ASTER Mineral Index Processing Manual: Compiled by Aleks Kalinowski and Simon Oliver
ASTER Mineral Index Processing Manual: Compiled by Aleks Kalinowski and Simon Oliver
ASTER Mineral Index Processing Manual: Compiled by Aleks Kalinowski and Simon Oliver
Compiled by Aleks Kalinowski
and Simon Oliver
i. Introduction 2
ii. Useful References
i. Introduction
ASTER is the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, a multi-
spectral sensor onboard one of NASA’s Earth Observing System satellites, Terra, which was
launched in 1999. ASTER sensors measure reflected and emitted electromagnetic radiation
from Earth’s surface and atmosphere in 14 channels (or bands). There are three groups of
channels: three recording visible and near infrared radiation (VNIR), at a spatial resolution of
15m; six recording portions of shortwave infrared radiation (SWIR) at a spatial resolution of
30m; and five recording thermal infrared radiation (TIR) at a resolution of 90m. The higher
spectral resolution of ASTER (compared to Landsat, for example - Fig.1) especially in the
shortwave infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum makes it possible to identify
minerals and mineral groups such as clays, carbonates, silica, iron-oxides and other
silicates. An additional backward-looking band in the VNIR makes it possible to construct
digital elevation models from bands 3 and 3b. ASTER swath width is 60km (each scene is 60
x 60km) which makes it useful for regional mapping.
Figure 1. Distribution of ASTER and Landsat channels with respect to the electromagnetic spectrum.
There are a few things to note when using ASTER imagery for regional mineralogical
mapping. Firstly, cloud cover, vegetation and atmospheric effects can severely mask or alter
surface signals. Secondly, bands and band ratios do not indicate the occurrence of a mineral
with absolute certainty or with any idea of quantity, so ground truthing and setting
appropriate thresholds is essential. Thirdly, every terrain is different, so ratios which work in
some areas for a particular mineral or assemblage may not show the same thing elsewhere.
As a result of these factors, it is important not to look at ASTER images in isolation from
other data. If possible, datasets such as geology and structural maps, geochemistry, PIMA
analyses (ground truthing), radiometrics, and any other available data should be used in
conjunction with ASTER for best results.
The processing steps described in the first part of this manual are relevant only to ASTER
level 1B scenes. Level 1A scenes (in a less processed form) must be imported using image
processing software such as Rastus.
• NASA TERRA website
• NASA ASTER website
1. Obtaining ASTER scenes
1) Identify and define the area you want ASTER scenes for (either as a box or a point of
interest in Lat / Long).
2) Go to the ACRES Digital Catalogue website (
3) You will need to obtain a login - follow the instructions.
4) On the website you will find the document "Procedures for accessing ASTER satellite
image data on ACRES Digital Catalogue". This contains complete instructions on
how to find your data. The ASTER scenes are stored on DVD at Geoscience
Australia - contact an ACRES or RSA person to gain access to the DVDs.
5) Copy your selected scene(s) to your hard drive or CD (generally it is better to have
the scenes on your hard drive to speed up processing).
2. Crosstalk Correction
Crosstalk is an effect in ASTER imagery caused by signal leakage from band 4 into adjacent
bands 5 and 9.
"The primary band causing most of the cross talk problem is band 4. What they believe is
happening is that some of the incident photons onto the band 4 detector plane are reflected
(not a surprise since even a perfect, single detector can reflect as much as 30% of the
incident light). The problem is that there are no baffles or other structures blocking light from
band 4 bouncing around to the detectors for the other bands. Basically, the detectors are
arranged in a rectangular geometry and the top of the rectangle contains all of the filters for
all of the bands. The bottom contains the detectors for all bands (and all of the detectors
have the same spectral response). Once an incident photon enters, it is basically trapped
until some detector collects it. If the band 5 detector gets a photon through the band 4 filter,
cross talk occurs.
The basic problem is that the solar output in band 4 is considerably higher than the other
SWIR bands. Hence, even a small number of band 4 photons leaking out can have a big
effect in the other bands. The effect is largest in bands 5 and 9 because those detectors are
physically the closest to the band 4 detectors. The correction at this point is assumed to be
an offset based on the pixels location in the scene. Essentially, a Gaussian distribution is
drawn around the pixel of interest in band 9 (for example). The band 4 scene is then
examined to determine the radiance of each pixel within the Gaussian, and then the
contribution due to cross talk from each of these pixels is determined by the radiance of the
pixel and the Gaussian value acting as weighting function." (Rob Hewson, MMTG,
Exploration and Mining, CSIRO. 22nd ASTER Science Meeting,
1) There is a handy tool that automatically corrects your scene for crosstalk. Download
and install the ERSDAC Crosstalk 3 tool from
ss.html . You will need a zip file extractor that can handle Japanese versions (e.g.
