Pea Goldensummit
Pea Goldensummit
Pea Goldensummit
PO BOX 10351
PHONE: (604) 662-7307 | FAX: (604) 662-3791
Document: 910054-REP-R0001-01
May 2016 i
4.2.6 ALASKA MENTAL HEALTH TRUST AUTHORITY LAND ............................................................. 4-7
4.2.7 FORMER FAIRBANKS EXPLORATION CLAIMS ........................................................................ 4-8
5.1 ACCESSIBILITY ................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 CLIMATE .......................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 LOCAL RESOURCES.......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.4 PHYSIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................................ 5-1
6.0 HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
7.0 GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND MINERALIZATION ..................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 REGIONAL, DISTRICT & PROPERTY GEOLOGY ................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY.......................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 FAIRBANKS DISTRICT GEOLOGY ......................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.3 GOLDEN SUMMIT PROJECT GEOLOGY................................................................................. 7-3
7.2 MINERALIZATION .............................................................................................................................. 7-6
7.2.1 INSTRUSIVE-HOSTED SULFIDE-QUARTZ VEINLETS ............................................................... 7-8
7.2.2 AURIFEROUS QUARTZ VEINS .............................................................................................. 7-8
7.2.3 SHEAR-HOSTED VEINLET ZONES ........................................................................................ 7-9
8.0 DEPOSIT TYPES ......................................................................................................................................... 8-1
9.0 EXPLORATION ............................................................................................................................................ 9-1
10.0 DRILLING ................................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1 CHRISTINA PROSPECT .................................................................................................................... 10-9
11.0 SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY ........................................................................ 11-1
11.1 1992–2004 ................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 2005–2011 ................................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.3 2008 CORE DRILLING ..................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.4 2011 ............................................................................................................................................. 11-6
11.5 2012 ............................................................................................................................................. 11-6
11.6 2013 ............................................................................................................................................. 11-7
12.0 DATA VERIFICATION ............................................................................................................................... 12-1
13.0 MINERAL PROCESSING & METALLURGICAL TESTING....................................................................... 13-1
13.1 KCA TESTWORK ............................................................................................................................ 13-1
13.1.1 BOTTLE ROLL TESTWORK................................................................................................. 13-1
13.2 SGS PROCESS FLOWSHEET TESTWORK ......................................................................................... 13-3
13.2.1 BOND BALL MILL WORK INDEX TESTWORK........................................................................ 13-4
13.2.2 WHOLE MINERALIZED MATERIAL LEACHING....................................................................... 13-4
13.2.4 WHOLE MINERALIZED MATERIAL ROASTING ...................................................................... 13-5
13.2.5 SULFIDE FLOTATION & LEACHING ..................................................................................... 13-5
13.2.6 FLOTATION PRESSURE OXIDATION & LEACHING ................................................................ 13-6
13.2.7 COARSE MINERALIZED MATERIAL CYANIDATION ................................................................ 13-6
May 2016 ii
13.3 MCCLELLAND TESTWORK ............................................................................................................... 13-6
13.3.1 BOTTLE ROLL TESTWORK................................................................................................. 13-7
13.3.2 COLUMN LEACH TESTWORK ............................................................................................. 13-9
14.0 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATES......................................................................................................... 14-1
14.1 DATA ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................. 14-1
14.2 COMPOSITES ................................................................................................................................. 14-6
14.3 VARIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 14-8
14.4 BLOCK MODEL ............................................................................................................................... 14-8
14.5 BULK DENSITY ............................................................................................................................... 14-9
14.6 GRADE INTERPOLATION ................................................................................................................ 14-12
14.7 CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................................................... 14-13
14.8 MODEL VERIFICATION ................................................................................................................... 14-19
15.0 MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES ............................................................................................................ 15-1
16.0 MINING METHODS .................................................................................................................................... 16-1
16.1 CUT-OFF GRADE............................................................................................................................ 16-1
16.2 OPEN PIT MINE DESIGN.................................................................................................................. 16-2
16.2.1 PIT SLOPE CONSTRAINTS ................................................................................................. 16-3
16.2.2 BENCH DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 16-3
16.2.3 HAUL ROAD DESIGN......................................................................................................... 16-4
16.2.4 DILUTION & MINING LOSS ................................................................................................. 16-4
16.2.5 ULTIMATE PIT DESIGN ...................................................................................................... 16-4
16.2.6 PIT PHASES ..................................................................................................................... 16-7
16.2.7 ANNUAL PIT DESIGNS....................................................................................................... 16-7
16.2.8 SURGE STOCKPILE........................................................................................................... 16-7
16.2.9 MINE ROCK STORAGE FACILITY DESIGN ........................................................................... 16-7
16.2.10 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 16-7
16.2.11 EQUIPMENT SELECTION & PRODUCTIVITIES ...................................................................... 16-8
16.2.12 MINE PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................ 16-9
17.0 RECOVERY METHODS ............................................................................................................................. 17-1
17.1 SULFIDE MATERIAL PROCESSING TRADEOFF STUDY ........................................................................ 17-1
17.2 BIO-OXIDATION OF SULFIDE MATERIALS .......................................................................................... 17-2
17.3 PROCESSING FLOWSHEET .............................................................................................................. 17-2
17.3.1 OXIDE HEAP LEACH ......................................................................................................... 17-4
17.3.2 SULFIDE BIO-OXIDATION & LEACHING ............................................................................... 17-5
18.0 PROJECT INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................................................. 18-1
18.1 SITE LAYOUT.................................................................................................................................. 18-1
18.2 PROCESS PLANTS .......................................................................................................................... 18-1
18.3 PROJECT LOGISTICS ...................................................................................................................... 18-2
18.4 ROADS & RAIL................................................................................................................................ 18-2
18.5 BUILDINGS & FACILITIES ................................................................................................................. 18-2
18.6 POWER SUPPLY ............................................................................................................................. 18-3
18.7 COMMUNICATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 18-3
May 2016 iv
20.4.8 TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY .......................................................................................... 20-10
20.4.9 HEAP LEACH PAD .......................................................................................................... 20-10
20.4.10 PROCESS WATER PONDS ............................................................................................... 20-11
20.4.12 STORM WATER PONDS .................................................................................................. 20-11
20.4.13 MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................................... 20-11
21.0 CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS ........................................................................................................ 21-1
21.1 PRINCIPAL ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................................... 21-1
21.2 LIFE OF MINE PRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 21-2
21.2.1 OPEN PIT MINING............................................................................................................. 21-2
21.2.2 PROCESSING ................................................................................................................... 21-3
21.3 CAPITAL COSTS ............................................................................................................................. 21-3
21.3.1 10 – OPEN PIT MINING ..................................................................................................... 21-4
21.3.2 20 – CRUSHING CIRCUIT .................................................................................................. 21-4
21.3.3 30 – HEAP LEACH (OXIDE) ............................................................................................... 21-4
21.3.4 40 – PROCESS PLANT (SULFIDE) ...................................................................................... 21-5
21.3.5 50 – TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY .................................................................................... 21-5
21.3.6 60 – INFRASTRUCTURE .................................................................................................... 21-5
21.3.7 70 – CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................................................... 21-6
21.3.8 80 – INDIRECTS................................................................................................................ 21-6
21.3.9 90 – OWNER’S COSTS...................................................................................................... 21-7
21.4 OPERATING COSTS ........................................................................................................................ 21-7
21.4.1 GENERAL OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................... 21-8
21.4.2 LABOR ASSUMPTIONS & WAGES ....................................................................................... 21-8
21.4.3 MINING ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................... 21-11
21.4.4 PROCESS ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................ 21-11
21.5 TAXES & ROYALTIES .................................................................................................................... 21-12
21.5.1 ROYALTIES .................................................................................................................... 21-12
21.5.2 TAXES ........................................................................................................................... 21-12
22.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................. 22-1
22.1 SMELTER SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................................... 22-1
22.2 ECONOMIC RESULTS ...................................................................................................................... 22-2
22.3 SENSITIVITY ................................................................................................................................... 22-4
23.0 ADJACENT PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................................ 23-1
23.1 FORT KNOX MINE ........................................................................................................................... 23-1
23.2 TRUE NORTH MINE ......................................................................................................................... 23-1
24.0 OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 24-1
24.1 GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY ......................................................................................................... 24-1
24.1.1 HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING .............................................................................................. 24-1
24.1.2 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 24-2
May 2016 v
24.2 SURFACE WATER ........................................................................................................................... 24-4
24.2.1 SURFACE WATER HYDROLOGY ......................................................................................... 24-4
24.2.2 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................... 24-7
24.3 WATER BALANCE ........................................................................................................................... 24-9
24.4 GEOCHEMISTRY ........................................................................................................................... 24-10
25.0 INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................... 25-1
25.1 GEOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 25-1
25.2 MINING .......................................................................................................................................... 25-1
25.3 GROUNDWATER HYDROGEOLOGY ................................................................................................... 25-1
25.4 METALLURGY & PROCESS .............................................................................................................. 25-2
25.5 ENVIRONMENTAL ............................................................................................................................ 25-2
26.0 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 26-1
26.1 GEOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 26-1
26.2 MINING .......................................................................................................................................... 26-3
26.3 GROUNDWATER HYDROGEOLOGY ................................................................................................... 26-3
26.4 WATER MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................... 26-4
26.5 METALLURGY & PROCESS .............................................................................................................. 26-4
26.6 TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY .......................................................................................................... 26-5
26.7 HEAP LEACH FACILITY .................................................................................................................... 26-6
26.8 GEOCHEMICAL RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................ 26-7
26.9 ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING & REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ........................................................... 26-7
27.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 27-1
28.0 CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFIED PERSON.................................................................................................. 28-1
28.1 QUALIFICATIONS OF CONSULTANTS ................................................................................................ 28-1
May 2016 vi
Table 1-1: Summary of Exploration (1969-2015) Conducted for the Property and Adjacent Prospects ...................1-2
Table 1-2: Dolphin Zone Indicated Resource within Conceptual Pit .......................................................................... 1-6
Table 1-3: Dolphin Zone Inferred Resource within Conceptual Pit ............................................................................ 1-6
Table 1-4: Oxide Zone Indicated Resource within Conceptual Pit ............................................................................. 1-7
Table 1-5: Oxide Zone Inferred Resource within Conceptual Pit ............................................................................... 1-7
Table 1-6: Sulfide Zone Indicated Resource within Conceptual Pit ........................................................................... 1-8
Table 1-7: Sulfide Zone Inferred Resource within Conceptual Pit.............................................................................. 1-8
Table 1-8: LoM Capital Costs................................................................................................................................... 1-12
Table 1-9: LoM Operating Costs .............................................................................................................................. 1-13
Table 4-1: Summary of Claims Comprising the Golden Summit Property ................................................................. 4-2
Table 4-2: Keystone Claims Royalty Payments ......................................................................................................... 4-5
Table 4-3: Green Claims Royalty Payments .............................................................................................................. 4-6
Table 4-4: Chatham Claims Royalty Payments.......................................................................................................... 4-7
Table 4-5: MHT Sliding Scale Royalty ....................................................................................................................... 4-7
Table 4-6: Claim List .................................................................................................................................................. 4-9
Table 6-1: Summary of Exploration (1969-2015) Conducted for the Property and Adjacent Prospects ....................6-2
Table 10-1: Drillholes Completed on the Property during 2013 ............................................................................... 10-4
Table 10-2: Significant Core Drilling Assay Results for the 2013 Dolphin/Cleary Drillholes..................................... 10-4
Table 10-3: Significant Core Drilling Assay Results for the 2011 to 2012 Christina Drillholes ................................. 10-9
Table 13-1: Summary of the Highest Leach Recoveries .......................................................................................... 13-3
Table 13-2: Bond Ball Mill Work Index ..................................................................................................................... 13-4
Table 13-3: Flotation Concentrate Gold Recoveries ................................................................................................ 13-5
Table 13-4: Bottle Roll Test Results......................................................................................................................... 13-8
Table 14-1: Gold Populations Present within Mineralized Solid ............................................................................... 14-5
Table 14-2: Statistics for Gold within the Mineralized Solid ..................................................................................... 14-6
Table 14-3: Statistics for Gold in Three m Composites within the Mineralized Solid ............................................... 14-6
Table 14-4: Gold Populations Three m Composites within Mineralized Solid .......................................................... 14-7
Table 14-5: Semivariogram Parameters .................................................................................................................. 14-8
Table 14-6: Specific Gravity Determinations Dolphin ............................................................................................... 14-9
Table 14-7: Specific Gravity Sorted by Gold Grades ............................................................................................. 14-11
Table 14-8: Specific Gravity Sorted by Oxidation State ......................................................................................... 14-12
Table 14-9: Kriging Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 14-13
Table 14-10: Dolphin Zone Indicated Resource within Conceptual Pit .................................................................. 14-16
Table 14-11: Dolphin Zone Inferred Resource within Conceptual Pit .................................................................... 14-17
Table 14-12: Oxide Zone Indicated Resource within Conceptual Pit ..................................................................... 14-17
Table 14-13: Oxide Zone Inferred Resource within Conceptual Pit ....................................................................... 14-18
Table 14-14: Sulfide Zone Indicated Resource within Conceptual Pit.................................................................... 14-18
Table 14-15: Sulfide Zone Inferred Resource within Conceptual Pit...................................................................... 14-19
Table 16-1: Pit Optimization Parameters ................................................................................................................. 16-1
Table 16-2: Open Pit Design Criteria Summary ....................................................................................................... 16-2
Table 16-3: Ultimate Pit Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 16-4
Table 16-4: Open Pit Production Schedule .............................................................................................................. 16-6
Table 16-5: Production Equipment........................................................................................................................... 16-9
Table 16-6: Haul Time Estimates ........................................................................................................................... 16-13
Table 16-7: Maximum Open Pit Manpower ............................................................................................................ 16-14
Table 17-1: Oxide Equipment List ............................................................................................................................ 17-4
Table 17-2: Sulfide Equipment List .......................................................................................................................... 17-5
Table 18-1: Buildings and Facilities ......................................................................................................................... 18-3
May 2016 ix
Figure 24-1: Cleary Creek Watershed ..................................................................................................................... 24-6
Figure 24-2: Site Wide Water Balance ..................................................................................................................... 24-9
Figure 24-3: Domestic Water Balance ..................................................................................................................... 24-9
Figure 24-4: Static Geochemical Boreholes Sample Locations ............................................................................. 24-11
Figure 24-5: Available Boreholes Relative to the Dolphin Mineralized Body.......................................................... 24-11
Figure 26-1: Areas of Proposed Drilling ................................................................................................................... 26-2
May 2016 x
Acronym Definition Acronym Definition
US Bureau of Land Management online
ADL Alaska Division of Lands LR2000
Legacy Rehost System (BLM land status)
Alaska Department of
ADEC MHT Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Authority
Environmental Conservation
Absorption, Desorption and
ADR MRSF Mine Rock Storage Facility
AOI Area of influence MSGP Multisector Stormwater General Permit
Alaska Pollution Discharge
APDES NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
Elimination System
Application for Permits to Mine
APMA NAD North American Datum
in Alaska
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
AQIA Air Quality Impact Assessment NOAA
Alaska Department of Natural
ADNR NRCS National Resource Conservation Service
CAPEX Capital cost estimate NSR Net Smelter Royalties
CEQ Council of Environmental Quality OPEX Operating expenses
Code of Federal Regulations
CFS POD Point of diversion
(U.S. Federal Code)
CO2 Carbon dioxide PSD Prevention of significant deterioration
CWA Clean Water Act PTE Potential to emit
DDH Diamond drillhole PZM Precipitation Zone Method
DEM Digital Elevation Model QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan
DRI Desert Research Institute RAB Reverse Air Blast (drillhole)
DST Dry stack tailings RC Reverse circulation (drillhole)
EA Environmental Assessment RCH MODFLOW recharge
EIS Environmental Impact Statement SAG Semi-autogenous grinding
Soil Conservation Service (or NRCS,
EPM Equivalent porous media SCS
National Resource Conservation Service)
ET Evapotranspiration SDR Standard dimension ratio
Fire Assay with Atomic Absorption
System for Electronic Document Analysis and
FA/AA finish, analytical technique for gold SEDAR
FEI Fairbanks Exploration Inc. SFR MODFLOW Stream Flow Routing
FGMI Fairbanks Gold Mining Inc. SWWB Site-wide water balance
F.M. Fairbanks Meridian TMT Tentative Minimum Tax
FNSB Fairbanks North Star Borough TSF Tailings Storage Facility
GHB General head boundaries TU Tritium Unit
GIS Geographic Information System UIC Underground injection control
GMWL Global Metric Water Line USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
GPS Global Positioning System USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
HDPE High density polyethylene USGS U.S. Geological Survey
HLP Heap Leach Storage Facility UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
Inductively Coupled Plasma
(geochemical analytical method)
IP Induced polarization WMB Water management basin
LLDPE Linear Low-Density Polyethylene WMC Water Management Consultants
LMPT Large Mine Permitting Team WRCC Western Region Climate Center
May 2016 xi
Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition
µg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter Kz vertical conductivity
µm micrometers (microns) lb pound
ac-ft acre-feet lb/t pounds per ton
amsl above mean sea level LF linear foot
cfm cubic feet per minute LoM life of mine
cfs cubic feet per second Ma million years ago
cm/s centimeters per second m meter
cy cubic yards m2 square meter
d day mg/L milligrams per liter
dmt dry metric tonne mg/m3 milligrams per cubic meter
dst dry short ton mm millimeter
fpm feet per minute MMBtu million British thermal units
ft feet mph miles per hour
ft/d feet per day MVA megavolt-ampere
ft/hr feet per hour MW megawatt
ft2 square foot opt ounces per ton
ft2/tpd square feet per ton per day Oz ounce
ft3 cubic foot PAG potentially acid generating
ft3/d cubic foot per day Pcf pounds per cubic foot
ft3/hr cubic foot per hour PGM plant growth medium
ft3/t cubic foot per ton pH hydrogen ion concentration
G gram PIW pounds per inch of width
g/cc grams per cubic centimeter PoO Plan of Operations
g/t grams per tonne ppm parts per million
gpd gallons per day psf pounds per square foot
gpm gallons per minute psi pounds per square inch
h; hr hour Rb/Sr Rubidium-Strontium
Hp horsepower Rpm revolutions per minute
In inch SG specific gravity
in/yr inches per year st/h short tons per hour
Kg kilogram Tc time of concentration
kg/m2hr kilograms per square meter per hour Tlag lag time
km kilometer TDS total dissolved solids
kV kilovolt t/m3 tonnes per cubic meter
kVA kilovolt-ampere toz troy ounce
kW kilowatt tpd tons per day
kWh kilowatt hour tph tons per hour
kWh/t kilowatt hour per ton tpy tons per year
Kxy horizontal hydraulic conductivity yd2 square yard
1 oz (troy) =31.1035 g
Analytical Values:
percent grams per
metric tonne
1% 1% 10,000
1 g/t 0.0001% 1.0
10 ppb
100 ppm
Linear Measure:
Area Measure:
May 2016 xv
WBS # Description WBS # Description WBS # Description
10 Mining 320 ADR Plant 470 Plant Services
100 Capitalized Costs 320.01 Carbon Columns 470.01 Control System Upgrade
100.01 Site Preparation 320.02 Stripping Circuit/Acid Wash 470.01 Expert System
100.02 Haul Roads 320.03 Electrowinning (Gold Room) 470.02 Plant Air Compressor, 434 cfm
110 Mobile Equipment 320.04 Dore Furnace (Gold Room) 470.02 Air Receivers, 250 gal
110.01 Rope Shovel P&H 2800 320.05 Kiln, 3'x20' 470.02 Air Dryer
110.02 Wheel Dozer Cat 854 320.05 Dewatering Screen, 4'x8', Single Deck 470.03 Fresh Water
110.03 Loader Caterpillar 992 320.05 Motor 470.04 Instrument Air
110.04 Atlas DM-45 320.06 Caustic Tank, 15,000 gal 470.05 Plant Water
110.05 Haul Truck Cat 793 320.06 Caustic Pump, 30 gph 470.06 Metallurgical/Assay Laboratory
110.06 Dozer Caterpillar D10T 320.06 Acid Tank, 15,000 gal 470.07 Sample Preparation Lab
110.07 Grader Caterpillar 16M 320.07 Acid Pump, 30 gph 470.08 Pickup Trucks
110.08 Water Wagon 320.08 Building 470.08 Skid Steer
110.09 Lube/Fuel 330 Plant Services 470.08 Forklift, Rugged Terrain
110.10 Service 330.01 Control Systems 470.08 Pickup Trucks, Flatbed, Work
110.11 Tire Truck 330.02 Plant Air 480 Structures
110.12 Caterpillar IT38H 330.03 Pit Dewatering to ADR (Pump) 480.01 Plant Building/Warehouse
110.13 Caterpillar 430E 330.03 Pit Dewatering to ADR (Pipe) 480.02 Laboratory Building
110.14 Caterpillar 256E 330.06 Pickup Trucks 50 Tailings Storage Facility
110.15 Pickups 330.06 Skid Steer 500 Earthworks
110.16 Rough Terrain Forklift 330.06 Forklift, Rugged Terrain 500.01 Site Preparation
110.17 Warehouse Forklift 330.06 Pickup Trucks, Flatbed, Work 500.02 Underdrain Installation
110.18 50 Ton Mobile Crane 40 Process Plant (Sulfide) 500.03 Liner Installation
110.19 ANFO Truck 400 Site Preparation 500.04 Overdrain Installation
110.20 Light Plant 400.01 Plant Earthworks 500.05 Embankment Construction
110.21 Mobile Crushing/Screening 410 Grinding 500.06 Reclaim Pond
110.22 Mobile Disp Sys. (90 unit) 410.01 Ball Mill, 16'x30' 510 Tailings Pumping & Piping
120 Facilities 410.01 Motor, Ball Mill 510.03 Tailings Slurry Piping
120.01 Mine Dry 410.01 Cyclone Feed Pumps, 10,000 gpm 510.04 Reclaim to Pond Pump
120.02 Mine Shop/Warehouse 410.01 CFP Motor 510.04 Reclaim Pond to TSF Pump
120.03 Fuel/Lube Storage Facilities 410.01 Cyclone Cluster, 26"x5 510.04 Reclaim to Pond Pipe
130 Mine Services 420 Flotation 510.04 Reclaim Pond to TSF Pipe
130.01 Explosives Handling 420.01 Conditioning Tank, 54,800 gal, 21x32 60 Infrastructure
130.02 Overland Conveyor 420.01 Flotation Feed Pump, 5,000 gpm 610 Structures
130.03 Gyratory Crusher 420.02 Rougher Flotation Cells, 3,500 ft3 610.01 Mine Gate
130.04 Crusher Pocket Build 420.02 Floatation Cell Motors 610.02 Administrative Office
130.05 Crusher Install 420.02 Rougher Tailings Pump, 5,000 gpm 610.03 Security Gate
130.06 Pit Dewatering 420.02 Rougher Conc Pump 610.04 Access Roads
130.07 In-Pit Substations 420.02 Rougher Conc Pump Motor 610.05 Support Roads
20 Crushing Circuit 420.03 Cyanide Isotainers 610.06 Perimeter Fence
200 Heap Leach 420.03 Cyanide Mixing Skid 610.07 Process Fence
200.01 RoM Pad & Reclaim 420.03 Cyanide Pumps, 10 gpm 620 Power Lines/Substations
200.02 Crusher, Std Cone, 7' dia. 420.03 Cyanide Tanks, 17,000 gal 630 Water Management
200.02 Crusher, Short Head, 7' dia. 420.03 Lime Slaking Plant, 4,000 lb/hr 630.01 Fire Water Tank & Foundation
200.02 Screen, Inclined, 8x16, Double Deck 420.03 Flotation Chem System Tanks, 4,500 gal 630.01 Fire Water Pipe
200.02 Screen, Motor 420.03 Pumps, 30 gph 630.02 Potable Water
210 Sulfide Plant 420.04 Float Conc Thickener, 20' 630.03 Waste Water Treatment Plant
210.01 RoM Stockpile & Reclaim System 420.04 O/F Pump, 500 gpm 630.04 Pond Excavation
210.02 Motor, SAG Mill 420.04 O/F Pump Motor 630.04 Geosynthetic Liner
210.02 Screen, Inclined, 8x16, Double Deck 420.04 U/F Pump, 200 gpm 640 Communications
210.02 Motor Screen 420.04 U/F Pump Motor 650 Mobile Equipment
210.02 Crusher, Pebble 430 Bioxidation 70 Construction
30 Heap Leach (Oxide) 430.01 Bioxidation Tanks 700 Construction Labor
300 Site Preparation 430.01 Bioxidation Tank Agitators 710 Piping
300.01 Site Preparation 440 CIL Plant 720 Electrical & Instrumentation
300.01 Wells 440.01 Bioxidation Wash Thickener, 20' 730 Concrete
300.01 Underdrain Installation 440.01 O/F Pump, 1000 gpm 740 Structural Steel
300.01 Impoundment Liner Installation 440.01 O/F Pump Motor 750 Painting & Insulation
300.01 Overdrain Installation 440.01 U/F Pump, 200 gpm 80 Indirects
300.01 Embankment 440.01 U/F Pump Motor 800 Construction Indirects
300.01 Drip Lines 440.02 CIL Tanks, 35'x35' 810 Spares & Inventory
310 HLP Equipment 440.02 CIL Tank Agitators 820 First Fills
310.01 Tank, Barren Solution, 185 kgal 450 Ancillary Equipment 830 Freight & Logistics
310.02 Conveyors, Grasshoppers, 36"x100' 450.01 CIL Blowers, 3,200 cfm 840 Commissioning & Start-Up
310.03 Pumping & Piping 450.01 Bioxidation Blowers, 3,200 cfm 850 EPCM
310.03 PLS Soln Pump 460 Cyanide Detoxification 860 Vendor & Consultant Assistance
310.03 Barren Soln Pump 460.01 Cyanide Detoxi Tank, 43,000 gal 90 Owner's Costs
310.03 PLS Soln Pipe 460.01 Tailings Pumps, 5,000 gpm 900 Project Management
310.03 Barren Soln Pipe 460.01 Tailings Pump Motors 910 Environmental & Permitting
310.03 HLP Sub-Headers 460.01 Tailings Thickener, 100' dia 920 Mine Closure & Reclamation
310.04 Cyanide Isotainers 460.01 O/F Pump, 500 gpm 930 Exploration & Infill Drilling
310.04 Cyanide Mixing Skid 460.01 O/F Pump Motor 940 Engineering Studies
310.04 Cyanide Tank, 17,000 gal, 21'x7.25' 460.01 U/F Pump, 5,000 gpm 950 Legal
310.04 Cyanide Tank Pumps, 10 gpm 460.01 U/F Pump Motor 960 Insurance
The PEA evaluates a two-phase, 24-year open pit mine generating two gold streams, each operating at
10,000 tonnes per day (tpd). Processing operations for the oxide and sulfide resource are heap leach and
bioxidation respectively. All values are presented in US$.
