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Natural Gas Explained - LNG

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LNG Solutions in Action

LNG Solutions in Action

Access to reliable energy means empowerment and increased living standards.

With energy demand forecast to increase by 30% between today and 2030 and
with society committed to transitioning to a low carbon future, natural gas is
fundamental to meeting the challenge of significantly increased global energy
without worsening air quality conditions.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is simply natural gas that has been refrigerated to its liquid form
so that it can be economically stored and transported. Traditionally it would be produced
and distributed on a massive scale but Chart is a key player in the development of small-scale
models that are revolutionizing its usage and bringing power to off-grid locations, providing
back-up power for peak shaving and supply curtailment events and fueling road, marine and
even rail transportation.

It’s an exciting and transient landscape where decisions in different parts of the value chain
are highly interdependent. Therefore, it’s important to select a project partner that under-
stands this. From the earliest feasibility study right through to after-sales service and mainte-
nance packages, Chart will accompany you through the entire project lifecycle.

By choosing Chart you gain a reliable and trustworthy ally, with a proven, solution driven
track record. We have provided the industry’s highest rate of functionally successful systems
from day one and, as a result, the most financially successful projects. We are delighted to
present a small sample of them drawn from our experience across the globe.


LNG Production and

Trailer Loading Facility at
Gas Processing Plant

Highlights: Application:
Cryogenic gas processing (Nitrogen Rejection Unit) produces LNG as part of the process,
providing low cost LNG for the merchant market.
Location — Hawkins, Texas
Project Background:
Chart Industries developed an LNG storage and truck loading system, as part of an exist-
Scope of Project: ing natural gas processing plant, located in Hawkins, Texas.
System Configuration:
• Engineering and Project Pre-engineered, factory pre-tested modules accelerated the system installation, so the
Managed to support the commissioning process took only two weeks to complete. The existing gas compression
equipment enabled vapor recovery of the truck filling process, eliminating the need for
design, manufacture, installa- cryogenic pumps. The system design eliminated the need to vent natural gas vapor to
tion, startup, and commision- the atmosphere during the desaturation of the LNG and the truck filling process. The
ing for LNG truck load facility excess gas was compressed and injected into the natural gas pipeline.

The fully automated truck filling process is designed to fill trailers with LNG to comply
• Project Completion Late 2015 with DOT load limits for tractor trailer combinations of 80,000 lb gross vehicle weight.
Once the hose connections are made, the computer controlled system takes over and
performs all the necessary functions from start to finish, including a purge process that
• Pre-Engineered, Factory forces any remaining LNG from the hose into the trailer by use of a small volume of inert
nitrogen gas.
Fabricated Modules
Significant Accomplishments:
Chart had developed pre-engineered truck loading modules, including 50,000 gallon
storage tanks, and automation control systems that were instrumental in shortening the
time from order to installation.

The automated truck loading system eliminated driver filling errors and reduced filling time.

LNG was required to traverse 2,500 feet, and in some cases 3 stories above ground to
fit within the existing site constraints. To minimize installation cost and provide a safer
installation, prefabricated vacuum insulated pipe was chosen.


Small-Scale LNG

Highlights: Application:
Location — George West, Texas Dedicated LNG production facility open for business 24/7 throughout the year. Princi-
Scope of Project: pally committed to providing LNG as an alternative fuel to diesel for high-horsepow-
• Liquefaction of pipeline gas providing er engines operating in the oilfield; the plant also offers high quality LNG for growing
fuel for high-horsepower engines local merchant use.
used in the oilfield and in the regional
transportation and industrial sectors
• Strategically located in the Eagle Project Background:
Ford Shale Chart provided the complete production plant package including liquefaction,
• Plant started up in March 2015 storage and loading.

Significant Accomplishments: Plant Features:

• Two truck loading racks that can load
two transport trailers simultaneously in • Chart C100N standard LNG plant
less than an hour • Natural gas liquefaction capacity of 100,000 gallons per day (165 tons per day)
• Complete integrated control system • Chart scope includes proprietary nitrogen cycle process technology, pre-
allows for remote monitoring of LNG
treatment, plate fin heat exchangers, cold box, air cooled heat exchangers, storage
production, storage and flow on the site
• Energy efficient turndown and restart tanks and load-out facility
capabilities on production, allowing • Standardized ‘off-the-shelf’ designs built at multiple U.S. Chart manufacturing
for market flexibility facilities
• Configured to incorporate second
production train for planned future • Maximized shop fabrication, minimized field construction
expansion • Simple plant operation


