effective media. Includes description of the
experimental tools for realization and measurement of photonic materials and effects.
Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
G. Barbastathis, N. Fang

2.719 Photonic Materials

Subject meets with 2.718
Prereq: 2.003[J], 6.161, 8.03, or permission of instructor
G (Fall)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Provides a review of Maxwell's equations and the Helmholtz wave equation. Optical devices:
waveguides and cavities, phase and group velocity, causality, and scattering. Light-matter
interaction in bulk, surface, and subwavelength-structured matter. Effective media, dispersion
relationships, wavefronts and rays, eikonal description of light propagation, phase
singularities. Transformation optics, gradient effective media. Includes description of the
experimental tools for realization and measurement of photonic materials and effects.
Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
G. Barbastathis, N. Fang

2.70 FUNdaMENTALS of Precision Product Design
Subject meets with 2.77
Prereq: 2.008
U (Spring)
3-3-6 units
Examines design, selection, and combination of machine elements to produce a robust
precision system. Introduces process, philosophy and physics-based principles of design to
improve/enable renewable power generation, energy efficiency, and manufacturing
productivity. Topics include linkages, power transmission, screws and gears, actuators,
structures, joints, bearings, error apportionment, and error budgeting. Considers each topic
with respect to its physics of operation, mechanics (strength, deformation, thermal effects)
and accuracy, repeatability, and resolution. Includes guest lectures from practicing industry
and academic leaders. Students design, build, and test a small benchtop precision machine,
such as a heliostat for positioning solar PV panels or a two or three axis machine. Prior to
each lecture, students review the pre-recorded detailed topic materials and then converge on
what parts of the topic they want covered in extra depth in lecture. Students are assessed on
their preparation for and participation in class sessions. Students taking graduate version
complete additional assignments. Enrollment limited.
A. Slocum

2.77 FUNdaMENTALS of Precision Product Design

Subject meets with 2.70
Prereq: 2.008
G (Spring)
3-3-6 units
Examines design, selection, and combination of machine elements to produce a robust
precision system. Introduces process, philosophy and physics-based principles of design to
improve/enable renewable power generation, energy efficiency, and manufacturing
productivity. Topics include linkages, power transmission, screws and gears, actuators,
structures, joints, bearings, error apportionment, and error budgeting. Considers each topic
with respect to its physics of operation, mechanics (strength, deformation, thermal effects)
and accuracy, repeatability, and resolution. Includes guest lectures from practicing industry
and academic leaders. Students design, build, and test a small benchtop precision machine,
such as a heliostat for positioning solar PV panels or a two or three axis machine. Prior to
each lecture, students review the pre-recorded detailed topic materials and then converge on
what parts of the topic they want covered in extra depth in lecture. Students are assessed on
their preparation for and participation in class sessions. Students taking graduate version
complete additional assignments. Enrollment limited.
A. Slocum

2.72 Elements of Mechanical Design

Subject meets with 2.720
Prereq: 2.008 and (2.005 or 2.051); Coreq: 2.671
U (Spring)
3-3-6 units
Advanced study of modeling, design, integration, and best practices for use of machine
elements, such as bearings, bolts, belts, flexures, and gears. Modeling and analysis is based
upon rigorous application of physics, mathematics, and core mechanical engineering
principles, which are reinforced via laboratory experiences and a design project in which
students model, design, fabricate, and characterize a mechanical system that is relevant to a
real-world application. Activities and quizzes are directly related to, and coordinated with,
the project deliverables. Develops the ability to synthesize, model and fabricate a design
subject to engineering constraints (e.g., cost, time, schedule). Students taking graduate
version complete additional assignments. Enrollment limited.
M. L. Culpepper

2.720 Elements of Mechanical Design

Subject meets with 2.72
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: G (Spring)
3-3-6 units
Advanced study of modeling, design, integration, and best practices for use of machine
elements, such as bearings, bolts, belts, flexures, and gears. Modeling and analysis is based
upon rigorous application of physics, mathematics, and core mechanical engineering
principles, which are reinforced via laboratory experiences and a design project in which
students model, design, fabricate, and characterize a mechanical system that is relevant to a
real-world application. Activities and quizzes are directly related to, and coordinated with,
the project deliverables. Develops the ability to synthesize, model and fabricate a design
subject to engineering constraints (e.g., cost, time, schedule). Students taking graduate
version complete additional assignments.
M. L. Culpepper

2.722[J] D-Lab: Design

Same subject as EC.720[J]
Prereq: 2.670 or permission of instructor
U (Spring)
3-0-9 units
See description under subject EC.720[J]. Enrollment limited by lottery; must attend first class
S. Grama, E. Squibb

2.723 Design Thinking and Innovation Leadership for Engineers

Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject.
Offered under: 2.723, 6.902, 16.662
Prereq: None
U (Fall, Spring)
2-1-3 units
See description under subject 6.902.
B. Kotelly

2.7231[J] Introduction to Design Thinking and Innovation in Engineering

Same subject as 6.9021[J], 16.6621[J]
Prereq: None
U (Spring; first half of term)
2-0-1 units
See description under subject 6.9021[J]. Enrollment limited to 25; priority to first-year
B. Kotelly

2.729[J] D-Lab: Design for Scale

Same subject as EC.729[J]
Subject meets with 2.789[J], EC.797[J]
Prereq: None. Coreq: 2.008; or permission of instructor
U (Fall)
3-2-7 units
See description under subject EC.729[J].
M. Yang

