Alexandria University
Department of Computer Science, College of Science and Arts in Qurayyat, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia
KEYWORDS Abstract An artificial neural network (ANN) was created to predict the operation of a reverse
Water treatment; osmosis desalination process, and then it was utilized to supply water temperature modeling. The
Water desalination; techniques used for producing the new water by utilizing the water treatment process and desalina-
Artificial neural network; tion of seawater process are growing rapidly. Desalination produces water for residential use, the
Multilayer network of processing industry, water supply, and other reasons. Membrane procedures (Reverse Osmosis
perceptron RO) or thermal desalination are always the most common desalination techniques. The optimiza-
tion process consists of some units such as coagulation, sedimentation, disinfection, settling, and
filtration. The process of desalination has various parameters such as vacuum pressure, feed salt
concentration, temperature feed into the inlet, and rate of feed flow. For the desalination process,
reverse osmosis is the most helpful process for desalination that can be coupled with more variable
renewable energy sources are wind and solar. Using a couple of renewable energy to produce fresh-
water from saltwater can able to reduce the impact on the environment that desalination can create
due to the power consumption of energy. The optimization of water treatment and desalination
experimental results was developed by the model of an artificial neural network (ANN).
Ó 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Water treatment and desalination remove microorganisms, result information are detections in false and the detection is
salts, and minerals in freshwater or seawater to make it safe for missed. The wavelet denoise (WD) is joint through the PCA
human use. Freshwater desalination from rivers or groundwa- that forms a new process that detects the responsibility on
ter, wastewater reuse, and water management all demand more the feed water treatment process. This result is further com-
energy than saltwater desalination [4]. For desalination to be pared with some of the existing methods. Then the advantage
carried out, the salt in the water should leave the low concen- of PCA-WD, which can be against the classical SWPCA and
trated source to the highly concentrated source. This can be PCA is getting finally convinced [13].
done by reverse osmosis which requires overcoming the natu- The current leading technology in the process of desalina-
rally occurring osmotic pressure and adding additional pres- tion is Reverse Osmosis. But in recent days, membrane fouling
sure to drive the process in the reverse direction. This is widely used. Fouling is a complex mechanism that was not
process requires high power consumption due to the need for well understood in full-scale plants. Several types of research
high-pressure pumps to create such additional high pressure are done in fouling and are found that the fouling characteris-
[5]. tics are well understood in lab or pilot scale systems but not in
The osmotic pressure is a naturally occurring process and full-scale systems. Both the ANN and tree model are used to
hence it is limited to its efficiency. The seawater desalination analyze the long-term performance of a full-scale reverse
plant has around 50% efficiency in the recovery rate, i.e., for osmosis desalination plant and the results show that this sys-
1-liter untreated water, ø liter freshwater can be obtained tem produces a high correlation coefficient among the mea-
and the remaining ø liter is redirected to the sea with the whole sured and simulated output variables [14].
of salt that entered into the plant[6]. In other words, for 1-liter With the help of ANN, a Sweeping gas membrane distilla-
freshwater, 2 L of water is to be processed [7]. There are 5 main tion process (SGMD) for desalination of water and to predict
components in a desalination plant. They are the Intake its performance index based on 53 experiments. For this, a
(18%), Pre-treatment (22%), Treatment (49%), Post- feed-forward network is used. With the help of Monte Carlo
Treatment (3%), and Waste Disposal (8%) [8]. The proportion simulation, the optimum point of feed inlet temperature, the
in parenthesis relates to the cost of every element in a water feed flow rate, and the airflow rate on the SGMD performance
treatment plant, which might vary depending on location, index was determined [15]. The reverse osmosis-based water
ground condition, and distances from the facility to the coast- desalination plant is a highly non-linear multi-input multi-
line. In this study, a cost-effective ANN-based system for puri- output system that can be affected by some uncertainties, con-
fying seawater or water from other origins to make it straints, or some other physical phenomena. Hence effective
appropriate for irrigation and human consumption is pre- control strategy is needed and this can be achieved by using
sented [9]. a Non-linear Model Predictive Controller (NMPC). A Recur-
Non-linear multivariate regression problems are focused on rent Neural Network (RNN) base Long-Short Term Memory
the use of ANN models. This is defined as Black-box design (LSTM) is used to develop a predictive model for controlling
because it is not depending on the presentation of specific with the desalination plant is introduced [16].
