ISO 8092-2 (1) - Connector
ISO 8092-2 (1) - Connector
ISO 8092-2 (1) - Connector
Fourth edition
Corrected version
Reference number
ISO 8092-2:2005(E)
© ISO 2005
ISO 8092-2:2005(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Tests and requirements ....................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Visual examination ............................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Connection and disconnection ........................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Tensile strength for crimped connections ......................................................................................... 8
4.5 Locking device strength ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.6 Contact insertion force......................................................................................................................... 9
4.7 Contact retention in housing ............................................................................................................... 9
4.8 Connection resistance (voltage drop) .............................................................................................. 10
4.9 Influence of water ............................................................................................................................... 12
4.10 Temperature / humidity cycling......................................................................................................... 13
4.11 Combined temperature / vibration .................................................................................................... 16
4.12 Insulation resistance .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.13 Withstand voltage ............................................................................................................................... 18
4.14 Temperature rise................................................................................................................................. 19
4.15 Connector coding and polarisation .................................................................................................. 21
4.16 Salt spray............................................................................................................................................. 21
4.17 Current cycling.................................................................................................................................... 21
4.18 Thermal ageing ................................................................................................................................... 21
4.19 Mechanical shock ............................................................................................................................... 22
4.20 Drop...................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.21 Dust ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.22 Rapid change of temperature (thermal shock) ................................................................................ 24
4.23 Chemical fluids ................................................................................................................................... 24
4.24 Flowing gas corrosion test ................................................................................................................ 25
Annex A (normative) Additional cable dimensions ...................................................................................... 26
Annex B (informative) Cable attachment by insulation-displacement connection (IDC) — Bending
test........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 SUPPLIED BY BSB UNDER LICENCE FROM ISO
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 8092-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical
and electronic equipment.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 8092-2:2000), which has been technically
ISO 8092 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Connections for on-board
electrical wiring harnesses:
⎯ Part 4: Pins for single- and multi-pole connections — Dimensions and specific requirements
⎯ in Figure 11 on page 16, the words “Dimensions in millimetres” added to the figure, and “4 ammeter”
deleted from the key;
Part 2:
Definitions, test methods and general performance
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8092 defines terms, and specifies test methods and general performance requirements for
single-pole and multi-pole connections used with on-board electrical wiring harnesses of road vehicles.
This part of ISO 8092 is applicable to connectors designed to be disconnected after mounting in the vehicle
for repair and maintenance only. It does not cover one-part connections, i.e. where one part of the connection
has direct contact to the pattern of the printed circuit board.
This part of ISO 8092 is not applicable to internal connections of electronic devices.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6722, Road vehicles — 60 V and 600 V single core cables — Dimensions, test methods and
ISO 7309, Road vehicles — Hydraulic braking systems — ISO reference petroleum base fluid
ISO 20653, Road vehicles — Degrees of protection (IP-code) — Protection against foreign objects, water and
IEC 60068-2-27, Environmental testing. Part 2: Tests. Test Ea and guidance: Shock
IEC 60512-11-7, Connectors for electronic equipment — Tests and measurements — Part 11-7: Climatic tests —
Test 11 g: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test
IEC 60512-11-14, Connectors for electronic equipment — Tests and measurements — Part 11-14: Test 11p —
Flowing single gas corrosion test
For the purpose of this part of ISO 8092, the definitions given in IEC 60050-581 and the following apply.