2.733 Engineering Systems Design

Subject meets with 2.013
Prereq: (2.001, 2.003[J], (2.005 or 2.051), and (2.00B, 2.670, or 2.678)) or permission of
G (Fall)
0-6-6 units
Focuses on the design of engineering systems to satisfy stated performance, stability, and/or
control requirements. Emphasizes individual initiative, application of fundamental principles,
and the compromises inherent in the engineering design process. Culminates in the design of
an engineering system, typically a vehicle or other complex system. Includes instruction and
practice in written and oral communication through team presentation, design reviews, and
written reports. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. In person
not required. Enrollment may be limited due to laboratory capacity.
D. Hart

2.734 Engineering Systems Development

Subject meets with 2.014
Prereq: (2.001, 2.003[J], (2.005 or 2.051), and (2.00B, 2.670, or 2.678)) or permission of
G (Spring)
0-6-6 units
Focuses on the implementation and operation of engineering systems. Emphasizes system
integration and performance verification using methods of experimental inquiry. Students
refine their subsystem designs and the fabrication of working prototypes. Includes
experimental analysis of subperformance and comparison with physical models of
performance and with design goals. component integration into the full system, with detailed
analysis and operation of the complete vehicle in the laboratory and in the field. Includes
written and oral reports. Students carry out formal reviews of the overall system design.
Instruction and practice in oral and written communication provided. Students taking
graduate version complete additional assignments. Enrollment may be limited due to
laboratory capacity.
D. Hart

2.737 Mechatronics
Prereq: 6.002 and (2.14, 6.302, or 16.30)
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: G (Fall)
3-5-4 units
Introduction to designing mechatronic systems, which require integration of the mechanical
and electrical engineering disciplines within a unified framework. Significant laboratory-
based design experiences form subject's core. Final project. Topics include: low-level
interfacing of software with hardware; use of high-level graphical programming tools to
implement real-time computation tasks; digital logic; analog interfacing and power
amplifiers; measurement and sensing; electromagnetic and optical transducers; control of
mechatronic systems. Limited to 20.
D. L. Trumper, K. Youcef-Toumi

2.739[J] Product Design and Development

Same subject as 15.783[J]
Prereq: 2.009, 15.761, 15.778, 15.814, or permission of instructor
G (Spring)
3-3-6 units
See description under subject 15.783[J]. Engineering students accepted via lottery based on
WebSIS pre-registration.
S. Eppinger, M. C. Yang

2.74 Bio-inspired Robotics

Subject meets with 2.740
Prereq: 2.004 or permission of instructor
U (Fall)
3-1-8 units
Interdisciplinary approach to bio-inspired design, with emphasis on principle extraction
applicable to various robotics research fields, such as robotics, prosthetics, and human
assistive technologies. Focuses on three main components: biomechanics, numerical
techniques that allow multi-body dynamics simulation with environmental interaction and
optimization, and basic robotics techniques and implementation skills. Students integrate the
components into a final robotic system project of their choosing through which they must
demonstrate their understanding of dynamics and control and test hypothesized design
principles. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. In person not
required. Enrollment may be limited due to laboratory capacity.
S. Kim

2.740 Bio-inspired Robotics

Subject meets with 2.74
Prereq: 2.004 or permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-3-6 units
Interdisciplinary approach to bio-inspired design, with emphasis on principle extraction
applicable to various robotics research fields, such as robotics, prosthetics, and human
assistive technologies. Focuses on three main components: biomechanics, numerical
techniques that allow multi-body dynamics simulation with environmental interaction and
optimization, and basic robotics techniques and implementation skills. Students integrate the
components into a final robotic system project of their choosing through which they must
demonstrate their understanding of dynamics and control and test hypothesized design
principles. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. In person not
required. Enrollment may be limited due to lab capacity.
S. Kim

2.744 Product Design

Prereq: 2.009
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Project-centered subject addressing transformation of ideas into successful products which
are properly matched to the user and the market. Students are asked to take a more complete
view of a new product and to gain experience with designs judged on their aesthetics, ease of
use, and sensitivities to the realities of the marketplace. Lectures on modern design process,
industrial design, visual communication, form-giving, mass production, marketing, and
environmentally conscious design.
D. R. Wallace

2.75[J] Medical Device Design

Same subject as 6.525[J], HST.552[J]
Subject meets with 2.750[J], 6.025[J]
Prereq: 2.008, 6.101, 6.111, 6.115, 22.071, or permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Provides an intense project-based learning experience around the design of medical devices
with foci ranging from mechanical to electro mechanical to electronics. Projects motivated by
real-world clinical challenges provided by sponsors and clinicians who also help mentor
teams. Covers the design process, project management, and fundamentals of mechanical and
electrical circuit and sensor design. Students work in small teams to execute a substantial
term project, with emphasis placed upon developing creative designs - via a deterministic
design process - that are developed and optimized using analytical techniques. Instruction and
practice in written and oral communication provided. Students taking graduate version
complete additional assignments. In person not required. Enrollment limited.
A. H. Slocum, G. Hom, E. Roche, N. C. Hanumara

2.750[J] Medical Device Design

Same subject as 6.025[J]
Subject meets with 2.75[J], 6.525[J], HST.552[J]
Prereq: 2.008, 6.101, 6.111, 6.115, 22.071, or permission of instructor
U (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Provides an intense project-based learning experience around the design of medical devices
with foci ranging from mechanical to electro mechanical to electronics. Projects motivated by
real-world clinical challenges provided by sponsors and clinicians who also help mentor
teams. Covers the design process, project management, and fundamentals of mechanical and
electrical circuit and sensor design. Students work in small teams to execute a substantial
term project, with emphasis placed upon developing creative designs - via a deterministic
design process - that are developed and optimized using analytical techniques. Instruction and
practice in written and oral communication provided. Students taking graduate version
complete additional assignments. In person not required. Enrollment limited.
A. H. Slocum, G. Hom, E. Roche, N. C. Hanumara

