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Microwaves&RF 1021

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5G Module Aids in Fundamentals of Open Standards Drive

Smart-City Buildouts p8 Smith Charts p20 Defense Flexibility p24


Its Next

DC to 2 GHz Clock Generator
• Square wave clocks from DC to 2.05 GHz The CG635 generates clock signals—flawlessly.
The clock signals are fast, clean and accurate,
• Random jitter <1 ps (rms) and can be set to standard logic levels.

• 80 ps rise and fall times How fast? Frequency to 2.05 GHz with rise and
fall times as short as 80 ps.
• 16-digit frequency resolution
How clean? Jitter is less than 1 ps and phase
• CMOS, LVDS, ECL, PECL, RS-485 noise is better than –90 dBc/Hz (100 Hz offset)
at 622.08 MHz.
• Phase adjustment & time modulation
How accurate? Using the optional rubidium
timebase, aging is better than 0.0005 ppm/yr,
and temperature stability is better than
0.0001 ppm.

You would expect an instrument this good to

be expensive, but it isn’t. You no longer have
to buy an rf synthesizer to generate clock
signals. The CG635 does the job better—at a
fraction of the cost.

Plot shows complementary clocks and PRBS (opt. 01)

outputs at 622.08 Mb/s with LVDS evels. Traces have
transition times of 80 ps and jitter less than 1 ps rms.
CG635 ... $3295 (U.S. list)

Stanford Research Systems www.thinksrs.com/products/CG635.html

Tel: (408)744-9040
October 2021 VOLUME 60, ISSUE 7

12 COVER STORY: How Bluetooth 5.1, UWB, and
Wi-Fi 802.11az Empower the Next Frontier of
With the popularity of GPS, location is becoming an
important feature for wireless devices. Now, consumers want
micro-location, and, in turn, wireless technologies are
adapting to it and accuracy levels are on the rise.

20 Impedance Matching Basics: Smith Charts

This article offers an introduction to the Smith chart and how
it’s used to make transmission-line calculations and
fundamental impedance-matching circuits.

24 Open Standards Drive Flexibility in

Defense System Designs
Backed by broad support from government and industry, the
release of SOSA Technical Standard 1.0 promises a new era
and interoperability as its hallmarks.

5G Adoption Ramps
Up Worldwide 29 NEW PRODUCTS



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5G Adoption Ramps Up Worldwide

What’s the state of 5G as we enter the second half of
2021? According to one market report, adoption of 5G
technology and systems, from 5G SA to XaaS, has begun
to escalate.

eriodically, I like to step back a little     New services and
and look at how 5G adoption is pro- differentiation drive 5G SA. 5G SA
gressing among service providers. core evaluation, testing, and launch
A mid-year reassessment of the market continue to grow significantly across
by Spirent Communications provides one all geographic regions. Large service
relevant data point. Spirent is a purveyor providers look to use multiple vendors
of automated test and assurance products while smaller telcos gravitate to one
and services, which brings a measure of key partner.
objectivity to its data.    : Partnerships,
According to this update on the first half early trials, and deployments between
of 2021, 5G trends are accelerating rapidly. hyperscalers and service providers are
There’s a significant surge in the number expanding. Providers are still work-
of 5G standalone (SA) core network evalu- ing to benchmark edge performance
ations, testing, and launches. And, more and integrate assurance for consistent,
specifically, Spirent found great demand deterministic latency. Expect latency
for managed solutions and Anything-as-a- to become a key battleground for the
Service (XaaS) offerings. Test automation, hearts and minds of industry and
the company maintains, is a key enabling enterprises.
technology that smooths out the complex-  
 There are currently 45
ity of testing in multi-vendor environments. ongoing Open RAN trials and early
Based on its work with service provid- deployments across 27 countries
ers, network-equipment manufacturers, (source: TeckNexus). Leading 5G
governments, and device makers, Spi- service providers will target larger-
rent’s update finds 5G adoption booming scale Open RAN non-dense urban
across both commercial and government rollouts during 2022. Early deploy-
segments and in all global regions. Here are ments will focus on rural, indoor,
some highlights from the report: and private coverage. Interoperabil-
All major regions ity, performance, robustness, and
(North America, Europe, and Asia) system integrator overheads require
are aggressively pursuing 5G SA that service providers continue to
core testing and deployments. North test and validate every deployment
America is driving the demand for phase.
customer experience and service    The industry is beginning
assurance solutions. Asia Pacific con- to coalesce around some key themes,
tinues its focus on, and investment including terahertz frequencies, use
in, transport infrastructure, toward of intelligent reconfigurable surfaces
the goal of supporting industrial use and metamaterials, open networking,
cases. Europe is starting to accelerate and network of networks (terrestrial
activities after COVID and high-risk cellular, NTN, subsea, and Wi-Fi
vendor delays. convergence).


EDITOR: DAVID MALINIAK dmaliniak@endeavorb2b.com
MANAGING EDITOR: ROGER ENGELKE rengelke@endeavorb2b.com
SENIOR STAFF WRITER: JAMES MORRA jmorra@endeavorb2b.com
TECHNICAL EDITOR: JACK BROWNE jack.browne@citadeleng.com

ART DIRECTOR: JOCELYN HARTZOG jhartzog@endeavorb2b.com

PRODUCTION MANAGER: DEANNA O’BYRNE dobyrne@endeavorb2b.com

OMEDA T | 847.513.6022 TOLL FREE | 866.505.7173 FAX | 847.291.4816 microwaves&rf@omeda.com


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CENTRAL CANADA: JAMIE ALLEN jallen@endeavorb2b.com

CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, EASTERN CANADA: ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE eeldridge@endeavorb2b.com

GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND: CHRISTIAN HOELSCHER christian.hoelscher@highcliffemedia.com


LARA PHELPS lara.phelps@highcliffemedia.com

ITALY: DIEGO CASIRAGHI diego@casiraghi-adv.com

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PAN-ASIA: CHARLES LIU liu@twoway-com.com

REPRINTS: reprints@endeavorb2b.com





331 54th Ave N., Nashville, TN 37209 USA | www.endeavorbusinessmedia.com

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When RF test and calibration become
a bottleneck in your IC design process.
FormFactor delivers a hands-free solution to RF test
cycles that minimizes labor, improves accuracy,
cuts costs and optimizes time to market.
IC testing in the RF frequency domain demands continuous attention to
performance parameters and frequent hands-on recalibration.
FormFactor now provides autonomous calibration throughout the RF test cycle.
It continually monitors performance drift and automatically recalibrates when
necessary. No need for an operator to be present, even when testing at
multiple temperatures.
The result? More test data with higher accuracy. All at minimum time and cost.
For more information visit formfactor.com/go/RF.

Solar Sails Propel Deep- Atlas Robots Run Parkour

Space Exploration Course
Solar sails provide a means of propulsion that could make In this video, check out Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot,
interstellar space travel possible and practical. which is capable of navigating a parkour course.
https://www.mwrf.com/markets/defense/article/21171932/ https://www.mwrf.com/markets/defense/video/21172878/
microwaves-rf-solar-sails-propel-deepspace-exploration atlas-robots-run-parkour-course

Trends in 5G for 2021/2022 The Importance of RF

Houman Zarrinkoub, Senior Wireless Product Manager at
MathWorks, discusses the trends in 5G for the balance of Filters in Advanced
2021 and into 2022.
Wireless Systems
21174009/trends-in-5g-for-20212022 How can today’s wireless systems best meet user expecta-
tions? Resonant’s Mike Eddy weighs in on that question
and provides insight into the company’s new RF filter that
leverages the firm’s XBAR technology.

