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Globalization and

the Caribbean
Vaughan A. Lewis

We can fairly say that the regimes that took the Caribbean states into
independence after ¡962 expected the systems of protected integration
into the global economy to continue indefinitely. This protected integra-
tion took the form of the Commonwealth Preference system, which
ensured a market, generally but not always, for Caribbean agricultural
exports. These exports were themselves mostly produced and marketed by
firms carrying metropolitan (British, Dutch, French) nationality, implanted
within the particular colony or territory. The same institutional arrange-
ment characterized the production and export of oil from Trinidad and
Tobago. The analysis of the “plantation economy” school has aptly described
the arrangements for the Caribbean, demonstrating the extent of their
integration into the global economy as dominated by one or other met-
ropolitan node.
A similar mode of organization, too, came to characterize the new
postwar export of bauxite from Jamaica, Guyana and Suriname, though
the locus (home base) of the relevant firms changed from the United King-
dom to North America. The process of “industrialization by invitation”
further increased the North American presence through the establishment
of branch plants for mainly light manufacturing industries in the region.
These branch plants were guaranteed a protected market, not by the metro-
pole, but by the colonial territories, which were gaining increasing dis-
cretion as to development policy and were soon to be independent.

This paper was prepared for a panel discussion at a conference called “Globalization, Gov-
ernance and Integration,” sponsored by the Department of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty
of Social Science, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, West
Indies, 26–27 September 2002.

8 Part One: Globalization and Governance

Finally, the systems of finance and telecommunications followed the

mercantilist or neomercantilist patterns of productive investment, being
extensions of the various metropoles (in the case of banking and insur-
ance, now including Canada).
For the Anglophone Caribbean this form of integration into the global
economy, particularly as it concerned the agricultural commodities, first
came under systemic challenge when the British government announced
at the beginning of the ¡960s that it intended to seek accession to the Euro-
pean Common Market and Community, after its initial rejection of the
option of joining in the formation of what was stated to be an “ever closer
union.” Caribbean governments immediately saw the implications of this
for the region’s protected agricultural trade, as evidenced particularly in
statements at the time by Dr. Eric Williams of Trinidad and Tobago and
the Jamaican trade minister, Robert Lightbourne.
Williams, leading a country now anticipating a greater dependence
on petroleum than on sugar or citrus, and pursuing industrialization for
foreign exchange and national income, was somewhat sanguine about this
development, not expecting much from any arrangement to protect West
Indian commodities. As he observed in early ¡967: “The United Kingdom
is about, public reports indicate, to give up this system of Commonwealth
Preferential arrangements, by going into the European Common Market.
It is unthinkable that the preferences for citrus and sugar will survive
British entry into the European Common Market, and the whole mood in
the world today is against preferences” (Williams ¡967).
Yet, he averred in ¡968: “All the evidence available so far points to an
extremely long delay before Britain can gain entry into the Community.
Thus what will otherwise have been an imperative necessity might well be
transmuted into an opportunity for us to reduce our dependence on Britain
either by lowering our cost of production or by judicious forms of eco-
nomic diversification” (Williams ¡968).
On the other hand, the Jamaican minister took the lead in stressing
the need for Caribbean countries to obtain what he called “bankable assur-
ances” from the British Government that such protection could be achieved
and maintained. We shall return to this.
It will be recalled that stress on the other aspects of the neomercantilist
arrangements in financial services and the mineral industries came nearly a
decade later, as domestic nationalist pressure exerted against the government
of Trinidad and Tobago led that government to seek a so-called Third Way
between the existing arrangements and the socialist/communist arrangements
of Cuba. This strategy relied on a version of the old British Fabian socialist
doctrine of taking over the “commanding heights” of the economy, even
Globalization and the Caribbean (Lewis) 9