2.752 Development of Mechanical Products

Subject meets with 2.753
Prereq: 2.009, 2.750[J], or permission of instructor
U (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Focuses on evolving a product from proof-of-concept to beta prototype: Includes team
building, project planning, budgeting, resource planning; models for scaling, tolerancing and
reliability, patents, business planning. Students/teams start with a proof-of-concept product
they bring to class or select from projects provided by instructor. In lieu of taking 12 units
of 2.THU, Course 2 majors taking 2.752 may write a bachelor's thesis that documents their
contributions to the product developed in the team project. Students taking the graduate
version complete additional assignments. Enrollment limited; preference to Course 2 majors
and minors.
A. Slocum

2.753 Development of Mechanical Products

Subject meets with 2.752
Prereq: 2.009, 2.750[J], or permission of instructor
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Focuses on evolving a product from proof-of-concept to beta prototype: Includes team
building, project planning, budgeting, resource planning; models for scaling, tolerancing and
reliability, patents, business planning. Students/teams start with a proof-of-concept product
they bring to class or select from projects provided by instructor. In lieu of taking 12 units
of 2.THU, Course 2 majors taking 2.752 may write a bachelor's thesis that documents their
contributions to the product developed in the team project. Students taking the graduate
version complete additional assignments. Enrollment limited.
A. Slocum

2.76 Global Engineering

Subject meets with 2.760
Prereq: 2.008 or permission of instructor
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Combines rigorous engineering theory and user-centered product design to create
technologies for developing and emerging markets. Covers machine design theory to
parametrically analyze technologies; bottom-up/top-down design processes; engagement of
stakeholders in the design process; socioeconomic factors that affect adoption of products;
and developing/emerging market dynamics and their effect on business and technology.
Includes guest lectures from subject matter experts in relevant fields and case studies on
successful and failed technologies. Student teams apply course material to term-long projects
to create new technologies, developed in collaboration with industrial partners and other
stakeholders in developing/emerging markets. Students taking graduate version complete
additional assignments.
A. Winter

2.760 Global Engineering

Subject meets with 2.76
Prereq: 2.008 or permission of instructor
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: U (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Combines rigorous engineering theory and user-centered product design to create
technologies for developing and emerging markets. Covers machine design theory to
parametrically analyze technologies; bottom-up/top-down design processes; engagement of
stakeholders in the design process; socioeconomic factors that affect adoption of products;
and developing/emerging market dynamics and their effect on business and technology.
Includes guest lectures from subject matter experts in relevant fields and case studies on
successful and failed technologies. Student teams apply course material to term-long projects
to create new technologies, developed in collaboration with industrial partners and other
stakeholders in developing/emerging markets. Students taking graduate version complete
additional assignments.
A. Winter

2.777 Large and Complex Systems Design and Concept Development

Subject meets with 2.778
Prereq: 2.00B, 2.007, or permission of instructor
U (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Examines structured principles and processes to develop concepts for large and complex
systems. Term projects introduce students to large-scale system development with several
areas of emphasis, including idea generation, concept development and refinement, system-
level thinking, briefing development and presentation, and proposal generation. Interactive
lectures and presentations guide students throughout the course to develop and deliver team
presentations focused on solving large and complex problems. Includes a semester-long
project in which students apply design tools/processes to solve a specific problem. Students
taking graduate version complete the project individually.
S. Kim

2.778 Large and Complex Systems Design and Concept Development

Subject meets with 2.777
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Examines structured principles and processes to develop concepts for large and complex
systems. Term projects introduce students to large-scale system development with several
areas of emphasis, including idea generation, concept development and refinement, system-
level thinking, briefing development and presentation, and proposal generation. Interactive
lectures and presentations guide students throughout the course to develop and deliver
individual and team presentations focused on solving large and complex problems. Includes a
semester-long project in which students apply design tools/processes to solve a specific
problem. Students taking graduate version complete project individually. Limited enrollment.
S. G. Kim

2.772[J] Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems
Same subject as 20.110[J]
Prereq: (Biology (GIR), Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), and Physics I (GIR)) or
permission of instructor
U (Fall)
5-0-7 units. REST
See description under subject 20.110[J].
M. Birnbaum, C. Voigt

2.78[J] Principles and Practice of Assistive Technology

Same subject as 6.811[J], HST.420[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: U (Fall)
2-4-6 units
See description under subject 6.811[J]. Enrollment may be limited.
R. C. Miller, J. E. Greenberg, J. J. Leonard

2.782[J] Design of Medical Devices and Implants

Same subject as HST.524[J]
Prereq: (Biology (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), and Physics I (GIR)) or permission of instructor
G (Spring)
3-0-9 units
Solution of clinical problems by use of implants and other medical devices. Systematic use of
cell-matrix control volumes. The role of stress analysis in the design process. Anatomic fit:
shape and size of implants. Selection of biomaterials. Instrumentation for surgical
implantation procedures. Preclinical testing for safety and efficacy: risk/benefit ratio
assessment. Evaluation of clinical performance: design of clinical trials. Project materials
drawn from orthopedic devices, soft tissue implants, artificial organs, and dental implants.
I. V. Yannas, M. Spector

2.785[J] Cell-Matrix Mechanics

Same subject as HST.523[J]
Prereq: (Biology (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), and 2.001) or permission of instructor
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Mechanical forces play a decisive role during development of tissues and organs, during
remodeling following injury as well as in normal function. A stress field influences cell
function primarily through deformation of the extracellular matrix to which cells are attached.
Deformed cells express different biosynthetic activity relative to undeformed cells. The unit
cell process paradigm combined with topics in connective tissue mechanics form the basis for
discussions of several topics from cell biology, physiology, and medicine.
I. V. Yannas, M. Spector

