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Sea water desalination is a process that separates saline water into two major
components, the low dissolved salts concentration water stream (fresh or potable
water) and the high dissolved salts concentration water, using several generally high
energy and cost mechanisms. Reverse Osmosis (RO) is currently the most widely used
technology owing to its continuous improvement in membrane technology and energy
consumption rates, thereby increasing the throughput and efficiency of the technology.
These improvements have led to a dramatic reduction of both the capital and the
operational costs. Studies on reduction of energy consumption in desalination have
been one of the major priorities in recent years and the results have been very
significant. The incorporation of energy recovery devices has also led to major
benefits in the technology as some of the energy is recycled for productive use.
Research and development of energy and cost effective desalination technologies is an
ongoing process as sources of fresh water continue to diminish at an alarming rate
while at the same time the population growth is increasing dramatically. In this
regard, RO has become the most viable technology in desalination. This paper seeks
to analyze the effects of energy and costs of RO desalination technology.
Keywords: Desalination, reverse osmosis, energy.
Cite this Article: Randy Ncube and Freddie L. Inambao, Sea Water Reverse Osmosis
Desalination: Energy and Economic Analysis. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology 10(12), 2019, pp. 716-731.
The provision of potable and fresh water is becoming an extremely important issue
worldwide. Potable water is very scarce in arid areas and the establishment of human habitats
in such areas strongly hinge on how such water can be made available [1]. Reverse osmosis
(RO) has become the most commonly used and preferred desalination technology world-wide.
With the rise in population and the increased demand for potable water there is a great need to
come up with lasting solutions [2]. Between 2008 and 2013 global desalination capacity grew
by 57%. This movement is expected to continue for the following main reasons: population
growth, traditional water resources are diminishing, and advances in membrane technology.
Seawater desalination is a major contributor, with about 59% of global desalination capacity
attributed to it [3]. One of the major significant costs in the economics of desalination of
water is energy costs, but the insufficiency of water is motivating the rapid growth and
development of desalination facilities worldwide. Non-renewable conventional fossil fuels
have been exploited as the main source of energy, but excessive emission of greenhouse
gases, leading to global warming, has encouraged worldwide development and
implementation of minimal energy use strategies and green energy supplies. Several
advancements of RO technology have occurred recently and research continues to be carried
out to improve this process [4].
The only form of energy required in the RO process is electrical energy. A number of
factors affect the energy consumption of the RO unit. One major factor is the salinity of feed
water and the recovery rate of the system. Feed water with high-salinity requires a higher
amount of energy owing to higher osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is associated with the
concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) of the feed water. RO units vary in size from
very small units with a capacity of 0.1 m3/day to very large units with a capacity of 395 000
m3/day. The average energy consumption reported ranges from 3.7 kWh/m3 to 8 kWh/m3. The
consumption may surpass 15 kWh/m3 for very small unit sizes [8]. Several aspects such as
process design, energy recovery system, waste water disposal system, quality of desalinated
water, and the type of membrane, affect energy consumption [9].
The leading factors in minimization of energy usage in RO desalination processes can be
categorized as follows: enhanced system design, energy recovery, high efficiency pumping,
innovative technologies, and advanced membrane materials [4]. Figure 2 shows the various
components of an RO system and their respective energy usage [10].
Miscelleneous, 1.8 %
Π – Osmotic pressure,
c – Molar solute concentration,
R – Gas constant, and
T – Absolute temperature.
The total energy requirement for the running of an entire RO desalination plant is given by
Eq. (2):
ET – Total energy requirement,
Ein – Energy required to draw the feed water from the source,
Ept – Energy required for pre-treatment and post-treatment (micro filtration and pumping),
Ehp – Energy required by the high-pressure pump,
EA – Energy required by other accessories (chemical dosing, filter backwashing/cleaning and
pumping the product water), and
EERD – Energy recovered by the energy recovery device (ERD) [12].
Specific energy consumption (SEC), which describes the amount of electrical energy
required to produce one cubic metre of permeate, can be used to evaluate the energy costs of
an RO plant. Ideally, assuming 100 % pump efficiency, work done by the pump is assumed to
be equal to the electrical energy required, as given by Eq. (3):
Qp – Permeate flow rate,
Wpump – Rate of work done by the pump, which is given by Eq. (4):
In which,
Pf – Feed pressure at the entrance of the membrane module,
Po – Pressure of the raw water,
Qf – Volumetric Feed Flow rate [13].
Consequently, for a given recovery system for a single stage RO process that operates up
to a certain thermodynamic restriction limit, the optimal SEC, also known as the normalised
SEC (SECnorm), can be expressed as Eq. 6:
[ ][ ]
ηERD and ηpump – efficiencies of energy recovery devices and pump respectively,
R – Membrane salt rejection,
Assuming 100 % pump efficiency, the rate of work done at the first stage, where
thermodynamic restrictions apply is given by Eq. (9):
[ ]
Likewise, the rate of work done at the second stage, where thermodynamic restrictions
apply is given by Eq. (10):
[ ]
Therefore, the normalised SEC for the two stage RO process at the thermodynamic
restriction is given by Eq. (11) [15]:
[ ]
Understanding the minimum amount of energy required to separate pure water from
seawater provides a standard for comparison and can help to guide future efforts to further
reduce energy demand. This minimum energy (theoretical), which is independent of the
desalination method, is realized when the separation occurs as a reversible thermodynamic
process. As a result, the magnitude of energy required for separation will be equal and
opposite in sign to the free energy of mixing. The relationship between the osmotic pressure
and the free energy of mixing is given by Eq. (12) [16]:
∆Gmix – Free energy of mixing,
R – Ideal gas constant,
T – Absolute temperature,
aw – Activity of water,
nw – Number of moles of water,
Πs – Osmotic pressure of the seawater, and
Vw – Molar volume of water.