Power Archiver 2001 or later).
2) The tool comes with instructions in PDF, but you may have to download the
Japanese Language Package for Acrobat Reader from the Adobe site if the
document isn't opening properly.
3) Navigate to Start menu → Programs → Crosstalk3 → Data IO Setup. The dialog box
below opens.
4) On the left of the dialog box, select your (uncorrected) input image(s) by clicking on
the button to the text field. Only HDF or DAT file formats are accepted. A
corresponding output file name will appear on the right (it is the same name but with
"_chg" appended to the name). You can process up to 10 images at a time.
5) Go to File → Start Process to correct the images. Close the dialog when finished.
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3. Importing Images Into ER Mapper
A raw ASTER dataset contains all 14 bands. However, ASTER data consists of three types
of datasets, each with a different spatial resolution, so each must be treated independently.
The three datasets are VNIR (Visible and Near Infrared, bands 1-3), SWIR (Short-Wave
Infrared, bands 4-9) and TIR (Thermal Infrared, bands 10-14). They have spatial resolutions
of 15, 30 and 90m respectively. Two ways of importing ASTER datasets into ER Mapper are
described below. The first method describes how to manually import the data, while the
second makes use of the HDF Import Wizard. It is worthwhile going through the process
manually at least once so that you know what is being done to the data every step of the
6) Save the dataset as an ER Mapper raster dataset (.ers). The dataset should be
saved as an 8-bit unsigned integer with 15m pixels (pixel width & height). Make sure
output transforms are deleted and be sure to give the file a meaningful name, for
example, reflecting the level of processing that has been applied.
B. Construct the SWIR dataset
1) Open a new algorithm window (or a new image window). You should have one
Pseudo layer in the empty algorithm.
2) Load your crosstalk-corrected HDF file into the pseudo layer.
3) Duplicate the layer five times (total of six layers).
4) Select SWIR: band 4 for layer 1 and rename the layer to reflect the original band
number (e.g. B4). NB: Be careful not to load band 3B into band 1 of your algorithm
(the real SWIR band 4 is actually called band 5 in the HDF dataset).
5) Select SWIR: band 5 for layer 2 and repeat for the other layers up to band 9.
Rename the layers.
6) Save the dataset as an ER Mapper raster dataset (.ers). The dataset should be
saved as an 8-bit unsigned integer with 30m pixels. Ensure output transforms are
Method 2: Using HDF Import Wizard
The HDF Import Wizard allows you to convert ASTER HDF data to native ER Mapper format.
This tool allows you to import the dataset at different spatial resolutions, for example,
importing VNIR data at 30m instead of 15m, and combining bands with different spatial
resolutions (Note: You can also do this manually using the algorithm window).
1) You can start the HDF Import Wizard from either the Wizards or Batch Processing
toolbar (to add a toolbar to the main menu, go to Toolbars → tick Wizards or Batch
Processing). Click the button. The HDF Import Wizard appears.
2) Select whether you want to import one or multiple files and click Next.
3) On the next panel, select your raw (crosstalk corrected) ASTER HDF input file and
tick the box next to Produce .ers raster image. Type in a name for your output dataset
and click Next.
4) On the next panel, you have the option of rotating the scene to true north (accounting
for the rotation of the image due to the orientation of the satellite as it makes its
pass). You can use this option or manually rotate the image later. Here you also have
the option of setting a null value for null cells in the image. Type "0" into the Null
Value text field if it isn't automatically there, and tick the Use a null cell value box.
Click Next.
5) The next panel allows you to set cell attributes. Most importantly, it allows you to set
the output cell size, which is chiefly useful if you are going to import bands with
different resolutions into one dataset. To do this, tick the Custom cell size box. For
example, if you are importing the VNIR and SWIR bands together, you can set the
cell size to 15m or 30m for all bands. You then need to choose a resampling method
(cubic is recommended). If you are importing bands with the same spatial resolution
then don’t check the Custom cell size box - the wizard will automatically choose the
cell size from the metadata. Click Next.
6) The next panel is where you choose the bands you want to include in the final raster
image. You can either enter the band numbers or select them from the list (click the
button on the right). Click Next.