2.787[J] Tissue Engineering and Organ Regeneration

Same subject as HST.535[J]
Prereq: (Biology (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), and Physics I (GIR)) or permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
See description under subject HST.535[J].
M. Spector, I. V. Yannas

2.788 Mechanical Engineering and Design of Living Systems

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
4-2-6 units
For students interested in research at the interface of mechanical engineering, biology, and
materials science. Specific emphasis lies on interfacing living systems with engineered
materials and devices, and on engineering living system behavior.
M. Kolle, M. Guo

2.789[J] D-Lab: Design for Scale

Same subject as EC.797[J]
Subject meets with 2.729[J], EC.729[J]
Prereq: None. Coreq: 2.008; or permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-2-7 units
See description under subject EC.797[J].
M. Yang, H. Quintus-Bosz, S. Grama, K. Bergeron

2.79[J] Biomaterials: Tissue Interactions

Same subject as HST.522[J]
Prereq: (Biology (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), and Physics I (GIR)) or permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Principles of materials science and cell biology underlying the development and
implementation of biomaterials for the fabrication of medical devices/implants, including
artificial organs and matrices for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Employs a
conceptual model, the "unit cell process for analysis of the mechanisms underlying wound
healing and tissue remodeling following implantation of biomaterials/devices in various
organs, including matrix synthesis, degradation, and contraction. Methodology of tissue and
organ regeneration. Discusses methods for biomaterials surface characterization and analysis
of protein adsorption on biomaterials. Design of implants and prostheses based on control of
biomaterials-tissue interactions. Comparative analysis of intact, biodegradable, and
bioreplaceable implants by reference to case studies. Criteria for restoration of physiological
function for tissues and organs.
I. V. Yannas, M. Spector

2.791[J] Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing

Same subject as 6.021[J], 9.21[J], 20.370[J]
Subject meets with 2.794[J], 6.521[J], 9.021[J], 20.470[J], HST.541[J]
Prereq: (Physics II (GIR), 18.03, and (2.005, 6.002, 6.003, 10.301, or 20.110[J])) or
permission of instructor
U (Fall)
5-2-5 units
See description under subject 6.021[J]. Preference to juniors and seniors.
J. Han, T. Heldt

2.792[J] Quantitative and Clinical Physiology

Same subject as 6.022[J], HST.542[J]
Subject meets with 2.796[J], 6.522[J]
Prereq: Physics II (GIR), 18.03, or permission of instructor
U (Spring)
4-2-6 units
See description under subject 6.022[J].
T. Heldt, R. G. Mark

2.793[J] Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems

Same subject as 6.023[J], 20.330[J]
Prereq: Biology (GIR), Physics II (GIR), and 18.03
U (Spring)
4-0-8 units
See description under subject 20.330[J].
J. Han, S. Manalis

2.794[J] Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing

Same subject as 6.521[J], 9.021[J], 20.470[J], HST.541[J]
Subject meets with 2.791[J], 6.021[J], 9.21[J], 20.370[J]
Prereq: (Physics II (GIR), 18.03, and (2.005, 6.002, 6.003, 10.301, or 20.110[J])) or
permission of instructor
G (Fall)
5-2-5 units
See description under subject 6.521[J].
J. Han, T. Heldt

2.795[J] Fields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems

Same subject as 6.561[J], 10.539[J], 20.430[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
See description under subject 20.430[J].
M. Bathe, A. J. Grodzinsky

2.796[J] Quantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems

Same subject as 6.522[J]
Subject meets with 2.792[J], 6.022[J], HST.542[J]
Prereq: 6.021[J] and (2.006 or 6.013)
G (Spring)
4-2-6 units
See description under subject 6.522[J].
T. Heldt, R. G. Mark

2.797[J] Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics

Same subject as 3.053[J], 6.024[J], 20.310[J]
Prereq: Biology (GIR), (2.370 or 20.110[J]), and (3.016B or 18.03)
U (Spring)
4-0-8 units
Develops and applies scaling laws and the methods of continuum mechanics to
biomechanical phenomena over a range of length scales. Topics include structure of tissues
and the molecular basis for macroscopic properties; chemical and electrical effects on
mechanical behavior; cell mechanics, motility and adhesion; biomembranes; biomolecular
mechanics and molecular motors. Experimental methods for probing structures at the tissue,
cellular, and molecular levels.
M. Bathe, A. Grodzinsky

2.798[J] Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics

Same subject as 3.971[J], 6.524[J], 10.537[J], 20.410[J]
Prereq: Biology (GIR) and (2.002, 2.006, 6.013, 10.301, or 10.302)
G (Fall, Spring)
3-0-9 units
Develops and applies scaling laws and the methods of continuum mechanics to
biomechanical phenomena over a range of length scales. Topics include structure of tissues
and the molecular basis for macroscopic properties; chemical and electrical effects on
mechanical behavior; cell mechanics, motility and adhesion; biomembranes; biomolecular
mechanics and molecular motors. Experimental methods for probing structures at the tissue,
cellular, and molecular levels.
R. D. Kamm, K. J. Van Vliet