if, in some cases, permitting minority equity to foreign investors. This led
to a substantial reorganization of ownership of the Trinidad oil industry —
though it should be observed that this was occurring at a time when the
industry was thought to be in a declining production (or maturing) phase;
to the placing of the ownership of banks and insurance in private Trinida-
dian hands through purchase of equity (localization); and the govern-
ment’s complete control of the sugar lands and the production of sugar.
By the first half of the ¡970s, though under less overt pressure and
partly responding, more than its Trinidad counterpart, to wider ideolog-
ical and policy trends in the Third World, the government of Jamaica came
to pursue a similar strategy. Though it could already be perceived that for-
eign investment in the bauxite industry was winding down, there was,
among the Jamaican political, technocratic and (in some measure) busi-
ness elites, the perception that the prospects for continuing strong demand
for bauxite-alumina exports were good; that they could continue to work
e›ectively and to mutual satisfaction with the multinationals in the pro-
duction process; and that therefore the international channels for the mar-
keting of bauxite would remain intact.
Guyana, at this time, went a step further than Jamaica in full-scale
nationalization of the bauxite producing system, though largely for ideo-
logical reasons having to do with domestic political competition between
government and opposition, both asserting the ideology of Marxism-
Leninism. This was accompanied by state purchase and ownership of agri-
cultural (sugar) activities and financial institutions, and substantial state
regulation of others (rice).
The partial or whole delinking of what might be called the “national
economic appendages” from the multinational economic systems in which
they were embedded, undertaken too at a time of intense American pre-
occupation with the alleged penetration of communist influences in the
Caribbean, did not, and indeed could not, have anticipated the dramatic
recession that developed in the Western Hemisphere, deeply a›ecting large
states of South America as well as small ones in the Caribbean Basin. This
brought in its train a sharp decline after ¡975/6 in the prices for sugar and
bauxite, and a declining demand for aluminum, in conjunction with the
fact that the multinationals had, simultaneously, begun to explore new
locations for exploitation of bauxite in Australia and Brazil. And while,
for Trinidad and Tobago, the price of oil exploded after the events in the
Middle East, this exerted intense pressure on other Caribbean economies
leading to extensive debt.
With respect to the agricultural and mineral commodities, govern-
ments’ attempts at partial delinking and self-directed management of
10 Part One: Globalization and Governance

the countries’ development was not successful, partially due to the unfa-
vorable environment of the time. The economic recession, partly a func-
tion of the American attempt to correct its burst of deficit financing during
and after the Vietnam War, brought in its train a new ideology of eco-
nomic development. This emphasized privatization (following Thatcher),
economic stabilization, and deregulation of state-dominated economic
activities. These policies were promoted as paths to the relinking of the
failed economies in the Hemisphere, isolated from investment. And impor-
tantly, with such failure the regimes found themselves facing the disinte-
gration — particularly in the Caribbean — of the incipient welfare and
mass-supporting social policy systems that formed, as an inheritance from
British Labour ideology, the basis of the implicit understanding between
nationalist-labor governments and their populations, for their assuming
and maintaining power after the advent of universal su›rage.
The return to a so-called market economy, emphasizing the impor-
tance of attracting foreign investment to develop the old plantation indus-
tries and attracting investment from new spheres of multinational
production, is typified by the return of Michael Manley to government in
Jamaica in ¡989, conceding that the international environment was not
favorable to the policies that he had espoused in the ¡970s. These new ini-
tiatives were fully pursued too by governments of Trinidad and Tobago
after ¡986, in response to the recession that gripped that country with the
fall of oil prices in the early ’80s. Their objective was, in part, to break the
metropolitan protectionist logjam that had inhibited the growth of their
new industries working with petroleum products and derivatives. The
prospect of extensive resources of natural gas further induced the gov-
ernments’ new orientation, given the dearth of national financial resources
for the kind of self-directed industrial programs pursued after the first oil
price boom. Guyana, by the beginning of the ¡990s, was also seeking to
reinvite the bauxite multinationals and the English sugar company, Book-
ers, back to their local mineral and agricultural locations.
At the CARICOM level, these initiatives, and the new orientation they
implied, of relinking to the North Atlantic economy, were reflected in
agreement by heads of government to the Nassau Understanding on Struc-
tural Adjustment of ¡984. It can also be said that this was a collective
response to the strategic initiative of the United States in legislating the
Caribbean Basin Initiative of ¡98¡, which would facilitate multinational
investment in the region. It also seemed to be an admission that global eco-
nomic conditions were forcing renewed forms of multilateral integration
on the basis of common rules and regulations. These left no space for a
Third World–directed international economic order.
Globalization and the Caribbean (Lewis) 11

