Tle9 Q1 W2 CSS
Tle9 Q1 W2 CSS
Tle9 Q1 W2 CSS
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
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work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition
the payment of royalties.
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking
into consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to
encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your
Assessment level of mastery in achieving the learning
In this portion, another activity will be given
Additional Activities to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned.
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do
not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that
you are not alone.
What I Need to Know
This module covers the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to apply quality
standards in the workplace. Quality standards are defined as documents that provide
requirements, specifications, guidelines, or characteristics that can be used consistently
to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose.
In this module, you will also learn about application of relevant safety procedures and
regulations, organization procedures and customer requirements related to Computer
System Servicing.
What I Know
I. Match column A with their meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
II. Write QN if the statement affects the quantity of work and QL if the statement
affects the quality of work. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
______ 1. Poor scheduling of work
______ 2. Failure to meet expectations for product quality, cost or service
______ 3. Customer/client dissatisfaction
______ 4. Preventable accidents
______ 5. Misuse of sick leave
Note: If you get 100% correct in this pre- assessment, skip the lesson but if not
and only get 50% to 99% correct, then proceed with the lesson.
What’s In
A. Set
Show pictures of different computer shops in Dumaguete.
B. Perception
What’s New
Use of quality standards is voluntary but may be expected by certain groups of
stakeholders. Additionally, some organizations or government agencies may require
suppliers and partners to use a specific standard as a condition of doing business.
What is It
• Production/operations
• Sales and customer service
• Employee training
• Legal
• Financial
Some business owners have a hard time grasping why standard operating
procedures are necessary. They already trained their employees so why do they need
a written document outlining the process as well?
This is sort of like asking why doctors have a written list of procedures they follow
before performing surgery. Or why the FDA has a written list of procedures for how
restaurants can handle food.
Standard operating procedures will give you a better understanding of your business
processes and help you decide how to move forward. They will ensure that all
employees are performing the business processes in the same way.
Having standard operating procedures in place will also give you the option to scale
your business more quickly. This is because standard operating procedures make it
easier to replicate these processes across your organization.
Across all industries, our clients are telling us that now more than ever, that effective
SOPs and Work Instructions are an essential component of a highly effective
organization. Many believe that any business unit without a robust procedure
system is doomed to failure in today’s business environment and competitive global
Let us face it, as the complexity and sophistication of automated processes continues
to increase, we find ourselves asking our employees to take on ever increasing
responsibilities. Without a coherent SOP system, we are setting ourselves up to fail.
Also, with unemployment rates currently at low levels, it’s become a challenge to hire
people who possess all the skills, knowledge and experience that we’d like. Effective
SOPs are more important than ever to serve as training tool and ensure consistent
and correct process and task performance.
An SOP is a useful business tool as it communicates the correct way of carrying out
an activity within your organization. Standard Operating Procedures at a minimum
give you the following:
Consistency – The number one reason for procedures is consistency in the way an
individual carries out a task or activity. The more consistent a process is from person
to person, the less chance there will be quality problems.
Reduction of errors – A written procedure details a set of instructions for performing
a task. If everyone within your team performs the task as it is written, there is a
greater chance of reducing errors.
Communication – Another great reason you need SOPs in your organization is for
the benefit of communication. With improvements made to processes, the operating
procedures are updated, and each update requires new training. Updating SOPs
provides a method to communicate the process changes to employees.
The student must relate material properties to product and process quality. These
are the factors that must be taken into consideration when choosing the right
material for their components and assemblies:
1. Selection of Materials
It is a step in the process of designing any physical object. In the context of product
design, the main goal of material selection is to minimize cost while meeting product
performance goals. Systematic selection of the best material for a given application
begins with properties and costs of candidate materials. Material selection is often
benefited using material index or performance index relevant to the desired material
For example:
2. Testing Material
It is the determination of the technological and operational properties of materials,
primarily using machines and instruments. Materials are tested for diverse purposes:
to determine the properties of the raw material, to check quality at intermediate
stages in production processes, to check finished products, and to aid research.
Mechanical, physical, and chemical methods are used to study the properties of
materials. Destructive methods damage or destroy the object of the tests;
nondestructive ones permit further use of the object.
3. Cost of Material
4. If any scrap is then sold, apportion the revenue back to the individual unit.
Characteristic of common materials for increased security is also a great factor in the
design and planning process. Evaluation of longevity criteria and assessment of site
environmental factors are vital to project planning.
