ASTM Hydrometers: Standard Specification For
ASTM Hydrometers: Standard Specification For
ASTM Hydrometers: Standard Specification For
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
7.4 Mercury shall not be used as ballast material in plain inside the stem ending at the top nominal line are examples of acceptable
form hydrometers. means of scale slip indicators.
Standard temperature, °F 60
Subdivision, °API 0.1
Intermediate lines at, °API 0.5
Main (numbered) lines at, °API 1.0
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °API 0.2
Total length, mm 158 to 168
Length of nominal scale, mm 48 to 61
Scale extension beyond nominal range limits, max 0.2 °API
Body diameter, mm 12 to 15
Stem diameter min, mm 2.5
Total length, mm 374 to 387 374 to 387
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25 23 to 27
Stem diameter, min, mm 4.0 6.0
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature, °F 60
Subdivisions, °API 0.1
Intermediate lines at, °API 0.5
Main (numbered) lines at, °API 1.0
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °API 0.1
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Total length, mm 354 to 387
Body diameter, mm 19 to 22
Stem diameter min, mm 10.5
Working pressure min, psi 200
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature, °F 60/60
Subdivisions 0.001
Intermediate lines at 0.005
Main (numbered) lines at 0.010
Scale error at any point not to exceed 0.001
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Range, °F 30 to 90
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °F 1
Intermediate lines at, °F 5
Main (numbered) lines at, °F 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °F 0.5
Scale length, mm 50 to 70
ASTM Hydrometer No. API°
255H-03 37 to 49
258H-03 64 to 76
Total length, mm 385 to 405
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25
Nominal stem diameter, mm >4
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature, °F 60
Subdivisions, API 0.1
Intermediate lines at, API 0.5
Main (numbered) lines at, API 1
Scale error at any point not to exceed, API 0.1
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Range, °F 0 to 100°
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °F 0.5
Short intermediate lines at, °F 1
Long intermediate lines at, °F 5
Main (numbered) lines at, °F 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °F 0.5
Scale length, mm 110 to 140
ASTM Hydrometer No. Density, Range, kg/m3
300H-82 600 to 650
301H-82 650 to 700
302H-82 700 to 750
303H-82 750 to 800
304H-82 800 to 850
305H-82 850 to 900
306H-82 900 to 950
307H-82 950 to 1000
308H-82 1000 to 1050
309H-82 1050 to 1100
Total length, mm 374 to 387
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25
Stem diameter, min, mm 4.0
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature °C 15
Subdivisions, kg/m3 0.5
Short intermediate lines at, kg/m3 1
Long intermediate lines at, kg/m3 5
Main (numbered) lines at kg/m3 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, kg/m3 0.5
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Scale extension beyond nominal range limits, kg/m3 2.5
Thermometer Scale
Range, °C designation
−20 to + 65 L
0 to + 85 M
+ 20 to + 105 H
Thermometer Scale
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °C 1.0
Intermediate lines at, °C 5
Main (numbered) lines at, °C 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °C 1.0
Scale length, mm 80 to 100
Thermohydrometer (Pressure)
ASTM Hydrometer No. Density Range, kg/m3
310H 500–650
Nominal length, mm 387
Body diameter, mm 16 to 22
Nominal stem diameter, mm 10.5
Working pressure, kPa 1400
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature, °C 15
Subdivisions, kg/m3 1
Intermediate lines at, kg/m3 5
Main (numbered) lines at, kg/m3 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, kg/m3 1
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Range, °C 0 to 35
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °C 0.5
Short intermediate lines at, °C 1
Long intermediate lines at, °C 5
Main (numbered) lines at, °C 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °C 0.5
Hydrometer No. Density, Range, kg/m3
311H-82 600 to 650
312H-82 650 to 700
313H-82 700 to 750
314H-82 750 to 800
315H-82 800 to 850
316H-82 850 to 900
317H-82 900 to 950
318H-82 950 to 1000
319H-82 1000 to 1050
320H-82 1050 to 1100
321H-03 775 to 825
Total length, mm 325 to 335
Body diameter, mm 21 to 27
Stem diameter, min, mm 4.5
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature °C 15
Subdivisions, kg/m3 0.5
Short intermediate lines at, kg/m3 1
Long intermediate lines at, kg/m3 5
Main (numbered) lines at kg/m3 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, kg/m3 0.5
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Scale extension beyond nominal range limits, kg/m3 2.5
ASTM Hydrometer No. Density, Range, kg/m3
345H-03 775–825
Total length, mm 385 to 405
Body diameter, mm 18 to 25
Nominal stem diameter, mm >4
Hydrometer Scale
Standard temperature °C 15
Subdivisions, kg/m3 0.5
Intermediate lines at, kg/m3 1
Long intermediate lines at, kg/m3 5
Main (numbered) lines at kg/m3 10
Scale error at any point not to exceed, kg/m3 0.5
Length of nominal scale, mm 125 to 145
Thermometer Scale
Range, °C –10 to 40
Immersion total
Subdivisions, °C 0.2
Short intermediate lines at, °C 0.2
Long intermediate lines at, °C 1
Main (numbered) lines at, °C 5
Scale error at any point not to exceed, °C 0.2
Scale length, mm 110 to 140
For relative densities (specific gravities) less than 0.950, alcoholic solutions may be tested with hydrometers 84H to 87H
Indication of the thermometer range is made by the use of the listed designation used as a suffix to the ASTM hydrometer number. For example, 42HL is an instrument
with API gravity range of 22 to 30° API and thermometer range 0 to 150°F. An instrument with the same gravity range, but a thermometer range of 60 to 220°F would be
designated 42HH. The number 45HM would identify an instrument with API gravity range of 43 to 51° API and a thermometer range of 30 to 180°F.
Indication of the thermometer range is made by the use of the listed designation used as a suffix to the ASTM hydrometer number. For example, 54HL is an instrument
with API gravity range of 29 to 41° API and thermometer range 0 to 150°F. An instrument with the same gravity range, but a thermometer range of 60 to 220°F would be
designated 54HH. The number 57HM would identify an instrument with API gravity range of 59 to 71° API and a thermometer range of 30 to 180°F
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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