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765 KV

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Fifteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), IIT Bombay, December 2008

Performance Analysis of 765 kV system under

Steady State and Transient Conditions with varying
Reactive Compensation
D.Thukaram, Senoir Member, IEEE and Dharmesh Yelamanchi
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore-560012, INDIA
Email: dtram@ee.iisc.ernet.in and dharmeshee@gmail.com

Abstract—This paper describes the analysis of 765 kV Extra the magnitude of switching overvoltages. Switching overvolt-
High Voltage(EHV) transmission system which is a typical expan- ages are therefore a focal point in carrying studies for these
sion of Indian power grid system, under Steady State and Tran- systems. Switching transients are fast transients that occur in
sient Conditions. The first step involves exhaustive power flow
analysis, based on constraint power transfer capabilities of lines the process of energizing transmission line, load capacitances
with series and shunt compensation. Later switching over voltage immediately after a power source is connected to the network.
studies are carried out. Acceptable bus voltage profiles and Power transformers, surge arresters and circuit breakers are
satisfactory equipment loadings during all foreseeable operating equipments which are first affected by overvoltages. Digital
conditions for normal and contingency operation are the guiding computer tool such as Electro Magnetic Transients Program
criteria. This paper presents steady state and switching transient
studies on two typical 765kV EHV transmission systems. (EMTP) [3] which is universally accepted as industry standard
for computation of both switching and temporary over voltages
I. I NTRODUCTION is used in this paper. At the planning stage of the 765 kV
Increasing demand of electric power and addition of new systems, the insulation level of apparatus is to be decided
generation capacity to meet the demand, necessitate enhance- on the basis of peak value of transient over voltages, so
ment of large transmission capacity between generation and enormous numbers of cases are considered to arrive at the
bulk consumption points. This can be achieved either by maximum magnitude. Methods are proposed for reducing
development of new transmission corridor or by enhancing the overvoltages,Of the several methods to mitigate transient
the power transfer intensity of existing transmission assets. overvoltages, Pre-Insertion Resistors(PIR) are used.
In India the available generation and installed capacity has
been increased many folds in the last two decades. It is II. S TEADY STATE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
estimated that India would need a total installed capacity of Steady state performance analysis of the system includes
212GW by 2012 (Eleventh National Power Survey) [1]. To • Analysis of loadability characteristics
cater this bulk power from generating stations to the distant • Pre and post charging studies to determine steady-state
load centers upgradation of transmission system is required. overvoltage
Line loadability and overvoltages are two important aspects • Compensation requirements
that must be addressed when upgradation of transmission
Detailed power flow analysis is carried out to address the first
system is contemplated. Shunt and series compensation can
three aspects. Three major factors that can limit the power-
cause considerable variations in loadability characteristics of
transfer capability or loading of a transmission line are:
lines fed by high impedance sources. VAR sources such as
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) increase line • Thermal constraints

loadability. It is generally accepted that maximum allowable • Line voltage drop, and

series compensation of 40%, voltage drop of 5% between • Steady-state stability margin

terminals of sending end and receiving end (not including For short lines (0-50 miles) loadability is governed by thermal
source impedances) and angular separation of 400 to 440 limit and for medium lines(50-200 miles) voltage drop consid-
between sources (at sending and receiving ends) are good erations limit the power transfer whereas for long lines(>200
guidelines [2]. miles) stability plays a key role in limiting line loadability.
The reliable operation of any electrical power system is Thus for EHV and UHV transmission lines, practical limita-
determined to a great extent by the amplitude, duration and tions to line loadability are imposed by line voltage drop and
frequency of the transient voltages appearing in different steady-state stability margin considerations. Dunlop et al.[4]
places in the network. Also the insulation level of EHV and give the details of a conceptual study of UHV transmission
Ultra High Voltage(UHV) ac systems is largely determined by line loadability. The steady state stability limitation is usually

Fifteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), IIT Bombay, December 2008

defined in terms of the desired margin between the maximum load generation scheduling. The L-indices for a given load
power transfer capability(Pmax ) of the system and the oper- condition are computed for all load buses. The point at which
ating level(Pop )as Lj closed to a predetermined maximum limit (=1) indicates
Pmax − Pop the maximum possible connected load to a bus termed as
% stability margin = ∗ 100 maximum loadability and its value close to zero indicates
near no load condition. The stability of the complete system
This margin is chosen so as to provide stable operation is given by global indicator, L= maximum of Lj for all j
following a variety of credible contingencies which may cause (Load buses). An L-index value away from 1 and close to
steady-state and/or transient voltage increases in a given line zero indicates an improved system security. The stability
loading. Such changes in loading may be caused by line margin is obtained as the distance of L from a unit value
switching operations, generation dispatch, and by transient i.e.(1-L).
disturbances such as temporary faults or loss of generation.
L-Index [5] is used in order to estimate voltage stability margin
of a particular load bus in the system. The process involves TABLE I
an evaluation of voltage stability condition of a system by PARAMETERS AND THERE AFFECT ON SWITCHING TRANSIENT PEAK
computing the L-Index for load buses. System considered for
S.No Factor/parameter Influence
analysis is shown in Fig.1, represents the 765kV single circuit 1 Line Length Strong
transmission line. 2 Degree of shunt compensation Strong
3 Line Termination Strong
4 Trapped charges Strong
400kV 5 Line parameters Strong
220kV 6 Value of closing resistors Strong
~ 765kV 7 Insertion times of closing resistors Strong
8 Pole closing instants Strong
9 Nature of source-inductive or complex Strong
10 Total short circuit level Strong
11 Frequency dependence of line parameter Medium
12 Trapped charges when PIR is used Medium
Receiving End
Sending End 13 Saturation of reactor Medium
14 Total pole closing span Medium
Fig. 1. Single line diagram of 765kV Transmission system between Unnao 15 Corona of lines weak
and Anpara


A. L-Index Transient overvoltages are usually a significant factor at
Consider a system where, n = total number of busses, with transmission voltages above 400 kV [7]. In EHV and UHV
1,2...g are generator busses (g), g+1,g+2... n the remaining systems there are a number of switching operations, such
busses are load busses. A load flow result is obtained for a as overvoltages produced during the switching of reactors,
given system operating condition. Using the load flow results, capacitors and transformers. These can readily be limited
the L-index is computed as by surge diverters [8] and are therefore not considered here.
Of the other switching operations, line closing and reclosing
 V̄i generally produce the larger overvoltages and consequently
Lj = |1 − F̄ij | (1)
V̄j we concentrate on line energization in this paper. At higher
transmission voltages, overvoltages caused by switching may
where j = g + 1, ..., n and all the terms within the sigma on become significant, because arrester operating voltages are
the RHS of Eq.(1) are complex quantities. The values F̄ij are relatively close to normal system voltage and lines are usually
obtained from the Ybus matrix as follows long so that the energy stored on the lines may be large.
I¯G ȲGG ȲGL V̄G Overvoltages will put the transformers into saturation, causing
= (2)
I¯L ȲLG ȲLL V̄L core heating and copious harmonic current generation. Circuit
breaker called upon to operate during periods of high voltage
Where I¯G , I¯L and V̄G , V̄L represent the currents and voltages will have reduced interrupting capability. At some voltage,
at the generator nodes and load nodes respectively. By Rear- even the ability to interrupt line-charging current will be lost.
ranging Eq. (2) we get Thus transient voltage magnitudes must be restricted to a
V̄L Z̄LL F̄LG I¯L safe value less than or equal to the withstand capacity of the
= (3)
I¯G K̄GL ȲGG V̄G apparatus. In practical systems a number of factors affect the
 −1   overvoltages due to energization or reclosing. The influence
Where F̄LG = ȲLL ȲLG ; F̄LG is the network sensitivity of various factors on Switching Over Voltages(SOV) are
matrix, gives the relation between load buses voltage and shown in Table.I.
source bus voltages, and it is used as the basis for the best

Fifteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), IIT Bombay, December 2008

Magnitude of SOV can be controlled by using any one or 1.5 0.9

combination of the following methods: 1.4


• Circuit breaker with Pre-Insertion Resistor(PIR)


• Metal Oxide Arrester(MOA)
V with compensation

voltage in pu
V without compensation

• Point on wave controlled switching
1.2 L−Index without compensation
L−Index with compensation 0.4

Because of higher power consumption, space adequacy and 1.1


along with the significant addition of transients due to opening 1 0.2

and closing of PIR’s and greater mechanical complexity, their 0.9


usage is being reduced [9]. On the other hand PIR’s are 200 400 600 800
1000 1200 1400

cheaper when compared to others like metal oxide arresters.

Nevertheless, the resistor equipped circuit breakers are more Fig. 2. Variation of voltage and L-Index at receiving end of Unnao-Anpara
system as the load(unity power factor) is increasing for case(1) and case(2).
expensive. These complex breakers show mechanical malfunc-
tions as the most common cause of circuit breaker failures[10].
Controlled switching is being used which reduces magnitudes 1.45
L−Index wihtout compensation
L−Index with compensation
of switching overvoltages considerably. 1.4 V with compensation
V without compensation 0.7


1.2 0.5

voltage in pu
In this paper two transmission lines, one is connected

1.1 0.4
between Unnao and Anpara of UPSEB and other one is
connected between Agra and Fatehpur(PGCIL) are considered

for steady state and transient analysis 0.9



A. Steady state analysis

0.8 0.05
200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Steady state analysis is carried out on both the sytems with

shunt reactors of 80 MVAR at receiving end and sending end Fig. 3. Variation of voltage and L-Index at receiving end of Unnao-Anpara
system as the load(0.894 lagging power factor) is increasing for case(1) and
of the transmission line for the following cases: case(2).
1) Without series compensation
2) With 40% series compensation
1.4 1
At light load condition the voltage at receiving end is ex- 0.9
ceeding 1.05 pu which is not acceptable. By using shunt 1.3

compensation,reduced excitation generators this problem can 1.2 v with compensation 0.7

be limited upto some extent. But loads less than some level v without compensation


L−Index without compensation

may not supplied because reactive power requirements are

1.1 L−Index with compensation

ungetable.The variation of voltage at receiving end as the 1 0.4

load(at unity power factor) increased is shown in Fig.2. For 0.9


both the cases of transmission system between Unnao and 0.2

Anpara. As the load is increasing, voltage is decreasing and 0.8

400 500 600 700 800
900 1000 1100

L-index is increasing. Here for case-1 maximum loadability

of line is 1200MW with stability margin of 10%, for case- Fig. 4. Variation of voltage and L-Index at receiving end of Agra-Fatehpur
2 maximum loadability of line is 1250MW with stability system as the load(unity power factor) is increasing for case(1) and case(2).
margin of 20%. The variation of voltage at receiving end as
the load(at 0.894 lagging power factor) increased is shown
in Fig.3. For both the cases of transmission system between
1.3 0.95

Unnao and Anpara. Here for case-1 maximum loadability 1.2 0.8

of line is 800MW with stability margin of 15%, for case-2 1.1


maximum loadability of line is 850MW with stability margin

voltage in pu

L−Index with compensation 0.6


L−Index without compensation

of 13%. With compensation the voltage profile for different v with compensation
v without compensation

loads is better than the voltage profile without compensation.


