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Grade 4 - Fiqh Book

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Madrasat Ahlul’Bait Islamic School

Grade 4 Fiqh

Cover Design by: Mariam Fatima Haider

Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area

First Edition (Revision 2.0)
First Printing May, 2005
Second Printing February, 2006

Compilers and Co-Authors:

Urooj Kazmi, Chair, Syllabus Committee,
Madrasat Ahlul’Bait, Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area

Sister Urooj Kazmi, Chair Syllabus Committee,
Madrasat Ahlul’Bait, Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area

Copyright Free & Non-Profit Notice:

Madrasat Ahlul’Bait curriculum material can be freely copied, duplicated, reproduced, quoted,
distributed, printed, used in derivative works and saved on any media and platform for non-profit
and educational purposes only. A fee no higher than the cost of copying may be charged for the

Note from Madrasat Ahlul’Bait:

The Publishers and the Authors have made every effort to present the Quranic verses, prophetic
and masomeen traditions, their explanations and the material from the sources referenced in an
accurate, complete and clear manner. We ask for forgiveness from Allah (SWT) and the readers if
any mistakes have been overlooked during the review process.

Contact Information:
Any correspondence related to this publication and all notations of errors or omissions should be
addressed to Syllabus Committee, Madrasat Ahlul’Bait, Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area at

Published by:
Madrasat Ahlul’Bait
Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area
4415 Fortran Court, San Jose, CA 95134, USA


2 Grade 4 Fiqh
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Preface................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
SECTION I: Islamic Beliefs (Fiqh).................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 1: Review of Grade 3 Topics .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 The Islamic months .............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Worksheet: The Islamic months........................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Review of Usool-e-deen..................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Furoo-e-Deen ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.5 Worksheet: Review of furoo-e-deen .................................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 2: Asma’ ul Husnaa ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Worksheet: Asma’ul Husnaa.............................................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Crossword: Asma’ul Husnaa.............................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 3: Tawheed (Oneness of God) ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Worksheet: Tawheed.......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Activity: Window Decoration ............................................................................................................................ 19
Chapter 4: Nabuwwa.................................................................................................................................................. 21
4.1 Who is a Nabi? ................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Difference between a Nabi and a Rasul ............................................................................................................. 21
4.3 The Duties of a Prophet...................................................................................................................................... 22
4.4 Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an:..................................................................................................................... 23
4.5 Prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur’an but not named ..................................................................................... 24
4.6 Prophets mentioned in Ahadith .......................................................................................................................... 24
4.7 Worksheet: Nabuwwa ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 5: Taqleed and Ijtihad ................................................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Buloogh.............................................................................................................................................................. 27
5.2 Mujtahid ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
5.3 Sources used by mujtahids to give fatwa are: .................................................................................................... 28
5.4 Ways of identifying the mujtahid:...................................................................................................................... 28
5.5 Worksheet: Taqleed and Ijtihad ......................................................................................................................... 29
Chapter 6: Najaasat .................................................................................................................................................... 30
6.1 Some Details On Najaasat.................................................................................................................................. 31
6.2 Worksheet: Najaasat........................................................................................................................................... 33
Chapter 7: Mutahhiraat [ I ]........................................................................................................................................ 36
7.1 Worksheet Grade 4: Mutahhiraat I..................................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 8: Mutahhiraat II ........................................................................................................................................... 42
8.1 Worksheet: Najaasat and Mutahhiraat (A review) ............................................................................................. 44
Chapter 9: Revision of Wudhu................................................................................................................................... 46
9.1 Wudhu is Wajib [required] for:.......................................................................................................................... 46
9.2 Conditions Of Wudhu ........................................................................................................................................ 47
9.3 Wudhu Consists of Wajib and Sunnah Actions ................................................................................................. 48
9.4 Things that make Wudhu Baatil:........................................................................................................................ 48
9.5 Worksheet: Revision of Wudhu ......................................................................................................................... 49
Chapter 10: Tayammum............................................................................................................................................... 50
10.1 Things on which Tayammum is allowed....................................................................................................... 50
10.2 How to perform tayammum .......................................................................................................................... 51
10.3 Worksheet: Tayammum ................................................................................................................................ 52
Chapter 11: Salaat-Times and Names of Prayers ......................................................................................................... 54
11.1 The time of salaat (Fazilat and Qadha).......................................................................................................... 54
11.2 Names (forms) of wajib prayers: ................................................................................................................... 55
11.3 Some of the salaat that are not wajib:............................................................................................................ 55
11.4 Worksheet: Times and Names of Prayers...................................................................................................... 56

Grade 4 Fiqh 3
Chapter 12: The Place of Salaat ................................................................................................................................... 58
12.1 Necessary Conditions to Be Observed for the Place of Salaat ...................................................................... 58
12.2 Some Other Points on the Place for Salaat: ................................................................................................... 59
12.3 Worksheet: Place of Salaat............................................................................................................................ 60
Chapter 13: Salaat-Meaning of Salaat ......................................................................................................................... 62
13.1 Worksheet: Translation of Surah al-Hamd .................................................................................................... 64
13.2 Worksheet: Translation of Surah al-lkhlas .................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 14: Meaning of Salaat cont’d.......................................................................................................................... 66
14.1 Worksheet: Meaning of salaat ....................................................................................................................... 69
Chapter 15: Brotherhood in Prayers ............................................................................................................................. 70
15.1 Worksheet: Brotherhood in Prayers .............................................................................................................. 72
Chapter 16: Discussion on Khums and Jihad ............................................................................................................... 73
16.1 Furoo-e-deen - Jihad...................................................................................................................................... 73
16.2 The Personal Jihad......................................................................................................................................... 73
16.3 Furoo-e-din – Khums .................................................................................................................................... 75
16.4 KHUMS ........................................................................................................................................................... 75
16.5 Worksheet: Jihad and Khums ........................................................................................................................ 76
Chapter 17: Al Tawalla and Al Tabbara....................................................................................................................... 78
17.1 Al-Tawalla..................................................................................................................................................... 78
17.2 Questions to think about:............................................................................................................................... 78
17.3 Al-Tabbara .................................................................................................................................................... 80
17.4 Worksheet: Tawalla and Tabbara .................................................................................................................. 81
Chapter 18: Awareness Of the living Imam ................................................................................................................. 84
18.1 Worksheet: Awareness of the living Imam ................................................................................................... 86
SECTION II: Special Occasions ...................................................................................................................................... 88
Chapter 19: Fasting and its Benefits............................................................................................................................. 89
19.1 Worksheet: Fasting and its Benefits .............................................................................................................. 91
Chapter 20: Hajj ........................................................................................................................................................... 93
20.1 Hajj Dictionary .............................................................................................................................................. 94
20.2 Worksheet: Hajj............................................................................................................................................. 95
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................................................... 98

4 Grade 4 Fiqh
In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious Most Merciful


The material presented in this document is a result of an effort made by the personnel of the
school of Ahlul’Bait of the Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area Islamic Center at San Jose,
California in cooperation with several schools of Ahlul’Bait at London-Stanmore, London-Hujjat,
Vancouver, Minnesota and Toronto.

We, at San Jose, looked at material from London-Stanmore, London-Hujjat, Vancouver,

Minnesota, Toronto and Irvine's Islamic institutions, as well as that available at various web-sites
to compile age appropriate textbooks for use by our students. We thank the institutions that were
kind enough to provide us with the electronic files of their curriculum. We used some of what they
had and added to it what we felt was appropriate. We included more worksheets and pictures
where deemed necessary. We also added some new topics that, we felt are important to the

We had two important goals in mind while working on this document. First, introduce the students
to the important Islamic concepts and beliefs that are crucial for him/her to know. Second, expose
the students to as many Quranic verses and sayings from Prophet Muhammad (p) and his
Ahlul’Bait (a) as possible.

We thank Hujjatul Islam Maulana Nabi Raza Abidi for his spiritual guidance. We hope future
efforts will continue taking place until reaching our goal of having a strong, rich and unified
curriculum for the schools of Ahlul’Bait for all ages.

Syllabus Committee
Madrasat Ahlul’Bait

Grade 4 Fiqh 5

In this book, students learn more Allah names. They get a detailed introduction to 5 more
names different than the ones of last year. In Usool –e-din the first two topics of tawheed and
nabuwwa are also studied in further detail. This year students get more in depth lessons on
ritual purity especially najasat and mutahirrat. They learn about various aspects of salaat and
other branches of religion. A lesson on the awareness of the living Imam is also included.

6 Grade 4 Fiqh
SECTION I: Islamic Beliefs (Fiqh)

Grade 4 Fiqh 7
Chapter 1: Review of Grade 3 Topics
1.1 The Islamic months

In Islam we follow the lunar (moon) calendar rather than the Solar (Gregorian) calendar.

To follow the lunar calendar, we use the shape of the moon to

work out which day of the month it is. When there is a new
moon only a very thin crescent is visible to us and tells us that it
is the beginning of a new Islamic month. As the month wears on
the moon gets more and more visible so that the crescent gets
larger. By the middle of the month the crescent becomes a full
moon. Thereafter, the crescent gets smaller again until it is no
longer visible until it is time for the appearance of the new

It takes 29 or 30 days for the moon to go through all its phases, so the Islamic month has 29 or
30 days, while the calendar month has 30 or 31 days.

Following the lunar calendar means that all the Islamic months fall in different seasons as the
years go by. So if one year Ramadhan is in summer when the days are long (and therefore the
fasts are long too), then some years later Ramadhan will fall in winter when the days are short
(and the fasts too).

The Islamic year begins with the saddest month – Muharram. In this month we remember the
sacrifice that Imam Hussein (a) and his family made to save Islam.

The Islamic months from first to last are:



8 Grade 4 Fiqh
1.2 Worksheet: The Islamic months

1. The first month of the Islamic year is _________________.

2. The last month of the Islamic year is_________________.

3. Ramadhan is the _______________ month of t he Islamic year.

4. The fourth month of the Islamic year is _________________.

5. The lunar calendar is based on phases of the ___________.

6. The middle of a lunar month is visible by a full ___________.

7. There are ___________ or __________ days in a lunar month.

8. When there is no moon visible then it is the ________ of the lunar month.

9. A very small crescent may indicate the beginning or _________ of a lunar month.

10. I am a month of the lunar calendar that starts with the letter ‘s’. The
month of begins with ‘m’ precedes me and a month beginning with ‘r’
comes after me. I am the month of _____________.

Grade 4 Fiqh 9
1.3 Review of Usool-e-deen

Connect to the tree

1. Belief in the justice of Allah.

Nabuwwa 2. Belief in the Day of Judgement.

3. Belief that there is only one God.

4. Belief in the Prophets sent by Allah.

5. Belief in 12 Imams.



10 Grade 4 Fiqh
1.4 Furoo-e-Deen

Furoo-e- din are branches of religion. We as Muslims do these

acts of worship when we have understood the
roots of religion (Usool-e-deen).