JOIN US ONLINE https://www.mwrf.com/technologies/components/

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Model No. Freq (GHz) Gain MIN Noise Figure Power -out @ P1-d 3rd Order ICP VSWR
CA01-2110 0.5-1.0 28 1.0 MAX, 0.7 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA12-2110 1.0-2.0 30 1.0 MAX, 0.7 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA24-2111 2.0-4.0 29 1.1 MAX, 0.95 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA48-2111 4.0-8.0 29 1.3 MAX, 1.0 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA812-3111 8.0-12.0 27 1.6 MAX, 1.4 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA1218-4111 12.0-18.0 25 1.9 MAX, 1.7 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA1826-2110 18.0-26.5 32 3.0 MAX, 2.5 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA01-2111 0.4 - 0.5 28 0.6 MAX, 0.4 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA01-2113 0.8 - 1.0 28 0.6 MAX, 0.4 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA12-3117 1.2 - 1.6 25 0.6 MAX, 0.4 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA23-3111 2.2 - 2.4 30 0.6 MAX, 0.45 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA23-3116 2.7 - 2.9 29 0.7 MAX, 0.5 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA34-2110 3.7 - 4.2 28 1.0 MAX, 0.5 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA56-3110 5.4 - 5.9 40 1.0 MAX, 0.5 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA78-4110 7.25 - 7.75 32 1.2 MAX, 1.0 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA910-3110 9.0 - 10.6 25 1.4 MAX, 1.2 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA1315-3110 13.75 - 15.4 25 1.6 MAX, 1.4 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA12-3114 1.35 - 1.85 30 4.0 MAX, 3.0 TYP +33 MIN +41 d m 2.0:1
CA34-6116 3.1 - 3.5 40 4.5 MAX, 3.5 TYP +35 MIN +43 d m 2.0:1
CA56-5114 5.9 - 6.4 30 5.0 MAX, 4.0 TYP +30 MIN +40 d m 2.0:1
CA812-6115 8.0 - 12.0 30 4.5 MAX, 3.5 TYP +30 MIN +40 d m 2.0:1
CA812-6116 8.0 - 12.0 30 5.0 MAX, 4.0 TYP +33 MIN +41 d m 2.0:1
CA1213-7110 12.2 - 13.25 28 6.0 MAX, 5.5 TYP +33 MIN +42 d m 2.0:1
CA1415-7110 14.0 - 15.0 30 5.0 MAX, 4.0 TYP +30 MIN +40 d m 2.0:1
CA1722-4110 17.0 - 22.0 25 3.5 MAX, 2.8 TYP +21 MIN +31 d m 2.0:1
Model No. Freq (GHz) Gain MIN Noise Figure Power -out @ P1-d 3rd Order ICP VSWR
CA0102-3111 0.1-2.0 28 1.6 Max, 1.2 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA0106-3111 0.1-6.0 28 1.9 Max, 1.5 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA0108-3110 0.1-8.0 26 2.2 Max, 1.8 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA0108-4112 0.1-8.0 32 3.0 MAX, 1.8 TYP +22 MIN +32 d m 2.0:1
CA02-3112 0.5-2.0 36 4.5 MAX, 2.5 TYP +30 MIN +40 d m 2.0:1
CA26-3110 2.0-6.0 26 2.0 MAX, 1.5 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA26-4114 2.0-6.0 22 5.0 MAX, 3.5 TYP +30 MIN +40 d m 2.0:1
CA618-4112 6.0-18.0 25 5.0 MAX, 3.5 TYP +23 MIN +33 d m 2.0:1
CA618-6114 6.0-18.0 35 5.0 MAX, 3.5 TYP +30 MIN +40 d m 2.0:1
CA218-4116 2.0-18.0 30 3.5 MAX, 2.8 TYP +10 MIN +20 d m 2.0:1
CA218-4110 2.0-18.0 30 5.0 MAX, 3.5 TYP +20 MIN +30 d m 2.0:1
CA218-4112 2.0-18.0 29 5.0 MAX, 3.5 TYP +24 MIN +34 d m 2.0:1
Model No. Freq (GHz) Input Dynamic Range Output Power Range Psat VSWR
CLA24-4001 2.0 - 4.0 +/- 1.5 MAX 2.0:1
CLA26-8001 2.0 - 6.0 +/- 1.5 MAX 2.0:1
CLA712-5001 7.0 - 12.4 +/- 1.5 MAX 2.0:1
CLA618-1201 6.0 - 18.0 +/- 1.5 MAX 2.0:1
Model No. Freq (GHz) Gain MIN Noise Figure Power -out @ P1-d Gain Attenuation Range VSWR
CA001-2511A 0.025-0.150 21 5.0 MAX, 3.5 TYP +12 MIN MIN 2.0:1
CA05-3110A 0.5-5.5 23 2.5 MAX, 1.5 TYP +18 MIN 2.0:1
CA56-3110A 5.85-6.425 28 2.5 MAX, 1.5 TYP +16 MIN 1.8:1
CA612-4110A 6.0-12.0 24 2.5 MAX, 1.5 TYP +12 MIN 1.9:1
CA1315-4110A 13.75-15.4 25 2.2 MAX, 1.6 TYP +16 MIN 1.8:1
CA1518-4110A 15.0-18.0 30 3.0 MAX, 2.0 TYP +18 MIN 1.85:1
Model No. Freq (GHz) Gain MIN Power -out @ P1-d 3rd Order ICP VSWR
CA001-2110 0.01-0.10 18 4.0 MAX, 2.2 TYP +10 MIN 2.0:1
CA001-2211 0.04-0.15 24 3.5 MAX, 2.2 TYP +13 MIN 2.0:1
CA001-2215 0.04-0.15 23 4.0 MAX, 2.2 TYP +23 MIN 2.0:1
CA001-3113 0.01-1.0 28 4.0 MAX, 2.8 TYP +17 MIN 2.0:1
CA002-3114 0.01-2.0 27 4.0 MAX, 2.8 TYP +20 MIN 2.0:1
CA003-3116 0.01-3.0 18 4.0 MAX, 2.8 TYP +25 MIN 2.0:1
CA004-3112 0.01-4.0 32 4.0 MAX, 2.8 TYP +15 MIN 2.0:1
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Smart-City Buildouts
Advantech’s versatile AIW-355 5G module is a step toward ubiquitous connectivity
for edge computing, mobile gateways, and globally deployed mobile devices.

laiming it as a milestone
in its own technology
journey, Advantech’s
AIW-355 5G module is designed
for AIoT solutions that require
ubiquitous connectivity, dynamic
mobility, and extreme security.
AIW-355 is an excellent choice
for use in edge-computing devices,
mobile gateways, and diverse glob-
ally deployed mobile devices.
The AIW-355 uses 5G to provide
capabilities and power previously
unavailable with 4G. 5G delivers a
10-fold increase in speed (10 Gb/s
compared to 1 Gb/s for 4G) and Advantech
supports connection to up to a mil-
lion devices per square kilometer.
In addition, 5G enables a 100-fold increase and eases 5G integration. The unit also The scope of security monitoring
in capacity, a 10-fold decrease in latency, integrates a multi-constellation GNSS applications has expanded to include
and drops lag times to just 1 ms (vs. 10 to receiver and USB 3.1 high-speed inter- the use of dimensional monitoring
20 ms for 4G). faces. data and real-time vehicle monitoring.
In its AIW-355 module, Advantech The Advantech AIW-355 5G mod- Advantech’s AIW-355 also accommo-
deploys the Snapdragon X55 5G modem, ule delivers high-speed capabilities to dates these applications while helping
which supports 5G NR sub-6-GHz fre- applications in industrial monitoring, enterprises reduce costs by efficiently
quencies in both 5G standalone (SA) remote medical treatment, transporta- monitoring restricted, potentially dan-
and non-standalone (NSA) operations. tion, and high-quality surveillance sys- gerous areas.
It’s compatible with LTE and WCDMA tems. It brings the 5G capabilities needed Three versions of AIW-355 are avail-
standards; and is backwards compatible to support city-based video surveillance able for applications in North America,
with LTE-A and 3G networks. The module systems, which are vital to public safety Europe, and China. Every version sup-
helps optimize customer investment at the and require high-speed transmission ports both 5G SA and NSA network archi-
initial stage of 5G construction and accom- and low latency. 5G meets these needs tectures and delivers faster transmission
modates emerging market demands. while supporting innovative information speeds, better carrying capacities, and
Advantech’s AIW-355 5G wireless mod- technologies that improve government lower network latency. Each model can
ule features a M.2 3052 form-factor M.2 response times. In short, AIW-355 can operate in broad temperature ranges (–30
Key B USB interface. This M.2 module augment the efficiency of public security to 75°C/ –22 to 167°F) and is compatible
accommodates most mainstream carriers infrastructure. with Windows and Linux.