These new orientations in the Caribbean, historically the most inter-

nationally integrated countries of the Western Hemisphere, we can see as
small scale reflections of a phenomenon that has come to be recognized at
the wider hemispheric level. We can, in retrospect, see that the United
States’ determination towards post-Vietnam war recovery, in the context
of its increasing awareness of the e›ects of European economic integra-
tion on that region’s economic growth, forced a further determination on
the United States’ part towards meeting the competition developing within
the North Atlantic economy. The hemispheric e›ects of this were seen,
from a Caribbean perspective, in traditionally statist and protectionist
Mexico’s decision to join GATT (the General Agreement on Tari›s and
Trade), and then negotiate NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agree-
ment) with the United States and Canada.
This institutional linking of Mexico to the North Atlantic economy —
Mexico being a super-large economy compared with those of the Caribbean
Basin states— is, in e›ect a form of magnet drawing all Western Hemi-
spheric countries in the same direction. And this phenomenon has gained
even greater force with the revolution in the technology of communica-
tions and electronics which, in inducing what has been called “a com-
pression of time and space,” has given mobility to capital flows in the
world economy that can, as events in Mexico have shown, be both con-
structive and destructive, and not easily susceptible to the unilateral con-
trol of even the most substantial developing countries’ governments.
The globalization that is partially the result of what we have described
above, combined with determined American e›orts at regulating its
processes (through the World Trade Organization [WTO] and a certain
control over flows of concessionary finance), has, naturally, had an impor-
tant e›ect on regional e›orts at integration initiated from within devel-
oping regions in the Western Hemisphere, as in other regions. It is obvious
that the South American attempt at integration — in, for example, MER-
COSUR — has been powerfully a›ected by Argentina’s swift deregulation
and adjustment to the liberalizing North Atlantic economy, and by that
country’s determination (now failed) to find an anchor in the United States
financial system (note Menem’s desire to take this to its logical conclusion
of “dollarization”). We can also see that the integration e›ort has been
a›ected by the partially domestically-induced financial weakness of Brazil,
which even in the midst of its struggle for more equitable access to the
United States market for its agricultural commodities, finds itself depen-
dent on US mediation in its search for the temporary financial resources
needed by its economy.
In that context, the small Caribbean economies and their intended
12 Part One: Globalization and Governance