Small Scale Multi-functional

LNG Receiving Terminal

Highlights: Application:
Location — Klaipėda, Lithuania To create a small-scale LNG infrastructure and establish the port of Klaipėda as an LNG hub for the
Baltic countries and northeastern Poland through creating a single value chain from LNG delivered
from the floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) Independence.
Scope of Project:
• Complete cryogenic section Project Background:
comprising 5,000 m³ of LNG storage, The facility demonstrates the economic and technological viability of small-scale LNG storage and
10 ambient vaporizers for local gas distribution. Although unable to provide the same economies of scale as the mega-terminals, Klaipė-
delivery, 2 trailer loading bays, da was built in a significantly shorter time frame and provides operational flexibility. This creates an
attractive business model for terminal operators and owners to quickly address the growing demand
bunkering skid mainly used for filling
for LNG as a fuel for transportation and energy and take advantage of new supply.
the terminal from LNG carrier and
utilized also for LNG ship fueling System Configuration:
• Shop built standard, field proven LNG offloaded and stored at Klaipėda can be loaded into road tankers for virtual pipeline
equipment for minimized engineering distribution to off-grid users. It is utilized for ship fueling, bunkering, as well as vaporized as a source
and production costs, schedule and risk of energy for the local community. Catering for all eventualities enables the terminal to make the
• Solution that incorporates a planned best use of landed LNG and immediately respond to fluctuations in application demands.
The cryogenic section of the terminal comprises five identical horizontal vacuum insulated storage
facility expansion that doubles the
tanks, each with a capacity of 1,000 m³, ten ambient air vaporizers for gas delivery, twin trailer load-
storage capacity is already built into ing bays, which can simultaniously fill two trailers, four cryogenic submerged pumps for truck filling
the base design and bunkering, interconnecting pipework, emergency flare and all associated control and safety
• Evaporation capacity up to 6000 Nm³/hr systems. All equipment is shop built, standard production and already proven in the field, which
• The terminal received its first LNG in 2017 minimizes engineering and production costs, schedule and risk.
Standardization and modularization are crucial elements in the reduction of cost and schedule.
Modularization also means that the planned facility expansion; doubling the storage capacity from
the current 5,000 m³ to 10,000 m³ is already built into the base design.

Significant Accomplishments:
Chart provided single point accountability for project execution and collaborated closely with part-
ners to minimize cost and schedule. The facility was delivered on time and according to budget.
Within Chart’s overall control, each stakeholder focused on their area of expertise, which avoided
duplication of effort and allowed the project to be optimized as a whole, rather than by section.


LNG Storage &

Trailer Loadout

Highlights: Application:
Location — Northern Canada Liquefied Natural Gas storage and trailer loadout project to be located in area of
subzero winter atmospheric conditions. Fully rated for -40°F/C.
Scope of Project:
• Engineering and manufacture of Project Background:
turnkey system to receive and Original scope was for 40,000 gallons (151 m3) of on-site storage. This was sub-
store Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) sequently expanded to include the single bay load out and ancillary equipment
according to customer requirements.
from micro liquefier and load into
trailers System Configuration:
• (2) 20,000 gal LNG storage tanks The horizontal LNG storage vessels are rated to -40°F/C. The LNG Loading Station
• Single Bay Loadout skid operates through pressure transfer from bulk tanks to the trailers and is designed
to fill an LNG trailer at 300 gpm flowrate. The load system is equipped with safety
• Pressure build and transfer system features and interlocks to meet NFPA 59A & CSA Z276-15 requirements. A PLC
• Safety system system controls the actuated valves on load out and has the ability to tie into the
• Startup and commissioning existing DCS system. Chart Vacuum Insulated Pipe 3” ID interconnecting piping is
used throughout the system.
support onsite
• Completed Dec. 2016 Significant Accomplishments:
• Chart provided a total turnkey equipment package with U.S. factory built
equipment and skids for easy site installation
• Prebuilt skids reduced onsite weather delays to near zero hours
• As a single supplier, Chart was responsible for the successful project
integration, ensuring compatibility of all components and overall design function
• Storage tanks equipped with valves and level transmitters that allow for the
least amount of maintenance and interaction from site personnel
• Automated pressure building system sized for the specific project flows and
environmental demands
• Automated safety system ensures safe operation in the event of an
unexpected shutdown
• KLAW break-aways designed to shut down trailer fills in the event of a drive-
away scenario


Natural Gas Fueling Stations

Highlights: Application:
Safely and reliably deliver fuel for natural gas powered vehicles. Because of its
Locations — China, Europe & North increased driving range, LNG is typically used for heavy duty vehicles, including
America trucks, buses and special handling vehicles. CNG is utilized for passenger cars and
vans. Chart has built small standardized, single pump, temporary (or relocatable)
Scope of Projects: units through to fully customized facilities with multiple dispensers. Stations are
• Custom engineered fueling both privately owned and operated by companies to fuel their own fleet, or com-
munal and available to all fleet operators and the general public.
stations for natural gas vehicles
System Configuration:
(NGVs) • Structurally, a Chart LNG/LCNG fueling station is similar to its gasoline and
• Stations can be privately owned diesel counterpart as both deliver liquid fuel. However, because LNG is stored
and dispensed as a super-cooled liquid, it requires special cryogenic equipment
and operated for a dedicated fleet • Chart Vacuum Technology® keeps operating costs to a minimum
• Fully modular design means that stations can be expanded quickly, easily and
or open to the general public economically to keep pace with demand
• Stations comprise Chart Vacuum • Full turnkey scope including engineering, equipment manufacture, delivery to
site, installation and commissioning
Technology® and proprietary, best • All stations feature fully automated operation, remote control access, ergonomic
in class equipment design and are loaded with our latest technology for maximum safety, accuracy,
efficiency and operational comfort

Significant Accomplishments:
• PetroChina station in Changzhou fuels over 240 buses every day
• Station in Warsaw, Poland fuelled its 2,000th bus in 2015 and has continued to
fuel 35 more each day since
• Chart stations in Finland are actively contributing to the country’s stated
intention to reduce greenhouse gases and harmful diesel emissions
• Designed and built equipment for the first 20 Shell fuel stations in the US