thinkRF, TMYTEK TEAM on 5G and Advanced mmWave Applications
thinkRF, A PROVIDER OF software-defined spectrum analysis plat-
forms, has entered a global strategic partnership with Taiwan-based
TMY Technology (TMYTEK), a maker of mmWave RF front-end prod-
ucts, to collaborate on the development of industry-leading products
for enabling the deployment of 5G, 6G, and advanced millimeter-wave
(mmWave) applications. It’s hoped that this global partnership will
position thinkRF and TMYTEK among the leading providers for the
5G, 6G, and advanced mmWave applications.
“We are excited and very pleased to announce our strategic part-
nership with TMYTEK. This new partnership represents a unique
opportunity for thinkRF and its customers.” said Jim Nerschook, think
RF’s Chief Commercial Officer and VP of Global Sales and Marketing.
“Our collaboration will provide industry-leading innovative products to have thinkRF as our global channel partner, accelerating the
and enhanced offerings to our customers today and in the future.” penetration of TMYTEK’s innovative mmWave solutions into 5G
Ethan Lin, VP of TMYTEK, indicates his strong faith in the synergy FR2 market, satellite communications, radar sensing, and other
of the partnership between thinkRF and TMYTEK. “We are thrilled industrial applications around the world,” said Lin. „

OTDOA POSITIONING TEST for 5G New Radio Verified

WITH THE EXPANDING ROLE of the cloud with our test solutions, and together we multiple radio access technologies. It
in an increasing number of markets, 5G New look forward to introducing Advanced 5G supports 5G NR in both standalone
Radio (NR) is expanding functionality in appli- features to market quickly.” (SA) and non-standalone (NSA) mode in
cation spaces such as industrial automation, The 5G NR Mobile Device Test Platform addition to LTE, LTE-Advanced, LTE-A
automotive, and mil/aero, with additional ME7834NR is registered with both the GCF Pro, and W-CDMA. When combined with
positioning mechanisms added to the NR and PTCRB as Test Platform 251. The Anritsu’s OTA RF chamber MA8171A and
standards defined by 3GPP Release 16. ME7834NR is a test platform for 3GPP- RF converters, the ME7834NR covers the
OTDOA (observed time difference of arrival) based PCT and Carrier Acceptance Testing sub-6-GHz and mmWave 5G frequency
is one such method, originally introduced for (CAT) of mobile devices incorporating bands. „
OTDOA relies on measuring the time
difference of positioning reference signal
(PRS) from multiple cells, using it to help
compute its location. Recently, Anritsu Corp.
and MediaTek revealed that an OTDOA Pro-
tocol Conformance Test (PCT) for 5G NR was
verified using a MediaTek M70 5G modem
and Anritsu’s 5G NR Mobile Device Test
Platform ME7834NR.
“MediaTek’s collaboration with Anritsu
continues to go from strength to strength,
supporting us in this rapidly evolving indus-
try with verification of these leading features
in our 5G modems,” said Mr. JS Pan, Gen-
eral Manager of Wireless Communication
System and Partnership at MediaTek. Mr.
Shinya Ajiro, General Manager of Mobile
Solutions Division at Anritsu added, “We
are proud to be able to support MediaTek



Power Xilinx’s Rad-Hard FPGAs
FPGAs for satellite-com- Xilinx
munications applications
need power from circuitry
that’s just as capable of
withstanding the rigors of
spaceflight. To that end,
STMicroelectronics is col-
laborating with Xilinx to
build a power solution for
the latter’s Kintex UltraScale
XQRKU060 radiation-toler-
ant FPGAs, leveraging QML-V qualified voltage regulators from ST’s space-products portfolio.
The programmability of the Xilinx XQRKU060 revolutionizes the economics of equip-
ment like space-research instruments and commercial satellites. The device delivers
a combination of high compute density and integration that historically required an
application-specific IC (ASIC), which typically involves custom design with associated
engineering expenses and turnaround time. Unlike an ASIC, the XQRKU060 FPGA can
be reconfigured in orbit, allowing bug fixes and updates to be applied cost-effectively
at any time to protect the mission.
ST worked closely with Xilinx to design a power source that ensures reliable operation
of the XQRKU060 by providing high fixed-point voltage accuracy as well as stability in
the event of transients due to normal FPGA operation and radiation events. The solution
uses ST’s RHRPMPOL01 rad-hard, point-of-load, 7-A monolithic synchronous step-down
regulator and RHFL6000A linear voltage regulator, all single-event-latchup (SEL)-immune
and QML-V qualified. These devices meet the requirement for an input voltage up to 12
V and output voltage down to 0.8 V. Both exhibit high fixed-point accuracy with radiation
performance that ensures high resistance to total ionizing dose (TID), thereby minimizing
any output-voltage drift.
With their fast-transient response, the RHRPMPOL01 and RHFL6000A maintain the
regulated output in the event of large and rapid changes in current demand as the FPGA
continuously activates and deactivates internal circuitry during normal operation. Their
radiation hardness also resists disruption due to single-event transient (SET) radiation
encountered in space.
This power solution helps simplify and shorten the development time for next-generation
flexible, reprogrammable space systems that leverage the Xilinx XQRKU060 FPGA to benefit
from faster project completion, lower mission costs, and greater reliability and fault resilience.
The RHRPMPOL01 (SMD 5962R20208) is a complete point-of-load (PoL) converter
that contains an N-channel power MOSFET, bootstrap diode, and system protection. By
supporting synchronization and current sharing, it can handle demanding loads such as
FPGAs, as well as microprocessors and ASICs. The device is Radiation Hardness Assured
(RHA) up to 100 krad(Si), and SEL- and Single-Event Snap-Back (SESB)-free up to 70
Mev.cm2/mq. Single-event upset (SEU) and single-event functional interruption (SEFI) are
characterized at 7-V operating voltage.
The RHFL6000A (SMD 5962F15216) is a low-dropout regulator with adjustable output
voltage, built-in protection, and circuitry for remote sensing and external inhibit control.
Dedicated internal circuitry for absorbing transients ensures SET below 3.3% of VOUT at
120 MeV, and the device is SEL-free up to 120 Mev.cm2/mq. „


Industry Trends
EVE DANEL | Senior Product Marketing Manager, LitePoint

How Bluetooth 5.1,

UWB, and Wi-Fi 802.11az
Empower the Next Frontier
of Micro-Location
With the popularity of GPS, location is becoming an important feature for wireless
devices. Now, consumers want micro-location, and, in turn, wireless technologies are
adapting to it and accuracy levels are on the rise.
(Continues on page 16)



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Looking for the perfect high-Q inductor for impedance matching

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chip inductors offer the industry’s highest Q nance – up to 28.8 GHz – and offers DCR
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The 0402DC also features wirewound www.coilcraft.com/0402DC.