Specific knowledge about the project and general common sense must dictate design
and material selection. Although many materials can offer enhanced protection, often
the most cost-efficient and readily available material that provides reasonable life
expectancy for the project must be considered.
Before planning and designing takes place, you should evaluate the material options
and system requirements. Teachers should add several useful reference manuals to
their libraries such as installation of hardware, networking, troubleshooting as well
as basic PC Operation and Internet for additional information that the students may
use in their projects.
The characteristic of the materials to be used for specific project must be:
✓ of good quality
- This is the most important factor when choosing materials to buy.
Products with good quality are long-lasting and safe to use
because you know that it follows certain standards before being
✓ reliable
- It means that you can be sure that it will perform its function
well, will operate safely and will give the best it could give.
✓ suitable for the application/purposes
- Choose the materials which are very necessary to make the project
possible. Making a list of products/materials to buy is a good
trait of a wise consumer. Products which are not to be used must
be crossed out.
✓ low cost
- It does not mean that you will choose for the less expensive one
and exclude the quality. Low cost means you can afford to buy
the materials without hurting your pocket and assure of better
A. Receiving Materials:
1. Match the packing slip to the items received and ensures that the materials are
destined on tour department.
2. That you are receiving the materials indicated on the purchase order regarding
quantity and discount.
3. That the materials are in acceptable condition.
4. That terms regarding installation and/or set up of equipment are met.
B. Receiving Reports
Whenever goods are received:
1. The person receiving the goods must document, using the administrative software,
that all goods were received for each requisition before any payment can be made to
the vendor.
2. Any exceptions must be noted so that partial payments can be processed, or
defective goods can be returned.
C. Return of Merchandise
When merchandise is received which is incomplete or defective, the supervisor will
return the materials to the supplier or to the store where it was bought and decide
with the vendor for replacement.
The teacher will be the assessor. Students will be randomly assigned that will: 1.)
act as Quality Checker; 2.) responsible for monitoring and coordinating the checking
arrangements and 3.) must generate reports when receiving the equipment.
The Quality checker will record the date of receipt, name of the materials purchased,
quantity, and official receipt number, signature of the person who bought the
materials and signed his name afterwards. The Quality checker will identify if the
materials are in good condition or damage and /or needing for replacements. This
will also be recorded on his report.
Once the Quality checker has completed all the reports, the assessor will check if
the Quality Checker provides all the data needed in the report.
Date Quality
O.R. # Item Name Quantity Signature
Received Checker
Workplace Procedure is a set of written instructions that identifies the health and
safety issues that may arise from the jobs and tasks that make up a system of
• the teacher for the task or job and the students who will undertake
the task
• the tasks that are to be undertaken that pose risks
• the equipment to be used in these tasks
• the control measures that have been formulated for these tasks
• any training or qualification needed to undertake the task
• the personal protective equipment to be worn
• action to be undertaken to address safety issues that may arise while
undertaking the task
1. Identify hazards and assess 1.1 Identify hazards in the work area and
risk. during the performance of workplace
1.2 Assess level of risk
2. Follow procedures and 2.1 Report hazards in the work area to
strategies for risk control. designated personnel according to
workplace procedures
2.2 Follow workplace procedures and work
instructions for assessing and
controlling risks with minimal
2.3 Whenever necessary, within the scope of
responsibilities and competencies, follow
workplace procedures for dealing with
hazards and incidents, fire and/or other
3. Contribute to OHS in the 3.1 Describe employee rights regarding
workplace. consultation on OHS matters
3.2 Raise task and/or job specific OHS issues
with appropriate people in accordance
with workplace procedures and relevant
OHS legislative requirements
3.3 Contribute to participative arrangement
for OHS management in the workplace
within organisational procedures and
the scope of responsibilities and
3.4 Provide feedback to supervisor on hazards
in work area in line with organisational
OHS policies and procedures
3.5 Provide support in implementing
procedures to control risks in
accordance with organisational
4. Work instruction may be: • Verbal
• Written
• In English
• In a community language
• Provided visually e.g. video, OHS signs,
symbols and other pictorial,
presentation, etc.
5. Controlling risks in the work Application of the hierarchy of control,
area may include: namely:
• Eliminate the risk
• Reduce/minimise the risk through
• Engineering controls
• Administrative controls
• Personal protective equipment
6. Reports identifying workplace • Face to face
hazards may be verbal or written • Phone messages
and may include: • Notes
• Memos
Occupational health and safety (OHS) relate to health, safety, and welfare issues in
the workplace. OHS includes the laws, standards, and programs that are aimed at
making the workplace better for workers, along with co-workers, family members,
customers, and other stakeholders.