Line loadability increasing with compensation and varying 0.8

with power factor of the load. 0.1

250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Same Analysis is carried out for transmission line between LOAD in MW

Agra and Fatehpur and the simulated results are shown in Fig.4
and Fig.5. With unity power factor load variation, for case-1 Fig. 5. Variation of voltage and L-Index at receiving end of Agra-Fatehpur
system as the load(0.894 lagging power factor) is increasing for case(1) and
maximum loadability of line is 1150MW with stability margin case(2).
of 1.5%, for case-2 maximum loadability of line is 1200MW

Fifteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), IIT Bombay, December 2008

with stability margin of 2.4%. With load(at 0.894 lagging 2.4

SS:6000MVA, 30deg

power factor) variation, for case-1 maximum loadability of line 2.3

is 750MW with stability margin of 7%, for case-2 maximum 2.2

loadability of line is 750MW with stability margin of 35%. 2.1


voltage in pu
B. Transient performance analysis 2


The interconnecting systems are large networks, for tran- 1.8

sient analysis the systems with an equivalent source, trans- 1.7

mission line and a load are considered. Thus, sample systems 1.6
50 100 150 200 250 300
for both represented as shown in Fig.6. pir in ohms

Considered base values for transient analysis in p.u are:

Fig. 8. Effect of shunt reactor on optimum value of PIR for Unnao-Anpara
Base (MVA) : 100 MVA √ √ line
Phase voltage : (765 ∗ 2)/ 3 kV (1 p.u.)

source 6000MVA,closing angle 30deg

B 1.8
~ 1.75
1.7 120MVAR
1 A 2 3 150MVAR
R 1.65

voltage in pu

G: Generator

B: Main Circuit Breaker R: Reactor

A: Auxillary Circuit Breaker P: Pre−insertion resistor

Fig. 6. Euivalent system for switching transients 100 150 200 250
pir in ohms
300 350 400

Fig. 9. Effect of shunt reactor on optimum value of PIR for Agra-Fatehpur

Extensive EMTP simulation studies are to be carried out for line
planning of transmission systems. Studies are carried out by
considering the range of various parameters such as,
• Source strength:2000-10000 MVA in step of 1000 MVA 2.8
reactor 150MVAR, closing angle 30deg

0 0
• Switching angle: 0-90 in step of 30

• PIR:0-400 ohms in steps of 50 ohms 2.4

• Reactor : 0 MVAr, 50 MVAr, 63 MVAr, 80 MVAr, 100 2.2
voltage in pu

MVAr, 120 MVAr and 150 MVAr 2


150MVAR, 30deg.
5000mva 1.4
2.1 8000mva 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
pir in ohms
voltage in pu

Fig. 10. Effect of source strength on optimum value of PIR for Agra-Fatehpur
1.8 line


1.5 5000mva, 0mvar, 0ohms,30deg

50 100 150 200 250 300 350
pir in ohms 3

Fig. 7. Effect of source strength on optimum value of PIR for Unnao-Anpara

line 1
voltage in pu

Without PIR and shunt reactor the peak over voltage ob- −1

served at receiving end of the Agra-Fatehpur line is 2.765pu. −2

For the same system with PIR the peak over voltage obseved
at receiving end is 1.858. Transients can heavily be damped −3
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
time in sec
0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08

by PIR. The optimum PIR is not only a function of the line

shunt compensation but also the short circuit power of the Fig. 11. voltage waveforms without PIR and without reactor operated at
feeding network and the line length. Controlled switching 765kV, va=-2.54pu, vb=2.662pu, vc=2.226pu for UNNAO-ANPARA system
of transmission lines can be used to mitigate the switching

Fifteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), IIT Bombay, December 2008

5000MVA, 0mvar,125ohms, 30deg

5000mva, 150mvar,125ohms,30deg

1.5 1.5

1 1

voltage in pu


voltage in pu

−1 −0.5

−1.5 −1

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
time in sec −2
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
time in sec