LNG Orca™ − The Versatile

Mobile Fueler & MicroBulk
Delivery System

Highlights: Application:
Location — Washington, U.S.A. Washington State Utility fleet approached Chart to provide a temporary LNG
• Chassis mounted LNG fueling station for factory built LNG dedicated trucks (25). The unit would need to be
station flexible on refilling, either by transport trailer on site or taken to a nearby LNG
• Minimum permitting needed to fueling station. The first unit and subsequent ones would be placed at operations
have onsite LNG fueling across Washington to provide fleet access to LNG as needed.
• Zero fill losses, no vent system
• 30 to 50 GPM fill speeds System Configuration:
• All equipment built in the USA • Chassis mounted unit
Scope of Project: • Minimal power requirement
• Factory built & tested Mobile
• 3000 gal onboard storage capacity
• Designed with single-hose quick disconnect
• Three year project that would
• Integrated saturation fuel allowed for pump filling spark ignited engine type
include three mobile fuelers and
150+ vehicles in the program as well as high pressure direct injection engine platform from single Orca™ unit
• Vehicles included bucket trucks, • Integrated safety system
dump trucks, line trucks and one
ton trucks Significant Accomplishments:
• Single LNG Orca truck expanded to fleet of three, providing LNG fuel for 150
service vehicles
See Orca LNG Spec Sheet (PN 14901969)
• System approach has automatic switching, operations thru PLC (Programmable
Logic Computer) panels
• LNG system has gone from three months operation support to year round
• Over three year ramp up to fleet conversion – zero accident rate (as of 08/2018)


LNG/LCNG Compact Vehicle

Fueling Stations

Highlights: Application:
Chart is typically working with national gas operators to expand the fueling infrastructure for natural
Location — Pan European gas vehicles in support of the host country’s environmental objectives of reducing greenhouse gas
Includes stations in France & Scandinavia. emissions, together with those of NOx, SOx and particulates. The main targets are heavy goods vehi-
cles fueled by LNG, and the stations are capable of seamlessly fueling those fitted with the most re-
Stations are typically sited close to major cently introduced Euro VI engines, as well as older fleets. Chart also works closely with vehicle OEMs
transport hubs, such as ports and arterial and hence installed stations are already future proofed for the next generation of engines.
Natural gas from composted organic waste is increasingly used in its liquefied state (LBG) for vehi-
traffic routes. cle fueling and Chart stations are fully compatible with both LNG and LBG. They are also typically
equipped with CNG modules and available to fuel all NGVs.
Scope of Project: System Configuration:
• Complete stations including build · Compact assembly comprising 3-in-1 vertical LNG storage tank, pump skid and Saturation on the
Fly (SoF) system
and install · The compact design reduces overall footprint by 2/3 versus conventional NGV fueling stations
· Range of LNG storage capacities from 50 to 108 m3
• Comprehensive after-sales support · Full factory assembly and modularization minimizes CAPEX, civil work activities, transportation cost
options including training, servicing and on-site installation time
· Fully CE marked (European compliance standard)
and on-line maintenance support · Proprietary SoF technology eliminates the cool down process to deliver an immediate fueling
• Public access and provision to serve response, which means reduced filling time for drivers
· Equipped to serve all types of vehicles with saturated or cold liquid
all NGVs – LNG, CNG and LBG · MID certified Dynaflow 3000 LNG dispenser facilitates venting and fueling through one liquid line
• Designed for 24/7 operation · Fully automated driver operated fueling process
· Cellular remote monitoring with control and diagnostics via smart devices
• Zero emissions to atmosphere · Payment terminal incorporated into station design – Fill & Pay
· 24/7 operator support help desk and troubleshooting service
· Relevant for all NGV fleet sizes

Significant Accomplishments:
· Minimum overall station footprint of just 3.8 x 3.8 m
· Stations installed, commissioned and fully operational within days of arriving at site
· Very positive operator feedback regarding fast access and ease of use
· Fueling times consistent with those for diesel fueled vehicles


Vacuum Insulated Pipe

(VIP) for LNG Fueling

Highlights: Application:
VIP for LNG use on multiple fueling stations that was easy to install, economical to
maintain, and could be easily replicated on future stations.
Location — 20 Fueling Stations
across the US Project Background:
Major Energy Company wanted to design and build a select number of LNG fueling
Scope of Project:
stations across the US. In order to mitigate risk and ensure profitability for the venture,
• Factory built & tested VIP skids they needed a way to distribute and dispense LNG in the most reliable and cost-effec-
• Installed on LNG fueling tive manner possible, which could be easily replicated at new fueling
station sites as needed. The piping system would need the lowest maintenance
stations designed to fill up to
solution available in the industry.
150 trucks per day
Customer Quote: Solution:
The energy company contracted Chart Inc. to design, manufacture and commission 20
“The VIP bolted right up and the LNG fueling stations, the first of which opened in May 2014 in California. The stations
fit was right on the money. I was are built in a phased approach based on the success of the first few locations, with
impressed with the knowledge of each station designed to fill up to 150 trucks per day.
As part of applying its 50+ years of experience toward ensuring a safe, dependable
the Chart team and the quality and and profitable configuration, Chart recommended using vacuum insulated pipe (VIP)
accuracy of the installation.” instead of mechanically insulated pipe (MIP) to distribute LNG from the onsite storage
vessel to the LNG dispensers.
Chart VIP incorporates several advantages that greatly reduce total cost of ownership
versus MIP. Those include a double-wall design that decreases heat leakage by 90%
and acts as a secondary barrier for safety, while preserving the maximum amount of
energy per volume of LNG to ensure superior MPG performance for end-users. The typ-
ical VIP installation also offers a functional life up to 10 times longer than that of MIP.