Occupational health and safety are concerned with addressing many types of
workplace hazards, such as:
• Chemicals
• Physical hazards
• Biological agents
• Psychological fallout
• Ergonomic issues
• Accidents
Occupational health and safety standards are in place to mandate the removal,
reduction, or replacement of job site hazards. OHS programs should also include
material that helps minimize the effects of the hazards. Employers and company
management are obliged to provide a safe working environment for all their
2. Lost time
4. Preventable accidents
1. Inaccuracies, errors
3. Customer/client dissatisfaction
1. Hardware
The durability of the work depends on the quality of its component parts and
the assembly skills of those who install it. If the best-quality products or hardware
are used but are installed incorrectly, the system will be a failure.
The application of suitable hardware and products must be supported by adequate
levels of training of person who use them so that they can identify and use only
appropriate products.
In judging a product or hardware, the person must consider factors such as the
2. Production Process
The quality of the outputs is at risk if any of these three aspects are deficient
in any way.
Total Quality Control is the most necessary inspection control of all in cases
where, despite statistical quality control techniques or quality improvements
implemented, sales decrease.
3. Final Product
Table 1 shows the Quality System Elements required by ISO 9000 in the making of
the final product.
5 Document control System for control and identification of all documents regarding
quality, e.g. procedures, instructions, and specifications
8 Process control Ensure and plan the control of production which directly effects
quality by documented work instructions, monitoring and
control of processes
9 Inspection and Inspect and test incoming products, intermediate and final
testing product; establish product conformance to specified
requirements and identify non-conforming pro- ducts; maintain
inspection and test records
11 Inspection and For the whole process the products shall be identified and
test status clearly marked concerning test status, including indication of
conformance or non-conformance
14 Handling, storage Protection of the quality of the product during hand- ling,
packaging and storage, packaging and delivery
15 Quality records Records, including those which demonstrate that the specified
requirements have been met, shall be control- led and
18 Cleaning and Although not required by the ISO 9000 standards, these two
Disinfection points should be given special attention in all food companies
19 Personal hygiene
4. Customer Service
According to Turban et al, 2002, “Customer service is a series of activities
designed to enhance the level of customer’s satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a
product or service has met the customer’s expectation”. Its importance varies by
product, industry and customer.
develop strategies to improve procedures and protocols. As a business scales up in
sales or in size, the task of monitoring becomes more important and complicated.
Monitoring operations requires management oversight, employee feedback
and customer reviews. It can help provide specific directions for employees, which
can lead to improved time management and increased productivity.
Improving workplace operations requires analyzing collected data to identify
the underlying problems and to find resolutions and methods to deal with them. Here
we outline few key steps to quality monitoring your business operations to ensure
your organization remains competitive.
Measurement of the operative performance. To measure your company’s
performance company in an effective way, you need to establish indicators that allow
you to know the results and how to make the suitable adjustments when it is
necessary. Each area within the company has its own mechanisms, needs and
resources. It is important to have an analysis of how each separate area is performing
to achieve its specific objectives.
Implement operational process improvements. A results-oriented
improvement plan focuses on improving cost, quality, service or speed. Action steps
range from making minor changes that eliminate duplicate steps or other workflow
redundancies to redesigning an entire process. An implementation includes
analyzing, prioritizing and reassembling tasks and operational steps.
Collect relevant data. There are many ways to collect data via regular
monitoring and surveying. Many businesses use a customer retention management
(CRM) software. Software capabilities vary but most offer several ways to monitor
workplace operations. All relevant information coming out from outbound calls,
prospect contacts calls, correspondence, offline and online surveys, follow-ups and
sales should be registered and analyzed. Right now, you can find in the market
software that even help track orders and send follow up offers.
Beyond technology, you can use site operations, employee surveys and
customer feedback to collect valuable data about how your company is delivering its
product or service. Site operations may be done by management, owners or by a
third-party consulting firm, offering an outsider’s perspective on operations.
Employee surveys provide valuable feedback on areas of inefficiency that employees
experience daily, such as consistent inventory issues. Customer reviews, whether
solicited or gathered via online social media channels, tell companies about the user
experience. At times, when everything seems to be going smoothly, it might be the
customer review that points out something otherwise overlooked.
Analyze all collected information. As a business owner, you should look at
data regularly to understand patterns and to look for anomalies. Although there
might not be a monthly site review, employers can use other collected data to get an
understanding what is working well and what is not.
