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y g
Surveying II

Prof. P. V. Khandve
B.E.Civil, M.Tech.(Env.Engg.)(Hons.),
D.B.M., D.I.D., D.I.T., D.I.J., B.A.Soc.
M.I.E., M.I.S.T.E., M.I.S.E.T, M.I.S.C.A., M.I.W.W.A., M.I.S.E.F.
„ Tachometry is a branch of angular
surveying in which the horizontal and
vertical distances of points are
obta ed by opt
ca means
ea s as opposed
to the ordinary slower process of
measurement by tape or chain.
„ Rapid and convenient
„ Obstacles / steep p or broken g
„ Accuracy < 1/1000
„ Higher accuracy surveying and check

Tachometry by PVK 2
„ Transit theodolite fitted with stadia
„ stadia diaphragm = Cross hairs +
di hairs
h i
„ Simple external focusing telescope -
„ External focusing
g telescope
p with
anallactic lens
„ Internal focusing telescope.

Tachometry by PVK 3
Features of Tachometer
„ Multiplying constant should have a nominal
value of 100
„ Error in multiplying constant does not
exceed more than 1 in 1000
„ The axial horizontal line should be exactly at
midway between other two lines.
„ Th telescope
The t l should
h ld be
b truly
t l anallactic
ll ti
„ The telescope should be powerful having a
magnification of 20 to 30 diameter.
„ The aperture of the objective should be 35
to 45 mm diameter.

Tachometry by PVK 4
Stadia Diaphragm

Tachometry by PVK 5
Stadia Rods

Tachometry by PVK 6
Systems of Tachometric

„ Stadia method
„ Fixed hair or stadia method
„ Movable hair or Subtense method
„ T
ti l system
„ Special instrument for measurement

Tachometry by PVK 7
Principle of Stadia method
„ The stadia method is based on the principle
that the ratio of perpendicular to the base is
constant in similar isosceles triangles.

OC OC1 OC2 1 β
= = = Constant k = Cot
AB A1 B1 A2 B2 2 2
Tachometry by PVK 8
of Stadia

A, C, & B = Points cut by three lines of sight corresponding to stadia hairs

b, c, a = top, axial and bottom hairs of the diaphragm
b = i = statia
t ti interval
i t l AB = s = St
ff iinterval
t l
f = focal length of the objective lens
f1 = horizontal distance of staff from the optical
p center of objective
j glass
f2 = horizontal distance of cross hairs from optical center of objective glass
d = distance of vertical axis of instrument from O
D = horizontal distance of staff from the vertical axis of instrument
M = center of instrument corresponding to vertical axis.
Tachometry by PVK 9
Derivation D = k*s + C

„ f1/f2 =s/i k=f/i =

Multiplication constant
„ 1/f
/f = 1/f2
/f2 + 1/f1
„ Multiplying by ff1 C = f + d = Additive
t t
„ f1 = f1/f2 * f + f
„ Substituting value of f1/f2 = s/i
„ f1 = s/i * f + f
„ D = f1 + d
„ D = s/i * f + (f +d) = f/i * s + (f+d)
„ D=ks+C
Tachometry by PVK 10
Elevated sight : Staff Vertical

Tachometry by PVK 11
Elevated sight : Staff vertical
„ < AA’C = 900 + β/2 = 900
„ < BB’C
’C = 900 - β/2 = 900
„ A’C = AC Cos θ A’B’ = AB Cos θ
„ A’B’ = s Cos θ
„ MC = L = k * A A’B’
B + C = kk*ss Cosθ
Cosθ + C
„ D = L Cos θ= (k*s Cosθ
Cosθ + C) Cos θ
„ D = k s Cos
C 2θ + C C Cosθθ
„ V = L Sinθ
Sinθ = (k*s Cosθ
Cosθ + C) Sinθ
„ V = k s (Sin2θ)/2 + C Sinθ
Tachometry by PVK 12
Depressed sight : Staff Vertical

Tachometry by PVK 13
RL of Staff station Formula
„ For angle of elevation
RL of Staff station = RL of instrument station + h + V – r
„ for angle of depression
RL of Staff station = RL of instrument station + h - V – r

„ L = Length measured along line of sight

„ θ = Inclination of line of sight from horizontal
„ h = Height of instrument
„ V = Vertical distance of line of sight
„ r = central hair reading
„ β = Angle between two extreme rays corresponding to
cross hairs.