The Property consists of 50 patented claims, 94 unpatented federal claims, and 268 State of Alaska claims
which cover a total area of 14,630 acres (5,921 hectares).The Property is situated in Township 3N, Range
1E, 2E and 3E of the Fairbanks Meridian, centered at approximately 479250 E, 7215464 N (UTM Zone 6
NAD 27 Alaska).
Placer or lode gold mining has occurred almost continuously in the Project area since gold was discovered
in the district in 1902. Over 9.5 million ounces of placer gold have been recovered from the Fairbanks
Mining District, of which 6.75 million ounces have been recovered from streams that drain the Project
(Freeman, 1992e). In addition, over 506,000 ounces of lode gold were recovered from past producing
mines on the Project (Freeman and others, 1996). More than 80 lode gold occurrences have been
documented in the Project area. Recent exploration discoveries in the Tintina Gold Belt have underscored
the potential for bulk tonnage and high-grade deposits, both of which are known to exist in the Project
area (McCoy and others, 1997; Flanigan and others, 2000).
Table 1-1 provides a chronology of exploration activities conducted for the property and adjacent
True North
Gold Mine
Fort Knox
Gold Mine
Sulfide material containing gold will be processed in a 10,000 tpd bio-oxidation plant. The sulfide material
will be processed by crushing and grinding the material prior to flotation and bio-oxidation of the sulfide
concentrate. The oxidized slurry will be sent to a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit for cyanide leaching and
recovery onto activated carbon. Gold loaded onto the activated carbon will then be recovered in the
same elution circuit used for the oxide material, to produce gold doré. Sulfide gold recoveries of 90% are
expected during operation.
• Golden Summit oxide material leaches rapidly and achieves good recoveries under standard
heap leaching parameters;
• Sulfide material responds favorably to multiple methods of oxidation and cyanidation;
• Gold recoveries greater than 80% were observed from the column tests; and
• Gold recoveries greater than 90% were observed from sulfide oxidation testwork.
During production, both oxide and sulfide material will be transported from the pit to the primary crusher
located near the pit exit. After primary crushing, oxide and sulfide material will be transported by
conveyor to its respective process area. The oxide will be leach processed in an area to the southeast of
the pit, while the sulfide will be processed northwest of the pit.
Waste will be hauled by truck to the Mine Rock Storage Facility (MRSF). The MRSF has been designed to
permanently contain the overburden and waste material associated with the pit. The current MRSF
design, located to the northeast of the pits, is built around the hill. The MRSF was designed with a buffer
around the nearby creeks. The total MRSF design will contain 100% of the expected waste material
planned to be generated - approximately 239 million tonnes of swelled material.
The mine has been planned using diesel blasthole drills, large haul trucks and rope shovels. Primary mine
production is achieved using 64 Mt payload rope shovels along with 227 Mt payload haul trucks. The
drills, shovels and haul trucks selected for the Project are scheduled to operate around the clock and
require four crews on 12-hour shifts for complete shift coverage.
The following key infrastructure will support the mine and process facilities:
• From Fairbanks, Alaska the Project lies approximately 29 km (18 miles) northeast via State
Highway 2 and State Highway 6 (the Steese Highway). The site holds a series of gravel roads
which allow access to most areas of the property on a year-round basis. Fairbanks is served
by the Alaska Railroad, and is connected to Anchorage and Whitehorse, Canada by well-
maintained paved highways.
• Heap leach pad and solution storage;
• Conventional slurry tailings storage facility to serve the sulfide processing facility;
• Processing, truck shop, warehouse, and administration buildings;
• Substation and power distribution; and
• Potable water, fire water and sewage treatment systems.
Fairbanks and its surrounding area serves as the regional service and supply center for interior Alaska and
comprises a total population of approximately 100,000. Labor will come from the Fairbanks area where
there is ready access to trained personnel. In addition the State of Alaska allows $20M of exploration
expenditures to be carried forward and recovered against State taxes due. The general site layout is
provided in Figure 1-2.
7,218,000N ACCESS
7,217,000N 7,217,000N
7,216,000N HAUL ROAD 7,216,000N
Y:\A-G\Freegold Ventures Limited\114-910054 - Golden Summit Project PEA\110-2D CADD\Mining_MASTER.dwg, SNYDER, JEREMY, 3/10/2016 1:15 PM
7,215,000N 7,215,000N
ENGINEER'S SEAL Scale: As Noted Issued for: Issued by:
Designed by: TETRA TECH
Drawn by:
Checked by:
Project: Project no.:
Rev Description BY Date
Location: Date:
The Project area lies within the Cleary Creek watershed and in addition to Cleary Creek, includes the
drainages of Willow Creek, Bedrock Creek, Chatham Creek, Fairbanks Creek, Too Much Gold Creek, and
Wolf Creek. The Cleary Creek basin is tributary to the Chatanika River. To date, a limited amount of
baseline environmental data have been collected in the Project area to characterize water resources,
water quality, wetlands, aquatic resources, on-site meteorology, subsistence use and cultural resources.
An evaluation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) concerning the historic
status of a former ski area within the Project area has been conducted by the Alaska State Historic
Preservation Office (SHPO). Additionally, an initial evaluation of waste rock geochemistry has also been
Baseline environmental data will be required including on-the-ground studies to delineate jurisdictional
wetlands. These data will be required to meet a number of needs including permitting and mine design
and location of facilities, mine construction and operations. Freegold has initiated consultation with the
State’s Large Mine Permitting Team (LMPT) to begin the process of project planning, development and
environmental permitting. Through this process, the LMPT will assist in developing a broader
environmental baseline program.
Refining charges, transportation, and royalties are not included in the operating cost estimate.
Project cost estimates and economics are prepared on an annual basis. Based upon design criteria
presented in this report, the level of accuracy of the estimate is considered ±35%.
Project economics are based primarily on inputs developed in the preliminary economic assessment.
Economic results suggest the following conclusions:
1.13.1 Geology
Three main rock units underlie the Property, including rocks of the Fairbanks Schist, rocks of the Chatanika
Terrane, and intrusive rocks (Figure 7-2). The Fairbanks Schist and Chatanika Terrane have both been
subjected to one or more periods of regional metamorphism. The intrusive bodies are post-
metamorphism. Chatanika Terrane rocks are found structurally above the Fairbanks Schist and north of
the Chatanika Thrust fault and comprise the northernmost portion of the property. Intrusive rocks are
relatively minor on the Property, and are primarily represented by the Dolphin stock, although small
granitic dikes are known in several locations.
The Dolphin stock is located on the ridge between Bedrock and Willow Creek. Initial diamond core logging
identified five intrusive phases within the Dolphin stock, including: 1) fine- to medium-grained,
equigranular to weakly porphyritic biotite granodiorite; 2) fine- to medium-grained, equigranular to
weakly porphyritic hornblende-biotite tonalite; 3) fine-grained biotite granite porphyry; 4) fine-grained
biotite rhyolite to rhyodacite porphyry; and 5) rare fine-grained, chlorite-altered mafic dikes (Adams and
Giroux, 2012).
Limited drill data suggests the north and west contacts of the Dolphin stock are fault contacts (Adams and
Giroux, 2012). The south and east contacts are largely intrusive contacts with minor faulting
1.13.2 Mining
Mine production constraints were imposed to ensure that mining wasn’t overly aggressive with respect
to the equipment anticipated for use at the Project. The schedule has been produced using mill targets
and stockpiling strategies to enhance the project economics. The constraints and limits used are
reasonable to support the project economics.
Pit designs were created using 10 m benches for mining with a catch bench every level. This corresponds
to the resource model block heights, and Tetra Tech believes this to be reasonable with respect to mining
loss and the equipment anticipated to be used in mining.
Groundwater is expected to be present in two units: unconsolidated deposits consisting of alluvium and
dredge tailings along the valley floors, and fractured bedrock throughout the property. The degree of
bedrock fracturing, and therefore the hydraulic conductivity, are expected to be highly variable. Reported
depths to groundwater in nearby water wells ranged from 2.1 m (6.9 ft) below the land surface in the
valley bottoms to 68.6 m (225 ft) below the land surface in upland areas. Reported yields of water supply
wells ranged from 16 to 491 m3/day (3 to 90 gpm), and dewatering wells at the Fort Knox mine were
reported to have capacities up to approximately 1,000 m3/day (183 gpm). Groundwater flow on a local
scale is anticipated to be from bedrock in the upland areas toward the valleys and thence down-valley in
Planned open pit mining at the property would extend below the water table, and dewatering would be
required for maintaining pit wall stability and dry conditions within the pit. Because of weather
conditions, a well system would likely be the most feasible dewatering method. The mine pit would
intersect the water approximately six months to one year after the start of mining, but dewatering would
need to start earlier in order for the pumping effects to extend throughout the required area. The
estimated annual average pumping rate was approximately 410 m3/day (75 gpm) initially, increased to
approximately 4,460 m3/day (818 gpm) by the third year of mining, declined slightly through the eighth
year of mining, and then increased gradually to approximately 6,600 m3/day (1,210 gpm) near the end of
the mine life. The number of wells required for dewatering is estimated to range from two initially to
16 later in the mine life.
Data would need to be collected to characterize the site-specific hydrogeologic conditions and develop
site-specific designs for dewatering.
1.13.5 Environmental
Development of the project will require extensive environmental baseline analyses, assessment of
environmental impacts and evaluation, and associated permitting requirements reflective of the direct,
indirect and cumulative impacts associated with full project build-out, and the sensitive environment in
which it is to be constructed. The complexity of the environmental impact review and permitting of the
various facilities will be dependent on siting of facilities in relationship to the various creeks and valleys
surrounding the project development target areas. This PEA provides preliminary siting information of
facilities such as tailings disposal, waste rock, and leach pads. Baseline and environmental studies that
will be required to move the project toward permitting can now be planned, implemented, and modified
as necessary as the project progresses through the prefeasibility and feasibility planning process.
Required environmental data for this Project will include on-the-ground studies to delineate jurisdictional
wetlands. These data will be required to meet a number of needs including permitting, mine design,
location of facilities, mine construction and operations. Freegold has initiated consultation with the
State’s Large Mine Permitting Team (LMPT) to begin the process of project planning, development and
environmental permitting. Through this process the LMPT will assist in developing a broader
environmental baseline program.
The data from Abrams and Giroux (2012) was reviewed and validated by the authors and subsequent new
information generated by Freegold was evaluated and incorporated in this report.
The authors have been provided documents, maps, reports and analytical results by Freegold.
Additionally, Freegold personnel ― Kristina Walcott, President and CEO and Alvin Jackson, Vice President,
Exploration and Development ― accompanied the authors to the property May 25 and 26, 2012, and on
May 6, 2014 and discussed the geology and explained the past and proposed exploration activities. During
these visits the authors reviewed the geology, areas of historical activities, claim corners/locations
monument locations, drillholes, open cuts and other pertinent features of the property. The authors also
reviewed core in Freegold’s Fairbanks core storage facility.
The work completed by Freegold, along with historical data available to the authors, forms the basis of
this report. These data include reports from previous operators, including but not limited to, annual,
monthly, operations, geological, engineering, metallurgy and production reports as well as new
metallurgical testwork.
This Technical Report has been prepared in accordance with Section 4.2(1)(j)(ii) of Canadian National
Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101); and in accordance with the
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards for Mineral Resources
and Mineral Reserves, prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions, adopted by the
CIM Council on May 10, 2014; and in accordance with the Canadian Securities Administrators Staff
Notice 43-307, dated August 16, 2012. CIM defines a “preliminary economic assessment” (PEA) as a study,
other than a pre-feasibility or feasibility study, that includes an economic analysis of the potential viability
of mineral resources. By definition, the PEA is preliminary in nature, and includes Inferred Mineral
Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied
to them that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral Reserves; and as such, there is no certainty
that the PEA would be realized. The reason there are no Mineral Reserves is because reserves require a
positive prefeasibility study of the indicated resource estimates, and the Project has not reached that
stage of advancement.
The quality of information, conclusions, and estimates contained herein is consistent with the level of
effort based on: i) information available at the time of preparation, ii) data supplied by outside sources,
and iii) the assumptions, conditions, and qualifications set forth in this Report.
All units of measurement used in this report are metric unless otherwise stated. Historical grade and
tonnage are reported as originally published. Gold grades are reported as referenced and conversion
factors are listed below. The Project site is on the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate
system, NAD 27 Alaska, Fairbanks Meridian (F.M.).
7. Dave Richers has visited and inspected the property on May 6, 2014.
8. Vicki Scharnhorst has visited and inspected the property on May 6, 2014.
The Golden Summit Property (the Property) is located 18 miles (32 km) by road northeast of the City of
Fairbanks, Alaska, United States of America. It is located in the north portion of the Fairbanks Mining
District (Figure 4-1), a northeast trending belt of lode and placer gold deposits that compose one of the
largest gold producing areas in the state of Alaska.
The Property comprises 50 patented claims, 94 unpatented federal claims (managed by the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM)), and 268 State of Alaska claims (managed
by the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR)) and covers a total area of 14,630 acres
(5,921 hectares). The Property is situated in Township 3N, Ranges 1E, 2E, and 3E of the Fairbanks
Meridian, centered at approximately 479250 E, 7215464 N (UTM Zone 6 NAD 27 Alaska).
Other than the 50 patented mining claims (fee simple lands), claims included in the Project have not been
surveyed by a registered land or mineral surveyor and there is no State or federal law or regulation
requiring such surveying. Survey plats for the townships in which the Project is situated and for all
patented mining claims are open to public inspection at the BLM.
Freegold currently holds a valid Five Year Hardrock Exploration Permit from the State of Alaska (2012-
2016) as well as a Department of Army Permit POA-2007-510; which authorizes APMA 9726, a Hard Rock
Exploration permit to conduct exploration at the Project. The land on which the Project is situated is
zoned as Mineral Land by the Fairbanks North Star Borough, giving mineral development activities first
priority use. But as the Project moves forward, additional permits and approvals will need to be acquired
from federal, state, and local regulatory agencies. Freegold also expects that it will need or desire to
acquire certain additional property rights. For example, depending on how the Project moves forward,
Freegold may need or wish (a) to extend or amend one or more of the agreements described in
Sections 4.2.1-4.2.7, (b) to purchase or lease the undivided 50% interest that it does not currently own or
control in two claims (unless Freegold were to acquire this outstanding 50% interest, Freegold will need
to account to the co-owner of this claim for its “fair share of the profits” from such claims), (c) to include
additional lands in its MHT lease described in Section 4.2.6 below, or (d) to acquire certain surface rights
from DNR or other third parties.
Claim Type Total Claims Total Area (sq. mi) Total Area (acres) Total Area (hectares)
Federal Patented 50 1.08 693.6 280.6
Federal Unpatented 94 2.93 1,880 760.8
State of Alaska 268 24.44 15,640 6,329.28
Total 412 28.45 18,213.62 7,370.68
The agreements under which Freegold holds non-owned claims are summarized below. Total acreage under claim is
greater than total area as there are overlapping state and federal claims.
Some of the claims included in the Project are owned outright by Freegold; others are held by Freegold
under long-term leases. Claims included in the Project are subject to various NSR royalties ranging from
2% to 5%, and all state claims are subject to a royalty payable to the State of Alaska equal to 3% of net
For the claims included in the Project that are subject to long-term leases, Freegold is required to make
lease and/or payments as per the following schedules.
True North
Gold Mine
Fort Knox
Gold Mine
This property is subject to a 3% net smelter returns (NSR) royalty. Fifty percent (50%) of the payments
shall be credited against future production. In 2011 Freegold negotiated an extension of the Lease for so
long as there is either active exploration or production on the Project. In December 2015, Freegold re-
negotiated the lease to reduce the annual payments to $75,000 payable in two equal installments on
August 1 and November 1, until such time as the price of gold reaches $1,400 for a sustained period. In
addition Freegold will undertake to conduct $75,000 in exploration expenditures on the property as
consideration for the reduced payments.
Under the terms of the agreement, Freegold assumed all of the Seller’s obligations under the lease, which
include making annual payments of $1,000 per month for the first 23 months increasing to $1,250 per
month for the 24th to the 48th months and increasing to $1,500 after the 49th month and for the duration
of the lease. These payments are current.
This property is subject to a sliding scale NSR royalty as follows: 1.5% NSR if gold is below $300 per ounce,
2.0% NSR in the event the price of gold is between $300 to $400 per ounce, and 3.0% NSR in the event
that the price of gold is above $400 per ounce. Freegold has the right to purchase 100% of the rights to
In December 2015, an amendment was signed to reduce the annual advance royalty for 2015 to US
$50,000 and payment was deferred until March 31st, 2016.
Freegold has the option to purchase one-half of the NSR representing 1% for $750,000. Freegold also has
the option to purchase the property for US$750,000, less the amount already paid.
Price of Gold
Net Royalty
$500 – or below 1.0%
$500.01 - $700 2.0%
$700.01 - $900 3.0%
$900.01 - $1,200 3.5%
Above $1,200 4.5%
NO. Claim Name Section Township Range Meridian ADL #
1 What's Next #1 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 501821
2 What's Next #2 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 501822
3 What's Next #3 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 501823
4 What's Next #4 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 501824
5 What's Next #5 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 502196
6 What's Next #6 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 502197
7 What's Next #7 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 502198
NO. Claim Name Section Township Range Meridian ADL #
8 What's Next #8 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 502199
9 Crane #1 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 502551
10 Crane #2 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 502552
11 Crane #3 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 502553
12 Crane #4 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 501930
13 Anticline #1 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 501825
14 Anticline #2 24 T3N R2E Fairbanks 501836
15 Ruby 3A Fraction 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 515911
16 Ruby 4A Fraction 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 515912
17 Ruby 5 Fraction 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 515913
18 Ruby 6 Fraction 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 515914
19 Ruby 7 Fraction 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 515915
20 Ruby 8 Fraction 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515916
21 Ruby 9 Fraction 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515917
22 Ruby 10 Fraction 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515918
23 Ruby 11 Fraction 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515919
24 Ruby 12 Fraction 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515920
25 Ruby 13 Fraction 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515921
26 Ruby 14 Fraction 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515922
27 Ruby 15 Fraction 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515923
28 Ruby 16 Fraction 28 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515924
29 Ruby 17 Fraction 28 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515925
30 Ruby 18 Fraction 28 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515926
31 Ruby 19 Fraction 28 T3N R2E Fairbanks 515927
Table 4‐6: Claim List
NO. CLAIM NAME SECTION Township Range Meridian ADL #
No. Claim Name Section Township Range Meridian ADL #
1 Greenback 1 35 T3N R1E Fairbanks 359771
2 Greenback 2 35 T3N R1E Fairbanks 359772
3 Greenback 3 26 T3N R1E Fairbanks 361184
4 Greenback 4 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 505192
5 Newsboy 26 T3N R1E Fairbanks 333135
6 Newsboy Extension 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 333136
No. Claim Name Section Township Range Meridian Pat #
1 Chatham #2 Lode 20, 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 1713
2 Fey Lode 20, 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 1713
3 Colby #2 Lode 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 1713
4 Colby Lode 28, 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 1713
5 Fay Claim #2 Lode 20, 28, 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 1713
6 I.B. Claim 28 T3N R2E Fairbanks 1676
7 Margery Daw Claim 28, 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 1676
No. Claim Name Section Township Range Meridian BLM F#
1 Christina 20, T3N R2E Fairbanks F58503
2 Fraction #1 20, 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58504
3 Fraction #2 20, 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58505
4 Fraction #3 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58506
5 Carrie A 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58507
6 Carrie A #1 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58508
7 Carrie A #2 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58509
8 Grace E 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58510
9 Grace E #1 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58511
No. Claim Name Section Township Range Meridian BLM F#
10 Grace E #2 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58512
11 Grace Eva #1 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58513
12 Grace Eva #2 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58514
13 Grace Eva #3 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58515
14 Wolf Lode #1 20, 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58516
15 Wolf Lode #2 20, 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58517
16 Fairbanks #1 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58518
17 Fairbanks #2 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58519
18 Fairbanks #3 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks F58520
No. Claim Name Section Township Range Meridian ADL #
1 RAM 1 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303366
2 RAM 2 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303367
3 RAM 3 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303368
4 RAM 4 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303369
5 RAM 5 16 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303370
6 RAM 6 16 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303371
7 RAM 7 16 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303372
8 RAM 8 16 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303373
9 RAM 9 15 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303374
10 RAM 10 15 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303375
11 RAM 11 15 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303376
Table 4‐6: Claim List
NO. CLAIM NAME SECTION Township Range Meridian ADL #
12 RAM 12 15 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303377
13 RAM 13 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303378
14 RAM 14 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303379
15 RAM 15 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303380
16 RAM 16 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303381
17 RAM 17 16 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303382
18 RAM 18 16 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303383
19 RAM 19 16 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303384
20 RAM 20 16 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303385
21 RAM 21 15 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303386
22 RAM 22 15 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303387
23 RAM 23 15 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303388
24 RAM 24 15 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303389
25 RAM 25 17 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303390
26 RAM 57 14 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303422
27 RAM 59 14 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303423
28 RAM 60 14 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303424
29 RAM 62 14 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303426
30 RAM 63 14 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303427
31 RAM 64 14 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303428
32 RAM 65 14 T3N R2E Fairbanks 303429
33 RAM 66 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306460
34 RAM 67 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306461
35 RAM 68 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306462
36 RAM 69 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306463
37 RAM 70 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306464
38 RAM 71 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306465
39 RAM 72 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306466
40 RAM 73 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306467
41 RAM 74 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306468
42 RAM 75 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306469
43 RAM 76 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 306470
44 RAM 2A 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302892
45 RAM 3A 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302893
46 RAM 58 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302894
47 RAM 58A 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302895
48 RAM 58B 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302896
49 RAM 58C 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302897
50 RAM 58D 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302898
51 RAM 58E 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302899
52 RAM 58F 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302900
53 RAM 58G 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302901
54 RAM 58H 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302902
55 RAM 58I 18 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302903
56 RAM 58J 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302904
57 RAM 58K 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302905
58 RAM 58L 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302906
59 VD 1 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302907
60 VD2 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 302908
61 GOOSE 1 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342763
62 GOOSE 2 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342764
63 GOOSE 3 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342765
64 GOOSE 4 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342766
65 GOOSE 5 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342767
Table 4‐6: Claim List
NO. CLAIM NAME SECTION Township Range Meridian ADL #
66 GOOSE 6 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342768
67 MOOSE FRACTION 1 23 T3N R2E Fairbanks 344966
68 MOOSE FRACTION 2 23 T3N R2E Fairbanks 344967
69 MOOSE FRACTION 3 23 T3N R2E Fairbanks 344968
70 MOOSE FRACTION 4 23 T3N R2E Fairbanks 344969
71 OAKIE FRACTION 1 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342791
72 OAKIE FRACTION 2 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342792
73 OAKIE FRACTION 3 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342793
74 OAKIE FRACTION 4 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 342794
75 OAKIE FRACTION 5 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 348966
76 OAKIE FRACTION 6 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 348967
77 OAKIE FRACTION 7 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 348968
78 OAKIE FRACTION 8 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 348969
79 OAKIE FRACTION 9 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 348970
80 OLD GOLD 1 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322801
81 OLD GOLD FRACTION 2 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322802
82 OLD GOLD FRACTION 3 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322803
83 OLD GOLD 4 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322804
84 OLD GOLD FRACTION 5 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322805
85 OLD GOLD FRACTION 6 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322806
86 OLD GOLD FRACTION 7 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322807
87 OLD GOLD FRACTION 8 21 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322808
88 OLD GOLD FRACTION 9 23 T3N R2E Fairbanks 322809
89 OLD GOLD FRACTION 11A 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 336671
90 OLD GOLD FRACTION 13 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 336672
91 OLD GOLD FRACTION 14 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 336673
92 OLD GOLD FRACTION 15 23 T3N R2E Fairbanks 336674
93 OLD GOLD FRACTION 16 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 336675
94 OLD GOLD FRACTION 17 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 336676
95 OLD GOLD FRACTION 18 22 T3N R2E Fairbanks 336677
96 OLD GOLD 19 23 T3N R2E Fairbanks 336666
97 OLD GOLD FRACTION 20 23 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336678
98 OLD GOLD FRACTION 21 23 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336679
99 OLD GOLD FRACTION 22 23 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336680
100 OLD GOLD FRACTION 23 22 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336681
101 OLD GOLD FRACTION 24 22 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336682
102 OLD GOLD FRACTION 25 22 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336683
103 OLD GOLD FRACTION 26 23 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336667
104 OLD GOLD FRACTION 34 22 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336684
105 OLD GOLD FRACTION 35 22 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336685
106 OLD GOLD FRACTION 36 28 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336686
107 OLD GOLD FRACTION 37 27 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336687
108 OLD GOLD FRACTION 38 27 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336688
109 OLD GOLD FRACTION 39 27 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336689
110 OLD GOLD FRACTION 40 27 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336690
111 OLD GOLD FRACTION 41 27 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336691
112 OLD GOLD FRACTION 42 28 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336692
113 OLD GOLD FRACTION 43 27 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336668
114 OLD GOLD FRACTION 44 27 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336669
115 OLD GOLD FRACTION 45 27 T3N R1E Fairbanks 336670
116 RUBY 1 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 354215
117 RUBY 2 FRACTION 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 354216
118 RUBY 3 FRACTION 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 354217
119 RUBY 4 FRACTION 25 T3N R1E Fairbanks 354218
Table 4‐6: Claim List
NO. CLAIM NAME SECTION Township Range Meridian ADL #
120 WW FRACTION 1 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342778
121 WW FRACTION 2 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342779
122 WW FRACTION 3 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342780
123 WW FRACTION 4 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342781
124 WW FRACTION 5 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342782
125 WW FRACTION 6 20 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342783
126 WW 7 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342784
127 WW FRACTION 8 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342785
128 WW FRACTION 9 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342786
129 WW FRACTION 10 29 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342787
130 WW FRACTION 11 19 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342788
131 WW FRACTION 12 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342789
132 WW FRACTION 13 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 342790
133 WW FRACTION 14 30 T3N R2E Fairbanks 506514
Mental Health Trust
No. Claim Name Section Township Range Meridian ADL #
TOTAL 1,576 Acres
NW1/4(Excluding portion of MS2376,
25 T3N R1E
MS2448 and ADL344682)
E1/2NE1/4 26 T3N R1E
87.5 Acres
(S1/2S1/2) 24 T3N R1E
(NW1/4NE1/4) 25 T3N R1E
92.12 Acres 25 T3N R1E
The Golden Summit Property (Property) is situated close to the city of Fairbanks, the second largest city
in Alaska (population of the greater Fairbanks area is approximately 100,000). Fairbanks serves as a major
population and supply center for the interior region of Alaska.
Access to the Property from Fairbanks is by 29 km of paved highway (Steese Highway). The Steese
Highway transects the Property and is connected to state and privately-maintained gravel roads which
allows easy access to most areas of the property on a year-round basis. A high voltage electrical power
line, land telephone lines, and a cellular phone net service the property.
Sub-freezing temperatures are the norm in this region of Alaska during the six to eight months of winter.
Following winter, four to six months of warm summer weather prevails. Precipitation in this part of Alaska
averages 13 inches, occurring mostly as snowfall between October and March. Permafrost is
discontinuous throughout the area. Drilling is possible on a year-round basis on the Property.