Engage your employees. Start by creating a workplace environment that
accepts and embraces change. An open-door policy, fair and respectful treatment
and open communications are some of the most important ingredients. If you take
the time to lay a foundation that encourages and rewards employee contributions
before implementing a monitoring and operational improvement plan, it will be much
easier to get their cooperation.
Establish communication channels and strategies. IT managers and
administrators must establish mechanisms to visualize the operational strategies
within the organization and establish communication strategies that allow all the
members of the company to easily know the results of each of the areas.
Implement new protocols and workflows. Once the issue is identified in
the existing process, it is imperative that the company take steps to improve
workplace operations. If a new call or sales protocol is implemented, it needs to be
written in as part of the operations manual, and then distributed to employees. On
top of the distribution of the written protocol, employers need to train employees
consistently and regularly to make the new protocol habitual. Additionally,
employers should ask for feedback on new policies and procedures to fine tune them.
Sometimes, improving workflow changes is easier than at other times. If
inventory issues exist, managers need to decide with suppliers or find new ones that
can handle the demand.
The seven basic tools of quality are a designation given to a fixed set of graphical
techniques identified as being most helpful in troubleshooting issues related to
quality. They are called basic because they are suitable for people with little formal
training in statistics and because they can be used to solve many quality-related
Once the basic problem-solving or quality improvement process is understood,
the addition of quality tools can make the process proceed more quickly and
systematically. Seven simple tools can be used by any professional to ease the quality
improvement process: flowcharts, check sheets, Pareto diagrams, cause and effect
diagrams, histograms, scatter diagrams, and control charts.
Flowcharts describe a process in as much detail as possible by graphically
displaying the steps in proper sequence. A good flowchart should show all process
steps under analysis by the quality improvement team, identify critical process
points for control, suggest areas for further improvement, and help explain and solve
a problem.
The flowchart is a simple production process in which parts are received, inspected,
and sent to subassembly operations and painting. After completing this loop, the
parts can be shipped as subassemblies after passing a final test or they can complete
a second cycle consisting of final assembly, inspection and testing, painting, final
testing, and shipping.
Figure 1. A basic production process
flowchart displays several paths a part
can travel from the time it hits the
receiving dock to final shipping.
Check sheets help organize
data by category. They show how
many times each value occurs, and
their information is increasingly
helpful as more data are collected.
Check sheets minimize clerical work
since the operator merely adds a mark
to the tally on the prepared sheet
rather than writing out a figure. By
showing the frequency of a defect (e.g.,
in a molded part) and how often it
occurs in a specific location, check Figure 2. Because it clearly organizes data, a
sheets help operators spot problems. check sheet is the easiest way to track
The check sheet example
shows a list of molded part defects on a production line covering a week’s time. One
can easily see where to set priorities based on results shown on this check sheet.
Assuming the production flow is the same on each day, the part with the largest
number of defects carries the highest priority for correction.
The Pareto diagram is named after
Vilfredo Pareto, a 19th-century Italian
economist who postulated that a large
share of wealth is owned by a small
percentage of the population. This basic
principle translates well into quality
problems—most quality problems result
from a small number of causes. Quality
experts often refer to the principle as the
80-20 rule; that is, 80% of problems are
caused by 20% of the potential sources.
Figure 3. By rearranging random data, a
A Pareto diagram puts data in a Pareto diagram identifies and ranks
hierarchical order, which allows the most nonconformities in the quality process in
significant problems to be corrected first. descending order.
The Pareto analysis technique is used
primarily to identify and evaluate nonconformities, although it can summarize all
types of data. It is perhaps the diagram most often used in management
A fish bone diagram displays all contributing factors and their relationships to the
outcome to identify areas where data should be collected and analyzed. The major
areas of potential causes are shown as the main bones, e.g., materials, methods,
people, measurement, machines, and design. Later, the subareas are depicted.
Thorough analysis of each cause can eliminate causes one by one, and the most
probable root cause can be selected for corrective action. Quantitative information
can also be used to prioritize means for improvement,
whether it be to machine, design, or operator.
The histogram plots data in a frequency distribution
table. What distinguishes the histogram from a check
sheet is that its data are grouped into rows so that the
identity of individual values is lost. Commonly used to
present quality improvement data, histograms work
best with small amounts of data that vary
considerably. When used in process capability
studies, histograms can display specification limits to
show what portion of the data does not meet the
After the raw data are collected, they are grouped in
value and frequency and plotted in a graphical form.
A histogram’s shape shows the nature of the
distribution of the data, as well as central tendency
(average) and variability. Specification limits can be Figure 5. A histogram is an
easy way to see the
used to display the capability of the process. distribution of the data, its
average, and variability.