System Configuration:
• 200 ft of 2" ID VIP
• Connecting manifolds
• VIP skids installation and onsite testing includes in the start-up and commissioning
support of the total LNG fueling station(s)

Significant Accomplishments:
• Low heat leak and low pressure drop
• Reduced transport costs, ease of installation and ease of service
• Full system includes design for efficient recovery & reuse of vented LNG
• Minimal vibration between the pumps and distribution system
• Maximum temperature expansion and contraction compensation


Rail − LNG Tender Car

Highlights: Application:
Location — Jacksonville to Miami With a 20+ year history of engineering and manufacturing LNG rail equipment
for various US and Canadian pilot projects, Chart was approached to design and
Rail Lines supply the full LNG tender car. The tender car would need to support one to two
Scope of Project: locomotives that could displace 80% of the diesel fuel and meet or exceed the
• Full diesel horse power and current FRA and AAR requirements. It was designed with the ability to refill with
operating characteristics are minimal effort.
maintained in the locomotives Tender Car Configuration:
with LNG • Designed to fuel 1 to 2 locomotives
• All equipment built in the USA • PLC manages the supply mode from the tender
• Designed to displace up to 80% • On-the-tender LNG storage provides ~5,900 DGE (diesel gallon equivalents;
10,000 gallons LNG)
of the diesel fuel required to • Gas transfer from the tender can be by liquid pump transfer, liquid pressure
power the locomotive transfer or gas pressure
• US Factory built & tested rail • 130 psig at the tender end plate
• 119,000 lbs (~53,977 kg) tare weight
tender car for class 1 railroad
• LNG rail tender car for original Significant Accomplishments:
pilot project • 12 additional Chart manufactured LNG tenders put into service
• Designed with ability to • Extremely robust safety features
• Design withstands the longitudinal and side impact crash scenarios as specified
support locomotives built by in Section 10 of the March 31, 2015 NGFT Draft Standard
various manufacturers • Includes custom, purpose built, platform car per end user specifications
• Gas supply from either end of tender and liquid fill and vapor return connections
can be accessed from either side of the unit
• Connections located at center of the unit; meets the side impact requirements
• Initial conversion from diesel to LNG occurred November 2014 on GE ES44C4
440 HP ‘dual fuel’ locomotive
• These locomotives, together with the LNG fuel, meet Tier 3 emissions

Single Bay Loadout Skid


LNG Bunkering Terminal

with Integrated Gas Feed for
Factory Boilers

Highlights: Application:
Location — Oksvoll, Norway The bunkering station was commissioned to support Marine Harvest’s ability to fuel LNG
powered fish farm feeder vessels serving 40 offshore farms. An integral evaporation plant
re-gasifies LNG to provide a source of natural gas for nearby fish feed processing facility’s
Scope of Project: boiler system. The LNG storage tanks are designed to be supplied with LNG by ship but
• Complete bunkering solution also have the facility to unload LNG by road tankers.
Environmental concerns were top of the list. The complete system is designed and built to
incorporating in-house design and ensure no loss or venting of product to atmosphere under normal operations.
manufacture of principal equipment
• LNG evaporation system provides System Configuration:
· Supply vessels are connected to the terminal via a jetty module
natural gas for the boiler operation at · Solution comprising three perlite vacuum insulated horizontal storage tanks
the adjacent fish processing factory · Three tanks provide 750 m³ of LNG storage (approx. 500 m³ for bunkering and 250 m³ for
the boiler)
• Bunkering capability @ 1700 liters/min.
· Both the bunkering and boiler feed sections were designed for low and high operational
• Evaporation capability @ 2000 Nm³/hr modes
(for 20MW boiler consumption) · Designed and built fully in accordance with relevant compliance standards and local
• 24/7 operation · Chart engineered and supplied 945 ft (290 m) of vacuum insulated pipe (VIP) with 6"
• Zero emissions to atmosphere inner diameter / 8" outer diameter in 12 m sections for optimal transport
• Commissioning and start-up · Outer pipe SS316L/316
· Reduced cost of install with field welded joints and no insulating of pipe needed on site
support with training · Residual gas from the bunkering line is returned to the boiler tank or direct to
• Operations started March 2014 the boiler itself to eliminate any gas being vented to atmosphere

Significant Accomplishments:
· Bunkering station and boiler feed support Marine Harvest’s initiative to minimize their
environmental impact
· The bunkering station fuels the vessels for a 55 hour round trip around the fish farms
· Chart proprietary VIP decreases heat leakage by 90% and provides a functional life up
to 10 times longer than conventional mechanically insulated pipe


