Dimensioning of The Bonded Lap Joint: M. Müller, D. Herák
Dimensioning of The Bonded Lap Joint: M. Müller, D. Herák
Dimensioning of The Bonded Lap Joint: M. Müller, D. Herák
M. Müller1, D. Herák2
Department of Material Science and Manufacturing Technology, Faculty of Engineering,
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Czech University of Life
Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Müller M., Herák D., 2010. Dimensioning of the bonded lap joint. Res. Agr. Eng., 56: 59–68.
Bonded joint is a complex assembly, which creation and following use is limited by a range of factors. The primary
factors are the properties of the bonded material and of the adhesive. The stress distribution in the bonded joint is
substantially influenced by the bonded joint geometry and by the deformation characteristics. Laboratory experiments
are intent on the above mentioned influences for bonded lap joints, which are very used in practice. The geometrical
parameters of bonded joints are substantial for the constructional parameters and for costs determination. At the lower
lapping length the failure of the bonded joint occurs and the maximum loading capacity of the bonded material is not
fully utilized. On the contrary when using the lapping length over its optimum value the failure of the bonded material
occurs. At the same time the total weight of the bonded assembly increases. Therefore it is important to determine the
bonded joint optimum values which secure the reliability and which do not increase the production costs.
Keywords: deformation; lapping length; epoxy adhesives; bonding technology; loading force
In single production fields the manufacturing pro- With determining of the joint type it is necessary
cess is different. But often one element is common, to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of appli-
namely the joint creation. The simplicity and effec- cable technologies in comparison with other joint-
tiveness of the manufacturing process are remark- ing methods.
able, too. With these, the continuous improvement One of basic jointing methods is the bonding
and looking for new perspective technologies is con- technology, which offers indisputable advantages.
nected, which makes the manufacturing process eas- The strength of bonded joints depends on adhesion
ier. This is one of the basic steps needed for the ability and cohesion, which influence significantly the re-
of products to compete in the global markets. One of sultant joint strength. The whole complex of the
possibilities to introduce perspective methods is the adhesive and cohesive phenomenon is the result of
right choice of the most suitable one. It is possible molecules’ reciprocal action. Between molecules,
to characterize three basic jointing methods, namely physical forces, chemical bonds and intermolecular
mechanical, chemical and heat treatment. Using the forces are in use (Loctite 1998).
fixed bonding technology the knowledge of its tech- The first step before the tough bond creation is
nological principles is important, as they influence very important. It is the constructional arrange-
the qualitative properties of the final joint. ment of the bonded joint for the elimination of all
Supported by the Internal Grant Agency of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Project
No. 31140/1312/313114.
Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68 Res. Agr. Eng.
unsuitable load modes, above all of peeling. The Moreover, Grant et al. (2009) found a huge sen-
constructional arrangement is a fundamental fac- sitivity of loaded single lapped adhesive bonds to
tor at bonding of plane surfaces, which have to lap the adhesive layer thickness. Their results gave the
over (Fig. 1a). Bonded joints are only rarely of one information that the bending moment increased
loading type. Usually the combined tensile and with the increasing adhesive layer thickness. This
shear stress occur. Here the non-uniform stress decreases the adhesive bond strength secondary.
distribution occurs on the whole bonded surface. The stress level caused by the bending moment
According to Adams et al. (1997), owing to the can be decreased not only by the bonded materi-
non-uniform deformation the different adhesive al strength and thickness increase, but by various
deformation occurs through adhesive layer thick- constructional arrangements, too. Therefore the
ness. The ends of lapping are the most deformed, designed bonded joint must be adapted accord-
where so-called stress maximum is created (Fig. 1b) ing to the bonding technology. In the bonded joint
(Grant et al. 2009). The approximate hyperbolic optimum design the stress distribution must be as
stress distribution over the total lapping length is uniform as possible. One of possibilities for reach-
the result. Lang and Mallick (1999) stated that ing the optimum constructional arrangement is
the destructive causes of single lapped adhesive the bonded material thickness increase. Owing to
bond were only rarely mentioned because most minor deformations of the thicker bonded material
of authors (e. g . Goland, Reissner, Cooper, Sawyer, the adhesive layer is less deformed. This arrange-
Ojalvo, Renton, Vinson, Erdogen, Ratwani, Givler, ment is often economically and technically disad-
Pipes) were interested in lapped adhesive bonds vantageous owing to the disproportionate weight
in which the specimen profiles had been changed increase. The bonded surface dimensions optimiz-
constructionally in order to decrease the bending ing is the next possibility and the stress distribu-
moment effect. The stress concentration increas- tion does not change with the bonded joint width.