7) The final panel and a batch status window appear. Check the batch status window to
see what is being done to the image. Click Finish when the process has finished. You
can now go to Step 5 - Radiance Calibration if you rotated your image to true north,
or go on to Step 4 - Image Rectification if you haven't rotated your image yet.
A disadvantage of using this wizard is that you can't set the method by which the dataset is
saved (i.e. 8-bit, 4-byte etc.). It does save a bit of time but doing the same process manually
is not particularly difficult or time consuming and therefore could be a better option.
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4. Image Rotation
At the moment the images you have loaded are in satellite orientation, i.e. they are rotated
with respect to the surface because the satellite does not travel exactly N-S on its passes.
The image must be therefore be rotated back into map orientation (it is already projected,
generally in WGS84 and UTM). You need to find what angle the image must be rotated
through before using the Geocoding and Orthocorrection Wizard to rotate the image. (Note:
if you used the HDF Import Wizard to convert your HDF files to ER Mapper format and you
have already rotated your datasets then you can skip this step.)
5) From the Process menu on the main toolbar open the Geocoding Wizard. The
geocoding dialog box opens with several tabs (see below).
6) Click on the first tab, Start, if it isn’t already selected. Select an Input file and set the
Geocoding Type to Rotation.
7) Click on the second tab, Rotation Setup. Here you will need the rotation angle you
noted earlier. Type the rotation angle into the text box but multiply it by -1 (i.e. if you
originally had a positive rotation angle, now it will be negative and vice versa). This is
to make sure the image is rotated in the correct direction.
8) Click on the final, Rectify tab. Select a meaningful output filename and pixel size (by
default the pixel size should already be set to be the same as your input dataset).
Cubic Convolution is the recommended Resampling method.
9) Click the Save File and Start Rectification button.
10) Repeat the process for the SWIR and TIR datasets (the rotation angle will be the
same as your datasets came from one original dataset).
NB: This process is not necessary if your rotation angle is originally '0'. This happens for
example when you've processed the image from Level 1A to Level 1B using Rastus and
Tip. Occasionally, after rotating your dataset back to zero, there is still a tiny rotation angle in
the metadata of the dataset which you can't see (e.g. 0.0000001). This isn't a problem until
you want to use the dataset in other software packages, such as ENVI, when the rotation
angle prevents the software from reading the projection information correctly. To fix this
problem, go to File → Open → Info… → Edit → Coord Space → Type "0" in the Rotation
field (even if it seems to say "0" already). This will get rid of any tiny fractions of a rotation
angle that might be there. It will not affect your dataset. Make sure you save changes.
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5. Radiance Calibration
3) Click the Details button to obtain a more complete version of the metadata. About
halfway down the page you will see Unit Conversion Coefficients listed for each band.
The scaling factor you will use is the first (positive) number for each band.
4) Open a new image window and the algorithm window.
5) Load your VNIR rectified dataset into the algorithm and assign each band to a new
layer (layer1 = band1, layer2 = band2 etc.). Rename each layer to represent the
original data band (B1, B2, B3).
7) Type in the formula (Input1 - 1) × UCF (in this case the UCF for VNIR:band 1 is
0.676). Press Apply Changes. Repeat this process for every band in the algorithm,
inserting the appropriate unit conversion factor each time.
Tip: In the algorithm window, load the dataset into one layer. Type in the formula in the
formula editor. Duplicate the layer, choose appropriate bands for each layer and rename the
layers as required. Finally, go to the formula editor for the duplicated layers and edit the UCF
to correspond with the band in that layer. This saves you typing out the formula many times.
8) When finished, save the image as a raster dataset. This time, save it as a 4-byte real
image. This is to preserve the original data integrity especially given radiance
decreases with increasing wavelength (and band number). The pixel size remains 15,
30 or 90m depending on the dataset. Ensure the Delete Transform button is checked.
9) Repeat the process for the SWIR and TIR rectified datasets.
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6. Dark Pixel Correction
Dark pixel correction is a simple method used to account for the effect of atmosphere on
image radiance, related to additive scattering contributions (there are also multiplicative
transmission effects which won't be corrected by this). This is a statistical method whereby
the minimum value for each dataset is subtracted from the data. This minimum value is
taken to represent / approximate the effect of atmosphere.
1) Load your radiance-corrected dataset from the previous section into a new algorithm
window. Again, assign each band to a different layer and rename the layers
according to the original bands of the dataset.
2) On the main toolbar, navigate to Process → Calculate statistics. In the dialog box,
select the dataset you want to calculate statistics on (the one you've just loaded into
the algorithm window) and set Subsampling Interval to 1. Just to be safe, you can
check the Force recalculate statistics box. Press OK.
