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MTCGW History

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The Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington

322 Ethan Allen Avenue

Takoma Park, Maryland 20912
Phone: 301- 891-3511

1973 to 2021
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

This history of The Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington (MTCGW) is
compiled by a sub-committee appointed by the Church General Body in 2019.
It covers the formative years and growth of the parish from 1973 to 2021. We
are privileged to release these forty-eight years of history on the thirty-first
Parish Day, October 24, 2021.

The Church History Sub-committee members are:

The Late Dr. George K. Zachariah (Convener)
Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas

The Parish respectfully dedicates this document in loving memory of

the late Dr. George K. Zachariah who prepared the initial draft

November 23, 1930, to December 31, 2020

We thank Rev. Byju Thomas and the MTCGW Executive Committee for
their support, review, and approval of this document. We thank Mrs. Anu
Kalickal (our Anu Kochamma) for the sketch of our church building that
adorns the cover page. We regret any errors. Please inform the Vicar of any
errors in this report with appropriate supporting documentation.

The Church History Sub-committee

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021


Worshipping God is the highest privilege that humans

experience. That leads to the love of God, humankind,
and all God’s creation. The Church is a symbol of unity
that we have in Christ. Church History is an overview of
the way the church developed since its inception. I am
glad that The Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington
(MTCGW) is publishing the history of our Church. Let us take this time to
thank God Almighty for blessing us to form a flourishing parish in the
Washington D.C. metropolitan area.

During the past forty-eight years, we have been able to remain as a good,
faithful, and meaningful community. Our ancestors came from various parts
of the world, and we have been able to continue their faith and be a
testimony where we are planted as a Church. I take this opportunity to
remember our forebears with gratitude and congratulate the Parish History
Sub-Committee Members - Late Dr. George Zachariah, Mr. Samuel C.
Samuel, Dr. Thomas Ninan, and Dr. Mathew T. Thomas - for their efforts
and vision to publish this Parish History. I also thank the MTCGW office
bearers, executive members, all church organizations, and all parish members
for their valuable contributions, suggestions, and edits.

Even though we are a small community in this great country, we have proved
that we can do wonders if our lives are guided by Vision, Unity, and Mission.
Our history continues to evolve and together we can accomplish greater
things for the glory of God and His kingdom.

I am grateful to God for this precious gift and thankful to all the people for
their magnificent support. I dedicate this Church History Book to all our
church members. May this document be a blessing!

With Prayers, In His Service,

Rev. Byju Thomas, Vicar

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

History of the Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington

Table of Contents
PREFACE .......................................................................................................... 2
FOREWORD ..................................................................................................... 3
The Mar Thoma Church (The parent church) ................................................. 6
Current Mar Thoma Bishops (2021) ........................................................... 7
Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington.................................................... 9
1973-1981: Formative Years of the MTCGW ............................................ 9
1981: Congregational Status Granted........................................................ 10
1981- 1995: Worship at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church ... 10
1989: Purchase of Property in Bowie Maryland ...................................... 11
1990: Name Change to “Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington” .... 12
1995: Purchase of the Takoma Park Church Building .............................. 12
1995: First Holy Communion and Church Dedication ............................. 14
1997: Purchase of the Takoma Park Parsonage ........................................ 15
2006: Ordination of Rev. Jason A. Thomas .............................................. 15
2010: Formation of the Immanuel Mar Thoma Church ............................ 16
Prayer Groups............................................................................................ 16
Membership Growth/Trend ....................................................................... 16
Routine Worship Schedule ........................................................................ 16
Church Organizations.................................................................................... 17
1986: Youth Fellowship ............................................................................ 17
1987: Sevika Sanghom .............................................................................. 17
1988: Sunday School ................................................................................ 17
1990: Church Choir ................................................................................... 18
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

1991: Edavaka Mission ............................................................................. 18

2007: Yuvajana Sakhyam.......................................................................... 19
2008: Senior Citizens Fellowship ............................................................. 19
2010: Young Family Fellowship ............................................................... 19
Special Days/ Events celebrated.................................................................... 19
Charitable / Mission Work ........................................................................ 20
House to House Christmas Caroling ......................................................... 21
Annual Conventions .................................................................................. 21
Vacation Bible School ............................................................................... 21
Newsletter and Website ............................................................................. 21
Bishops’ Visits .......................................................................................... 21
Vicars who served Parish .............................................................................. 22
Youth Chaplains: ........................................................................................... 24
MTCGW Leadership Role in the Diocese/Church........................................ 26
Zonal / Diocesan Council/Assembly/Mandalam Members....................... 26
Editor for the Mar Thoma Messenger ....................................................... 26
Diocesan Flag: ........................................................................................... 26
Diocesan Worship Books & Sunday School Curriculum.......................... 26
National Council of Churches Delegates .................................................. 27
Ecumenical Council of Kerala Christians (ECKC) ................................... 27
National Conferences hosted by MTCGW: .................................................. 27
Plan for New Church Facility on New Hampshire Avenue .......................... 28
Church Building Committee: ........................................................................ 29
Officers from 1981 to 2021 ........................................................................... 30

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

The Mar Thoma Church (The parent church)

The Malankara (historical name of modern Kerala State in India) Mar Thoma
Syrian Church, known in short as ‘the Mar Thoma Church” is one of the
ancient denominations of Christianity in the world, and it is a part of the One
Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is believed that Saint Thomas (Mar
Thoma in Syriac), one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ, travelled
outside the Roman Empire to preach the Gospel in AD 52, travelling as far as
Tamilakam, which are known as the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu in
present-day India, baptized locals, and established seven churches in
the Malabar coast (a region along the South West coast of India,
extending from Goa to Cape Comorin which includes most of Kerala
State). Traditionally, it is believed that Apostle Thomas, also referred to as
the Patron Saint of India, died as a martyr, and his remains were entombed at
the St. Thomas Mount near Madras. The Church accepts the Holy Bible as
the basis for all matters of faith and doctrine and the Nicene Creed
formulated in accordance with the Holy Scripture.

In the early centuries, the Church had ecclesiastical leadership from the
Church of Syria, and due to this association, the Church was named
Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church. The Mar Thoma Church is now an
autonomous church with Syriac (Syrian and Aramaic) traditions and eclectic
characteristics from the Reformation era. Apart from other orthodox
churches, the Mar Thoma church reformed its Syriac liturgy in the light of its
reformed faith and practices. The church maintains cordial ecumenical
relations with many world churches and has been a member of the World
Council of Churches right from its inception. The Mar Thoma church is
apostolic in origin, universal in nature, evangelical in
principle, ecumenical in outlook, oriental in worship and episcopal
in character.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, Mar Thoma Christians lived only in
a few districts in Kerala, India. In the 20th-century, Mar Thoma Christians
migrated to various parts of India and the World, including North America,
Europe, the Middle East, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Australia, and
New Zealand. In 2021, the Church is under the leadership of nine bishops,
headed by the Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan who is
the 22nd Mar Thoma Metropolitan to occupy the Holy Apostolic Throne of
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

St. Thomas. The Church (referred as Sabha in Malayalam) is served by 1221

clergy (active and retired). It has thirteen dioceses, including the diocese of
North America and Europe, and about 1 million registered members. It has a
democratic pattern of administration with a representative assembly
(Prathinidhi Mandalam), an executive church Council (Sabha Council), and
an Episcopal Synod. Each of its dioceses also has a representative Diocesan
Assembly and an executive Diocesan Council. The Sabha’s world
headquarters is located at the Syrian Christian Seminary (SCS) Campus,
Thiruvalla, Kerala.

Current Mar Thoma Bishops (2021):

• Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan

• Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilos Suffragan Metropolitan

• Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Suffragan Metropolitan

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

• Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa

• Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos Episcopa

• Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa

• Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathews Mar Makarios Episcopa

• Rt. Rev. Gregorios Mar Stephanos Episcopa

• Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Mar Theethos Episcopa

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington

The Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington (MTCGW) is one of the
parishes under the Diocese of North America and Europe. The current
diocesan bishop is Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos Episcopa. The diocesan
Office and the Bishop’s House are located at the Sinai Mar Thoma Centre,
Merrick, New York, and its mission outreach facility, the Carmel Mar
Thoma Center, is in Atlanta, Georgia.

1973-1981: Formative Years of the MTCGW

On March 26, 1973, when the then Most Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma
Metropolitan visited Washington D.C., His Grace conducted a combined
Holy Communion service for the Mar Thoma, Orthodox, Church of South
India (CSI) and Roman Catholic friends and families living in the area, at the
Greek Orthodox Church on 16th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. This was the
first Mar Thoma Holy Communion service on record hosted in the
Washington D.C. area. After that service, Mohan Zachariah, son of Dr.
George and Mrs. Susan Zachariah was baptized. This was the first Mar
Thoma baptism in the Washington D.C. area.

In1975, when Evangelist K. M. John (Podikunju Upadeshi) visited the

Washington D.C. area he encouraged the Marthomites to start regular cottage
prayer meetings, twice a month, at the homes of members. These cottage
prayer meetings continued until 1981 and our members provided lay
leadership for these gatherings, including for the Christmas and Passion
Week worship.