LNG Fueled River Barges

Highlights: Application:
Location — Yangtze River, China 400 million people depend on China’s Yangtze River. Before exiting to the sea in Shanghai, the
Yangtze passes through some of China’s major industrial cities in its lower reaches and is the
world’s busiest inland shipping corridor. The Chinese government is committed to its environ-
Scope of Project: mental recovery, and transitioning to green energy to power marine vessels is just one of the
• Engineered, built and delivered many initiatives being pursued.
complete LNG fueling solution for Chart was approached by two acclaimed Chinese companies operating on the waterway to pro-
Weichai 155 kW gas fueled marine vide the complete fueling solution, including storage and delivery systems for new natural gas
engines fueled vessels they building. All the craft are powered by Weichai 155 kW marine engines but
• Local design and manufacture Chart had to cater for different tank capacities and piping arrangements associated with the
tank connection spaces (TCS and also known as cold boxes) that are called by marine rules to
• Prestigious Chinese customers
house the valves, vaporizers, plumbing and instrumentation.
• Compliance with Chinese marine
classification System Configuration:
• Chart Vacuum Technology® · 5.6 m³ horizontal cryogenic storage tank with dual drip tray
• Minimized footprint · 5.6 m³ horizontal cryogenic storage tank with twin TCS
• First vessels operational since 2015 · 11 m³ horizontal cryogenic storage tank with twin TCS
· Tanks can be supplied with LNG through marine bunkering or road tanker

Significant Accomplishments:
· 4 systems for a fleet of 30 TEU household garbage ships were delivered in 2017
· Fully engineered, built and tested in our Changzhou facility
· Equipment is fully in accordance with China Classification Society (CCS) standards


Marine Fueling −
High Speed Catamaran

Highlights: Application:
Location — Argentina / Uruguay The Francisco, designed and built by Incat and owned and operated by Buque-
bus, operates twice daily between Montevideo and Buenos Aires with an each
Scope of Project: way transit time of just 2 hours and 15 minutes. It is equipped to carry 1000
• World’s fastest, cleanest and most passengers and 150 cars, in comfort, and can maintain a speed of 50 knots
when fully laden.
efficient high speed ferry Chart’s project scope was to design, manufacture and commission the first of
• First high speed ferry built accord- its kind fuel system that stores LNG and converts it to gaseous methane (natural
ing to High Speed Craft (HSC) Code gas) for power.
to be powered by LNG fuelled Solution:
turbines Power to the catamaran’s two General Electric LM2500 gas turbines is provided
by twin 43m³ DNV approved cryogenic tanks, engineered and manufactured in
• Lightweight, compact solution Chart’s Decin facility. Although identical, the LNG fueling systems are housed
• Heat recovered from the turbine in separate hulls and are therefore designed to operate independently. Oth-
exhaust gas is used to evaporate er items comprising the complete system include a pump, vaporizer, valves,
instrumentation, engine feed line, water/glycol heating circuit, bunkering lines,
LNG controls and nitrogen system.
• Enhanced safety functions Size, weight and safety were three fundamental prerequisites for this best in
class vessel and Chart’s innovative stainless steel ‘cold box’, engineered to house
the control system, cryogenic pump and vaporization system, accomplishes all
of them. Constructed from 316L grade stainless steel with A-60 insulation, the
cold box is equipped with a CO2 fire extinguishing system, two gas detectors
that monitor constantly for leaks and two flame detectors. In addition, the cold
box is ventilated with 30 air changes each hour.


LNG Industrial
Regasification /
Vehicle Fueling

Highlights: Application:
Location — Florence, VT Dedicated LNG regasification system operating 24/7/365 for a Minerals Processing Facility.
First LNG application in the state of Vermont. System installed and operational in the fall of
Phase 1 (Fall 2013): 2013. A phase two project included adding a truck fueling station to the existing design to
• Eight (8) 15,000 gallon LNG tanks; total support fueling over a dozen mining trucks that support the movement of raw mineral mate-
storage volume of 120,000 gallons rials from the quarries to the various processing areas in and around the site. A “plug and play”
• Ambient vaporization solution for phase two was incorporated into the initial design so that it could be installed
with minimal downtime to the regasification portion of the system. Phase two was completed
• Final line pressure control and trim heating in the fall of 2014.
• Odorization
• Complete system instrumentation and Project Background:
Chart provided a complete turnkey equipment solution to provide LNG as an alternate fuel
control package for the customer’s energy intense manufacturing processes. They were held hostage to using
Phase 2 (Fall 2014): only No. 2 fuel oil and wanted to have another, greener, option that would save them money
• Added 3,000 storage tank (filled from on- and provide them with fuel diversification. Other possible, greener, solutions like wind and
site storage) for vehicle fueling application solar were also evaluated but deemed impractical for the application the customer serves.
Availability of LNG from various sources within reasonable distance from the site made the
• Added pump skid and dispenser project feasible.
• Updated controls integration to support
added fueling application System Configuration:
Phase 1 (Regasification)
Both Phases Included: • Eight (8) 15,000 gallon storage tanks for a total storage volume of 120,000 gallons. Pro-
• Startup, commissioning and on-site train- vides a week’s worth of total storage in the event of supply disruption (e.g. inclement weather)
ing of system equipment • Offloading skid: Allows for filling storage tanks while system is supplying gas to the plant
• Ambient vaporization
• Final line pressure regulation along with odorization of gas
• Complete controls integration of the LNG Regasification plant
Phase 2 (Truck Fueling)
• Added 3,000 gallon storage tank for vehicle fueling
• Added pump skid and dispenser for vehicle fueling
• RFID identification of each tractor during a fill
• Updated PLC controls
Significant Accomplishments:
• First LNG installation in state of Vermont
• First ever integration of truck fueling application into an existing regasification facility,
making this a dual use site