Fig. 12. voltage waveforms with PIR and without reactor operated at 765kV,
va=-2.137pu, vb=-1.928pu, vc=2.153pu for UNNAO-ANPARA system Fig. 14. voltage waveforms with PIR and with reactor operated at 765kV,
va=-1.88pu, vb=1.735pu, vc=1.861pu for UNNAO-ANPARA system

overvoltages during energization. If switching takes place at SS 6000MVA, 0 MVAR, 0 PIR, 90DEG

the voltage maximum i.e. at 900 , the voltage at first oscillate


along the whole line length to almost twice the value of the 2

system voltage. Over voltage can be limited by controlled 1

voltage in pu
switching of circuit breaker as shown in Fig.19, in which line 0

closing is done at 00 . Maximum transient over voltage will

be more at 900 than at 00 for same line length and source

strength. −2

Transient analysis is carried out for both the sytems for −3

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
following cases: time in sec

• Without shunt reactor and without PIR

Fig. 15. voltage waveforms without PIR and without reactor operated at
• With shunt reactor and without PIR 765kV, va=2.754pu, vb=2.262pu, vc=2.765pu for AGRA-FATEHPUR system
• Without shunt reactor and with PIR
• With shunt reactor and with PIR

And the results of Unnao-Anpara system operating with source 2

SS 6000MVA, 0 MVAR, 250OHMS, 90DEG

strength of 5000 MVA, closing angle 900 for different cases 1.5

are shown in Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 and are listed 1

with maximum over voltages in Table.III. The results of Agra- 0.5

voltage in pu

Fatehpur system operating with source strength of 6000 MVA, 0

closing angle 900 for different cases as shown in Fig. 15 to −0.5

Fig. 19 and are listed with maximum overvoltages in Table.II. −1

Refering to Fig.7, Fig.8, Fig.9, Fig.10., one can conclude that −1.5

the optimum pir value for a fixed length increases with source −2
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08

strength and shunt reactor values and peak switching over

time in sec

voltages reduced with increase in source strength and shunt Fig. 16. voltage waveforms with PIR and without reactor operated at 765kV,
reactor values. va=1.708pu, vb=1.62pu, vc=1.858pu for AGRA-FATEHPUR system

5000MVA, 150MVAR, 0 ohms,30deg

source 6000MVA,reactor 150MVAR,closing angle 90 deg,without pir


voltage in pu

voltage in pu



−2 −2

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
time in sec −3
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
time in sec

Fig. 13. voltage waveforms without PIR and with reactor operated at 765kV,
va=-2.139pu, vb=2.498pu, vc=-2.086pu for UNNAO-ANPARA system Fig. 17. voltage waveforms without PIR and with reactor operated at 765kV,
va=2.507pu, vb=2.275pu, vc=2.523pu for AGRA-FATEHPUR system

Fifteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), IIT Bombay, December 2008

SS 6000MVA, R 150MVAR,PIR 250OHM,90DEG

certain load suggested to trip. Transient analysis study for
1.5 line energization case is done for 765 kV systems by varying
1 the factors such as source strength, shunt compensation,
closing angle etc. and methods are proposed for limiting
voltage in pu


them. To mitigate the switching over voltages both the
systems required 8000 MVA of source strength,with the
source strength between 4000 MVA and 8000 MVA by
taking certian precaution the line can be charged but the
source strength with less than 4000 MVA the line can not be
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
time in sec

charged. Analyses are carried for various system parameters

Fig. 18. voltage waveforms with PIR and with reactor operated at 765kV, and results obtained are compared.The effect of shunt reactive
va=1.498pu, vb=1.546pu, vc=1.542pu for AGRA-FATEHPUR system compensation and sourse strength on optimum PIR is studied.

6000MVA, 0deg, 0pir, 0MVAR


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Case.No Peak Over Voltage(p.u)

1 2.765
2 2.523
3 1.858
4 1.546


Case.No Peak Over Voltage(p.u)

1 2.662
2 2.498
3 2.153
4 1.88


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