(Continued from page 12)

sing wireless technologies for
positioning isn’t new. However,
the level of accuracy required has
evolved over the years upon identification
of new location-based use cases.
A GPS system, for example, can
achieve roughly between a 5- to 20-meter
level of accuracy, depending on signal
conditions. This is sufficient when driv-
ing around to locate a particular building,
but a GPS level of accuracy can’t meet
the needs of finding, say, a specific shelf
in a store or point to the right painting
in a museum tour.
Today’s Bluetooth and Wi-Fi position-
ing systems based on received signal
strength can deliver indoor positioning 1. Bluetooth has progressed from low positioning accuracy to under-one-meter precision
at a level sufficient for applications like via ultra-wideband support.
detecting the proximity of an object or
person within a few meters. The next gen- and doesn’t have information about the The direction is based on the angle of
eration of technologies, though, aims to direction of the incoming signal. Blue- the incoming signal. For direction find-
unlock an even higher level of accuracy, tooth 5.1 specifications add directionality ing, the Bluetooth 5.1 devices transmit
reaching a sub-one-meter level of accura- to an incoming signal by providing angle packets appended with a constant tone
cy down to a few centimeters—otherwise information. Systems for asset tracking extension (CTE) field. The CTE field is
known as micro-location positioning. It or wayfinding applications can be imple- a bit sequence of unmodulated 1s with
unlocks a new generation of use cases that mented using angle of arrival (AoA) or variable duration that simplify the phase
allow users to interact very precisely with angle of departure (AoD) Bluetooth 5.1 computation on the receiver. Bluetooth
various actors in the environment, from methods (Fig. 2). 5.1 receivers use an antenna array with
hands-free access control to asset tracking at least two antennas and compute the
and much more. angle of incidence based on the phase dif-
Systems based on Bluetooth 5.1 core ference between the antennas, the signal’s
specifications, ultra-wideband based on wavelength, and the distance between the
IEEE 802.15.4z, and Wi-Fi Next Genera- antennas.
tion Positioning based on IEEE 802.11az Combined with the RSSI measurement,
offer the potential to unlock these next- the angle information allows devices to
generation positioning applications pinpoint their location with better accu-
(Fig. 1). racy than the RSSI method alone.
The accuracy of Bluetooth 5.1-based
How Does Bluetooth 5.1 Provide systems depends on multiple factors
Micro-Location? including the number of antennas in the
Released in 2019, Bluetooth SIG updat- array and the antenna pattern, as well as
ed the Bluetooth core specs for Bluetooth the post-processing algorithm to deter-
5.1, including enhancements for direction mine the angle from phase I/Q infor-
finding. Prior to the 5.1 release, Bluetooth mation. The topology of the site also is
was already used extensively in deploy- important as both RSSI and phase accura-
ments for indoor location tracking, using cy are degraded by obstacles. However, the
a technique called received signal strength measurements can be greatly improved
indicator (RSSI) to estimate the distance with the deployment of multiple locators
between a transmitter and a receiver based for trilateration.
on how much path loss is measured. 2. Bluetooth direction finding is done by Depending on the implementation,
However, the receiver can only detect detecting the angle of arrival from a Blue- Bluetooth 5.1-based systems should
that the transmitter is in a circular zone tooth device. be able to achieve a sub-meter level of


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How Does Ultra-Wideband (UWB)

Enable Micro-Location?
UWB isn’t a new technology. As defined
in the IEEE standard 802.15.4, it was first
deployed in the early 2000s. At the time, it
was geared toward high-speed transmis-
sion USB replacement, but it never quite
achieved wide commercial adoption. In
recent years, the MAC and PHY layers
were improved in the IEEE 802.15.4z
amendment for ranging purposes.
Unlike Bluetooth, UWB doesn’t use sig-
nal strength to evaluate distance; instead,
it uses time of flight (ToF). ToF measures
the signal’s propagation time from the
transmitter to the receiver. Since RF sig-
nals travel at the speed of light regardless
of the environment, distance estimation
based on ToF is more robust to the envi-
ronment than the RSSI method used in
Bluetooth (Fig. 3).
UWB differs from Bluetooth and Wi-
Fi. It doesn’t use modulated sine waves
to transmit information; rather, it utiliz-
es modulated pulse trains. UWB pulses
have very short duration, on the order
of a nanosecond. The signal’s proper-
ties make this technology more resilient


to multi-path environments typical in

indoor areas because UWB’s short pulses
are more immune to impairments from
reflected signals than Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
UWB’s ToF measurement can be
supplemented with angle information
to provide even more precise location.
Similar to what was described earlier
for Bluetooth 5.1 AoA, the UWB anchor
receiver employs an antenna array of two
or more antennas. The calculation uses
the arrival times on each antenna and the
antenna spacing information to determine
the angle of incoming signal.
Systems based on UWB technology can
achieve an accuracy in the range of 10 cm
depending on the environment. At the
time of this writing, several major chipset
manufacturers offer UWB solutions, and
the adoption of this technology by some
smartphone manufacturers is proof of the 3. Time of flight provides distance information.
growing momentum.

Micro-Location via Wi-Fi 802.11az

The newest and least notorious of
the technologies discussed, the Wi-Fi
802.11az Next Generation Positioning
(NGP) standard is nearing completion
(targeted in 2022). Like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi
technology has been used for some time
with the RSSI-based method to provide
positioning. But the NGP standard builds
on a Wi-Fi feature called Fine Timing
Measurement (FTM),
FTM uses round trip time (RTT) infor-
mation to estimate distance between Wi-
Fi-enabled stations and access points. The
RTT mechanism employs time of depar-
ture (ToD) and time of arrival (ToA) time-
stamps. The 802.11az standard is designed
to improve upon the legacy FTM by lever-
aging the latest features in the 802.11ax
(Wi-Fi 6) standard (Fig. 4).
For greater accuracy, 802.11az’s
enhancements take advantage of the wider
channel bandwidth available in the newer
generations since Wi-Fi 6 signals support
up to 160-MHz channel bandwidth and
Wi-Fi 7 up to 320 MHz. Wider bandwidth
delivers higher resolution, while MIMO
operation provides better resilience to
multi-path effects. 4. Wi-Fi fine timing measures round trip time.


For improved protocol efficiency, NGP considered when discussing the positioning security, power consumption, cost, exist-
uses the null data packet (NDP) frames accuracy. The environment, system design, ing infrastructure, transmission reach, and
that are already defined in the 802.11ax antenna path delay, and other parameters interoperability may factor in the decision.
standard for beamforming sounding. can degrade the nominal accuracy. Regardless of the technology select-
The new standard also utilizes the multi- Beyond positioning accuracy, numerous ed, careful design validation testing is
user capabilities of Wi-Fi 6. When using factors affect the decision to invest in a new required to ensure the best possible per-
trigger-based ranging with uplink and positioning technology, and these criteria formance, and ultimately lead to success-
downlink OFDMA, the access point can are application-dependent. For example, ful deployment.




# $
%  & 

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effectively get ranging information from

multiple stations in a single transmit
opportunity. This significantly reduces
the overhead needed to exchange ranging
information and improve the scalability
to more stations.
At the time of this writing, there’s lim-
ited data available for commercial posi-
tioning solutions using 802.11az NGP
technology. However, test data published
on Wi-Fi Ranging shows promising per-
formance for line-of-sight and non-line-
of-sight environments where decimeter
level of accuracy can be reached.

Comparing the Technologies for

Next-Generation Micro-Location
When comparing the positioning accu-
racy among the three technologies, UWB
can reach the highest level of accuracy with
centimeter-level positioning. Bluetooth
5.1-based systems should be capable of
reaching sub-meter accuracy, while Wi-
Fi deployments based on 802.11az should
be able to reach decimeter-level accuracy.
Keep in mind that many factors must be

Basics of Design
LOU FRENZEL | Technical Contributing Editor


This article offers an introduction to the Smith chart and how it’s used to make
transmission-line calculations and fundamental impedance-matching circuits.

ost of you have probably Plotting Values on the Chart the chart to represent values associated
heard of the Smith chart. Figure 1 shows four examples of imped- with a specific impedance related to
The intimidating graph, ance plots: your application. That impedance is
developed by Philip Smith in 1939, is just • Z1 = 2 + j0.7 usually the characteristic impedance of
about as bad as it looks. How he came • Z2 = 6 – j2.5 a transmission line you’re using or the
up with this is an untold story, but he • Z3 = 0.3 + j4 input and output impedance of a filter or
provided a solution to the complex cal- • Z4 = 0.5 – j0.2 impedance-matching circuit to be created.
culations on transmission lines. And as Examine these examples to be sure you Most RF impedances are typically 50 Ω.
you will find out, it’s useful for working understand them. This value is assigned to the center
out transmission-line problems and in To use the chart for of the chart where R =
designing impedance-matching circuits. your own work, 1. The center
If you have avoided the Smith chart in you must point then
the past, here’s a primer on how to take first set becomes
advantage of it. 50 Ω.