On May 10, 1975, Rev. Abraham Lincoln conducted the wedding of Mr.
Samuel Philip and Mrs. Annamma Philip, the first Mar Thoma wedding in
Washington D.C. area, at the Church of Atonement (a Presbyterian Church).

In 1976, Rt. Rev. Easo Mar Timotheos Episcopa visited the Washington D.C.
area, and conducted a Holy Communion service at the Takoma Park
Presbyterian Church. During this visit, Timotheos Thirumeni conducted the
first home dedication service for a Mar Thoma family, the house of Dr.
George and Susan Zachariah.
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

From 1975 to 1980 the Mar Thoma community in the Washington D.C. area
held a few combined Holy Communion services with members of other
denominations and held special meetings and retreats with the Mar Thoma
members living in the Baltimore area. Also, in 1979 a Regional Youth
conference was cosponsored by Baltimore and Washington Mar Thoma
youths at the Interfaith Center in Columbia, Maryland.

From 1977 to 1980 the Mar Thoma achens who were at the time doing
higher studies in the U.S., or Canada, would conduct Holy Communion
services when they visited the Washington, D.C. area. For these services, we
were fortunate to use the facilities of some local churches.

In 1980, Rev. M. V. Benjamin (grandson of the late legendary

Muthampackal Sadhu Kochukunju Upadeshi), who was then Vicar of the
churches in New York was assigned to provide pastoral services for our
congregation on an as needed basis.

1981: Congregational Status Granted

In September 1981 when Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Athanasius Suffragan

Metropolitan visited the Washington, D.C. area, he conducted a Holy
Communion service at St. Matthew’s Presbyterian Church in Rockville.
During this visit, Thirumeni granted formal status for the prayer group under
the name, Mar Thoma Congregation of Greater Washington.

Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Athanasius Suffragan Metropolitan also presided over
an election in which a congregational committee was formed with Dr.
George Zachariah as Vice President, Dr. Thomas Ninan as Secretary, Mr.
Kuruvilla Abraham as Treasurer, and Mr. Samuel Philip as Accountant.

1981- 1995: Worship at St. Michael and All Angels

Episcopal Church

From 1981 to 1995, for 14 years, we worshipped at the St. Michael and All
Angels Episcopal church, Adelphi, Maryland.
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

A formal Congregation Register was established in 1985.

The congregation’s articles of incorporation as a Non-Profit Religious Entity

were registered with the Maryland State Department of Assessment on April
18, 1986. The initial signatories on this document were Dr. George K.
Zachariah, Dr. K. C. Zachariah, Dr. Thomas Ninan, Mr. Thomas Philip, and
Mr. Samuel Philip.

The frequency of church services changed from five times a year in 1981 to
once every other month from 1982 to1984, once a month starting early 1986,
twice a month later in the same year, and finally on every Sunday from 1990.
This was mostly possible because of the hospitality of the late Rev. Ronald
Au bough, Pastor of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, by
offering the church facilities for our worship. We gratefully acknowledge his
assistance and good will. We had several combined worship services and
fellowship meals with Rev. Au bough and the Episcopal parishioners,
including one service led by the Most Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma.

1989: Purchase of Property in Bowie Maryland

In 1989, we purchased three acres of flat land with a house at 8640 Normal
School Road, Bowie, Maryland, close to Bowie State University, with the
intention to build a church there. This effort was spearheaded by the late Mr.
Jacob Thomas who was then Vice President of the Congregation. This
property was purchased with the guarantee of the pledge from the members.

It must be noted that most of the members at the time had just arrived in the
United States of America mostly from India and were struggling to establish
their own livelihoods. This effort was initially financed with a loan from the
Episcopal Diocese of Washington, which was fully paid off in 1994 with the
generous contribution of the pledged amount by the church members. In
2003 that property was sold as the location was deemed inconvenient for
many of our parishioners.

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

1990: Name Change to “Mar Thoma Church of Greater


In 1990 the Most Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan’s Kalpana
elevated the status of the Congregation to a Parish with the name, “Mar
Thoma Church of Greater Washington.”

1995: Purchase of the Takoma Park Church Building

In June 1995 we purchased the current church building located at 322 Ethan
Allen Avenue, Takoma Park, MD. The events that led to the purchase of this
property were remarkable and miraculous. During Christmas time in 1994,
Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilus was visiting the Washington
congregation. Dr. George K. Zachariah picked him up from Baltimore and
was taking him to Thampy and Susan Abraham’s house for a visit. However,
he lost his way and pulled into the parking lot of the church at 322 Ethan
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Allen Avenue to ask for directions. Then Bishop Theophilus told Dr.
Zachariah, “If you put your mind, you will have a church building here
(emphasis added).” Dr. Zachariah who was, at that time, also a member of an
Interdenominational Bible study group in Rockville inquired the group if any
of its members knew of a church building for sale. One of the members in
that prayer group informed Dr. Zachariah about a church property that was
for sale in Takoma Park. It was the church property located at 322 Ethan
Allen Avenue, the same property where Dr. Zachariah and Bishop
Theophilus had their aforementioned conversation. Dr. Zachariah contacted
Dr. Thomas Ninan (then Vice President) and Dr. George Varghese (then
Secretary) with the location and address of the property. After gathering
preliminary information by visiting the church premises, they both met with
the manager of Industrial Bank of Washington which owned the property
upon foreclosure. After several meetings with the bank joined by Mr. Lalu
Mathew (then Trustee), and with the approval of the Executive Committee,
they negotiated and signed a contract to purchase the property, financed by
the seller bank, subject to the final ratification by the General Body of the
church. This happened before the bank listed the property for sale through a
real estate broker.

At the next church general body meeting presided over by then vicar Rev.
Dr. Geevarghese Mathew the contract was ratified and an amount to cover
the purchase price and mortgage interest was raised as pledge. It is
remarkable to note that sixty-eight families who were members at that time
contributed beyond their means to make it possible to purchase the Takoma
Park property. The total pledge included a substantial contribution from Mr.
Sunny Varkey from Dubai.

The church building needed renovation to fit our worship requirements. In

addition to various contractors, many of our members (men, women, and
youth) spent hundreds of hours performing hard labor work for the
renovation. In addition to the pledged amount, several members donated
various expensive and much needed items such as the steeple, and for the
sanctuary, the curtain in front of the Mathubaha (altar), communion set-up
items, chairs, lectern, worship books, etc. The mortgage of this property was
successfully paid off in 2000. We are thankful for the vision and leadership
of our pioneers, and the sacrificial giving of all. Thus, MTCGW became the
first immigrant Indian Christian community to own a worship place of its
own in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area.

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

It is also noted that between 2005 and 2007 the church purchased a cox
judgment (lien) on the property adjacent to the current church property and
across the street on Jackson Avenue, which was later released in lieu of a
Sheriff’s sale. Mr. George Thomas, Mr. Johnson Abraham, and Mr. Abe
Zachariah represented the church in these transactions.

1995: First Holy Communion and Church Dedication

First Holy Communion service in the fellowship hall of the Takoma Park
Church was conducted on July 16, 1995, by Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mathew
while the renovation work was still going on.

The church was formally dedicated for the Glory of God on October 21,
1995, by the then Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar Theophilos
Suffragan Metropolitan.

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

1997: Purchase of the Takoma Park Parsonage

In 1997 we purchased the house/parsonage adjacent to the church at 320

Ethan Allen Ave, Takoma Park, MD. Dr. Thomas Ninan and Dr. George
Varghese negotiated an owner financed contract to purchase this property.
Extensive renovation to this property was completed within a couple of years
under the leadership of Mr. Sam Philip (then trustee). The purchase,
renovation of the property, and pay-off of the owner financed loan in 2000,
were made possible through the generous contribution of our members.

2006: Ordination of Rev. Jason A. Thomas

In 2006, a member of our church, Deacon Jason A. Thomas was ordained as

a priest of the Mar Thoma Church. The Ordination service was held at the St.
Patrick’s Catholic Church in Rockville, Maryland. Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar
Coorilos was the officiating bishop and Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas
assisted during this ordination service.

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

2010: Formation of the Immanuel Mar Thoma Church

The Synod of the Mar Thoma Church that met on February 22, 2010,
approved a new parish, the Immanuel Mar Thoma Church (IMTC), Northern
Virginia, effective April 15, 2010. About thirty-five families of MTCGW
who lived in the Northern Virginia area were allowed to become the initial
members of the newly formed church by the Diocesan Bishop. Rev M. M.
John, then Vicar of the MTCGW, was also assigned to serve as the first vicar
of the new parish.

Prayer Groups

The MTCGW has five area prayer groups: 1. Lanham/Bowie; 2. Silver

Spring; 3. Gaithersburg/ Rockville; 4. Northern Virginia, and 5. Richmond.
These area prayer groups meet regularly once a month.