There are 10 Furoo-e-deen

1. Salaat (Daily prayers)

2. Saum (Fasting)

3. Haj (Go to Mecca on pilgrimage)

4. Zakaat (Charity on certain items given to needy Muslims)

5. Khums (Give away one-fifth of your savings)

6. Jihad (To fight in the way of Allah)

7. Amr bil Ma'roof (Guide others to do good)

8. Nahy ‘anil Munkar (Stop others from doing evil)

9. Tawalla (To love and follow the teachings of the 14 masumeen)

10. Tabarra (To keep away from people who do not love or follow the teachings of
the 14 masumeen)

Grade 4 Fiqh 11
1.5 Worksheet: Review of furoo-e-deen

Match each star to its meaning:

1. Fasting during the Month of
2. Give away one-fifth of your
Amr bil Ma'roof
3. Daily Prayers.
4. Guide others to good.

Khums 5. To go to Mecca for pilgrimage.

Salaat 6. To fight in the way of Allah.

7. To keep away from the people

Jihaad who do not love or follow the
teachings of the 14 Masumeen
Tawalla (A).

8. Charity on certain items given to

Nahi ‘anil Munkar
needy Muslims.

Tabarra 9. Stop others from doing evil.

10. To love and follow the

teachings of the 14 Ma’sumeen

12 Grade 4 Fiqh
Chapter 2: Asma’ ul Husnaa
The term Allah is the proper name for the Creator and Sustainer Whose Will holds supreme in
the universe and who alone is worthy of the highest honor, the greatest respect and admiration
and is the only object of worship. The title Allah is complete and any other name will be a poor
substitute. It refers to all the attributes of perfection and beauty and represents One and
Unique God. The title Allah is the ideal name for God, all other titles including Rabb, are
attributes or names of God. Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (s) has quoted his forefathers quoting the
Messenger of Allah as saying, "There are ninety-nine Attributes, one hundred minus one, of
Allah; whoever counts them will enter Paradise."

Each object in the universe manifests some power of Allah. His joy or His anger, His love or
His magnificence; flow through these objects. That is why, when we look at this world we see
beauty, grandeur, sublimity, strength, the power of joy or destruction manifested in it.

Allah's various powers are described by His Names or His Attributes. The entire creation
manifests Allah's Attributes called Al-Asma-ul Husna, The Beautiful Names.

Almighty Allah does not desire anything from His creation except that He is worshipped. But
Allah cannot be worshipped unless one learns to know Him and He cannot be known except if
He is remembered. This road has been made easy by Allah Himself. In the Qur'an He says:

"And to Allah belongs the Beautiful Names,

so call upon Him by these Names."

Prophet Mohammed (s) has said, "Inspire yourselves with the qualities of Allah."

We should therefore learn, reflect, understand and recite the Beautiful Names and also call
upon Allah by means of them….

In this class we will concentrate on the names Al- Malik, Al-Hayy, Al Kabeer, Al- Musawwir and
Al-Wahab. The meanings are not absolutely equivalent to their synonyms in Arabic but are

Al-Malik = The Sovereign Supreme. He who is the absolute king of the entire universe.
Al-Hayy = The Ever Living who always has been and always will be.
Al-Kabeer = The Great. Nobody and nothing is greater than Him.
Al-Mussawwir = The one who shapes all forms and appearances, who designs all things
Al-Wahab = The Giver, The Bestower. He who donates all blessings to His creatures

(text derived from al-islam.org)

Grade 4 Fiqh 13
2.1 Worksheet: Asma’ul Husnaa

Match Allah’s names to their correct meanings:

1. Al- Mussawwir

2. Al- Hayy

3. Al- Wahaab

4. Al Malik

5. Al-Kabeer

a. The Giver, The Bestower who is generous in giving

b. The one who is greater than anything in status.
c. The Ever Living, who will never cease to exist.
d. The Sovereign Supreme, the absolute king of the
e. The One who shapes all forms and appearances.

14 Grade 4 Fiqh
2.2 Crossword: Asma’ul Husnaa

3 -

4 -

5 -

1. The Giver/ Bestower
2. The Sovereign Supreme

1. The One who shapes all forms and appearances
2. The Ever Living
3. The Great

Grade 4 Fiqh 15
Chapter 3: Tawheed (Oneness of God)

Tawheed means that Allah is One. He does not have any partner. He has no
parents or children. He does not need anything and everything needs Him.
There is nothing equal to Him. Unlike the word God which can be made into
Goddess or Gods, there is no plural or no feminine of the word ALLAH.

One day, the Prophet (S) and some of his companions were going out. On the way they saw
an old woman working at a spinning-wheel and heard her praising Allah for His bounties. The
Prophet (S) went up to her and enquired about her health.

Then he said to her: "Your faith in Allah is good to see. Would you tell me what made you
believe in Allah?"

On hearing this, the woman stopped working on the spinning-wheel, thought for a while and
then replied: "O Prophet of Allah! You see this spinning-wheel. As long as I don't move it,
it can't spin. When this happens with such an ordinary thing, how can it be possible that
such a big universe should work so well without a driving force? There must be
someone to run it. One who must be controlling every detail. That can only be Allah,
who is the Creator and the Master of Everything! "

The Prophet (S) was very pleased with the old woman's reply. He told his companions: "Just
see how this old lady has come to know about Allah in such a fine and simple way. Your
faith in Allah should also be firm like hers."

Tawheed means to reject all other idols – physical or mental, It is only when one believes at
this level can one be able to call himself or herself a Muslim. We have to remember tawheed in
different aspects. Let’s look at them:
1. Tawheed in Ibada: The niyyat for worship must be totally for Allah. Imam Ali (a) has
said that if we wish to find out our sincerity than we must compare the salaat we pray in
front of others to that which we pray alone.

Tawheed To say “NO” all other idols –

in Ibada
thoughts of friends, sports, food,
means: ALLAH IS
etc.) when you doing Salaat.

16 Grade 4 Fiqh
2. Tawheed in the sifaat (or attributes) of Allah: To believe that only Allah has those
3. Tawheed in the sense that none can order or forbid except He: To call ourselves
Muslims we should follow only the orders of Allah.
4. Tawheed in that none can give or deprive except He: “Say ‘(O Muhammad) O Allah,’
The Master of the kingdom; You give the kingdom to whomsoever You wish and
You take away the kingdom from whom so ever You wish…” Qur’an – Suratul Al-
e-Imran 3:25
It must be remembered that the kingdom referred to is not just the temporary glory of
this world. This argument was used by Yazeed in the court of Shaam. Bibi Zainab (a)
refuted his argument with the Qur’an saying that temporary triumph and glory given to a
tyrant does not mean that he legally deserves it but it is only a temporary delay so that
he may be punished more.
5. Tawheed in trusting none but Allah “And put your trust in Allah, and, Allah is
sufficient as a Protector.” (Quran – Suratul Ahzaab 33:3)
Islamic history is full of incidents which tell us that Allah is a sufficient as a Protector
alone, when one puts one’s total trust in Him. The battle of Badr is one such incident.
The Muslims were 313 poorly equipped men who trusted in Allah alone against a 1000
men, fully equipped army
6. Tawheed in ‘amal (deeds): You should not do something just so that people praise you
for it. Your deeds should be to please Allah alone.
7. Tawheed in total devotion to none but Him: This is demonstrated clearly in Kerbala by
Imam Hussein (a) and his family and companions who gave up all for the sake of Allah

Total devotion (LOVE), to none but Allah. ALLAH IS

A Muslim is one who loves for the sake of ONE
Allah and hates for the sake of Allah and none
other no matter how important that person’s status might be.

In other words Allah and Allah alone is who is responsible for all and He alone is the one we
should worship, seek help from, and love.

Grade 4 Fiqh 17
3.1 Worksheet: Tawheed

We have to think of ONLY Allah when doing our Salaat. We also have to remember
Allah when we are at school, at your friend’s or at the mosque. Write down how you can
do that next to the picture.




18 Grade 4 Fiqh
3.2 Activity: Window Decoration

Materials needed:
“Allah template” (provided)
Construction paper
Paper Clip
Scotch tape


1. Tear off template from lesson.

2. Attach to your construction paper with paper clips.
3. Using a pin pierce along the template so it comes through the construction
paper. Your perforations should be made very close to each other.
4. Take the paper clips and template off when done with perforating.
5. Now with tape put your construction paper up against sunlight (such as on
your window) to make a decoration. Light will come through the little holes
you’ve made the word ‘Allah’ you made will sign through.

You could also draw or make a cut out border for your window decoration before
putting it up. The possibilities are endless if you use your imagination and be

Grade 4 Fiqh 19
20 Grade 4 Fiqh
Chapter 4: Nabuwwa

Two men were traveling together and became friends. When they reached their
town one of them invited the other to his house for dinner the next day. However
the invitee forgot to give his friend his full name, address, or phone number. Now
how would the friend know how to get there even if he wanted to go to the

When Allah created us it was so that we could worship Him. If he had not sent
down Prophets to guide us we would not have known what to do to please Him.
He sent us the Prophets to teach us and guide us so we could find Him.

4.1 Who is a Nabi?

A Nabi is a bearer of news. According to Islamic terminology a Nabi is one who is
sent by Allah to guide mankind to the right path. The word Nabi is derived from
the word Nabuwwa which means high. A Nabi is therefore one who is high in the
presence of Allah.

A Nabi must have the following qualifications:

1. He must be sent by Allah. There cannot be a self made Nabi.

2. Isma – He must be sinless. This means protection against committing
sins. This protection is safeguarded by exercising taqwa and knowledge.
3. Mu’jiza – Every Prophet is granted the power of performing mu’jiza
(miracles) in order to prove that his message is from Allah.

A mu’jiza is an act that cannot be performed by the aid of learning and practice. It
must also relate to the mentality of the society to which the prophet is sent. E.g.
the mu’jiza given to Prophet Musa (a) was magic because Egypt was at that time
engrossed and expert in magic. Similarly Prophet Muhammad (s) was raised
among Arabs who were literary experts and they were challenged at their own

One difference between the mu’jiza of Prophet Muhammad (s) and the other
Prophets’ miracles is that the Qur’an stands as a challenge for all times and
places while other mu’jizas were temporary.

4.2 Difference between a Nabi and a Rasul

Grade 4 Fiqh 21
It is said that a Rasul is one who brought a new shariah (code of life) whilst those
who did not bring a new shariah but followed the previous Rasul were Ambiya
(plural of nabi).

4.3 The Duties of a Prophet

According to the Qur’an the duties of the Prophjet are:

a) Giving knowledge and awareness to people by reciting divine signs…

“ ..he recite to them His signs…”- Suratul Jumua’ 62:2

b) Cleansing away the ‘satanic’ qualities from human behavior.

