2008 Da Faq
2008 Da Faq
2008 Da Faq
Errata FAQs
Page 37 – Sacred Standards. Q. If I split a Tactical Squad into two Combat
squads, can both embark at the same time into a
The third sentence should be changed to: dedicated transport vehicle that was purchased
All friendly units within 12” of the Sacred for the unit?
Standard are Fearless. A. They cannot both be embarked at the same
time because they are no longer a single unit, and
transports can only carry a single infantry unit.
Page 41 – Book of Salvation.
The second sentence should be changed to: Q. Tactical Squads can take a Razorback as a
All friendly units within 12” of Ezekiel are transport, but since you can have 5 or 10-man
squads, can you take a Razorback regardless of
the squad size? For example, can you take a
Razorback with a 10 man squad and then put a
Combat squad in it or just use it as a rolling
Page 45 – Ravenwing Company Standard weapon platform for the squad?
The first sentence should be changed to: A. Yes to all questions.
If Sammael is present at a battle then one
member of one Ravenwing Attack squadron
riding a bike in the army may carry one of the Q. Can you take a Drop Pod with a 10-man
Ravenwing company standards. squad and then put a Combat squad in it,
deploying the other Combat squad on the table,
or leave it in reserve but not in the Drop Pod?
Page 55 – Search-lights, second paragraph. A. No, because squads that are placed in reserve
may not break down into Combat squads.
The second sentence should be changed to:
If a vehicle has a searchlight, it must still use the
Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having Q. Can you use a Drop Pod on its own, with no
fired at that unit, will illuminate it with the squad inside?
searchlight. A. Yes you can.
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2005. Permission is granted for a single copy of this PDF to be downloaded, stored temporarily on a single PC and printed once for personal, non-commercial use and
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Q. Can troops deploying from a Dark Angels Q. When exactly is a Whirlwind’s missile type
Drop Pod assault on the turn it lands? Unlike the decided upon before a game?
Space Marines and Black Templars codexes, it A. As he deploys his army, the player must declare
does not state you cannot. what missile type it will be using for the game.
A. No the embarked troops can’t assault, as they
have deployed by deep strike that turn and
troops that deep strike can’t assault. The questions answered in our FAQs have been gathered from
many sources. Some have been submitted by members of the
public, others by representatives of the online gaming
community and more still are the result of face to face
Q. The Dark Angels thunder hammer entry says: meetings with keen and inquisitive players at a myriad of
"A model wounded and not killed may not gaming events. We are always happy to consider more
attack…"? Does the stun effect apply even if the questions, and aim to update these FAQs as frequently as is
practical. See the Contact Us page of the Games Workshop
wound is saved by an invulnerable save? website for the address to which you can send your questions.
A. No, it only applies to those very tough models
Thanks to all those who have done so already!
that suffer an unsaved wound from a thunder
hammer and survive.