Tachometry by PVK 14
Elevated sight : Staff Normal
D = L Cosθ
Cosθ+r Sinθ
s+C)Cosθ+r Sinθ
s+C)Cosθ Sinθ
V = L Sinθ
Sinθ = (k*s + C) Sinθ
RL of Q = RL of P + h + V – r Cos
θ ((elevation))

Tachometry by PVK 15
Depressed sight : Staff Normal

D = L Cosθ
Cosθ – r Sin
=(k*s+C)Cosθθ – r Sin
V = L Sinθ
Sinθ = (k*s + C) Sinθ
RL of Q = RL of P + h – V – r Cos
θ (depression)
Tachometry by PVK 16
The Anallactic Lens
„ Additional convex lens – anallactic lens
„ Anallactic lens is placed between diaphragm
and objective
„ Anallactic = unalterable or invariable
„ Vertex is formed at vertical axis of the
instrument and is fixed.
„ Position of vertex is fixed irrespective of
staff position
„ It is provided in external focusing telescope

Tachometry by PVK 17
Telescope with Anallactic lens

Tachometry by PVK 18
Principle of Anallactic lens

Tachometry by PVK 19
Anallactic lens formula
„ D=ks+C
„ Where
„ k = 100 C=0
„ D = k s = 100 s

ff ' f (n − f ' )
k= C=d −
( f + f '−n)i ( f + f '−n)
n = f '+
( f + d)
Tachometry by PVK 20
for Angle of elevation
L = k s Cosθ
Cosθ Anallactic lens :
D = L Cos θ Elevated
El t d sight
i ht
D = k s Cos2θ
V = L Sin θ
V = k s Cos θ Sin θ

Tachometry by PVK 21
Merits / Demerits of
Annalactic Telescope
„ In the ordinary external focusing telescope, the
additive constant is a nuisance,, it is eliminated and
computation is made quicker
„ As a rule Anallactic lens is sealed against mousture
or dust
„ The loss of sight may be compensated by use of
g y larger
g object
j glass
„ The anallactic lens absorbs much of incident light
„ The anallactic lens can not be easily cleaned
„ If anallactic lens is adjustable it is potential source
of error
„ Simplicity and reliability of external focusing
telescope is lost.
Tachometry by PVK 22
„ A tachometer was set up at a station A and the readings on a
vertically held staff
ff at B were 2.255, 2.605 and 2.955, the line off
sight being at an inclination of + 8024’. Another observation on the
vertically held staff at BM gave the readings 1.640, 1.920 and 2.200,
the inclination of the line of sight being + 106’. Calculate the
horizontal distance between A and B, and the elevation of B if the RL
of BM is 418.685m. The constant of the instrument were 100 and 0.3
„ To determine the multiplying constant of a tachometer. The following
observations were taken on a staff held vertically at distance
measured from the instrument. The focal length of object glass is 20
cm and the distance from the object glass & trunion axis is 10 cm.
The staff is held vertically at all these points. Find multiplying
Observation Distance in m Vertical angle Staff intercept
1 50 +3048’ 0.5
2 100 +1
06’ 1.0
3 150 +0036’ 1.5

Tachometry by PVK 23
„ Two distances of 20 & 100 m were accurately measured out
and intercepts on staff between the outer stadia webs were
0 196 m at the former distance and 0
0.196 0.996
996 at later.
later Calculate
tachometer constant.
„ The line was leveled tachometrically with a tachometer
fitted with an analectic lens. The value of constant being
100. The following observations were made, the staff been
held vertically.
vertically Find RL of A,
A B,
B and C
Instrum Height Staff at Vertical Staff readings Remark
ent of axis angle
A 1.38 BM -1054’ 1.020 1.720 2.420 RL of
BM =
A 1.38 B +2036
36’ 1.220 1.825 2.430 638 55
B 1.40 C +306’ 0.785 1.610 2.435 m

Tachometry by PVK 24
Stadia Field book page

Tachometry by PVK 25
(a) Fixed hair method
¾ In this method, the angle at the instrument at A subtended
by a known short distance along a staff kept at B is made with
the help of a stadia diaphragm having stadia wires at fixed or
constant distance apart.
¾ The readings are on the staff corresponding to all the three
wires taken.
¾ The staff intercept,
intercept i.e.,
i e the difference of the readings
corresponding to top and bottom stadia wires will therefore
depend on the distance of the staff from the instrument.
¾ When the staff intercept is more than the length of the staff,
only half intercept is read.
¾ For inclined sight, readings may be taken by keeping the
staff either vertical or normal to the line of sight.
¾ This is the most common method is tacheometry and the
same ‘stadia
stadia method
method’ generally bears reference to this method.