Membership Growth/Trend
1973 to 1981: Approximately 15 families
1982 to 1995: Approximately 68 families
1996 to 2008: Approximately 147 families
2009 to 2010: Approximately 160 families
2010: 35 families moved to form IMTC in Northern Virginia
2011 to 2021: Approximately 127 families

Routine Worship Schedule

Sundays: 8:30 a.m. Choir Practice
Sundays: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School
Sundays: 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion Service

2nd & 4th Sundays Malayalam Service

1st & 3rd Sundays English Service
5th Sunday Praise & Worship led by Youth.
2nd Saturdays: Holy Communion at Richmond Prayer Group

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Church Organizations

1986: Youth Fellowship

The Youth Fellowship of the MTCGW was formed in May 1986, and it has
been one of the most vibrant organizations in the parish. The organization
has around 30-40 youth members, ranging from upper middle school to
recent college graduates. It stays highly engaged, service-oriented, maintains
a nurturing role amongst its members, and keeps a close and over-lapping
relationship with the Sunday school.

The youth fellowship leads a Praise & Worship session prior to every
English service at 9:45a.m. Every fifth Sunday is designated as "Youth
Sunday" where the Youth Fellowship members lead the service. Every year,
Youth fellowship successfully organizes social/charitable activities and
attends regional and national conferences.

Schedule: Youth Fellowship meets once a month for cottage prayer and
fellowship at the homes of members or at the parish.

1987: Sevika Sanghom

The Sevika Sanghom was formed in 1987 for providing a forum for our
women (above the age of 18) to play a significant role in the evangelistic and
charitable mission of the church. Regular programs include Bible study/Bible
quiz, participation in couples’ conference as well as regional and national
conferences. The Sevika Sanghom also conducts fund raising activities to
collect and send funds to support needy families in Kerala.

Schedule: Sevika Sanghom meets in the Church once a month after the
worship service.

1988: Sunday School

The Sunday school was first started in February 1988 with twenty-eight
students and five teachers in the basement of the St. Michael’s and All
Angels Episcopal Church. Sunday school students regularly attend summer
camps, participate in the Diocesan and Regional exams/competitions and
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

have been frequent winners of trophies, awards, and distinctions. The

following members served as Sunday School Superintendents:
Dr. Thomas Ninan – 1988 to 1993 (first superintendent)
Mr. Thomas Koshy – 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997
Mrs. Jiji Ninan – 1998, 1999
Mrs. Susan Varghese – 2000
Dr. Cherian Samuel – 2001, 2002
Mr. Sudhir Zachariah – 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Dr. Saji Thomas – 2006, 2007
Mrs. Suja Thankachen – 2008, 2009, 2010
Mr. Thomas K. Varghese – 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Dr. Sheela Panicker – 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Schedule: Sunday school meets at 9:00 a.m. on every Sunday except during
summer break.

1990: Church Choir

The church choir was formed in 1990. Mr. Jacob George served as its first
director. Mr. Jacob George, Mr. Lalu Mathew, Ms. Leslie Thomas, and Mr.
Thomas Alexander have served as choir directors for several years. In
addition to its primary role of enriching worship services, the choir
performed at several local, regional, and diocesan level programs and
received accolades at choir competitions.

Schedule: The choir practices at church at 8:00 a.m. on every Sunday.

1991: Edavaka Mission

The Edavaka (parish) Mission started in our parish in 1991. The organization
emphasizes the ministry of the laity in the Church. The members meet once a
month for fellowship, intercessory prayer, Bible study and sharing of
experiences. The members make house visits to offer prayer and support to
the sick and elderly. The members also attend regional and national
conferences. The Edavaka Mission successfully organized and conducted
off-site parish retreats in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Schedule: Meets on the second Saturday of each month at the church or in

the homes of members.

2007: Yuvajana Sakhyam

Yuvajana Sakhyam was formed in 2007 when a sizable number of newly

immigrated youth arrived and took membership in the parish. Rev. Thomas
John was the vicar then. The Yuvajana Sakhyam caters to the immigrant
youths of the parish and organizes cultural/charitable activities. They also
participate in regional and national youth conferences.

Schedule: The Yuvajana Sakhyam meets once a month on Sundays.

2008: Senior Citizens Fellowship

Per request by the then Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Zacharias Mar
Theophilos Suffragan Metropolitan, in 2008, Dr. George K. Zachariah
organized a Senior Citizen Fellowship in the parish. Members meet for Bible
study and prayer.

Schedule: Meets on 4th Thursday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the church

2010: Young Family Fellowship

The Young Family Fellowship (YFF) was initiated in 2010 and is intended as
a forum for leadership training and fellowship among young families in the
diaspora. The meetings include Bible studies, topical discussions, fellowship,
and international theme-based dinners. The YFF initiates and leads many
charitable and neighborhood mission projects.

Schedule: The group meets on the 2nd Friday of every month at the church.

Special Days/ Events celebrated

In addition to celebrating Christmas, Passion Week, Easter, and New Year’s

Eve worship services, we observe certain special days celebrated in the
United States like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents Day, and

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Thanksgiving Day. We also hold a salute to graduates event every year,

mainly for High School graduates.

Charitable / Mission Work

Over the years MTCGW and its various organizations and prayer groups
have supported numerous charitable and mission projects. They include:
• The Church
• Homes for Homeless Project
• Good Samaritan fund for Medical Aid
• Light To Life mission supporting fifty-four children in a school in
Kumily, Kerala.
• Katrina Relief Fund
• Odisha Earthquake Relief Fund
• Kerala Flood Relief Fund
• COVID-19 Relief Fund
• Support of Mission Fields in India
• Sunday School
• Educational Aid for Poor and Underprivileged
• Aid to the School for the Handicapped and Special Needs Children
• Edavaka Mission
• Support for Evangelists at CSSM
• Support for Maharashtra and Mexican Missions
• Youth Fellowship
• Support for Mexican Mission Homes
• Support for the Christian Agency for Rural Development
• Yuvajana Sakhyam
• Support to Purchase an Ambulance for the St. Thomas Mission
Hospital, Kattanam
• Support for Mexican Mission Projects
• Sevika Sanghom
• Support for Wyanad Tribal Mission
• Marriage aid for 25 Young Women
• Support for Nursing Students at St. Thomas Nursing School
• Support for Shelter for the Homeless
• Young Family Fellowship (YFF) - Educational Aid for Professional

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

• Gaithersburg Prayer Group Support for the Aged and Sick

• Silver Spring Payer Group Support for Meenankal Mission in South
• Lanham/Bowie Prayer Group Support for the Bhopal Mission
• Northern Virginia Prayer Group Support for the Mission Work in Tamil

House to House Christmas Caroling

House to House carol singing is being successfully held during Christmas

season since 1978. It is a joyous event for all age groups.

Annual Conventions

We hold annual conventions led by popular evangelists since 1996.

Vacation Bible School

Since 1998, we conducted Vacation Bible School every year in the summer.
The youth members of the church provide leadership.

Newsletter and Website

A monthly newsletter was started early on with Mr. Sam Phillip as the first
newsletter editor. Now a newsletter is published on a quarterly basis.

Bishops’ Visits

Almost all our Mar Thoma Church bishops starting with Alexander
Marthoma have visited our parish.

Bishop M. C. Mani, Bishop George Ninan, and Bishop William Spofford

also conducted services in our church as visiting dignitaries. Dr. Winston
Ching of the Episcopal Church has also conducted a service.

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Vicars who served Parish

1. Rev. M. V. Benjamin, 1980

2. Rev. A. P. Athyal, 1981

3. Rev. Abraham Thomas, 1982 (Photo unavailable)

4. Rev. A. G. Mathew, 1983 to 1987

5. Rev. Euyakim I. Cheeran, 1987 to 1988 (the current Rt. Rev. Dr.
Euyakim Mar Coorilos Suffragan Metropolitan)

6. Rev. George Varghese, 1988 to 1989 (Photo unavailable)

7. Rev. Johnson Varghese, 1989 (Photo unavailable)

8. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mathew, 1989 to 1995 (first permanent Vicar)

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

9. Rev. Jacob Mathew, 1995 to 1999

10. Rev. P. J. Mammachen, 1999 to 2003 (first resident Vicar)

11. Rev. Sabu Koshy, 2003 to 2006

12. Rev. Thomas John Adapanakandam, 2006 to 2009

13. Rev. M. M. John, 2009 to 2012

14. Rev. Binoy J. Thomas, 2012 to 2014; (service cut short to become
Diocesan Secretary 2014 to 2016)

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

15. Rev. Thomas Samuel, 2014 to 2017

16. Rev. Anu Oommen, 2017 to 2021

17. Rev. Byju Thomas 2021 to Present

Youth Chaplains:
1. Rev. Kurian George, 2001 – 2003

2. Rev. Raju Philip, 2003 (Photo unavailable)

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

3. Rev. Isaac P. Johnson, 2003 – 2006

4. Rev. Mathew Skariah, 2006 – 2009

5. Rev. Roy Thomas, 2009 May

6. Rev. Dr. Philip Varghese, 2009 – 2010

7. Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kurvilla, 2010 – 2011

8. Rev. Jaison A. Thomas, 2011 – 2013

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Leadership Role in the Diocese/Church

Zonal / Diocesan Council/Assembly/Mandalam Members

The names of members who represented our parish at the Sabha Mandalam
and the Diocesan Assembly are included in the list of committee members
for each year given at the end of this document.