Vehicle Fueling Dispenser

Dual Electric Trim Heaters LNG Truck Offload


LNG Storage & Regasification

Conversion from Propane to
LNG for Burner Supply

Highlights: Application:
Replacement of existing propane system to more cost-effective natural gas to feed
Location — Gujarat, India the burners of a copper smelter.
Scope of Project: Project Background:
• Proprietary major equipment engi- Chart developed a full equipment package solution, which takes LNG from trailers
through to the final line.
neered and built by Chart for a turn-
System Configuration:
key solution. Engineering, project management and skid-mounted equipment modules were pro-
• LNG bulk storage (VT 105 m3/12 bar) vided by Chart’s New Prague, MN technical center. The 105m³ storage tank was built
at the Chart facility in the Czech Republic and shipped direct to site. The vaporizers
and pre-manufactured assemblies were sourced locally from Chart’s indigenous business partner Shell-N-Tube.
• Chart guaranteed the system operated System operation controlled from a remote panel containing both PLC (Programma-
ble Logic Computer) using pneumatic logic and HMI user interface. The air-
& functioned as designed to deliver actuated valves in the system select the various operating modes and also serve as
an emergency shutoff device. The system was completely instrumented, with pres-
26,000 SCM/day to sustain consump- sure, level, and temperature transmitters feeding the Control System.
tion & operate between 30-75 PSIG on
The system allows for automated switching of liquid flow between two ambient air
the final line vaporizers allowing time to defrost in between cycle and not affect the system flow
rate during continuous use requirement.
• System designed for automatic opera-
Pressure regulation completely automated by utilizing a Proportional Integral De-
tion with provision for manual inter- rivative (PID) control loop and a flow control valve sized for this specific application.
vention Provisions are provided to mechanically control the system without the Control
System, if needed.
Significant Accomplishments:
Chart managed the entire project. System included automatic switch of liquid flow
between two ambient air vaporizers to guarantee steady flow rate during continuous
use. System operation controlled from a remote panel containing both PLC (Pro-
grammable Logic Computer) using pneumatic logic and HMI User Interface.


Power Generation at
Secluded Diamond Mine

Highlights: Application:
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) is used as the primary fuel source for power generation
Location — Northern Quebec (seven 2.1MW gen sets) at a diamond mine, located in far north Quebec Canada, off
Scope of Project: the electric and natural gas pipeline grid.
• Engineering & Project Managed Project Background:
to support the design, manufacture, Chart Industries was requested to provide LNG storage equipment, design and com-
missioning within a tight time line, in an extreme climate location.
installation, startup, & commissioning
System Configuration:
for LNG storage system for plant power The LNG system is designed to unload LNG trailers into the storage tanks, rapidly
generation without venting natural gas. The six 80,000 gallon tanks are interconnected with 300
feet of vacuum jacketed piping and feed the regasification vaporizers. The tanks are
• Project completed in early 2016 equipped with pressure building heat exchangers to maintain required tank pressure
• (6) 80,000 gallon LNG storage tanks during high flow rates (193,000 SCFH / 5,466 Nm3/H). The control system is housed in
a 20 foot ISO container for ease of transporting to the site.
(MAWP: 101 psi / 7 bar)
Significant Accomplishments:
LNG Storage tanks were designed, manufactured and shipped within six months of
receipt of order, delivered on time. Supply included control system design.

Installation and commissioning took place in far north of Quebec in January, in sub-
zero conditions with limited light. The tank commissioning on site was accomplished
in two weeks.

The tank cooldown process utilizes liquid nitrogen, which is inert and colder than
LNG. Due to the remote location of the installation site, it was important to minimize
the volume of liquid nitrogen used for this process. Clever commissioning engineer-
ing developed a cascade cooldown process, reducing the volume of required liquid
nitrogen by 50%.


LNG Storage &


Dedicated LNG regasification system operating 24/7/365 in a power generation
application for a local utility located in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
System was installed and operational in late winter of 2014.
Location — Northern Territories, Canada
Scope of Project: Project Background:
• Regasification application to Customer has two power plants, one designed to run on diesel and one
designed to run on natural gas. The plant that operated on natural gas
support local power utility
received its supply from a well in the Mackenzie Delta, which powered the
• Peak gas supply of 1800 m3/h gas plant from 1999 to 2012, until the well stopped flowing. The diesel plant,
• Reduced emissions normally used as standby power for the town, generated the town’s power in
2013, while the customer looked for solutions.

Chart was requested to provide a complete turnkey equipment solution to

provide LNG as an alternate gas supply for the power plant that was originally
fed from the well. This was the Northern Canada’s first LNG vaporization
system. Peak gas output would need to be in the neighborhood of 1,800 m3/h
of natural gas.

