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Field Study 1 E2 Osias Lorceli M.

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Classroom Management and
FS 1 2 Routines Observation

SPARK Your Interest

This episode focuses on the classroom structure and routines performed by teachers in class to provide
a safe, friendly non-threatening and caring environment. Effective classroom routines ensure order and
discipline to help the students to stay calm and focused in their daily tasks.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher; and

 Observe hoe the students execute the various classroom routines.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning. Routines
don’t just make the life of the teacher easier. They save valuable classroom time. Efficient routines
make it easier for students to learn and achieve more.
Establishing routines early in the school year:
 enables you to run your daily activities run smoothly;
 ensures you to manage time effectively;
 helps you maintain order in the classroom;
 makes you more focused in teaching because you spend less time in giving
directions/instructions; and
 enables you to explain to the learners what are expected of them.

Learning Episode 2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines FS1 Page 1


ACTIVITY 2.1: Observing Classroom Routines and Classroom Rules

Resource Teacher:___________________________________ Teacher’s Signature:___________________
School: Tayug National High School__________________ Grade/Year Level: Grade 11_____________
Subject Area: English_______________________________ Date:_______________________________


Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given checklist.

Checklist on Classroom Routines

Check Yes () if observed and () if not observed.

Classroom Routines Observed () Not Observed ()

1. Movement into the classroom ✓
2. Transition in classroom activities ✓
3. Movement out of the classroom ×
4. Use of lavatories/comfort room/washrooms ×
5. Submission of Activities ✓
6. Working with pairs/groups ✓
7. Tardy students ✓
8. Absent students ✓
9. Collection of materials ✓
10. Asking questions during lessons ✓
11. Asking for assistance ✓
12. Joining classroom activities ✓
13. Fire drill /emergencies ✓
14. Movement between activities ✓
15. Checking of assignments ✓
Other, please specify

Learning Episode 2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines FS1 Page 2

Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for learners’ safety and security. Rules also teach
discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will provide a more pleasant, secured and non-threatening
environment. Rules ensure the students’ engagement and focus in their classroom activities

Classroom Rules Importance

e.g. Read directions well -Ensures less error in answering the activity

Punctuality is one of the best qualities to be

developed right from school days. It will help the
1. Be on time
students not just in school but for their future
It keeps moral values such as honesty. It will also
2. Don’t cheat develop their sense of responsibility as a good
It will help to not miss any lessons and it will
3. Listen to the teacher
prevent students in asking questions over and over.
It makes students understand the value of the
chairs, desks, blackboard, and cabinets. Students
4. No vandalism in the classroom
will understand that the equipment in the
classroom are the school properties.
Coming to classroom presentable can help the
5. Wear complete uniform students to stay fresh day long. It will be a good
practice for them to look presentable in the future.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep the
6. Keep the classroom clean
classroom clean and comfortable.
Students should see that they should never distract
the class during class hours through any means
7. Don’t distract the class during lessons
because other students are listening and learning
during lessons.
It is the responsibility of students to pass their
8. Pass your homework/assignment on time
assignments on time after completing it.
Every student should participate in all of the
9. Actively participate in classroom activities activities like recitation because it will be a good
chance for them to earn points.
Students are mandated to always obey all these
10. Obey all school rules
policies under any circumstances.
Students should learn right from the school days
because the school is their training ground to be a
11. Respect yourself, others and the environment
better person, regarding how to give respect and
take respect from others.

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Students are advised to only have food in their
12. No food allowed in the classroom other than breaks break time, and it is not a good manners to eat
food while classes are on going.
Students are supposed to stay active in their
13. No sleeping in the classroom unless with permission
Students should be well-disciplined inside and
14. No name calling, insults or put-downs outside the classroom premises. Students should
always be polite and well behaved.
Students should be always polite to listen to
15. Respect views of others others’ views and respect them. A good student is
a good model in everyone.


Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.

1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why not?
Yes. Because routines are a way of managing the classroom. These routines are the procedure to ensure
discipline and order in the class. These routines will ensure a smooth-functioning classroom all year
long. As a teacher, establishing general rules of conduct for classroom will discipline students by
deciding what consequences will wait for them by breaking those rules. These classroom routines would
avoid some of the distractions that keeps the students from functioning effectively and would affect the
student’s behavior and learning.

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your answer.
Be on time, do not cheat, be attentive to class, wear complete uniform, keep the classroom clean,
actively participate in classroom activities, obey all school rules, and respect everyone. These are the
rules that were systematic and consistently implemented inside the classroom. These are the common
rules that will ensure student’s discipline inside the class. These rules will contribute to successful
learning and an orderly environment in present and in the future. It would be more effective if the
teacher will use behavior strategy like being a role model to the students.

3. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation the rule?

Learning Episode 2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines FS1 Page 4

The purpose of classroom rules is to guide the students in their interactions as well as their activities. In
formulating classroom rules, the students should understand the rules and its consequences. When
students understand the classroom rules and its consequences, it will reduce misunderstandings,
assumptions, and miscommunication in the future.

Reflect on the various routines and rules observed.

1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?
The routines that I will apply in my class are; be on time, keep the classroom clean, actively
participate in classroom activities and respect everyone. I choose these rules because they are
observable and achievable, it would be a good practice for my students in the future.

2. Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the resource teacher. Will you have the same rules? If
not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.
Yes. Because these classroom rules are effective in managing the behavior of the students.
Behaviorist theory should be considered, that the teacher’s role is to establish rules and procedures
and to communicate these rules clearly to students to implement appropriate reward and
punishment for the compliance of the rules.

Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher which are worth

Learning Episode 2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines FS1 Page 5

EVALUATE Performance
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines
Learning Outcome: Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher; and Observe how the
students execute the various classroom routines.

Name of FS Student: Lorceli M. Osias_________________ Date Submitted:September 20, 2021

Year & Section: BSEd English 4-B__________________ Course:BSED

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

4 3 2 1
Accomplished All observation One to two observation Three observation Four or more
Observation question/tasks questions/task not questions/tasks not observation
completely answered/ answered/ answered/ questions/ task not
Sheet accomplished. accomplished. accomplished. answered/
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four or more
answered completely; answered completely; answered completely; observation
answers are with depth answers are clearly answers are not clearly questions were not
and are thoroughly connected to theories; connected to theories; answered; answers
grounded on theories; grammar and spelling one (1) to three (3) are not connected to
grammar and spelling are free from errors. grammatical/ spelling theories; more than
are free from errors. errors. four (4) grammatical/
spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
supported by what supported by what shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
were observe and were observed and supported by what what were observed
analyzed analyzed were observed and and analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts in the context of the in the context of the reflected on in the reflected on in the
learning outcomes; learning outcomes; context of the learning context of the
complete, well- complete, well- outcomes; complete, learning outcomes;
organized, highly organized, relevant to not organized, relevant not complete, not

Learning Episode 2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines FS1 Page 6

relevant to the learning the learning outcome. to the learning organized, not
outcome. outcome. relevant.
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2)
deadline deadline the deadline days or more after
the deadline

Comment/s: Over-all Score: ___________________


____________________________________ ______________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

Learning Episode 2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines FS1 Page 7

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