Tachometry by PVK 26
Subtense Method
™ This method is similar to the fixed hair method
except that the stadia interval (i) is varying.
™ Suitable arrangement
g is made to varyy the
distance between the stadia hair as to set them
against the two targets on the staff kept at the point
d observation.
b ti
™ Thus, in this case, the staff intercept (s), i.e., the
distance between the two targets is kept fixed while
the stadia interval (i), i.e., the distance between the
stadia hair is variable.
™ As in the case of fixed hair method, inclined
sights may also be taken.

Tachometry by PVK 27
Principle of Subtense method
„ Staff intercept s forms the fixed base while the tachometric
angle β changes with the staff position. This can be attained
by sighting a graduated staff having the targets at some fixed
apart and changing the interval i between the stadia wires till
the lines of sight correspondint to stadia wires bisect the
„ If the staff position is now changed the value of i is changed.
In subtense measurement the base may be kept either
horizontal or vertical. In Vertical base subtense method angle
β is measured with special diaphragm and In horizontal base
bt method
th d anglel β is
i measured d with
ith theodolite
th d lit byb
method of repetation.

Tachometry by PVK 28
Vertical base subtense method

Tachometry by PVK 29
& target

Tachometry by PVK 30
Subtense or Movable hair method
„ I this
In thi method
th d stadia
t di interval
i t l is
i measured
d with
ith the
th help
h l
of micrometer screw having pitch p
„ m = total number of revolution at the micrometer screw
for the staff intercept s
„ p = pitch of micrometer screw for adjusting stadia hair
„ stadia intercept = i = m *p p
„ As D = k s + c or D = (f/i) s + (f+d)
„ But i= mp putting this value
„ D = (f/mp) s + (f+d)
„ or D = K s/m + C where K = f/p
„ But if e = index error then replace m by m-
„ D = K s / (m-
(m-e) + C when LOS is H and Staff V
„ D = K s /(
/(m-e)) Cos2θ + C Cosθ
/(m- Cosθ when LOS inclined
„ V = K s / (m-
(m-e) Sin2
θ/2 + C Sinθ
Tachometry by PVK 31
Horizontal base subtense method

Tachometry by PVK 32
Subtense bar
„ D = ½ s Cot β/2 = s / (2 tan β/2)
„ For β is very small tan β/2 = β/2
„ D = s / 2 β where β is in radian OR
„ D = s * 206265/β
„ Where β is in seconds (as 1 radian = 206265 sec)
„ δD = D * δβ / β

Tachometry by PVK 33
Difference between Fixed hair method
and movable hair method
Features Fixed hair method Movable hair method
1 Stadia intercept (i) fixed changing
2 Tachometric angle (β
(β) constant changing
3 Staff intercept (s) changing Fixed
4 Cross hair diaphragm Fixed Movable
5 Distance D=ks+C D= K s/(m-
6 M lti l i constant
Multiplying t t k=f/i K=f/p
7 Indexing error No Yes
8 Accuracy More Less
9 Time required Less More
10 Use Frequently Some times
11 Inclined Line of Sight D=ksCos2θ+C Cosθ
Cosθ D=(K/n)sCos2θ+CCos

Tachometry by PVK 34
„ The staff intercept read by means of a fixed
hair instrument on a vertically held staff is
2.25m, the angle of elevation being 3042’.
The instrument constant are 100 and 0.4m.
0 4m
What would be the total number of turns
registered on a movable hair instrument at
the same station for 2 m intercept on a staff
held on same point? The vertical angle in this
case is 5030’ and constant are 1000 and 0.4m