the actual significance of the technology that is under inquiry Actuator faults are more common in a smaller reverse
that is depending on the result of developments. The ANN osmosis-based desalination plant, which reduces the water
design can easily progress by using the experimental informa- quality or energy loss in the plant. A multi-input multi-
tion from the process to be spread over the model of the exper- output (MIMO) reverse osmosis desalination plant is con-
imental system [10]. This model can be applied to various fields trolled along with noise, model mismatch, and actuator fault
of medicine, technology, and science [11]. ANN is applied to [17]. An optimal strategy for the control of reverse osmosis
seawater desalination, in contrast with the deterministic system membrane module with recirculation is demonstrated using
that is based on physical laws. In ANN, the model of general the model of reverse osmosis membrane to remove the impuri-
additive is comfortable to derive the complex design that is ties in the water that is to be recycled and to optimize the time
from the actual information data, they requiring without the taken to for the process of recycling [18].
assumption for conditions are ideal relatively with perfor- An enhanced multi-objective optimum control (MOOC)
mance are better [12]. method is presented in this study to achieve operational excel-
The remaining part and aim of this paper are explained lence, meet treatment efficiency (EQ), and reduce the energy
about the optimization of water treatment and desalination consumption (EC) in the wastewater treatment process
by using the ANN method; part 2 defines the highlight of pre- (WWTP). First, adaptable kernel function modeling of the
vious effort that can be done by the scholars in this domain processes is built for the suggested MOOC method, which
with various experimental tasks; part 3 represent the system can capture the complicated dynamics of EQ and EC. How-
model of this research; part 4 offering the proposed methodol- ever, to account for WWTP, a multi - objective optimization
ogy architecture model and its mechanism; part 5 represents situation is caused. Second, an enhanced based multi - objec-
the evaluation and performance of the result and discussion tive particle swarm optimizing (MOPSO) technique is devised
and part 6 represents the work achieved in conclusion. to minimize the set objectives utilizing a self-adaptive flight
characteristics method and a multi-objective gradient (MOG)
2. Related work method. The treatment method then yields the ideal dissolved
oxygen (SO) and nitrate (SNO) predefined. Third, in the sug-
The important part of value boilers is the Feedwater treatment gested MOOC technique, an adaptive neuro - fuzzy inference
process (FWTP) then the fault detection for its improved reli- neural network controllers (FNNC) is used to implement
ability. The principle for the classical component that func- tracking control of the generated set-points. Finally, Bench-
tions to the FWTPs in the earlier effort. The T2 and SPE marking Simulations Model No. 1 (BSM1) is presented to
assess the proposed MOOC strategy’s performance. The pro-
An artificial neural network mechanism 9289
4. Proposed methodology
method, sedimentation process, and filtration process followed Fig. 3 ANN architecture flow chart.
by the ANN training and evaluation model are displayed on
the Fig. 3. The process of coagulation involves pH modifica-
tion and the dosage of coagulant is measured by observing 8k 2 1; 2; :; l
untreated turbidity of water and conductivity of electrical
where i = input nodes, s = hidden nodes, l = output
[34]. The help of flocculant is not dosed. For the backwashing
filter, 3 principles are used, which include turbidity in water fil-
Apl = output from the lth node of the output layer of the
ter effluent less than 0.2 FNU, particles of greater than 1 mm in
filter effluent less than 320#/ml, and run-time filter is greater
Yps = network input of the pth node.
than 65 h. These 3 criteria are followed to prevent the excessive
Had;l = connection weight between the hidden layer dth node
growth of micro-organisms and to maintain hygiene [35]. The
water from the filter is together with the sludge from the sed- and output layer lth node.
imentation process in a settling tank, which is cleared to the Hwb;d = connection weight between the hidden layer bth
system of sewer and the effluents are cleared to the affluent node and output layer dth node.
river reservoir. In this method, a feed-forward or multi-layer k1(.) and k1(.) are the functions for activation.
feed-forward network is used which is trained by a back- The most commonly used function for activation is a sig-
propagation algorithm [36]. Then the three layers of propaga- moidal logistic function that is represented as:
tion of the neural network that can be mathematically 1
expressed as. KðyÞ ¼
1 þ ey
X c Xi
The ANN model is designed and the procedure to be fol-
Apl ¼ k1 a
Hd;l K2 w
Hb;d yps lowed is shown in Fig. 4. The information data is initially
d¼1 d¼1
explained and evaluated on the ANN model of input informa-
9292 A.I. Taloba
tion with the outcome is desired. The information data is cat- process of training and the testing is performed until the suit-
egorized on moreover the validation set or the training set. able result was attained, when the suitable result was attained,
Thus, the ANN model uses the training set only in the process then the model of ANN is considered to have been qualified
of learning to develop the model. Thus, the set of validation is and then ready to use as shown in Algorithm 1.
used for model testing on its ability of predictive, when the
ANN training is stopped. The ANN architecture was defined Algorithm 1. Water treatment process.
by the selection of hidden layers quantity that can be created
and the number of neurons for the individual hidden layer.