2.799 The Cell as a Machine

Prereq: 5.07[J], 7.05, or 18.03
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: G (Fall)
3-3-6 units
Examines a variety of essential cellular functions from the perspective of the cell as a
machine. Includes phenomena such as nuclear organization, protein synthesis, cell and
membrane mechanics, cell migration, cell cycle control, cell transformation. Lectures are
provided by video twice per week; live 3-hour recitation one evening per week. Course is
taken simultaneously by students at multiple universities; homework and take-home exams
common to all students. Preference to students in Courses 2 and 20.
R. Kamm, M. Sheetz, H. Yu
2.810 Manufacturing Processes and Systems
Prereq: 2.001, 2.006, and 2.008
G (Fall)
3-3-6 units
Introduction to manufacturing processes and manufacturing systems including assembly,
machining, injection molding, casting, thermoforming, and more. Emphasis on the physics
and randomness and how they influence quality, rate, cost, and flexibility. Attention to the
relationship between the process and the system, and the process and part design. Project (in
small groups) requires fabrication (and some design) of a product using several different
processes (as listed above). In person not required but must be approved by permission of
instructor. Enrollment may be limited due to laboratory constraints; preference given to
MechE students and students who need to satisfy degree requirements.
J. Hart, D. Wendell, W. Seering, J. Liu

2.812 Solving for Carbon Neutrality at MIT

Subject meets with 2.832
Prereq: None
U (Spring)
3-3-6 units
Working in teams, students address the problem of reducing MIT's greenhouse gas emissions
in a manner consistent with the climate goals of maintaining our planet in a suitable regime to
support human society and the environment. Solution scenarios include short-, middle- and
long-term strategies. Experts from MIT's faculty and operations staff, as well as outside
experts who address the multidisciplinary features of the problem guide solutions. These
include climate science, ethics, carbon accounting, cost estimating, MIT's energy supply,
energy demand, and infrastructure, new technologies, financial instruments, electricity
markets, policy, human behavior, and regulation.Develops skills to address carbon neutrality
at other universities, and at other scales, including cities and nations. Students taking graduate
version complete additional assignments.
T. Gutowski, J. Newman

2.813 Energy, Materials, and Manufacturing

Subject meets with 2.83
Prereq: 2.008 or permission of instructor
U (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Introduction to the major dilemma that faces manufacturing and society for the 21st century:
how to support economic development while protecting the environment. Subject addresses
industrial ecology, materials flows, life-cycle analysis, thermodynamic analysis and exergy
accounting, manufacturing process performance, product design analysis, design for the
environment, recycling and ecological economics. Combines lectures and group discussions
of journal articles and selected literature, often with opposing views. Graduate students
complete term-long project with report required for graduate credit.
T. G. Gutowski

2.821[J] Structural Materials

Same subject as 3.371[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring, Summer; partial term)
2-0-10 units
Can be repeated for credit. Credit cannot also be received for 3.171
See description under subject 3.371[J].
T. Eagar, A. Slocum

2.83 Energy, Materials and Manufacturing

Subject meets with 2.813
Prereq: 2.008 or permission of instructor
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
3-0-9 units
Introduction to the major dilemma that faces manufacturing and society for the 21st century:
how to support economic development while protecting the environment. Subject addresses
industrial ecology, materials flows, life-cycle analysis, thermodynamic analysis and exergy
accounting, manufacturing process performance, product design analysis, design for the
environment, recycling and ecological economics. Combines lectures and group discussions
of journal articles and selected literature, often with opposing views. Graduate students
complete term-long project with report required for graduate credit.
T. G. Gutowski

2.830[J] Control of Manufacturing Processes

Same subject as 6.780[J]
Prereq: 2.008, 6.041, or 6.152[J]
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Statistical modeling and control in manufacturing processes. Use of experimental design and
response surface modeling to understand manufacturing process physics. Defect and
parametric yield modeling and optimization. Forms of process control, including statistical
process control, run by run and adaptive control, and real-time feedback control. Application
contexts include semiconductor manufacturing, conventional metal and polymer processing,
and emerging micro-nano manufacturing processes.
D. E. Hardt, D. S. Boning

2.832 Solving for Carbon Neutrality at MIT

Subject meets with 2.812
Prereq: None
G (Spring)
3-3-6 units
Working in teams, students address the problem of reducing MIT's greenhouse gas emissions
in a manner consistent with the climate goals of maintaining our planet in a suitable regime to
support human society and the environment. Solution scenarios include short-, middle- and
long-term strategies. Experts from MIT's faculty and operations staff, as well as outside
experts who address the multidisciplinary features of the problem guide solutions. These
include climate science, ethics, carbon accounting, cost estimating, MIT's energy supply,
energy demand, and infrastructure, new technologies, financial instruments, electricity
markets, policy, human behavior, and regulation.Develops skills to address carbon neutrality
at other universities, and at other scales, including cities and nations. Students taking graduate
version complete additional assignments.
T. Gutowski, J. Newman

2.851[J] System Optimization and Analysis for Operations

Same subject as 15.066[J]
Prereq: Calculus II (GIR)
G (Summer)
4-0-8 units
See description under subject 15.066[J]. Restricted to Leaders for Global Operations students.

2.853 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems

Subject meets with 2.854
Prereq: 2.008
U (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Provides ways to analyze manufacturing systems in terms of material flow and storage,
information flow, capacities, and times and durations of events. Fundamental topics include
probability, inventory and queuing models, forecasting, optimization, process analysis, and
linear and dynamic systems. Factory planning and scheduling topics include flow planning,
bottleneck characterization, buffer and batch-size tactics, seasonal planning, and dynamic
behavior of production systems. Graduate students are required to complete additional
assignments with stronger analytical content.
S. B. Gershwin

2.854 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems

Subject meets with 2.853
Prereq: Undergraduate mathematics
G (Fall)
3-0-9 units
Provides ways to analyze manufacturing systems in terms of material flow and storage,
information flow, capacities, and times and durations of events. Fundamental topics include
probability, inventory and queuing models, forecasting, optimization, process analysis, and
linear and dynamic systems. Factory planning and scheduling topics include flow planning,
bottleneck characterization, buffer and batch-size tactics, seasonal planning, and dynamic
behavior of production systems. Graduate students are required to complete additional
S. B. Gershwin