System Configuration:
• Two (2) 18,000 gallon storage tanks for a total storage volume of 36,000
gallons; system was designed to “drop in” a future third tank
• Offloading skid: Allows for filling storage tanks while system is supplying
gas to the plant
• Waterbath vaporization (using waste hot water from power plant)
• Final line pressure regulation
• Complete controls integration of the LNG Regasification plant
• Startup and commissioning support

Significant Accomplishments:
• First LNG installation in Northwest Territories, Canada
• Chart was able to provide a turnkey equipment package with factory built
modular components (tanks, pump skid, vaporizer, pressure regulation skid)
• Utilized pre-fabricated interconnecting piping spools that minimized field


LNG Virtual Pipeline

Highlights: Application:
Location — Madeira, Portugal Supply LNG to Madeira’s natural gas fired power station operating 24/7/365.
Scope of Project: Madeira is an autonomous, archipelago of Portugal located off the northwest
• Chart worked in close collabora- coast of Africa and not connected to the natural gas pipeline grid. LNG is
loaded into ISO units at the import terminal in Sines, transported over-the-
tion with Gaslink and other Grupo road to the port and then by vessel to Madeira where it is offloaded into an
Sousa companies LNG tank farm and regasified on demand.
• Transport of LNG from mainland
terminal to island power station in Project Background:
less than 1 week Provide a transport solution in accordance with the following criteria:
• Power station provides the island • Maximum LNG payload within worldwide 40 ft container envelope
with 240 to 450 GW/h of energy • Road and ocean transport in accordance with ADR, RID, IMDG, ISO 1496-3
• Equipment engineered and built at and EN 13530-2 codes
• Fill rate of 1200 litres per minute
Chart Ferox facility in Czech Republic • Discharge rate of 600 litres per minute
• ISO-based system affords flexible • Aggressive delivery schedule
solution that can be adapted to
meet Madeira’s future power System Configuration:
demand 55 units TVS-43-PB-10 ISO intermodal cryogenic containers with Chart Vacuum
• Gross capacity: 43500 litres
SCAN CODE • Tare weight: 11300 kg
TO SEE LNG • Max. gross weight: 34000 kg
VIRTUAL • Design pressure: 10 barg/145 psig
PIPELINE • Hold time: 65+ days before reaching RV pressures
IN ACTION • Approvals: CSC, UN T75


LNG Regasification System

Conversion from Diesel to
LNG for Power Generation

Highlights: Application:
Location — Caribbean Enabling a 115MW power station in the Caribbean to convert from diesel to natural gas
and use imported LNG as its primary fuel source.
Scope of Project:
• 1,764,000 gallons total onsite storage Project Background:
• LNG ship offloading The tight project timeline and requirement for minimal site civil work eliminated the
site erected LNG storage tank as an option. Seven 1,000 cubic meter (252,000 gal)
• All-inclusive high capacity LNG pump shop-built storage tanks were globally sourced from multiple manufacturing sites.
and vaporization system, designed for LNG was initially planned to be transported to the island by 40 foot ISO containers;
no venting however, to further reduce costs, it was decided to transport by LNG tanker and off-
load directly into the on-site storage tanks.
• Trailer loading
• Future vehicle fueling system from System Configuration:
Ship offload designed to interface with the tank farm. Thermax® (A Chart Industries
same bulk storage
Company) heat exchangers utilize sea water for high-capacity vaporization of LNG to
• Complete engineering, control and gas. Cryogenic pumps boost pressure to 450 psig at a maximum flow rate of 6.08 kg/s.
site safety systems Boil off gas compression equipment captures any excess gas, sending it downstream,
eliminating vent losses. The entire control system, designed by Chart, allows the system
to operate automatically 24/7, through the entire demand profile with minimal opera-
tor interaction.
Significant Accomplishments:
Chart engineers designed the entire system, including storage tanks and manifold, tank loading, vaporization, boost pumps, boil
off gas compression, and the operational control system. Safety and environmental objectives were of paramount importance.
The entire system is designed in accordance with NFPA guidelines. The site operates normally without venting natural gas to the

LNG Truck Loadout

LNG Truck Loadout

Mobile LNG Regas System

at Coal Fueled Power Plant

Highlights: Application:
Location — West Virginia The original layout was designed to support the startup of a new coal fueled
Scope of Project: power plant located in West Virginia. The mobile onsite equipment configuration
• LNG in mobile format provided a guaranteed capacity for two full starts. The LNG system morphed from three
quick solution to meet required month operational support to year round. It was developed into support for
timeline winter and summer performance risks, meeting the latest PJM Capacity
• Minimum permitting Performance requirements.
• Increased power plant equipment
reliability System Configuration:
• One of the most efficient and • 12 Chart regasification/Queen LNG storage units with on-board pumps
cleanest coal-fired plants in the • E-stops at all egress locations
US using LNG as backup
• All equipment built in the USA • Operations coordination with plant processes
• Factory built & tested mobile • 1mw 480v electric power supply from plant
• Total of 181,500 gal LNG storage Significant Accomplishments:
• Full regasification system included, • Full integrated mobile system operated as a single source of natural gas at
for instant ‘on’ capability for burner pressures of up to 100 psig
supply • System approach has automatic switching, operations thru PLC panels
• Allowed for guaranteed start up • LNG system has gone from three months of operation support to year round
and run when called (no Chart equipment is currently on site)
• Safety features installed on the • Mobile system gave winter peak or pipeline outage coverage
• Peak flows of 1.8 million scfh
• Project Completion: June 2015 Customer Quote:
“Utilizing Chart LNG equipment in this application allowed Thigpen Energy to run the
See LNG Mobile Regasification Spec Sheet temporary LNG system at the extreme volumes of 1,800,000 scf per hour. That is an
(PN 15089669) operation that not many in the world can put on their resume and Chart’s equipment
performed as promised.”
James T. Schauer, CEO & Managing Director, Thigpen Energy