There are no static rules on defining the model of ANN and 1 Procedure TRAIN
its principles of the parameter, a ANNs large number is cre- 2 A Data set for Training o p
ated with the various parameter and structures before deter- 3 B Labels for records in A
mining an acceptable model [37]. By the performance of 4 R The respective layer weights
5 n The layer number in the ANN, 1. . ..N
testing the periodic design of ANN on the set of tests and then
6 XðnÞ the error for all n,u,v
recording both the results of the test data and training results uv
set, thus the iteration number that introduces the best design
7 YðnÞ
uv o, for all n,u,v
8 For u = 1 to o
was attained [38]. They need to the ANN model reset and then
9 gn feedforward (a(u), z)
train the network increases to the iteration number. 10 hn g(N) – B(u)
The parameters of ANN are set when before the process of ðnÞ
11 YðnÞ
uv YðnÞ
uv þ gv :Yu
training is started. This process of training includes the output
12 If v – o then
of computation from the input and weights. Thus, the algo- 13 XðnÞ
1 ðnÞ
o Yuv þ kRuv
rithm for backpropagation is used for ANN training that
14 Else
adjusts its weights that reduce the variation between ANN cur- 15 XðuvnÞ 1 ðnÞ
o Yuv
rent output and the output chosen [39]. At last, the calculation
16 End
of this process is conducted then to control, then the ANN
model has a study to resolve the method at one hand. Thus,
the process of evaluation is involved halting periodically the
In the ANN model, the process of accurate optimization is
attained by the different methods of the dosage of coagulant
and then the function of cost is minimum. The dosage of coag-
ulant was evaluated via sedimentation effluent turbidity, price
calculation, and ANN [40]. To obtain the suitable minimum
treatment of overall costs. The mean turbidity load is rapid fil-
ters influent that against the runtime filter, it is noted then a
load of mean decreases, then runtime filter increase is shown
in Fig. 5. Then equally varying the turbidity the load means
is attained from the load of turbidity that occurs within a
run filter [41].
The various relations between the runtime filter in hours
and then the turbidity means load in the filter that influent is
defined in below equation:
Runtime filter ¼ 957 ðTurbidity loadÞ0:72
where n as filters number, the price for filter backwash is eval-
uated as.
Pricefilterbackwash ¼ n
The range of the parameter is monitored on the dosage of
coagulant till the price is matched on the minimum treatment
of prices. The pH level of water is 7.2 is observed during the
time range for part of treatment.
price Backwash filter ¼ l Filter in operation:
runtime filter
From Fig. 6 shows the graph for the load of mean turbidity
that is influent of the rapid filters that against the runtime filter
and it can be noted that the load mean value is got decreases
and then the run time filter is got increases.
The dosage of the coagulant parameter range is got moni-
tored until the quantity of minimum matches the price of treat-
ment. The level of pH in water is measured as 7.2 during the
part of treatment in a range of time. Thus Fig. 7 shows the cal-
culated turbidity and the measured turbidity in the sedimenta-
tion effluent.
The performance of the estimated result is attained through
the help of the proposed concentration of coagulant is mea-
sured, then the optimization in dosage of coagulant by the pro-
cess of integrating with ANN, then the calculated and the
measured turbidity in the sedimentation effluent step after
the coagulant dosage of optimization ANN. Fig. 8. the dosage
coagulant of dosage by the price with the ANN optimization is
related to the coagulant is measured the concentration of coag-
ulant Fig. 9 shows the measured and observed turbidity is
expected in the sedimentation effluent after the coagulant opti-
mization by the ANN.
The ANN is used in a Multilayer network of perceptron
and it is trained with the algorithm of backpropagation. Then
the output of the ANN is the turbidity of the effluent sedimen-
tation process. The suitable value that was set up to 5000 and
20,000 value set of data is separated for the validation of the
model. Thus measured the accuracy is very high with the mean
Fig. 5 ANN Flow diagram for optimization. value of the absolute deviation of 1.3% with the training infor-
mation 1.2% and 1.4% for data validation. The wight process
for training or standardization can be taken as an important
tration, and sedimentation. The price function contains the time amount that depends on the network system model and
price for all coagulants (price coagulant), the price for energy the training algorithm.
(price energy), the price for sludge disposal (price sludge disposal),
and the price for backwash water filter (price backwash filter). 6. Conclusion
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