3) Once ER Mapper has finished calculating statistics, you can close the statistics
windows (or view the statistics and determine the minimum value for each band in the
4) Select the first band in the algorithm and open the formula editor. Type in the formula
I1 - RMIN(,R1,I1). RMIN gives the minimum value for a particular band; R1 specifies
the region of interest (in this case, the whole scene) and I1 specifies the input band.
Do this for each band.
Tip: In the algorithm window, load the dataset into one layer. Type in the formula in the
formula editor. Now duplicate the layer, choose appropriate bands for each layer and
rename the layers as required. This saves you typing out the formula many times.
5) Save the dataset as an ER Mapper Virtual Dataset (put "VDS" in the filename so you
can distinguish it from real datasets easily). The virtual dataset is really an algorithm
that is saved to look like a dataset, but it actually references the original dataset(s) (in
this case, the file you just created references your radiance-calibrated dataset, so any
changes to that dataset will also be reflected in the VDS). Alternatively, save it as a 4-
byte real dataset for future work. Ensure rotation is "0" in the header file, else there
could be problems importing the image into ENVI (see the Tips section at the back of
this manual).
6) Repeat this process for your other radiance-corrected datasets (SWIR and TIR).
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7. Registering ASTER image to Landsat pan image
Rotating ASTER scenes (as described in previous steps) puts the data in the correct
orientation but not necessarily the correct position relative to the ground or to other ASTER
scenes or bands. One way of correctly rectifying the ASTER scene is to register it to the
Landsat pan mosaic image of Australia. The Landsat pan mosaic covers the entire continent
and has been registered to differential GPS points around Australia. As such, it is accurately
registered relative to the ground. Because it has a resolution of 12.5m, it is accurate enough
to be used as a basis for registering other types of remotely sensed data such as ASTER.
The visible bands, having pixels closest in size to the Landsat bands, will be most obviously
affected by displacement and will need the largest block shift. The SWIR bands, having
pixels twice as large, will be affected but only half as much as the VNIR bands; and the TIR
bands, with pixels 6 times the size of the VNIR bands, must be adjusted by 1/6 of the shift
experienced by the VNIR (which means they rarely need to be shifted). Normally the
displacement between the Landsat image and the VNIR ASTER image will be between 0 to
10 pixels (E-W and/or N-S).
7) In the algorithm window, right-click on the red layer (containing the ASTER image)
and select Properties from the bottom of the list.
8) In the Dataset Information dialog box, click Edit.
9) In the Dataset Header Editor, click Raster Info.
10) In the Dataset Header Editor: Raster Information box, click Registration Point. The
Registration cell, by default, is (0,0) i.e. the top left cell in the dataset. The
Registration coordinates are the ground coordinates that the top left cell is assigned
to. It is possible to change the ground coordinates, but much easier to pick a better
registration cell.
11) Estimate how many pixels the ASTER image is displaced from the Landsat. If the
ASTER image is too far west, you need to move it east, as in the example above.
Here, the registration point was first changed to (3,0), and this became the cell
associated with the eastings and northings listed. The entire image shifted to the
east. Next, the image was too far to the north, so to move it south, the registration
point was changed to (3,-1). The rule is:
+ve x: moves image east (i.e. you want to assign the e-n coordinate to a point
further to the west than (0,0))
-ve x: moves image west (i.e. you want to assign the e-n coordinate to a point
further to the east than (0,0))
+ve y: moves image north (i.e. you want to assign the e-n coordinate to a
point further to the south than (0,0))
-ve y: moves image south (i.e. you want to assign the e-n coordinate to a
point further to the north than (0,0))
12) Save the changes and assess your image again. You may need to repeat the
process to get an exact fit (this is a trial and error process).
13) Repeat this process for your corresponding SWIR dataset. The displacement amount
will be half the value of the VNIR, as SWIR pixels are twice as large as VNIR pixels
(e.g. in the example above, make the new SWIR registration pixel ~(1, 0)).
14) You probably won't need to repeat the process for the TIR dataset - the pixel size is
too large to show much effect. The TIR dataset needs to be moved by 1/6 of the
amount that the VNIR image is moved. Usually the overall shift is less than 6 pixels,
so the TIR dataset doesn't usually need to be moved.
Example: The linear N-S features in green (Landsat) and red (ASTER, VNIR band 3)
represent a road. As you can see in the top left image, the ASTER scene is offset to the west
from the Landsat scene. It must be moved to the east to align with the road as depicted in
the Landsat scene. In the top left image the registration cell is (0,0).