two mated connectors or contacts
a) Cable-to-cable connection
b) Connection to apparatus
assembly of contact and housing that terminates conductors for the purpose of providing connection and
disconnection to a suitable mating connector
conductive element in a connector (including means for cable attachment) that mates with a corresponding
element to provide an electrical path
contact area
area in contact between two mated contacts that provides an electrical path
male contact
contact (including means for cable attachment) designed for electrical engagement on its outer surface and to
enter a female contact, thus forming an electrical connection
female contact
contact (including means for cable attachment) designed for electrical engagement on its inner surface, and to
accept entry of a male contact, thus forming an electrical connection
1 conductor crimp 5 cable attachment by insulation displacement
2 cable 6 connection slot
3 cable attachment 7 connection slot/insulation support, if 8 is not available
4 insulation support/sealing grip 8 insulation support
1 conductor crimp 5 cable attachment by insulation displacement
2 cable 6 connection slot
3 cable attachment 7 connection slot/insulation support, if 8 is not available
4 insulation support/sealing grip 8 insulation support
positive-locking female contact
female contact with automatic positive-locking and manual unlocking device engaging a hole or dimple in the
male contact
cable attachment
any permanent joining of cable to contact
raised portion of the female contact that engages a hole or dimple in the male contact thus providing a latch
for the mated parts
multi-pole connection
two mated connectors with more than one contact pair
1 multiple cable seal 6 housing seal
2 male contact 7 connector
3 female contact 8 connection
4 single cable seal 9 cable
5 housing 10 conductor
connector coding
device, either for visual, mechanical or sensitive, or combinations of these preventing connection of
connectors from the same family and having the same number of contacts but with different coding
4.1 General
4.1.1 Preconditioning
All test samples shall be preconditioned at (23 ± 5) °C and 45 % to 75 % relative humidity for 24 h before the
start of any test sequence.
All tests shall be carried out at an ambient temperature of (23 ± 5) °C, unless otherwise stated in the test plan.
Each test sequence (see Table 1) shall be started with unused test samples manufactured to conform to the
dimensions specified in the applicable part of ISO 8092.
Contacts with a locking device shall be tested with adequate counterparts to permit locking.
Cables shall be in conformance with ISO 6722, and the cable or cables used shall be noted in the test report.
Additional dimensions of the cable or cables used shall be according to Annex A.
Cable attachment shall be performed in accordance with the contact manufacturer's recommendations.
Care shall be taken so that test samples do not influence each other (e.g. in a heat chamber).
Each connector shall have the full complement of contacts fitted, unless otherwise specified in the test method.
Measurements shall be taken on a minimum of four contacts per connector, unless otherwise specified in the
test methods. For 1-, 2-, and 3-pole connectors, all contacts shall be measured.
During the entire test sequence, lubrication or other means of attaining better test results shall not be added to
the test surface. However, production-related remains of lubricants on the contacts are permitted.
Connectors or contacts that allow connections for multiple positions shall meet the requirements of this
International Standard in all intended positions.
The test sequence for each sample group shall be in accordance with Table 1 (sequences are indicated by Xs,
ordered from top to bottom). Also given in the same table is the applicability of test sequences to sealed or
unsealed connectors. A new test sample group shall be used for each test sequence.
Unless otherwise specified, all test samples shall be used for all tests in a test sample group.
4.2.1 Test
Carry out a visual examination of all connectors and contacts with the naked eye, at normal strength of vision
and colour perception, at the most favourable viewing distance, and with suitable illumination.
4.2.2 Requirement
Identification, appearance, workmanship and the finish of each item shall be as specified.
Visual examination as detailed in 4.2.1 shall allow identification, appearance, workmanship and finish of the
item to be checked against the relevant specification.
For crimped cable attachments, both insulation and the conductor shall be visible between the conductor
crimp and the insulation support on the male and female contacts, as shown in Figure 5. Conductors shall
protrude from the conductor crimp but shall not interfere with the mating part. All wire strands shall be
enclosed by the conductor crimp. There shall be no damaged wire strands.
During visual examination of the connectors, for all test sample groups, special care shall be taken to ensure,
as a minimum requirement, that no cracking, discoloration, deformation or — where applicable — ingress of
water is in evidence.
1 conductor end (conductor end shall be visible)
2 wire strand
3 conductor crimp
4 conductor and insulation (conductor and insulation shall be visible)
5 insulation support
4.3.1 Test
Perform connection and disconnection as specified by the connector manufacturer at a constant speed
between 25 mm/min and 100 mm/min. Note the speed applied in the test report.