Tachometry by PVK 35
Tangential method – Angle of elevation

Tachometry by PVK 36
Tangential Method

ƒIn this method, the stadia hairs are not used, the
readingsg being g taken against
g the horizontal cross-
ƒ To measure the staff intercept, two pointings on
th staff
the t ff are, therefore,
th f necessary.
ƒ This necessitates measurement of vertical
angles twice for one single observation.
ƒ Tan α1 = AQ1/D = (s+V)/D D Tan α1 = s + V
ƒ Tan α2 = V / D D Tan α2 = V
ƒ D Tan α1 - D Tan α2 = s + V – V
ƒ D = s / (Tan
(Tan α1 - Tan α2 )

Tachometry by PVK 37
Tangential Method of Tachometry
„ Both angle of elevation
„ D = s Cos α1 Cos α2 / (Sin (α
(α1 - α2 )
„ V = s Cos α1 Sin α2 / (Sin (α
(α1 - α2 )

„ Both angle of depression

„ D = s Cos α1 Cos α2 / (Sin (α
(α2 - α1 )
„ V = s Cos α1 Sin α2 / (Sin (α
(α2 - α1 )

„ angle of elevation + angle of depression

„ D = s Cos α1 Cos α2 / ((Sin ((α
α1 + α2 )
„ V = s Cos α1 Sin α2 / (Sin (α
(α1 + α2 )
Tachometry by PVK 38
Tangential method
-elevation & depression angle

Tachometry by PVK 39
Tangential method
- Angle of depression

Tachometry by PVK 40
„ The Vertical angles to vanes fixed at 1
m and 3 m above the foot of the staff
held vertically at a station a were +
30’ and +5048 48’ resp.
resp Find the
horizontal distance and the reduced
level of A if the height of instrument ,
determined from observation on to a
bench mark is 438438.556m
556m above

Tachometry by PVK 41
Beaman Stadia Arc

Tachometry by PVK 42
Beaman Stadia Arc
„ It is special device fitted with tachometer
„ To determine difference of elevation and horizontal
distance without use of calculation etc.
„ It carries
i H scale l and d V scale
l withith central
t l marking
ki withith 0
for H scale and 50 for V scale.
„ Value of θ used is such that ½ Sin 2θ 2θ is having suitable
value like 0.01,
0 01 0.02,
0 02 0.03
0 03 ....
„ (V scale 1 graduations = 0.01)
„ When index read 51 degree then ½ Sin2θ Sin2θ = 0.01 means
θ=0 0034’23” (f
(for k = 100 and d C = 0)
„ V =k s ½ Sin 2θ 2θ = 100 s * 0.01 V=s
„ OR V = 100 s * 0.02 ((for 52 reading) g) then V = 2s
„ V = s ( reading on V scale – 50)
„ H scale gives correction to distance Reading on H scale = 4
then D = k s – 4 s

Tachometry by PVK 43
Direct reading tachometer
„ Central pointer is fixed.
„ Right hand movable
pointer D = 100 b
„ Left hand movable pointer
V = 100 a
„ Pointers are inconvenient
t read d
„ Half intercept can not be
„ effect of parallex is

Tachometry by PVK 44
Hammer – Fennel Auto-
Auto-Reduction device
„ Field of view is divided into two half,
half first half for vision and
second half for special diaphragm
„ N is zero curve
„ E = distance reading ( x 100)
„ D = double curve for elevation angles upto ±140 ( x 10)
„ d = double curve for greater elevation upto ±470 ( x 20)

Tachometry by PVK 45
Reading with
Auto Reduction

Tachometry by PVK 46
Student centered
Learning Activities
„ Think – Pair – Share
„ Make a pair of 2+2 = 4
„ Write 5 most important things
„ Share the pages
„ Write a +ve comment on it
„ Write any one question
„ Share the page.
„ Answer the question
„ Share the page again
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Submit th page.
Tachometry by PVK 47
Tachometry by PVK 48
P f P
Prof. P. V
V. Kh
B.E.Civil, M.Tech.(Env.Engg.)(Hons.),
D.B.M., D.I.D., D.I.T., D.I.J., B.A.Soc.
M.I.E., M.I.S.T.E., M.I.S.E.T, M.I.S.C.A., M.I.W.W.A., M.I.A.S.

Tachometry by PVK 49

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