Getting Familiar with the Chart

The Smith chart is made up of mul-
tiple circles, and segments of circles
arranged in a way to plot impedance
values in the form of R ± jX (Fig. 1).
A horizontal line through the center of
the main circle represents the resistance
with R = 0 at the far left of the line and
infinite resistance at the far right. Resis-
tance values are plotted on the resistance
circles, all of which are tangent to one
another at the far right of the resistance
line. The R = 1 circle passes through the
center of the R line.
The remaining curves are parts of
circles representing reactance. These
curves all come together at the R = infinity
point at the far right. The curves above
the horizontal line represent inductive-
reactance values and the curves below
the line represent capacitive reactance.
The Smith chart, as shown, is normalized,
thereby permitting you to customize it to
your application. 1. Four examples of plotting normalized impedances on a Smith chart.


To plot a specific impedance, you must adjust it to the main 

impedance. To do this, you just divide the R and X values by Figure 2 shows a 50-Ω generator connected to a 20-ft. piece
the assigned impedance of 50 Ω, and then plot the normalized of RG-8/U foam coax cable. The characteristic impedance of
value. For example, the value of Z1 is the normalized value of this cable is 50 Ω and its velocity factor (vf) is 0.80. Remember,
100 + j35. And Z4 is the normalized value of 25 – j10. the speed of a signal in a cable is slower than it is in free space.
The velocity factor indicates this condition as a percentage of
Additional Chart Features the speed in space. That must be considered in determining
Referring again to Figure 1, you will see some scales around any impedance-matching solutions.
the perimeter of the chart. These represent wavelength. The
outer scale is a measure of wavelength toward the generator, the
next is wavelength toward the load, and the inner scale is the
reflection coefficient that’s the ratio of the reflected voltage to the
incident voltage. At the bottom of the chart are scales for deter-
mining the standing wave ratio (SWR), dB loss, and reflection
coefficient—all common characteristics of a transmission line.
When working with transmission lines, a main concern
is the SWR. If the load is matched to the line and generator 2. The 75-Ω load doesn’t match the cable impedance of 50 Ω, which
impedance, the load will absorb all of the power; there will be will cause reflections. The SWR is 1.5.
no reflections back to the generator. The SWR is determined
with the expression: The line is terminated in a resistive load of 75 Ω. The fre-
SWR = ZL/ZO or ZO/ZL quency of operation is 90 MHz. With this combination, what’s
ZL is the load impedance and ZO is the characteristic imped- the impedance that the generator sees at the cable input and
ance of the transmission line. If ZL = ZO, then SWR = 1. This is what’s the SWR?
the ideal condition so that all of the generator power gets to the
load and any reflections will not interfere with the generator. First calculate the SWR:
The center point on the R line represents an SWR of 1. If you SWR = ZL/ZO = 75/50 = 1.5
trace a line from that center point down so that it intersects
with the SWR scale, you see that the value is 1. Mark that point on the horizontal resistance line to the right
If the load doesn’t match the line and the driving generator, of the center point. Then draw a circle around the center point
there will be reflections back along the line. As a result, the load through the 1.5 mark. This is the SWR circle. You can also draw
doesn’t receive all of the power. The SWR will be greater than a vertical line from that point down and it should intersect the
1. Assume an SWR of 2.5 is determined, which is shown as a SWR scale at the bottom of the chart at the 1.5 mark.
circle on the chart (Fig. 1, again).
Around the perimeter of the chart are additional scales that The first step is to calculate the length of the line in wavelength:
represent wavelengths. One complete rotation (360 degrees) λ = 984/f
represents 0.5 wavelength at the operating frequency. One scale is where f is in MHz:
called TOWARD GENERATOR and the other TOWARD LOAD. λ = 984/90 = 10.933 ft.
At the bottom of the chart, the scales are SWR, reflection We can round this to 11.
coefficient, and return loss. With a velocity factor of 0.8, the wavelength is:
λ = 11(0.8) = 8.8
Another Chart Version The 20-ft. line represents:
The Smith chart also can be used with admittance (Y), sus- 20/8.8 = 2.27 λ
ceptance (B), and conductance (G), with units in siemens (S): Round to 2.3 λ. Next, determine the impedance at the gen-
• G = 1/R erator end of the line.
• B = 1/X
• Y = 1/Z Starting at the 1.5 mark on the horizontal resistance line, move
back toward the generator 2.3 wavelengths. Two wavelengths
Such a chart is a mirror image of the standard chart shown require four clockwise rotations. Continue to rotate another 0.3
here. For some problems, the admittance version may be easier wavelength. That’s one more half rotation (one half rotation is
to use than the standard chart. However, Y values can be read 0.25 wavelength) and an additional 0.3 – 0.25 = 0.05 wavelength.
from the standard chart, as you will see later. The best way to After that, draw a line from the 0.5 mark on the outer scale to
learn the Smith chart is to follow some examples. the chart center. The point on the on the SWR circle where

Smith Charts

the line crosses is the impedance that the

generator sees (Fig. 1, again):
Z = 0.67 + j0.108
Multiplying this normalized value by
50 Ω gives the actual impedance:
33.5 – j5.4
which is an inductive load.

Assume a load impedance of 60 + j40 is
connected to the 20-ft. transmission line
discussed earlier. What actual impedance
will the 50-Ω generator see?
Plot the load impedance on the Smith
chart using the normalized value. Then
divide the resistance and reactive values
by 50 Ω:
1.2 + j0.8

Once you plot that value, draw the

SWR circle through the impedance
point. Then extend a line down verti-
cally to the SWR scale at the bottom of
the chart. The SWR is about 1.9. Now
draw a line through the center point and
plotted impedance so that it extends to
the outer perimeter. 3. This chart depicts solutions to Examples 1 and 2.
This line intersects with the scale at
0.17. Since the generator is 2.3 wave- and antenna impedance that would be scale. The antenna impedance will be at
lengths away as determined in the earlier seen by a generator if connected. Let’s the intersection of this line and the SWR
example, you move around the circle 2.3 say that it is 150 + j80. We can use the circle, which is:
wavelengths. You only need to use the 0.3 same transmission line and frequency of 0.32 – j0.47
value, thus you add it to the 0.17 value to 50 Ω and 90 MHz. The line is 2.3 wave- The actual value is:
get 0.47. Find that value on the TOWARD lengths long. Z = 16 – j23.5
GENERATOR scale. Draw a line from the Normalizing the impedance, we get:
center point to the 0.47 point. The load 3 + j1.6 If you followed this procedure, you
that the generator sees is at the intersec- noticed that the values are approximate
tion of this line and the SWR circle. Read- Plot the point and draw the SWR circle. since you must interpolate between the
ing from the chart you should get: Then extend a line down to the SWR scale lines. It’s like reading from a slide rule, if
0.52 − j0.1 and read the value of 4. Next, draw a line you’re old enough to know what that is.
Multiply the normalized value by 50 to from the center point through the plotted
get the actual value (Fig. 3): normalized value to the TOWARD LOAD An Impedance-Matching Example
Z = 26 – j5 scale on the chart perimeter. You should A well-known and useful impedance-
read about 0.273. matching technique is to use a quarter-
 Now rotate in the counterclockwise wave matching transformer. This is a
Suppose that you can measure the direction toward the load for 2.3 wave- one-quarter wavelength section of trans-
overall impedance of the transmission lengths or just 0.3 as before. The inter- mission line whose characteristic imped-
line connected to the antenna. Using an section will be at the 0.3 + 0.273 = 0.573 ance (ZO) is determined by the expression:
impedance bridge, SWR meter, or similar or at the 0.073 mark on the TOWARD ZO = √(ZSZL)
instrument, you measure a total imped- GENERATOR scale. Draw a line from the ZS is the source or generator impedance
ance of the combined transmission line center point to that mark on the outer and ZL is the load impedance (Fig. 4).
(Continues on page 31)