The registration cell coordinates have been changed to (-5,0) in the image on the top right.
As you can see, the images are now more closely aligned, although not yet completely. In
the bottom-left image, the scenes are now well aligned E-W (with a registration coordinate of
(-8,0)), but you can see they are not properly aligned N-S. The ASTER scene is slightly too
far north and must be moved south.
The bottom-right image shows the two aligned scenes. The registration cell coordinates for
the ASTER scene are now (-8,-2). Using this information, the corresponding ASTER SWIR
image can be aligned to the Landsat image by changing its registration cell coordinates to
(-4, -1) (divide by 2 because the pixel size is 30m i.e. twice that of the VNIR pixels). You can
also shift the TIR image by 1 pixel to the east.
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8. Tips
• Occasionally, after rotating your dataset back to zero, there is still a tiny rotation angle in
the metadata of the dataset (like 0.0000001). This isn't a problem until you want to use
the dataset in other software packages, such as ENVI, when the rotation angle prevents
the software from reading the projection information correctly. To fix this problem, go to
File → Open → Info… → Edit → Coord Space → Type "0" in the Rotation field. This will
get rid of any tiny fractions of a rotation angle that might be there. It will not affect your
dataset. Make sure you save changes.
• It is a good idea to make sure the pixel size of your dataset is an integer value (i.e. 15m
not 14.9999999m). To fix the pixel size (if it is not an integer value) go to File → Open →
Info… → Edit → Raster Info → Cell Size and adjust the cell size. You may have to
adjust the pixel size to be an integer when saving a dataset (in the save dialog box).
• When you create datasets in ER Mapper the Null value is automatically set to 0. If you
import from some other programs, such as ENVI, the Null value may not be set (it
generally says "none"). It can be very important to have the null value set properly to 0,
especially when doing calculations with the data. To set the null value to 0, go to File →
Open → Info… → Edit → Raster Info→ Type "0" for Null cell value.
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Commonly used ratios
Common ratio & band combinations
Gossan, alteration, host 4/2 (goss) 4/5 (alt) 5/6 (host) Volesky
Gossan, alteration, host 6 (goss) 2 (alt) 1 (host)
Decorellation (envi) 13 12 10 Bierwith
*Comments by Hewson
**Equivalent to Landsat RGB 432
***Alunite/pyrophyllite, mica, kaolinite/dickite
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10. Changing Format of PIMA Spectra Using SPECWIN
PIMA spectra can be imported into ENVI for comparison with image spectra and
groundtruthing. However, PIMA spectra must be in the correct format. PIMA spectra must be
imported as a text file and not as a .dsp or .fos file as produced by PIMA software. PIMA
spectra can be saved as text files when they are collected, but this is a somewhat involved
process. It is easier to convert all the relevant files at once using a conversion tool, such as
Specwin, which was developed and is provided free of charge by Spectral International Inc.
Below are instructions for obtaining, installing and using the tool to deliver PIMA spectra to
ENVI as text files.
2) Press the Launch the Program button. From the popup window, select Pima Files as
shown below. You should now have a main window with a white subwindow open on
the screen.
3) From the main File menu, select Open Files… The "Select and Sort Spectral Files"
window will pop up asking what to do. Press the Add Files, sort by name button and
select the Data Files option. A file chooser window will now appear. Select the file(s)
you want (in this case they are all .dsp) and select Open. The file chooser disappears
and you are left once again with the "Select and Sort Spectral Files" dialog box.
Press the OK: Return to Application button.
4) The names of the files you selected now appear in the white subwindow (which you
can maximise) of the main application window. You can click on one the file names to
display the associated spectra in the same window.
5) Now the files must be converted to text files. Go to the View menu on the main
toolbar and select "DSP2ASCI" (.dsp to ASCII i.e. text format). A new application
window opens. Press the Get and Convert Files… button. Again, a file chooser
6) Select the files you want to convert and then exit the conversion application. New
ascii files (.txt) are automatically created in the same folder as your original .dsp files,
and with the same name. The files are created instantly, so no other windows or
dialog boxes appear.
7) You can now close SpecWin. This is mainly a display tool but there are a few things
that you can do with your spectra in this progam. The most useful of these at the
moment is the ability to view the spectra and to convert them to ascii files for import
into ENVI.