The main campus of the University of Alaska is located in Fairbanks in addition to state and federal Offices.
Major employers within the Fairbanks Area include Fort Knox (Kinross), Fort Wainwright (U.S. Army), the
University of Alaska, as well as numerous state and federal Agencies. Exploration and development costs
in the Fairbanks area are similar to those common in the western United States.
The terrain in the Project areas is composed of low, rounded hills cut by steep sided valleys and a number
of streams. Elevations on the property range from 1,000 feet (305 meters) to over 2,200 feet (670
meters). Outcrops are rare except in man-made exposures. Vegetation consists of a tundra mat that
supports subarctic vegetation (alder, willow, black spruce, aspen and birch). A variably thick layer of
aeolian silt covers most of the Property. Permafrost is limited to small discontinuous lenses on steep,
poorly drained north-facing slopes, and does not pose an obstacle to mining activities.
Freegold acquired an interest in the Project in mid-1991 and since then has conducted extensive geologic
mapping, soil sampling, trenching, rock sampling, geophysical surveys, core, reverse circulation, and
rotary air blast drilling on the project (Freeman, 1991; Galey and others, 1993; Freeman and others, 1996;
Freeman and others, 1998; Freeman, 2004; Freeman, 2005; Freeman, 2006 and Freeman, 2007, Adams
and Giroux, 2012). Drilling completed by Freegold on the Project between 1991 and 2009 totaled
88,241 feet of core and reverse circulation in 214 holes and 80,822 feet of rotary air blast drilling in
2,028 holes before commencing a comprehensive property compilation in 2010.
In the summer of 2010, a ground-based geophysical survey was undertaken on the Dolphin area in
addition to the extensive compilation work on the Project. The results of the geophysical survey indicated
that the alteration in the Dolphin Area is well defined with a low resistivity feature. Total exploration
expenditures at Golden Summit in 2010 amounted to $293,378. In addition to the exploration and
compilation work, Freegold also entered into a long term lease on 133 State of Alaska mining claims and
18 unpatented Federal mining claims in order to better strengthen its land position within the Project
area. In March of 2011, Freegold completed its first NI 43-101 compliant Mineral Resource calculation
using previous drilling completed in the Dolphin area. The Mineral Resource was completed by Giroux
Consultants of Vancouver, British Columbia and, using a 0.3 g/t cut-off grade, included Indicated
Resources totaling 7,790,000 tonnes grading 0.695 g/t (174,000 ounces) and Inferred Resources totaling
27,010,000 tonnes grading 0.606 g/t (526,000 ounces). Drilling aimed at increasing this Mineral Resource
began in February 2011. During 2011 a total of 29 holes (20,766.5 feet/6,329.5 meters) were completed
in the Dolphin area. The results of the Dolphin drilling were incorporated into the updated NI 43-101
which was released in December 2011 and using a 0.3 g/t cut-off resulted in an increase in the Indicated
category to 17,270,000 tonnes at 0.62 g/t (341,000 contained ounces) and 64,440,000 tonnes at 0.55 g/t
(1,135,000 contained ounces) in the Inferred category. 2011 also saw the further expansion of the
Property with the addition of seven patented mining claims of the Chatham mine block. Ground based
induced polarization (IP) geophysics and shovel soil sampling was also carried out during the summer and
fall of 2011.
A total of 18 holes (11,515 feet/3,509.9 meters) were also drilled in the Cleary Hill area during 2011. This
initial drilling was aimed at infilling historical drilling in the Cleary Hill mine area with the aim of linking
the Dolphin/Cleary Hill areas in a future resource model. Total exploration expenditures in 2011 on the
Project were $3,927,969.
In late 2011, Freegold also undertook its first drilling in the Christina prospect area, a high grade vein and
bulk tonnage style target which lies three km to the east of the Dolphin – Cleary Hill area. A total of
12 holes were drilled (15,058 feet) (4,580 meters) in the Christina prospect during late 2011 and early
In October 2012, an updated NI 43-101 resource was again calculated this time expanding the Dolphin
Resource to encompass the eastern portion of the Cleary Hill area as well (reference Section 14).
Exploration expenditures to September 30, 2012 were $4,763,783.
Freegold drilled thirteen holes (16,860 feet/5,138 meters) in 2013. In addition, an updated NI 43-101
compliant gold resource was calculated for the Dolphin/Cleary area based on the ten holes completed
during the winter drill program, of which eight were incorporated into the Resource. The additional three
holes were drilled after the updated resource was completed, and as such, were not included in the
Resource. An additional three State of Alaska claims which covered 120 acres were staked as well as an
additional 191 acres were added to the MHT Lease.
No additional drilling was undertaken in 2014 and 2015. Activities were concentrated on metallurgical
testing, cultural resource work, water quality sampling and geochemical surveys.
Table 6-1 provides a summary of exploration activities conducted for the property and adjacent prospects.
Table 6-1: Summary of Exploration (1969-2015) Conducted for the Property and Adjacent Prospects
The Fairbanks Mining District is located in the north-central portion of the Yukon-Tanana Terrane (YTT).
The YTT is a diverse lithotectonic terrane of largely continental affinity consisting primarily of quartzitic,
pelitic, and calcic metasedimentary rocks; and local mafic and felsic meta-igneous rocks. These protoliths
are intruded to a large extent by Mesozoic and Cenozoic granitic rocks (Foster and others, 1994;
Newberry, 2000). The YTT is bound on the north by the Tintina-Kaltag fault system, and on the south by
the Tanana-Denali-Farewell fault system. These fault systems form zones of major right lateral strike-slip
movement, but are largely obscured by alluvial and other Quaternary deposits. Small subterranes of
possible island-arc affinity occur along the south margin and in the northeast portion of the YTT
(Nokleberg, et al, 1994).
Igneous rocks are widespread throughout the YTT, but are most abundant in the eastern portion of the
province. Age dates of plutonic rocks in the YTT generally cluster into three distinctive groups:
1) 215-188 million years ago (Ma) (Late Triassic–Early Jurassic); 2) 110-85 Ma (mid- to Late Cretaceous);
and 3) 70-50 Ma (Latest Cretaceous-Eocene). Within the 110-85 Ma group, most age dates cluster within
a sub-group ranging in age from 95-90 Ma, and typically referred to as the “Tombstone” suite (Mortinson
et al, 2000); plutonic compositions of the Tombstone suite ranges are dominantly granite, granodiorite,
quartz monzonite and diorite. The Tombstone suite plutonic rocks are thought to be derived from crustal
melts, but could also be mantle-derived melts with significant crustal material contamination. Volcanic
rocks in the YTT are far less voluminous than plutonic rocks. Volcanic rocks ranging from Cretaceous to
Cenozoic in age, and from rhyolite to basalt in composition, are found in scattered locations throughout
the YTT.
Current maps for the Fairbanks District indicate rocks of the Fairbanks Schist and Cleary Sequence have
been over thrust from the northeast by eclogite to amphibolite facies rocks of the Chatanika terrane
(Newberry and others, 1996;). The Chatanika terrane consists of quartz muscovite schist, carbonaceous
quartzite, impure marble, garnet feldspar muscovite schist, and garnet-pyroxene eclogite that have
yielded Ordovician Ar40/Ar39 age dates ranging from 470 to 500 Ma (Douglas, 1997). Motion on the
Chatanika thrust fault has been dated at approximately 130 million years and resulted in structural
preparation of favorable host units in the Chatanika Terrane and adjacent lower plate rocks. Diamond
drilling and trenching completed on the Project by Freegold have encountered Chatanika Terrane rocks
over a zone extending up to one mile south of the mapped contact of the Chatanika Terrane. The location
of these exposures suggests that the contact between the upper and lower plate is in fact a series of en-
echelon low angle structures. This mixed terrane can be distinguished on airborne magnetics maps as a
zone of intermediate magnetic intensity that is less than the highly magnetic rocks of the Chatanika
Terrane but more magnetic than the Fairbanks Schist (Freeman, 2009). The ramifications of this
hypothesis are discussed in Section 7.2.
Intrusives in the Fairbanks District have yielded Ar40/Ar39 and K-Ar dates of 85 to 95 million years
(Freeman and others, 1996). These intrusives range in composition from diorite to granite and possess
elevated Rb/Sr ratios indicative of significant crustal contribution to subduction generated magmas.
Several granodiorite to aplite intrusive bodies are present in the Project area. The presence of hypabyssal
intrusives and sporadic Au-W skarn mineralization in the Project area suggests the area may be underlain
by more extensive intrusive bodies similar to those on Pedro Dome and Gilmore Dome (Freeman and
others, 1998). This conclusion is supported by airborne geophysical surveys (DGGS, 1995) and by depth
modeling conducted on these airborne data (PRJ, 1998). Mineralization within the Pedro Dome, Gilmore
Dome and Dolphin intrusive complexes suggests plutonic rocks pre-date mineralization.
Rocks on the Project are folded about earlier northwest and northeast trending isoclinal recumbent fold
axes followed by an open folded N60-80E trending event (Hall, 1985). Upper plate rocks of the Chatanika
Terrane have been affected by more intense northwest and northeast trending isoclinal and recumbent
folding followed by folding along the same N60-80E trending axis which affected lower plate rocks.
Lithologic packages in both the upper and lower plates are cut by steeply dipping, high angle northwest
and northeast trending shear zones, some of which are mineralized (Figure 7-1). Recent large-scale
trenching in the Cleary Hill mine area suggest that numerous low angle structures are present in the
Project area, some of which are mineralized. Late post-mineral north-south structures with normal
motion further dissect the project. Airborne magnetic data in this part of the Fairbanks District indicate
the presence of district scale east-west and northeast trending structures which appear to post-date
N60-80E folding (DGGS, 1995). Gold mineralization on the Project post-dates regional and district scale
folding and is contemporaneous with or slightly younger than district-scale northeast trending structures
and plutonic activity. Excavations completed in the Cleary Hill area in 2006, 2007 and 2008 clearly indicate
that the strike and/or dip of gold-bearing quartz veins were influenced by pre-existing fold geometry. This
subject is discussed in more depth under Section 9.0.
Three main rock units underlie the Property, including rocks of the Fairbanks Schist, rocks of the Chatanika
Terrane, and intrusive rocks (Figure 7-2). The Fairbanks Schist and Chatanika Terrane have both been
subjected to one or more periods of regional metamorphism. The intrusive bodies are post-
Most of the Property is underlain by the Fairbanks Schist. The Fairbanks Schist consists largely of quartz-
mica schist and micaceous, massive to laminated quartzite, with lesser amounts of amphibolite, chlorite
schist, calc-schist and marble. A unit within the Fairbanks Schist, referred to as the “Cleary Sequence”,
consists of three mappable sub-units containing distinctive and highly variable lithologies. The lower
portion of the Cleary Sequence (~450 feet thick) consists of massive, mafic metavolcanic rocks (flows and
tuffs), and minor actinolite schist, quartzite, and dolomite. The middle portion of the Cleary Sequence
(~300 feet thick) consists of massive quartzite, feldspathic quartz schist, and quartz mica schist. The upper
portion (~250 feet) is similar to the middle portion, but is distinguished by the presence of interlayered
marble and minor amounts of garnet-bearing schist. Locally the Cleary Sequence is capped by a distinctive
gray, sulfide-bearing marble unit up to 50 feet thick.
Chatanika Terrane rocks on the Property include muscovite-quartzite, coarse-grained muscovite schist,
amphibolite, massive actinolite greenschist, chlorite schist, and local garnet-diopside eclogitic rocks
(Swainbank, 1971). Chatanika Terrane mafic rocks are not readily discernible from mafic rocks of the
Fairbanks Schist either in hand specimen or drill core. This has created difficulties with mapping, logging
and establishing a stratigraphic section in the Tolovana Mine and Cleary Hill Mine areas. The Dolphin
stock is located on the ridge between Bedrock and Willow Creek. Initial diamond core logging identified
five intrusive phases within the Dolphin stock, including: 1) fine- to medium-grained, equigranular to
weakly porphyritic biotite granodiorite; 2) fine- to medium-grained, equigranular to weakly porphyritic
hornblende-biotite tonalite; 3) fine-grained biotite granite porphyry; 4) fine-grained biotite rhyolite to
rhyodacite porphyry; and 5) rare fine-grained, chlorite-altered mafic dikes (Adams and Giroux, 2012).
Limited drill data suggests the north and west contacts of the Dolphin stock are fault contacts (Adams and
Giroux, 2012). The south and east contacts are largely intrusive contacts with minor faulting.
Due to the paucity of radiometric age dates, limited outcrop, and limited observations of crosscutting
relations, the crystallization and mineralization history of the Dolphin stock remain unknown. Small dikes
of granodiorite cutting tonalite have been observed in core, and altered granitic dikes cut both altered
and unaltered granodiorite and tonalite, suggesting multiple phases of intrusion and hydrothermal
alteration. Two radiometric age dates, including two sericite Ar40/Ar39 plateau age dates (McCoy, 1996),
place some constraints on the timing of crystallization and mineralization. The sericite ages were obtained
from two different samples representing two distinctly different styles of gold mineralization. One
sample, from stockwork style mineralization, was 90.1 Ma. Another sample, from a sericite shear-zone,
was 88.3 Ma. These ages are quite similar to ages from Fort Knox (86.3-88.2 Ma). Due to age and chemical
similarities, most workers associate the Dolphin and Fort Knox intrusive rocks with widespread
intrusive-related gold deposits in the Tintina Gold Belt.
Nearly all rocks comprising the Property are highly deformed. Primary foliations (S0) in the Fairbanks
Schist generally dip north on the north half of the property and generally dip south on the south half of
the property, defining the Cleary antiform, a large-scale northeast trending antiform. Deformation
intensity increases further north, with proximity to the Chatanika Thrust fault. The Chatanika Thrust fault
is thought to represent an ancient thrust event, and one of the earliest deformation events in the area.
March 2016
Rather than a simple fault contact as shown on published geologic maps of the district, the Chatanika
Thrust fault is a complex thrust fault zone containing numerous thin thrust sheets or wedges emplaced
above and in between layers of various Fairbanks Schist lithologies (Freeman, 2009). The Chatanika Thrust
fault has been offset by numerous northeast-trending high angle faults. These types of faults are very
common throughout the northern part of the Yukon Tanana Terrane, and typically represent a very late
stage structural event. The Chatanika Thrust fault may also have been re-activated during later
deformation events, or served as the focus of north-directed gravity or listric style fault activity. The next
oldest structural event is thought to be represented by the high angle faults and shear zones which host
the major auriferous quartz veins found at numerous locations on the property. These zones are largely
oriented northwest-southeast, however, northeast-southwest oriented shear zones, which are otherwise
very similar in terms of structural style and mineralization; occur to the west of the Dolphin deposit and
at several other locations on the property. The veins most often dip steeply towards the south, but
occasionally dip north. Field evidence for repeated veining, alternating with brecciation suggests the
mineralization within these zones was largely syn-deformational. Short offsets (<20ft) of the veins occur
along the youngest structures observed at the Property, along steep, north to northeast-trending normal
Over 63,000 strike feet of mineralized shear zones have been identified within and immediately adjacent
to the Project (Freeman and others, 1996). The majority of the mineralized shear zones on the eastern
end of the project trend N60-80W and dip steeply to the southwest. Shear zones on the western end of
the project area predominantly trend N60-80E and dip steeply north. Shear zones in the central portion
of the project (centered on the Dolphin/Cleary Hill area trend closer to east-west with variable south dips
and appear to mark a transition zone from primarily northwest trending, south dipping shears to the east
to primarily northeast trending, north dipping shears to the west. Bulk sampling completed in 2006, 2007,
and 2008 has exposed mineralized flat-lying (10-30 degrees (°)) structures dipping both north and south.
The extent and economic significance of these flat-lying structures is uncertain. In addition, exploration
activities conducted by Freegold have identified previously unrecognized shear zones trending N30-50W
and due north-south (Freeman and others, 1998). These shear zones possess significantly different metal
suites than flat-lying structures or N80W and N60E trending shears. These shear zone geometries and
their distribution may represent sympathetic structures generated by regional scale shear couples related
to Tertiary (post 55 Ma) motion of the Tintina and Denali faults (Flanigan and others, 2000).
Examination of the spatial arrangement of the +80 known gold occurrences in the Project area and the
geometry of the +63,000 linear feet of documented gold-bearing quartz veins in the area suggest veins
tend to cluster into discrete vein swarms. These vein swarms are controlled by a series of district-scale
northeast-trending structures regularly spaced approximately 8,000 feet (2.4 km) apart in the Project
area. These structures were first identified as district scale features evident on public airborne geophysical
surveys conducted in the mid-1990’s (DGGS, 1995). Their periodicity with respect to clusters of known
gold occurrences was unrecognized prior to 2004 when it was recognized on the Project (Freeman, 2004).
The Eldorado fault, which appears to control mineralization at both the Ryan Lode and the True North
deposits, is the best documented of these district scale northeast structures. The Dolphin trend, located
parallel to and 8,000 feet east of the Eldorado fault, is the next best-defined northeast-trending structure
and probably is critical to the mineralization in the Newsboy, Tolovana, and 6 Moz Dolphin/Cleary Hill
areas. Approximately 8,000 feet farther east, an unnamed northeast-trending structure passes through
the Saddle zone where it may be integral to the formation of the highest known density of veins in the
Fairbanks Mining District, including those which host gold mineralization at the historic McCarty,
The other recently recognized feature of gold mineralization in the Project area is related to the structural
relationship between “lower plate” rocks of the Fairbanks Schist – Cleary Sequence and “upper plate”
rocks of the Chatanika Terrane. Published maps of the district (Robinson and others, 1990; Weber and
others, 1992; Newberry and others, 1996) indicate that the contact between the overlying Chatanika
Terrane and rocks of the lower plate are marked by a single north-dipping thrust plane that strikes
northeast according to Robinson and others (1990) or east-west according to Newberry and others (1996).
Douglas (1997 dated this thrust event at 130 Ma based on data derived from a single core hole drilled by
Placer Dome on the south flank of Marshall Dome near the northwestern edge of the Project. The actual
contact between upper and lower plate rocks is not exposed at surface anywhere along its mapped trace
so the inferred motion direction (thrust versus low-angle gravity fault) remains uncertain. Regional scale
kinematic evidence is permissible for the formation of either gravity or thrust faults. Douglas (1997)
presents evidence of multiple low-angle fault events which structurally interpose thin (<250 feet) layers
of upper and lower plate rocks over a +750-foot interval. Chemical evidence for structurally juxtaposed
upper and lower plate rocks has also been documented in drilling in the Cleary Hill mine area (Freeman
and others, 1998).
With the exception of gold and antimony mineralization in the vicinity of the True North deposit, published
geologic maps of the district indicate that all of the historic lode gold, tungsten and antimony occurrences
in the Project area are hosted in lower plate rocks. However, reinterpretation of the airborne magnetic
data for the Project suggests rock with magnetic signatures identical to the Chatanika Terrane (variable
but high magnetic susceptibilities) extend considerably farther south than current published geologic
maps indicate. In the field, geological and multi-element geochemical data suggest that virtually all of the
known lode gold occurrences on the Project are hosted in a zone containing structurally mixed lithologies
derived from both upper and lower plate rocks. This mixed zone appears to be the result of multiple en-
echelon low angle structures separating upper and lower plate rocks. If this interpretation is correct, the
grade and geometry of gold mineralization in the Project area may be controlled in part by physical and/or
chemical conditions that existed at the time of mineralization along or adjacent to en-echelon low-angle
faults caused by emplacement of the Chatanika Terrane.
The major historic lode gold mines of the Project derived their production primarily from steeply dipping
northwest and northeast trending high angle, low sulfide, gold-polymetallic quartz veins and shear zones
which transect what is now thought to be the mixed upper plate - lower plate rock package at Golden
Summit (Hill, 1933; Pilkington, 1969; Metz, 1991; Freeman and others, 1996). These shear zones are
characterized by a metal suite containing free gold with variable amounts of tetrahedrite,
jamesonite/boulangerite, arsenopyrite, stibnite and scheelite with minor base metal sulfides. Fluid
inclusion data suggest mineralization was associated with high CO2, low salinity fluids at temperatures
averaging 350° Celsius (C). Lead and sulfur isotope data, tellurium geochemistry and tourmaline
compositions suggest a strong plutonic component to the Golden Summit shear hosted mineralization
(McCoy and others, 1997).
There are three styles of gold occurrences identified on the Property, including: 1) intrusive-hosted sulfide
disseminations and sulfide-quartz stockwork veinlets (such as the Dolphin gold deposit); 2) auriferous
Gold within the Dolphin gold deposit occurs largely as inclusions in sulfides, and locally as visible grains,
within the sulfide-quartz veinlets. Pyrite and arsenopyrite is the most common sulfide mineral, although
stibnite, lead-antimony sulfosalt minerals, tetrahedrite, scheelite, galena and sphalerite occur locally.
McCoy and Olson (1997) identified two distinct varieties of arsenopyrite in the Dolphin gold deposit based
on arsenopyrite geothermometry and age relations. Older arsenopyrite from quartz stockworks (90.1 Ma)
formed at higher temperatures, whereas younger arsenopyrite from shear zones formed at lower
temperatures (88.3 Ma). McCoy also noted that older “hotter” arsenopyrites were finer-grained
compared to younger “cooler” arsenopyrites, which were generally coarse and bladey. Furthermore, the
high-temperature arsenopyrite contains particulate inclusions of gold, whereas the low-temperature
arsenopyrite contains maldonite (a gold-bismuth mineral). Although stibnite and antimony sulfosalts are
not uncommon in the deposit, geochemical studies suggest that high antimony values are generally
associated with very low gold values. Evidence suggests that the fluids evolved towards increasing base
metals and antimony with time (Figure 7-6). For example, chalcopyrite embayments in pyrite were noted
in thin section, and massive sulfide veins (jamesonite, galena, stibnite and/or sphalerite) cutting
arsenopyrite-quartz veins are noted in several drill logs. In addition to sulfides, some portions of the
Dolphin gold deposit contain abundant scheelite.
Several forms of alteration have overprinted the Dolphin intrusive rocks. The most common alteration
types are chloritization, kaolinitization, silicification and sericitization. Carbonate alteration, as calcite or
less commonly dolomite or iron carbonate, is found locally. Alteration can range from weak to intense,
and is generally indicative of higher gold values, in particular, when strong silicification and sericitization
are present. As mentioned, strong sericite alteration is characteristic of shear zones, but weak to
moderate sericite alteration is ubiquitous throughout the deposit and appears to be one of the earliest
phases of hydrothermal alteration in the Dolphin deposit. Detailed core logging suggests the paragenetic
sequence of alteration and mineralization events at the Dolphin deposit range from early sericite
alteration and disseminated arsenopyrite ± pyrite through sheeted auriferous quartz-sulfide veining to
coarse grained pyrite-dominated ± base metal sulfide veining (no quartz associated).
Auriferous quartz veins on the Property consist of hydrothermal quartz with minor to trace amounts of
sulfides. The veins are opaque to milky white quartz and locally gray to mottled gray and white. Bands
or laminations parallel to the vein walls are not uncommon, and vein centers often contain vuggy or
comby quartz crystals. Silicified vein breccia is also common, and may comprise the entire vein or be
restricted to bands within the banding sequence (Adams and Giroux, 2012). This suggests there were
most likely multiple, possibly alternating episodes of silicification and deformation. Auriferous quartz
veins seldom contain more than 5% total sulfides and average 1-3%. The most common sulfide is
arsenopyrite, although other sulfides are locally present, including pyrite, stibnite, jamesonite,
tetrahedrite, galena and sphalerite. Scheelite is present in a few specific veins (notably abundant in the
Cleary Hill and Wyoming vein). Visible gold typically occurs as coarse flakes, filigree, or wires suspended
in quartz or mingled with sparse, scattered sulfides. Locally the auriferous quartz veins may be
accompanied by parallel stringers and pods of later massive stibnite. This massive stibnite occurs locally
as <10 inch (<0.25 m) thick seams or pods parallel or adjacent to auriferous quartz veins, and also as veins
up to 4 feet (1.3 m) thick along steep cross-faults which offset the auriferous quartz veins. This stibnite
mineralization is thought to be formed as the last metal-bearing event at lower temperatures.
The shear-hosted veinlets consist largely of quartz with variable amounts of sulfides, although locally the
veinlets may consist largely of sulfides with lessor amounts of quartz. Sulfide-quartz veins within the
shear-hosted zones generally are less than a few centimeters in thickness. Locally these veins form vein
sets with spacing of a few feet, resembling a sheeted vein system (vein swarm). The veins are
discontinuous along strike and dip, and often grade into broken veins, vein breccia, or zones of sugary,
granulated crush quartz material. Higher quartz vein and veinlet density is generally indicative of higher
gold values.
The shear-hosted veinlet zones are characterized by pervasive sericite and clay alteration, as well as
localized silicification and carbonate alteration. In addition, the zones are typically highly oxidized near
the surface, and contain locally intense iron, arsenic or antimony oxides. The majority of the veinlets
within the zones are sub-parallel to the strike and dip of the zone.
Figure 7-3: Shear Hosted Breccia & Quartz Vein Zone – GSDL 12-10
Figure 7-4: Quartz Stockwork Zone in Granodiorite & Tonalite – GSDC 11-32
Figure 7-6: Intense Brecciation and Fractured Schist hosted Stockwork – GSDL 12-01
Seven different potentially economic gold deposit types have been identified in the Fairbanks District.
3. Porphyritic stockwork with intrusion/schist shear hosted Au-As-Sb with a strong genetic
relationship between host intrusion and gold mineralization. Ryan Lode (2.4 Moz) and Dolphin
area are examples of this type of mineralization.
4. Base metal ± Au, Ag and W intrusion hosted mineralization with a possible genetic relationship
between precious metal mineralization and intrusion. Silver Fox prospect is an example.
5. Structurally controlled mineralization hosted by schist-only high angle shear zones and veins.
Associated metals include Au, As, Sb, Ag, Pb and W in low-sulfide quartz-carbonate veins.
Alteration adjacent to veins is pervasive quartz-sericite-sulfide alteration that can extend for up
to one mile from the source structure. Deposits were mined heavily prior to World War II and are
noteworthy because of their exceptional grades (+1 to +5,000 ounces per ton (opt) Au). Examples
include Cleary Hill (281,000 oz production), Christina (20,000 oz production), American Eagle
(60,000 oz production), Hi Yu (110,000 oz production) and Newsboy (40,000 oz production) veins.
6. Low angle, disseminated, carbonate-hosted Au-As-Sb mineralization associated with brittle thrust
or detachment zones distal to generative intrusives. The True North deposit (1.3 Moz) is an
example of this type of mineralization.
Drilling on the Golden Summit property during 2013 consisted of diamond core drilling in the
Dolphin/Cleary Hill gold resource area. Freegold completed drilling a total of 16,860 feet (5,138 meters)
of HQ (2.5 inch) and NQTW (1.995 inch) core in ten drillholes (Table 10-1; Figure 10-2). The locations of
the 2013 drilling are shown in Table 10-1. Figure 10-2 is a map showing the collar locations of the
drillholes in the Dolphin/Cleary Hill gold resource. Significant assay results for all drillholes completed
during 2013 are listed in Table 10-2.