“….And he purifies them..”- Suratul Jumua’ 62:2

c) Teaching the divine laws.

“ .. And he teaches to them the book..” Suratul Jumua’ 62:2

d) Explaining the difficult rules and issues to the people.

e) Encouraging people to freedom of thought.

“…So give My creatures the good news, those who listen to the Word
and follow the best of it” – Suratuz Zumar 39:17,18

f) Establishing thought and reflection amongst people.

“ And We sent down to you the remembrance for you to explain to
the people what has been revealed to them so that they make use of
thought’ - Suratun Nahl 16:44

g) Teaching them wisdom.

“ Teaching them the book (Qur’an) and wisdom..”- Suratul Jumua’

h) Bringing people out of the darkness of ignorance and selfishness to the

light of knowledge and guidance.
“ A book which We revealed to you for you to take mankind out from
darkness to the light with the permission of their Lord..” – Suratu
Ibraheem 14:1

i) Bringing social justice.

“ For mankind to establish justice” – Suratul Hadeed 57:25

j) Giving good tidings and warnings. “ So Allah raised Prophets as

bearers of good news and as warners”- Suratul Baqara 2:213

22 Grade 4 Fiqh
Allah sent 124,000 Prophets throughout the world. It is not possible to know the
names of all these Prophets. Only a few of them are mentioned in the Qur’an as
Allah says:

“ And indeed We sent Prophets before you, of them there are those whose
stories We have related to you and of them are those whose stories We
have not related to you..” – Suratul Mumin 40:78

4.4 Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an:

1. Adam (a)
2. Idrees (a)
3. Nuh (a)
4. Hud (a)
5. Saalih (a)
6. Ibrahim (a)
7. Lut (a)
8. Isma’il (a)
9. Is-haaq (a)
10. Ya’qub (a)
11. Yusuf (a)
12. Ayyub (a)
13. Shuayb (a)
14. Musa (a)
15. Harun (a)
16. Ilyaas (a)
17. Ilyasa (a)
18. Dhul-Kifl (a)
19. Dhul-Qarnain (a)
20. Uzayr (a)
21. Dawud (a)
22. Sulayman (a)
23. Luqman (a)*
24. Yunus (a)
25. Zakariya (a)
26. Yahya (a)
27. Isa (a)
28. MUHAMMAD (s)

*An Ethiopian believed to be a Prophet by a majority of Muslims

Grade 4 Fiqh 23
4.5 Prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur’an but not named

29. Khidr (a)

30. Yusha bin Nun (a)
31. Shamuel (a)
32. Hizqeel (a)
33. Rasul-e-Ashab-ul-Ukdud (a)
34. Shamum (a)
35-36 Two other disciples of Isa (a) **

**Successors to Prohet Isa (a) – It is not known whether they were Ambiya.

4.6 Prophets mentioned in Ahadith

37. Sheeth (a)

38. Saam (a)
39. Armiya(a)
40. Danial (a)
41. Amus (a)
42. Ubaydiya (a)
43. Habaqquq (a)
44. Jirjees (a)
45. Budasif (a)
46. Khalid bin Sanaan (a)

24 Grade 4 Fiqh
4.7 Worksheet: Nabuwwa

1. What is the reason Allah sent down so many Prophets?


2. A Nabi is one who is sent by Allah to guide mankind on the right path,
he bears the message of Alllah and is therefore “high” in the presence
of Allah.


3. One of the qualities of a Nabi is that he should have “Isma”. This

a. That the nabi should have a name given to him by Allah
b. He should have self respect
c. He should try not to commit sins
d. He should be free of sin

4. The Tawrat (Torah) was revealed to Hazrat Musa, The Zaboor (book
of David) was revealed to Nabi Dawud, The Injeel (Bible) to Nabi Isa,
and the Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Prophet Musa,
Prophet Isa, Prophet Dawud, and Prophet Muhammad would
therefore all be Ambiya’s


5. A prophet has many duties according to the Qur’an. One of these

duties is to teach the divine laws to the people. Find an Ayat from the
Qur’an that explains that proves that this is one of the duties of a
prophet. You can refer to your notes. Include the Surah and the Ayat
number in your answer

Grade 4 Fiqh 25

6. Pick one of the prophets mentioned in the lesson and write a

paragraph about him.

7. Allah sent 124,000 prophets to guide us; however, some of them are
mentioned in the Qur’an. This is indicated in Surah Mumin. Find the
Ayat from your notes and write it down below

8. Prophet Luqman is believed to have been from Ethiopia (Abysinnia)


9. Prophet Shamum is mentioned in the Qur’an but not named


10. Prophet Salih, Lut & Musa are both mentioned & named in the Qur’an


26 Grade 4 Fiqh
Chapter 5: Taqleed and Ijtihad



For everything that we do in our lives, we need advice of the experts in that
field. Similarly, in the matter of Islamic laws, we must obey the rulings of the
experts of that law. These experts are called MUJTAHIDS; and the act of
obeying these rules is called TAQLEED. A MARJA’ is often more
knowledgeable than various other mujtahids and usually has a book on
Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) in print, such as the book “Islamic Laws” by
Ayatullah Khui and Ayatullah Seestani.

The one who follows the orders of the Mujtahid is called a MUQALLID. Most
of us are muqallids. Upon becoming Baligh, you must make a Niyyat
(intention) that you will act or follow your mujtahid in accordance with the rules
that he has set out whenever the need arises. Every Baligh male and female
has to follow (WAJIB) these rules (fatwa) regarding Furoo-e-Din. If you
remember, Furoo-e-din are those beliefs we have to act upon, and to learn
how to act on these beliefs must adopt any one of the following:

1. Become a mujtahid
2. Follow a mujtahid
3. Follow on Ehtiyat

5.1 Buloogh

- A girl becomes Balighah upon completion of her ninth lunar year

(according to Islamic Calendar).
- A girl younger than 9, who knows good from bad, is known as
"Mumayyaz", it becomes Wajib upon her to act upon the rules of the
Shariah at the younger age. It is also Wajib on her to wear Hijab in
front of Na-Mahram.
- For boys there is no certain age for becoming Baligh. There are certain
signs that a boy sees himself when he becomes Baligh.

Grade 4 Fiqh 27
5.2 Mujtahid

Some qualities that a mujtahid must have are that he must be:

1. Baligh
2. Aqil (sane)
3. Ithna-asheri
4. Adil (just); also follows rules of Islam and follows all sins
5. Alive when you begin his taqleed
6. A’alam (most knowledgeable)
7. Male

5.3 Sources used by mujtahids to give fatwa are:

1. Qur’an
2. Sunnah
3. Ijma (consensus)
4. Aql (reasoning)

5.4 Ways of identifying the mujtahid:

1. By a person’s own personal knowledge if he himself is a religious

2. By the testimony of two just Islamic scholars
3. By a degree of popularity which leaves no doubt as to a person’s being
a mujtahid.



28 Grade 4 Fiqh
5.5 Worksheet: Taqleed and Ijtihad

1. In the matter of Islamic laws, we must obey the rulings of the experts of
that law. These experts are called ___________.
a. Muqallid
b. Mujtahid
c. Taqleed
d. All of the above
2. The one who follows the orders of the Mujtahid is called a _________.
a. Muqallid
b. Mujtahid
c. Taqleed
d. Marja
3. The act of obeying the fatwa of your mujtahid is called __________.
a. Muqallid
b. Mujtahid
c. Taqleed
d. Marja
4. Some qualities that a mujtahid must have:
a. Baligh
b. Aqil (sane)
c. Ithna-asheri
d. Adil (just); also follows rules of Islam and follows all sins
e. All of the above
5. Sources that could be used by mujtahids to give fatwa are:
a. Qur’an
b. Encyclopedia
c. Ijma (consensus)
d. Aql (reasoning)
e. a, c, and d

Grade 4 Fiqh 29
Chapter 6: Najaasat

NAJIS does not necessarily mean dirty. There are 10 main things that are NAJIS.

We can divide them into four main groups.

Some of them are:

Common between Human Beings and Animals

Dead Body

In Human Beings Only

Kaafir (unbeliever)

In Animals Only

In Drinks
Alcoholic drinks

All of the above are called Ayn Najis things. This means that they are originally
NAJIS. For example, sugar is originally sweet. Tea can only be called sweet if
sugar is added to it. The tea is therefore not originally sweet but has become
sweet by adding sugar.

In the same way, blood is originally NAJIS (Ayn Najis). Milk is originally TAHIR,
which means pure. If a drop of blood falls into a glass of milk, the milk will
become NAJIS because of the blood which is Ayn Najis.

30 Grade 4 Fiqh
6.1 Some Details On Najaasat

1. Urine & Stool

2. Blood

This is NAJIS of all living things whose blood comes out with a gush, regardless
of whether their meat is Halaal or Haraam.

However, the remaining blood of animals whose meat is HALAAL is tahir, if they
have been slaughtered according to the Islamic Shariah.

3. Dead Bodies

All living things whose blood gushes out are NAJIS when they die.

The dead body of a Muslim becomes tahir after being given Ghusl according to
the Islamic Shariah.

4. Dogs and Pigs

Grade 4 Fiqh 31
All dogs and pigs living on land are NAJIS, to the extent that their hair, nails,
teeth, bones and sweat are also NAJIS.

5. Kafirs

A Kafir is a person who does not believe in God or the Day of Judgement – they
are NAJIS to the extent that their hair, nails, teeth, bones and sweat are also

6. Alcoholic Drinks

All kinds of alcoholic drinks are NAJIS, whether it a liquid intoxicant or a mild

32 Grade 4 Fiqh
6.2 Worksheet: Najaasat

Circle the Najis Items

cats blood
urine coffee
lice dead body
mice pig
cockroach rotten egg
stool sand
poison dust
toothpaste kafir
drugs beer

Grade 4 Fiqh 33
1. Who is a Kafir? To what extent is a Kafir najis?

2. Zahra loves to play with animals especially dogs. Her neighbors have a
gorgeous Poodle called “Tin Cup” that she plays with all the time. She
usually plays with the dog in the afternoons when she comes back from
school. Zahra sometimes brings Tin Cup home to her room. Zahra also
prays salah regularly and likes praying in her room. Is her salah valid? If
you do not think so, explain why below

3. Jahara and Fatima are good friends. Jahara’s sister, Zeinab passes away.
Fatima goes to Jahara’s house to be with her during her time of grief and
stays at her house for the funeral as well. She is there to console her
friend and support her and comfort her like a good Muslim girl should.
Fatima was also close to Zeinab. Fatima touches the dead body after the
kafan is placed on the deceased’s body. She remembers that she needs
to pray her salah in the meantime. She lets Jahara know that she is going
to pray her salah upstairs. Fatima does her wudhu and prays her salah. Is
Fatima’s Salah valid or Batil? Explain why below.