Subject the connector to 10 connections and disconnection. Measure the force necessary at
⎯ first connection;
⎯ first disconnection;
⎯ 10th disconnection.
For positive-locking female connectors perform an eleventh cycle with the locking device engaged for the
locking device strength test as in
4.3.2 Requirements
The contacts, tested according to 4.3.1, shall conform to the requirements specified in the applicable part of
ISO 8092. In the case of multi-pole connections, the connection and disconnection forces, determined in 4.3.1,
shall be as in the particular specification.
4.4.1 Test
Test the tensile strength of the conductor-to-contact attachment using suitable test apparatus operated at a
constant speed within the range 25 mm/min to 100 mm/min. Note the speed applied in the test report.
Attach each test sample to the corresponding cable or cables as specified by the connector manufacturer.
The cable insulation support shall be rendered mechanically ineffective. Perform the test with contacts alone.
When more than one cable is attached, apply the force according to Table 2 to each cable by using separate
In the case of cable attachment by insulation displacement, the test may be performed with the contacts
located in the housing (see Annex B).
NOTE Other types of cable attachment are under consideration [for insulation displacement connections (IDC), see
Annex B].
4.4.2 Requirements
The tensile strength of the conductor crimp, tested according to 4.4.1, shall withstand the minimum values
specified in Table 2.
0,22 30
0,35 50
0,5 60
0,75 90
1 100
1,5 150
2 175
2,5 200
3 260
4 310
5 355
6 360
10 380
The minimum tensile strength of conductor crimp for cables with non-specified
nominal cross-sectional area shall be determined by interpolation.
NOTE For further information for crimped connection see IEC 60352-2.
4.5.1 Purpose
The purpose of this test is to check the ability of locked connectors to withstand a specific static load.
Subject connectors for single- and multi-pole connections to the tests in or as appropriate.
4.5.2 Test For single-pole and multi-pole connectors with integral-housing locking devices and without a positive
locking female contact, carry out the following test procedure.
With empty connector housings, and with the full complement of contacts fitted, make a fixture or fixtures that
can be secured to the connectors being tested, and whose securing shall not distort either connector during
the testing. Mount the housing on the fixture or fixtures with the locking device engaged. Apply a test force of
( 100 +02 ) N to the fixture in the disconnection direction and hold it constant for ( 10 +20 ) s. For positive-locking female contacts and single-pole and multi-pole connectors with positive-locking
female contacts, after the 11th connection as specified in 4.3.1, apply a test force of ( 100 +02 ) N to the test
sample with the locking device engaged in the disconnection direction and hold constant for ( 10 +02 ) s.
4.5.3 Requirements
The locking device of connectors for multi-pole connections, tested according to 4.5.2, shall withstand the test
4.6.1 Test
Test the insertion force of the contact into the cavity by using the minimum- and maximum-sized cable that
can be attached, placing it in the insertion direction via a test fixture, and positioning it as close as possible to
the cable attachment. Take care that the contact under test is locked as intended.
Use a constant speed between 25 mm/min and 100 mm/min for insertion. The applied speed shall be noted in
the test report.
4.6.2 Requirements
The contact insertion force, tested according to 4.6.1, shall be a maximum of 15 N for contacts with cables
attached that have a nominal cross-sectional area u 1 mm2.
NOTE It is intended to change these values for the next revision of this part of ISO 8092.
For contacts with cables of larger nominal cross-sectional areas, the force shall be a maximum of 30 N.
In the case of sealed connectors or splash-proof connectors, the force imposed by the seal shall be included.
4.7.1 Test
Carry out the test for contact retention forces using a suitable test apparatus. The contacts shall have all
locking devices effective. Apply a constant force to the front and/or back of the contact in an axial direction
and hold it for ( 10 +02 ) s. The constant force applied shall be noted in the test report.