Dr. George K. Zachariah served as first organizing Secretary of the Zonal

Diocese. Dr. P. P. Chacko and Mr. Joseph Kurian represented our
congregation in the Zonal Council. Over the years, Dr. Thomas Ninan, Dr.
George Zachariah, and Dr. Mathew T. Thomas served as Diocesan Council

Editor for the Mar Thoma Messenger

Dr. George K. Zachariah (1981 to 1984)

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas (2014 to Present)

Diocesan Flag: Mr. George Parkamannil designed and donated the

diocesan flag.

Diocesan Worship Books & Sunday School Curriculum

An order of worship, Let us talk to God published by the Diocese was

developed by Rev. George Varghese and Dr. George K. Zachariah.

Mr. Thomas Koshy helped in developing the initial Sunday school

curriculum for the diocese, which was released in 2005.

Mr. Thomas Koshy played a significant role in editing the worship book, The
Mar Thoma Church Order of Worship Prayers & Hymns released in 2000,
which has three parallel versions in Malayalam, transliterated version, and in

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. Thomas Koshy played a key role in establishing and expanding

competitive written Sunday school exams for students of various grades and
in arranging regional talent completions and summer camps.

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas served as the editor for several diocesan publications
including the Mar Thoma Church Order of Worship for Divine Service, Holy
Qurbana, and Other Sacraments and Rites published in 2012.

National Council of Churches Delegates

When the MTCGW was accepted as a member of the National Council of

Churches in USA (NCC-USA), Dr. George K. Zachariah initially served as
one of the four delegates. Later Mr. Thomas Koshy served in that capacity.

Ecumenical Council of Kerala Christians (ECKC)

In 1987, Dr. George K. Zachariah with the assistance of Deacon Pattammadi

organized an ecumenical gathering of Kerala Christians in the Washington,
D.C. area at the St. Vincent Chapel, Catholic University of America.

In 1991, MTCGW had a leading role in forming the Ecumenical Council of

Kerala Christians (ECKC). The following members have served as the
president of ECKC for several years as shown below:
Dr. George K. Varghese (1997, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018,
2020, & 2021)
Dr. George K. Zachariah (2000)
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas (1991 & 2019)
Mr. Thomas Varghese (1999)

National Conferences hosted by MTCGW:

Our parish hosted the following national Mar Thoma Church conferences:
1990 Diocesan National Youth Conference
1993 National Family Conference
2005 National Family Conference
2010 Young Family Fellowship Retreat
2013 National Sevika Sanghom Conference
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Plan for New Church Facility on New Hampshire

It has been a long-held dream of the MTCGW to own a better, more modern
Church with adequate facilities where we can transition from the current
building in Takoma Park. Under the leadership of Rev. Anu Oommen, in
February 2019, MTCGW entered a contract to purchase 10.93 acres of flat
land with a house (The O’Keefe Apple Orchard on New Hampshire Ave,
Silver Spring, Maryland, 20905).

By God’s grace we were able to purchase the land debt free on November 5,

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Fund-raising drives and permit-seeking processes for implementation of the

plans to build a church on this land are underway. We pray that the good
Lord will give us the resources to fulfill this dream. It is our prayer that
within the next three to five years we will be able to have a beautiful, new
church at this location for the glory of God and to memorialize the arrival of
Mar Thoma Christians in and around the Capitol region of the United States
of America.

Church Building Committee:

Rev. Byju Thomas: Vicar and President (May 2021 to Present)
Rev. Anu Oommen: Vicar and President (May 2017 to April 2021
Dr. P.K. Poulose: Convener
Mr. Pence Jacob: Secretary
Dr. George K. Varghese
Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. George Samuel
Dr. Gabriel Roy
Mr. Jacob George
Mr. Thomas Koshy
Mr. Babu Kottakuzhyil: Vice President & Convener FR Sub-committee
Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil : Church Trustee (Finance)
Mr. Varughese Thomas: Church Trustee (Accounts)
Ms. Sheela Philip : Church Secretary
Mr. Abraham Samuel : Lay Leader (Malayalam)
Mr. Thomas K. Vargheese : Lay Leader ( English)
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas: Convener for Public-Relations Sub-committee
Dr. Saji Thomas: Convener for Finance Sub-committee
Mr. Roby Jacob : Finance Sub-committee
Mr. Shibu Samuel : Finance Sub-committee
Mr. Vijil Vergheese : Finance Sub-committee
Mr. George Thomas : Finance Sub-committee
Fund-Raising (FR) Sub-committee:
Mr. Babu Kottakuzhyil: Convener
Mr. Chacko Daniel and Mr. Jacob Mathew: Lanham – Bowie areas

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. Stanly Joy and Mr. Sanu Mathew: Rockville – Gaithersburg areas
Mr. George Philip and Mr. Rajan Ninan – Silver Spring areas
Mr. Thomas K. Varghese and Dr. Dennis Cherian – Virginia areas
Dr. Elizabeth Thomas
Public-Relations Sub-committee
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas: Convener
Dr. George Vergheese
Mrs. Mariamma Ninan
Mr. Shibu Philipose

Officers from 1981 to 2021:

A list of all the officers of the Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington
from 1981 to 2021 is assembled from each year’s Annual Report and
presented below.

MTCGW Officers for 1981 and 1982

1981 Title 1982

Rev. A. P. Athyal Vicar/President Rev. Abraham Thomas
Dr. George K. Zachariah Vice President Dr. George K. Zachariah
Dr. Thomas Ninan Secretary Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Treasurer Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham
Mr. George Accountant Mr. Babu Thankachen
Zonal Council Mr. P. P. Chacko
Committee Members
Dr. T. D. Nainan Mr. George Varghese
Mr. Samuel Philip Mr. George T. George
Dr. Molly Abraham Mrs. Susan Poulose
Mrs. Rachel Zachariah
Mr. P. D. John Auditors Mr. P. D. John
Dr. P. K. Poulose Dr. P. K. Poulose

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Officers for 1983 and 1984

1983 Title 1984

Rev. A. G. Mathew Vicar/President Rev. A. G. Mathew
Dr. George K. Zachariah Vice President Mr. George Parakamannil
Dr. Thomas Ninan Secretary Mr. Scaria Mathew
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Treasurer Mr. Thomas Philip
Mr. George Accountant Mr. Samuel Philip
Mr. P. P. Chacko Zonal Council Dr. George K. Zachariah
Committee Members
Mr. George Varghese Mrs. Aleyamma
Mrs. Susan Poulose Mr. Lalu Mathew
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mrs. Mariamma Philip Mrs. Susan G. Zachariah
Mr. K. I. Alexander
Mr. P. D. John Auditors Mr. P. D. John
Dr. P. K. Poulose

MTCGW Officers for 1985 and 1986

1985 Title 1986

Rev. A. G. Mathew Vicar/President Rev. A. G. Mathew
Mr. George Vice President Dr. K. C. Zachariah
Mr. Scaria Mathew Secretary Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Thomas Philip Treasurer Mr. Thomas Philip
Mr. Samuel Philip Accountant Mr. Samuel Philip
Lay Leader Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham
Dr. George K. Zachariah Zonal Council Dr. George K. Zachariah
Committee Members
Dr. Molly Abraham Mrs. Achamma John
Mrs. Susan Mathew Mrs. Elizabeth Paul

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. George T. George Mr. P. P. Kurien

Mr. Varkey Uthup Mr. Biji Kurian
Mr. Jacob Thomas Mr. Jacob Thomas

MTCGW Officers for 1987 and 1988

1987 Title 1988

Rev. A. G. Mathew Vicar/President Rev. Euyakim I. Cheeran
(1/87 to 6/87)
Rev. Euyakim I Cheeran
(7/87 to 12/87)
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Vice President Mr. Jacob Thomas
Mr. George Varghese Secretary Mr. George Varghese
Mr. Samuel Philip Treasurer Mr. P. P. Chacko
Mr. Jacob Thomas Accountant Mr. Samuel Ninan
Dr. George K. Zachariah Lay Leader Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mr. Joseph Kurian Zonal Council Mr. Joseph Kurian
Sunday School Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Sam John Youth Mr. Suku John
Ms. Sheeja Philip Representatives Mr. Cherian Zachariah
Committee Members
Mrs. Susan G. Zachariah Mrs. Mariamma Philip
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mr. George T. George Mrs. Saley Mathew
Mrs. Kunjukunjuamma Mr. Stanley Johnson
Mr. Pappen John Mr. Thomas Mathew
Mr. Jacob Thomas Dr. Gabriel Roy
Mr. Joy Kaipallil
Mr. P. D. John Auditors Mr. Samuel George