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11. Creating a Spectral Library in ENVI (from PIMA data)
ENVI is an image processing program similar to, but more advanced than ER Mapper. One
of the chief advantages is the ability to import PIMA and library spectra and to compare
these to spectra from your image, whatever the sensor you happen to be using. For
example, you can import PIMA spectra from field sites, match them against a spectral library
to find out what end-members can be identified, and resample the original spectrum to
ASTER resolution. This is useful both for comparing the validity of ASTER signals and
groundtruthing, as well as for seeing which features of the spectrum are distinctive for that
mineral. In this way, you can see which ASTER bands, combinations or ratios are likely to
produce the best results in terms of correctly identifying and mapping the minerals of
1) Start ENVI. From the Spectral menu on the main toolbar, select Spectral Libraries →
Spectral Library Builder. From the pop-up box, select Ascii file and click OK. A file
chooser appears. From the file chooser, select your ascii (.txt) file (one at a time for
this process). The Input ASCII File dialog box appears.
2) In the Input ASCII File box, set the parameters to the following and click OK.
a. Wavelength Column (ENVI is asking you which column of your text file
represents the wavelength) - normally should be 1.
b. Leave the FWHM text space blank.
c. Change Wavelength units from unknown to Micrometres.
d. The Y-scale factor is the amount that the reflectance in your spectrum has
been multiplied by (so have a look at the spectrum in SpecWin to find out
what kind of values you're getting for reflectance). In reality the reflectance
value is between 0 (none) and 1 (all). If your values are around 2000, 4000,
6000, then the y-scale factor is probably around 10,000 (i.e. values have been
multiplied by 10,000).
3) The Spectral Library Builder window appears. From the Import menu, select From
ASCII File. Another file chooser appeas. Select the .txt file you're working on and
click Open. Another "Input Ascii File" window appears, looking similar to but not quite
the same as the "Input Ascii File" window from step 1.
This time, set the paremeters to the following and click OK.
a. X axis column - 1
b. Y axis column - 2
c. Wavelength units - micrometers
d. Y-scale factor - 10,000 (same as previous)
Back in the Spectral Library Builder window, the
file you just imported appears in the list. Repeat
this step for all of your files.
5) Save your spectral library. From the File menu, select Save Plot As → Spectral
Library… The "Output Plots to Spectral Library" dialog box appears. Click the Select
All Items button and click OK. The Output Spectral Library window appears. Leave all
the parameters as they are (see right). The only thing to do here is to select the file
you want to save to at the bottom of the window. Make sure the Output Results to
File is checked, and click Choose to select the directory and filename you wish to
save to. Click OK to finish. Close the next dialog box that appears.
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12. Using ENVI's Spectral Analyst to Determine Mineralogy
Ground truthing is an integral part of remote sensing. PIMA spectra obtained in the field or
from field samples is a good way to ground truth ASTER or hyperspectral imagery. First the
PIMA spectra must be identified with a mineral or combination of minerals, and then
compared to the ratio results for that mineral in the image. There are several programs
capable of identifying PIMA spectra. One of these is TSG (The Spectral Geologist), which is
a very useful program. Another method is to use ENVI's spectral analyst, and is described
1) Start Spectral Library Viewer from the Spectral menu and open your spectral library
(e.g. of PIMA spectra, in a .hdr file or .sli file).
2) Click on one of the spectra to display it.
3) Start Spectral Analyst from the Spectral menu. In the dialog box select the spectral
library you want to use to compare to your spectra (e.g. the USGS library) and click
4) You can choose which method you want to use for spectral mapping in the next
dialog. There are three choices - Spectral Angle Mapper, Spectral Feature Fitting,
and Binary Encoding. You can also choose to use a combination of these. In general
the first two methods are recommended. Here we will use Spectral Feature Fitting
(which is usually the best method to begin with) so set the weighting to 1 for that
method (therefore 0 for all others) and click OK.
5) In the Spectral Analyst window, click Apply to match your spectrum (open in the
library viewer window) against those in the reference library. Spectral Analyst won't
work unless your spectrum is already displayed. If more than one spectrum is
displayed then you will be asked which is the one you want to match.
6) You will see a list of possible minerals with ranking values - the highest ones have
the greatest probability of being correct. To compare your spectrum directly with one
of the matches, click on, say, the first (best matched) mineral name in the Spectral
Analyst window. A new display window will pop up showing both the reference
mineral spectrum and your spectrum (you can show the plot key so that you know
which is which). It is also a good idea to set the y-axis scale to adjust automatically.
Minerals with matches below about 0.5 shouldn't be considered matches; usually the top few
minerals are correct. However, you still need to match the spectra manually to ensure best
results - don't trust the software to do it for you! Often there will be some odd minerals in the
top few matches, so don't be fooled by them. Check peak (or trough) coincidence by running
the cursor over the spectrum. Check for relative depth of absorption features.