34 Grade 4 Fiqh
4. What does Ayn Najis mean?

5. Mention 2 things that are Najis in their original form?

6. Mushel is doing her homework. She gets a paper cut on her finger. A drop
of blood falls on her shirt. She gets up to get a band aid for her finger. She
then proceeds to do wudhu and pray as it is time for Magrib prayers. Is
Mushel’s prayer valid or bail? Explain below

Grade 4 Fiqh 35
Chapter 7: Mutahhiraat [ I ]

Things which are able to make a NAJIS thing TAHIR (not just clean, but pure) are
known as Mutahhiraat. There are 12 Mutahhiraat:

1. Water 7. Istihalah
2. Earth 8. Inqilab
3. Sun 9. Intiqal
4. Islam 10. Zawaalul ‘Ayn
5. Tabayyah 11. Istibra
6. Ghaibatul Muslim 12. Remaining blood after
Let’s go over these one by one:

MUTLAQ = Pure Water

MUDHAF = Mixed Water
Mutlaq Water
- Is water that has not changed in color, taste, or, smell.
- Can make a najis thing tahir.
- Examples: tap, well, or rain water

Mudhaf Water
- Cannot make a najis thing tahir.
- Becomes najis when it comes in contact with najaasat
- Examples: Cloudy water, or even tea or lemonade

36 Grade 4 Fiqh
An interesting fact to note is that still water that has not changed in color, taste or smell, is
considered pure (or mutlaq). However, it can become najis if it is less than a Kurr and comes
into contact with najaasat. What is a Kurr?
A Kurr is 384 liters of water (volume of water is 27”x 27”x27”).

27’ 27”


While you are walking if the sole of your shoe or feet becomes najis by coming into contact
with a najaasat then it can be made tahir by walking on some dry and clean earth until
the najaasat comes off.

3. SUN
This makes clean those things that cannot be moved such as a wall, tree, earth, door, window, etc.
When the najaasat on such things is removed and the spot where the najaasat was is wet, then
it gets tahir by the direct rays of the sun.

become tahir

When a non-Muslim believes in the oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad (s)
then s/he becomes tahir.

This is when a Najis thing becomes tahir as a result of another thing becoming tahir.
Examples: When a Kaafir becomes a Muslim his Na-baaligh children also become tahir. Or
when all the najis water is taken out of a well to make the well tahir, then the wall, the bucket,
and the rope of the well also become tahir. Another example is when our hands become unclean
while washing something najis, and when that thing becomes tahir our hands automatically
become clean also.

Mother becomes

Na-Baligh child
becomes tahir

38 Grade 4 Fiqh
This is when a Muslim who is a strict follower of shariah gets his clothes najis and he goes out
of your sight long enough for him to be able to have cleansed himself, and he comes back with
the same clothes again, you must believe s/ he has cleaned those clothes.

Najis Goes away Returns Tahir

7.1 Worksheet Grade 4: Mutahhiraat I

Short Answer Questions:

1. Name the first 6 Mutahhiraat.

2. How can Islam make you tahir?

3. Describe what is meant by tabayyah.

4. How would you explain ghaibatul Muslim in your own words?

40 Grade 4 Fiqh
Choose the best answer:

5. The difference between mutlaq and mudhaf water is that:

a. Mutlaq water smells quite bad.

b. Mudhaf water looks clean but is not.
c. Mutlaq water can make najis things tahir but mudhaf water cannot.
d. Mutlaq water always looks impure and mudhaf water always looks pure.

6. Can you make wudhu with mudhaf water? If not which water should you use?

a. No, you should use mutlaq water.

b. Yes you can use mudhaf water.
c. Yes you can use mudhaf or mutlaq water.
d. You can use any kind of tap water.

7. What is a kurr?

a. It is a cube that measures the same on all sides.

b. It is a cardboard box.
c. It is 27”x 27”x27” or 384 liters of water
d. Both b and c

8. If a najis animal falls into a kurr of water do you think the water will become najis?

a. yes
b. no

9. If the sun shines on a wall where there was some najaasat that has been removed
will the wall become tahir?

a. yes
b. no

10. The sole of your shoes tahir if:

a. You clean it with a rag.

b. You walk on some dry and clean earth until the najaasat comes off.
c. You let your friend’s dog lick it.
d. You just ignore it.

Chapter 8: Mutahhiraat II

Let’s look at the rest of the Mutahhiraat. These may sound more complicated but are not that
difficult to understand.

7. ISTAHALA (Chemical Change)

This is when a najis thing changes to the extent that its original form changes, then it will become
tahir. For example, when a najis stick burns to ashes or when a dead dog changes into earth.

Najis wood burning Tahir ashes

This is similar to Istahala where the shape and form change. In Inquilab, it is the properties that
change. Inquilab for example occurs when wine turns into vinegar (due to evaporation of 2/3 of its

Najis wine Tahir Vinegar

It means to change place. When a najaasat is put into contact with a tahir thing, the najaasat also
becomes tahir. For example, when a mosquito sucks the blood of a human being, after a gap of
time, when the blood becomes the mosquito’s blood, it becomes clean.

42 Grade 4 Fiqh
If there is any najaasat on the body of an animal, it will become clean if it is rubbed out. There is
no need to wash it. Likewise if there is any blood in the mouth or on the nose and it is removed,
that part becomes clean.

Najaasat Tahir

Halaal animals like cows, goats, & chickens become najis when they eat human waste. These
animals can be made tahir by firstly keeping them away from najis food and the feeding them with
tahir food for a set number of days.


When a halaal animal is slaughtered according to shariah, and when its blood flows out in normal
quantity, the remaining blood in the body is tahir.

8.1 Worksheet: Najaasat and Mutahhiraat (A review)

1. Name two ayn najaasat that is common in human beings and animals.


2. A Kafir is a person who does not believe in Allah.

True False

3. When anything touches a wet najis thing, it becomes najis too.

True False

4. Blood is Ayn Najis

True False

5. Milk that has not been contaminated with anything is tahir.

True False

6. Two items that make a najis thing tahir are:



7. If you drink water in a glass that had a drop of beer in it, does the water become najis?

Yes No

8. When you touch a dead body you have to do ghusl to become tahir.

Yes No

44 Grade 4 Fiqh
Short Answer Questions:

9. Why can’t you have a dog as a pet?

10. Why is the floor of the toilet and the toilet seat sometimes najis?

Chapter 9: Revision of Wudhu

Wudhu is a special way of washing that makes us spiritually clean. Wudhu is made up of
washing the face and arms, and wiping the front of the head and upper part of the two feet.

9.1 Wudhu is Wajib [required] for:

Wudhu is Sunnah [recommended] for:

46 Grade 4 Fiqh
9.2 Conditions Of Wudhu

I am doing the pleasure

of Allah, Qurbatan

Wudhoo for

9.3 Wudhu Consists of Wajib and Sunnah Actions









9.4 Things that make Wudhu Baatil:

- Going to the toilet; whether to pass urine or feces.
- Passing wind from the rear. (stomach wind)
- Sleeping.
- Becoming unconscious

48 Grade 4 Fiqh
9.5 Worksheet: Revision of Wudhu

1. The sunnah actions of wudhu are:

a. Washing the face and arms 2 times

b. Gangling 3 times
c. Taking water into the nostrils 3 times
d. All of the above

2. The wajib actions of wudhu are:

a. Niyyat
b. Washing of the face and arms
c. Masah of the head and feet
d. All of the above

3. Some conditions of wudhu are:

a. The water for wudhu must be tahir

b. Niyyat must be of “Qurbatan illalah”
c. The order does not matter
d. a) and b)
4. The water with which you perform wudhu should be Tahir, Mutlaq and Mubah?
Please explain the meaning of the above three words below


5. It is permissible to do wudhu if you are wearing nail polish?

Extracurricular Activity:

Create a wudhu book. Design a cover page with the title “My wudhu book” (you may use
construction paper if you like).
On the inside create a page on when wudhu is required; a page on the conditions of wudhu; a
page on the sunnah actions; and a page on the wajib actions.
To further enhance your book you may also include a page on when wudhu is sunnah. Enjoy!

Chapter 10: Tayammum
10.1 Things on which Tayammum is allowed


If the above is not available, then use:

Sand or lump of clay

If neither of the above is available, then use:


If the above is not available, then use:

which is settled on a carpet etc. All these
should be
If the above is not available, then use: should
Wet Earth not be
or done
on a
Cannot perform place that
If the above is not available, then: is ghasbi
Tayammum Melt Snow or Ice into water
on Minerals.
E.g. Aqeeq

If melting snow or ice into water

is not possible, then use:
Snow or Ice

50 Grade 4 Fiqh
10.2 How to perform tayammum

WHEN . . . should I perform tayammum? CONDITIONS . . . in order for tayammum

1. There is not enough water to perform to be correct:
2. There is water, but due to some obstacle it 1. Niyyat: the intention of performing
cannot be obtained. wudhoo/ghusl.
3. The use of water will jeopardize one's life or 2. Tartib: all the acts mentioned above must be
aggravate one's illness. done in the correct order (#l - #4).
4. Obtaining water is harmful or extremely difficult. 3. Muwalat: the acts of tayammum must follow one
5. There is not enough water to both take another without a gap of time.
ghusi/wudhu and wash the unclean body/clothes, in 4. Taharat: the parts of body on which tayammum
which case the water must be used for the is done must be free from any najis element.
cleaning. 5. Perform tayammum by yourself. In case of
6. Time remaining to offer the prayer is so short disability, someone else may help.
that if one performs wudhu/ghusi the prayer will
become qadha.
(i.e. you wake up at 5:30 am and qadha is 5:32 am;
you must perform a tayammum instead of wudhu
and or ghusl in order for your salaat and or fasting Before starting
not to be qadha. tayammum,
remove all rings from your

10.3 Worksheet: Tayammum

1. Write in correct order the item you would use for Tayammum if the other was not available

Wet Earth




Sand or lump of clay

Melt Snow or Ice into water

Snow or Ice

2. Tayammum has to be done when there is not enough water to perform wudhu/ghusl.


3. Time remaining to offer the prayer is so short that if one performs wudhu/ghusl the prayer
will become _________________.

4. The part of body on which tayammum is done must be free from any _________________

5. Write down the correct order of performing Tayammum. Number each corresponding box

52 Grade 4 Fiqh
Rub down up to the bridge of your nose

Rub back of right hand and left hand

Rub the forehead side to side with your palms

Strike both hands on earth

6. What is Tartib?

7. Explain the importance of Taharat in Tayammum?

8. What is the significance of “Muwallat” in Tayammum?

9. Zahra hates waking up winter to pray Fajr prayers because her parents prefer to have the
heat at a low temperature in order to conserve energy. She feels cold and does not like
doing wudhu at that time and does Tayammum to save time so that she can pray fast and
then go back to sleep. Is her Tayammum valid in such a situation?