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Officers for 1989 and 1990

1989 Title 1990

Rev. Johnson Varghese Vicar/President Rev. Geevarghese
Mr. Jacob Thomas Vice President Mr. Jacob Thomas
Mr. George Varghese Secretary Mr. George Varghese
Mr. Joy Kaipallil Joint Secretary Mr. Joy Kaipallil
Mr. Samuel Philip Treasurer Mr. Lalu Mathew
Mr. Samuel Ninan Accountant Mr. Samuel George
Dr. George K. Zachariah Lay Leaders Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mr. P. P. Chacko
Mr. Joseph Kurian Diocesan Assembly Dr. Thomas Ninan
Dr. Thomas Ninan Sunday School
Ms. Carol Thomas Youth Ms. Sheela Philip
Mrs. Elizabeth Paul Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Susan Mathew
Committee Members
Mr. P. P. Chacko Mrs. Sosamma Poddar
Mrs. Annie Eapen Mr. John Philipose
Mrs. Asha George Mr. Pappen John
Mr. Jacob George Mr. Jacob George
Mr. Lalu Mathew Mrs. Mariamma Philip
Mr. Scaria Mathew Mr. Eapen Daniel
Dr. Gabriel Roy Dr. Mathew T. Thomas
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Mr. Samuel Philip
Mr. Jacob Varghese Mrs. Thankamma Philip
Mr. George Parakamannil
Dr. Gabriel Roy
Dr. P. K. Poulose Auditors Mr. Scaria Mathew
Mr. Samuel George

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Officers for 1991 and 1992

1991 Title 1992

Rev. Geevarghese Vicar/President Rev. Geevarghese
Mathew Mathew
Dr. Gabriel Roy Vice President Dr. Gabriel Roy
Mr. George Varghese Secretary Mr. P. P. Chacko
Mr. Lalu Mathew Treasurer Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham
Mr. Samuel George Accountant Mr. Babu Thankachen
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Lay Leaders Dr. George K. Zachariah
Dr. George K. Zachariah Mr. George Varghese
Mandalam Member Mr. Scaria Mathew
Dr. Thomas Ninan Diocesan Assembly Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mr. P. P. Chacko Sunday School Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Sree B. Roy Youth Fellowship Ms. Sheeja Philip
Mr. Jacob George Choir Mr. Jacob George
Mr. Thomas Philip Parish Mission Mrs. Elizabeth Koshy
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Committee Members
Mr. Joseph Kurien Mr. Thomas Abraham
Mr. Rajan Ninan Mr. P. C. Abraham
Mr. George Parkamannil Mr. Thomas Koshy
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Mr. Joy Kaipallil
Mr. Jacob Thomas Mr. Lalu Mathew
Mrs. Nancy Thomas Mr. Thomas Philip
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Dr. Mathew T. Thomas
Mr. C. P. Mathew Auditors Mr. Samuel George
Mr. Samuel Ninan Mr. Rajan Ninan
- Publications Mr. Samuel Philip

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Officers for 1993 and 1994

1993 Title 1994

Rev. Geevarghese Vicar/President Rev. Geevarghese
Mathew Mathew
Dr. Gabriel Roy Vice President Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. P. P. Chacko Secretary Mr. George Varghese
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Trustee Finance Mr. Lalu Mathew
Mr. K. K. Thomas Trustee Accounts Mr. Sam Yohannan
Mr. T. J. Thomas Lay Ministrants Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mr. Samuel Ninan Mr. Samuel Ninan

Dr. Thomas Ninan Mandalam Member Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham

Dr. George K. Zachariah Diocesan Assembly Dr. George K. Zachariah
Committee Members
Area 1 Area 1
Mrs. Sosamma Poddar Dr. P. K. Poulose
Mr. Babu Thankachen Dr. Mathew T. Thomas
Area 2 Area 2
Mr. Eapen Daniel Mr. Eapen Daniel
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Area 3 Area 3
Mr. Rajan Ninan Mr. Scaria Mathew
Mrs. Nancy Thomas Mr. Joy Kaippallil
Area 4 Area 4
Mr. George Mr. Thomas Koshy
Parakamannil Mr. P. C. Abraham
Mr. Mohan Zachariah
Area 5 Area 5
Mr. Joseph Kurian Mr. Joseph Kurian
Dr. M. T. Mathew Dr. Gabriel Roy
Mrs. Sheeja John Choir Mr. Joy Kaippallil
Mrs. Susan Mathew Parish Mission Mrs. Susan Mathew
Mrs. Jiji Ninan Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Mariamma Chacko
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Sunday School Mrs. Mariamma Ninan
Mr. Jacob Poulose Youth Fellowship Mr. Jerry Varghese

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. Samuel George Auditors Mr. K. K. Thomas

Mr. Sam Yohannan Mr. Thomas Varghese
Mr. Samuel Philip Publications Mr. Rajan Ninan

MTCGW Officers for 1995 and 1996

1995 Title 1996

Rev. Geevarghese Vicar/President Rev. Geevarghese
Mathew Mathew until April
Rev. Jacob Mathew –
from May
Dr. Thomas Ninan Vice President Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. George Varghese Secretary Mr. George Varghese
Mr. Lalu Mathew Trustee Finance Mr. Lalu Mathew
Mr. Samuel Chonai Trustee Accounts Mr. Thomas Varghese
Mr. Samuel Ninan Lay Ministrant Dr. George K. Zachariah
Dr. George K. Zachariah Mr. Samuel Ninan

Mr. Rajan Ninan Mandalam Member Mr. Kurvilla Abraham

Dr. George K. Zachariah Diocesan Assembly Dr. George K. Zachariah
Committee Members
Area 1 Area 1
Mrs. Susan Poulose Dr. P. K. Poulose
Mr. John C. Philipose Mr. John Philipose
Area 2 Area 2
Mr. Eapen Daniel Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Mr. Thomas Philip
Area 3 Area 3
Mr. Scaria Mathew Mr. Roy Mathew
Mr. Joy Kaippallil Mr. C. P. Mathew
Area 4 Area 4
Mr. George Mr. Scaria Mathew
Parakamannil Mrs. Suja Thankachen
Mr. Thomas K. Eapen
Area 5 Area 5
Mrs. Valsa Stephen Dr. Gabriel Roy
Dr. Gabriel Roy Mrs. Valsa Stephen

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mrs. Mariamma Ninan Choir Mr. Sydney Konda

Mrs. Susan Mathew Parish Mission Mr. P. P. Chacko
Mrs. Saley Mathew Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Susan Poulose
Mr. Thomas Koshy Sunday School Mr. Thomas Koshy
Young Families
Ms. Sheela Philip Youth Fellowship Ms. Sheela Philip

Mr. K. K. Thomas Auditors Mr. K. K. Thomas

Mr. Babu Thankachen Mr. Samuel George
Mrs. Suja Thankachen Ecumenical Reps. Mrs. Saley Mathew
Mr. Joy Kaipallil Mr. Joy Kaipallil
- Hospitality Mr. Eapen Daniel
- Property Manager Mr. Joy Kaippallil
Mr. Rajan Ninan Publications Mr. Rajan Ninan

MTCGW Officers for 1997 and 1998

1997 Title 1998

Rev. Jacob Mathew Vicar/President Rev. Jacob Mathew
Mr. Pappan John Vice President Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mr. C. P. Mathew Secretary Mr. C. P. Mathew
Joint Secretary Ms. Anita Poulose
Mr. Thomas Varghese Trustee Finance Mr. Thomas Varghese
Mr. Scaria Mathew – Trustee Accounts Mr. Sam Philip
until Aug.
Mr. Sam Philip – Nov.
& Dec.
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Lay Ministrant Mr. Kurvilla Abraham
Dr. George K. Zachariah Mr. Abe Zachariah
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Mandalam Member Mr. Kurvilla Abraham
Dr. George K. Zachariah Diocesan Assembly Dr. George K. Zachariah
Area 1 Lanham Bowie Area Area 1
Mr. Samuel Ninan Mr. Samuel Ninan
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Mrs. Susan Poulose
Mrs. Sosamma Poddar
Adelphi Beltsville Area Area 2
Mrs. Valsa Alexander
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mrs. Rachel Varghese

Area 2 Silver Spring Area Area 3
Mr. George Varghese Dr. Thomas Ninan
Dr. Thomas Ninan Dr. Molly Abraham
Mr. P. P. Chacko
Gaithersburg Area Area 4
Mr. George Varghese
Mr. Sam Thomas
Area 3 N. Virginia Area Area 5
Mr. Benson Stephen Dr. Gabriel Roy
Mr. Thomas Varghese Mr. Benson Stephen
Mr. Lalu Mathew Choir
Mr. P. P. Chacko Parish Mission Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mr. Thomas Koshy Sunday School Mr. Thomas Koshy
Young Families
Ms. Sheela Philip Youth Fellowship Ms. Sheela Philip
Mr. Samuel George Auditors Dr. Mathew T. Thomas
Mrs. Suja Thankachen Mr. Sanjay Varghese
Mr. George Varghese Ecumenical Reps. Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Abe Zachariah Mr. Abe Zachariah
Mr. Joy Kaipallil Mr. George Varghese
Mr. Rajan Ninan Publications Mr. Rajan Ninan