LNG Regasification
Plant as Primary Backup to
Natural Gas Pipeline

Highlights: Application:
Location — Northeast United States University campus – LNG regasification plant to be the primary, stationary backup to natural
Scope of Project: gas pipeline supply during times of high use, or allows for interruptible pipeline service.
• Engineering and manufacture of Converting from ultra-low sulfur diesel is expected to save the university millions of dollars
turnkey system to store Liquefied over the next few years, as well as reducing their carbon footprint.
Natural Gas (LNG) and supply in
gaseous form to a central heating plant Project Background:
• (3) 18,000 gallon LNG tanks The University campus had previously used LNG in trailers (as a trial mode change from diesel)
• (1) Indirect Fired Water Bath (IFWB) during peak season and desired a permanent solution. The LNG supply had to be in place for
Thermax® vaporizer the start of the 2016/17 heating season. Both fully automatic and manual modes were required.
• (1) Ambient air vaporizer sized to System was required to accomodate flow rates fluctuating between 10,000 and 175,000 standard
accommodate Boil-off Gas (BOG) from cubic feet per hour of natural gas.
the storage tanks during periods of
non-use System Configuration:
• Truck offload station with dual pumps LNG facility station includes onsite storage totalling 54,000 gallons gross capacity in vertical
• Allow for two modes of operation − full cryogenic tanks. Other components in the total system approach – VIP (between vessels &
manual and full automatic vaporizer), pump offload skid, waterbath vaporizer, and BOG heat exchanger. The multiple
• Startup, commissioning, and onsite manifolds included an LNG CGA connection, both upstream and downstream BOG valving,
training on system equipment upstream and downstream water bath valving, and the Final Line Pressure Control with metering
• Project Completion: October 2016 skid and vent stack. All components were factory tested and designed for ease of installation.
Chart’s personnel managed the project installation.

Significant Accomplishments:
• Chart was able to provide a total turnkey package with U.S. factory built equipment and skid
designed for easy installation at site
• Designed to operate in two modes: automatic mode puts the equipment into standby/backup
mode between November 1st and April 15th − winter heating season; manual operations, or
summer mode, is used for the balance of the year
• To eliminate the venting of natural gas, Boil-off Gas (BOG) is managed through economizer
circuits on each tank. Plant operators monitor the pressure in each tank, utilizing BOG valves as
needed. This causes the line pressure in the supply line to drop below the supply pressure and
opens valves on the final line pressure regulator to flow gas from the tank(s) to the University
Central Heating Plant mixed with the natural gas pipeline supply. The end result is the system
does not vent any natural gas to atmosphere throughout the entire year
• Integrated the controls and screens with remote view and run capability to the existing system.
• Onsite commissioning with operation and safety training in three days

3 tanks, vaporizer,
IFWB and manifolds Final Line Manifold


LNG Power Barge

Highlights: Application:
Location — Hamburg, Germany LNG fueling system for Hummel, a hybrid power barge and the world’s first envi-
ronmentally-friendly floating power plant providing energy to cruise ships during
Scope of Project: layovers in the port of Hamburg, Germany. In accordance with MARPOL regulations,
• Close collaboration with Becker using LNG instead of distillate fuel significantly reduces harmful gas emissions, in-
cluding sulphur and other soot particles, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide.
marine and other project partners The barge was built by Becker Marine Systems who partnered AIDA cruises; the
• Commercial operations began in AIDAsol being the first cruise ship to be supplied with electricity from the LNG
fuelled power plant. Hummel’s environmental footprint is further enhanced
spring 2015 through being outfitted with equipment to supply electricity during peak times
• Application of good engineering and to other ships during winter.
practice Project Background:
• Engineered and built at Chart Provide the LNG fueling solution in accordance with the following criteria
• Maximum LNG payload within standard intermodal container envelope
Ferox facility in the Czech Republic • Demonstrate enhanced safety (first of its kind)
• Chart Vacuum Technology® • Eliminate the need for a bunkering station (for the initial phase)
• Minimize footprint
• Proven cryogenic tank design • Quick and efficient change over
incorporates stainless steel inner
Significant Accomplishments:
and outer vessels for enhanced Chart’s LNG fueling system is housed in two 40' ISO containers complete with a
safety skid mounted gas processing unit, interconnecting pipe work, control and safety
appliances. The system provides cryogenic storage of almost 23,000 gallons of
LNG capable of powering two CAT3516 generator sets (rated at 1555kW each).
• Compact, lightweight design to minimize valuable real estate
• Fully modular
• Full for empty swap basis
• Incorporates option to fill from bunkering station (at a later date)
• High-pressure fueling system for optimum engine feed
• Docking station

LNG Solutions in Action
Chart holds the following international HSE and quality accreditations:
Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2008
Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001:2004
Occupational Health & Safety Management System in accordance with BSOHSAS 18001:2007

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