collective Single Market and Economy could hardly be exempt from such
forces. We prefer, in fact, to say that they are almost exemplary of the
e›ects of those forces. The movement of the European Community (EC),
agreed in ¡986, to the Single Economic Market of ¡992, signaled the recon-
struction of the historic and comfortable protectionist and preferential
system which had, with Britain’s access to the EC, now left its Common-
wealth moorings and settled into the Lomé cum Cotonou Conventions of
the EU/ACP states.
But it can be posited that the movement from Commonwealth to
Lomé/Cotonou, and the United States–forced subordination of the regime’s
future arrangements to WTO compatibility, marks the end of the influence
of old, and more modernized, mercantilist economy for the Caribbean, cer-
tainly as far as its agricultural commodities are concerned. The WTO’s rul-
ing on the US–Latin American–EU–Caribbean dispute, when taken in
conjunction with the unequal size and capabilities of the parties involved,
seems to justify this conclusion; a conclusion that also seems applicable
to the Caribbean sugar industries as Europe seeks, in the context of the
North Atlantic struggle, to extend the “Everything but Arms” proposal to
all least developed countries.
As the prime minister of Barbados has ruefully observed: “The prob-
lems in the sugar industry will arise because the market for sugar is going
to be very di‡cult to hold. Europe has decided that countries that hith-
erto could supply it, but can supply tens of millions of tons of sugar will
after the year 2007 be able to sell sugar on the European market on the
same terms as we can” (“Bleak Future”).
As the governments of the banana-producing countries of the
Caribbean have found out, the accepted dominance of the rules-based
WTO leaves little space for subordinate-system institutional protection.
The very process of European Union liberalization to which these coun-
tries’ export-agriculture regimes were subordinated, and which o›ered
interim institutional protective devices, has been itself subordinated to the
WTO system in such a manner, and at such speed, that any arrangements
made have seemed to have a permanent instability built into them. (I have
argued elsewhere that to the extent that the United States has played a sub-
stantial part in inducing this state, and to the extent that this state is likely
to be reproduced in the regime that comes into being with the Free Trade
Area of the Americas (FTAA), this latter agreement should have, like the
European integration system, compensatory mechanisms for member-
states of lesser weighting — such mechanisms to be separate from any “spe-
cial and di›erential provisions” as to treaty implementation that might be
agreed for the Caribbean states as a consequence of their small size.)
Globalization and the Caribbean (Lewis) 13

The tenor of this paper, then is, that precisely because of the manner
of their incorporation, and the extreme and one-sided integration into
both components of the North Atlantic economy, the Caribbean economies
are the objects of a dual set of pressures, simultaneously exerted. The
arrangements that have been made for them in the past are being global-
ized into obsolescence. The arrangements that they made for themselves
before the advanced liberalization that now characterizes the North Atlantic
economy — namely the customs union and common market arrangements,
and then the ¡992 CARICOM Single Market arrangements— are being
overlaid by the requirements of the WTO, and within the Western Hemi-
sphere by the projection of the NAFTA scheme into the FTAA, whose pro-
posed provisions in some cases are more advanced, in terms of
liberalization, than those of the WTO. Similarly, CARICOM countries
have established arrangements that take advantage of the fact that they can
work with highly skilled resources, of a scale appropriate to their popula-
tion sizes, and have responded to the “compression of time-space phe-
nomenon — namely the provision of o›-shore financial services.” Yet these
activities would appear to fall victim to the competition between the two
poles of the North Atlantic economy engaged in trying to ensure a level
playing field between themselves.
One possible exception to such a pessimistic scenario would appear
to be the situation of Trinidad and Tobago with a new commodity in
global demand by the metropolitan economy, though the organizational
form of the exploitation of the economy would appear to be of the tradi-
tional type. This new initiative must be looked at in scale, as a part of the
wider geo-economic arena that encompasses both that country and
Venezuela. And it was, no doubt, in anticipation of the competition
between herself, Venezuela and Mexico that Trinidad was anxious, soon
after the signing of the NAFTA agreement, to pronounce herself ready for
admission. (In this she was joined by Jamaica, though from a di›erent
production orientation.) This orientation has also implied that, through
the ¡990s, Trinidad should act with dispatch to ensure what might be
referred to as maximum institutional integration with the United States,
in the sense of signing all relevant treaties relating to investment, tax infor-
mation and security — the latter two bearing on the concerns of great
significance to the United States of money laundering and narcotics move-
This orientation of Trinidad and Tobago suggests a di›erentiation
between her interests— or at least the pace of her implementation of her
interests— in the Hemisphere, vis-à-vis other CARICOM partners, in
much the same way that the character of North American investment in
14 Part One: Globalization and Governance