MTCGW Officers for 1999 and 2000

1999 Title 2000

Rev. Jacob Mathew – Vicar/President Rev. P. J. Mamachen
until April
Rev. P. J. Mamachen –
from May
Mr. Thomas Koshy Vice President Mr. Thomas Koshy
Mr. C. P. Mathew Secretary Mr. Abraham Samuel
Mr. Thomas Varghese Trustee Finance Mr. Abraham Parangot
Mr. Samuel George Trustee Accounts Dr. Molly Abraham
Mr. Samuel Ninan Lay Ministrant Mr. Kurvilla Abraham
Dr. Saji Thomas Dr. Saji Thomas

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Mandalam Member Dr. Mathew T. Thomas

Dr. Thomas Ninan Diocesan Assembly Dr. Thomas Ninan
Area 1 Lanham Bowie Area Area 1
Mr. Pappen John Mr. Samuel Thomas
Mrs. Sosamma Poddar Mrs. Aleyamma
Area 2 Adelphi Beltsville Area Area 2
Mr. P. P. Chacko Mr. P. P. Chacko
Mrs. Valsa Alexander Mr. Joy Kaippallil
Area 3 Silver Spring Area Area 3
Mrs. Suja Thankachen Mr. Jacob Mathew
Dr. Molly Abraham Mr. Thomas Philip
Area 4 Gaithersburg Area Area 4
Mr. George Mr. P. C. Abraham
Parakamannil Mr. Kuruvilla Mathew
Mrs. Suja Mathew
Area 5 N. Virginia Area Area 5
Mr. Rajan Thomas Mrs. Libby Varghese
Mr. Abraham Samuel Mr. Thomas Varghese
Mr. Jacob George Choir Mr. Jacob George
Parish Mission
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mrs. Jiji Ninan Sunday School Mrs. Susan Varghese
Young Families
Ms. Jainy Philipose Youth Fellowship Mr. Jebby Varghese
Yuvajana Sakhyam
Mr. Sam Philip Auditors Mr. Sam Philip
Mr. Sam Thomas Mr. Rajan Thomas
Mr. Thomas Varghese Ecumenical Reps. Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Mrs. Susan Varghese
Dr. Cherian Samuel Newsletter Editor Dr. Cherian Samuel

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Officers for 2001 and 2002

2001 Title 2002

Rev. P. J. Mamachen Vicar/President Rev. P. J. Mamachen
Mr. P. C. Abraham Vice President Mr. Thomas Varghese
Mr. Abraham Samuel Secretary Dr. Saji Thomas
Mr. George Trustee Finance Mr. Sam Philip
Dr. Molly Abraham Trustee Accounts Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Kurvilla Abraham Lay Ministrant Dr. George K. Zachariah
Dr. Saji Thomas Mr. Samuel Ninan

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Mandalam Member Mr. P. C. Abraham

Dr. Thomas Ninan Diocesan Assembly Mr. George Varghese

Mr. Thomas Koshy Gaithersburg Area Mr. Johnson V. John

Mrs. Annamma Philip Mr. Sam Thomas
Mrs. Sosamma Poddar Lanham Bowie Area Mr. Pappan John
Mrs. Sosamma Abraham Mrs. Aleyamma
Mr. Sanjay Varghese N. Virginia Area Mr. Abraham Samuel
Dr. Cherian Samuel Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Silver Spring Area Mr. Thomas Philip
Mr. Samuel Ninan Dr. Molly Abraham
Richmond Area

Mr. Jacob George Choir Mr. Jacob George

Dr. George K. Zachariah Parish Mission Dr. George K. Zachariah
Senior Citizens
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Elizabeth Koshy
Mrs. Susan Varghese Sunday School Dr. Cherian Samuel
Young Families
Mr. Jebby Varghese Youth Fellowship Mr. Jacob Poulose
Yuvajana Sakhyam

Mr. Pappan John Auditors Mr. Kuruvilla Mathew

Mrs. Mary George Mr. Rajan Thomas

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Dr. Thomas Ninan Ecumenical Reps. Mr. Jacob Mathew

Mr. Samuel Philip Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mr. Cyrus John Web Master Mr. Christy Mathew
Mrs. Somy Cyrus
Dr. Cherian Samuel Newsletter Editor Mr. Samuel George

MTCGW Officers for 2003 and 2004

2003 Title 2004

Rev. P. J. Mamachen – Vicar/President Rev. Sabu Koshy
until April
Rev. Sabu Koshy – from
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Vice President Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham
Dr. Saji Thomas Secretary Mr. Jacob Mathew
Mr. Thomas K. Trustee Finance Mr. Thomas K.
Varghese Varghese
Mr. Samuel Chonai Trustee Accounts Mr. C. P. Mathew
Dr. George K. Zachariah Lay Ministrant Mr. Thomas Mathew
Dr. Thomas Ninan Mr. Paul Mathew

Mr. P. C. Abraham Mandalam Member Mr. P. C. Abraham

Dr. George Varghese Diocesan Assembly Dr. George Varghese

Mr. Johnson V. John Gaithersburg Area Mr. Samuel George

Mr. Samuel Philip Mr. George Thomas
Mrs. Sosamma Poddar Lanham Bowie Area Dr. P. K. Poulose
Mrs. Sosamma Abraham Mr. Ravikumar Moses
Mr. Abraham Samuel N. Virginia Area Mr. Sanju John
Mr. Rajan Thomas Mr. John Varghese
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Silver Spring Area Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Mr. Thomas Philip Dr. Molly Abraham

Mr. Jacob George Choir Mr. Jacob George

Mr. Thomas Varghese Parish Mission Mr. P. P. Chacko
Senior Citizens
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mrs. Annamma Philip Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Sosamma Poddar

Dr. Cherian Samuel Sunday School Mr. Sudhir Zachariah
Young Families
Mr. Jacob Poulose Youth Fellowship Dr. Mathew T. Thomas
Mrs. Suja Thankachen Auditors Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Thomas Varghese Mr. Rajan Thomas

Mr. Rajan Thomas Ecumenical Reps. Dr. George K. Zachariah

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Dr. Saji Thomas

Mr. Cyrus John Web Master Mr. Binu Cheriyan

Mr. Christy Mathew
Mr. Samuel George Newsletter Editor Mr. Binu Cheriyan

MTCGW Officers for 2005 and 2006

2005 Title 2006

Rev. Sabu Koshy Vicar/President Rev. Sabu Koshy – until
Rev. Thomas John A. –
from May
Mr. Kuruvilla Abraham Vice President Dr. George Varghese
Dr. Jacob Oommen Secretary Dr. Jacob Oommen
Mr. Samuel C. George Trustee Finance Mr. John Attumalil
Mr. Thomas K. Trustee Accounts Mr. Samuel Chonai
Mr. Thomas Mathew Lay Ministrant Mr. Abey Varghese
Mr. Paul Mathew Mr. Ravikumar Moses

Mr. Jacob George Mandalam Member Mr. Jacob George

Mr. Abe Zachariah Diocesan Assembly Mr. Abe Zachariah

Mr. Kurvilla Mathew Gaithersburg Area Mr. George Thomas

Mrs. Annamma Philip Mr. Jacob Thomas
Dr. P. K. Poulose Lanham Bowie Area Mr. Scariah Mathew
Mr. Abraham C. Samuel Mrs. Sosamma Poddar
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Dr. Dennis Cherian N. Virginia Area Mr. Aji Jacob

Mr. Renji George Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Silver Spring Area Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Mr. Thomas Philip Mrs. Suja Thankachen

Mr. Joy Kaipallil Choir Mr. Kurvilla P. Mathew

Dr. George K. Zachariah Parish Mission Mr. Thomas Mathew
Senior Citizens
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Annamma Philip
Mr. Sudhir Zachariah Sunday School Mr. Sudhir Zachariah –
until Sept.
Dr. Saji Thomas – from
Mr. Chacko Abraham Youth Fellowship Mr. Matthew Varghese

Mr. C. P. Mathew Auditors Mr. C. P. Mathew

Mr. John C. Attumalil Mrs. Lizzy Varghese

Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Ecumenical Reps. Mr. Chacko Daniel

Mrs. Suja Kottakuzhiyil Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mr. Cyrus John Web Master Mr. Binu Koshy
Audio Visual
Dr. Saji Thomas Newsletter Editor Miss. Elizabeth Jacob

MTCGW Officers for 2007 and 2008

2007 Title 2008

Rev. Thomas John A. Vicar/President Rev. Thomas John A.
Mr. Johnson Abraham Vice President Dr. Thomas Ninan
Mr. Jacob Mathew Secretary Mr. Jebby Varghese
Mr. Skaria Mathew Trustee Finance Dr. Saji Thomas
Mr. Kuruvilla Mathew Trustee Accounts Mr. Chacko Daniel
Mr. Thomas Mathew Lay Ministrant Mr. Thomas Mathew
Mr. Thomas Varghese Mr. Chacko Abraham