2.871 D-Lab: Supply Chains

Subject meets with 2.771J, 15.772[J], EC.733[J]
Prereq: None
G (Spring)
3-3-6 units
Introduces concepts of supply chain design and planning with a focus on supply chains for
products destined to improve quality of life in developing countries. Topics include demand
estimation, process analysis and improvement, facility location and capacity planning,
inventory management, and supply chain coordination. Also covers issues specific to
emerging markets, such as sustainable supply chains, choice of distribution channels, and
how to account for the value-adding role of a supply chain. Students conduct D-Lab-based
projects on supply chain design or improvement. Students taking graduate version will
complete additional assignments.
S. C. Graves

2.874[J] Process Data Analytics

Same subject as 10.354[J]
Subject meets with 2.884[J], 10.554[J]
Prereq: 18.03 or permission of instructor
U (Fall)
3-0-6 units
See description under subject 10.354[J].
R. D. Braatz, B. Anthony

2.884[J] Process Data Analytics

Same subject as 10.554[J]
Subject meets with 2.874[J], 10.354[J]
Prereq: None
G (Fall)
3-0-6 units
See description under subject 10.554[J].
R. D. Braatz, B. Anthony

2.888 Professional Seminar in Global Manufacturing Innovation and

Prereq: None
G (Spring)
2-0-1 units
Covers a broad range of topics in modern manufacturing, from models and structures for
21st-century operations, to case studies in leadership from the shop floor to the executive
office. Also includes global perspectives from Asia, Europe and North America, with guest
speakers from all three regions. Explores opportunities for new ventures in manufacturing.
Intended primarily for Master of Engineering in Manufacturing students.
D. E. Hardt, S. B. Gershwin

2.890[J] Global Operations Leadership Seminar

Same subject as 10.792[J], 15.792[J], 16.985[J]
Prereq: None
G (Fall, Spring)
2-0-0 units
Can be repeated for credit.
See description under subject 15.792[J]. Preference to LGO students.
T. Roemer

Engineering Management
2.351[J] Introduction to Making
Same subject as 15.351[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring)
3-0-3 units
See description under subject 15.351[J]. Enrollment limited; application required.
M. Culpepper, M. Cameron, A. Jay
2.900 Ethics for Engineers
Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject.
Offered under: 1.082, 2.900, 6.904, 10.01, 16.676, 22.014
Subject meets with 6.9041, 20.005
Prereq: None
U (Fall, Spring)
2-0-4 units
See description under subject 10.01. Limited to 18 per section.
D. A. Lauffenberger, B.L. Trout

2.912[J] Venture Engineering

Same subject as 3.085[J], 15.373[J]
Prereq: None
U (Spring)
3-0-9 units
Provides an integrated approach to the development and growth of new innovative ventures.
Intended for students who seek to leverage their engineering and science background through
innovation-driven entrepreneurship. Emphasizes the concept that innovation-driven
entrepreneurs must make a set of interdependent choices under conditions of high
uncertainty, and demonstrates that venture engineering involves reducing uncertainty through
a structured process of experimental learning and staged commitments. Provides deep
understanding of the core technical, customer, and strategic choices and challenges facing
start-up innovators, and a synthetic framework for the development and implementation of
ventures in dynamic environments.
S. Stern, E. Fitzgerald

2.916[J] Money for Startups

Same subject as 10.407[J]
Prereq: None
G (Spring; second half of term)
2-0-4 units
See description under subject 10.407[J].
S. Loessberg, D. P. Hart

2.96 Management in Engineering

Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject.
Offered under: 2.96, 6.930, 10.806, 16.653
Prereq: None
U (Fall)
3-1-8 units
Introduction and overview of engineering management. Financial principles, management of
innovation, technical strategy and best management practices. Case study method of
instruction emphasizes participation in class discussion. Focus is on the development of
individual skills and management tools. Restricted to juniors and seniors.
H. S. Marcus, J.-H. Chun

2.961 Management in Engineering

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
3-1-8 units
Introduction and overview of engineering management. Financial principles, management of
innovation, technical strategy and best management practices. Case study method of
instruction emphasizes participation in class discussion. Focus is on the development of
individual skills and management tools.
J.-H. Chun, H. S. Marcus

2.965[J] Global Supply Chain Management

Same subject as 1.265[J], 15.765[J], SCM.265[J]
Prereq: 15.761, 15.778, SCM.260[J], SCM.261[J], or permission of instructor
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
2-0-4 units
See description under subject SCM.265[J].

Advanced Topics and Special Subjects

2.98 Sports Technology: Engineering & Innovation
Subject meets with 2.980
Prereq: None
G (Fall, Spring)
2-2-2 units
Examines the future of sports technology across technical disciplines, including mechanical
design, biomechanics, quantified self, sports analytics, and business strategies. Includes visits
by leaders in the field to discuss various industries, career pathways, and opportunities for
innovation in the field. Projects explore and potentially kickoff larger research and/or
entrepreneurial initiatives.
A. Hosoi, C. Chase

2.980 Sports Technology: Engineering & Innovation

Subject meets with 2.98
Prereq: None
U (Fall, Spring)
2-2-8 units
Examines the future of sports technology across technical disciplines, including mechanical
design, biomechanics, quantified self, sports analytics, and business strategies. Includes visits
by leaders in the field to discuss various industries, career pathways, and opportunities for
innovation in the field. Projects explore and potentially kickoff larger research and/or
entrepreneurial initiatives.
A. Hosoi, C. Chase