JASON DeCHIARO | System Architect, Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions

Open Standards Drive Flexibility in

Backed by broad support from government and industry, the release of SOSA
Technical Standard 1.0 promises a new era of open standards-based system
integration with flexibility and interoperability as its hallmarks.

he open-standards approach to enhance competition, innovation, and leverages modular design and widely
defense electronics has made great interoperability.” supported, consensus-based, non-pro-
strides in recent years. Helping to Specific mandates for MOSA now reach prietary standards for key interfaces that
drive the accelerated adoption of open down to the Program Executive Office are expected to:
architectures, such as the OpenVPX (PEO) and Program Manager (PM) level, • Accelerate fielding of new capabilities
module and backplane architecture and requirements for and interest in MOSA • Reduce integration cost and risk
overseen by the VITA trade association, solutions continues to grow rapidly. This • Streamline development
is the Modular Open System Approach mandate was also codified into law (Title • Simplify modernization and sustain-
(MOSA) memo issued by the U.S. Depart- 10 U.S.C. 2446a.(b), Sec 805), requiring ment
ment of Defense (DoD) in January 2019. all new defense acquisition programs to • Mitigate obsolescence challenges
The memo, supported by the U.S. Army, be designed and developed using MOSA. • Facilitate interoperability and reuse
Navy, and Air Force, mandates that all • Enable rapid composition of capa-
new systems “shall be designed and devel- MOSA Expectations and Compliant bilities from conformant elements
oped, to the maximum extent practicable, Standards
with a modular open-system approach For designers of military sensor Examples of open standards that satisfy
to enable incremental development and systems, the MOSA-aligned standard the MOSA mandate and the services for
which they’re most relevant include:
• CMOSS: C5ISR/EW Modular Open
Suite of Standards
• SOSA: The Open Group Sensor
Open Systems Architecture (Fig. 1)
• FACE: Future Airborne Capability
• HOST: Hardware Open Systems
• MORA: Modular Open Radio Fre-
quency Architecture
• OMS/UCI: Open Mission Systems/
Universal Command and Control
• VICTORY: Vehicular Integration for
C4ISR/EW Interoperability

The CMOSS architecture, which

enables hardware commonality across
ground vehicles, focuses on a network-
centric approach to communications. It
enables a transition from dedicated boxes
1. Here’s an overview of the SOSA Technical Standard and Ecosystem. for specific functionalities, referred to


as line-replaceable units (LRUs), to the
more flexible and cost-effective line-
replaceable module (LRM) approach
in which a rugged chassis hosted in the
vehicle can be integrated with a mix of
different boards to provide and introduce
needed functionalities and technologies
(Fig. 2).
The LRU approach to CMOSS delivers
significant size, weight, power, and cost
(SWaP-C) benefits, such as simplified
integration with less cabling and fewer
peripherals. The use of open systems also
eases technology refresh and insertion,
plus it helps deliver common hardware
across echelons and platforms to reduce 2. In this example of an open systems platform architecture, a single, unmodified eight-slot
the logistics burden. chassis design provides all required functionality of the platform with different plug-in mod-
ule payloads.
SOSA Standard
The SOSA Technical Standard is based industry to collaboratively develop open ity, the SOSA Technical Standard will
on the hardware foundation of CMOSS. standards and best practices. While the provide system designers the flexibility
The definition of the standard is over- U.S. Army maintains control of CMOSS, to choose best-of-breed solutions. The
seen by The Open Group SOSA Consor- it and SOSA are highly complementary. soon-to-be-released SOSA Technical
tium, which empowers government and With its emphasis on interoperabil- Standard 1.0 will include third-party

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SOSA Compliance

conformance validation to ensure com-

pliance to the open standard. Because
SOSA isn’t subject to International Traf-
fic in Arms (ITAR) regulations and not
restricted to the U.S., its benefits can be
realized worldwide.
The SOSA Technical Standard leverages
and complements open standards in gov-
ernment and industry. It defines architec-
tural modules (containing functions and
behaviors) with defined open interfaces,
enabling the development of capabilities
made up of common components. The
standard incorporates specifications for
hardware elements including electrical
and mechanical interfaces composing
the SOSA sensor element.
With its foundation in CMOSS, SOSA
defines VPX slot profiles. The resulting
LRMs are connected via Ethernet, so that 3. Shown are some examples of five-slot SOSA system architectures.
slots can be placed in the most convenient
locations in the platform, eliminating the
need to collocate chassis.
Today, required combat platform
functions and sensors are integrated
as discrete boxes, such as positioning,
navigation, and timing (PNT); Mission
Command (JBC-P); SINCGARS Radio;
Jammer (EW); IP Radio; and Intel Data
Processing systems. With SOSA, these
functions can be integrated onto single
or multifunction VPX modules and
housed in a rugged VPX chassis with
either five or eight slots (Figs. 3 and 4,
respectively). Data flows are defined by
system software and the use of network- 4. SOSA system architectures of eight slots are illustrated in these examples.
centric architecture principles.
While SOSA defines both 3U and 6U The standard also calls out VITA 48.2 with the SOSA Technical Standard. For
plug-in cards (PICs) as system building 2-Level Maintenance (2LM) and VITA 47 Curtiss-Wright, CMOSS and SOSA pro-
blocks, most industry activity and inter- environmental reliability. PIC profiles are vide an opportunity to minimize program
est have been for the smaller module provided for I/O-intensive single-board risk with field-proven hardware. Single
size. Both sizes of LRM require +12-V computers (SBCs), payload modules for point-of-contact integration services and
power. While leveraging VITA’s Open- processing (with 40-GbE and PCIe con- expertise enable customers to reduce the
VPX architecture, SOSA aims to foster nectivity) and switch profiles that enable complexity of developing CMOSS/SOSA
interoperability by defining every signal modules to communicate to each other via solutions while fully leveraging the many
pin on the standard PICs, thus eliminating Ethernet, PCIe, and RF/optical switching. benefits of these open standards.
the “user-defined” pins that have driven Radial clock modules also are defined to
proprietary system designs. Platform- time-align processing elements and sup- SOSA Modules
specific interfaces are confined to special port positioning, navigation, and timing In addition to the MPMC-933x three-
user-defined modules, allowing for easy (PNT). slot SOSA-aligned chassis, Curtiss-Wright
future upgrades to the processing and Leading COTS suppliers currently offer has produced a range of SOSA-aligned
networking infrastructure. modules that were developed in alignment and field-proven modules, with many