All of the drilling was conducted with HQ sized core which resulted in excellent core recoveries in spite of
difficult ground conditions, particularly within the schist and breccia zones. In addition to better
recoveries it also provides for larger sample size which is normally more representative.
March 2016
Table 10-1: Drillholes Completed on the Property during 2013
Holes GSDL 1311, GSDL 1312, and GSDL 1313 were not included in the current resource.
Table 10-2: Significant Core Drilling Assay Results for the 2013 Dolphin/Cleary Drillholes
In the figures below are representative sections depicting geology and assay results through the central
portion of the Dolphin Deposit. Figure 10-3, Figure 10-4 and Figure 10-5 are north south sections looking
towards the east.
Source: Mark J. Abrams, Reno, NV
Source: Mark J. Abrams, Reno, NV
During 2011 and 2012 Freegold completed its first ever drilling in the Christina Prospect. Previous drilling
at Christina (+70,000 feet from 1977 to 1988) was focused solely on outlining a high grade vein resource
on the prospect (Freeman, 1992). No effort was made to explore for bulk tonnage mineralization
associated with the Christina vein and Freegold conducted no other work on the prospect until 2011.
During 2011 and 2012 a total of 12 holes were drilled (15,058 feet) (4,589 meters). The holes were
targeted on a combination of known geological structure and chargeability anomalies outlined by the
induced polarization survey. Drilling has indicated a good correlation between chargeability and
mineralization. The bulk of the mineralization is associated with quartz veins and quartz stockworks with
associated pyrite and arsenopyrite. Host rocks are predominately chloritic schists. Several of the holes
intersected broader zones of mineralization indicative of bulk tonnage potential. Additional drilling is
contemplated, however the focus remains the Dolphin/Cleary area.
Table 10-3: Significant Core Drilling Assay Results for the 2011 to 2012 Christina Drillholes
Hole # Hole Incl. TD (ft) From (ft) To (ft) Interval (ft) Interval (m) Au g/t
The database has been maintained by Freegold’s prime geological contractor Avalon Development
Corporation of Fairbanks, Alaska. Personnel from Avalon have been involved in each of the programs
undertaken on the Golden Summit Project by Freegold. The author has had held numerous discussions
with Avalon in regard to sampling protocol. A digital database has been maintained of all assay and
geochemical work completed on the project, including results from all the drilling programs, both Reverse
Circulation (RC) and diamond (Core); and RAB (Rotary Air Blast) as well as rock and soil sampling. Since
1997 all rock and soil geochemical samples collected were described in the field and located using hand-
held global positioning system (GPS) methods. Data from each sample was then entered into a digital GIS-
database for later interpretation. Channel samples collected on the project were taken along the trench
floor or rib using a rock pick and chisel as required. Channel sampling using a power saw was attempted
but abandoned due to the heavy weathering and penetrative cleavage of metamorphic rocks on the
project, both of which made such sampling difficult and potentially unreliable.
The following is a summary of the methods and procedures employed for the various drill campaigns.
The bulk of the resource drilling, approximately 70%, that comprises the resource was completed during
the 2011–2013 timeline, and accordingly, the discussion is heavily weighed to those programs.
11.1 1992–2004
Drilling completed on Golden Summit consisted of both diamond core and down-hole hammer reverse
circulation drilling. The majority of the drilling conducted was RC. All drilling conducted during these
programs was managed by Avalon Development and was conducted by local and national drilling
All reverse circulation and rotary air blast samples were quick-logged on-site by an experienced geologist
and later detail logged using representative chip samples from each 2.5, 3 or 5 foot sample interval.
Reverse circulation samples were one-eighth to one-quarter split, depending on hole diameter while
100% of RAB cuttings were collected, all core samples were sawed at variable intervals depending on
visible geological criteria and shipped to the geochemical lab for analysis.
During all programs, Avalon Development collected, logged and retained the samples collected in the field
until turned over to a commercial laboratory representative. Selected sample pulps were reanalyzed by
metallic screen methods to quantify nugget effect in high-grade samples or where visible gold was noted
during sampling.
All samples collected on the Golden Summit project were retained at Avalon’s secure warehouse facility
until picked up by Chemex or Bondar Clegg. Sample preparation was completed by Chemex or Bondar
Clegg in their laboratories in Anchorage and/or Fairbanks, and analytical work was completed by Chemex
Labs and Bondar Clegg Ltd. at their facilities in Vancouver, B.C, Analytical work consisted of a series of gold
by fire assay plus multi-element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analyses. Sample preparatory
procedures employed by the laboratory at that time were not available to the author, but as Bondar Clegg,
and subsequently ALS Chemex are well-recognized laboratories it was expected that sample preparation
would have been conducted in line with industry accepted practices
11.2 2005–2011
Exploration during 2005 focused on a limited trenching program. During 2005, Alaska Assay Labs, a
Fairbanks facility, prepared trench samples and ALS Chemex Labs completed sample analysis until August
2005. (See 2011-2013 discussion for general laboratory preparatory procedures).. Commercial standards
containing 1.5 and 2.5 gpt gold were introduced on a 1:50 basis in 2005. Analyses of variance performed
on samples analyzed by ALS Chemex indicated no unacceptable sample results in the standard submitted.
RAB (Rotary Air Blast) exploration drilling commenced in 2006. Samples were collected during the 2006
and 2007 RAB program and from January through June 2008 exploration programs. Sampling consisted of
a 100% split of the drill cuttings. Samples were collected by Avalon Development personnel and weighed
from 4 kilograms to 54 kilograms, averaging about 7 kilograms. The samples were weighed and logged on-
site and transported daily to a locked warehouse at Avalon Development’s office complex for subsequent
pick-up, preparation and analysis by ALS Chemex and/or Alaska Assay Laboratories. A new sampling
procedure was introduced as of June 2007, which consisted of collecting all samples on 2.5-foot intervals
and passing 100% of the sample through a Jones-type splitter until the sample intended for analysis
weighed between 250 and 500 grams. Depending on the volume of drill cuttings coming from the drill
interval, this meant splitting the sample between 4 and 7 times (averaging 5 splits) to reach the desired
sample weight. Results of RAB drilling have been viewed as a geochemical tool and have not been
incorporated into the resource.
Commercial standards containing 0.627 ppm, 2.56 ppm, 4.46 ppm, or 11.33 ppm gold were included in
sample streams for 2006 at a rate of 1 per 25 for rock and channel samples and 1 per rotary air blast drill
hole (approx. 1 per 17-25 samples). No unacceptable analysis results were returned for these standards
from either ALS Chemex or Alaska Assay Labs. During the program one duplicate sample was inserted per
hole (average 45 feet) and a blank or standard was inserted every 10 samples.
Samples collected from September 2006 were prepared and analyzed entirely by Alaska Assay
Laboratories, which was a member of the AHK Group and was fully accredited to ISO 17025. Sample
procedures utilized by the laboratory include strict chain of custody, sample recording, preparation
particle size, monitoring blanks, duplicates and blanks within given sample batches. Samples were
crushed to 70% passing- 10 mesh, a 250 gram riffle split was taken, and then subsequently pulverized to
85% passing-200 mesh. The subsequent pulp was assayed utilizing Fire Assay with an AA finish. Samples
in excess of >10,000 ppb gold would be automatically rerun with a gravimetric finish. . No unacceptable
analysis results were returned for these standards and blanks from either ALS Chemex or Alaska Assay
The Core logging, chain of custody and sampling procedures employed were primarily the same as those
in subsequent program.
The following summarizes the procedure used for sample preparation, analysis and security for drill
samples collected in the Golden Summit drilling programs:
a. Core was moved by Avalon from the drill rig to the secure logging facilities at each shift
b. Core boxes were stacked in numerical order in the core logging area.
c. Core boxes were inspected for proper labeling and core in the boxes was inspected to
insure that the core was placed in the boxes at the drill rig in the proper order with the
proper footage markings on the core run blocks.
d. Core was moved to logging tables and placed in order by box number such that the lowest
numbered box (with the shallowest drill core) was on the far left side of the logging bench
and while the highest numbered box (with the deepest drill core) is on the far right side
of the logging bench.
e. Core was washed with a spray bottle to remove polymer or other drill mud. Due to the
presence of coarse free gold, core was not washed with a brush since this could smear
coarse gold particles from a mineralized to an unmineralized interval.
f. Core recovery (ratio of core recovered in a given core run to the actual length of the core
run) was calculated and marked on the logging sheet for each core run interval pulled by
the drilling company. This information was entered in the logs as a percent- recovered.
g. The RQD, or Rock Quality Designation was calculated for each core run. The RQD is the
combined length of all whole core segment in each core run that were greater than 10
cm (4 inches) or longer than twice the core diameter, divided by the total length of the
recorded core run multiplied by 100 (expressed in % form). The total length of core
includes all lost core sections. Breaks in the core that result from the drilling process or
extraction of the core from the core barrel are usually fresh looking and have rough edges.
These mechanical breaks were ignored while calculating RQD. For the NQ2 drill core
drilled at Golden Summit (diameter 1.995 inches), samples qualifying for addition in the
RQD calculation would be 4 inches or more in length. RQD information was recorded in
11.4 2011
A total of 10,790 samples were analyzed, including assay and QAQC samples. The types of QAQC samples
used included standards, blanks and duplicates. Standards were inserted at a rate of approximately 7
standard samples per 100 assay samples (7%), blanks were inserted at a rate of approximately 2 blank
samples per 100 assay samples (2.3%), and duplicates (a quarter-section of core) were inserted at a rate
of approximately 1 duplicate sample per 100 assay samples (1%).
The standards used are commercially available from a reputable vendor (Analytical Solutions). The
standards used had values ranging from 0.098ppm gold to 7.15ppm gold. An attempt was made to use
lower gold value standards (with higher base metal values) in zones known to contain higher sulfide
contents, and higher gold value standards were used where high gold values in the core were suspected.
Seventeen different standards were used, with fifteen expected values, including: 7.15ppm Au,
0.334ppm Au, 0.527ppm Au, 1.02ppm Au, 1.81ppm Au, 2.57ppm Au, 3.63ppm Au, 0.885ppm Au,
0.098ppm Au, 0.841ppm Au, 0.627ppm Au, 1.52ppm Au, 4.76ppm Au, 1.24ppm Au, 2.0ppm Au. All except
three standard samples returned acceptable values (within approximately 15% of the expected value, or
approximately one standard deviation). Those standard samples which returned suspect values were re-
run at Avalon’s request, and in all cases the re-assay values fell within the acceptable range.
Blank samples consisted of Browns Hill Quarry basalt, an unmineralized Quaternary basalt flow from the
Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska. Avalon Development has an extensive data base of assay values for this
material which provides a reliable base-line for determining expected geochemical values. All except five
blank samples returned acceptable values. Those blank samples which returned suspect values were re-
run at Avalon’s request, and in all cases the re- assay values fell within the acceptable range.
11.5 2012
QAQC samples were inserted into the drill sample strings on the basis of approximately 1 QAQC sample
per 10 assay samples (approximately 10%). A total of 13,519 samples were analyzed, including assay and
QAQC samples. The types of QAQC samples used included standards, blanks and duplicates. Standards
were inserted at a rate of approximately 7 standard samples per 100 assay samples (7%), blanks were
inserted at a rate of approximately 2 blank samples per 100 assay samples (2.3%), and duplicates (a
quarter-section of core) were inserted at a rate of approximately 1 duplicate sample per 100 assay
samples (1%).
Sixteen standards were used in the 2012 drill program. Four standards were obtained from Rocklabs and
ranged in value from 0.203 ppm gold to 3.562 ppm gold. Twelve standards were obtained from Analytical
Solutions and ranged in value from .334 ppm gold to 7.15ppm gold. An attempt was made to use lower
gold value standards (with higher base metal values) in zones known to have a higher sulfide
concentration, and higher gold value standards were used where high gold values in the core were
suspected. Of the 941 standards used in the 2012 drill program, 11 returned values differing more than
15% from the expected value. Those standard samples which returned suspect values were re-run at
Avalon’s request along with core samples surrounding the standard in question, and in all cases the
re-assay values fell within the acceptable range.
11.6 2013
QAQC samples were inserted into the drill sample strings on the basis of approximately 1 QAQC sample
per 10 assay samples (approximately 10%). A total of 2,448 samples were analyzed, including assay and
QAQC samples. The types of QAQC samples used included standards, blanks and duplicates. Standards
were inserted at a rate of approximately 7 standard samples per 100 assay samples (7%), blanks were
inserted at a rate of approximately 2 blank samples per 100 assay samples (2.4%), and a duplicate sample
was taken every 100 samples (1%). Standard and blank samples were analyzed in order of sample number
by ALS Chemex along with the core samples. The coarse reject material to be used for the duplicate
samples was returned to Avalon by ALS Chemex and will be sent to another lab for further quality
Thirteen standards were used in the 2013 drill program. Five standards were obtained from Rocklabs and
ranged in value from .414 ppm gold to 3.562 ppm gold. Eight standards were obtained from Analytical
Solutions and ranged in value from .334ppm gold to 7.15ppm gold. An attempt was made to use gold
standards with higher base metal values in zones known to have a higher sulfide concentration, and higher
gold value standards were used where high gold values in the core were suspected. Of the 71 standards
used in the 2013 drill program, none returned values differing more than 15% from the expected value.
Blank samples consisted of Browns Hill Quarry basalt, an unmineralized Quaternary basalt flow from the
Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska. Avalon Development has an extensive data base of assay values for this
material which provides a reliable base-line for determining expected geochemical values.
Drill core from the 2011 – 2013 programs at Golden Summit were prepared at ALS Chemex in Fairbanks
with pulps analyzed at either ALS Chemex’s analytical facilities in Reno, Nevada or Vancouver, BC.
Approximately half of the samples during the 2012 drilling campaign were sent to Acme Lab as ACME Lab
had both prep and analysis laboratories in Fairbanks. ALS Chemex holds ISO 9001:2008 registration and
an ISO 17025 accreditations for specific laboratory procedures. ACME was an ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited
facility. There is no relationship between Freegold and any of the laboratories. Sample preparation
procedures between the facilities has varied over time however, analytical work consisted of gold by fire
assay with atomic absorption or gravimetric finish plus a variable multi-element suite analyzed by
inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (ICP) methods.
Laboratory Preparatory and Analytical Procedures have been largely derived from ALS Chemex and Acme
Laboratories procedures that are publically available.
Samples Assayed by ALS Chemex generally underwent the following preparatory and assay procedures:
a. The sample was first logged in the tracking system, weighed, dried and finely crushed to
better than 70 % passing a 2 mm (Tyler 9 mesh, US Std. No.10) screen. A split of up to 250
g was taken and pulverized to better than 85 % passing a 75-micron (Tyler 200 mesh, US
Std. No. 200) screen. This method was utilized for rock chip or drill samples.
Samples Assayed by Acme Laboratories generally underwent the following preparatory and assay
a. Excessive wet samples were first dried. The sample was crushed to 70% passing -10 mesh
and then a 250 g split was taken. The 250g split was then pulverized to 85% passing 200
mesh. The preparation process and this split are subject to QA/QC control checks during
the progression and prior to the submission to the analytical portion. A sieve test is used
Both ALS Chemex and Acme Laboratories have rigorous internal quality control standards, which utilize
the use of their own standard, blanks and duplicates within the sample stream in addition to the standard,
blanks and duplicates employed in the sample submittal process by Avalon.
It is the opinion of this author that the data collection, sampling, core recovery, chain of custody,
preparation and analysis of the samples, and QA/QC protocol was conducted with a high level of due care,
employing methods that meet or exceed industry standards.
Core photographs, and assay certificate as well as the database were reviewed. Spot checking of the assay
database was also performed. During each exploration program Avalon Development undertook an
evaluation of each sample batch as it was received and any spurious results were corrected by the
analytical lab prior to the data being posted to the master geochemical database for the project. The
Author has visited the Avalon Development logging facilities on multiple occasions and has noted the
above detailed procedures being performed as described. The Author has also held several discussions
with Avalon Development with regard to the QA/QC procedures employed and has not noted any areas
of concern. It is the opinion of this author that the data collection, sampling, core recovery, chain of
custody, preparation and analysis of the samples, and QA/QC protocol was conducted with a high level of
due care, employing methods that meet or exceed industry standards.
A second set of process testwork was started in 2013 on five different mineralogical composites. These
tests were performed by SGS Canada Inc. (SGS) with the final report dated May 21, 2014. This testwork
primarily focused on investigation of various processing methods for the recovery of gold from sulfide
Additional bottle roll and column leach testwork was performed in 2014 to investigate grind sensitivities
in four drill core composites and to examine heap leach behavior in the oxide material. These tests were
performed by McClelland Laboratories, Inc. with a final report dated January 9, 2015.
The samples were first crushed in the lab and added to water to create a suitable slurry for testing. Sodium
cyanide and hydrated lime were then added to the slurry to achieve 1.0 g/L NaCN at a pH between 10.5
and 11.0, additional reagents were added to maintain these values throughout the test period. The slurry
was then agitated for two minutes every hour, with solution samples initially taken at two, four, eight,
and 24 hours. After the initial 24 hours, samples were taken every 24 hours for four days.
Gold head grades for the ten samples ranged from 0.34 g/t to 1.4 g/t. Final soluble gold recoveries, after
120 hours, ranged from 38% to 73%, with no measurable correlation to head grade. The tests show that
all of the samples have fast leaching kinetics, with over 60% of the total soluble recovery occurring in the
first 24 hours. Figure 13-1 shows the time vs recovery curve for each of the ten tests.
Results from process flowsheet testwork shows that the oxide and, to a lesser extent, the transition
material are recoverable without any form of sulfide oxidation. Both the hornfels and intrusive sulfide
material can be recovered with direct cyanidation, although at much lower recoveries. All of the sulfide
containing material was shown to respond favorably to both POX and roasting.
Both the oxide and transition samples had recoveries that were slightly dependent on grind size. The
oxide sample had gold recoveries between 85.2% at the coarsest grind to 89.3% at the finest grind. The
transition sample had slightly lower gold recoveries than the oxide sample, recovering between 68.2% at
the coarse size and 75.6% at the fine size.
The hornfels sulfide and intrusive sulfide samples had lower gold recoveries, with the hornfels sample
recovery ranging between 47.9% and 57.8% and the intrusive sample recovery ranging from 57.8% to
65.2%. The schist sulfide sample had very low gold recoveries, ranging from 8.5% to 15.5%. All three
sulfide composites were shown to have no measurable correlation between grind size and recovery at the
tested grind sizes.
Residues of the POX tests were washed and neutralized prior to undergoing cyanidation bottle roll testing.
Test parameters for the bottle roll tests were the same as those used in the whole mineralized material
leaching testwork. The test results from the leaching show that gold recovery is insensitive to grind size
in the ranges tested. Average gold recovery for the transition composite was 96.4%. The hornfels,
intrusive, and schist sulfide samples had average gold recoveries of 97.1%, 97.2%, and 97.0%, respectively.
The samples were then leached using the same standard bottle roll test procedures as the whole
mineralized material leaching. All four samples showed increased gold recoveries compared to whole
mineralized material leaching. The transition sample had the highest gold recovery, at 85.4%, an increase
of approximately 15% compared to whole mineralized material leaching. The hornfels sample gold
recovery increased to 81.5%, an increase of approximately 28% compared to whole mineralized material
leaching. The gold recovery for the intrusive sample increased to 84.0%, an increase of approximately
25% compared to whole mineralized material leaching. The schist sample had the highest overall increase
in gold recovery when compared to whole mineralized material leaching, an increase of approximately
57%, but had the lowest overall recovery, at 68.4%.
At the conclusion of the rougher kinetic tests, twelve batch flotation tests were performed to generate
concentrate for downstream testing. The products from the twelve tests were combined to form
composites for each of the four sulfide rock types.
Samples from each of the bulk flotation concentrates were ground for zero, 15, and 45 minutes and then
subjected to leaching with a 5 g/L sodium cyanide solution. Gold recoveries for the transition sample
Additional cyanide leaching testwork was performed on flotation tailings to determine gold extractions of
the tailings stream. Gold recoveries in the tailings streams ranged from 18.1% to 61.4%. The low
recoveries reflect the low proportion of gold reporting to the flotation tailings.
Residues of the POX tests were washed and neutralized prior to undergoing intense cyanidation bottle
roll testing. Test parameters for the bottle roll tests were the same as those used in the flotation
concentrate leaching testwork. Gold recoveries for the transition samples averaged 95.9%. Gold
recoveries for the hornfels and schist Sulfide composites averaged 98.4% and 91.6%, respectively. One of
the cyanidation tests performed on the intrusive sulfide composite achieved a gold recovery 83.8%. This
result was likely erroneous due to poor solution chemistry. The second test performed on the intrusive
sulfide composite achieved a much higher gold recovery of 97.1%.
The leaching kinetics for both of the samples were very fast, with greater than 95% of the total gold
recoveries occurring in the first 24 hours. Overall gold recoveries for the oxide sample averaged 88.1%,
only one percent lower than the best result from the whole mineralized material testwork ground to
P80 50 µm. The transition sample did not perform as well as the oxide sample when compared to the
whole mineralized material testwork. The transition samples only achieved 57.3% gold recovery,
compared to the 75.6% achieved for the whole mineralized material testwork ground to P80 50 µm.
One column leach test was performed on the crushed oxide composite to determine heap leaching
characteristics of the material.
The oxide sample had gold recoveries between 77.2% and 81.3%. Grind size did not appear to have an
appreciable effect on gold recoveries at the sizes tested. The transition sample had gold recoveries
between 21.5% and 40.4%. Similar to the oxide sample, the grind size did not appear to have an
appreciable effect on gold recoveries between 25 mm and 6.3 mm, as all four tests had recoveries
between 21.5% and 29.4%. Grind size did appear to have an effect when going from 6.3 mm to 1.7 mm
as gold recovery improved to 40.4%.
Both the intrusive sulfide and hornfels sulfide samples had low gold recoveries, with the intrusive sample
recovery ranging between 17.9% and 41.5% and the hornfels sample recovery ranging from 12.3% to
27.9%. Finer grind sizes appeared to have a positive effect on recoveries. Recoveries increased at each
finer grind size with the exception of the coarsest hornfels sample.
Due to the low recoveries achieved on the transition, hornfels, and intrusive samples, additional bottle
roll tests were performed at P80 212 µm and P80 75 µm. The test procedures for the additional bottle rolls
differed from the previous tests by decreasing the leach time to 96 hours and increasing the cyanide
concentration to 5 g/L. All three samples had higher recoveries than the previous tests. Gold
recoveries ranged from 57.9% to 65.8% in the transition sample, 54.7% to 63.9% in the intrusive sample,
and 44.2% to 53.3% in the hornfels sample. Grind size did not appear to have an effect on recoveries
between 212 µm to 75 µm.
The test showed that the oxide composite had extremely fast leaching kinetics, achieving greater than an
80% gold recovery in 11 days with a total gold recovery of 87%. The gold recovery curve for the tests is
presented in Figure 13-2.
Au Recovery
0 15 30 45 60 75
Leach Time (days)
This update of the NI 43-101 resource reported in December 2012 (Abrams and Giroux, 2012) was based
on an additional 10 drillholes completed in 2013 and subdivides the resource into an oxide and sulfide
portion. The effective date for this resource is May 31, 2013, the date that the data was received. There
were 3 drillholes completed since this date which would not have a material effect on this resource and
as result this resource remains current. The 3 new holes are compared to the estimated blocks they pass
through in section 14.8 Model Verification.
Figure 14-1: Local Geology of the Dolphin Stock Area (Adams, 2010)
The Dolphin stock is a multi-phase intrusive located on the ridge between Willow Creek and Bedrock
Creek. The stock has been traced on surface by soil sampling and RC drill data and represents an area of
1,200 ft. by 2,000 ft. (366 x 610 m).
A three-dimensional mineralized solid was provided by Freegold to constrain the Dolphin Stock Zone
Resource estimate.
Drillholes were “passed through” these solids with the point each hole entered and left the solid recorded.
Individual assays were then tagged with a code of mineralized if inside solid and below oxide surface,
oxide if inside the mineralized solid and above the oxide surface and waste if outside the mineralized solid.
Of the supplied drillhole data, 185 drillholes were drilled in the mineralized Dolphin Stock totaling
39,301 m. Note that of the ten new drillholes provided for this update three were drilled from the same
collar. Holes GSDL1307 and GSDL1308 were not used in the estimate as they were replaced by GSDL1309
which was drilled deeper.
To compare samples above and below the oxide surface the distribution of gold grades was examined
using a lognormal cumulative frequency plot (Figure 14-4). The distributions of grade are almost identical
with no differences shown that would indicate remobilization at the contact. As a result all assays were
combined for estimation purposes.
The gold distribution, within the mineralized solid, was examined using a lognormal cumulative frequency
plot to determine if capping was required and if so at what level. The procedure used is explained in a
paper by Dr. A.J. Sinclair titled Applications of probability graphs in mineral exploration (Sinclair, 1976).
In short the cumulative distribution of a single normal distribution will plot as a straight line on probability
paper while a single lognormal distribution will plot as a straight line on lognormal probability paper.
Overlapping populations will plot as curves separated by inflection points. Sinclair proposed a method of
separating out these overlapping populations using a technique called partitioning. In 1993 a computer
program called P-RES was made available to partition probability plots interactively on a computer
(Bentzen and Sinclair, 1993). A screen dump from this program is shown for gold in Figure 14-5. On this
plot the actual gold distribution is shown as black dots. The inflection points that separate the populations
are shown as vertical lines and each population is shown by the straight lines of open circles. The
interpretation is tested by recombining the data in the proportions selected and this test is shown as
triangles compared to the original distribution.
Uniform downhole three m composites were formed that honored the mineralized solid boundaries.
Intervals less than 1.5 m at the boundary of the solid were combined with the adjoining sample to produce
a composite file of uniform support, 3 ± 1.5 m in length. The statistics for three m composites are shown
Table 14-3: Statistics for Gold in Three m Composites within the Mineralized Solid
Description Au (g/t)
Number of Composites 12,787
Mean Au (g/t) 0.417
Standard Deviation 1.256
Minimum Value 0.001
Maximum Value 52.47
Coefficient of Variation 3.01
A lognormal cumulative probability plot was again used to evaluate the mineralized populations within
three m composites. Figure 14-5 shows seven overlapping lognormal populations with the erratic outlier
population gone after capping.
Populations 1 to 3 might represent the higher grade shear hosted gold mineralization while Population 4
might represent the more pervasive stockwork style gold. Populations 5, 6 and 7 would represent post
mineral dykes and other internal waste. A threshold that would separate Populations 1 to 3 from
Population 4 would be two standard deviations above the mean of Population 4, a value of 1.0 g/t Au.
In this manner the data base is reduced to zeros and ones for modelling.
Total = 66 2.67
The relationship between SG and gold grade was examined by averaging the SG over a series of gold grade
ranges in Table 14-7.
As a result an SG of 2.51 was used for oxide material while the average of 2.67 was applied to all blocks
below the oxide surface. This is an increase from the average of 2.63 used in the 2011 estimate (Adams
and Giroux, 2012).