2.981 New England Coastal Ecology

Prereq: None
2-0-1 units
Provides exposure to marine communities found along the coast of New England and how
they fit into global patterns. Focuses on the ecology of salt marshes and rocky shores, and the
biology of plants and animals that live in these complex habitats. Prepares students to
recognize common inhabitants of these two communities and develops understanding of the
major environmental factors affecting them, the types of ecological services they provide, and
likely impacts of current and future climate change. Includes visits to field and research
centers. Limited to 20.
Consult C. Bastidas

2.982 Ecology and Sustainability of Coastal Ecosystems

Prereq: None
U (Fall)
3-2-4 units
Prepares students to recognize coastal ecosystems, their major environmental and biological
drivers, and common impacts that human population growth and climate change have on
them.  Students engage in a semester-long project to address and seek solutions to current
challenges in sustainability of human activities on the coast, and to promote resilience of
natural communities and ecosystem services.
J. Simpson, C. Bastidas

2.989 Experiential Learning in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Summer)
Units arranged
Provides students the opportunity to learn and gain professional experience by participating
in industrial projects related to Mechanical Engineering. Minimum project length is 10
weeks. Requires a written report upon completion. Before enrolling, students must contact
MechE Graduate Office for procedures and restrictions; they must also have a firm internship
offer and an identified MechE faculty member who will act as supervisor. Limited to
Mechanical Engineering graduate students.
N. Hadjiconstantinou

2.990 Practical Experience

Prereq: None
U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
0-1-0 units
Can be repeated for credit.
For Mechanical Engineering undergraduates participating in curriculum-related off-campus
experiences in mechanical engineering. Before enrolling, students must have an employment
offer from a company or organization and must find a Mech E supervisor. Upon completion
of the coursework the student must submit a detailed design notebook, approved by the MIT
supervisor. Subject to departmental approval. Consult Department Undergraduate Office for
details on procedures and restrictions.
Consult R. Karnik

2.991 Introduction to Graduate Study in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
1-2-0 units
Familiarizes students with the requirements for their desired degree and the resources, both at
MIT and beyond, to help them reach their educational and professional goals. Series of
interactive lectures and seminars guides students through various aspects of life critical to
navigating graduate school successfully. Topics include course requirements, PhD qualifying
examinations, advisor/advisee relationships, funding and fellowships, mental health and
wellbeing, housing options in the Boston area, and career options after graduation. Limited to
first-year graduate students.
C. Buie

2.992 Professional Industry Immersion Project

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Summer)
Units arranged
Provides students a unique opportunity to participate in industry-based projects. Students gain
professional industry experience in mechanical engineering projects that complement their
academic experiences. Each project has a company supervisor, a specific advisor, and a
course instructor. Course staff help students connect with specific companies and
collaboratively design a project of mutual interest and benefit. Requires a written report and
project presentation upon completion of a minimum of 10 weeks of off-campus activities.
Limited to Mechanical Engineering graduate students.
B. Anthony

2.993 Independent Study

Prereq: None
U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Designed for undergraduates wanting to continue substantial projects of own choice, under
faculty supervision, in mechanical engineering. Work may be of experimental, theoretical, or
design nature. Projects may be arranged individually in most fields of department interest,
i.e., in mechanics, design and manufacturing, controls and robotics, thermal science and
energy engineering, bioengineering, ocean engineering and nanotechnology. 2.993 is letter-
graded; 2.994 is P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.994 Independent Study

Prereq: None
U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Designed for undergraduates wanting to continue substantial projects of own choice, under
faculty supervision, in mechanical engineering. Work may be of experimental, theoretical, or
design nature. Projects may be arranged individually in most fields of department interest,
i.e., in mechanics, design and manufacturing, controls and robotics, thermal science and
energy engineering, bioengineering, ocean engineering and nanotechnology. 2.993 is letter-
graded; 2.994 is P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.995 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Assigned reading and problems or research in distinct areas, either theoretical or
experimental, or design. Arranged on individual basis with instructor in the following areas:
mechanics and materials, thermal and fluid sciences, systems and design, biomedical
engineering, and ocean engineering. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different
subject matter.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.996 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Assigned reading and problems or research in distinct areas, either theoretical or
experimental, or design. Arranged on individual basis with instructor in the following areas:
mechanics and materials, thermal and fluid sciences, systems and design, biomedical
engineering, and ocean engineering. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different
subject matter.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.997 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Assigned reading and problems or research in distinct areas, either theoretical or
experimental, or design. Arranged on individual basis with instructor in the following areas:
mechanics and materials, thermal and fluid sciences, systems and design, biomedical
engineering, and ocean engineering. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different
subject matter.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.998 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Assigned reading and problems or research in distinct areas, either theoretical or
experimental, or design. Arranged on individual basis with instructor in the following areas:
mechanics and materials, thermal and fluid sciences, systems and design, biomedical
engineering, and ocean engineering. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different
subject matter.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.S007 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Spring)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.

2.S009 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering (New)

Prereq: None
U (Fall)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
D. Wallace

2.S19 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering (New)

Prereq: None
U (Fall)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
B. Aulet, A. Hosoi, M. Jester, S. Johnson, C. Lawson

2.S670 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Fall, Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.

2.S679 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Spring)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.

2.S790-2.S792 Graduate Special Subject in Bioengineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material in the broadly-defined
field of bioengineering not offered in regularly scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit
only for completely different subject matter.
Consult R. Kamm

2.S793 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Advanced lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
2.S794 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering
Prereq: None
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Advanced lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.

2.S795 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
P. Purohit

2.S796 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.

