End-Term Assignment: Muneesa's Lesson Plan
End-Term Assignment: Muneesa's Lesson Plan
End-Term Assignment: Muneesa's Lesson Plan
You have to choose a specific festival and plan the lesson based on the same.
The warmer is apt. Suppose the chosen festival is Diwali. In the context setting
part you have to include hints with the help of pictures or flash cards related
to Diwali. The students’ should guess the same. The students’ responses
should be mentioned as well. In the actual content part you have to integrate
the four skills reading, listening, speaking and writing with the help of four
separate activities based on Diwali. One grammar component can be tense,
should be integrated with the help of worksheet based on Diwali as well. All
the four activities should be based on Diwali and included separately. The
content of the activities and the students’ responses should be included as well.
The Recapitulation part should recap the lesson, it can be with the help of a
small activity or a discussion related to Diwali like making a diya or any art
and craft activity related to Diwali
Kindly Rework
1. “It is important to evaluate the success and effectiveness of your courses so
that you could make improvements on an on-going basis”. Justify the statement
with reference to Kirkpatrick’s Model. You need to mention relevant activities to
assess each stage.
Evaluation of educational development and impact provides feedback to teachers,
students and parents. This is quite important to achieve acceptable success in
TESOL\TEFL. The most challenging part of evaluation is transferring assessment
models across different disciplines of education. Kirkpatrick’s four-level model is one
such framework that provides detailed guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of
Level 1: Reaction
This is the basic level of Kirkpatrick’s Model of training evaluation which allows the
teacher to understand ‘how the lessons/courses were received by the students’. If the
majority of the class is satisfied or happy with the education the same techniques could
be followed by the teacher in the future but if not the essential changes have to be
made to make the course more engaging for the students.
To get the feedback from the students the teacher can give them this feedback form to
make necessary changes to their course
This is a sample form which could be adapted to specific courses by the instructors or
the institutions.
Level 2: Learning
This level uses psychometric measures to evaluate learning outcomes. It is important to
evaluate the student’s learning before and after the course.
Before the beginning of the course the teacher can give students this placement test to
assess their knowledge.
After the completion of the course the teacher can give students a test based on the
topics covered in the course. It could focus on any one or all of the skills (Reading,
Listening, Writing, Speaking and Grammar). This test will aid the instructors to assess
the learning of the course.
Sample test:
These two test can be modified and adapted for any level of TESOL\TEFL.
Level 3: Behavior
This level focus on the extent to which the students apply their learning. Measurement
of behavior change is less easy to quantify and interpret than reaction and learning
evaluation. Observation over time is required to assess change.
Behavior assessment can be done in an ESL class by asking students to give a
presentation at the end of the course.
Divide the students in pairs and ask them to write a script and then perform an episode
of Mr. Bean in front of the class. They can select an episode from
https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBean and write few dialogues based on what they
understand from that episode.
Level 4: Results
This level tells about the effect on the surroundings of the students, resulting from their
improved knowledge and performance. It depends upon the student’s capability to use
English in life situations.
To evaluate it the teacher can hold a debate competition in the class to assess whether
the students provide their opinions accurately and hold on to the discussion well.
Some topics for debate:
More than half of the information is copy pasted from the Internet, kindly try
to reframe the information you are taking and rewrite the answer in your own
Kindly Rework
3. Research
Suggest two suitable language learning methods and their benefits in an ESL/EFL
class. Base your answer on research studies, citing relevant examples.
Also mention the skills and attributes a teacher should possess in order to
facilitate an EFL/ESL class efficiently.
There are many different language learning methods in ESL like, Grammar Translation,
Natural Method, Audio-Lingual Method, Communicative Language Teaching, etc. The
most suitable learning methods are audio-lingual method and communicative language
Audio-Lingual Method:
Audio-lingual method focuses on repetitive drills where the learners are conditioned into
using the language correctly. This method is conversation oriented and aids in the
improvement of listening and speaking skills. ESL learners generally have trouble with
mastering listening and speaking so this method helps them with these difficulties. The
usage of conversation audios helps in increasing listening comprehension and prepare
the learners to have well-formed conversation in real life situations. It’s an engaging way
to learn and implement.
Conversation clips like this can be listening practice and moreover help the learners to
absorb the context of the situation. Therefore, this method can be implemented in the
classroom where the learners are having problems particularly in listening and/or