During future drill campaigns every effort should be made to further quantify the SG value of oxide
A second kriging exercise was then completed estimating the high grade indicator or the probability of
finding high grade within any given block. This estimation was completed using the zero or one indicator
value for composites within the mineralized solid and resulted in a value between zero and one. Again
ordinary kriging was used in a series of four passes with the search ellipse dimensions for each pass a
function of the high grade indicator semivariogram.
Finally, for blocks with a kriged indicator value greater than zero, a high grade gold value was estimated
from composites within the mineralized solid greater than or equal to 1.0 g/t Au. A similar four pass
estimate was made with the search ellipse dimensions a function of the high grade gold indicator
variogram. Blocks estimated for low grade Au but not estimated for HG IND were not included.
• Au Total is the weighted average grade for the block;
• LG Au is the grade of the stockwork or low grade portion of block;
• HG Au is the grade for the shear zone or high grade portion of block; and
• IND is the probability between zero and one that high grade exists in the block.
The search parameters for the various kriging runs are tabulated below.
Based on the study herein reported, delineated gold mineralization of the Dolphin Zone at the Project is
classified as a resource according to the following definitions from CIM NI 43-101:
“In this Instrument, the terms "Mineral Resource", "Inferred Mineral Resource", "Indicated Mineral
Resource" and "Measured Mineral Resource" have the meanings ascribed to those terms by the
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, as the CIM Definition Standards (May
2014) on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves adopted by CIM Council, as those definitions
may be amended.”
“The term Mineral Resource covers mineralization and natural material of intrinsic
economic interest which has been identified and estimated through exploration and
sampling and within which Mineral Reserves may subsequently be defined by the
consideration and application of Modifying Factors. The phrase ‘reasonable prospects for
economic extraction’ implies a judgement by the Qualified Person in respect of the
technical and economic factors likely to influence the prospect of economic extraction.
The Qualified Person should consider and clearly state the basis for determining that the
material has reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. Assumptions should
include estimates of cut-off grade and geological continuity at the selected cut-off,
metallurgical recovery, smelter payments, commodity price or product value, mining and
processing method and mining, processing and general and administrative costs. The
Qualified Person should state if the assessment is based on any direct evidence and
testing. Interpretation of the word ‘eventual’ in this context may vary depending on the
commodity or mineral involved. For example, for some coal, iron, potash deposits and
other bulk minerals or commodities, it may be reasonable to envisage ‘eventual economic
extraction’ as covering time periods in excess of 50 years. However, for many gold
deposits, application of the concept would normally be restricted to perhaps 10 to 15
years, and frequently to much shorter periods of time.”
“An ‘Inferred Mineral Resource’ is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity and
grade or quality are estimated on the basis of limited geological evidence and sampling.
Geological evidence is sufficient to imply but not verify geological and grade or quality
continuity. An Inferred Mineral Resource has a lower level of confidence than that
applying to an Indicated Mineral Resource and must not be converted to a Mineral
Reserve. It is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred Mineral Resources could
be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.”
“An ‘Inferred Mineral Resource’ is based on limited information and sampling gathered
through appropriate sampling techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits,
workings and drillholes. Inferred Mineral Resources must not be included in the economic
analysis, production schedules, or estimated mine life in publicly disclosed Pre-Feasibility
or Feasibility Studies, or in the Life of Mine plans and cash flow models of developed
mines. Inferred Mineral Resources can only be used in economic studies as provided
under NI 43-101.”
“An ‘Indicated Mineral Resource’ is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity,
grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics are estimated with
sufficient confidence to allow the application of Modifying Factors in sufficient detail to
support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. Geological
evidence is derived from adequately detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and
testing and is sufficient to assume geological and grade or quality continuity between
points of observation. An Indicated Mineral Resource has a lower level of confidence than
that applying to a Measured Mineral Resource and may only be converted to a Probable
Mineral Reserve.”
“A Measured Mineral Resource is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity,
grade or quality, densities, shape, and physical characteristics are estimated with
confidence sufficient to allow the application of Modifying Factors to support detailed
mine planning and final evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. Geological
evidence is derived from detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing and is
sufficient to confirm geological and grade or quality continuity between points of
observation. A Measured Mineral Resource has a higher level of confidence than that
applying to either an Indicated Mineral Resource or an Inferred Mineral Resource. It may
be converted to a Proven Mineral Reserve or to a Probable Mineral Reserve.”
For the mineralized Dolphin zone the geological continuity has been established though surface mapping
and diamond drillhole interpretation. Grade continuity can be quantified by semivariogram analysis.
Blocks estimated in Pass 1 or Pass 2, using up to 0.5 the semivariogram range, during the low grade gold
estimation, were classified as Indicated. All other blocks were classified as Inferred.
The results are tabulated (Table 14-10 and Table 14-11) below assuming one could mine to the limits of
the mineralized solids. At the time this resource was estimated (2013), no economic analysis had been
completed for the Dolphin zone, and as a result the economic cut-off was unknown. In the author’s
judgement and experience the resource stated has reasonable prospects of economic extraction. The
nearest analogous mine to the Dolphin would be the Fort Knox mine owned and operated by Kinross Gold
Corporation. In their March 31, 2015 Technical Report, Kinross reports the mineral resource at a 0.16 g/t
Au cut-off within a pit shell based on a $1400 Au price (Sims, 2015). A value of 0.3 g/t Au has been
highlighted as a possible cut-off for open pit extraction on the Dolphin deposit.
As part of the 2015 PEA a conceptual open pit, based on $1300 Au, has been produced by Tetra Tech. As
a result only blocks falling within this pit are reported as a Resource within the following Tables.
A second set of tables (Table 14-12 and Table 14-13) show the resource present above the oxide surface,
within the Conceptual Pit. A third set of tables (Table 14-14 and Table 14-15) show the resource present
below the oxide surface again within the Conceptual Pit.
Table 14-12: Oxide Zone Indicated Resource within Conceptual Pit
Swath plots take slices through the mineral deposit comparing average grades of blocks with the average
grades of composites. The results are shown for east-west slices (Figure 14-8), for north-south slices
(Figure 14-9) and for slices in the vertical plane (Figure 14-10). In general the block estimates match very
well with the sample grades with the larger deviations occurring in areas with few sample points at the
horizontal extremities of the zone and at the very bottom.
Cross sections were evaluated with block grades compared to composite grades with the results
appearing reasonable. Three examples are shown as Figure 14-11, Figure 14-12 and Figure 14-13.
After the 2013 estimate was completed three additional drillholes were completed on the Dolphin Zone:
GSDL1311, GSDL1312 and GSDL1313 (see Figure 14-14). As a test for the block model the gold assays
from these three holes were composited and compared to the estimated gold grades of the blocks that
contained them. A scatter plot showing the new hole composite gold grades vs. the estimated blocks is
shown as Figure 14-15. There is no apparent bias with estimated grades matching new drillhole results
reasonably well.
New Hole Compoosite Gold Grades (g/t)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Estimated Block Gold Grades (g/t)
16.1 C UT -O FF G RADE
Optimized pit cones were created in Vulcan 3D mining software. By using a minimum cut-off grade, the
block model is queried by block to determine if the block has positive net block value using the assumed
parameters. Blocks above the cut-off grade are flagged as mineralized blocks and assigned costs
associated with the mineralized blocks, such as mining and processing costs. Waste blocks below the cut-
off grade are assigned a mining cost. The combination of these factors provides an optimized (economic)
pit design.
There are two cut-off grades typically used in the mining industry: breakeven and internal. The pit cones
were generated using a breakeven cut-off grade, which implies that the mining cost was part of the cut-
off calculation to burden every tonne of material mined. This method is used to produce a more
conservative economic cone as a design guide. Once the breakeven pit has been designed, an internal
cut-off grade is applied to the tonnes inside the pit. An internal cut-off grade removes the mining cost
from the calculation thereby dropping the cut-off grade slightly and maximizing the tonnes of material to
be processed while reducing the tonnes going to the Mine Rock Storage Facility (MRSF). The internal cut-
off grade is applied to the Au grade. Furthermore, the pit optimization runs for the project use Indicated
and Inferred Resources when developing pit shells.
The study consists of one ultimate open pit, which contains two types of material, oxide and sulfide. The
process costs for the two types of materials differ. These costs were fed into the optimization process.
The recovery for each material type is also different and were fed into the pit optimizer. Many factors
can change the outcome of the cone analysis, such as the price of Au, cost of mining, and process recovery.
The parameters used for the pit optimization are shown in Table 16-1.
Parameters Value
Gold Price $1,300/oz
Oxide Recovery 80%
Sulfide Recovery 90%
Mining Cost $1.65/tonne material mined
Oxide Process Cost $3.50/tonne processed
Sulfide Process Cost $20.00/tonne processed
Royalty $0.72/tonne processed
General and Administrative Cost $0.80/ton $/tonne processed
Freight/Smelting/Refining $0.26/ton $/tonne processed
Another factor that can alter the outcome of the cone analysis is the pit slope used during the analysis. A
default pit slope of 45°was used to run the pit optimization process.
Two sets of cut off values were calculated, one for the oxide material and one for the sulfide material.
The oxide cone used a breakeven cut-off grade of 0.182 g/t Au, and an internal cut-off grade of
0.132 g/t Au. The sulfide cone used a breakeven cut-off grade of 0.611 g/t Au, and an internal cut-off
grade of 0.566 g/t Au. Both the breakeven cut-off and the internal cut-off were calculated using
Oxide material is mined exclusively for the first eight years of the mine production. A small amount of
sulfide material would be mined before Year Eight; the sulfide material (approximately 800,000 tonnes)
will be stockpiled until the end of mine life. In Year Nine, sulfide material comes online for production.
Mining of the oxide material continues through Year 14 of the 24 year mine life. Mining of sulfide material
continues from Year Nine through the end of the 24 year mine life.
During production, material, both oxide and sulfide, is transported from the pit to the primary crusher
located near the pit exit. After primary crushing, oxide and sulfide material would be transported by
conveyor to its respective process area. The oxide leach would be processed in an area to the southeast
of the pit, while the sulfide would be processed northwest of the pit. Waste is hauled by truck to the Mine
Rock Storage Facility (MRSF). A summary of the open pit design criteria used is included in Table 16-2.
Input Value
Mining Loss Mine Plan Model - 5% Ave
Pit Design Parameters
Benching 10m Single
Haul Roads Two Way Roads - 27m
Primary Crushing 42 x60 Gyratory located on pit crest
Mine Fleet Parameters
Loading 64 metric tonne payload Rope Shovels
Haulage Haul Trucks - 227 metric tonne trucks
Drilling Diesel Drills - 171mm bit diameter
Work Schedule
Shifts / Day 2
Shift Length 12 hours
# of work crews 4
Operating Days per Year 365
Ramps were designed to have a maximum centerline gradient of 10%. Switchbacks are designed with flat
turnarounds. Once the switchback is complete, the ramp continues at 10%.
The crest of the ultimate pit is at an elevation of about 460 meters above mean sea level (amsl), with a pit
bottom of 80 meters amsl. The ultimate pit design is shown on Figure 16-1.
The analysis performed for the development of Table 16-3 that was utilized for the economic
model includes indicated and inferred mineral resources, of which 52% are indicated and 48% are
inferred. Mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations
applied to them, and are therefore not categorized as mineral reserves. The reason there are no mineral
reserves is that reserves require a positive pre-feasibility of the indicated resource estimates, and the
project has not reached that level of advancement. There is no certainty that the preliminary economic
assessment will be realized.
7,216,000N 7,216,000N
7,215,000N 7,215,000N
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Table 16‐4: Mine Production Schedule
Units Grand Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20 Year 21 Year 22 Year 23 Year 24 Grand Total
3,800 3,800 3,550 3,666 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,300 58 155 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47,864
Mined to Process tonnes(000s) 47,864
Oxide Volume cubic meters 19,069 1,514 1,514 1,414 1,461 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,394 518 23 62 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,069
Oxide Density 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.510
Oxide Au gpt 0.435 0.453 0.500 0.530 0.506 0.493 0.515 0.337 0.369 0.508 0.444 0.381 0.318 0.342 0.331 0.299 0.273 0.290 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.435
Units Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20 Year 21 Year 22 Year 23 Year 24 Grand Total
Sulfide Mined
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,020 1,808 2,598 3,300 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,481 3,412 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,672 48,791
to Process tonnes(000s) 48,791
Sulfide Volume cubic meters 18,274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 382 677 973 1,236 1,311 1,311 1,311 1,311 1,311 1,311 1,304 1,278 1,311 1,311 1,311 626 18,274
Sulfide Density 2.670 0.000 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670
Sulfide Au gpt 1.030 0.000 0.586 0.713 0.894 1.034 0.925 0.948 0.987 1.095 1.103 0.977 0.982 0.972 1.081 1.058 1.236 1.266 0.987 0.980 0.941 0.910 0.855 1.057 1.049 1.030
Waste tonnes(000s) 239,170 3,861 3,230 3,115 3,139 2,719 2,413 4,000 4,000 4,000 9,955 16,055 25,000 24,882 20,665 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,792 12,639 11,814 9,148 8,075 3,950 1,719 239,170
Waste Volume cubic meters 89,592 1,462 1,241 1,199 1,209 1,053 934 1,505 1,506 1,525 3,742 6,020 9,340 9,286 7,717 5,977 5,965 5,960 6,250 4,716 4,414 3,422 3,024 1,479 644 89,592
Waste Density 2.670 2.640 2.603 2.597 2.597 2.581 2.582 2.657 2.655 2.624 2.660 2.667 2.677 2.680 2.678 2.677 2.682 2.684 2.687 2.680 2.677 2.673 2.671 2.670 2.670 2.670
Units Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20 Year 21 Year 22 Year 23 Year 24 Grand Total
3,800 3,800 3,550 3,666 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,520 5,308 6,098 6,800 7,000 4,800 3,558 3,655 3,536 3,500 3,481 3,412 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,672 96,655
to Process tonnes(000s) 96,655
Volume cubic meters 37,343 1,514 1,514 1,414 1,461 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,394 1,776 2,072 2,368 2,630 2,705 1,829 1,334 1,372 1,325 1,311 1,304 1,278 1,311 1,311 1,311 626 37,343
Density tonnes/cu.M 2.588 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.510 2.544 2.562 2.576 2.585 2.588 2.625 2.667 2.663 2.668 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.670 2.588
Au Grade gpt 0.735 0.453 0.500 0.530 0.506 0.493 0.515 0.337 0.369 0.640 0.669 0.635 0.640 0.657 0.878 1.046 1.196 1.256 0.987 0.980 0.941 0.910 0.855 1.057 1.049 0.735
Waste tonnes(000s) 239,170 3,861 3,230 3,115 3,139 2,719 2,413 4,000 4,000 4,000 9,955 16,055 25,000 24,882 20,665 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,792 12,639 11,814 9,148 8,075 3,950 1,719 239,170
Waste Volume cubic meters 89,592 1,462 1,241 1,199 1,209 1,053 934 1,505 1,506 1,525 3,742 6,020 9,340 9,286 7,717 5,977 5,965 5,960 6,250 4,716 4,414 3,422 3,024 1,479 644 89,592
Waste Density 2.670 2.640 2.603 2.597 2.597 2.581 2.582 2.657 2.655 2.624 2.660 2.667 2.677 2.680 2.678 2.677 2.682 2.684 2.687 2.680 2.677 2.673 2.671 2.670 2.670 2.670
Units Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20 Year 21 Year 22 Year 23 Year 24 Grand Total
3,800 3,800 3,550 3,666 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,520 5,308 6,098 6,800 7,000 4,800 3,558 3,655 3,536 3,500 3,481 3,412 3,500 3,500 3,500 2,500 97,483
Processed tonnes(000s) 97,483
Waste Tonnes tonnes(000s) 239,170 3,861 3,230 3,115 3,139 2,719 2,413 4,000 4,000 4,000 9,955 16,055 25,000 24,882 20,665 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,792 12,639 11,814 9,148 8,075 3,950 1,719 239,170
Total Tonnes Moved tonnes(000s) 336,653 7,661 7,030 6,665 6,805 6,219 5,913 7,500 7,500 8,520 15,263 22,153 31,800 31,882 25,465 19,558 19,655 19,536 20,292 16,120 15,225 12,648 11,575 7,450 4,219 336,653
Tonnes mined tonnes(000s) 97,483 3,800 3,800 3,590 3,796 3,732 3,703 3,587 3,634 4,520 5,308 6,098 6,800 7,000 4,800 3,558 3,655 3,536 3,500 3,481 3,412 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,672 97,483
Open Pit Mine, Mill and Stockpile Information
Au gpt 0.735 0.453 0.500 0.532 0.520 0.526 0.537 0.352 0.392 0.640 0.669 0.635 0.640 0.657 0.878 1.046 1.196 1.256 0.987 0.980 0.941 0.910 0.855 1.057 1.049 0.735
Sulfide Tonnes
0 0 40 130 232 203 87 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 828
to Stockpile tonnes(000s) 828
Au gpt 0.953 0.000 0.586 0.713 0.894 1.034 0.925 0.948 0.987 1.095 1.103 0.977 0.982 0.972 1.081 1.058 1.236 1.266 0.987 0.980 0.941 0.910 0.855 1.057 1.049 0.953
Sulfide Tonnes
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 828 828
from Stockpile tonnes(000s) 828
Au gpt 0.953 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.953 0.953
Sulfide Tonnes
0 0 40 171 403 606 694 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 828 0 0
in Stockpile tonnes(000s) 0.000
Au gpt 0.000 0.000 0.586 0.712 0.851 0.957 0.946 0.946 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.000 0.000
Oxide Tonnes to Pad tonnes(000s) 47,864 3,800 3,800 3,550 3,666 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,300 58 155 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47,864
Au gpt 0.435 0.453 0.500 0.530 0.506 0.493 0.515 0.337 0.369 0.508 0.444 0.381 0.318 0.342 0.331 0.299 0.273 0.290 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.435
Sulfide Tonnes to Mill tonnes(000s) 49,619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,020 1,808 2,598 3,300 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,481 3,412 3,500 3,500 3,500 2,500 49,618.581
Au gpt 0.000 0.586 0.713 0.894 1.034 0.925 0.948 0.987 1.095 1.103 0.977 0.982 0.972 1.081 1.058 1.236 1.266 0.987 0.980 0.941 0.910 0.855 1.057 1.017
NOTE: Oxide and Sulfide grades displayed in this table include process recovery.
16.2.6 Pit Phases
Pit phases were used to create a design work flow to assist with better annual pit development thus
improving the Project NPV by extracting higher-value material in the early years of the Project. Phase 1
includes mining of the oxide material, which would be produced first via heap leach and must be mined
to uncover the sulfide material.
Two criteria were used to establish the best pit-phasing strategy. First, the pit optimizer “nested shells”
were used for phase creation. By examining shells with a lower Au sell price, the most profitable material
can be targeted for early exploitation. Secondly, the chosen “nested shells” were selected to allow for
the creation of push backs with appropriate work areas between phases. From the pit optimizer cones a
series of fully designed (including haul roads) pit phases were developed for the life of the mine. The pit
phases are shown in Figure 16-2 through Figure 16-4. The final phase (ultimate pit) is shown in Figure
A 40% swell factor and densities specific to the rock being hauled were used in the volume calculations
for the design of the MRSF. The average specific gravity (SG) of the MRSF material (before swell) is
estimated to be approximately 2.65. The total MRSF design would contain 100% of the expected waste
material planned to be generated - approximately 239 million tonnes of swelled material.
A summary of mined primary material and waste material was generated for each period. A plant feed
schedule was then prepared from the open pit mine material movement schedule.
The production rate for each truck varies through the life of the mine since productivity is based on the
density of the material being loaded and the distance to the destination. The following factors were used
in determining the truck and shovel productivities. Mechanical availability was based on age of
• An operator efficiency factor of 50 minutes per operating hour (84%) was used on all
production equipment;
• An annual outage factor of 5% was used - maximum hours available per year is 8,322; and
• A shift change loss factor to account for the time lost in changing crews, breaks, and lunch
was used. The shift change factor is 1 hour and 30 minutes lost per shift change (87.5% on a
12 hour shift).
The truck productivity for each block profile was estimated by a haul profile simulator (Vulcan Haul
Profiler) which estimates the haul and return times for each block in the block model. Truck cycle-times
are based on weighted-average truck-cycle times for resource and waste by period to either a pre-
determined primary crusher location or a waste dump location. The destinations include the primary
crusher and various MRSF locations depending on material type and period. Each production period has
a weight-averaged cycle time estimated for each period’s destination. The estimated haul times are
shown in Table 16-6. Truck fleets were determined based on total operating hours required for resource
and waste. Due to a peak in required truck hours during a three year period (Years 12-14) a mining
contactor would be used to support the owner-operated trucks. A summary of the estimated maximum
owner open pit equipment is shown in Table 16-7.
Description Maximum
DM-45 7
Rope Shovel 3
Production Support
Loader Caterpillar 992 1
Wheel Dozer Cat 854 1
Dozer Caterpillar D10 3
Grader Caterpillar 16 2
Water Wagon 1
Haul Trucks
Haul Truck Cat 793 20
7,216,000N 7,216,000N
7,215,000N 7,215,000N
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7,216,000N 7,216,000N
7,215,000N 7,215,000N
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7,216,000N 7,216,000N
7,215,000N 7,215,000N
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Table 16‐6: Haul Time Estimates
Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7 Yr 8 Yr 9 Yr 10 Yr 11 Yr 12 Yr 13 Yr 14 Yr 15 Yr 16 Yr 17 Yr 18 Yr 19 Yr 20 Yr 21 Yr 22 Yr 23 Yr 24
Load 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
Haul 22.54 21.71 19.71 19.05 18.00 16.84 14.06 14.71 16.11 17.02 17.37 19.13 17.71 20.39 24.35 24.88 27.44 30.07 33.77 28.24 30.68 33.28 36.44 39.15
Dump 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
Total Cycle Time Minutes 28.54 27.71 25.71 25.05 24.00 22.84 20.06 20.71 22.11 23.02 23.37 25.13 23.71 26.39 30.35 30.88 33.44 36.07 39.77 34.24 36.68 39.28 42.44 45.15
Load 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
Haul 23.15 33.50 32.62 32.38 31.48 30.46 26.79 28.79 31.55 32.34 33.41 42.70 43.78 45.04 46.02 46.82 46.93 47.33 50.95 53.62 56.82 59.82 63.12 67.14
Dump 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Cycle Time Minutes 28.65 39.00 38.12 37.88 36.98 35.96 32.29 34.29 37.05 37.84 38.91 48.20 49.28 50.54 51.52 52.32 52.43 52.83 56.45 59.12 62.32 65.32 68.62 72.64
Table 16‐7: Open Pit (Maximum) Manpower Table
Benefit Total Hourly Maximum
Mine Operations Hourly Rate Load Rate Manpower
Driller, blasthole $ 33.80 50.9% $ 51.01 24
Driller Helper, blasthole $ 26.84 50.9% $ 40.51 8
Blaster $ 33.19 50.9% $ 50.09 2
Blaster Helper $ 27.18 50.9% $ 41.02 5
Shovel Operator $ 33.80 50.9% $ 51.01 11
Wheel Dozer Operator $ 26.84 50.9% $ 40.51 6
Truck Driver $ 23.30 50.9% $ 35.17 71
Track Dozer Operator $ 26.84 50.9% $ 40.51 11
Loader Operator $ 26.84 50.9% $ 40.51 6
Grader Operator $ 26.84 50.9% $ 40.51 11
Water Truck Driver $ 26.84 50.9% $ 40.51 3
Dispatcher $ 33.96 50.9% $ 51.26 4
Laborer/Trainee $ 19.96 50.9% $ 30.13 3
VSA Operator* $ 26.84 50.9% $ 40.51 9
VSA Laborer/Trainee** $ 19.96 50.9% $ 30.13 4
Subtotal = 178
Heavy Equip. Mechanic $ 36.05 50.9% $ 54.41 15
Welder/Mechanic $ 25.77 50.9% $ 38.89 8
Electrician/Instrumentman $ 33.10 50.9% $ 49.96 8
Lubeman/PM Mechanic $ 25.77 50.9% $ 38.89 8
Tireman $ 25.77 50.9% $ 38.89 4
Machinist $ 36.05 50.9% $ 54.41 4
Crusher/Belt Operator $ 23.72 50.9% $ 35.80 8
Utilityman $ 33.96 50.9% $ 51.26 3
Laborer/Trainee $ 19.96 50.9% $ 30.13 2
VSA Mechanic* $ 25.77 50.9% $ 38.89 3
VSA Laborer** $ 19.96 50.9% $ 30.13 2
Subtotal = 64
Production Superintendent $ 126,900 43.0% $ 181,467 1
Mine Foreman $ 98,600 43.0% $ 140,998 17
Maintenance Superintendent $ 126,200 43.0% $ 180,466 1
Maintenance Foreman $ 98,600 43.0% $ 140,998 8
Maint. Planner $ 86,200 43.0% $ 123,266 4
Chief Engineer* $ 120,600 43.0% $ 172,458 1
Sr. Mine Engineer* $ 110,000 43.0% $ 157,300 1
Mine Engineer $ 86,200 43.0% $ 123,266 2
Chief Geologist $ 115,600 43.0% $ 165,308 1
Geologist $ 79,000 43.0% $ 112,970 2
Equipment Trainer $ 100,000 43.0% $ 143,000 1
Surveyor $ 86,200 43.0% $ 123,266 2
Surveyor Ass't $ 47,500 43.0% $ 67,925 2
Sampler $ 47,500 43.0% $ 67,925 2
Subtotal = 57
Total (Maximum) Manpower needed = 299
* 5% of total for Vacations, Sickness, and Absenteeism (VSA)
** 2% of total for Vacations, Sickness, and Absenteeism (VSA)
Note: Benefits listed include scheduled/planned overtime but excludes bonus pay
Gold recovery from the Project deposit would be accomplished in two separate processing operations for
oxide and sulfide mineralized materials. Gold from oxide material in Phase 1 production would be
recovered by crushing run-of-mine (RoM) material prior to loading onto a heap leach pad. The crushed
oxide material would then be leached with a sodium cyanide solution to recover the soluble gold. Gold
from the pregnant leachate solution would then be recovered onto activated carbon and further refined
in an elution/electrowinning (EW) circuit. The product from the EW cells would be further refined into
gold doré. For the purpose of this report, an oxide gold recovery of 80% was used in all calculations based
on the available metallurgical testwork.
Gold from the sulfide materials would be recovered by crushing and grinding the material prior to bio-
oxidation of the sulfide minerals. The oxidized slurry would be sent to a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit for
cyanide leaching and recovery onto activated carbon. Gold would be loaded onto the activated carbon
and then recovered in the same elution circuit as the oxide material to produce gold doré. For the purpose
of this report, a sulfide gold recovery of 90% was used in the calculations. Additional metallurgical
testwork is needed to confirm the gold recovery rate.
All three options include heap leaching of oxide material. Due to the lower recoveries observed in the
metallurgical testwork, flowsheets for the leaching of either roasted material or non-oxidized flotation
concentrate were not considered in the tradeoff.