es by the bending moment action of the couple This arrangement is often not possible owing to
of forces (Fig. 1b) (Habenicht 2002). Grant et constructional reasons and at the same time the
al. (2009) found out in their experiments that the nonalignment, which causes the bending moment
constant bending moment occurred at the edges creation, is not eliminated. This bending moment
of lapped adhesive bond. The bending moment evokes the tensile stress largely at the joint ends.
creates a plastic stress starting the adhesive bond The peeling forces creation is the consequence
failure. The non-uniform stress distribution in the (Habenicht 2002).
adhesive layer edges, caused by the bonded mate- Fessel et al. (2007) changed the bending mo-
rials elasticity and deformation, evokes the tensile ment size in their experiments thanks to the single
stress at the bonded joint ends. This is the reason of deformation of the adhesive bonded specimen (re-
peeling and in this way of the resultant strength de- shaping the adhesive bonded material angle). They
crease. The crack propagation and the bonded joint found out that the adhesive bond strength of “re-
destruction are the result. verse bent” bonds was up to 40% higher comparing
Res. Agr. Eng. Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68
Specimen C Mn Cr Ni Al Cu Nb Ti Fe Si Mg Zn
0.047 0.24 0.076 0.017 0.065 0.039 0.007 0.016 99.5 – – –
– 0.51 0.003 0.003 93.197 5.012 – 0.013 0.304 0.35 0.571 0.014
with flat bonds. Different adhesives and materials ments the suitable work procedure exercisable at
were used for the experiments. the bonded joint design was determined.
You et al. (2009) followed them up and found the For tests two epoxy adhesives were used:
ideal adherent deformation 7° by means of a finite • BISON epoxy metal (Bm) – the two-component
element analysis in which the strength had increased epoxy adhesive, ratio of mixture 1:1, usable life
by 64% comparing with the common lapped adhe- 60 min. Thermal fastness –60°C to +100°C. It
sive bond. The upper limit was set to 15°, in which is suitable for bonding of metals, ceramics and
the adhesive bond strength started to decrease. plastics. Perfect curing occurs after 12 h. The
The determination of the optimum lapping presented orientation strength of the bonded
length is the suitable solution. The optimization of joint is 18 MPa (Bison Epoxy Metal 2004).
the lapping length does not mean only to extend • ALTECO 3-TON epoxy adhesive 30 min (A30) –
and in this way to increase the bonded surface, but the two-component epoxy adhesive with metal-
to determine the lower and upper limiting state. lic filler, ratio of mixture 1:1, usable life 30 min.
The reasons can be summarized in following cri- Thermal fastness –20°C to +120°C. It is suitable
terions: the bending moment and in this way the for bonding of steel, cast iron, brass, aluminium
second component of the tensile strength elimina- alloys, wood, glass, and plastics. Perfect curing
tion and the bonded material mechanical proper- occurs after 14 h. Orientation strength is not pre-
ties respecting namely in the zone of the start of the sented (Alteco 3-Ton Epoxy Adhesive 2008).
plastic deformation action. The evaluation was carried out according to the
standard ČSN EN 1465 (1997) – determination of
tensile lap-shear strength of rigid-to-rigid bonded
Materials and methods assemblies. The tests were carried out using the steel
S235J0 and the duralumin AlCu4Mg specimens. Di-
The criteria plan of the optimum lapping length mensions of specimens were 100 × 25 × 1.5 mm.
determination was the aim of the laboratory mea- The chemical composition of bonded specimens,
surements. These criteria will give to the optimum determined using the spectral analysis, is presented
load capacity the bonded joint on behalf of the ten- in Table 1. Next the measuring of the bonded ma-
sile strength elimination. On the basis of measure- terial using the Vickers hardness was carried out
Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68 Res. Agr. Eng.
Res. Agr. Eng. Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68
from the Eq. (5) according to the Eq. (6). The load-
§s s · ing force and the calculated values from the Eqs. (1)
9 u ¨ 1 tad 2 ¸
©2 2¹ 4 (5) and (6) were plotted. The course of the tensile shear
V red Fu 2 2
b 2 u lu4 b u lu strength and the reduced shear strength related to
the lapping length are expressed by the connecting
According to the Mohr and Guess’s state of stress line of the 2nd degree polynomial trend, which corre-
theory the reduced tensile strength σred, it is pos- sponds best to the correlation field of the measured
sible to transform in the reduced shear strength τred values. The relation between the loading force and
Eq. (6) (Marghitu 2001). the lapping length is expressed by the connecting
line of the 3rd degree polynomial trend, too.