Mr. Jacob George Mandalam Member Dr. Jacob Oommen

Mr. Abe Zachariah Diocesan Assembly Dr. Mathew T. Thomas*
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. George Philip

Mr. George Thomas Gaithersburg Area Dr. George Varghese

Mrs. Annamma Philip Mr. Samuel George
Mr. Joy Kaippallil Lanham Bowie Area Mrs. Alice Kaipallil
Mrs. Simi Stephen Mr. Joy Stephen
Mr. Aji Jacob N. Virginia Area Mr. Thomas K.
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Varghese
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Silver Spring Area Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Mr. George Philip Mr. Babu Thankachen
Richmond Area

Mr. Kurvilla Mathew Choir Mr. Jacob George

Dr. George K. Zachariah Parish Mission Mr. George Poikayil
Senior Citizens
Mrs. Mariamma Ninan Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Mariamma Ninan
Dr. Saji Thomas Sunday School Mrs. Suja Babu
Young Families
Mr. Matthew Varghese Youth Fellowship Mr. Matthew Varghese
Mr. Thomas Alexander Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Sanju John

Mr. C. P. Mathew Auditors Mr. Jacob Samuel

Mrs. Saramma Thomas Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil

Mr. Chacko Daniel Ecumenical Reps. Dr. George Varghese

Dr. George K. Zachariah Mr. Shibu Samuel
Mr. Binu Koshy Cherian Web Master Mr. Binu Koshy Cherian
Mr. Alexander Chonai Newsletter Editor Mr. Rajan Ninan

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Officers for 2009 and 2010

2009 Title 2010

Rev. Thomas John – Vicar/President Rev. M. M. John
until April
Rev. M. M. John – from
Dr. Thomas Ninan Vice President Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mr. Shibu A. Samuel Secretary Mr. Sony Mathew
Mr. Chacko Daniel Trustee Finance Mr. Alexander Chonai
Dr. Jacob Oommen Trustee Accounts Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil
Mr. Thomas Mathew Lay Ministrant Mr. Thomas Mathew
Mr. Abraham Samuel Mr. Varghese Thomas

Dr. Jacob Oommen Mandalam Member Dr. Jacob Oommen

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas* Diocesan Assembly Dr. Mathew T. Thomas*
Mr. George Philip Mr. George Philip

Dr. George Varghese Gaithersburg Area Mr. George

Mr. Samuel George Parakamannil
Mrs. Johnson V. John
Mrs. Mary Samuel Lanham Bowie Area Mr. Jacob Mathew
Mrs. Sosamma Thomas Mrs. Sosamma Thomas
Mr. Ashish Joy N. Virginia Area Mrs. Mary George
Mrs. Leena Jacob Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Silver Spring Area Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil Mr. Thomas Philip

Mr. Jacob George Choir Mr. Jacob George

Dr. George K. Zachariah Parish Mission Mrs. Mariamma Philip
Senior Citizens
Mrs. Annamma Philip Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mrs. Suja Babu Sunday School Dr. Saji Thomas
Young Families
Mr. Abey Thomas Youth Fellowship Mr. Mathew Varghese
Mr. Aji Jacob Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Joy Stephen

Mr. Joy Stephen Auditors Mr. Joy Kaipallil

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. Varghese Kuttikattu Mr. Babu Kottakuzhiyil

Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil Ecumenical Reps. Dr. Thomas Ninan

Mr. George Philip Mr. Abraham C. Samuel
Mr. George Varghese
Mr. Binu Koshy Cherian Web Master Mr. Binu Koshy Cherian
Mr. Cyrus John
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Audio Visual Dr. Mathew T. Thomas
Mr. Rajan Ninan Newsletter Editor Mr. Rajan Ninan

MTCGW Officers for 2011 and 2012

2011 Title 2012

Rev. M. M. John Vicar/President Rev. M. M. John – until
Rev. Binoy Thomas –
From May
Mrs. Saramma George Vice President Dr. Jacob Oommen
Dr. Dennis T. Cherian Secretary Mrs. Beena Philipose
Mr. Alexander Chonai Trustee Finance Mr. Shibu A. Samuel
Mr. John J. Trustee Accounts Mr. Thomas Verghese
Mr. Abraham C. Samuel Lay Ministrant Mr. Joseph K. Thomas
Mr. Varghese K. Mr. Pence P. Jacob

Mr. Jacob Mathew Mandalam Member Mr. Jacob Mathew

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas* Diocesan Assembly Dr. Mathew T. Thomas*
Dr. Saji Thomas Dr. Saji Thomas
Mr. Thomas Koshy
Mr. Shibu Philipose Gaithersburg Area Mr. Shibu Philipose
Mr. Paul Mathew Mrs. Annamma Philip
Mr. Chacko Daniel Lanham Bowie Area Mr. Abraham C. Samuel
Mr. Sony Mathew Mrs. Aleyamma
Dr. George K. Zachariah N. Virginia Area Dr. Dennis T. Cherian

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas

Mr. Thomas Philip Silver Spring Area Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Dr. George Vargheese Mr. Alexander Chonai
Mr. George Thomas Choir Mr. George Thomas
Mr. George Parish Mission Dr. George K. Zachariah
Senior Citizens
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Mariamma Ninan
Mrs. Suja Thankachen Sunday School Mr. Sony Mathew
Mrs. Beena Philipose Young Families Mrs. Rachel Cherian
Ms. Anshwara Mathew Youth Fellowship Mr. Robert Ninan
Mr. Shibu A. Samuel Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Stanley Joy
Mr. C. P. Mathew Auditors Mr. C. P. Mathew
Mr. Thomas Mathew Mr. Jacob K. Thomas
Mr. Joseph K. Thomas Ecumenical Reps. Dr. George K. Varghese
Mrs. Mariamma Ninan Mr. George Thomas
Mr. George Mathew Mr. Sony Mathew
Mr. Varghese K. Web Master Mr. Sony Mathew
Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Audio Visual Mr. Benjamin Koshy
Miss. Annie Verghese
Mr. Rajan Ninan Newsletter Editor Dr. Annie P. Jacob

MTCGW Officers for 2013 and 2014

2013 Title 2014

Rev. Binoy Thomas Vicar/President Rev. Binoy Thomas –
until April
Rev. Thomas Samuel –
From May
Mr. Jacob George Vice President Mr. Jacob Mathew
Mrs. Beena Philipose Secretary Mrs. Beena Philipose
Mr. Shibu A. Samuel Trustee Finance Mr. Chacko Daniel
Mr. Thomas Verghese Trustee Accounts Mr. George Philip
Mr. Joseph Cheriyan Lay Ministrant Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil
Mr. Pence P. Jacob Mr. Paul Mathew

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. Jacob Mathew Mandalam Member Dr. George Varghese

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas* Diocesan Assembly Dr. Mathew T. Thomas*
Dr. Saji Thomas Dr. Jacob Oommen
Mr. Thomas Verghese
Mr. Thomas Alexander Gaithersburg Area Mr. Pence P. Jacob
Mrs. Saramma Thomas Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mr. Chacko Daniel Lanham Bowie Area Dr. Manoj Franklin
Mrs. Simi Stephen Mrs. Mary Samuel
Dr. Dennis T. Cherian N. Virginia Area Mr. Jacob George
Dr. Jacob Oommen Mrs. Valsa Stephen
Mr. George Philip Silver Spring Area Mr. Samuel C. Samuel
Mr. Alexander Chonai Mrs. Mariamma Ninan
Mr. Mathew P. Choir Ms. Leslie Thomas
Mr. Thomas Philip P. Parish Mission Mr. Thomas Philip P.
Senior Citizens
Mrs. Saly Philip Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Sosamma Thomas
Mr. Sony Mathew Sunday School Mr. Thomas K.
Mrs. Rachel Cherian Young Families Mrs. Rachel Cherian
Ms. Nina Kottakuzhiyil Youth Fellowship Mr. Selwyn C. George
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Rajan Zachariah

Dr. George Varghese Auditors Mr. Thomas K.