10. You can do Tayammum if you are wearing rings on your fingers. It is better if you remove
them however when doing Tayammum.


Chapter 11: Salaat-Times and Names of Prayers

11.1 The time of salaat (Fazilat and Qadha)

It is better to pray in the time of Fazilat in order to earn more thawaab.

By regular offering of Salaat at its fixed timings, the spirit of punctuality is developed.

When the time of a Salaat ends, it becomes Qadha. If you have not prayed your Salaat before it
becomes Qadha, you will then pray with the Niyyat of Qadha (rather than ‘ada’)




FAJR (Subhu) Beginning from SUBH- SUNRISE


DHUHR Beginning from NOON SUNSET





54 Grade 4 Fiqh
11.2 Names (forms) of wajib prayers:

Salaat (prayer) is wajib on a Muslim five times a day. The Salaat is wajib on those who have
become ‘BALIGH’. Boys become baligh, at the latest, by the age of 15 and girls become baligh at
the age of 9.

Salaat is one of the main pillars of Islam. It is the first and foremost duty of every Muslim. In the
Holy Qur’an Allah has mentioned it again and again in more than 80 places. Allah has given more
importance to Salaat than any other act of worship. Salaat keeps us away from evil things and
helps us live a clean and pure life. Here are the salaat that are wajib:

1. The five daily Prayers


2. The Prayer of Ayat - Prayer recited when an eclipse takes

place or an earthquake or any other event which causes fear in

3. The Prayer of Mayyit - Prayer recited before a dead body

before it is buried.

4. The Prayer after completing Wajib Tawaf of Kaaba

11.3 Some of the salaat that are not wajib:

Eidain salaat
Salaat-e-Jumah (can become wajib under certain conditions)
Nafila and salaat-e-shab (mustahab)

11.4 Worksheet: Times and Names of Prayers

1. Fazilat time means:

a. The fixed time when the salaat starts

b. The time to do wudhu
c. The time before salaat becomes qadha
d. The time right before midnight

2. A prayer becomes Qadha when the time of salaat ___________ and you have to pray with
the Niyyat of _____________ rather than “ada

a. Begins, sunnah
b. Ends, qadha
c. Ends, sunnah
d. Begins, qadha

3. Praying on time encourages the habit of

a. Looking at the clock

b. Praying sunnah prayers
c. Making dua
d. Punctuality

4. The name of the early morning salaat is _____________.

5. The names of the two salaat around the middle of the day are ___________ and

6. The names of the two salaat after sunset are _____________ and __________.

7. It is _______________ to say your 5 daily prayers.

a. Wajib
b. Sunnah

8. It is ____________ to say the salaat of Ayat.

a. Wajib
56 Grade 4 Fiqh
b. Sunnah

9. It is wajib to perform these prayers:

a. Prayer of Mayyit
b. Prayer of Eid
c. Prayer after wajib tawaaf of the Holy Kaaba
d. Both a) and c)

10. Draw a clock and mark on it, Subh Sadiq, Sunrise, Noon-time, Sunset, and Midnight. Then
draw each Salaat with its fazilat time and the time it becomes qadha. You could use a
color code.

Chapter 12: The Place of Salaat

Islam teaches us that we have to respect the things which belong to others, and that we should
not use them without the owner’s permission. This rule has to be remembered at all times
especially when you want to perform your Salaat.

The place where you intend to pray must either be yours or you must have the permission of the
owner to use it. If the place does not belong to you and you do not have the permission of the
owner to use it then your Salaat is Batil.

Of course, if you go to the Masjid (mosque), you do not need anyone’s permission to perform
your Salaat in there.

WHY? Because……

Also remember that Allah wants us to pray in a clean place. Therefore always keep your room
clean and Tahir. If you have a musalla in your room, always fold it after praying and keep it in a
place where it will remain Tahir and clean.

12.1 Necessary Conditions to Be Observed for the Place of Salaat

™ Salaat can only be offered in someone's place with their permission. (Mubah)
™ The place where you perform your Sajdah must be Tahir. Where you stand or sit while
performing Salaat can be Najis, as long as there is no possibility that this Najasat will affect
your body or clothes.
™ You cannot offer your Salaat in a place where you are not sure you will be able to complete
your Salaat or that there is a possibility of danger to your life, for example on a busy road in
the rush hour.
™ The place where you pray must not be unstable, like on a bed or a couch.
™ There should be enough space to stand and perform Ruku and Sajdah properly.
™ If women and men are praying in the same room, then the women must stand behind the
men. The minimum difference should be that her place of Sajdah be at least in line with his
thighs during Sajdah. It is better to have a curtain or wall in between.
™ The place where the head is kept for Sajdah must not be 2.5 inches above or below the place
where the knees and toes are put.

58 Grade 4 Fiqh
12.2 Some Other Points on the Place for Salaat:

The most highly recommended place for salaat is a masjid. The masjid that should be given
highest priority is Masjid-ul- Haraam; the next priority is Masjid-un-Nabawi; then is Masjid-e-Kufa;
and finally is Masjid-e-Baitul Muqqaddas. If salaat can’t be offered in any of these masajid, then
the jaama masjid of town is recommended. If this is not possible one should offer salaat in the
masjid of an area in town and so on. It is makruh for person who is a masjid’s neighbor, to pray at
home and not at the masjid (unless he’s physically not able to do so).

Women can pray wherever they can observe proper hijab and this includes their home.

Salaat at the harum of our imams is mustahab and extremely highly recommended. Salaat at the
harum of Amirul momineen Imam Ali (a) is equivalent to 200,000 raka’at of salaat.

Certain things should be considered in terms of a place for prayer. For example it is makruh to

In a dirty place, a salty place (beaches), on roads, or on footpaths.

Facing an open door
In a place where a fire is burning or in front of a fire or oil lamp
In front of a picture of an animal or human being
In front of an open book be it the Qur'an
In front of a grave or in a cemetery
In front of a person who is facing you
If one is praying where people are passing or there is someone in front of him/her, it is mustahab
to place a string, stick (even a tasbeeh) in front (after the turbat - mohr).

(source: Tauziul Masail by Ayatullah Khomeini)

12.3 Worksheet: Place of Salaat

Fill in the blanks:

1. If you go to the Masjid (mosque), you do not need anyone’s permission to pray there


2. The place where you perform your Sajdah must be ____________.

3. If women and men are praying in the same room, then the women must stand
____________ the men.

4. The most highly recommended place for salaat is a ____________.

5. It is makruh to pray:
a. In front of a picture of an animal or human being
b. In front of an open book be it the Qur'an
c. In front of a grave or in a cemetery
d. In front of a person who is facing you
e. All of the above

6. The place where you pray must not be unstable, like on a bed or a couch.

7. Mention 4 major masajid that we are highly recommended to try to pray in if we get the
opportunity to at some time in our lifetime

8. If we can not pray or get the opportunity to pray at the above masjids we should continue
to pray in the Jamaa Masjid in our town, city or county

60 Grade 4 Fiqh
9. Zeinab is on a camping trip with her 4th grade class in Vermont. All the kids are picking
Apples at an Apple farm and she realizes she has forgotten to pray her Zohr prayers. She
decides to leave her friends and walk to a quiet place where she can pray peacefully. She
finds a barn not very far from the farm and decides to pray there. Zeinab does not know
who the barn belongs to and does not ask for permission to pray there. She prays in the
Barn and heads back to the Apple farm. Is Zeinab’s salah batil? If your answer is yes,
explain why?

10. The place where the head is kept for Sajdah must not be 2.5 inches above or below the
place where the knees and toes are put.


Chapter 13: Salaat-Meaning of Salaat

Allahu Akbar Niyyat: I am praying 2 raka’at for Salaatul Subh

Qurbatan illal lah
Allah is Greater than
anything or anyone To obey Allah and to get
closer to Him.

I commence with the Name of Allah,

1. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim The Compassionate – The Merciful.

2. Alhamdu lillahl Rabbil ‘alamin Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

3. Arrahmanir Rahim The Compassionate, the Merciful.

Surah al-
4. Maliki yaw middin Lord of the Day of Judgement.

5. Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka You alone we worship, and to

nasta’in You alone we pray for help.

6. Ihdinas siratal mustaqim Guide us to the straight path.

7. Siratal lazina an’amta ‘alayhim The path of those whom You have favored.
Ghayril maghzubi ‘alayhim Not of those who have incurred Your wrath,
walazzallin nor of those who have gone astray.

62 Grade 4 Fiqh
1. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
I commence with the
Name of Allah, The
Compassionate -
The Merciful.

2. Qul huwallahu Ahad Surah al-Ikhlas

0 Prophet! Say:
Allah is One - the
Eternal Being.

3. Allahus -Samad
Allah is the

4. Lam yalid walam yulad

He begot none, nor
was He begotten.

5. Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahad

And none in the
creation is equal to

13.1 Worksheet: Translation of Surah al-Hamd

Match to box

1. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Lord of the Day of Judgement.

2. Alhamdu lillahl Rabbil ‘alamin Praise be to Allah,

the Lord of the worlds.

3. Arrahmanir Rahim I commence with the Name of Allah,

The Compassionate – The Merciful.

4. Maliki yaw middin The Compassionate, the Merciful.

5. Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta’in You alone we worship, and to

You alone we pray for help.

6. Ihdinas siratal mustaqim The path of those whom You have favored.
Not of those who have incurred Your wrath,
nor of those who have gone astray.

7. Siratal lazina an’amta ‘alayhim

Ghayril maghzubi ‘alayhim walazzallin Guide us to the straight path.

64 Grade 4 Fiqh
13.2 Worksheet: Translation of Surah al-lkhlas

Connect to the correct box

1. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Allah is the


0 Prophet! Say:
2. Qul huwallahu Ahad Allah is One - the
Eternal Being.

I commence with the

Name of Allah, The
3. Allahus -Samad Compassionate -
The Merciful.

4. Lam yalid walam yulad And none in the

creation is equal to

5. Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahad He begot none, nor

was He begotten.

Chapter 14: Meaning of Salaat cont’d

1. Takbir and niyyat

2. Recitation of Surah(s)

3. Subhana Rabbi yal ‘Azimi wa bihamdhi

Glory be to my Lord the

Great and praise be on

4. Sami' Allahu liman hamidah

Allah hears and accepts

the praise of one who

5. Subhana Rabbi yal A’la wa bihamdhi

Glory to my Lord,
Most High, and
praise be on Him.

6. Astaghfirullaha Rabbi wa atubu

I seek forgiveness from
Allah my Lord, and I turn
to Him in repentance.