Wred 0.5 u V red (6) For the correct evaluation of the relationships the
closeness coefficient was calculated using the correla-
Using the coefficient k of the reduced strength tion analysis. The value of correlation function R2 can be
τred and the shear strength τ Eq. (7) it is possible to from 0 to 1. The higher value corresponds to the higher
numerically evaluate and graphically determine the declaring capacity. The course of the above mentioned
partial components of the tensile and shear stresses relations was described by the equations, too.
related to the fixed length of the lapping. Fig. 3 presents the results of values measured and
calculated for the adhesive (Bm). The bonded spec-
k (7) imens were made from the steel S235J0. The upper
W limit of the loading force at the bonded joint yield
where: point is 9,000 N. If this value is exceeded the plastic
k – coefficient of the reduced shear stress (–) deformation of the bonded material occurs. In the
τ – tensile shear strength (MPa) interface adhesive – bonded material expressive de-
τred – reduced shear strength (MPa) formations occur, which conduces to the absorbed
loading force lowering. This statement is based also
For the telling capability of the previous relation on the following measured loading forced reduc-
determined according to Eq. (7) it is possible to tion. After reaching of lu = 40 mm (λp = 1.6) the
calculate the relative length coefficient Eq. (8). By loading force reduction occurs.
the comparison of the relations Eqs. (7) and (8), not The fracture area between the adhesive (Bm) and
only the length, but also the width of the lapping the bonded material (steel) was evaluated as the co-
is considered. By the use of the relation Eq. (8) it hesive failure.
is possible to vary not only the lapping length, but The Eq. (9) describes the relation between the de-
the width, too. At the same time it is possible to struction force and the lapping length lu as showed
eliminate the negative action of bending moment, in Fig. 3. The correlation function R2, Eq. (10), is
respectively the tensile stress. presented, too.
The bonded joints were prepared according to the τBm red – steel = 2.6124 × lu2 – 11.15 × lu + 19.692 (11)
above mentioned specifications and destructively
tested. The test factors were the destructive force R2Bm τ red – steel = 0.8495 (12)
and the lapping surface. These two values were used
for the strength calculation based on the Eqs. (1) The Eq. (13) describes the relation between the
and (5). It was necessary to transform the values tensile shear strength τ and the lapping length lu as
Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68 Res. Agr. Eng.
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Lapping length (mm)
Bm - steel force Max force for Re steel
Bm - steel strength Bm - steel reduced strength
Bm - steel force Bm - steel strength
showed in Fig. 3. The correlation function R2, Eq. mum variation of the loading force occurred. Be-
(14), is presented, too. tween 35 and 50 mm lapping length the mean de-
structive force of 8,002 ± 137 N was measured. But
τBm – steel = 1.7569 × lu2 – 8.7232 × lu + 18.154 (13) after reaching of lu = 40 mm (λp = 1.6) a decrease in
the destructive force occurred.
R2Bm τ – steel = 0.8488 (14) The joint destruction between the adhesive (A30)
and the bonded material (steel) was evaluated as
Fig. 4 presents the test results of values measured the cohesive failure.
and calculated for the adhesive (A30) at bonding steel. The Eq. (15) describes the relation between the
The upper limit of the loading force of the yield destructive force F and the lapping length lu as
point 9,000 N was not reached. After exceeding the showed in Fig. 4. The correlation function R2, Eq.
lapping length of 35 mm (λp=1.4) only the mini- (16), is presented, too.
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Fig. 4. Influence of the
Lapping length (mm) lapping length on the
A30 - steel force A30 - steel strengt destructive force and
A30 - steel reduced strengt A30 - steel force on the adhesive bond
A30 - steel strength A30 - steel reduced strength strength A30 – steel
Res. Agr. Eng. Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68
strength Bm – dura-
9,000 15 lumin
6,000 10
3,000 5
0 0
0 5 10 15
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Lapping length (mm)
Bm - duralumin force Bm - duralumin strength
Bm - duralumin reduced strength Bm - duralumin force
Bm - duralumin strength Bm - duralumin reduced strength
FA30 – steel = 0.0293 × lu3 – 6.5462 × lu2 + 404.3 × lu + The Eq. (19) describes the relation between the
463.33 (15) tensile shear strength τ and the lapping length lu as
showed in Fig. 4. The correlation function R2, Eq.