Mr. Jacob K. Thomas Varghese
Mr. Alexander Chonai
Dr. George K. Varghese Ecumenical Reps. Dr. George K. Varghese
Dr. George K. Zachariah Dr. George K. Zachariah
Ms. Sheela Philip Mrs. Sheeja John
Ms. Anne Verghese Web Master Ms. Anne Verghese
Mr. Rueben T. Abraham Audio Visual Mr. Rueben T. Abraham
Mr. Sony Mathew
Ms. Lizabeth Raju Newsletter Editor Ms. Nina Kottakuzhiyil

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Officers for 2015 and 2016

2015 Title 2016

Rev. Thomas Samuel Vicar/President Rev. Thomas Samuel
Dr. Thomas Ninan Vice President Dr. Gabriel Roy
Mrs. Sheela Philip Secretary Mr. Sanu Mathew
Mr. Alexander Chonai Trustee Finance Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil
Mr. Pence P. Jacob Trustee Accounts Mr. C. P. Mathew
Mr. Joseph Cheriyan Lay Ministrant Mr. Joseph Cheriyan
Mr. Paul Mathew Mr. Paul Mathew

Dr. George Varghese Mandalam Member Dr. George Varghese

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas* Diocesan Assembly Dr. Mathew T. Thomas*
Dr. Jacob Oommen Dr. Jacob Oommen
Mr. Thomas Verghese Mr. Thomas Verghese

Mr. Sanu Mathew Gaithersburg Area Mr. Jacob K. Thomas

Mrs. Saramma Thomas Mr. Pence P. Jacob
Mr. John Attumallil Lanham Bowie Area Mrs. Nancy M. Thomas
Mrs. Aleyamma Mrs. Aleyamma
Kaipallil Kaipallil
Dr. Dennis Cherian N. Virginia Area Dr. Saji Thomas
Mrs. Valsa Stephen Mr. Thomas K.
Dr. George Vergheese Silver Spring Area Mrs. Lizy Vergheese
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Mr. Samuel C. Samuel

Mr. Dennis Chacko Choir

Dr. George K. Zachariah Parish Mission
Senior Citizens
Mrs. Elizabeth Joseph Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mr. Thomas K. Sunday School Mrs. Mini Rajan
Mr. Johnson John Young Families Mrs. Beena Philipose
Mr. Robert Ninan Youth Fellowship Mr. Kevin John
Mr. Shibu A. Samuel Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Shibu A. Samuel
Mr. Jacob Mathew Auditors Mr. Jacob Mathew
Mr. Jacob K. Thomas Mr. Samuel C. George

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. Chacko Daniel Ecumenical Reps. Dr. George K. Varghese

Mr. Abey Thomas Mr. Abey Thomas
Mrs. Annamma Philip Mrs. Annamma Philip
Dr. Annie P. Jacob Web Master Dr. Annie P. Jacob
Mr. Rueben T. Abraham Audio Visual Mr. Rueben T. Abraham
Mr. Thomas Verghese Newsletter Editor Mr. Thomas Verghese

MTCGW Officers for 2017 and 2018

2017 Title 2018

Rev. Thomas Samuel – Vicar/President Rev. Anu Oommen
Until April
Rev. Anu Oommen –
From May
Dr. Saji Thomas Vice President Dr. Saji Thomas
Mr. Pence P. Jacob Secretary Mr. Pence P. Jacob
Mr. Shibu Samuel Trustee Finance Mr. Shibu Samuel
Mr. George Samuel Trustee Accounts Mr. George Samuel
Mr. Joseph K. Thomas Lay Ministrant Mr. Joseph K. Thomas
Mr. Thomas K. Mr. Thomas K.
Varghese Varghese

Mr. Jacob Mathew Mandalam Member Mr. Jacob Mathew

Mrs. Beena Philipose* Diocesan Assembly Mrs. Beena Philipose*
Mr. Thomas Koshy Mr. Thomas Koshy

Mrs. Pushpa Thomas Gaithersburg Area Mrs. Sheeja John

Mr. Sanu Mathew Mr. Jiji George
Mr. Jacob Mathew Lanham Bowie Area Mr. Chacko Daniel
Mrs. Aleyamma Mrs. Mini Rajan
Dr. Dennis Cherian N. Virginia Area Dr. Elizabeth Thomas
Mrs. Annamma Thomas Dr. Gabriel Roy
Mr. Alexander Chonai Silver Spring Area Mr. Babu Kottakuzhiyil
Mr. Thomas Philip Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil

Mr. Thomas Alexander Choir Mr. Thomas Alexander

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Dr. Thomas Ninan Parish Mission Dr. Thomas Ninan

Senior Citizens Dr. George K. Zachariah
Mrs. Mariamma Ninan Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Elizabeth Koshy
Mrs. Mini Rajan Sunday School Dr. Sheela Paniker
Mrs. Beena Philipose Young Families Mr. Roby Jacob
Mr. Kevin John Youth Fellowship Dr. Robert Ninan
Mr. Shibu Samuel Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Sanu Mathew

Mr. Jacob K. Thomas Auditors Mr. Jacob K. Thomas

Mr. George Philip Dr. Jacob Oommen
Dr. George K. Varghese Ecumenical Reps. Dr. George K. Varghese
Mr. Abey Thomas Ms. Sheela Philip
Mrs. Annamma Philip Mrs. Annamma Philip
Dr. Annie P. Jacob Web Master Mr. Glen Joy
Mr. Rueben Abraham Audio Visual Mr. Rueben Abraham
Mr. Sonu John
Mr. Thomas Verghese Newsletter Editor Mr. Rajan Ninan

MTCGW Officers for 2019 and 2020

2019 Title 2020

Rev. Anu Oommen Vicar/President Rev. Anu Oommen
Mr. Babu Kottakuzhiyil Vice President Mr. Babu Kottakuzhiyil
Ms. Sheela Philip Secretary Ms. Sheela Philip
Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil Trustee Finance Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil
Mr. George Samuel Trustee Accounts Mr. Varughese Thomas
Mr. Thomas K. Lay Ministrant Mr. Thomas K.
Varghese Varghese
Mr. Joseph Cheriyan Mr. Abraham C. Samuel
Mr. Jacob Mathew Mandalam Member Mrs. Mariamma Ninan
Mrs. Beena Philipose* Diocesan Assembly Dr. Mathew T. Thomas
Mr. Thomas Koshy
Mr. Pence P. Jacob Gaithersburg Area Mr. Pence P. Jacob
Mr. Shibu Samuel Mr. Shibu Samuel
Mr. Chacko Daniel Lanham Bowie Area Mr. Chacko Daniel
Mrs. Pushpa Thomas Mrs. Mini Rajan
Dr. Saji Thomas N. Virginia Area Dr. Saji Thomas
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. Jacob George Dr. Gabriel Roy

Mr. Joseph K. Thomas Silver Spring Area Mr. Joseph K. Thomas
Mr. Samuel C. Samuel Mr. Rajan Ninan
Richmond Area Mr. Abraham Thomas
Mrs. Moncy Abraham
Mr. George Thomas Choir Mr. George Thomas
Dr. Thomas Ninan Parish Mission Dr. Thomas Ninan
Dr. Gabriel Roy Senior Citizens Mrs. Aleyamma
Mrs. Mariamma Ninan Sevika Sanghom Mrs. Annamma Philip
Dr. Sheela Paniker Sunday School Dr. Sheela Paniker
Mrs. Sheeja John Young Families Dr. Dennis Cherian
Mr. Abey Thomas Youth Fellowship Mr. Reeve Sam
Mr. Stanley Joy Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Jobi Joseph

Mr. Jacob K. Thomas Auditors Mr. Jacob K. Thomas

Mr. Roby Jacob Mr. Jacob Mathew

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Ecumenical Reps. Dr. George K. Varghese

Mr. Shibu John Ms. Roshini Ninan
Mr. Nevin Thankachen Mrs. Saramma Thomas
Mr. Glen Joy Web Master Mr. Glen Joy
Mr. Rueben Abraham Audio Visual Mr. Rueben Abraham
Mr. Sonu John Mr. Sonu John
Mr. Rajan Ninan Newsletter Editor Mr. George Samuel

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

MTCGW Officers for 2021

2021 Title
Rev. Anu Oommen – Vicar/President
Until April
Rev. Byju Thomas –
From May
Mr. Babu Kottakuzhiyil Vice President
Ms. Sheela Philip Secretary
Mr. John Ayrookuzhiyil Trustee Finance
Mr. Varughese Thomas Trustee Accounts
Mr. Thomas K. Lay Ministrants
Mr. Abraham C. Samuel

Mrs. Mariamma Ninan Mandalam Member

Dr. Mathew T. Thomas Diocesan Assembly

Mr. Pence P. Jacob Gaithersburg Area

Mr. Shibu John
Mr. Chacko Daniel Lanham Bowie Area
Mr. George Samuel
Dr. Saji Thomas N. Virginia Area
Dr. Dennis Cherian
Mr. George Philip Silver Spring Area
Mr. Joseph Cherian –
until June 2021
Mr. Joseph K. Thomas -
from July 2021
Mr. Jacob George Richmond Area
Mr. Bobby Mathew
Mr. George Thomas Choir
Mr. Sanu Mathew Parish Mission
Dr. Gabriel Roy Senior Citizens
Dr. Elizabeth Thomas Sevika Sanghom
Dr. Sheela P. Jacob Sunday School
Mrs. Beena Philipose Young Families

History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Mr. Selwyn George Youth Fellowship

Mr. Shibu A. Samuel Yuvajana Sakhyam

Mr. Jacob K. Thomas Auditors

Mr. Jacob Mathew

Mr. Thomas Alexander Ecumenical Reps.

Mr. Bobby Mathew
Mrs. Elizabeth Joseph
Mr. Glen Joy Web Master
Mr. Rueben Abraham Audio Visual
Mr. Sonu John
Dr. Annie Jacob Newsletter Editor

Thanks be to God for His

Bountiful Grace and
Thanks to Everyone for your
Contributions towards
MTCGW’s Activities and
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021

Future site of the Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington

15400 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20905
History of MTCGW – 1973 to 2021


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