66 Grade 4 Fiqh
7. Repeat step 5 (sajdah)

8. Bi haw lillahi wa quwwatihi aqumu

wa aqu’d
I stand and sit with the
As you are getting help and strength of
up to stand after Allah.
your second sajdah,
for your next rakaat

• Rabbana Aatena
• Fiddunya Hassanatan
• Wa fil aahikhirati Hasanatan
• Wa qina Adahban naar

• O’ Lord give us
• Good in the world
• And good in the
• And protect us from the
punishment of the fire

10.TASHAHHUD (bearing witness)

• Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu
wahdahu la sharika lahu
• Wa Ashhadu anna
Muhammadan ‘abdahu
wa Rasuluh
• Alla humma salli ‘ala
Muhammadin wa ali
• And I testify that there is none worth worshipping except the
Almighty Allah, Who is One and has no partner
• And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
• O Allah! Send Your blessings on Muhammad and his
11. After Tashahud, stand up for third rakat:
• Subhanallahi
• wal hamdu lillahi
• wa la ilaha illal lahu
• wallahu Akbar

• Glory be to Allah,
• and all praise is for Him
• and there is no one God except Allah,
• and He is greater than any description.

12. In the last rakat Tashahud first then this salaam:

• Assalamu ‘alayka ayyuhan Nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
• Assalamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibadil lahis salihin
• Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

• Prophet! Allah’s peace, blessings and grace be upon you,

• Allah’s peace be upon us, those offering prayers – and upon all
the pious servants of Allah,
• Allah’s peace, blessings and grace be on you believers.

13. Tasbih of Fatima tuz Zahra (a):

• Allahu Akbar (34 times
• Alhamdulillah (33 times)
• Subhanallah (33 times)

• Allah is the greatest

• All praise belongs to
• Glory to Allah

68 Grade 4 Fiqh
14.1 Worksheet: Meaning of salaat

Match the number to its meaning 1. Glory to Allah

2. Guide us to the straight path.

Qul huwallahu Ahad
3. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the
Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahad worlds.

4. Glory be to my Lord the Great and

Subhanallah praise be on him

Assalamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibadil lahis salihin 5. Allah’s peace be upon us, those
offering prayers –
and upon all the pious servants of
Alhamdu lillahl Rabbil ‘alamin Allah,

6. Allah hears and accepts the praise of

Ihdinas siratal mustaqim one who praises

Subhana Rabbi yal ‘Azimi wa bihamdhi 7. And none in the creation is equal to

Sami' Allahu liman hamidah 8. 0 Prophet! Say: Allah is One - the

Eternal Being.

Subhana Rabbi yal A’la wa bihamdhi 9. Good in the world

And good in the Hereafter
Bi haw lillahi wa quwwatihi aqumu wa aqu’d
10. And I testify that Muhammad is His
Fiddunya Hassanatan Wa fil aahikhirati servant and messenger.
11. I stand and sit with the help and
Wa Ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abdahu wa strength of Allah.
12. Glory to my Lord, Most High, and
praise be on Him.

Chapter 15: Brotherhood in Prayers

Allah (swt) has created many human beings with connections between each other. Every human
being has been born into a family, and every family belongs to a community. And just like Allah
(swt) has given us laws and teachings for individual human beings, he has also given us laws and
teachings for families and communities.

As you know, in Islam, it is wajib for a Muslim to say his or her prayers (salaat) every day. Allah
(swt) has sent many rules about prayers through his Prophet (s) and the Ahlul Bayt (a). These
rules teach us to pray the right way and are thus good for us. Can you name some of these rules?
Allah has also given us a way to say our prayers (salaat) together. This is called salaatul jama`ah,
or namaaz-e-jamaat.

“O you who believe! When the call is made for prayers

on Friday, then hurry to the remembrance of Allah and
leave your business; that is better for you, if you
know. But when the prayer is ended then spread out
in the land and seek Allah’s grace, and remember
Allah much so that you may be successful.”

- Al-Qur’an: Chapter 62, verses 9-10

Reciting salaatul jama`ah is more than just having a group of people in a room and where
everyone decides to say Allahu Akbar at the same time. There are special rules for salaatul
jama`ah that everyone who participates should know. Here are some of these rules you should
learn and memorize:

1. The Imam (or leader) of the prayers should say Allahu akbar before anyone else says Allahu

2. When the imam recites suratul fatiha and the second surah out loud, you should remain quiet
and listen to them. When he recites them softly, you should whisper subhanaallah.

3. Whenever the Imam moves, you should move after him, or

with him, but not before him. For example, if he goes into
ruku; either go into ruku with him, or wait a little bit and then
go after he does.
4. The rows of people in prayer should be straight, and
everyone should stand shoulder to shoulder.

5. The first row of prayer should be left for the elders and
respected members of the community.
70 Grade 4 Fiqh
Why is salaatul jama`ah so special? One reason is because Allah (swt) has placed a lot of reward
in reciting prayers together. One single prayer recited together in salaatul jama`ah can be equal
to thousands of prayers recited alone! But there are many other benefits to reciting together. Can
you think of a few? Here are some others in case you did not think of them:

-In salaatul jama’ah everyone shares a unified cause, to worship Allah and seek His pleasure.
When everyone faces in exactly the same direction, people feel united, like they are together as
brothers and sisters in Islam. Just imagine if in salaatul jama`ah there were four Muslims in one
room and at the time of prayer, each one faced a different direction! Would they seem united?

- When everyone prays together, and people stand shoulder-to-shoulder in the same rows of
prayer, all differences that might exist outside of prayer disappear. For example, a rich president
and a poor plumber might be shoulder to shoulder, and an African American sister and a Polish
sister might stand next to each other.

- When everyone prays together, if even one person's salaat is accepted, everyone else's will
also be accepted.

- When praying together, everyone has feelings of unity, brotherhood, and friendship. You can
see this friendship when, at the end of prayers, we all greet each other and pray that Allah
accepts the prayer of our brother or sister in Islam by saying taqaballallaah (may Allah accept
your prayer).

In Islam, the best person is not necessarily the richest, smartest, best looking, cutest,
strongest, youngest, or oldest person. It is the person who has the most taqwa, or the one who
remembers and fears the punishment of Allah the most. When praying together, all other things
that make us different disappear, and what is left is just Allah (swt) and ourselves.

15.1 Worksheet: Brotherhood in Prayers

Fill in the blanks:

1. One rule for salaatul jama’ah is that the imam should say _________________ before
anyone else.
2. When the imam recites surahs out loud we should remain _________ and ___________
to him.
3. When an imam moves, such as when going in sajdah it is all right for us to move a little
_____________ him, but definitely NOT ______________ him.
4. In salaatul jama’ah, the rows should be _____________ and everyone should stand
____________ to ___________.
5. The __________ row should be left for ___________and the _____________ members of
the community.

Name 5 benefits of salaatul jama’ah:






72 Grade 4 Fiqh
Chapter 16: Discussion on Khums and Jihad
16.1 Furoo-e-deen - Jihad

Allah says in the Holy Qur'an: 0 Prophet! Encourage the believers to go for
Jihad. If there are twenty patient ones amongst you, you will overcome
200... (8:65)

Jihad means fighting in the path of Allah if the Prophet (S) or the lmam (A) of the
time asks you to do so.

This kind of Jihad is a social jihad which sometimes involves fighting a war
against an unjust ruler. This jihad is known as AL-JIHAD AL-ASGHAR - the minor

16.2 The Personal Jihad It is not just with a

weapon, it can be
The word “Jihad” means to work hard with your writing
or to strive for something. and speech also.
THIS PERSONAL JIHAD involves a spiritual struggle inside
our own hearts and minds. This jihad is known as AL-JIHAD AL-AKBAR- the major jihad. You do
not need any one's permission for this jihad. It is an on-going jihad-from the day you mature to the
day you die.

What type of a jihad is jihad-e- akbar? Who are the fighters?

The spiritual jihad is fought into hearts and minds of every Muslim. It is a struggle between two
opposite forces:


In this struggle between your soul/mind and your desires, it is your soul which must win. If your
desires win and control your life, then you have lost this spiritual struggle; you have to start
fighting your desires again.
Islam does not say that you must not fulfill your desires; most human desires are lawful. The only
thing which Islam wants from you is to be careful HOW YOU FULFILL YOUR DESIRES. There
always are two ways of fulfilling your desires: lawful and unlawful.

For example, food is one of the desires of human beings. Islam does not say that do not fulfill this
desires-it wants you to be careful in how you fulfill your desire for food: is it mubah, is it tahir, is it

Every one loves money and wants to be rich. Islam does not prohibit that but it says you must be
careful how you get rich: is your job halaal, is your money halaal?

Discuss when you feel you had to struggle to make the right decision:

1. When doing Homework

2. During or before Salaat

3. With your friends

4. At a party

5. Lunch time at school.

74 Grade 4 Fiqh
16.3 Furoo-e-din – Khums

Khums is a tax used for the spread of Islam.

Khums is to be paid on the following:

1. Savings at the end of the year. After subtracting the necessary expenditures on
maintenance of his/her family, a Muslim must pay 20% on the net savings.
2. Income from mining.
3. If lawful and unlawful wealth gets mixed up.
4. Anything extracted from the sea e.g. pearls.
5. Booty (that which is taken by Muslims from the enemy (non-muslims) in the
6. If land is purchased by Kafir e Zimmi (a kafir who lives in an Islamic country and is
under protection of the government), the Muslim will pay Khums (i.e. 20% of the
value received by him for the land).

Khums can be given in items or cash. Once the Khums has been separated from your savings
then that Khums money has to be divided into two equal parts.

1. One part, i.e. 1/2 for the needy Sehme Sadaat [persons from the family of the Holy Prophet
(S) commonly known as Sayyids]

2. The second part, i.e. 1/2 is given to Sehme Imam, i.e. the Imam of the time. At present in the
Ghaibat of the Imam (A) this part of the Khums has to be given to most learned and
trustworthy Mujtahid, the person whose taqlid we do. With his permission we can use this
money for other purposes, like building Mosques, Madressas, etc.