R2 F A30 – steel = 0.9826 (16) (20), is presented, too.
The Eq. (17) describes the relation between the τA30 – steel = 1.4437 × lu2 – 8.6947 × lu + 18.152 (19)
reduced shear strength τred and the lapping length
lu as showed in Fig. 4. The correlation function R2, R2A30 τ – steel = 0.9516 (20)
Eq. (18), is presented, too.
When duralumin was bonded using the adhesives
τA30 red – steel = 2.4221 × lu2 – 11.44 × lu + 19.926 (17) (Bm) and (A30), the conventional yield point Rp0.2
(converted with regard to the bonded material cross
R2A30 τ red – steel = 0.9543 (18) section to the conventional yield point of 11,250 N)
9,000 15
6,000 10
3,000 5
Fig. 6. Influence of
0 0 the lapping length
0 5 10 15 2025 30 35 40 45 50 55 on the destruc-
Lapping length (mm) tive force and on
A30 - duralumin force A30 - duralumin strength the adhesive bond
A30 - duralumin reduced strength A30 - duralumin force strength A30 – du-
A30 - duralumi strength A30 - duralumin reduced strength ralumin
Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68 Res. Agr. Eng.
1.020 Tensile
0.980 Shear
5/ 0.2 10/ 0.4 15/ 0.6 20/ 0.8 25/ 1.0 30/ 1.2 35/ 1.4 40/ 1.6 45/ 1.8 50/ 2.0
was not exceeded. Fig. 5 presents the results of du- τBm – duralumin = –0.7776 × lu2 – 2.21 × lu + 14.037 (25)
ralumin joints bonded using the adhesive (Bm).
After exceeding the lapping length of 35 mm R2Bm τ – duralumin = 0.9612 (26)
(λp = 1.6) only the minimum variation of the de-
structive force occurred. Between the lapping In Fig. 6 the results of duralumin joints bonded us-
length of 35 and 50 mm the mean loading force ing the adhesive (A30) are presented. After exceeding
of 8367 ± 165 N was measured. But after reaching the lapping length of 35 mm (λp = 1.4) the variation
lu = 40 mm (λp = 1.6) lapping length, a mild de- decrease of the destructive force (8,966 ± 466 N) oc-
crease of destructive force occurred. curred. The deviation was higher compared to the
The joint destruction between the adhesive (Bm) results presented in Figs. 3, 4, 5. The higher destruc-
and the bonded material (duralumin) was evalu- tive force variation compared to other foregoing re-
ated as the cohesive failure. sults was above all caused by the higher scattering of
The Eq. (21) describes the relation between the measurements (6.4%) at lu = 35 mm (λp = 1.4). The
destructive force F and the lapping length lu as it is mean variation of other series (lu = 5–50 mm) was
showed in Fig. 5. The correlation function R2, Eq. 2.7%. After reaching of lu = 40 mm (λp = 1.6) the ex-
(22), is presented, too. pressive decrease of destructive force occurred.
The joint destruction between the adhesive (A30)
FBm – duralumin = –0.0356 × lu3 – 2.0329 × lu2 + 352.27 × and the bonded material (duralumin) was evaluated
lu + 19.667 (21) as the combined adhesive and cohesive failure.
The Eq. (27) describes the relation between
R2F Bm – duralumin = 0.9893 (22) the destructive force and the lapping length lu as
showed in Fig. 6. The correlation function R2, Eq.
The Eq. (23) describes the relation between the (28), is presented, too.
reduced shear strength τred and the lapping length
lu as it is showed in Fig. 5. The correlation function FA30 – duralumin = –0.1773 × lu3 + 10.359 × lu2 + 57.696 ×
R2, Eq. (24), is presented, too. lu + 1,755.7 (27)
τBm red – duralumin = 0.0188 × lu2 – 4.444 × lu + 15.482 R2 F A30 – duralumin = 0.9679 (28)
The Eq. (29) describes the relation between the
R2Bm τ red – duralumin = 0.9480 (24) reduced shear strength τred and the lapping length
lu as showed in Fig. 6. The correlation function R2,
The Eq. (25) describes the relation between the Eq. (30), is presented, too.