4.7.2 Requirements
The contacts, tested according to 4.7.1, shall withstand 60 N. Higher forces may be required according to
connection or disconnection forces, material and design.
4.8.1 Test General
Determine the conductor resistance(s) of cable(s) or device used. Measure the resistance, Rmeasured, between
the two measuring points 1 shown in Figures 6 and 7. The connection resistance Rc is determined by
subtracting the value(s) Rcable 1 and Rcable 2 or Rdevice.
Care shall be taken during the measurement to avoid exerting abnormal pressure on the contacts under test
and to avoid movement of the test cables.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 measuring point
2 reference point, only
a Distance recommended.
b Resistance Rcable 1.
c Rc Connection resistance, resistance of conductor attachment included.
d Resistance Rcable 2.
e Resistance Rmeasured.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 measuring point
2 reference points
a Distance recommended.
b Resistance Rdevice.
c Rc Connection resistance, resistance of conductor attachment included.
d Resistance Rcable.
e Resistance Rmeasured.
Determine the connection resistance using the test arrangements shown in Figures 6 and 7.
For the resistance measurement at millivolt level, in order to prevent the breakdown of possible insulating
films on the contacts, the test voltage shall not exceed 20 mV dc or peak voltage ac in open circuit. The test
current shall not exceed 100 mA.
4.8.2 Requirements
The connection resistance; Rc, determined according to 4.8.1, shall conform to the requirements specified in
the applicable part of ISO 8092. General
Assemble the connectors with the full complement of contacts fitted. The cables attached shall be of the
minimum and maximum overall diameter that the connector sealing system allows. The cable ends shall be
sealed. Precondition the test sample (mated connectors) in a temperature chamber at the test temperature for
the designated class according to Table 3, for a period of 4 h.
1 70 85
2 85 100
3 -40 100 125
4 125 155
5 155 175
Immediately following preconditioning, immerse the test sample (mated sealed connectors) in deionized water
with 5 % NaCI (m/m), to which 0,1 g/litre wetting agent has been added. The liquid temperature shall be
(23 ± 5) °C. Include a dye so that the ingress of liquid into the test sample can be visually checked after the
electrical test. Immerse the test sample as shown in Figure 8 for a period of 1 h. Take leakage current
measurements of the test sample immersed in the liquid. Take the measurement between each contact and
the electrode. Using a different test sample, take the measurement between every two adjacent contacts. See
the example shown in Figure 9.
Dimensions in millimetres
1, 2, 3 measuring point
4 test sample
5 electrode
Immediately following preconditioning, submit the test sample (mated splash-proof connectors) to splash-proof
test IPX4, as specified in ISO 20653. Apply the smallest tube arc. Other equipment may be used provided that
its use leads to the same end results. In case of a dispute between user and supplier, the test according to
ISO 20653 IPX4 shall be decisive. It is recommended that a dye be added to the water to distinguish between
water ingress and condensation.
The high-pressure water jet test shall only be applied to on-board electrical connections, which are intended
for use outside of the passenger compartment. Perform the test according to ISO 20653 IPX9K.
4.9.2 Requirements Water tightness is verified by testing sealed and splash-proof connectors ( For the test of
sealed connectors, which shall be carried out according to, the leakage current shall not exceed
50 µA at 48 V applied voltage. The tested sealed connectors and the splash-proof connectors (tested
according to shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1. The requirement as described within ISO 20653 applies. The connectors shall be subsequently
submitted to the tests according to Table 1.
4.10.1 Test
Carry out the temperature/humidity cycling test using cable-to-cable connections (see Figure 6) with a housing
possessing the full complement of contacts. If requested by the user, carry out this test with connections on an
apparatus (see Figure 7). Test the connectors, with cables assembled, of the minimum and maximum cross-
sectional areas allowed by the contact system. Subject the test samples (mated connectors), in a suitable test
chamber, to 10 cycles of 24 hours in the following test sequence (see Figure 10 for a graphic representation of
the test cycles). The applicable test temperature shall be taken from Table 3 as a function of environmental
Test cycle:
e) Hold tc at (– 40 ± 2) °C for 2 h.
