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DATE: TITLE: Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amp) Characteristics Objectives

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Document No: FO/EM/07 REV No:/Date 00/00

Course Title : Electronic Circuits

Course code : EEE213
Module Number:

DATE :…………………………………………………

TITLE: Operational Amplifiers (op-amp) Characteristics

OBJECTIVES: Familiarization with the characteristics of Operational Amplifiers (op-amp). Observing of op-
amp characteristics with LM 741 op-amp IC.

LM 741 Op-Amp IC
Resistors (1 kΩ ×2, 100 kΩ × 2, 100 Ω ×1)
Capacitors (0.1 µF × 2)

A DC Power supply.
Signal Generator.
A Dual Channel Oscilloscope
A Digital Multimeter.


Unity Follower

The unity-follower circuit provides a gain of unity (1) with no polarity or phase reversal. The circuit operates
like an emitter- or source-follower circuit except that the gain is exactly unity. Figure 1.0 given below shows
the unity-follower circuit.

Figure 1 Unity follower


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Web :www.sltc.lk, e-mail : info@sltc.lk, hotline : +94 711 100 500, Registration No.: PV 101137
Op-Amp DC Offset Parameters
Although the op-amp output should be 0 V when the input is 0 V, in actual operation there is some offset
voltage at the output. Since the user may connect the amplifier circuit for various gain and polarity
operations, however, the manufacturer specifies an input offset voltage for the op-amp. The output offset
voltage is then determined by the input offset voltage and the gain of the amplifier, as connected by the
user. The output offset voltage can be shown to be affected by two separate circuit conditions and they are;
(1) An input offset voltage V IO (input Offset Voltage)
(2) An offset current due to the difference in currents resulting at the plus (+) and minus (-) inputs.
Input Offset Voltage V IO
The manufacturer’s specification sheet provides a value of V IO for the op-amp. By considering the circuit
diagram in Figure 2.0 o effect of this input voltage on the output, can be determined.

Figure 2 Effect of input offset voltage.

𝑉𝑂 = 𝐴𝑉𝑖
VO = AVi = A [VIO − VO R ]
1 +Rf
Solving for VO

Input Bias Current.

Figure 3
Considering the ideal op-amp model; no current flows into the input terminals of an op amp. In practice,
there are always two input bias currents, IB+ and IB- (refer Figure 3.0). Bias current is a problem to the op amp
applications because it flows in external impedances and produces voltages, which add to system errors.
Consider a non-inverting unity gain buffer driven from a source impedance of 1 MΩ. If IB is 10 nA, it will

Mailing Address :SLT Campus Pvt. Limited, City Campus : Bay 6, TRACE Expert City, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Web :www.sltc.lk, e-mail : info@sltc.lk, hotline : +94 711 100 500, Registration No.: PV 101137
introduce an additional 10 mV of error. This degree of error is not trivial in any system. Values of IB range
from 60 fA to tens of microamperes in some high speed op amps.
Input Offset Current.
The input offset current, IOS, is the difference between IB– and IB+,
IOS = IB+ − IB–
Slew Rate.
Slew rate a parameter which reflects the op-amp’s ability to handle varying signals, and it can be defined as;
Slew rate = maximum rate at which amplifier output can change in volts per microsecond (V/µs)

With t in µs
The slew rate provides a parameter specifying the maximum rate of change of the output voltage when
driven by a large step-input signal.

LM741 Operational Amplifier

Pin Configuration and Functions

Figure 4 LM741 Pin Configuration and Function

Table 1 Pin Functions

Mailing Address :SLT Campus Pvt. Limited, City Campus : Bay 6, TRACE Expert City, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Web :www.sltc.lk, e-mail : info@sltc.lk, hotline : +94 711 100 500, Registration No.: PV 101137

Section 01:

1. Setting signal generator output amplitude in to a minimum value, apply 1 kHz Sinusoidal signal across
1kΩ resistor as shown in Figure 5.0 below.

Figure 5
2. Follow the step by step procedure given below for the circuit diagram in Figure 5.0.
i. Increase the signal generator output amplitude until you get 2 mA peak-to-peak current
through the load resistor RL. (Note: Instead of measuring current through RL, measure the AC-
voltage across RL which will allow you to measure the peak- to-peak current through RL
without the help of ammeter, use the multimeter in AC mode to perform this activity and
don’t forget that the multimeter gives the RMS value.
ii. Thus find the peak value of current drawn from signal generator source.
3. Setup the circuit as shown in the Figure 6.0. (Note: Adjust the signal generator output amplitude to
its minimum before connecting it to the circuit).
4. Using 1 kHz Sinusoidal signal, repeat step (i) in procedure step (2).
5. Find the peak value of current drawn from signal generator source in step 4 using AC micro ammeter.

Figure 6

Mailing Address :SLT Campus Pvt. Limited, City Campus : Bay 6, TRACE Expert City, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Web :www.sltc.lk, e-mail : info@sltc.lk, hotline : +94 711 100 500, Registration No.: PV 101137
Section 02: Input Offset Voltage
1. Derive an equation for Vout in terms of VIO, R1 and Rf (Refer Figure 7)

Figure 7
2. Setup the circuit in Figure 7, taking as R1 = 100 Ω and Rf = 100 kΩ.
3. Measure Vout (With respect to ground).
4. Hence calculate Input Offset Voltage of the op-amp (Note: Use the equation derived in step 1.)

Section 03: Input Bias Current and Input Offset Current

1. Setup the circuit as shown in Figure 8, choose Rs = Rb > 10 MΩ . Generally input bias current IB is in
the range of 100 nA so higher values of Rs and Rb will ensure that IBRB> VIO.
2. Now measure the following;
i. Value of Vout when terminal A and B are short circuited, hence calculate the value of I B2.
ii. Value of Vout when terminal C and D are short circuited, hence calculate the value of I B1.
3. Calculate IB by using calculated values IB2 and IB1.
4. Find an expression for input offset current in terms of IB1 and IB2 and calculate the op-amp’s input
offset current.

Figure 8

Mailing Address :SLT Campus Pvt. Limited, City Campus : Bay 6, TRACE Expert City, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Web :www.sltc.lk, e-mail : info@sltc.lk, hotline : +94 711 100 500, Registration No.: PV 101137
Section 04: Slew Rate
1. Setup the unity gain buffer circuit as shown in Figure 9.0.

Figure 9
2. Apply 6 Vpp Sinusoidal signal in to non-inverting input terminal of the circuit.
3. Rapidly increase the frequency starting from 20 Hz to 500 kHz and observe the changes in shape and
the amplitude of the output signal.
4. Observe the output waveforms for the frequencies, 20 Hz, 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500Hz, 1 kHz, 5 kHz,
10 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 200 kHz, and 500 kHz (keeping signal generator amplitude at constant 6
Vpp) and carryout the following steps;
i. At the rising edge of the input wave form, find the time it takes for the output signal to reach
its peak value.
ii. At the falling edge of the input wave form, find the time it takes for the output signal to reach
its lowest value.
iii. Calculate the time rate of change of the closed loop amplifier output voltage for each of above frequencies for
both rising edge and the falling edge.
iv. Find the maximum rate of change of the output voltage, hence calculate the slew rate of the op-amp.

Mailing Address :SLT Campus Pvt. Limited, City Campus : Bay 6, TRACE Expert City, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Web :www.sltc.lk, e-mail : info@sltc.lk, hotline : +94 711 100 500, Registration No.: PV 101137

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