tensile shear strength τ and the lapping length lu as
it is showed in Fig. 5. The correlation function R2, τA30 red – duralumin = 1.128 × lu2 – 6.6403 × lu + 16.315
Eq. (26), is presented, too. (29)
Res. Agr. Eng. Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68
R2A30 τ red – duralumin = 0.7979 (30) • the bonded material maximum loading capac-
ity utilization by reaching of the force near the
The Eq. (31) describes the relation between the yield point,
tensile shear strength τ and the lapping length lu as • the adhesive maximum loading capacity utili-
showed in Fig. 6. The correlation function R2, Eq. zation,
(32), is presented, too. • tensile stress elimination,
• utilization of shear stress type, when the bond-
τA30 – duralumin = –0.3152 × lu2 – 4.3587 × lu + 14.835 (31) ed joints compared with other stress types (ten-
sion, peeling, their combination) reach in total
R2A30 τ – duralumin = 0.7874 (32) higher loading force values.
From the experiments the optimum value of bond-
The results of coefficient k with respect to the re- ed joints overlapping followed, namely lu = 35 mm
duced strength τred calculated according to the Eq. (λp = 1.4). At this length an increase in the mini-
(7) are presented in Fig. 7. It is the connecting line mum loading capacity occurred. The influence of
graph, where the arithmetic mean values of the par- the bending moment decreased and in this way the
tial lapping lengths lu are plotted. The mentioned influence of peeling forces, too. The adhesive layer
values make possible the determination of the ten- deformation was distributed in the sufficiently large
sile and shear strength components action related surface. For the design it is necessary to regard for
to the concrete lapping length of the bonded joint. the total geometric shape, not only for the lapping
From the comparison (Fig. 7) the almost identi- length lu, but for the bonded joint width (b), too.
cal course of individual connecting lines is evident This problem is solved by the introduction of the
regardless of the material and adhesive types. bonded surface optimum value in form of the rela-
Graphical representation of the coefficient k tive length coefficient λp Eq. (8). By the introduc-
presents a part of influence of the shear and tensile tion of the optimum value of λp = 1.4, determined
stresses at single lapping lengths lu. At the values for both bonded materials and both adhesives, in
k > 1 of the joint the combination of the shear and the Eq. (8) it is possible to calculate the dependent
tensile stresses is in action. The tensile stress action variable using the known independent variable – lu
may influence the bending moment and in this way or b, which is given by the constructional design.
the peeling forces are associated. At calculations the destruction force is specified
At the k coefficient near to 1 the bending moment and in this way the maximum allowable stress is de-
and in this way the probability of the peeling force termined. It is possible to calculate the bonded sur-
acts are insignificant. The expressive deformation face dimensioning approximately according to the
influenced by the bending moment occurred at the Eq. (33), (34) under presumption that the limiting
lapping length lu of 5 mm (λp = 0.2). At the con- yield point is not exceeded. If overranged, the plas-
structional design of the lap joints it is necessary to tic deformation would occur, which would conduce
eliminate the influence of bending moment. to various inaccessible deformations of shape and
From the foregoing results presented in Figs. 3–6 dimensions. At bonded joints the excessive peeling
it is evident that at the lapping length lu of 35 mm occurs, too. The Eq. (33) results from the modifica-
the maximum destruction force is reached. At this tion of Eq. (8) with introducing in Eq. (1).
lapping length the values of coefficient k are in av- Fe
erage of 1.0025 and the influence of the bending W (33)
b 2 u 1.4
moment is insignificant.
1.4 u Fe
W (34)
Conclusion lu2
By the optimum overlapping design not only the τ – tensile shear strength (according to ČSN EN 1465)
loading capacity of bonded joint increases, but also (MPa)
the costs decrease, which are invested in the unjus- Fe (or F0.2) – force at the (conventional) yield point of the
tifiedly overdimensioned bonded joint surface. At bonded material (N)
the design of the one-side lapped bonded joints it is lu – lapping length (mm)
important to have regard to following criterions: b – lapping width (mm)
Vol. 56, 2010, No. 2: 59–68 Res. Agr. Eng.
Corresponding author:
Ing. Miroslav Müller, Ph.D., Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Material Science and Manufacturing Technology, 165 21 Prague-Suchdol, Czech Republic
phone: + 420 224 383 261, fax: + 420 234 381 828, e-mail: muller@tf.czu.cz