Contemporary Survey On Low Power
Contemporary Survey On Low Power
Contemporary Survey On Low Power
1. Introduction
Implantable medical devices (IMD) are commonly battery-operated and fairly energy-
constrained. Replacing an implant is not advisable for the reason that surgical treatment
is risky and high-priced too. The importance of battery-operated devices with less
weight, small size, and low power paves to design ultra-low-power ADCs. During a
previous couple of years, diverse strategies were delivered to help the reduction in
supply voltage and power dissipation in Bio signal processing systems. The continued
scaling of feature size is often essential to improving the battery life of the medical
implant device. There are 3 major demanding situations influence low voltage
operation: 1. In submicron technology, the device parameters such as feature size
together with the length of the channel (L), the thickness of gate oxide (tox) are
continued to scale down which results in reduced supply voltage to make certain device
R.Rajalakshmi,Research Scholar, Dept of ECE, Dr.M.G.R Educational & Research Institute University,
512 R. Rajalakshmi et al. / A Contemporary Survey on Low Power, High Speed Comparators
SAR ADC is one of the most suitable candidates for bio signal process
applications among all [13]. It includes Sample and Hold Circuit, Comparator, SAR
Logic, and DAC Module. The Comparator is the one, consumed up more power nearly
70% within the complete architecture. Hence, optimizing the overall performance of
the comparator on the premise of its figure of merit is relatively important.
2. Literature Review
Parvin Bahmanyar, in Ref. [11] has discussed the performance of a double-tail
latched comparator designed for ultra-low-energy applications. This method is well-
perfect for Low supply voltages among four hundred mV to one V and also self-
neutralization and reduction in kickback noise are key features of this technique. In
general, the proposed circuit achieves a good figure of merit, the results are in
comparison with a traditional double-tail latched comparator. In this method, large gain
amplifiers are used to attain the proper resolution due to this bandwidth of the
Amplifier has got reduced consequently affects the gain bandwidth trade-off.
The comparator mentioned in Ref. [6] has mentioned the design withinside the sub
threshold region to have a very low energy intake that's appropriate for SAR ADC.
They also noted that an adjustable calibration capacitor array is used in the design to
cancel the charge error caused by parasitic capacitors. The proposed comparator may
be operated at a supply voltage of 0.75 V and an overall energy intake of 250 nW
received as a result. It is proven in Ref. [7] The low-offset dynamic comparator is
another promising design proposed for low-power applications. It ensures good
performance in the aspect of lesser power and offset voltage. An approach mentioned
right here is to use the tail transistor with careful sizing which ends up reducing the
energy intake in dynamic comparators in Ref. [7].
As discussed in ref. [8], the proposed comparator and controller are more suitable
for Implantable Medical Devices. The method proposed in Ref. [9], High-speed
dynamic analog comparator that gives low offset and no longer requires any
preamplifier. A four-input dynamic comparator is mentioned by Chi-Chang Lu and
Ding-Ke Huang in Ref. [4]. In this method, the twin sampling process is used
throughout the sampling segment because the applied input signals are multiplied by
factor two for every instance. As another example in Ref. [5] Ahmed Naguib, have
developed a model precise for Energy-Efficient Biomedical SAR ADCs and mentioned
static energy lifestyles throughout the amplification segment.
3. Comparator Topologies
This section deals with the prevailing few comparator architectures that have been
mentioned within the literature overview. In this paper, we also speak the merits and
demerits of each mentioned comparator topology with respect to their figure of merits.
3.1. Comparators
They are referred to as 1-bit converters and commonly used in analog to digital
converter. In the A/DD D conversion process, the analog input to be sampled at the
earliest then applied to an aggregate of comparators to decide its digital value. In
preferred, Comparator consists of the preamplifier level, latch, and output amplifier
called Buffer. The preamplifier is needed to acquire sufficient gain on the way to save
the input offset voltage of the dynamic latch. The usage of a separate preamplifier does
not find in some ADC designs due to the fact that the CMOS latch itself performs the
amplification. The latch/ selection module is one of the essential blocks it needs to be
capable of discriminating mV range signals. It's formed by an input differential pair
that imbalances a pair of crossed-coupled inverters, growing wonderful remarks that
boost the outputs to the rails which result in proper decision [10]. The very last thing
514 R. Rajalakshmi et al. / A Contemporary Survey on Low Power, High Speed Comparators
Figure 4. Low Power dynamic Comparator Figure 5. Tail transistor sizing Figure 6. Strong Arm dynamic
In this approach, tail transistors (M14, M15) are small in size added with traditional
low offset dynamic comparator to improve the performance, as an end result, energy
overhead is significantly negligible (less than 10%). Due to the tail current, the output
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swings completely to reach the full-scale value near Vdd-|Vthp|, which reduces leakage
4. Conclusion
Bio physiological signals are low voltage and low-frequency signals. Hence, analysis
requires a converter with low noise and low power operations which helps to extend
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