The whole sulfide material POX-CIL option provided negative economic results and was eliminated as a
processing option. Both the float-POX-CIL option and sulfide heap leaching provided positive economic
results with the float-POX-CIL option having a higher relative NPV, higher capital cost, and longer payback
period. At the conclusion of the tradeoff study, it was determined that neither of these two options were
economically-preferred processing methods as the float-POX-CIL option was determined to have a
relatively high capital cost and the sulfide heap leaching option only processes a small portion of the
sulfide material due to low recoveries.
Oversize CRUSHER
PEBBLE Undersize
BALL Oversize
Gold Bearing
WASH Pregnant liquor Solution (PLS)
Rev Description BY Date
Location: Date:
17.3.1 Oxide Heap Leach
Crushed oxide material would be received from the gyratory crusher located at the mine and conveyed
to secondary and tertiary crushing circuit to reduce the size to a nominal minus one-inch product. The
crushed material would be placed on a nominal 10,000 tpd lined heap leach pad via conveyors. After the
material is prepared for leaching, barren leach solution containing sodium cyanide would be applied to
the heap leach surface using buried drip irrigation lines. Pregnant leach solution would percolate through
the heap and would be collected in the drainage overliner and gravity flow into pregnant solution pond.
Pregnant solution would be pumped from the pregnant solution pond to carbon adsorption columns (CIC).
Additional sodium cyanide would then be added to the barren leach solution to maintain reagent
concentrations and pumped back to the heap leach. Heap leaching of fresh oxide material would occur
seasonally with new oxide material being added to the pad as weather allows. During the cold weather
months, leach solution would be recirculated within the pad, but no fresh leaching would occur. The
designed primary leach cycle is 90 days with secondary leaching occurring on subsequent lifts.
Loaded carbon from the CIC would be transported to the elution circuit where it would be acid washed
prior to stripping. After acid washing, the carbon would be neutralized with caustic and transferred to a
stripping vessel. Carbon stripping would use a pressurized Zadra method to desorb the gold from the
carbon. Stripped carbon would be transferred to a rotary kiln for thermal reactivation prior to being
returned to CIC.
Effluent solution from the stripping vessel would be circulated through EW cells to precipitate gold into a
concentrated sludge. Solution from the discharge of the EW cells would be recirculated back to the elution
circuit. Gold-bearing sludge from the EW cells would be periodically collected for smelting into gold doré.
Major equipment planned for the oxide leach process is presented in Table 17-1.
Ground material from the cyclone overflow would then be sent to a flotation circuit to recover gold-
bearing sulfide mineralization. Flotation concentrate would then be pumped to bio-oxidation tanks for
sulfide oxidation. The oxidized residue would be pumped to acid neutralization circuit to increase the pH
of the slurry to acceptable levels for cyanide leaching. Sodium cyanide would then be added to the
neutralized slurry and be sent to Carbon-in-Leach (CIL) tanks to recover the gold onto activated carbon.
Tailings from the CIL circuit would then be treated for cyanide detoxification and sent to a tailings storage
facility. Loaded carbon from the CIL circuit would be transported to the shared elution circuit of the oxide
circuit from Phase 1 where the gold would be stripped from the carbon, recovered by EW cells, and
smelted into gold doré.
Table 17-2 lists the major equipment items for the Phase 2 sulfide process.
• Process Plants
• Truck Shop
• Administration Building
• Process/Mine Warehouse
• Substation and power distribution
• Mine Rock Storage Facility
• Tailings Storage Facility
• Water Treatment Facility
• Wastewater Treatment Facility
• Access and site roads
Fairbanks has excellent labor and services infrastructure, including rail and international airport access.
The Fairbanks International airport is served by several major airlines with numerous scheduled daily
flights. The main campus of the University of Alaska is located in Fairbanks in addition to numerous State
and federal Offices. Major employers within the Fairbanks Area include Fort Knox, Fort Wainwright (US
Army), the University of Alaska as well as numerous state and federal agencies. Exploration and
development costs in the Fairbanks area are at or below those common in the western United States.
Fairbanks is served by the Alaska Railroad, and is connected to Anchorage and Whitehorse, Canada by
well-maintained paved highways.
General corridor and road sections are provided in Figure 18-3 to Figure 18-5.
Building/Structure Description
Mine Entrance Located at project entrance gate; includes reception; security; gate bar; desks
Administrative Building Reception; offices; conference room; communications center; dining/kitchen area; all office
equipment and furnishings
Laboratory Metallurgical lab; sample preparation; assay laboratory; offices, sample storage; assay
equipment; office furnishings
Change House Showers, toilets, lockers/change areas (separate for work and street clothes); security
Operations Office Offices for operations and maintenance staff; lunch room area
Maintenance/Warehouse Closed area for shelving for spare parts and equipment; outside fenced-area for large
equipment such as crusher liners
PHASE 2: The maintenance shop areas for the sulfide process plant will be contained within the mill building.
Mine Entrance Located at project entrance gate; includes reception; security; gate bar
Administrative Reception; offices; conference room; communications center; dining/kitchen area
Laboratory Metallurgical lab; sample preparation; assay laboratory; offices, sample storage
Change House Expanded for additional personnel in mine and sulfide process plant
HEAP LEACH AREA: For Phase 2, assumes there would not be any additional building/structures required for heap
leach area.
Note 1: assumes no additional building construction for Phase 2 production.
Existing telephone lines run along the Steese Highway and there is currently cellular phone coverage
servicing the property.
On-site communication systems would include a voice over internet protocol (VoIP) telephone system, a
local area network (LAN) with wired and wireless access points, and hand-held very high frequency (VHF)
radios. Telecommunications for the Project would be provided by Summit Telephone Company.
Section 24 includes the methodology and analysis for surface water and groundwater hydrology; water
balance; and geochemistry as well as design criteria. This section provides an overview of required
facilities, and includes water supply, process water, fire/potable water, treatment of site wastewater and
dewatering requirements.
The groundwater reporting to the open pit mine and the contact precipitation would be collected, treated
and recycled for use in the processing facilities. It is expected, based on the preliminary assessment, that
excess water would need to be released back into the environment. This expectation requires that the
PEA include capital and operating costs for a wastewater treatment plant. The need and type of treatment
facility would be determined during the feasibility study stage.
7,218,000N ACCESS
7,217,000N 7,217,000N
7,216,000N HAUL ROAD 7,216,000N
Y:\A-G\Freegold Ventures Limited\114-910054 - Golden Summit Project PEA\110-2D CADD\Mining_MASTER.dwg, SNYDER, JEREMY, 3/10/2016 1:14 PM
7,215,000N 7,215,000N
ENGINEER'S SEAL Scale: As Noted Issued for: Issued by:
Designed by: TETRA TECH
Drawn by:
Checked by:
Project: Project no.:
Rev Description BY Date
Location: Date:
7,217,400N 7,217,400N
HWY Ga urity
FW Dry
ndi De
ng tox Wa
Tru ous
c kS e
7,217,200N CONVEYOR 7,217,200N
Y:\A-G\Freegold Ventures Limited\114-910054 - Golden Summit Project PEA\110-2D CADD\Mining_MASTER.dwg, AGA, LEE, 3/8/2016 8:22 PM
7,217,000N 7,217,000N
50 0 50 100
ENGINEER'S SEAL B Edit to MRSF L. AGA Dec/2015 Scale: As Noted Issued for: Issued by:
Designed by: TETRA TECH
Drawn by:
Checked by:
Project: Project no.:
Rev Description BY Date
Location: Date:
- Minimum Right Of Way = 15m
- Minimum Trafficway = 6m
- Minimum Shoulder = 60cm
- Minimum Base Material = 30cm
Replace top 10cm with surface course on grades >7%, 7.6cm on grades <7%
- Add 50cm tall safety berm
Shoulder 60cm
Trafficway 6m 3:1
50cm 50cm
Centimeters Meters
200 100 0 1 2
Metric Scale
Metric Scale
Road 2%
5m 1.5m Storm Water
2:1 Channel 2:1
3m 1m 1m 5m
Centimeters Meters
200 100 0 1 2
Metric Scale
Safety Berm
Drainage Ditch
1:1 50cm Road 50cm
Open Pit 1m 5m 1m 1m
Centimeters Meters
200 100 0 1 2
Metric Scale
Centimeters Meters
200 100 0 1 2
Metric Scale
Non-contact water would be diverted prior to encountering site facilities by constructed channels that
would ultimately report to natural systems downstream. Similarly, contact water would be collected by
a separate channel system but would report to ponds for detention, evaluation and possible treatment.
Contact water may also be recycled back to the mill, for use as process water.
Channel and pond design is based on site rainfall and runoff evaluation and regulatory design basis. Given
the lack of design criteria specific to gold mining operations, Alaska coal mining regulations were used as
a basis of design.
Additional information regarding the methodology for storm water management is included in
Section 24.2.
A water use authorization would be required from the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources,
Division of Mining, Land and Water. Fairbanks Creek and Too Much Gold Creek are authorized for water
appropriation of 8,000 gallons per minute (gpm) for placer mining under water right Certificate of
Appropriation ADL 46157. Wolf Creek is authorized for water use of 10,000 gpm for placer mining under
TWUP F2011-48. The Property would be required to coordinate water withdrawals with other companies
and placer mine operations in the area that may be withdrawing water.
Sprinkler systems would be required in facilities with areas greater than 12,000 square feet and/or heights
of more than three stories. The process facility and mine truck shop would be constructed with automatic
sprinkler systems designed to provide 0.18 gpm/ft2 for fire suppression.
It is estimated that approximately 15,000 gallons of water would be required daily to satisfy potable water
demand. A potable water tank (500,000 gallons was sized to allow for ample fire flow requirements) and
a hydro-chlorination unit would be provided. The chlorination system was estimated with a flow rate of
500 gpm.
This plant would be sized to treat domestic wastewater as well as excess water from the pit (after pre-
treatment as required). The plant would meet secondary treatment requirements for the State of Alaska
Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), 18 AAC Chapter 70 - Water Quality Standards.
For the purposes of this study, a treatment plant was sized for a flow of 25,000 gallons per day (gpd) and
the following secondary treatment effluent limits (Table 18-2).
Table 18-2: Secondary Treatment Effluent Limits (Excerpt from State of Alaska, as described above)
In addition, the regulations in 18 AAC 83.540 require that effluent limits meet mass-based limits for
copper, lead and ammonia. The regulation at 18 AAC 83.520 requires that effluent limits be calculated
based on the design flow of the facility.
Once treated, the plant effluent would be discharged to Cleary Creek (considered a “non-salmon-bearing
stream” in the regulations) in accordance with an Alaska Pollution Discharge Elimination System (APDES)
Planned open pit mining at the property would extend below the water table, and dewatering would be
required for maintaining pit wall stability and dry conditions within the pit. Considering winter
temperatures, dewatering by means of wells would be the most feasible strategy. Data from the
dewatering well system at the Fort Knox mine were used to estimate dewatering requirements for open
pit mining at the property.
Specific capacity is a term used to denote the relationship between pumping rate and water-level
drawdown in a well. If a constant drawdown is maintained in the well, the pumping rate needed to
maintain that drawdown, and thus specific capacity, would decrease gradually with time. This concept
can be applied to a dewatering system. The “specific capacity” of the dewatering system at the Fort Knox
mine was estimated from reported pumping rates for the dewatering system (FGMI 2006, 2008, 2011,
2012, 2013, 2014) and estimated depths of the mine pit at various points in time. The time-varying
“specific capacity” estimated for the Fort Knox mine dewatering system was applied to the Project mine
plan, based on the changing depth of the planned open pit below an assumed water table elevation. The
initial water table elevation in the planned pit area was assumed to be approximately 450 m (1,475 ft)
amsl, the approximate elevation at which the floor of the Willow Creek valley intersects the planned mine
The estimated pumping rates and number of dewatering wells that would be required to depress
groundwater levels to below the pit floor are summarized in Figure 18-6. The number of wells is shown
for two scenarios, the first based on an average pumping rate of 545 m3/day (100 gpm) per well, plus one
backup well for every five dewatering wells, and the second based on 218 m3/day (40 gpm) per well, plus
one backup well for every ten dewatering wells. The 545 m3/day (100 gpm) rate is based on typical well
yields listed on Fort Knox well construction and testing records obtained from ADNR (2014) for Fort Knox
dewatering wells; the 218 m3/d (40 gpm) rate is based on the annual pumping rate and number of wells
listed in the Fort Knox 2010 annual activity report (FGMI, 2011), the year of highest reported annual inflow
to the pit. The Project mine pit would intersect the water approximately six months to one year after the
start of mining, but dewatering would need to start earlier in order for the pumping effects to extend
throughout the required area. The estimated annual average pumping rate was approximately
410 m3/day (75 gpm) initially, increased to approximately 4,460 m3/day (818 gpm) by the third year of
mining, declined slightly through the eighth year of mining, and then increased gradually to approximately
6,600 m3/day (1,210 gpm) near the end of the mine life.
The number of wells that would be required for effective dewatering through the LoM was estimated
based on a combination of the total estimated pumping rate, the length of pit perimeter, and the average
pumping capacity of a dewatering well at the Fort Knox mine. The number of wells would increase as the
pit is enlarged and deepened. Two wells would be required initially. That number would increase to 11
by the second year of mining, remain steady through the tenth year of mining, and then increase to 16 by
the final year of mining. The number of wells includes at least one backup well throughout the mine life.
The cost of dewatering was estimated based on the cost of a typical dewatering well 200 m (656 ft) in
total depth, cased with 20.3-cm (8-inch) diameter steel casing and mill-slotted well screen and equipped
with a submersible pump capable of pumping approximately 550 m3/day (100 gpm) from the total depth
of the well. The average total depth of the wells assumes that wells would be installed on benches within
the mine pit whenever possible, thereby limiting the required drilling depth.
A cross valley type conventional slurry TSF concept was adopted based on the mine plan and assessment
of the site topography. The TSF was sited north of the proposed waste dump location in the Wolf Creek
The valley storage design was established to permit storage of 38 Mm3 assuming an average settled
tailings dry density of 1.3 t/m3 and including an allowance for freeboard and tailings beach slopes.
The crest width of 15 m was adopted to accommodate maintenance equipment access, windrows, and
the tailings slurry pipeline. The adopted embankment design slope is 3H:1V downstream and 2.5H:1V
upstream to suit typical stability and closure requirements.
A nominal 3m thick rockfill drainage blanket shall be installed below the downstream portion of the
embankment to improve downstream drainage and maintain a low phreatic surface in the embankment.
Additionally, a geomembrane liner with an underliner and overliner drain system will be installed in order
to collect ground water seepage and TSF seepage, respectfully.
Surface water diversion ditches will be required to divert surface water from the storage area.
The TSF footprint would be grubbed and topsoil stripped and stockpiled for future reclamation. The TSF
basin area would be ripped, moisture conditioned, and compacted in place to create a low permeability
layer and reduce infiltration to groundwater.
An access road would be constructed around the facility perimeter to facilitate installation of the tailings
slurry pipeline and provide access to the water return.
1. The water pond size shall be kept to a minimum by optimizing water return.
2. Deposition should be cycled in such a manner as to concentrate and maintain the water pond
around the water recovery point located in the valley area of the storage.
3. The supernatant water should not be allowed to pond against the embankment.
4. TSF Monitoring.
The TSF monitoring program would include the embankment stability, tailings storage management, and
groundwater quality.
Embankment stability would be monitored by routine visual inspections and periodic measurements of
slope inclinometers, survey stakes, and standpipe and/or vibrating wire piezometers.
Tailings management would be monitored by routine visual inspection by operations and management
staff as well as annual audits by geotechnical specialists.
18.9.4 Closure
The conceptual closure plan involves covering the top surface of the TSF with overburden and
revegetating the surface and embankment. The revegetation technique that is adopted would be based
on site specific trials and experience.
A spillway would be required to facilitate controlled release of surface runoff from significant storm
The facility design incorporates surface water diversion features and a lined containment system with a
network of overdrainage pipework for solution collection. The facility would be constructed in stages to
suit the production schedule. The footprint was selected to suit site geometry with consideration of lease
limits and proposed mine infrastructure. An underdrain system would be in place to collect any
groundwater seepage.
Material for the heap leach would be transported from the open pit to the heap leach facility via
conveyors. Material would be loaded on the pad in lifts of nominal 12 m thickness at a rate of 3.5 Mt per
The design was developed based on the environmental setting, state of practice design requirements, and
similar operations close to the Project site. Geotechnical and environmental site investigation was not
undertaken as part of this preliminary design.
The heap leach facility would include an in-heap storage pond to eliminate surface exposure of the process
solution. The in-heap storage pond would be sized to contain:
Earthworks for the in-heap storage would include a toe embankment and contouring of the storage pond
basin to promote drainage towards the proposed return pump wells. The in-heap embankment would be
constructed of mine waste and select borrow as required, with slopes of 3H:1V with a 15m wide crest.
The basin fill would be moisture conditioned and compacted. The surface would be contoured for a
minimum 2% slope toward the proposed return pump wells.
The leach pad would be fully lined to facilitate effective pregnant solution recovery and mitigate impact
to the environment.
Topsoil in the basin would be stripped and stockpiled for future reclamation. Any soils deemed unsuitable
for the foundation of the facility would also be removed and stockpiled. This would include removal of
any local and discrete permafrost zones that may be present to mitigate risks associated with differential
settlement due to permafrost melt. Following stripping, a subbase soil layer would be prepared. This
subbase would be ripped, moisture conditioned and compacted to create a low permeability layer. The
compacted surface would then be covered with a Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) liner. The
LLDPE liner was selected for its strength, chemical resistance and performance in cold environments.
Above the liner system, the entire footprint of the leach pad would be overlain with 1 meter of crushed
mill reject material. This 1 meter of crushed material (the overliner) would consist of less than 1” size rock
with a network of perforated piping. The purpose of this overliner is to convey collected pregnant solution
to the storage pond and solution collection wells. It would also serve to protect the synthetic liner from
damage during material loading on the heap. The piping network would consist of perforated corrugated
double walled collection pipes.
A network of underdrains would be installed to capture and transport flow from seepage areas below the
heap leach facility. The underdrains are designed with a primary function of removing seepage from
below the liner system, therefore process solution is not anticipated to drain to these underdrains. Flow
would be released unless indications of process solution are identified through monitoring. Monitoring
of the underdrain would provide a performance review of the lining system.
Diversion ditches would be constructed and lined with run of mine rock around the active stages of the
heap leach facility to convey any surface water runoff around the facility.
18.10.3 Operation
The heap leach pad would be constructed over a period of 17 years (Mine Year 1 to Year 17). Loading
would occur in 12 m lifts. The operation of mining and hauling material to the pad is anticipated to occur
year-round at a rate of 3.5 Mt per annum. The material is to be conveyed from the open pit to the heap
leach pad.
The bench face angle of the heap leach facility would be 37.5o while the overall slope is to be 18.5o.
The solution would be applied via drip emitters, drop emitters, or sprinklers. The method used would
depend on the season. The drip emitters would be utilized during the cold winter months and would be
buried under 5 feet of material. In the summer months either drop emitters or sprinklers would be used.
The solution applied would then flow through the material to the in-heap storage pond.
Once the solution is applied and allowed to flow through the heap to the in-heap storage pond, the
pregnant solution would then be recovered via collection wells. There would be five pregnant solution
collection wells located at the lowest portion of the in-heap storage pond. Three of the five wells would
be in use at any given time with the others on standby. The pumping rate would closely match the
application rate. The wells can be run simultaneously during storm events. However, the application rate
of the barren solution would be reduced during these wet conditions to mimic the typical operational
18.10.4 Closure
The Heap Leach Facility closure concept would involve residual leaching until uneconomic recovery is
achieved, followed by solution recirculation/rinsing to destroy cyanide and meet compliance standards.
At closure, the facility would be re-graded and growth media placed as required to create a stable
landform. The seepage and quality of minor long-term seepage would be monitored.
These measures are adopted because frozen material on a heap leach pad is detrimental to the operation.
This is due to the loss of effective percolation resulting in reduced recovery and possible heap instability
from lateral solution flows to the heap slopes.
The proposed valley fill heap leach construction with internal pond and pump recovery wells has the
advantage of limited heat loss from solution as compared to a design with an external pregnant solution
pond. The approach may result in relatively higher construction cost and reduced operational control as
compared to a design with an external solution pond.
In the future, Freegold will negotiate refining contracts and sales agreements that are typical and
consistent with standard industry practice, and similar to contracts for doré elsewhere in the global
Twenty one (21) representative waste rock samples were selected from available core for initial
geochemical characterization of waste rock. The samples represented spatially and vertically distributed
drill core primarily obtained from the Dolphin Deposit. Seven samples were analyzed for mineralogical
quantification. Twenty-one samples were analyzed for constituent mobility using the Synthetic
Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP), acid generating and neutralization potential using acid-base
accounting (ABA), and net acid generating (NAG) testing to determine the resulting pH after complete
oxidation of sulfide minerals. Results from these initial evaluations are as follows:
Baseline environmental data would be required for this Project including on-the-ground studies to
delineate jurisdictional wetlands. These data would be required to meet a number of needs including
permitting and mine design and location of facilities, mine construction and operations. Freegold has
initiated consultation with the State’s Large Mine Permitting Team (LMPT) to begin the process of project
planning, development and environmental permitting. Through this process, the LMPT would assist in
developing a broader environmental baseline program.
Owing to the long lead time to collect data, it is important that the baseline program generates adequate
data in terms of type, quality and quantity. For example, defined baseline needs would include
characterization of surface water resources, including type, flow, and water quality. Groundwater
baseline sampling down gradient from proposed tailings and waste rock storage facilities would be
important and should be initiated as soon as those areas have been tentatively identified through the
The characterization program would need to extend beyond the anticipated footprint of the Project to
provide hydrologic, hydrogeologic and water quality data that is representative of background conditions
downstream of proposed operations. Monitoring of established sites would be required by regulatory
agencies both during mine operations and after closure. Agencies often require evaluations of alternative
sites for waste rock and tailings storage, so hydrology and water quality at feasible alternative sites should
also be characterized. All of these data are important to the development of an accurate environmental
baseline and water balance for the Project area.
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) would require an Integrated Waste
Management Permit, air permits for construction, then operations, and an Alaska Pollution Discharge
Elimination System (APDES) Permit for the discharge of wastewater. Discharges of stormwater to surface
waters would be regulated under the state Multisector Stormwater General Permit (MSGP). ADEC would
also be required to provide a federal Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Certification for the CWA
Section 404 permit (see further discussion below).
The Alaska Department of Fish & Game would require permits for any culverts that need to be placed in
fish-bearing streams or other impacts to fish-bearing streams and fishery habitats.
An underground injection control (UIC) permit from ADEC and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) would be needed if underground injection would be used to dispose of wastewater.
USACE would require a CWA Section 404 permit for dredging and filling activities in “waters of the U.S.,”
including jurisdictional wetlands. This federal permitting action requires USACE to comply with the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and, for a project of this magnitude, the preparation of an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) would likely be required. The USACE would likely serve as the lead
agency for the NEPA process. The NEPA process would require consultation and coordination with
additional federal agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and EPA, as well as with Alaska SHPO
and Tribal Governments under Section 106 of the Historical and Cultural Resources Protection Act.
Additional studies or surveys would be required to support preparation of an EIS, including traditional
knowledge and subsistence use, noise, visual resources, and socioeconomics. A more detailed discussion
of permitting requirements under CWA Section 404 and NEPA is provided in Section 20.3.5 and Section
20.3.6, respectively.
The overall timeline required for permitting would largely be driven by the time required for the NEPA
process, which would be triggered by the submission of the Section 404 permit application to the USACE.
The NEPA process is completed with a Record of Decision, following publication of the final EIS. In Alaska,
the EIS and permitting processes are generally coordinated so that permitting and environmental review
under NEPA occurs in parallel.
The USACE cannot issue the Section 404 permit for the Project until the Project attains NEPA compliance.
When the USACE is a lead (or cooperating) agency, it develops the EIS in parallel with the Section 404
permit. Typically the USACE requires a draft 404 permit application to trigger the NEPA process. A final
application is not desired since it is anticipated that the actions requiring permitting and/or the impact
analysis supporting the application would be modified through the NEPA process.
In general, ADEC requires at least 12 months of continuous monitoring with a DQO of data logging of 90
percent of the time within each quarter prior to construction (80 percent of each quarter for background
pollutants). It is not uncommon for meteorological and pollutant monitoring programs in Alaska to have
difficulty meeting these DQOs at remote sites, often resulting in project delays while the necessary data
are obtained for permitting. In addition, obtaining more than a single continuous year of data can result
in less stringent permit requirements generated through the AQIA. Consultation with ADEC is required to
obtain approval of siting a proposed met station, the equipment used as well as approval of a Quality
Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). The goal is to obtain multiple years of applicable data to be used in
Should generator sets be used as a power source for a period of time, they would be considered for
inclusion in the air permitting process and regulatory compliance for the project. Based on the potential
size of the generator sets, 2 MW, specific federal requirements for the generator sets themselves are
likely to be required. These requirements may include:
Specific requirements will depend on variety of factors including the fuel burned (i.e., diesel or LNG) and
the anticipated operating characteristics and power generation needs of the mine. Operating generators
of this size could produce a significant amount of emissions (particularly if fueled by diesel), and could
trigger federal operating permit requirements, commonly referred to as Title V. In addition, this
alternative might potentially trigger federal prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) permitting
requirements as a major source. As the project further advances through the prefeasibility and feasibility
process, a regulatory applicability assessment can be conducted to iteratively compare power generation
needs and mine operations with potential emission inventories to further evaluate regulatory drivers (i.e.
major versus minor emitters) and assess financial impact.
2. Second, that the project alternatives considered minimization of impacts to wetlands, this
includes potential alternative placement of facilities, such as tailings impoundments; and
Other agencies would have roles in reviewing the EIS as cooperating agencies. For large mining projects
in Alaska, the state and federal agencies are proficient at coordinating the baseline data and analysis
requirements for NEPA and permitting.
There are no standard guidelines regarding the specific the amount of baseline information and analysis
needed to prepare an EIS/EA. However, much of the data required for permitting and approvals described
above are also required and used to support the preparation of the EIS or EA.
Potential impacts, real or perceived, to hunting, fishing, and recreational opportunities for the local
population would likely result in some public opposition to the Project. It is anticipated that there would
be concerns voiced by local environmental groups and the operators of the Skiland ski area (Mount
Aurora) which is located immediately south of the Project. Local community concerns would be formally
recognized during the scoping stage at the beginning of the NEPA process. At that time, the lead federal
agency would hold scoping meetings and record concerns in order to address significant issues during the
preparation of the EIS. Early and continued community engagement and government affairs programs by
Freegold would aid in minimizing these concerns.
The preliminary reclamation plan evaluates the necessary reclamation measures that would be conducted
on-site during and after mining to minimize impacts to the surrounding area.
PGM salvage would consist of scraping and excavating any salvageable PGM from disturbance footprints
prior to construction of mine features. PGM would be salvaged from the pit Mine Rock Storage Facility
(MRSF), Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) and Heap Leach Pad (HLP) disturbance areas and stockpiled at the
toe of the MRSF. Approximately 0.3 meters (12 inches) of PGM would be salvaged from mine feature
disturbance areas.
The Project mill site is composed of primarily disturbed soils from previous mining activities (NRCS, 2015).