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13. Resampling Library Spectra to ASTER Band Resolution
You can do more spectral matching and mapping by comparing your PIMA results directly
with ASTER results. To do this the PIMA spectra need to be resampled to ASTER band
resolution. This also shows you which bands are likely to be the most effective at identifying
various minerals.
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14. Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF)
MNF (minimum noise fraction) rotation (using principal components calculations) is used to
show the variation between bands in an image. This is a statistical method which works out
differences in an image based on pixel DNs in various bands. Mathematically, this uses
eigenvectors and eigenvalues to work out the principal vectors and directions of the data
cloud (collection of data values for the image). The idea is to show the differences rather
than the similarities between bands. So in principal component images you are looking at the
maximum differences between what the sensor is picking up in different bands rather than
where different bands are recording the same thing i.e. reducing redundancy. The
calculations also identify noise in the image. After doing this analysis you can then go and do
some band ratios, compare to your MNF or principal components image, and perhaps assign
each MNF band to some feature or characteristic. Remember that these are statistics and do
not indicate any specific mineral, merely differences between areas of the image. This
method works best for SWIR images. For more information look in the ENVI or ERMapper
"Use the MNF Rotation transforms to determine the inherent dimensionality of image data, to
segregate noise in the data, and to reduce the computational requirements for subsequent
processing … The data space can be divided into two parts: one part associated with large
eigenvalues and coherent eigenimages, and a complementary part with near-unity
eigenvalues and noise-dominated images. By using only the coherent portions, the noise is
separated from the data, thus improving spectral processing results." (extract from ENVI help
1) Start ENVI.
2) From the main toolbar, go to the Spectral Menu → MNF Rotation → Forward MNF →
Estimate Noise Statistics From Data. The MNF Transform Input File window appears.
3) Go to Open File, and select a raster file you want to work on. The file information will
appear in the window.
4) Click OK on the window. A new window, Forward MNF Transform Parameters,
appears. You don't have to choose output files for the statistics but you must choose
an output file for the MNF image about to be created (bottom-most text field). Also,
make the Select subset from eigenvalues box read yes. The program will calculate
statistics and perform the transform.
5) When finished, two windows appear showing you the amount of variation in each
principal component (the most in PC1, the least in PCn) and the list of available
bands. The MNF bands are listed on the x-axis and the amount of variation between
bands is shown on the y-axis. As you can see, the most variation (nearly all, in fact) is
recorded in MNF band1. A smaller amount is recorded in B2, then 3, 4 and so on until
the line becomes just about flat. The last MNF band will look very speckled and will
be mainly noise.
6) In the Available Bands List window select RGB color and then choose MNF bands 1,
2, 3 for R, G, B respectively (or any other combination you like, although this one will
probably be the most useful as it shows the greatest amount of variation). Click Load
RGB to view the image.
Three image windows appear. They are all geolinked. The main window is the Image
window, from which you can control image enhancement etc. The Scroll window
allows you to view the entire image and select a part of it to view in the Image window
by moving the red box. The Zoom window allows you to zoom in on areas of the
7) In the Image window, go to Enhance → [image] linear 2% to apply a simple
transform. You can see the variation in the image through the different colouring. For
example, areas that are red are similar to each other but different to areas that are
blue or green or yellow. So, for example, red could indicate carbonate rocks and blue
silicate rocks. Green could indicate dense vegetation. You won't know until you do
some ratios and band combinations (in ENVI or ER Mapper) to find out what these
areas represent. Also, try overlaying the geology maps. You can also classify or
vectorise the principal component images to overlay on other images.
8) You can import vector files (e.g. geology) or export the image as a .bil to use in
Arcmap or as an ERMapper .ers dataset. Go to the main toolbar, File → Save As →
select your file type. (Note: unlike ER Mapper, ENVI does not set null values to 0, so
you may have to do this manually back in ER Mapper).
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15. Principal components
PC bands are linear combinations of the original spectral bands and are uncorrelated. You
can calculate the same number of output PC bands as input spectral bands. The first PC
band contains the largest percentage of data variance and the second PC band contains the
second largest data variance, and so on. The last PC bands appear noisy because they
contain very little variance, much of which is due to noise in the original spectral data.
Principal Component bands produce more colorful color composite images than spectral
color composite images because the data is uncorrelated. ENVI can complete forward and
inverse PC rotations. " (Richards, J.A., 1999. Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An
Introduction, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, p. 240., extract from ENVI help manual)
1) Start ENVI.