At the end of a cycle, the test may be interrupted. During the interruption, test samples shall remain at the
ambient conditions as defined in a). Note the interruption time in the test report.
NOTE 1 During the periods specified in d), e), f), g) and h), the relative humidity is uncontrolled.
NOTE 2 If the chamber needs more than 1,5 h to reach class test temperature, the duration of period f) may be
extended and period a) reduced accordingly.
4.10.2 Requirements
The sample, tested according to 4.10.1, shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1.
The vibration test methods specified consider various levels of vibration severities applicable to on-board
electrical connections. It is recommended that vehicle manufacturer and supplier choose the test method, the
environmental temperature and vibration parameters depending on the environment of the connections in the
4.11.2 Test
Carry out the vibration with mated connectors suitably mounted on a vibration table as shown in Figure 11.
Note the mounting method or methods (1, 2) used in the test report. Wire all contacts in series and connect
them to a dc source allowing a current flow of 100 mA for monitoring the connection resistance during the
entire test (see Figure 12). Subject the connection to a simple harmonic motion (Table 4) at the applicable test
temperature, according to Table 3, having preconditioned the samples as follows.
Connect and disconnect the samples five times, in order to condition the interface sufficiently to reveal any
surface degradation.
⎯ 30 min at the highest value of the applicable environmental temperature in Table 3, and
Dimensions in millimetres
a) Method 1 b) Method 2
1 test bench
2 test sample
3 fixed connector
R variable resistor
1 power supply
2 connection under test
3 monitoring unit
4 ammeter
Carry out the frequency variation by logarithmic sweeping of 1 octave per minute. The motion shall be applied
for a period of 16 h in each of the three mutually perpendicular directions (total test time 48 h).
In addition, the test samples may be subjected to a measured vehicle vibration profile for the same duration.
4.11.3 Requirements
During the vibration test carried out according to 4.11.1, the connection resistance shall not exceed 7 Ω for a
period of more than 1 µs (Figure 13). After completion of the test, the test samples shall fulfil subsequently
performed tests given in Table 1.
a OK.
b Not OK.
Y connection resistance
t time
4.12.1 Test
Measure the insulation resistance at a relative humidity of 45 % to 75 % by applying 500 V dc between all
contacts connected together and a metal foil surrounding the housing. For safety reasons, connect the metal
foil to earth. In addition, apply the voltage with a different test sample to every two adjacent contacts.
For particular applications, the test voltage may be reduced to 100 V dc if agreed between manufacturer and
user. Note the voltage applied in the test report.
4.12.2 Requirements
The insulation resistance, measured according to 4.12.1, shall be at least 100 MΩ. Before
4.13.1 Test
Apply an ac voltage of 1 000 V rms (50 Hz or 60 Hz) or a dc voltage of 1 600 V at a relative humidity of from
45 % to 75 % for 1 min across all contacts connected together and a metal foil surrounding the housing. For
safety reasons, connect the metal foil to earth. In addition, apply the voltage with a different test sample to
every two adjacent contacts.
4.13.2 Requirements
During this test, according to 4.13.1, neither dielectric breakdown nor flash-over shall occur.
4.14.1 Test
Carry out the test using mated cable-to-cable connectors and connectors on apparatus using simulated or
actual part(s) with the maximum and minimum cable cross-sectional area allowed by the contact system.
Attach the test samples to cables of (200 ± 5) mm in length in the case of nominal cross-sectional areas up to
and including 2,5 mm2, and (500 ± 5) mm in length for cables with larger nominal cross-sectional areas.
Take care to protect the test samples from draughts and artificial cooling (e.g. caused by a thermocouple).
The contact(s) to be measured shall be those that reach the highest stabilised temperature. Figure 14 shows
the typical area of measurements.