16.4 KHUMS
20% or one fifth of year’s savings

½ is given to needy Sehme Sadaat ½ is for our 12th Imam (a) via our
[persons from the family of the mujtahid
Holy Prophet (s)]

16.5 Worksheet: Jihad and Khums

1. A social jihad which sometimes involves fighting a war against an unjust rule is often
known as the minor jihad.

a. True
b. False

2. The major jihad is the daily struggle you do to fight your unlawful desires.

a. True
b. False

3. Jihad has to always involve a fight with weapons.

a. True
b. False

4. Khums refers to the amount of money you take out after your expenses for the year.

a. True
b. False

5. Khums is 20% (or 1/5th) of your savings after you have subtracted your expenses.

a. True
b. False

6. If I have a savings of $1000 at the end of the year after all my expenses have been taken
care of then I can keep $ ________ but have to give $ _________ as Khums.

a. 500; 500
b. 200; 800
c. 800; 200
d. 400;600

7. Half of the Khums I take out goes to:

a. Relatives of the Prophet (s)

b. Poor relatives of your country’s president
c. Your own pocket
d. Your best friend (Sayyid or not)
76 Grade 4 Fiqh
8. The other half of the Khums is :

a. A gift for your favorite molana.

b. A gift for your favorite Sunday School teacher
c. For the 12th Imam (a) and can be given to the mujtahid whose taqleed you are in.
d. None of the above

Answer the following questions:

9. How are some ways you can do Jihad –e- Akbar?

10. If the mujtahid you are doing taqleed of allows you to, what are some ways you can spend
the money that should go to our Imam (a)?

Chapter 17: Al Tawalla and Al Tabbara

17.1 Al-Tawalla

“Say if you love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you and forgive your sins. For
Allah is forgiving and merciful”
(Ale Imran, 3:31)

Tawalla is the 9th pillar of Islam. It means to love and follow the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (a).

Tawalla in the Holy Qur’an has been translated as a “direction towards which Muslims are to look
for guidance.”

The Holy Qur’an says:

“And everyone has direction to which he turns, therefore hasten to do good work.”
(Al Baqarah, 2:148)

The Ahlul Bayt are a beacon of the true path. They are a model and example of Akhlaq,
guidance, and good work. They have set examples for us, and given us a direction to follow so
that we do not fall away from the right path.

Love for the Ahlul Bayt is mandatory for all Muslims as a reward to our prophet for having given
us the message of Allah. Prophet Muhammad (S) said that he was leaving us two things for
guidance, namely, the “Qur’an” and his “Ahlul Bayt”. Without such love the faith of a Muslim
would be like having taken the benefit of such a service for free.

17.2 Questions to think about:

What is this “love” that we are commanded to show to the Ahlul Bayt (a)?

Secondly, in what ways can one express love for the Ahlul Bayt (a) and remain aloof from their

It is reported in Al Kafi (Vol 2, Page 74, Hadith Number 3) that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) was
addressing Jabir and said:

“Oh Jabir, do you think that it is enough for anyone just to claim by his tongue that he loves the
Ahlul Bayt? Does he, by such a claim, become our Shiah? Jabir, I swear by the Almighty that until
78 Grade 4 Fiqh
a person fears Allah and obeys him, he cannot claim to be our Shiah. He must have humility, be
just, fulfill his obligations of salah and fasting, show affection and sympathy and obedience to his
parents, assist and be kind to his neighbors, the poor , those in debt, as well as to show sympathy
and affection to orphans. He must always be truthful. He should read and study Qur’an, There
must never be any malice in his heart. Without these qualities he can not qualify to claim that he
loves us, or, is our Shiah.

It is easy to say something but it is even harder to act upon it. Actions speak louder than words.
Our actions should serve as testaments to the fact that we are the followers of the Ahlul Bayt.
Imam Muhammad Baqir further added:

“Oh Jabir, it is not enough for any person only to say by word of mouth that he loves Imam Ali
and the Ahlul Bayt. He must follow the “Seerah” (way of life) of the holy prophet (s) and his Ahlul-
bayt (a) and act according to the Sunnah established by them. If he does not, then his claim of
love for the Ahlul Bayt can not benefit him.

Imam then emphasized that without “ita’ah” (obedience and submission) nobody can achieve
closeness to Allah and mentioned:

“We do not like them to claim to be our friendship if they do not fulfill all the conditions. A sinful
person is our enemy. Without good deeds and abstinence from sins, any claim of friendship to us
is of no avail”.

17.3 Al-Tabbara

“Those who annoy Allah and his apostle- Allah has cursed them in this world and
the hereafter; and has prepared for them a humiliating punishment.”

(Al Ahzab, 33:57)

Al- Tabbara is the 10th pillar of Islam. It means keeping ourselves clear of those who are cruel
and evil against all righteous servants of Allah. By staying away from them we are keeping
ourselves away from their wrongful actions.

Practicing Tabbara entails keeping ourselves away from those who do evil. Looking at the world
at large, we see individuals as well as States denouncing evil and disassociating themselves from
evil –doers. All civilized states are expected to condemn evil acts. In the same light, all Muslims
have the duty to condemn all evil acts committed in the course of Islamic and world history and
unless they do so fully, they will be regarded as supporters of evil doers.

Allah in the holy Qur’an has forbidden us to associate with, and befriend those that are enemies
of Allah and Islam.

To simply claim that we hate the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt is not enough. We must completely
disassociate ourselves from their way of life. We as Muslims can not fulfill the conditions of
Tabbara by only sending repeated curses at the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt if without modeling
ourselves on the Ahlul Bayt and their way of life. Our curses should act as solemn pledges not to
sin the way the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt did. This sinning could include Lying, cheating,
backbiting, hurting others feelings, stealing, and being disobedient to our parents and elders.

We can not escape the above obligation by making the excuse that we do not hurt the Ahlul Bayt
when we sin as our sins are not directed towards them. In the light of the previous hadith of the
5th Imam, Imam Muhammad Baqir (a), it is evident that we do hurt the Ahlul Bayt if our life is not
in accordance with the tenets of Islam, because we are not respecting the great sacrifices that
they made to save those tenets for us. Observing evil being practiced and remaining silent, not
raising your voice against injustice and treachery is also consenting to evil. We should rise and
speak against evil when we witness it.

80 Grade 4 Fiqh
17.4 Worksheet: Tawalla and Tabbara

1. What does Tawalla mean?

a) To follow the teachings of the Qur’an and acting upon them

b) To do good and abstain from evil
c) To look up to the Ahlul Bayt as role models, loving them, and following their examples by trying
to be better Muslims each day, abstaining from committing sins and constantly emulating to be
like them through our actions.
d) To say we love the Ahlul-bayt

2. The Qur’an mentions that Allah “will love” us and “forgive our sins” as “Allah is forgiving and
Merciful” if we love Him and follow him, in the following Surah and Ayat:

a) Al- Baqarah, 2: 148

b) Al- Ikhlas, 1: 22
c) Ale Imran 3:31
d) Ale Imran 2:21

3. Jane, Zahra, and Imani are neighbors and students at Coopers Elementary. Jane is having
problems at school. She is unable to concentrate on class as her mother is very sick from Cancer.
Jane has to miss 2 lessons of English as she is to be with her mother at the hospital on Wednesday.
Zahra and Imani are there for Jane. Zahra has taken it upon herself to make sure that Jane gets the
lessons she missed and she has promised to explain the lesson to Jane. Both Zahra and Imani have
been very supportive of their friend in this hard time. They are understanding, sympathetic and are
there for their friend in every way possible so that she can better deal with this hard time. Both
Zahra’s and Imani’s parents have been very supportive of Jane’s family. As followers of the Ahlul
Bayt we should be helpful to our neighbors. Who was Imam Muhammad Baqir talking to when he
mentioned that a follower of the Ahlul-bayt should be kind to his neighbors (refer to your notes)?
Zahra and Imani go to Sunday school regularly, read the Qur’an, pray regularly, and always try and
emulate the Ahlul Bayt by following their teachings. Are they practicing Tawalla?

4. Ali says he loves the Ahlul Bayt and prophet Muhammad. He always goes to the Center with his
parents and is regular at Sunday school; however, he is always disrespectful to his parents, he fights
with his little sister and bullies her at home, he refuses to pray salah, and always lies to his friends
and family. Imam Muhammad Baqir said that it is not enough for a person to say by word of mouth

that they love Imam Ali and his Ahlul Bayt until he/she follows the “Seerah” of the prophet and his
Ahlul Bayt.
Is Ali following the “Seerah” of the Ahlul Bayt? What does following the “Seerah” of the Ahlul Bayt
mean to you and how can you follow the “Seerah” of the prophet and his Ahlul-bayt in your daily

5. What does “Ita’ ah” mean?

a) Obedience and surrender

b) Submission and comfort
c) Abstinence from sin and doing good
d) Obedience and Submission to the will of Allah

6. Al- Tabbara is the 10th pillar of Islam


7. Tabarra means keeping ourselves clear of those who are cruel and evil towards all righteous
servants of Allah, by denouncing and disassociating ourselves from evil and refraining from
committing sins. We should also try not to sin the way the enemies of the Ahlul Bayt did.


8. Zeinab is on a field trip to San Francisco with her class. Zeinab witnesses someone taking off a
girl’s hijab and bullying her at the Bart Station on her way to San Francisco. Zeinab is really upset
about the incident and is bothered by it the entire day. Her mother works as an editor for the San
Jose Times. Zeinab comes home and tells her mother about the incident. Her mother feels sorry for
the girl and lets the incident go and tells Zeinab that such things happen and that we can not worry
about everything that happens to others? Do you think that Zeinab’s mother is practicing Tabbara? If
not, what do you think Zeinab’s mother should have done in such a situation?

82 Grade 4 Fiqh

9. Find an Ayat from the Qur’an that mentions what happens to those who annoy Allah and his
apostle, and write it down below with the name of the Surah and Ayat number (Refer to your notes).


10. We hurt the Ahlul Bayt if our actions are not according to the tenets of Islam.


Chapter 18: Awareness Of the living Imam

“One who dies without knowing his/her Imam of the period, dies the death of ignorance.”
Prophet Muhammad (S)

Since Imam Mahdi (a) is the Imam of our period when we hear Imam Mahdi’s (a) name we should
put your hand on our hand, bow down and recite salawaat.

Imam Mahdi (a) was born to Lady Narjis on the 15th of Sha’ban in Saamra, Iraq. He would recite
suratul Qadr in his mother’s womb before he was even born. His father was Imam Hasan al-
Askari (a). On the 15th of Sha’ban when we celebrate Imam’s birthday we often write him a ‘letter’
with our wishes and prayers, known as “Ariza”.

Imam Mahdi’s (a) kuniyya is Abul Qasim while some of his titles are Al-Mahdi, Al-Muntazar, Al-
Muntazir, Baqiyatullah, Shibuz Zamaan, Al-Hujjat, Al-Qaaim, Haadi…...

Other Aimma that have the same first name as Imam Mahdi (a) are Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir
(a) and Imam Muhammad At-Taqi (a)

Imam Mahdi possesses the Zulfiqar, the famous sword of Imam Ali (a). He is presently in ghaibat
and we are promised of his coming by the Qur’an itself. Let us look at some of the ayats that
speak of him.