As a result no surface soil would be salvaged in the disturbed areas at the mill site. Any sensitive
vegetation would be transplanted during PGM salvage activities for use during revegetation.
20.4.2 Revegetation
Project site vegetation is characterized primarily by forested land. Areas disturbed by previous mining
activity are sparsely vegetated. Disturbed areas would be revegetated during reclamation and closure to
prevent erosion, and improve soil and slope stability. Disturbed areas to be reclaimed include the MRSF,
TSF, HLP, and process facility yard.
To the extent practicable, sensitive species of vegetation would be collected prior to and during PGM
salvage activities. Salvaged vegetation would be transplanted to PGM stockpiles for preservation until
reclamation commences at each facility. Transplanted vegetation would serve to prevent erosion of the
PGM stockpiles during mining operations, and reclaimed mine facilities after reclamation.
Revegetation would be accomplished with a native seed mix applied by approved methods. The seed mix
is to be genetically pure and certified from a source adapted to the project area. Acceptable species of
vegetation include grass species native to the area such as Artared Fescue, Guening Alpine Bluegrass,
Tundra Glaucous Bluegrass, and Nortran Tufted Hairgrass. Seeding would be completed during the late
spring months through about mid-July. Due to the generally steep slopes of the mine site, hydroseeding
inclusive of a tackifier would be the recommended seeding method.
Water trucks would be used to spray disturbed areas during reclamation, minimizing the potential for
wind erosion. Dust suppression would likely be a continuous need throughout reclamation.
No regrading of the MRSF slopes would be required during reclamation because the MRSF would be
constructed at a 3(H):1(V) slope during mining operations. Minor regrading may be required to create
uniform slopes on the MRSF. Because the MRSF would be composed primarily of stripping waste from pit
development, the MRSF surface is assumed to be sufficiently coarse with large cobbles to protect against
erosion both during mining and after reclamation regrading. Upon closure the MRSF surface would be
covered by approximately 0.3 meters (12 inches) of PGM salvaged from the pit and MRSF footprint.
Placed PGM would then be ripped to prepare a suitable seed bedding surface and revegetated using
native seed mix as previously discussed.
After mining, the pit area would be protected with the construction of an access prevention berm around
the pit perimeter. The pit perimeter berm would also serve to prevent surface water drainage from
entering the pit, directing surface water around the berm and down native slopes. The berm would be
constructed to a height of approximately 3 meters with a crest width of approximately one meter and
side slopes of approximately 2(H):1(V). The berm would be covered with approximately 0.3 meters
(12 inches) of PGM and revegetated as discussed in Section 20.4.2.
Reclamation of the Process Facility would include decommissioning of all processing equipment. To the
extent feasible, used equipment would be salvaged and sold. In the estimate it was assume that costs for
equipment decommissioning would be offset by the salvage value of the used equipment.
Fences installed around the process area would be left in place to prevent access to the site and provide
continued security to minimize public health and safety risks.
The mill site area would be regraded, covered with a 0.3 meter (12 inch) PGM cover, ripped to prepare a
suitable seed bedding surface, and revegetated using a native seed mix.
At closure the following steps would be completed to minimize erosion potential at the TSF.
2. Bridging of impounded tailings with approximately 0.67 meters (2 feet) of non-PAG rock material
3. Cover of rock bridging material in the impoundment and the entire embankment area with
approximately 0.3 meters (12 inches) of salvaged PGM
2. Placement of PGM to a thickness of approximately 0.3 meters (12 inches) of salvaged PGM
20.4.11 Tailings Slurry, TSF Reclaim, Barren Solution and PLS Pipelines
Pipelines would be installed to direct tailings slurry from the process facility to the TSF, tailings reclaim
water to the TSF contact water pond, and tailings reclaim water from the pond to the process facility.
Additional pipelines would be installed at the HLP to direct barren solution from the ADR facility to the
HLP and PLS from the HLP to the ADR. All TSF and HLP pipelines would be removed upon cessation of
mining activities. Reclamation activities would include excavation and removal of buried pipelines and
removal of pipelines installed at the surface. Pipe segments would be tested for contamination levels and
disposed of at the MRSF or at a hazardous waste landfill as determined by contamination characterization.
The construction schedule accounts for four years of pre-production activities. The operations are
planned to operate at a rate of 10 ktpd for oxide material and 10 ktpd for sulfide materials; where sulfide
mining starts in year nine of mine operations.
The Project will be subject to a 35% federal income tax, a 9.4% Alaska state income tax, a property tax of
1.3%, a mining license tax of 7%, and an Alaska production royalty of 3%.
Diesel fuel price used is $3.00/gal. Electric power costs are $0.130/kWh, which include provision for
demand and energy charges.
Metallurgical testwork supports the assumed oxide and sulfide material recovery rates of 80% and 90%,
21.3.6 60 – Infrastructure
LoM infrastructure capital cost requirements are estimated at $21 million as summarized in Table 21-10.
Initial capital of $10 million is required to commence operations and a sustaining capital of $11 million.
21.3.8 80 – Indirects
LoM indirect capital cost requirements are estimated at $19 million as summarized in Table 21-12. Initial
capital of $4 million is required to commence operations and a sustaining capital of $15 million.
Refining charges, transportation, and royalties are not included in the operating cost estimate.
21.5.1 Royalties
Royalties are estimated on NSR at a rate of 2%.
21.5.2 Taxes
Federal Tax
Corporate federal income tax is determined by computing and paying the higher of a regular tax or a
Tentative Minimum Tax (TMT). If the TMT exceeds the regular tax, the difference is called the Alternative
Minimum Tax (AMT). Regular tax is computed by subtracting all allowable operating expenses, overhead,
depreciation, amortization and depletion from current year revenues to arrive at taxable income. The tax
rate is then determined from the published progressive tax schedule (35% for the Project). An operating
loss may be used to offset taxable income, thereby reducing taxes owed. A 3.5 year tax holiday on the
State of Alaska Production royalty is currently in place.
State income tax is calculated in the same manner as federal tax, however it takes 9.4% of taxable income
after the deduction of federal income tax.
Property Tax
Property tax is calculated using an estimated 1.3% of the net of gross income and direct operating costs.
Production Royalty
Project cost estimates and economics are prepared on an annual basis. Based upon design criteria
presented in this report, the level of accuracy of the estimate is considered ±35%.
Project economics are based primarily on inputs developed in the preliminary economic assessment.
Economic results suggest the following conclusions:
• Mine Life: 24 years;
• Pre-Tax NPV5%: $213 million; IRR: 20.0%;
• Post-Tax NPV5%: $188 million; IRR: 19.6%;
• Payback (Post-Tax): 3.3 years;
• Federal Income Taxes Paid: $58 million;
• State Income Tax Paid: $21 million;
• Mining License Tax Paid: $55 million;
• Cash costs of $842/oz; and
• Initial project capital of $88 million, sustaining project capital of $348 million, and total project
capital of $437 million.
Technical economic tables and figures presented require subsequent calculations to derive subtotals,
totals, and weighted averages. Such calculations inherently involve a degree of rounding. Where these
occur they are not considered to be material.
Operating Profit - $457.82 $000s 1,057,753 0 0 0 0 21,666 35,157 36,566 34,786 30,227 33,174 9,970 10,777 14,500 60,861 95,781 44,885 42,485 47,206 49,164 67,223 72,996 39,980 44,205 41,192 45,333 40,434 75,450 63,737 0 0 0
Capital Costs
Project Capital:
10 Mining $000s 150,528 0 0 9,131 30,613 0 0 0 0 0 344 0 0 8,282 46,768 24,254 23,837 4,515 673 1,606 344 0 26 0 0 135 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Crushing & SAG Mill Circuits $000s 13,805 0 0 1,569 2,353 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Heap Leach (Oxide) $000s 35,133 0 0 0 11,410 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Process Plant (Sulfide) $000s 27,894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Tailings Storage Facility $000s 67,774 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,394 0 0 15,449 0 0 0 38,932 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Infrastructure $000s 21,131 0 0 0 10,131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
70 Construction $000s 68,998 0 0 0 12,095 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56,903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Indirect Costs $000s 19,221 0 0 0 3,879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,342 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Owner's Costs $000s 32,224 1,810 2,810 1,310 1,310 150 150 150 150 150 150 650 800 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 17,834 0 0
Project Capital $000s 436,708 1,810 2,810 12,010 71,790 2,127 2,127 2,127 2,127 2,127 2,471 2,627 137,193 10,559 49,045 41,980 26,114 4,815 973 40,838 644 300 326 300 300 435 300 300 300 17,834 0 0
Working Capital:
Beginning Balance $000s 389,159 0 0 0 0 0 8,612 8,709 8,433 8,579 8,479 8,356 8,377 8,545 11,551 16,620 21,864 29,462 29,969 25,852 21,631 22,090 22,218 22,341 20,146 19,574 17,746 17,231 14,896 7,881 0 0
Ending Balance 20% $000s 389,159 0 0 0 0 8,612 8,709 8,433 8,579 8,479 8,356 8,377 8,545 11,551 16,620 21,864 29,462 29,969 25,852 21,631 22,090 22,218 22,341 20,146 19,574 17,746 17,231 14,896 7,881 0 0 0
Required Working Capital $000s 0 0 0 0 0 8,612 96 (276) 146 (100) (123) 21 168 3,005 5,069 5,244 7,599 506 (4,117) (4,221) 460 127 123 (2,195) (572) (1,828) (514) (2,336) (7,015) (7,881) 0 0
Total Capital - - $000s 436,708 1,810 2,810 12,010 71,790 10,739 2,223 1,851 2,273 2,027 2,348 2,648 137,361 13,565 54,114 47,224 33,713 5,321 (3,143) 36,617 1,103 427 449 (1,895) (272) (1,393) (214) (2,036) (6,715) 9,953 0 0
Cumulative - $000s - 1,810 4,620 16,630 88,420 99,159 101,383 103,234 105,507 107,534 109,882 112,530 249,891 263,456 317,570 364,793 398,506 403,827 400,684 437,300 438,404 438,831 439,280 437,385 437,113 435,720 435,506 433,470 426,755 436,708 436,708 436,708
Estimate of Cash Flow
Operating Profit $000s 1,057,753 0 0 0 0 21,666 35,157 36,566 34,786 30,227 33,174 9,970 10,777 14,500 60,861 95,781 44,885 42,485 47,206 49,164 67,223 72,996 39,980 44,205 41,192 45,333 40,434 75,450 63,737 0 0 0
Project Capital $000s (436,708) (1,810) (2,810) (12,010) (71,790) (10,739) (2,223) (1,851) (2,273) (2,027) (2,348) (2,648) (137,361) (13,565) (54,114) (47,224) (33,713) (5,321) 3,143 (36,617) (1,103) (427) (449) 1,895 272 1,393 214 2,036 6,715 (9,953) 0 0
Federal Tax $000s (58,386) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3,370) (7,491) (3,160) (4,367) (4,181) (4,983) (4,314) (13,315) (13,205) 0 0 0
State Tax $000s (21,169) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,222) (2,716) (1,146) (1,583) (1,516) (1,807) (1,564) (4,827) (4,788) 0 0 0
Alaska Production Royalty $000s (7,877) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (494) (56) 0 0 (494) (934) (93) (77) (222) (262) (529) (642) (271) (374) (358) (427) (370) (1,141) (1,132) 0 0 0
Post-Tax Cash Flow $000s 533,613 (1,810) (2,810) (12,010) (71,790) 10,927 32,933 34,714 32,513 28,200 30,333 7,266 (126,584) 935 6,254 47,622 11,080 37,086 50,128 12,286 60,999 61,720 34,954 39,775 35,409 39,510 34,399 58,202 51,327 (9,953) 0 0
Cumulative $000s - (1,810) (4,620) (16,630) (88,420) (77,493) (44,560) (9,846) 22,668 50,868 81,201 88,466 (38,118) (37,183) (30,929) 16,693 27,773 64,859 114,987 127,272 188,271 249,991 284,945 324,719 360,128 399,638 434,037 492,240 543,566 533,613 533,613 533,613
Present Value 5% $000s 187,742 (1,810) (2,676) (10,893) (62,015) 8,990 25,804 25,904 23,107 19,087 19,553 4,460 (74,011) 520 3,317 24,053 5,329 16,990 21,871 5,105 24,139 23,262 12,546 13,597 11,528 12,251 10,158 16,369 13,748 (2,539) 0 0
NPV $000s - (1,810) (4,486) (15,380) (77,395) (68,405) (42,601) (16,697) 6,410 25,497 45,050 49,510 (24,501) (23,981) (20,664) 3,389 8,718 25,708 47,578 52,683 76,822 100,084 112,630 126,227 137,756 150,006 160,164 176,533 190,281 187,742 187,742 187,742
IRR - 20%
Payback years 3.3 8
Project Sensitivity at a post-tax basis is shown in Figure 22-1. As shown below, the Project is most sensitive
to revenue. Sensitivity to operating and capital costs is closely matched, with the project being more
sensitive to operating costs. These results are typical of similar projects.
The qualified person has not independently verified the past production, resources or reserve estimates
of any adjacent properties. Results from adjacent properties are not necessarily indicative of the
mineralization on the property that is the subject of the technical report.
A search of State of Alaska, federal records and publicly-available literature was conducted to locate
information regarding hydrogeologic conditions at or near the Project property. The following
information was identified.
• Records of three water wells on the property, nine wells within approximately six km
(3.7 miles) northwest, southwest and south of the property, and four wells at the Fort Knox
mine were obtained from ADNR.
• Several United States Geological Survey (USGS) reports regarding groundwater quality in the
vicinity of Fairbanks, but not within the property, were obtained.
• Numerous documents regarding the Fort Knox mine, including permit information and annual
reports, were obtained from the ADNR.
• No other publicly-available literature or hydrogeologic data specific to the Project property
were identified for use in this study.
The geology of the Project is described in Abrams and Giroux (2013); the following description is taken
from that document. The majority of the Project is underlain by the Fairbanks Schist; rocks of the
Chatanika Terrane are present beneath the northern edges of the property. Both rock units are comprised
primarily of schist and are similar both lithologically and in appearance. The two units are in contact
across the east-northeast-trending Chatanika Thrust Fault, which carries the Chatanika Terrane southward
over the Fairbanks Schist. The thrust fault itself is offset by a series of northeast-trending, steeply-dipping
normal faults. In addition, a number of shorter, more closely-spaced, normal faults trend east-west
through the north-central part of the property. Mineralization is hosted in shear zones and auriferous
quartz veins oriented northwest-southeast in the eastern part of the property and east-west in the
western part of the property.
The water table is anticipated to reflect the topography, but with subdued relief. Reported depths to
static water levels in wells at and near the Project were reported to range from 2.1 m (6.9 ft) below the
land surface in the valley bottoms to 68.6 m (225 ft) below the land surface in upland areas. Reported
yields of water supply wells ranged from 16 to 491 m3/day (3 to 90 gallons per minute (gpm)), and
dewatering wells at the Fort Knox mine were reported to have capacities up to approximately
1,000 m3/day (183 gpm). Groundwater flow on a local scale is anticipated to be from bedrock in the
upland areas toward the valleys and thence down-valley in the alluvial deposits or dredge tailings.
Regional-scale groundwater flow cannot be determined from available data.
Table 24-2: Summary of Groundwater Quality for Fort Knox Mine Dewatering Wells
FGMI (2008) reported baseline (pre-mining) concentrations of TDS, iron, manganese, arsenic and
antimony for 43 groundwater samples from alluvial wells and 46 samples from bedrock wells in the Fish
Creek valley near the current Fort Knox tailings storage facility. The results are summarized in Table 24-3.
That report also noted that concentrations of iron and manganese were elevated after placer mining in
that area but before initiation of mining at Fort Knox. Lang Farmer et al. (1998) reported that arsenic
concentrations in the Fairbanks area are highly variable both spatially and between wells, and relatively
high concentrations of arsenic in water reflect a naturally high regional background.
Table 24-3: Summary of Baseline Groundwater Quality for Fort Knox Alluvial and Bedrock Wells
The manner in which precipitation becomes runoff is a function of site topography, soil characteristics,
vegetative cover and geology. Surface water management designs were developed by evaluation of
typical meteorological conditions (monthly precipitation totals) and statistical design storms, which are
discussed in greater detail below.
Water management design criteria were developed using Alaska coal mining regulations as a basis. Design
storm selection for sizing of facilities was dependent upon the characteristics of the water being stored
or conveyed. Stated differently, design criteria were based on whether water contacted mine affected
surfaces (runoff) or undisturbed areas (run-on). A summary of the design storms and their basis is
presented below.
Rainfall Depth
Design Storm Water Management Facility
100-year, 24-hour 3.83/96 Runoff from Tailings, Waste Rock or Heap Leach
Facilities. Pit dewatering.
100-year, 6-hour 2.15/54 Run-on diversion of perennial streams
10-year, 24-hour 2.18/55 Sediment Ponds
10-year, 6-hour 1.31/33 Run-on diversion of overland flow
Design storm depths were defined using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA)
point precipitation frequency data server. Temporal distributions were selected from the All Cases data
set and 10 percent exceedence was assumed, for conservatism.
Basin areas were delineated within ArcGIS using LiDAR topography. Areas were exported for further
evaluation within AutoCAD Civil 3D and to define hydrologic modeling parameters.
Hydrologic modeling was performed using HEC-HMS software to determine peak flow rates and volumes
for each basin and facility. Within HEC-HMS, losses to soil were characterized using the Soil Conservation
Service (SCS) curve number method and direct runoff was calculated using the SCS unit hydrograph. A
curve number of 80 was assigned to the upland areas, to represent a combination of evergreen and aspen
trees, with grass understory. Curve number estimates for the facilities ranged between 84 and 88 and
may be adjusted in future studies as material properties become available. The SCS unit hydrograph is
based on time of concentration, or the time necessary for water to travel from the hydraulically most
remote point to the basin outlet. The unit hydrograph is further defined by the lag time parameter.
Assuming uniform distribution of runoff, time of concentration (Tc) and lag time (Tlag) are related based
on the following equation:
Tlag = 0.6*Tc
Time of concentration calculations were performed for the largest basins: W2, W4, T2 and T3 and found
to be very near the minimum value of 6.0 minutes. Lag times were therefore 3.6 minutes for all basins.
The singular exception to the above is the time of concentration for the MRSF was calculated as 10
minutes, resulting in a lag time of 6 minutes.
Rainfall and snowmelt would accumulate on site as either run-on from undisturbed areas or contact water
runoff from mine-affected surfaces. These waters would be managed by a series conveyance channels
and detention basins. Run-on channels would divert non-mine affected waters around facilities and
confluence with existing natural channels downstream. Runoff channels would direct mine-affected
water from the MRSF and HLP into dedicated stormwater ponds. Waters associated with the TSF would
be contained within the TSF embankment. All contact water would either be incorporated into the
process circuit or treated and released.
7,219,000N 7,219,000N
7,218,000N 7,218,000N
W4 7,216,000N
7,215,000N AREA 7,215,000N
7,214,000N 7,214,000N
ENGINEER'S SEAL Scale: As Noted Issued for: Issued by:
Designed by: K. JOHNSON
Drawn by:
Checked by:
Project: Project no.:
Rev Description BY Date
Location: Date:
24.2.2 Surface Water Management
Surface water management addresses the protection of the natural environment and site facilities by
means of conveyance and detention structures. Site facilities include the Tailings Storage Facility (TSF),
the Heap Leach Pad (HLP), the Mine Rock Storage Facility (MRSF) and the Open Pit.
Run-on from areas upland of mine facilities would be diverted to protect infrastructure and maintain pre-
development hydrology to the greatest extent practicable. Areas associated with the mine facilities and
upland zones are presented in Table 24-6. For calculation purposes, each basin or facility was assigned a
unique ID, presented in the table below and depicted in Figure 24-1.
Conveyance channel dimensions were determined using Manning’s equation based on the peak flow rates
from HEC-HMS. For diversions serving multiple basins, no attenuation, or diminishing of hydrograph
peaks during travel was assumed for conservatism. Minimum longitudinal grades were assumed to be
2%. Conveyance channels and stormwater ponds that serve the MRSF and HLP were assumed to be lined
with geosynthetic material. Channels conveying run-on from undisturbed uplands were assumed to be
earthen with rock and gravels sized similarly with existing, natural channels on site. The TSF embankment,
HLP and MRSF runoff conveyance channels and stormwater ponds are designed as zero discharge facilities
under the Solid Waste Permit. As such, each was designed using the 100-year, 24-hour storm criteria.
Design criteria for diversions and mine facilities are summarized in Table 24-7 and Table 24-8,
Peak Flow Channel
Diversions Liner Material
(cfs)/(m3/s) Length
MRSF Runoff Conveyance 191/5.4 31,820/9,700 Geosynthetic
HLP Runoff Conveyance 9/0.25 4,265/1,300 Geosynthetic
T2/T4 Diversion 467/13.2 6,889/2,100 Earthen/Gravel/Rock
T3/W4/T5 Diversion 658/18.6 10,497/3,200 Earthen/Gravel/Rock
H2/W3/W2 Diversion 693/19.6 5,249/1,600 Earthen/Gravel/Rock
P3 Diversion 138/3.9 1,968/600 Earthen/Gravel/Rock
P2/P4 Diversion 236/6.7 7,738/2,360 Earthen/Gravel/Rock
Facilities (acre- Liner Material
MRSF Stormwater Pond 69.5/85,730 Geosynthetic
HLP Stormwater Pond 2.8/3,450 Geosynthetic
Facility Stormwater Pond 4.7/5,800 Earthen
Bedrock Detention Pond 27.5/34,000 Earthen
TSF Embankment 33/40,580 Geosynthetic
Design of the box culverts to be placed at an estimated six locations to protect haul road and stream
crossings are not included in this study. However, these items are included as a cost contingency.
Run-on diversion channels would follow side slope contours around the facilities they serve and connect
with existing natural channels at a downstream endpoint. It is assumed that the strip of land that
separates the south side of the TSF from the north side of the MRSF would be maintained throughout the
LoM, allowing the diversion channel to remain functional (not to be encroached upon by the ultimate
MRSF footprint). MRSF and HLP runoff channels would terminate into stormwater ponds that would be
pumped back into process or to treatment prior to release. The MRSF and HLP runoff channels and
stormwater ponds would allow an additional 1-foot of freeboard. The TSF embankment would be
designed to store tailings solids, supernatant water and the storm volume specified above. Additional
freeboard is recommended to accommodate wave run-up and ice formation on the supernatant pond. In
addition to the runoff within the TSF, seepage would be collected from both the overdrain and underdrain
systems; seepage would need to be diverted back into the TSF embankment, or stored within a dedicated
pond. Project cost estimates assume a dedicated pond.
• Mine dewatering (estimated as 4,000 to 6,000 m3/day) (Reference the hydrogeology section);
• Contact water from MRSF, Pit faces, TSF and HLP;
• Run-on from basins undisturbed by mining;
• Well water and
• Mineralized Material moisture.
• Water entrained within the tailings slurry (a fraction of this water is recovered via decant
processes and recycled back into the process circuit);
• Evaporative and seepage losses from the TSF;
• Evaporative loss from other contact or stormwater ponds; and
• Treatment and release processes (e.g. treatment and release of wastewater).
Site water would be managed to minimize the volumes requiring treatment prior release by utilizing
dewatering and contact water within the process circuit and by separating run-on and contact water
streams to the greatest extent practicable. Run-on from basins undisturbed by mining would be diverted
around mine facilities to confluence with existing natural channels below. Considering the ultimate
configuration of mine affected surfaces, approximately 524 hectares (1,294 acres) of the site would
contribute roughly 1.13 million cubic meters (m3) (915 acre-feet) of runoff each year near the end of the
LoM that must either be retained, recycled or treated. (SCS method applied to annual total precipitation
applied to ultimate mine affected surfaces; conservative, as some precipitation would occur as snowfall).
Process water requirements and tailings characteristics are not well defined at the time of this Report.
However, the initial estimate for make-up water required for process is approximately 0.03 m3/s
(500 gallons per minute). Weighing this requirement against the flow rates associated with the various
sources on site, a net surplus of water is assumed for the Project site. This estimate is consistent with
similar mining operations located nearby.
A site visit was conducted between May 6 and May 7, 2014 to look over the surface geology of the mine
site and inspect diamond rock core samples as an integral part of the geochemical waste rock
characterization. The core laboratory was located on the north corner of the junction of Alaska Highway 2
and Goldstream Road in Fox, Alaska. Core was stored under water proof tarps on pallets outside with
core cutting and viewing facilities available in the shed.
A total of 23 samples representing the spatial, lithologic, and oxide/sulfide range of the site geology were
viewed and selected for analysis. Figure 24-4 depicts the surface locations of available cores from the
Project. These bores appear in Figure 24-5 projected in 3D over the oxide/sulfide block model as supplied
by the client. As shown in Figure 24-5, borehole distribution appears to adequately penetrate and
represent the current mineralized Dolphin body.
Table 24-9 lists the core samples and intervals used in the geochemical characterization.
Table 24-9: Core Samples and Intervals for Waste Rock Characterization
Sample ID Rock Type Borehole
From To
GSDC_4 GSDC1129 121.2 127.5
GSDC_8 GSDC1149 60.5 69.5
GSDC_20 GSDC1132 31.3 42
GSDC_21 GSDC1150 60.6 69.8
GSDC_22 GSDC1132 37.5 45
GSDC_24 GSDC1174 779 785
GSDC_11 Granodiorite/Quartzite GSCL1224 218 224.5
GSDC_19 Tonalite GSDC1132 294.7 310.5
GSDC_3 GSDC1160 30.5 39.5
GSDC_7 GSDC1155 140.5 150.5
GSDC_14 GSCL1201 132.7 146.5
GSDC_18 GSDL1215 425 436.7
GSDC_16 GSDC1162 56 70
Albitic Greenschist GSDC1171 54.4 58.2
GSDC1171 59.5 65.8
GSCL1209 42.9 45.5
Graphitic Schist GSCL1209 48.3 51
GSDC_15 GSDC1158 151 155
GSDC_23 Marble GSDC1156 546 629
GSDC_1 GSDC1143 160.6 168.5
GSDC_12 GSCD1134 37.5 51
GSDC_5 Breccia Gouge/Granodiorite GSDC1147 380 389
GSDC_2 Fault/Vein GSCH1204 160.6 164.5
Number of Percentage
Samples of Samples
Granodiorite 6 28.6
Granodiorite/Quartzite 1 4.8
Tonalite 1 4.8
Schist 4 19.0
Albitic Greenschist 2 9.5
Graphitic Schist 2 9.5
Marble 1 4.8
Skarn/Hornfels 2 9.5
Breccia Gouge/Granodiorite 1 4.8
Fault/Vein 1 4.8
A total of seven samples underwent mineralogical quantification. All 21 samples underwent water
leachability testing to estimate constituent mobility upon meteoric water contact (by Synthetic
Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP)), acid-base accounting (ABA) to assess their potential to generate
and neutralize acid, and net acid generating (NAG) pH testing to determine the pH upon complete
oxidation of sulfide minerals. Results from this stage of testing show:
• Two of the seven samples have measurable pyrite based on mineralogical quantification with
percentages of 0.2% and 1.4%. Acid neutralizing minerals are present as calcite, observed in
three of the seven samples with concentrations ranging from 4.4% to 20.4%. Ankerite,
another acid neutralizing mineral, is present in two of the seven samples with concentrations
of 0.3% and 1.3%.