One of the major consumers of energy in the process of seawater RO (SWRO) is the feed
pump itself. To achieve maximum possible efficiency, a pump curve typically shows that the
specific speed should be within a specified range for optimal efficiency. Specific speed, nq, is
defined by Eq. (13) [11]:
in which:
n – Speed of the pump,
Q – Flow rate,
H – Total dynamic head.
For optimal energy, nq should be greater than 900 [11].
large pumps with energy recovery devices has led to this significant energy reduction. These
devices, known as ―turbochargers‖, ―pressure exchangers‖, or ―work exchangers‖ represent
efficient ways of energy recovery content of the high-pressure concentrate leaving the
membrane module. These turbines convert the pressure from the concentrate into a high speed
jet that rotates a wheel. This is either used to decrease the power consumed by the driving
motor of the pump or to boost the pressure of the feed to a second stage since the salt
concentration will be higher in the second stage than in the first stage [19, 20]. For a 24 000
m3/day sea water RO unit, the electricity consumption ranges from 4 kWh/m3 to 6 kWh/m3
when an energy recovery system is included. Desalination of brackish water requires low
pressures; therefore, different types of membranes are used. This will result in much higher
recovery ratios, which will significantly reduce energy consumption. For a brackish-water RO
unit, the consumption of electrical energy ranges from 1.5 kWh/m3 to 2.5 kWh/m 3 [8].
Several ERDs have been employed in the desalination process. These include the high
efficiency hydraulic energy recovery (HER) and the osmotic energy recovery (OER) devices.
HER devices are responsible of transferring hydraulic energy to a low-pressure feed stream
from a high pressure brine stream prior to its discharge. OER devices employ the partial
recovery of chemical potential energy (the same energy used in the separation of potable
water from saline water) from the concentrated brine [21]. The power retrievable from the
energy recovery system is related to its capacity as in Eq. (14) [22]:
Wers – Work done by the energy recovery system,
ηers – Efficiency of the energy recovery systems (approximately constant at 0.67).
Pr – Pressure from the reject stream (bars),
Qrt – total reject flow rate from the RO plant (m3/d).
membrane technologies. A pie-chart of the components costs (from the year 2002) of an RO
desalination plant is shown in Figure 4 [10].
Costs (%)
Maintenance, 8 %
Labor, 4 %
Membrane replacement, 3 %
Equipment amortization, 48 %
Electric power, 33 %
Chemicals, 4 %
Capital cost refers to the total of all start-up costs, which include land, construction and
infrastructure costs necessary to have the plant operative using the market price. Plant
capacity means the potential desalinated water volume produced per day taking into
consideration the current facilities and available equipment [9].
Several scholars have come up with different methodologies for calculation of the costs of
running a desalination plant. Some of the methodologies are well established and can apply to
different kinds of industries. The commonly used indicator in the investment evaluation is the
net present value (NPV) and the energy related operation costs (CE,t) which can be calculated
using Eqs (16) and (17) respectively [25]:
Io – Initial capital investment,
i – Appropriate discount rates,
n – Number of years,
Rt – Revenue in year t,
Ct – Costs in year t,
EEl,t – Amount of electrical energy used by the plant in year t,
not available.
Nanotubes Transport of water 30 % to 50% lower Ten-fold higher Only modeling results
molecules through energy consumption flux than currently available. Rejection of
structured carbon and than conventional available seawater specific contaminants is not
boron nitride seawater RO RO membranes. known.
nanotubes. membranes.
Biomimetic Aquaporins used to Energy consumption Hundred times Inability to withstand high
regulate transport of is not known. more permeable operating pressures.
water molecules. than currently Rejection of specific
available seawater contaminants is not known.
RO membrane. Long-term operational data
not available.
Calculations of the effect of membrane cost on water production cost can be done by
considering the amortized membrane cost per unit permeate produced (also known as the
specific membrane cost, [SMC]). SMC for a single-stage RO process at the limit of
thermodynamic restriction is given by Eq. (18):
* ( )+
Where: b – concentrate (brine) management cost ($/m3 brine volume) which can be expressed
by equivalent energy units.
For a single-stage RO process without energy recovery but with an ideal pump (ηpump = 1,
ηERD = 0), the cost of brine management and energy consumption combined is given by Eq.
To minimize the RO process cost, Eq. (21) calculates the optimal water recovery as follows:
Where bnorm = b/π0. Brine management cost shifts the optimal water recovery to a higher
value [32].
Membrane configuration of the unit has a major effect on performance and economics of
the RO plant. Two-stage and six-element-per-vessel units were the usual configuration in the
past, whereas the current units consist of a single stage with seven elements per vessel. There
is a cost advantage in the increased number of elements per vessel [10]. A useful approach to
improving the process design of membrane desalination is to emulate developed optimization
strategies from other separations processes like distillation that recycle one or both counter-
current flowing streams through the use of multistage processing [20].
The crucial shortcoming of the RO membranes is susceptibility to fouling. Membrane
fouling leads to higher operational costs which include higher energy demand, increase in
frequency of cleaning and maintenance, and reduced lifetime of the membrane elements [30].
Several studies have shown that the effects of energy consumption in RO desalination has
been a thorn in researchers’ flesh. Energy consumption has a negative impact on costs of
running the plants and subsequently affects the costs of potable water production. Studies on
reduction of energy consumption in desalination have been one of the major priorities in
recent years and the results have been very significant. The incorporation of energy recovery
devices has led to major benefits in the technology as some of the energy is recycled and
turned into productive use. Research and development of energy and cost-effective
desalination technologies has been, and still is, an ongoing process as sources of fresh water
continue to diminish at an alarming rate whereas population growth is increasing
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