2.S885 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering (New)

Prereq: None
U (Fall)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly scheduled
subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
T. Gutowski

2.S97 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Fall)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S972-2.S974 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.S971 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S972-2.S974 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.S972 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: U (Fall)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S972-2.S974 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.S973 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S972-2.S974 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.S974 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: U (IAP)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S972-2.S974 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.S975 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
See staff for scheduling information. Limited to 16.
Consult T. Consi
2.S976 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering
Prereq: None
U (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
A. Patera

2.S977 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.

2.S979 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering (New)

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly scheduled
subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
L. Perez-Breva, D. Hart

2.S980 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
R. Abeyaratne

2.S981 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Spring)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.S982 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.S983 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
A. Hosoi, C. Chase

2.S984 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering (New)

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
K. Varanasi

2.S985 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering (New)

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
T. Gutowski

2.S986 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering (New)

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly scheduled
subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
T. Buonassisi

2.S987 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
G (Spring)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
S. Boriskina

2.S988 Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
G (Spring)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
G. Traverso

2.S989 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
D. Frey, A. Talebinejad

2.S990 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
Enrollment limited.

2.S991 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Spring)
Units arranged
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
Consult Staff

2.S992 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
G (Fall)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
A. Gopinath

2.S993 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered
Acad Year 2021-2022: U (Fall)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S972-2.S974, 2.S992 are graded P/D/F.
R. Karnik

2.S994 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Spring)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly scheduled
subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter. 2.S972-
2.S974 and 2.S992 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.S995 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Fall)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly scheduled
subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter. 2.S972-
2.S974 and 2.S992 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Karnik

2.S996 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.S997 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.S998 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Abeyaratne, J. Hart

2.S999 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Advanced lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly
scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject
matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
Consult R. Abeyaratne, T. Gutowski

Thesis, Research and Practice

2.978 Instruction in Teaching Engineering
Subject meets with 1.95[J], 5.95[J], 7.59[J], 8.395[J], 18.094[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Participatory seminar focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary for teaching engineering
in higher education. Topics include research on learning; course development; promoting
active learning, problemsolving, and critical thinking in students; communicating with a
diverse student body; using educational technology to further learning; lecturing; creating
effective tests and assignments; and assessment and evaluation. Field-work teaching various
subjects in the Mechanical Engineering department will complement classroom discussions.
J. Rankin

2.979 Undergraduate Teaching

Prereq: None
U (Fall, IAP, Spring)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
For students participating in departmentally approved undergraduate teaching programs.
Students assist faculty in the design and execution of the curriculum and actively participate
in the instruction and monitoring of the class participants. Students prepare subject materials,
lead discussion groups, and review progress. Credit is arranged on a subject-by-subject basis
and is reviewed by the department.
A. E. Hosoi

2.999 Engineer's Degree Thesis Proposal Preparation

Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
For students who must do additional work to convert an SM thesis to a Mechanical
Engineer's (ME) or Naval Engineer's (NE) thesis, or for students who write an ME/NE thesis
after having received an SM degree.
R. Abeyaratne, M. S. Triantafyllou

2.EPE UPOP Engineering Practice Experience

Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject.
under: 1.EPE, 2.EPE, 3.EPE, 6.EPE, 8.EPE, 10.EPE, 15.EPE, 16.EPE, 20.EPE, 22.EPE
Prereq: 2.EPW or permission of instructor
U (Fall, Spring)
0-0-1 units
Provides sophomores with guided practice in finding opportunities and excelling in the world
of practice. Building on the skills and relationships acquired in the Engineering Practice
Workshop, students receive coaching to articulate goals, invoke the UPOP network of
mentors and employers, identify and pursue opportunities and negotiate terms of their
summer assignment. Students complete a 10-12 week internship, which includes filing three
progress reports, conducting one informational interview, and possibly hosting a site visit by
MIT staff. Returning to campus as juniors, UPOP students take part in reflective exercises
that aid assimilation of learning objectives and reinforce the cognitive link between all
aspects of the UPOP experience and disciplinary fields of study. Sequence begins in the
spring of sophomore year and ends in the fall of junior year.

2.EPW UPOP Engineering Practice Workshop

Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject.
Offered under: 1.EPW, 2.EPW, 3.EPW, 6.EPW, 10.EPW, 16.EPW, 20.EPW, 22.EPW
Prereq: None
U (Fall, IAP)
1-0-0 units
Develops foundational skills for the world of practice in science, technology, and
engineering. Sophomores receive classroom instruction, and one-on-one and small-group
coaching in basics of professional identity building. They attend field trips to local employers
and receive job interview practice, coached by industry volunteers. Over IAP, students attend
a weeklong Team Training Camp of experiential learning modules - led by MIT faculty with
the help of MIT alums and other senior professionals in business, engineering, and science
where students participate in creative simulations, team problem-solving challenges, and oral
presentations, and practice networking with employers. Enrollment limited.

2.THG Graduate Thesis

Prereq: Permission of advisor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Program of research leading to the writing of an SM, PhD, or ScD thesis; to be arranged by
the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member.
Consult R. Abeyaratne

2.THU Undergraduate Thesis

Prereq: None
U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Individual self-motivated study, research, or design project under faculty supervision.
Departmental program requirement: minimum of 6 units. Instruction and practice in written
communication provided.
Consult R. Karnik

2.UR Undergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Individual study, research, or laboratory investigations under faculty supervision, including
individual participation in an ongoing research project. See projects listing in Undergraduate
Office, 1-110, for guidance.
Consult D. Rowell

2.URG Undergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering

Prereq: None
U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Individual study, research, or laboratory investigations under faculty supervision, including
individual participation in an ongoing research project. See projects listing in Undergraduate
Office, 1-110, for guidance.
Consult N. Fang, K. Kamrin

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