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Stand Pipes

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Prepared by:
CE Faculty
In this unit, here are the following desired learning outcomes:
✘ Familiarize the different components and parts of a fire protection
✘ Recognize appropriate fire safety design for buildings

- Three elements: fuel, oxygen and heat (Ignition)
– are required to start a fire.
- The oxidation process will not be
possible without one of these

Oxygen (Ventilation)
Fuel (Fire Load)

Image Source: Plumbing Design and Estimate by Max Fajardo


AIMS in Fire Safety Design

a) To prevent fire
b) To safeguard the lives of occupants and firefighters
c) To reduce damage on the building, its contents and
on surrounding buildings



The design, installation and maintenance of Standpipe
Systems shall be in accordance with NFPA 14, Standard
for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant and
Hose Systems

Classes of Standpipe Systems

A] Class I System
B] Class II System
C] Class III System

A standpipe system shall be any of the following: v. At the highest landing of stairways with stairway
a) Class I System. This system is provided with 64 mm access to a roof and on the roof where stairways do
(2 ½ in.) hose connections for full-scale firefighting at not access the roof. An additional 64 mm (2 ½ in)
the following designated building locations: hose connection shall be provided at the
hydraulically most remote riser to facilitate testing
i. At each intermediate landing between floor levels in of the system;
every required exit stairway;
vi. Where the most remote portion of a
ii. On each side of the wall adjacent to the exit nonsprinklered floor or storey is located in excess of
openings of horizontal exits; 40 meters of travel distance from a required exit
containing or adjacent to a hose connection, or the
iii. In each exit passageway at the entrance from the most remote portion of a sprinklered floor or storey
building areas into the passageway; is located in excess of 61 meters of travel distance
from a required exit containing or adjacent to a hose
iv. In covered mall buildings, at the entrance to each connection, additional hose connections shall be
exit passageway or exit corridor, and at exterior provided, in approved locations, where required by
public entrances to the mall; the BFP.
Class II System. This a hose connection
Dry Standpipe. - A type of standpipe system in which the
provided with 38 mm (1 ½ in.) hose or within
pipes are normally not filled with water. Water is
thirty seven meters (37 m) of a hose
introduced into the system thru fire service connections
connection system shall be provided with 38
when needed.
mm (1 ½ in.) hose connections for first aid fire
fighting, so that all portions of each floor level Wet Standpipe. - An auxiliary fire line system with a
of the building are within forty meters (40 m) of constant water supply installed primarily for emergency
provided with less 38 mm (1 ½ in.) hose. use by the occupants of the building.
Distances shall be measured along a path of
travel originating at the hose connection. Combination Standpipe. A pipeline system filled with
water and connected to a constant water supply for
the use of the BFP and the occupants of the buildings
Class III System. This system shall be solely for fire suppression purposes
provided with hose connections as required
for both Class I and Class II systems. Fire Department House Connection - A hose connection
at grade or street level for use by the Fire Service only. It is
also known as Fire Service Connection

Fire Service Outlet

Wet Standpipe

Wet standpipe system extending from the cellar

or basement into the topmost storey shall be
required in the following:

Dry Standpipe a. Assembly occupancies with an occupant load

exceeding one thousand (1,000);
b. Educational, healthcare and detention and
Dry standpipes correctional, business and mercantile, industrial,
shall be used and hotels and apartments occupancies, four or
for Class I more storeys in height,
system. and
c. Hazardous storage and business and
mercantile occupancies having a floor area
exceeding one thousand eight hundred sixty
square meters (1,860 m2) per floor.

Dry standpipes shall not be
concealed in building walls or Wet standpipes shall be
built into pilasters. Portions of located so that all portions
dry standpipes systems not of the buildings are within six
located within an enclosed WSP meters (6 m) of a nozzle
stairway or smokeproof attached to twenty two
enclosure shall be protected by meters (22m) of hose.
a degree of fire resistance
equal to that required for
vertical enclosures in the
building in which they are


Fire Hose Cabinet (FHC)


An approved durable sign with raised WSP

letters of at least twenty five millimeters
(25 mm) in height shall be permanently
attached to all fire service street
connections, cast on a plate or fitting that
reads “DRY STANDPIPE”. A sign indicating The size of the
the pressure required at the inlets to standpipes shall not be
deliver the system demand shall also be less than 64 mm (2 ½ in.)
provided. in diameter.
Fire service connections shall be in the
street side of the buildings, fully visible and
recognizable from the street or nearest
point of fire apparatus accessibility. And DSP
shall be located and arranged so that hose
lines can be attached to the inlets without
interference from nearby objects, including
buildings, fences, posts, or other fire service
All buildings with
required enclosed Each wet standpipe outlet
stairway or smokeproof shall be supplied with a hose
enclosure shall have at not less than thirty eight
WSP millimeters (38 mm) in
least one dry standpipe
outlet connection diameter. Such hose shall be
located at every floor equipped with an approved
level landing above the variable for nozzle. An
first floor of every approved hose reel rack or
required enclosure. No cabinet shall be provided
point within a building, and shall be located so as to
DSP make the hose accessible.
requiring dry standpipes,
shall be more than forty The hose reel rack or cabinet
meters (40 m) travel shall be recessed in the wall
distance from a dry or protected by suitable
standpoint outlet cabinet
Fittings and connections
shall be of sufficient
strength to withstand WSP Wet standpipe system may
300 psi (21 kg/cm2) of be supplied from a sprinkler
water pressure when system only when in
ready for service. All dry compliance with NFPA 13,
standpipes shall be Standard for the Installation
tested hydrostatically to of Sprinkler System.
withstand not less than
50 psi (3.5 kg/cm²) above DSP
the maximum working
Fire pumps shall be
approved and shall deliver
All horizontal runs of dry not less than the required
standpipe systems shall fire flow and pressure. Such
have a twenty percent WSP pumps shall be supplied
(20%) slope for the with adequate power source
purpose of draining. and shall be automatic in
Where pipe traps occur in operation.
such standpipes systems Where the wet standpipe
including fire service system is supplied with
connections, they shall water from the domestic
be provided with drains. supply of building, approved
Pipings shall not pass fire pumps shall not be
through hazardous areas DSP required provided the
and shall be located so domestic pump used delivers
that it is protected from the required fire flow.
mechanical and fire
All interior wet standpipes shall be
equipped with thirty eight millimeters
7,950 liters
(38 mm) valve in each storey,
including the basement or cell roof of
the building and located not less than
ninety one centimeters (91cm) nor
more than one hundred eighty two
centimeters (182 cm) above the floor.

The wet standpipe shall

The wet standpipe shall deliver not deliver not less than one
less than one hundred thirty two liters hundred thirty two liters
(132 ℓ) of water per minute at not less (132 ℓ) of water per minute
than one and eight-tenths (1.8) at not less than one and
kilograms per square centimeter eight-tenths (1.8)
residual pressures from each of any kilograms per square
two outlets flowing simultaneously for centimeter residual
thirty (30) minutes. pressures from each of
any two outlets flowing
simultaneously for thirty
(30) minutes.


Any questions?

Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome
resources for free:
✘ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
✘ Photograph by Pixabay
✘ Plumbing Design and Estimate by Max Fajardo


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