SOSA Compliance

more in development. Examples of cur- • VPX3-1707: An Arm-based proces- for compute-intensive applications,
rently available CMOSS/SOSA 3U Open- sor card that offers high performance and is aligned to the I/O-intensive
VPX building blocks include: per watt in systems optimized for profile (Fig. 5).
• VPX3-1260: An Intel-based pro- SWaP, and is aligned to the I/O- • VPX3-4935: An NVIDIA Quadro
cessor card for advanced process- intensive profile. Turing-based GPGPU board for
ing and various C5ISR applications • CHAMP-XD1S: A digital signal intense processing and artificial
that offers variants aligned to both processor (DSP) featuring high intelligence (AI) in high-perfor-
I/O-intensive and payload profiles. performance and hardened security mance embedded-computing
(HPEC) systems. The board, which is
aligned to the 3U VPX A-PNT Tim-

 ing Card designed to enable assured


positioning, navigation, and timing

(A-PNT), simplifies the integration
 @@B2<3?2>B2;0F .;
2/#.?=?#.F B;2 B9F
of complementary PNT sources and
 ;;B.9)B/@0?6=A6<;&?602?22A<'B.963621 is aligned to the radial clock profile.
 <:=92A2#.696;411?2@@<3!;<D;%33602<3&B/960.A6<;$<A&?6;A2?;12.C<?B@6;2@@#216.""  <;A.0A&2?@<;2//62#?.1F
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 <:=92A2#.696;411?2@@<32.1>B.?A2?@<?2;2?.9B@6;2@@%33602<3&B/96@52?$<A&?6;A2?;12.C<?B@6;2@@#216."" A5C2$ $.@5C6992*$ 
that combines PCIe Gen 3.1 and
 B99$.:2@.;1<:=92A2#.696;411?2@@2@<3&B/96@52?16A<?.;1#.;.46;416A<?&B/96@52?*?.0F):6A5;12.C<?B@6;2@@#216. A5C2;B2$ $.@5C6992*$
 16A<?-6996.:-<;4;12.C<?B@6;2@@#216. A5C2;B2$ $.@5C6992*$ #.;.46;416A<? 10G Ethernet switching in a single
3U VPX module and is aligned to
%D;2?B99;.:2.;10<:=92A2:.696;4.11?2@@;12.C<?#216.<916;4@"" *<D2?&9.02$.@5C6992*$ ;12.C<?#216.<916;4@"" *<D2?&9.02 the expansion/control plane switch

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• VPX3-687: A fully managed and ver-

satile Ethernet switch optimized for
 @@B2.A23<?6?0B9.A6<;.A. B9F
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both low-latency control-plane and
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5. Curtiss-Wright’s CHAMP-XDS1, which
 ;<B;AF$<;?2>B2@A21<=62@)A.A21<;&)<?: 6;09B12).:=920<=62@(2>B2@A@%C2?F2.?@<91
(2>B2@A@6;1B021/F.&?2:6B:B98).92@.;1(2>B2@A@6;09B16;4@@<06.A6<;(2>B2@A@$.:2@</A.6;213?<: features an Intel Xeon D processor and
B@6;2@@ 6?20A<?62@ "6@A@ .;1 <A52? @<B?02@
$<;?2>B2@A21<=62@6@A?6/BA21*5?<B45A52+)&)/F%A52?9.@@2@<3#.692 4 6?@A9.@@#.69$<;?2>B2@A<? Xilinx MPSoC FPGA, is a digital-signal-pro-
<=62@:.69216;2E02@@<3 "6:6A:.6921.A)A.;1.?1#.69H<?&.08.42)2?C602@(.A2@
cessor OpenVPX module designed to align
with the SOSA Technical Standard.

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New Products

Tiny LTCC Filters Isolate 5G Passbands

Mini-Circuits’ BFCQ series of low-temperature-cofired-ceramic (LTCC) bandpass filters includes
four models for isolating fifth-generation (5G) cellular wireless passbands n257, n258, and n260.
The RoHS-compliant, 50-Ω filters measure only 2.5 × 2.0 mm and are surface-mountable but
handle as much as 1-W input power. For example, model BFCQ-2552+ has a passband of
25.2 to 26.6 GHz for isolating 5G signals in the n258 band. It features low passband loss of 2.5
dB across that frequency range. It provides lower stopband signal suppression of 55 dB from 0.1 to
18.0 GHz and 35 dB from 18.0 to 22.2 GHz with upper stopband signal suppression of 35 dB from 29.5 to 32.0 GHz
and 40 dB or more from 32.0 to 50.0 GHz. The compact filters handle operating temperatures from -55 to +125°C.
MINI-CIRCUITS, http://www.minicircuits.com/WebStore/dashboard.html?model=BFCQ-2552%2B

Microwave Assemblies Lend Flexibility to RF Board Interconnects

Times Microwave Systems recently launched its new InstaBend high-
performance microwave assemblies, which offer a preassembled design for
interconnects between RF circuit cards, modules, and enclosure panels. The
assemblies are ideal for applications with space constraints, including space
flight, thermal vacuum, microwave test, and many other commercial and
military applications. The cable can be bent very closely behind the connector
without damaging the assembly, thus minimizing the footprint and simplifying
cable routing. What’s more, the InstaBend assemblies provide engineers
with significantly reduced lead time compared to competing solutions, with
drastically reduced lead times. They come in standard configurations or can be customized to meet user’s requirements.
TIMES MICROWAVE SYSTEMS, www.timesmicrowave.com/DataSheets/Literature/InstaBend%20086.pdf

Modules Provide Longer Range for the Industrial IoT

Laird Connectivity has launched its BL653μ Bluetooth 5.1 module series, which provides longer-range Bluetooth Low
Energy (BLE) connectivity in harsh industrial environments. The series is powered by Nordic’s nRF52833 WLCSP outfitted
wi th a Cortex-M4F
M4F F pr
esso sorr and a Bluetooth 5.1 on the same chip. It also features USB access and
es uupp to +8-dBm
dBm m transmit
tr an power and up to 5.5 V of power. Expanding on the connectivity
op tion
s, the
the BL653μ
53μ μ series
se also has hardware support for NFC and 802.15.4 (Thread and
Zi gbee
ee)) if tthe
he application
catition on is warranted. What’s more, the module supports Bluetooth mesh
ca pabibililitities
es extending communication range in environments that have limited
access and temperature ranges of -40 to +105°C.
LAIRD CONNECTIVITY, www.lairdconnect.com/wireless-modules/

RFID Reader Chips Allow Engineers to Design IoT Devices to Meet Connectivity Demand
Impinj recently introduced three next-gen RAIN RFID reader chips that enable IoT device
makers to meet the increasing demand for IoT connectivity in retail, supply chain and
logistics, consumer electronics, and many others.The E710, E510, and E310 RAIN RFID
reader SoCs deliver increased performance, integration, and ease of use with 2X better
receive capabilities, 80% smaller RAIN RFID designs, 50% lower power consumption,
and ease of use with software and pin updates. The RAIN RFID SoCs are ideal for mobile
devices, robotics, inventory management, PoS devices, smart appliances, gaming devices, and more.
IMPINJ, www.impinj.com/products/reader-chips

New Products

Switch Matrix Goes Eight Ways to 18 GHz

Mini-Circuits’ model ZTRC-8SPDT-A18 is a single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) switch
matrix for testing and other switching applications from dc to 18 GHz. It consists
of eight remotely controllable absorptive electromechanical switches housed in
a 2U-high, 19-in.-wide rack-mount enclosure with female SMA connectors. The
50-Ω switches have a fail-safe, break-before-make configuration and are rated for 10 million switching cycles. They
achieve 60 dB or more typical isolation with 0.30 dB or less typical insertion loss from dc to 18 GHz. Remote control
is via USB or Ethernet connection, using the included software and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI). The
switches handle as much as 20-W cold switching power from -15 to +85°C with typical switching speed of 20 ms.
MINI-CIRCUITS, http://www.minicircuits.com/WebStore/dashboard.html?model=ZTRC-8SPDT-A18

EMC Filters Target SiC/GaN-Based Power Systems

SMP GmbH has designed all-mode EMC filters with high-frequency stability using
high-frequency composite materials (HFCM) developed and manufactured by SMP,
effective for frequencies up to the gigahertz range. The all-mode design combats
both differential- and common-mode noise and satisfies all of the requirements for
modern SiC and GaN applications. A combination of HFCM and all-mode technology
makes it possible to reduce the number of filter components needed in the system
by about 50%. It also means that common-mode chokes or filters are no longer needed. Because the materials are
magnetostriction-free, the filters are noiseless. They also require fewer filter components, so volume is reduced, while
the cost-effectiveness of the power-electronics system as a whole increases significantly.
SMP GmbH, www.smp.de/products/inductive_components