Perform the test with the full complement of contacts fitted, each loaded with the test current as in Table 5,
multiplied by the applicable reduction coefficient from Table 6.
Measure the temperature of the contacts and ambient temperature after thermal equilibrium has been
established and record them.
1 typical area of measurements
0,22 3,5
0,35 5
0,5 8
0,75 11
1 13,5
1,5 18
2 21
2,5 24
3 26,5
4 31
5 35
6 38,5
10 50
NOTE The test currents for cables with nominal cross-sectional area not indicated
above shall be determined by interpolation.
1 1
2 to 3 0,75
4 to 5 0,6
6 to 8 0,55
9 to 12 0,5
13 to 20 0,4
21 to 30 0,3
> 30 0,2
4.14.2 Requirements
The temperature rise of each contact, which shall be tested according to 4.14.1, shall not exceed 40 °C,
where the temperature rise equals the measured contact temperature minus the test ambient temperature.
Each contact shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1.
The temperature rise shall not be used as a guide to the capability of the connector to operate at elevated
ambient temperatures.
4.15.1 Test
Carry out the test by agreement between the supplier and user.
4.15.2 Requirements
It shall be impossible to mate partly or fully two connectors in any false position without permanent damage to
one or both parts. Electrical connection shall be prevented before coding or polarization is engaged.
4.16.1 Test
Carry out the neutral salt spray (NSS) test specified in ISO 9227. Apply it to mated connectors fitted with the
full complement of contacts and cables connected. The duration of the test shall be 48 h.
4.16.2 Requirements
The connection, tested according to 4.16.1, shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1.
4.17.1 Test
Carry out the current cycling with test samples as given in 4.14.1, and with test current(s) as specified by the
connector manufacturer for each contact used. The corresponding cable size shall be in accordance with
Table 6.
Place the test sample in a thermally controlled test chamber at the highest value of the applicable
environmental temperature given in Table 3, and apply 500 test cycles, each 45 min current on, 15 min
current off. Take care to protect the test samples from draughts and artificial cooling.
4.17.2 Requirements
The connectors, tested according to 4.17.1, shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1.
4.18.1 Test
Place the test sample (two fully-equipped mated connectors) in a test chamber and leave them there at the
temperature given in Table 3 for 100 h. Alternatively, the test time may be increased to 500 h at the highest
value of the applicable environmental temperature in Table 3.
4.18.2 Requirements
The sample, tested according to 4.18.1, shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1.
4.19.1 Purpose
The test shall be performed with connectors for use in high shock areas only. The purpose of this test is to
reveal mechanical and electrical weaknesses in specified performance.
4.19.2 Test
Take a test sample (mated connectors) as used in the vehicle and including all additional equipment used to
install and connect the sample to the vehicle wiring harness/system. Use appropriate test equipment. Ensure
that the test fixture is free of resonance within the range of frequencies applied, and allow sufficient
distribution of the instantaneous acceleration. Subject the test samples to half-sine shocks according to
IEC 60068-2-27. Apply an acceleration of 100g (981 m/s2) for a duration of 5 ms. Apply 1 000 shocks in both
directions of the three mutually perpendicular axes (total number of shocks is 2 × 3 × 1 000 = 6 000). Monitor
the connection resistance during the shocks as in 4.11.1.
4.19.3 Requirements
The connection resistance shall not exceed 7 Ω for a period of more than 1 µs. The connectors, tested
according to 4.19.2, shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1.
4.20 Drop
4.20.1 Test
Wire the sample (unmated connector) according to its application. The length of the cable(s) and the test
arrangement shall be as given in Figure 15. Attach the cable(s) to a fixed point and allow a free swinging of
the test sample (a simple attachment on a hook can, however, be sufficient).
Hold the test sample horizontally and let it swing down to hit a steel plate of dimensions
300 mm × 500 mm × 25 mm (thickness). Repeat as often as agreed between manufacturer and user.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 typical area of measurements
4.20.2 Requirements
The sample, tested according to 4.20.1, shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1.