Costa Rica has induced a certain movement away from her Central Amer-
ican neighbours. However, the fact that (in ¡998) 38 percent of Trinidad
and Tobago’s export trade was with CARICOM partners suggests the need
for some continuing institutional connection beneficial to all the partners.
Considerations of geopolitics and geo-economics might also in some
measure qualify the validity of the long term e›ects of current liberaliza-
tion processes on Guyana, as against those we deem as applying to many
other CARICOM countries. In the medium term, our projections can
stand, to the extent that the country’s mineral system is not seen as a
strategic part of any major multinational entity or system’s priorities; and
Guyana’s sugar production, though larger in scale than other Caribbean
states, still can be subject to the e›ects of the Everything But Arms ini-
tiative. In addition, the imbalance between population and land area, in
the absence of any dynamic towards external investment and/or techno-
logical innovation that would reduce this imbalance, does not suggest any
substantial process of strategic relinking of the country’s economy into the
North Atlantic system.
Yet from the perspective of Guyana’s location within the sphere of
northern South America — dominated by a Brazil/Venezuela nexus and
influenced by the continuing legal jurisdiction of France in one of the ter-
ritories of the area — di›erent possibilities, in the longer term, for its econ-
omy might be posited; though it would be an element in di›erent
subsystems subject either to the dynamic of North American and FTAA
integration processes, or to European initiatives in the Hemisphere (for
example, the recent Guyana Plateau Initiative from the European Union).
In general, then, the analysis here has stressed the extent to which his-
torical internationalization of Caribbean economies has meant that those
countries’ experience of “integral linkage” has been extensive; that the
deep or extensive integration of the economies has gone through various
phases, though always with a guarantor of the “rules of the game” once
local regimes were disposed to observe them.
The new process of internationalization — referred to as globaliza-
tion — leaves no room for protector or guarantor. Yet, though there is an
admission, following the di‡culties of the ¡980s, that some form of
renewed integral relationship is required, the centrality of the Caribbean
position in the relevant (North Atlantic) system is diminished, as such
assets as those countries possess do not make them a “substantial stake”
in the current competition.
It would appear that the new global rules of trade and production as
imposed by WTO are determining the status of Caribbean nations and the
nature of their relationship within the new structures to which they have
Globalization and the Caribbean (Lewis) 15

sought, or been forced, to adapt. Yet the region’s claim for special and
di›erential treatment is not looked at favorably, as WTO technocrats and
dominant states take cognizance of the reintegration in the last 20 years
into the globalized economy of “small” countries like Singapore and New
Zealand, without such “Special and Di›erent” treatment. Finally, the posi-
tions of some countries in CARICOM, in their search for new positions
of integration or linkage, appear more favorable than others; however, the
implications of this for the CARICOM system are not yet clear.

Best, L., and K. Levitt. ¡975. “Character of Caribbean Economy.” In George Beck-
ford (ed.), Caribbean Economy: Dependence and Backwardness. Mona,
Jamaica: Institute of Social and Economic Research.
“Bleak Future for Sugar”, Barbados Nation, 3 September 2002.
Lewis, Vaughan A. 200¡. “Caribbean Adjustment in the Current Global Readjust-
ment.” Mimeograph. Prepared for the conference “Globalization and the
Wider Caribbean: Challenges and Opportunities” at the Ibero-American Insti-
tute, Berlin, Germany, ¡4 May 200¡.
The Nassau Understanding: The Structural Adjustment and Closer Integration for
Accelerated Development in the Caribbean Community. Nassau, Bahamas;
CARICOM Secretariat. 7 July ¡984.
Williams, Eric. ¡967. Speech to the House of Representatives by Dr the Rt. Hon Eric
Williams, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, on the Entry of Trinidad
and Tobago into the Organization of American States, 3rd February ¡967. In
Roy Preiswerk (ed.), Documents on International Relations. University of
Puerto Rico: Institute of Caribbean Studies, ¡970.
_____. ¡968. Trinidad and Tobago and the European Economic Community. Excerpt
from a speech by Dr the Rt. Hon Eric Williams, Prime Minister of Trinidad
and Tobago, April ¡968. In Preiswerk, op.cit.

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