“And Say: The truth has come and falsehood has vanished, Indeed falsehood is a
vanishing (thing).”
Qur’an - Suratu Bani Israil - 17:81

"And We desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to
make the Imams and to make them the heirs. And to grant them power in the land."
Surah Qasas (28) Ayat 5 and 6

"Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly
make them rulers in the earth as He made rulers those before them, and that He will most
certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will
most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange; they shall serve Me..."
Surah Nur (24) Ayat 55

84 Grade 4 Fiqh
"Verily We did write in the Zabur after the reminder (Tawrat), 'My righteous servants shall
inherit the earth'"
Surah Anbiya (21) Ayat 105

"He it is who sent His messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He may
make it prevail over all religions, even though the polytheists may detest it."

Sura Tawba (9) Ayat 33

There are also numerous ahadith from both Shia and Sunni sources that speak of the coming of our
12th Imam. We will study those in later grades. We know that when he comes he will right every
wrong. Until then let us pray we can carve our character and personalities enough to be among
those people who will be ready to join Imam’s team when he comes.

18.1 Worksheet: Awareness of the living Imam

Choose the correct answer:

1. The name of our 12th Imam is:

a) Imam Muhammad bin Hassan (a).
b) Imam Hassan Askari (a)
c) Imam Zainul Abideen (a)
d) Imam Ali Naqi (a)

2. Imam Mahdi (a) was born I the month of:

a) Shawwal (on the 1st).
b) Sha’ban (on the 15th).
c) Zilhajj (on the 10th).
d) Rajab (on the 13th).

3. Imam Mahdi (a) was born in

a) Mashad, Iran
b) Kerbala, Iraq
c) Samarra in Iraq
d) Medina, Saudi Arabia

Fill in the blanks:

4. The famous sword of Imam Ali (a) that Imam Mahdi (a) has is the

5. When you hear Imam Mahdi’s (a) you should put your hand on your head, ____________
down and recite _______________.

6. The ‘letter’ we write to Imam Mahdi (a) is called the _______________.

7. The surah of the Qur’an that Imam Mahdi (a) recited in his mother’s womb before he was
born was Suratul __________.

86 Grade 4 Fiqh
8. The Aimma that have the same first name as Imam Mahdi (a) are Imam
______________________ (a) and Imam ____________________ (a)

9. The mother of Imam Mahdi (a) was Lady _______________ (a)

10. Two of the titles of Imam Mahdi (a) are: ______________________ and
____________________ and his kuniyyah is ___________________.

SECTION II: Special Occasions

88 Grade 4 Fiqh
Chapter 19: Fasting and its Benefits

Fasting is an act of worship prescribed

by Allah which is mustahab, but
becomes wajib in Ramadhan. For the
whole month of Ramadhan, Muslims
all over the world keep their fast. A fast
lasts from a little before Fajr to
Maghrib. To fast means to stay away
from food and drinks, as well as wrong
deeds. The fast can be symbolized as
a living thing — with a body and a soul.
To stay away from food and drinks can
be the body of the fast. To stay away from wrong deeds can be its soul. If we don’t try hard to be
better Muslims by fasting, our fast will be a body without a soul.

Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (a) has said: “Your fast day should not be like other ordinary days.
When you fast, all your senses — eyes, ears, tongue, hands and feet — must fast with you.”

How can you do this? Simple, for your

eyes just remember to keep your eyes off
unlawful things and use this special gift of
God for good acts such as reading the
Qur'an and Dua’s. For your ears,
remember to keep away from hearing
unlawful gossip, lies, and music. As for
your tongue, refrain from using bad
language or telling lies or useless stories;
do not spread rumors or gossip about
other persons; instead use the power of
speech in spreading the word of Allah. How can your hands fast? Do not hurt others by your
actions; instead try to help them as far as you can. What about your feet? Well, do not go toward
forbidden places; rather go toward the places where Allah is remembered. Above all, your heart
and mind must be with you in fasting, because the fast, in its real sense, will not be complete
unless your thoughts, your emotions, your actions, and all aspects of your life become pure.
Remember fasting should be done for the pleasure of Allah.

Our Holy Prophet (s) told Jabir bin Abdullah: “O Jabir, this is Holy Ramadhan, whoever
fasts in it during the day and stands to remember Allah during the night….. he shall pass
cleansed from his sins the way the holy month passes.”

The month of Ramadhan has been

given especial significance. Every
action, whether good or bad, carries
more weight in Ramadhan. Thus even
though giving charity is important at all
times, it is more important in
Ramadhan. Likewise, injustice is an
evil at all times but it is more evil in this
month. Also, reciting the Qur’an carries
a lot of thawaab throughout the year,
but in Ramadhan the thawaab is even

So remember when you fast make sure you are doing the good deeds that are part of your
fast so you can really gain the pleasure of Allah.

90 Grade 4 Fiqh
19.1 Worksheet: Fasting and its Benefits

1. What should be included in a fast apart from refraining from food and drink?
a. Use your eyes to read Qur’an and dua’s.
b. Refrain from gossiping and lying.
c. Giving to the poor.
d. All of the above

2. Do you think that a person who fasts so that he neither eats, drinks, nor displeases Allah is
being lazy and making Allah unhappy when he sleeps in the middle of the day?

a. No he’s not making Allah unhappy, if he’s fulfilled his duties.

b. Yes, he shouldn’t sleep, he should pray extra salaat.
c. No, Allah will be happy with him even if he does not offer his salaat.
d. None of the above.

3. Even when you’re old enough sometimes you need a great amount of courage to fast and
you almost don’t want to. Why should you still fast?
a. To please Allah.
b. To lose weight.
c. So that your friends see that you are a good Muslim.
d. To show everyone you have a lot of self control.

4. Make a list of things you COULD do while fasting and a list of things you shouldn’t do? Make
sure you have at least 5 items in each list.

5. Give examples of how Allah has given Ramadhan more significance than other months?

6. It is okay to listen to music and dance if you are fasting so long as you do not eat


7. If you were asked by someone in school to explain why Muslims fast in Ramadhan what
would you say? What does Ramadhan mean to you?

8. What would be the hardest thing for you to do as part of fasting?

9. Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (a) has said: “Your fast day should not be like other ordinary days.
When you fast, all your senses — eyes, ears, tongue, hands and feet — must fast with you.”
What does this mean?

10. How can you use your hands to fast?

92 Grade 4 Fiqh
Chapter 20: Hajj
Eid ul Hajj is also known as Eid ul Adha (Eid of Sacrifice).

It takes place on the 10th day of the last Month of the Islamic Calendar (Zilhaj).

It marks the end of the Holy Pilgrimage (Hajj) of Muslims to Mecca.

It is the remembrance of the sacrifice of Prophet Isma’il (A) by his father, Prophet Ibrahim (A).

Hajj is Wajib act, which has to be performed once in a life time. When a person makes an
intention for Hajj, he has to be careful not to include any other reasons in his intention. The
Niyyat has to be solely for the pleasure of Allah; i.e. Qurbatan Ilallah.

Our Holy Prophet (S) has said:

"Go for Hajj, you will become rich. The reward for Hajj is Paradise and Umra is compensation for
every sin. Hajj and Umra both take away poverty and sins just as sandpaper cleans away the rust
from the iron. It is a kind of Jihad. One who goes out for Hajj or Umra gets a reward and millions
of benefits at every step. Millions of his sins are forgiven and he is rewarded with millions of high
grades. Any penny or pounds he spends in the way of Allah becomes stored with God multiplied
by thousands.’’

Wajib Haj is performed in two parts:

Umra-e-Tamattu - Performed anytime between 1st Shawwal and 8th Zilhaj. Before entering
Mecca one must be in a state of Ihram.

Hajj-e-Tamattu – (Commonly known as Wajib Hajj) is performed from 9th to 13th Zilhaj.

There are certain conditions that have to be met before Hajj becomes Wajib on an individual. Certain
wajibats also have to take place for each of the parts of Hajj and will be studied in more detail in later

20.1 Hajj Dictionary

Arafah: A long and wide open place where pilgrims go on the 9th of Zilhajj. They stay
there till sunset, worshipping Allah. The mountain of mercy is in Arafah.

Hajr al Aswad: The black stone in the Ka’ba which was brought from heaven

Ihram: Special clothes of pilgrims. The Ihram is two pieces of white unstitched material for men
and white simple clothes for women.

Maqam Ibrahim: A Stone near the Ka’ba with the footprint of Nabi Ibrahim on it. Pilgrims recite
the prayer after Tawaf beside it.

Mina: The pilgrims go to Mina on the 10th of Zilhaj. Here they will throw 7 pebbles at each of the
three pillars, carry out the sacrifice and cut off part of their hair or nails as Taqseer.

Miqat: A place from where the pilgrim put on the Ihram.

Muzdalifah: The pilgrims go to Muzdalifah at sunset on the 9th of Zilhaj. They stay there for the
night there, and collect pebbles for use in Medina.

Sacrifice: On the 10th of Zilhaj, pilgrims sacrifice an animal on the memory of the sacrifice of
Nabi Ibrahim (a).

Sa’ee: Every pilgrim has to run seven times between Safa and Marwah, the two hills near the

Talbiyyah: The pilgrims recite the Talbiyyah as part of the Ihram.

Taqseer: After finishing the rituals of Hajj, pilgrims cut off part of their hair or nails.

Wuqoof: The staying in Arafah is known as Wuqoof.

94 Grade 4 Fiqh
20.2 Worksheet: Hajj

1. What is the other name of the Eid of Hajj?

2. When do we celebrate it?

10th of Zilhaj

12th of Zilhaj

9th of Zilhaj

3. This Eid is in remembrance of the sacrifice of Prophet ____________________ (A) by his

father, Prophet Ibrahim (A).

4. There are two parts to Hajj; one is called ____________________ and the other

5. The first part of Hajj can be performed from the 1st of Shawal to ____________ and the
second part is performed from 9th Zilhaj to ___________________

6. To perform Hajj is

Usool –e deen Furu –e-deen

7. It is wajib to perform Hajj once in your life time.


8. Tawaf means walking between the hills of Safa and Marwa 7 times.


9. Sai means to go around the Kaaba 7 times.


10. Hajare Aswad is _____________________________________.

96 Grade 4 Fiqh
Separate the Apples
Some of the apples below are rotten. They have a false sentence written on them.
The good, juicy apples have a True sentence written on them.
Circle the good apples and put a cross on the rotten ones


Shia-Muslim Association of Bay Area would like to thank the authors, editors and reviewers for
their contributions to the Madrasatul Ahlul’Bait curriculum development project.

We are especially thankful to Dr. Nabi Raza Abidi for leading the curriculum committee and
providing the motivation and invaluable guidance for the project.

We would like to express our special gratitude to the MAB teachers and staff for their support and
assistance in the development and testing of the curriculum.

SABA is also very thankful to the Islamic organizations and authors whose syllabus and books
were used for the inspiration and creation of this curriculum.

Please remember in your prayers, all the people involved in this project.

98 Grade 4 Fiqh

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