4.21 Dust
4.21.1 Test
This test shall be performed, with mated connectors, cables attached, when a dust test is requested by the
user. Use a test chamber incorporating the basic principles illustrated by Figure 16. Ensure the dust used (use
undecomposed feldspar) is clean, free from carbonaceous material or other impurities and is used in a dry
condition. The particle size shall be as follows:
Use a dust concentration of approximately 2 kg dust in suspension per 1 m3 test chamber volume. Mount the
test samples in an orientation similar to that in which they are mounted in the vehicle. Agitate the dust every
15 min for 6 s during a period of 5 h. Other periods may be agreed.
4.21.2 Requirements
The connectors, tested according to 4.21.1, shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in Table 1. After
disconnection, no visible damage is permitted.
1 test sample
2 glass window
3 vibrator
4 guard screen
5 circulation pump or other means suitable for
maintaining the dust in suspension
4.22.1 Test
Subject the mated samples to 100 thermal shock cycles, each consisting of
4.22.2 Requirements
After being tested according to 4.22.2, the test sample shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in
Table 1. The connection resistance measured shall not exceed the value specified in the applicable part of
ISO 8092.
The resistance to chemical fluids is only required for connectors likely to be exposed to such fluids. For this
purpose, a list of chemicals and tests common to automotive use has been established (see Table 7). The
vehicle manufacturer and supplier should choose the fluids and tests depending on the connector application.
Ethylen glycol 3 ml 60
Water 60 ml
Gasoline according ISO 3170
Fuel 23 ± 5
Diesel according ISO 3170
a Conforms to ASTM oil No. 1.
4.23.2 Test
Apply the test liquids at the temperatures and for duration according to Table 7. For each test liquid a new
specimen shall be used.
After a chemical fluid test it is permitted to rinse (with inert fluid) and dry the outside of the test sample before
continuing the test sequences in Table 1.
4.23.3 Requirements
After being tested according to 4.23.2, the test sample shall fulfil subsequently performed tests given in
Table 1.
4.24.1 Test
Apply test 11g Flowing mixed gas corrosion test, method 4 or, as an alternative, test method 1, as per
IEC 60512-11-7, to mated unsealed connectors and to unmated sealed and unsealed connectors. This test
may be performed as flowing single gas corrosion test, test 11p as per IEC 60512-11-14, severity 2. The
duration of the test shall be 21 days.
4.24.2 Requirements
The connectors, tested according to 4.24.1, shall fulfil subsequently performed tests.
Annex A
Annex B
The test shall be performed with connectors fully equipped with their contacts and effective cable attachment.
The test specimen shall be securely held in such a position that the cable(s) hang(s) along its (their)
longitudinal axis in the connection slot(s). All connections shall be connected in series.
An axial force F shall be applied to the free end(s) of the cable(s) to keep it (them) straight.
The force shall be evenly distributed over the whole bundle, if multiple cables are attached. The force shall be
agreed between supplier and vehicle manufacturer, depending on the number of cables bundled and attached,
the cross-section of the cables, the type and material of the insulation. The recommended value of the applied
force F is 10 N to 50 N.
The cable(s) shall then be bent in both directions from vertical which constitutes one cycle. The bending
angle α shall be 30°, the number of cycles shall be 10, if not otherwise agreed between supplier and vehicle
manufacturer. Bending the cable(s) shall be carried out using a suitable device, for example as indicated in
Figure B.1.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 connector
F force
α bending angle
B.2 Requirements
Contact resistance shall be monitored during the full duration of the bending test. The connection resistance
shall not exceed 7 Ω for a period of more than 1 µs (Figure B.2). After testing, IDC shall not be damaged and
the cable shall not be broken.
a OK.
b Not OK.
Y connection resistance
t time
[2] IEC 60352-2, Solderless connections. Part 2: Solderless crimped connections — General requirements,
test methods and practical guidance
ICS 43.040.10
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