A scatter diagram shows how two variables are related
and is thus used to test for cause and effect
relationships. It cannot prove that one variable causes
the change in the other, only that a relationship exists
and how strong it is.
In a scatter diagram, the horizontal (x) axis represents
the measurement values of one variable, and the
vertical (y) axis represents the measurements of the
second variable.
What’s More
Independent Activity 1
I. Enumeration. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering.
1. Shows how two variables are related and is thus used to test for cause and effect
CAETTRS IGDRMAA __________________________
2. A displays statistically determined upper and lower limits drawn on either side of
a process average.
TLNROOC ACHRT __________________________
3. Is initiated with a Quality Assessment Request, typically received from one or more
project stakeholders.
EASSSS LQATYIU __________________________
4. Plots data in a frequency distribution table.
STOHISRGMA __________________________
5. Concerned with transforming a range of inputs into those outputs that are
required by the market.
ODCOTNIRPU PCSOESR __________________________
What I Have Learned
Remember these:
3. Specific knowledge about the project and general common sense must dictate
design and material selection. Although many materials can offer enhanced
protection, often the most cost-efficient and readily available material that provides
reasonable life expectancy for the project must be considered.
4. Written policies and procedures are the backbone of the quality system. Complete
quality assurance records make quality management possible. Keeping records
facilitates meeting program reporting requirements.
5. By adopting the view that quality monitoring is a strategic process rather than a
tactical one, companies will begin to see an improvement of their customers
experience and their customers therefore becoming their strongest champions.
6. The key to monitor work operations and to develop an excellent performance
management model according to the company’s objectives is to get constant feedback
from your employees and customers.
7. To conclude, the above forms are the basis from which the philosophy of Quality
Assurance has evolved, and the achievement of quality or the “fitness-for-purpose”
is “Quality Awareness” throughout the company.
What I Can Do
Direction: You are assigned to be the Quality checker for the Month of June. Make
a Log Report, and Assessment Report using the following data below. Make sure
you will record all the items listed and if they were in good condition or not. Write
your answer on a sheet of paper.
1. - June 9, 2008
- 5 Hard disk, 2 128MB SDRAM memory chips
- Received from Jun Salcedo (PC chain), OR #20256
- Found out that 1 Hard disk has error need for replacement
I. Write QN if the statement affects the quantity of work and QL if the statement
affects the quality of work. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
______ 1. Tardiness
______ 2. Slow response to work requests
______ 3. Break time
______ 4. Excessive visiting
______ 5. Spoilage and/or waste of materials
II. TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the otherwise is
wrong/incorrect. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
__________ 1. Poor attitude results in performance problem.
__________ 2. A safe working procedure should be written when retrieving old tasks.
__________ 3. Preventable accidents may affect the quantity of work.
__________ 4. Following certain procedure is very important in performing given
operation or to a given event.
__________ 5. Safe working procedure should not identify the tasks that are to be
undertaken that pose risks.
__________ 6. Standards are set of rules that describe quality of materials, product
or system.
__________ 7. Quality assurance does not cover all the activities from design,
development, up to documentation.
__________ 8. Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level
of customer satisfaction.
__________ 9. Customer service is not important in the company’s customer value
__________ 10. The durability of the work does not depend on the skills of those who
install it.
III. Identification. Read the sentence carefully, identify the correct answer that
best describes the statement and write your answer on a separate sheet of
What I Know What's More Assessment
I. 1. B 6. E I. I.
2. D 7. J 1. a. Selection of material 1. QN
3. F 8. A b. Testing of material 2. QN
4. H 9. I c. Cost of material 3. QN
5. G 10. K 2. a. Good quality 4. QN
b. Reliable 5. QL
c. Suitable for the
1. QN 1. TRUE
2. QL 2. FALSE
3. QL 3. TRUE
4. QN II. 4. TRUE
5. QN 1. Scatter Diagram 5. FALSE
2. Control Chart 6. TRUE
3. Assess Quality 7. FALSE
4. Histograms 8. TRUE
5. Production Process 9. FALSE
1. Control Chart
2. Cause and Effect Diagram
3. Flowcharts
4. Pareto Diagram
5. Histograms
Answer Key
A. PDF/Google Drive Files:
B. Internet Sources:
01, Ashweni Sahni | Apr. “Seven Basic Tools That Can Improve Quality.”,
26 May 2020,
Amit. “What Is a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and How to Write It.” Tallyfy,
Tallyfy, 26 Feb. 2020,