2) From the main toolbar, go to the Transform Menu → Principal Components →
Forward PC Rotation → Compute New Statistics and Rotate. The Principal
Components Input File window appears.
3) Go to Open File, and select a raster file you want to work on. The file information will
appear in the window.
4) Click OK on the window. A new window, Forward PC Parameters, appears. You don't
have to choose output files for the statistics but you must choose an output file for the
PC image about to be created (bottom-most text field). Also, make the Select subset
from eigenvalues box read yes. The program will calculate statistics and perform the
transform. A small dialog box showing you the percentage variation in each band
appears midway through the process - click OK and keep going.
5) When finished, two windows appear showing you the amount of variation in each
principal component in one (the most in PC1, the least in PCn), and the list of
available bands in the other. The PC bands are listed on the x-axis and the amount of
variation between bands is shown on the y-axis. As you can see, the most variation
(nearly all, in fact) is recorded in PC band1. A smaller amount is recorded in B2, then
3, 4 and so on until the line becomes just about flat. The last PC band will look very
speckled and will be mainly noise.
6) In the Available Bands List window select RGB color and then choose MNF bands 1,
2, 3 for R, G, B respectively (or any other combination you like, although this one will
probably be the most useful as it shows the greatest amount of variation). Click Load
RGB to view the image (you can also view each band in greyscale).
Three image windows appear. They are all geolinked. The main window is the Image
window, from which you can control image enhancement etc. The Scroll window
allows you to view the entire image and select a part of it to view in the Image window
by moving the red box. The Zoom window allows you to zoom in on areas of the
7) In the Image window, go to Enhance → [image] linear 2% to apply a simple
transform. You can see the variation in the image through the different colouring. For
example, areas that are red are similar to each other but different to areas that are
blue or green or yellow. So, for example, red could indicate carbonate rocks and blue
silicate rocks. Green could indicate dense vegetation. You won't know until you do
some ratios and band combinations (in ENVI or ER Mapper) to find out what these
areas represent. Also, try overlaying the geology maps. You can also classify or
vectorise the principal component images to overlay on other images.
8) You can import vector files (e.g. geology) or export the image as a .bil to use in
Arcmap or as an ERMapper .ers dataset. Go to the main toolbar, File → Save As →
select your file type. (Note: unlike ER Mapper, ENVI does not set null values to 0, so
you may have to do this manually back in ER Mapper).
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16. Decorrelation Stretch
Decorellation stretch is another way to enhance images. It is especially useful when viewing
bands that are highly correlated (e.g. combinations of the TIR or SWIR bands). For example,
the TIR bands 10, 12, and 13 are highly correlated and produce a fairly dull RGB image. This
sort of image is difficult to interpret and not particularly useful. Applying decorrelation stretch
essentially stretched each band such that the minimum correlation between bands is shown
and therefore the decorrelation, i.e. areas of the spectrum where the bands are not
correlated, are highlighted. It is another way to reduce redundancy in the image.
"Use Decorrelation Stretch to remove the high correlation commonly found in multispectral
datasets and to produce a more colorful color composite image. The highly correlated data
sets often produce quite bland color images. Decorrelation stretching requires three bands
for input. These bands should be stretched byte data or may be selected from an open color
display. Similar results to decorrelation can be obtained by using a sequence of forward
Principal Components (PC), contrast stretching, and inverse PC transforms." (extract from
ENVI help)
Decorrelation stretch can be done in ENVI or in ER Mapper, although if using the function in
ERMapper it is necessary to have C++ compiler installed. Without the compiler it is
necessary to perform the function in ENVI, as described below.
1) Start ENVI.
2) Open the image file you want to use in this process (TIR datasets are usually the
best), by going to the File → Open Image File → select your TIR file. The Available
Bands List dialog opens.
3) Go to the Transform menu and choose Decorrelation Stretch. Another band chooser,
the Decorrelation Stretch Input Input Bands dialog box appears.
4) Select three bands, e.g. B13 for red, B12 for green and B10 for blue. Click OK.
5) In the Decorrelation Stretch Parameters dialog box, choose Output Result to File and
select a file to save to. Press OK to begin the processing.
6) When finished, the three decorrelated bands appear at the top of the Available Bands
List dialog box. Assign the three bands to the same RGB layers as before (ENVI has
probably already done this for you) and click OK to display the image. Compare the
colour and contrast in the resulting image (below right) with the original RGB 13-12-
10 image (below left).
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