Industrial Network Device Serves Next-Gen Ethernet TSN Technology

Renesas announced its R-IN32M4-CL3 IC for industrial Ethernet (IE)
communication and offers support for CC-Link IE Time-Sensitive Networking
(TSN), a communication standard for next-generation Ethernet TSN technology.
The IC provides time-synchronization accuracy of less than one-millionth of a
second between applications, driving TSN support for applications that include ac
servos, actuators, and remote I/O for network communications. The R-IN32M4-
CL3 IC features an Arm Cortex-M4 core with a floating-point unit (FPU), real-time
OS accelerator, Gigabit Ethernet PHY, and 1.3 MB of on-chip RAM. The IC also
supports the existing CC-Link IE Field network protocol, providing flexibility for existing and next-generation systems.
RENESAS, www.renesas.com/us/en/products/interface-connectivity/ethernet-ics-phys/industrial-ethernet-communication/

Computing Module Uses AI to Process Sound for the Hearing Impaired

Lantronix announced that its Open-Q 820 μSOM was tasked with the development
of the Whisper Hearing System. Created by San Francisco-based Whisper, the
Whisper Hearing System is an AI-powered hearing aid and sound processor that
improves over time. The Open-Q 820 μSOM is a computing module designed around
Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 820 processor and packs 3 Gb of LPDDR4 RAM, 32
Gb of flash, and built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2 and BLE. The module provides 3x
I2S, PCM, 6x analog in/out, and 3x digital mics for audio. The Open-Q 820 μSOM
takes advantage of neural networks for processing sound, along with the low latencies required for speech intelligibility.
LANTRONIX, www.lantronix.com/products/open-q-820-usom/


Smith Charts
(Continued from page 22)

5. A shorted stub is placed at a specific distance from the load and

provides impedance matching.

4. A quarter-wave section of transmission line can provide imped-

ance matching. This technique is useful at high frequencies, where
stripline can be used.

To match a 50-Ω source (ZS) to a 100-Ω load (ZL), a quarter- ized value is YL = 0.53 – j0.23. Note the change in sign
wave section of transmission line is needed with an impedance of: of the susceptance. This is point B in the figure.
ZO = √(ZSZL) = √(50)(100) = √5000 = 70.7 Ω 5. Move from point B clockwise around the SWR circle until
it reaches the R = 1 circle on the chart. That is point C
This is a workable approach, but it has problems. First, where in Figure 6. This value is the normalized susceptance. B
do you get a 70.7-Ω line? Second, if the operating frequency is = 1 + j0.62. Draw a line from the center point through
in the low RF range, the line could be many feet long. Third, C to the perimeter. It should read 0.15 λ.
the impedances are purely resistive, which isn’t always the case 6. Find the wavelength distance between the lines inter-
in most applications. secting B and C. It is 0.15 + 0.052 = 0.202 λ. This is the
However, if you are working at the higher frequencies of distance (d) from the load to the point where the shorted
hundreds of megahertz or in the gigahertz range, the quarter- line will be placed.
wave line will be short. In addition, you can create that line 7. The shorted stub should have the opposite susceptance
using microstrip or stripline on a PCB with any impedance you of the load or −j0.62. Connecting susceptances in paral-
want by just adjusting the line widths, line spacing, dielectric lel causes them to add directly and cancel one another.
material, and other factors involved in designing with microstrip 8. To cancel 1 + j0.62, we need a stub that will produce 0 –
lines. But other factors must be considered, such as when the j0.62. Extend the line from the 1 + j0.62 point through
source and load impedances are complex. This is where the the center point to the R = 0 circle. Read this value on
Smith chart can be useful. the R = 0 circle that’s the outer perimeter of the chart.
One approach to impedance matching is to use shorted trans- Note the wavelength reading of 0.42 λ.
mission-line stubs in parallel with the transmission line. Figure 5 9. Now, move from that value one quarter wavelength
shows an example. The stub acts as a reactance to cancel out the (0.25λ). The one quarter wavelength point gives the
opposite reactance at a specific point on the line as determined stub length: l = 0.42 – 0.25 = 0.17 λ.
by the load. The objective is to find the length of the stub (l) 10. Now knowing the stub length and distance from the load
and the distance from the load (d) where it’s to be connected. in wavelengths, you can calculate the actual lengths at
Another example will illustrate this scenario. A load imped- the desired operating frequency.
ance of ZL = 150 + j60 must be matched to a 100-Ω transmission
line (Fig. 5, again) using these steps: It’s important to point out that these values are frequency-
dependent. The calculations are for a single frequency. If the
1. Normalize the load impedance. 150/100 + j60/100 = ZL line is operated over a wider range of frequencies, there will be
=1.5 + j0.6. Plot that on the Smith chart at point A (Fig. 6). some reflections on the line and a higher SWR.
2. Draw the SWR circle. Then draw a line down from the There are other ways to perform impedance matching on
center of the chart to the SWR scale. It indicates an a Smith chart. These procedures require the use of the chart’s
SWR of 2 to 1. admittance version as well as the standard chart used here.
3. Draw a line from the center point through point A to
the perimeter of the chart and read the wavelength on Conclusion
the TOWARD GENERATOR scale. It is 0.052. The Smith chart is a daunting tool. If you followed the
4. Convert ZL to its equivalent admittance. This is done by examples here, you get the picture. The chart does help to
noting the intersection of the line you just made from avoid some calculations, but it takes time to master it. If you
ZL through the center point to the perimeter. The point work enough problems, you will become more adept at using
where the line crosses the SWR circle is YL. Its normal- it. Multiple online tutorials and articles can provide additional

Smith Charts

examples that will show you other ways to use the chart. To find blank
Smith charts, search for downloadable charts online; there’s a vari-
ety of sources.
In addition, you should get yourself a good magnifying glass
as the labels and numerical values are tiny and hard to read.
A drafting compass also is needed to draw those perfect
SWR circles. That will improve the accuracy in reading
values from the chart.
Finally, keep in mind that there are multiple sources
of Smith chart calculators and software. Most RF CAD
software packages include them. Today, though, you
may want to just plug in the numbers and let the
computer do the work.

“SMITH” IS a registered trademark of the Analog In-

struments Company, P.O. Box 950, New Providence,
NJ 07974, 908-464-4214.

Bowick, B., Blyler, J., Ajluni, C., RF Circuit Design, Newnes, 2008.
Frenzel, L., Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2016.
Maxim Integrated Products, Application Note 742, “Impedance Matching and
the Smith Chart: the Fundamentals,” 2001.

6. The chart illustrates the solution to the shorted-stub

matching technique.


ACCEL-RF ............................................................................ 17 FORMFACTOR, INC. .............................................................. 5

www.accelrf.com www.formfactor.com
AVTECH ELECTROSYSTEMS LTD ............................................... 3 HEROTEK INC ....................................................................... 2
www.avtechpulse.com www.herotek.com
CIAO WIRELESS INC. ............................................................. 7 IRONWOOD ELECTRONICS .................................................. 25
www.ciaowireless.com www.ironwoodelectronics.com
COILCRAFT, INC. ................................................................. 13 MICRO LAMBDA WIRELESS, INC ........................................... BC
www.coilcraft.com www.microlambdawireless.com
CORNELL DUBILIER .............................................................. 17 MINI-CIRCUITS .................................................................... 14
www.cde.com www.minicircuits.com
DBM CORP, INC. ................................................................ IBC PASTERNACK ................................................................ 10, 11
www.dbmcorp.com www.pasternack.com
ECLIPSE MDI ......................................................................... 4 RIGOL USA ......................................................................... 19
www.eclipsemdi.com www.rigolna.com
FAIRVIEW MICROWAVE ..................................................FC, 23 STANFORD RESEARCH SYSTEMS ..........................................IFC
www.fairviewmicrowave.com www.thinksrs.com

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