• Total elemental arsenic in excess of 1,000 parts per million (ppm) is reported in six of the
21 samples across various lithologies. Total elemental lead in excess of 1,000 ppm is reported
in two of the 21 samples from the granodiorite rock type.
• The pH of leachate generated by the SPLP is predominantly slightly alkaline to alkaline. In all,
20 of the 21 samples report values above the upper Reference Value threshold of 8.5. A total
of six samples report arsenic concentrations above the Reference Value of 0.15 mg/L. A
correlation with total element arsenic concentrations (exceedences of 1,000 ppm) is observed
in four of the six samples. A total of five of the 21 samples reported iron concentrations above
the Reference Value of 1.0 mg/L. Isolated exceedences of copper, lead, and zinc were also
reported from the granodiorite rock type.
• A total of six of the 21 samples are classified as potentially acid generating across a range of
rock types. Furthermore, NAG pH results show a wide range of values between 2.8 to 11.0,
with a total of three of the 21 samples reporting a value less than 4.5. Insufficient acid
neutralization capacity exists in the majority of the represented samples to counteract acidity
that may theoretically be generated as a result of weathering processes. Appreciable acid
neutralizing potential is observed in only two of the 21 samples.
Three main rock units underlie the Property, including rocks of the Fairbanks Schist, rocks of the Chatanika
Terrane, and intrusive rocks (Figure 7-2). The Fairbanks Schist and Chatanika Terrane have both been
subjected to one or more periods of regional metamorphism. The intrusive bodies are post-
metamorphism. Chatanika Terrane rocks are found structurally above the Fairbanks Schist and north of
the Chatanika Thrust fault and comprise the northernmost portion of the property. Intrusive rocks are
relatively minor on the Property, and are primarily represented by the Dolphin stock, although small
granitic dikes are known in several locations.
The Dolphin stock is located on the ridge between Bedrock and Willow Creek. Initial diamond core logging
identified five intrusive phases within the Dolphin stock, including: 1) fine- to medium-grained,
equigranular to weakly porphyritic biotite granodiorite; 2) fine- to medium-grained, equigranular to
weakly porphyritic hornblende-biotite tonalite; 3) fine-grained biotite granite porphyry; 4) fine-grained
biotite rhyolite to rhyodacite porphyry; and 5) rare fine-grained, chlorite-altered mafic dikes (Adams and
Giroux, 2012).
Limited drill data suggests the north and west contacts of the Dolphin stock are fault contacts (Adams and
Giroux, 2012). The south and east contacts are largely intrusive contacts with minor faulting
25.2 M INING
Mine production constraints were imposed to ensure that mining wasn’t overly aggressive with respect
to the equipment anticipated for use at the Project. The schedule has been produced using mill targets
and stockpiling strategies to enhance the project economics. The constraints and limits used are
reasonable to support the project economics.
Pit designs were created using 10 m benches for mining with a catch bench every level. This corresponds
to the resource model block heights, and Tetra Tech believes this to be reasonable with respect to mining
loss and the equipment anticipated to be used in mining.
Groundwater is expected to be present in two units: unconsolidated deposits consisting of alluvium and
dredge tailings along the valley floors, and fractured bedrock throughout the property. The degree of
bedrock fracturing, and therefore the hydraulic conductivity, are expected to be highly variable. Reported
depths to groundwater in nearby water wells ranged from 2.1 m (6.9 ft) below the land surface in the
valley bottoms to 68.6 m (225 ft) below the land surface in upland areas. Reported yields of water supply
wells ranged from 16 to 491 m3/day (3 to 90 gpm), and dewatering wells at the Fort Knox mine were
reported to have capacities up to approximately 1,000 m3/day (183 gpm). Groundwater flow on a local
scale is anticipated to be from bedrock in the upland areas toward the valleys and thence down-valley in
Planned open pit mining at the property would extend below the water table, and dewatering would be
required for maintaining pit wall stability and dry conditions within the pit. Because of weather
conditions, a well system would likely be the most feasible dewatering method. The mine pit would
intersect the water approximately six months to one year after the start of mining, but dewatering would
need to start earlier in order for the pumping effects to extend throughout the required area. The
estimated annual average pumping rate was approximately 410 m3/day (75 gpm) initially, increased to
approximately 4,460 m3/day (818 gpm) by the third year of mining, declined slightly through the eighth
year of mining, and then increased gradually to approximately 6,600 m3/day (1,210 gpm) near the end of
the mine life. The number of wells required for dewatering is estimated to range from two initially to
16 later in the mine life.
Data would need to be collected to characterize the site-specific hydrogeologic conditions and develop
site-specific designs for dewatering.
Development of the project will require extensive environmental baseline analyses, assessment of
environmental impacts and evaluation, and associated permitting requirements reflective of the direct,
indirect and cumulative impacts associated with full project build-out, and the sensitive environment in
which it is to be constructed. The complexity of the environmental impact review and permitting of the
various facilities will be dependent on siting of facilities in relationship to the various creeks and valleys
surrounding the project development target areas. This PEA provides preliminary siting information of
facilities such as tailings disposal, waste rock, and leach pads. Baseline and environmental studies that
will be required to move the project toward permitting can now be planned, implemented, and modified
as necessary as the project progresses through the prefeasibility and feasibility planning process.
Required environmental data for this Project will include on-the-ground studies to delineate jurisdictional
wetlands. These data will be required to meet a number of needs including permitting, mine design,
location of facilities, mine construction and operations. Freegold Ventures, Ltd. has initiated consultation
with the State’s Large Mine Permitting Team (LMPT) to begin the process of project planning,
development and environmental permitting. Through this process the LMPT will assist in developing a
broader environmental baseline program.
The recommendations are designed to further advance the Project and as such should be undertaken
independently of each part of the program. Total recommended program is budgeted at $8.5 million.
Task Recommended
Costs ($000s)
Geology & Resources $3,000
Mining $1,000
Groundwater Hydrogeology $500
Water Management $120
Metallurgy & Process $250
Tailings Storage Facility $250
Heap Leach Facility $150
Geochemical $400
Environmental Permitting &
Regulatory Compliance
Total $8,470
It is recommended that the following actions be initiated to further understanding of the resource:
• Increase the Dolphin/Cleary Hill gold resource by a) drilling shallow to moderate depth holes
in un-tested areas adjacent to the southwest, north and west portions of the deposit, b)
drilling a limited number of exploration drill holes in locations more distal to the resource,
and c) drilling strategically located infill drill holes to move more ounces into the drill indicated
category. Exploration drill holes should target areas where gold-bismuth anomalous soils are
known to the south of the deposit and on the west side of Willow Creek, and areas where
IP/resistivity survey data suggests the presence of possible shallow intrusive rocks to the
southwest of the deposit. Approximately an additional 15,000 meters of drilling
recommended for the Dolphin/Cleary area - approximate cost of this program is $3,000,000
(Figure 26-1).
• It is recommended that during future drill campaigns more attention is paid to getting
representative specific gravity determinations from oxide material.
Geophysics has proven to be an effective tool in the Dolphin/Cleary Area. The resistivity lows track the
alteration extremely well and match well with the coincident gold geochemistry. A significant gold
geochemical anomaly has been delineated on the newly acquired Mental Health Trust Land. A ground
geophysical survey should be carried out over that portion of the property. RAB drilling completed to the
north of the current resource outlined an area of potential gold mineralization. Additional drilling is
warranted to the west, north and southwest to expand upon the oxide portion of the current resource.
Additional drilling, metallurgical testing, environmental analyses and studies, and other and property
acquisition activities will need to be undertaken as the project moves toward preliminary feasibility.
26.2 M INING
• The current pit slope geotechnical is based on review of drill logs and site observations. A full
geotechnical pit slope investigation should be conducted using the latest drilling information,
the latest pit designs and a geotechnical borehole drilling/lab analysis program. The
estimated budget for the geotechnical investigation is $500,000.
• In order to ensure that there is no economic resource under the planned MRSF and/or leach
areas, a comprehensive condemnation drilling program should be instituted. The estimated
budget for the condemnation drilling investigation is $400,000.
• Perform lab testing/analysis on the mineralized rock types to determine if a jaw crusher could
be used instead of a gyratory crusher to potentially lower capital and operating costs. The
estimated budget for the crushing investigation is $50,000.
A basic groundwater monitoring system should include monitoring wells in bedrock and alluvium
upgradient and downgradient from planned disturbance areas. Initially, all wells would provide data on
background conditions unaffected by mining activity associated with the Project. This should include
baseline groundwater quality in areas previously disturbed by placer mining. During the Project life, wells
upgradient of planned disturbance areas would monitor groundwater quality conditions unaffected by
the Project activities, while wells downgradient from planned disturbance areas would monitor for water
quality changes in areas potentially affected by the Project activities.
For dewatering system design, at least one aquifer test within the proposed pit footprint would be
required. Hydrogeologic investigation plans should be incorporated into the ongoing exploration drilling
program. Cost savings could be realized in that manner. Exploration core holes often can provide valuable
hydrogeologic information if routine but specific efforts are made to 1) collect and record appropriate
data (such as groundwater occurrences, static water levels, factures, and other high-permeability zones
When site-specific hydrogeologic information becomes available, mine dewatering plans and cost
estimates based on the site-specific data should be developed.
The cost of developing and implementing a hydrologic investigation and monitoring plan as described
above is estimated to be $500,000. The cost estimate is based on the assumptions that eight monitoring
wells (three to approximately 75 m [250 ft], two to approximately 30 m [100 ft] and three to approximately
15 m [50 ft]) and one pumping well (to 150 m [500 ft]) would be installed and slug-tested, two 1-day and
one 7-day aquifer tests would be conducted on selected wells, water-level data loggers would be installed
for continuous monitoring of water levels in all the wells, and water-quality samples would be collected
quarterly for one year. Water-quality samples would be analyzed for the following parameters:
• Metals (dissolved and total): aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, calcium, chromium,
cobalt, copper, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, potassium,
selenium, silver, sodium, and zinc;
• Metals (total): barium, beryllium, boron, lithium, mercury (low-level), thallium, and
vanadium; and
• General Chemistry: pH (field and lab), specific conductance (field and lab), temperature (field
and lab), hardness, total alkalinity, total acidity, total dissolved solids, chloride, sulfate,
carbonate, bicarbonate, fluoride, ammonia as N, nitrate plus nitrite as N, total organic carbon,
dissolved organic carbon, cyanide (total and WAD).
• Bench scale bio-oxidation testwork on all identifiable sulfide material types. The oxidation
testwork should explore the following:
Grind size vs. recovery relationship;
Comparative tests on different bacteria types;
Reagent dosages and consumptions;
• A trade-off study of alternate tailings storage methods should be undertaken that includes
consideration of thickened and dry stack approaches.
• A subsurface geotechnical investigation including materials characterization via field and
laboratory testing should be performed at the proposed footprint to assess foundation
conditions and potential construction materials. The assessment of potential permafrost
conditions should be undertaken as part of this investigation. Geotechnical characterization
of tailings samples should be undertaken.
• Geotechnical stability and seepage assessment of select stages of the TSF development
should be undertaken that include thermal analyses and potential ice entrainment
• Geochemical assessment of tailings and mine waste.
• The design of containment features should be developed based on seepage and stability
assessments that consider material properties, site conditions, and regulatory requirements.
Contaminant fate and transport modelling should be undertaken to support determination of
containment requirements.
• Design of water management features, including diversion size and alignment, and
incorporating seasonal climate and mine site water balance considerations.
• A staged construction plan should be developed with consideration of site features, climate,
and the mine schedule.
• Geotechnical and environmental monitoring plan developed that includes consideration of
monitoring instrument type and position, and locations of groundwater monitoring wells.
• Additional static testing to reflect the waste proportions and tonnages of rock type that will
comprise the waste rock facility. The geochemistry team will evaluate the proposed
proportional tonnages of each rock type and then calculate the number of samples required
to support decision making at the PFS level. The available core data will then be reviewed
and representative samples will be selected for static testing.
• Kinetic testing involves weathering tests to aid prediction of drainage quality from mine
wastes. Two rates are obtained from kinetic testing - Weathering Rate (rate (mass per unit
time) at which a primary mineral is transformed into a secondary product (soluble species or
insoluble mineral) and Release Rate (the mass efflux (per unit mass of bulk rock) of an element
or species away from a unit mass of rock, per unit time). As there is no single test that
produces all of the chemical information required to evaluate all mine wastes under all
conditions of disposal, the objectives of the testing will be discussed with the mine planners
and an appropriate kinetic test method will be selected to best simulate site conditions. It is
recommended that kinetic testing be undertaken on individual lithologies as well as lithology
combinations to understand the interaction of acid generation and neutralization to minimize
deleterious drainage generation.
• Freegold has initiated consultation with the State’s Large Mine Permitting Team (LMPT) to
begin the process of project planning, development and environmental permitting. Through
this process, the LMPT would assist in developing a broader environmental baseline program.
• Owing to the long lead time for data collection, it is important that the baseline program
generates adequate data in terms of type, quality and quantity. For this reason, baseline
studies to support environmental impact assessments under NEPA and environmental
permitting should be initiated. Primary initial studies should include both desk-top and
ground verification wetlands delineation studies to support CWA Section 404 permitting,
meteorological monitoring for air quality permitting, characterization of site ground and
surface water hydrology and water quality, and flora and fauna studies. As previously
described, the major environmental driver for the Project would be the issuance of a CWA
Section 404 permit (wetlands) which will require an impacts assessment under NEPA. Several
years of environmental baseline studies are required in order to support an EA or EIS.
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McCoy, D.T., Newberry, R. J., Severin, K., Marion, P., Flanigan, B. and Freeman, C.J., 2002, Paragenesis and metal
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Jan., 2002, p. 33-38.
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AK Div. Geol. Geophys. Surv., PDF 96-16, 2 maps.
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Colorado, Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. G-1, p. 855-903.
Nokleberg, W.J., Moll-Stalcup, E.J., Miller, T.P., Brew, D.A., Grantz, A., Reed, J.C., Plafker, G., Moore, T.E., Silva, S.R.,
and Patton, W.W., Jr., 1994, Tectonostratigraphic terrane and overlap assemblage map of Alaska: USGS
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quadrangle, Alaska: United States Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-562.
None of the Consultants or any associates employed in the preparation of this report has any beneficial
interest in Freegold. The Consultants are not insiders, associates, or affiliates of Freegold. The results of
this Technical Report are not dependent upon any prior agreements concerning the conclusions to be
reached, nor are there any undisclosed understandings concerning any future business dealings between
Freegold and the Consultants. The Consultants are being paid a fee for their work in accordance with
normal professional consulting practice.
The following individuals, by virtue of their education, experience and professional association, are
considered Qualified Persons (QP) as defined in the NI 43-101 standard, for this report, and are members
in good standing of appropriate professional institutions.
This Technical Report was prepared by the following QPs, certificates for whom are contained herein:
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary
Economic Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource
Effective Date: May 31, 2013, Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and
amended and restated May 11, 2016.
I, Mark J. Abrams, C.P.G. of Reno, Nevada do hereby certify that:
1. I am a consulting geologist with an office at 604 Elko Summit Drive, Elko, Nevada 89801, USA.
2. I am a graduate of Eastern Washington University in 1978 with a B.S. degree; and in 1980 with a
M.S. degree, both in Geology. I am a member in good standing of the American Institute of
Professional Geologists #11451. I have practiced my profession continuously since 1979. I have
35 years of experience in all phases of mineral exploration and economic geology. I have read
the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 and certify that by
reason of education, experience, independence and affiliation with a professional association, I
meet the requirements of an Independent Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument
3. I visited the property on May 25 and 26, 2012.
4. I am responsible for Sections 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, and 12.0
of the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to NI 43-101.
6. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, and 43-101CP, and the Technical
Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to
be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.
Signed and dated May 11, 2016 at Elko, Nevada.
Original document dated, signed and sealed by Mark J. Abrams, C.P.G.
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary
Economic Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource Effective
Date: May 31, 2013, Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and amended
and restated May 11, 2016.
I, Jackie A. Blumberg, P.E. of Golden, CO, do hereby certify that:
1. I am a Water Resource Engineer at Tetra Tech, Inc. located at 350 Indiana Street, Suite 500,
Golden, CO 80401, USA.
2. I have a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Utah State University (2000). I hold a
Colorado Professional Engineering License (#43184). My relevant experience is that I have
practiced my profession as a Water Resource Engineer for 15 years. I have practiced my
discipline within the mining engineering framework for the past 3 years. I have provided
engineering services for numerous mine projects in arid environments: Nevada, Arizona, Utah,
New Mexico, Mexico and the Pilbara region of Australia. I am a “Qualified Person” for purposes
of National Instrument 43-101.
3. I have not visited or inspected the property.
4. I am responsible for Sections 18.8, 18.8.1, 18.8.2, 18.8.3, 18.8.4, 18.8.5, 24.2, 24.3, and 26.4 of
the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to NI 43-101.
6. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, and 43-101CP, and the Technical
Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to
be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.
Signed and dated May 11, 2016 at Golden, Colorado.
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary
Economic Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource
Effective Date: May 31, 2013, Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and
amended and restated May 11, 2016.
I, Gary H. Giroux, P.E. of North Vancouver, British Columbia, do hereby certify that:
1. I am a consulting geological engineer with an office at 1215-675 West Hastings Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia.
2. I am a graduate of the University of British Columbia in 1970 with a B.A. Sc. and in 1984 with a
M.A. Sc., both in Geological Engineering. I am a member in good standing of the Association of
Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of British Columbia. I have practiced
my profession continuously since 1970. I have had over 40 years experience calculating mineral
resources. I have previously completed resource estimations on a wide variety of intrusive
hosted gold deposits, including Brewery Creek, Kisladag and Red Mountain. I have read the
definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 and certify that by reason
of education, experience, independence and affiliation with a profesional association, I meet the
requirements of an Independent Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.
3. I have not visited or inspected the property.
4. I am responsible for Sections 1.6, 1.13.1, 14.0, 25.1, and 26.1 of the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
6. Before being retained by Freegold Ventures, I have had no prior involvement with the property
that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, and 43-101CP, and the Technical
Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to
be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.
Signed and dated May 11, 2016 at Vancouver, British Columbia.
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary
Economic Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource Effective
Date: May 31, 2013, Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and amended
and restated May 11, 2016.
I, Chris Johns, P.Eng. of Kelowna, British Columbia, do hereby certify that:
1. I am a Geological Engineer at Tetra Tech, Inc. EBA located at 150-1715 Dickson Avenue,
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
2. I am a graduate of Queen’s University, Ontario with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geological
Engineering (1994) and of the University of Alberta with a Master of Science degree in
Environmental Engineering (1999). My relevant experience includes 18 years of geological
engineering on projects involving design of waste containment facilities. I have been involved
with tailings storage facility design from scoping study through feasibility and construction
stage. I am a registered Professional Engineer in the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia,
and a Chartered Professional Engineer with the Institution of Engineers Australia. I am a
“Qualified Person” for purposes of National Instrument 43-101 (the “Instrument”).
3. I have not visited or inspected the property.
4. I am responsible for Sections 18.9, 18.10, 26.6, and 26.7 of the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to NI 43-101.
6. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, and 43-101CP, and the Technical
Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to
be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.
Signed and dated May 11, 2016 at Kelowna, British Colombia.
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary
Economic Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource Effective
Date: May 31, 2013, Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and amended
and restated May 11, 2016.
I, Edwin C. Lips, P.E. of Phoenix, Arizona do hereby certify that:
1. I am a Principal Mining Engineer at Tetra Tech, Inc. located at 350 Indiana Street, Suite 500,
Golden, CO 80401, USA.
2. I am a graduate of Montana Tech (Bachelor of Science degree in Mining Engineering, 1982).
I am a licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Nevada, license number
022863. My relevant experience is that I have practiced my profession as a mining engineer
continuously since graduation, for a total of 33 years. I am a “Qualified Person” for purposes of
National Instrument 43-101 (the “Instrument”).
3. I have visited and inspected the property on May 6, 2014.
4. I am responsible for Sections 1.8, 1.13.2, 15.0, 16.0, 25.2, and 26.2 of the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to NI 43-101.
6. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, and 43-101CP, and the Technical
Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to
be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.
Signed and dated May 11, 2016 at Phoenix, Arizona.
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary
Economic Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource Effective
Date: May 31, 2013, Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and amended
and restated May 11, 2016.
I, Nick Michael, QP of Lakewood, CO, do hereby certify that:
1. At the time this report was prepared, I was a Principal Mineral Economist at Tetra Tech located
at 350 Indiana Street, Suite 500, Golden, CO 80401.
2. I am a graduate of the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado USA in mining engineering
(1983) and received a MBA from Willamette University (1986). I have practiced my profession
continuously since 1987. Since 1990, I have completed valuations, evaluations (technical-
economic models), and have audited a variety of projects including exploration, pre-production
(feasibility-level), operating and mine closure projects. I have also served as expert witness with
respect to technical-economic issues. I am a “Qualified Person” for purposes of National
Instrument 43-101 (the “Instrument”). I am also a Registered Member of the Society of Mining,
Metallurgy, and Exploration (# 4104304) in good standing.
Nick Michael, QP
Principal Mineral Economist
Golder Associates Inc.
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary Economic
Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource Effective Date: May 31, 2013,
Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and amended and restated May 11, 2016.
I, David M. Richers, QP, P.G. of Golden, CO, do hereby certify that:
1. I am a Geochemist/Geologist at Tetra Tech, Inc. located at 350 Indiana Street, Suite 500, Golden, CO
80401, USA.
2. I have been practicing my profession as a geologist/geochemist for over 41 years since receiving my BS
degree in Geology from Pennsylvania State University in 1974. I also received an MS degree in
Geology/Geochemist in 1977 from University of Kentucky, and a PhD degree in Geology/ Geochemistry
from University of Kentucky in 1980. My relevant experience as a geologist and geochemist includes
geochemical site characterization services and mine geology. I have worked on mining projects in the
United States, Australia, Spain, and Canada including both surface and underground operations. My duties
routinely included participation in geochemical studies and programs aimed at protecting the
environment including quantification of geochemical processes for engineering design, closure planning
and impact analysis. My background also includes extensive work with acid rock drainage and metal
leaching (ARD/ML) and the associated fate and transport. I also have expertise in geologic computer
mapping and 3D GIS. I am a “Qualified Person” for purposes of National Instrument 43-101 (the
“Instrument”). I am a Registered Member of the Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (# 4174527)
in good standing.
3. I have completed a personal inspection of the Property on May 6, 2014.
4. I am responsible for Sections 24.4 and 26.8 of the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to NI 43-101.
6. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, and 43-101CP, and the Technical Report has
been prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make
the Technical Report not misleading.
Signed and dated May 11, 2016 at Golden, Colorado.
Original document dated, signed and sealed by David M. Richers, QP, P.G.
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary Economic
Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource Effective Date: May 31, 2013,
Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and amended and restated May 11, 2016.
I, Vicki J. Scharnhorst, P.E., LEED AP, of Golden, CO, do hereby certify that:
1. I am a Principal Consultant at Tetra Tech, Inc. located at 350 Indiana Street, Suite 500, Golden, CO 80401,
2. I am a graduate of Kansas State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering (1982).
My relevant experience includes 30 years of civil engineering on infrastructure and water resource
projects inclusive of water quality programs, environmental impact studies, permitting and civil works. I
am a licensed Engineer in the states of Nevada, Michigan, Missouri and Colorado; a water right surveyor
in the State of Nevada; a LEED Accredited Professional with the U.S. Green Building Council; and have
served on the Nevada State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. I am a “Qualified
Person” for purposes of National Instrument 43-101 (the “Instrument”).
3. I have completed a personal inspection of the Property on May 6, 2014.
4. I am responsible for Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.9, 1.10, 1.13.5, 1.14, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6, 18.7, 20.0,
23.0, 25.5, 26.0, 27.0, and 28.0 of the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to NI 43-101.
6. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, and 43-101CP, and the Technical Report has
been prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make
the Technical Report not misleading.
Signed and dated May 11, 2016 at Golden, Colorado.
Original document dated, signed and sealed by Vicki J. Scharnhorst, P.E., LEED AP
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary Economic
Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource Effective Date: May 31, 2013,
Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and amended and restated May 11, 2016.
I, D. Erik Spiller, QP of Golden, CO, do hereby certify that:
1. I am a Principal Metallurgist at Tetra Tech, Inc. located at 350 Indiana Street, Suite 500, Golden, CO,
80401, USA.
2. I am a graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, (Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering,
1970). I am a Qualified Professional (QP) member of the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America
(MMSA #01021QP). In addition, I am a Registered (QP) member of Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and
Exploration, Inc. (SME #3051820RM). My relevant experience is that I have worked as a metallurgical
engineer in the mineral resource industry for more than 40 years. During this career I held responsible
positions in process research, process development, engineering, and senior management. In addition, I
have served as an Adjunct instructor (22 years) and as an appointed Research Professor (9 years) in the
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines, where I lecture in
mineral beneficiation and direct graduate students conducting metallurgical research in my area of
3. I have not visited or inspected the property.
4. I am responsible for Sections 1.7, 1.13.4, 13.0, 17.0, 25.4, and 26.5 of the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to NI 43-101.
6. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, and 43-101CP, and the Technical Report has
been prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make
the Technical Report not misleading.
Signed and dated May 11, 2016, at Golden, Colorado.
D. Erik Spiller, QP
Principal Metallurgist
Tetra Tech, Inc.
May 2016
NI 43-101 Technical Report
Preliminary Economic Assessment | Golden Summit Project
To accompany the Report Entitled: “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Golden Summit Project, Preliminary
Economic Assessment, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, USA” (Technical Report), Resource
Effective Date: May 31, 2013, Report Effective Date: January 20, 2016, Issue Date: March 10, 2016, and
amended and restated May 11, 2016.
I, Keith Thompson, C.P.G., of Greeley, CO, do hereby certify that:
1. I am a Senior Hydrogeologist at Tetra Tech, Inc. located at 3801 Automation Way, Suite 100, Fort
Collins, CO 80525, USA.
2. I am a graduate of Youngstown State University (Bachelor of Science degree in Geology, 1975).
I am also a graduate of the University of Wyoming (Master of Science degree in Geology,
specialization in Hydrogeology, 1979). I am an active member of the American Institute of
Professional Geologists (C.P.G. #6005). I am a “Qualified Person” for purposes of National
Instrument 43-101 (the “Instrument”).
3. I have not visited or inspected the property.
4. I am responsible for Sections 1.13.3, 18.8.6, 24.1, 25.3, and 26.3 of the Technical Report.
5. I satisfy all the requirements of independence according to NI 43-101.
6. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
7. I have read National Instrument 43-101, Form 43-101F1, Companion Policy 43-101CP, and the
Technical Report. The portions of the Technical Report for which I am responsible have been
prepared in compliance with that instrument, form, and companion policy.
8. As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and
belief, the portions of the Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and
technical information that is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not
Signed and dated May 11, 2016 at Greeley, Colorado.
May 2016