Zero Drift Inertial Reference: J. A. Hunter
Zero Drift Inertial Reference: J. A. Hunter
Zero Drift Inertial Reference: J. A. Hunter
HUNTER 3,200,510
United States Patent Office 3,200,510
Patented Aug. 17, 1965
It is another object of this invention to provide an
3,200,510 inertial reference device having zero drift in which the
ZERO DRIFT ENERATIAL REFERENCE inertial mass is non-spinning.
Jack A. Halater, Baltimore, Md., assignor to Martin Additionally, in the conventional mechanical gyros,
Marietta Corporation, a corporation of Maryland where a high speed rotor is employed, the rotor is op
Filed Sept. 25, 1961, Ser. No. 140,288 erated in a medium such that the rotor is subjected to
22 €Caimis. (CI. 33—204) a certain amount of friction between itself and the atmos
This invention relates to an inertial reference device phere in which it is rotating. Also, the coupling between
Such as a gyroscope and more particularly to a magnetic the pick-off means and the rotor or the gimbals support
Suspension system for such a device in which Zero drift is ing them provides additional frictional drag. It is an
10 other object of this invention to provide an inertial refer
The conventional gyroscope and other inertial refer ence device of the type having zero drift in which the
ence devices normally consist of a rotor mounted to spin residual friction is less than that of any known existing
rapidly about an axis and being free to rotate about one reference device.
or both of the axes perpendicular to each other and to Various suspension means are provided for suspend
15 ing the inertial mass in a conventional mechanical gyro.
the spin axis. Mechanical gyros of this type are often
used to maintain a predescribed position in space, wholly Such devices may take the form of pneumatic or elec
independent of the movement of the base upon which tromagnetic means for both driving the rotor at a high
they are mounted, thus allowing a vehicle or other device speed and for supporting the rotor about the axis of rota
to be navigated or directed over a predetermined course. tion. In either case, either mechanical or electrical energy
20 must normally be continuously supplied to retain the iner
In these mechanical devices, bearings, power feeds, and
gimbal rings are provided so that for all effects and pur tial mass in a supported position at the desired rotor speed.
poses, the spinning rotor is pivoted freely about a single It is a further object of this invention to provide an
point. Various pick-off devices are provided to measure inertial reference of the zero drift type in which, once
the deviations of the base or vehicle axis from the direc the system is placed into operation, no further energy is
tion of the mechanical gyro axis. The mechanical gyro required to effect support of the inertial mass, except that
will therefore maintain a fixed axial direction in space as required to sustain operation at a desired operating tem
long as there is no displacement torque exerted on the perature.
rotor. However, in practice, the mechanical gyros have Other objects of this invention will be pointed out in
positional drifts as a result of the various spurious torques 30 the following detailed description and claims and illus
imparted to the rotor by the imperfections inherent in trated in the accompanying drawing, which discloses, by
Such devices. Since bearings act to support the various way of example, the principle of this invention and the
components, friction torques are imparted to the rotor best modes which have been contemplated of applying
through these bearings. Any unbalances in the rotor or that principle.
gimbal ring or any shifts in position will produce torques 35 In the drawings:
whenever acceleration is experienced. In the most effi FIG. 1 is a schematic sectional elevational view of one
cient gyro system, the accelerations normally encountered embodiment of this invention employing optical means
cause a drift rate from .5 to 5 degrees per hour for gyros for obtaining a 3-axis readout;
used in aircraft navigation and the like. While the drift FIG. 2 is a plan view of another embodiment of this
rates have ben reduced in mechanical gyros by decreasing 40 invention;
the size of the elements, increasing the angular momen FIG. 3 is an enlarged view of a portion of the outer
tum of the rotor and by providing gimbal bearings having shell of the device of FIG. 2;
a minimum friction, the complete solution to this prob FIG. 4 is a schematic elevational view, partially in
lem has not been achieved in gyros of this type. In the section of the apparatus of FIG. 2 including optical read
eld of naval navigation an inertial reference device with 45 Out means;
a zero drift rate would have extreme advantages, espe FiG. 4a is an enlarged front view of a portion of the
cially when used in navigation systems for submarines, mask forming part of the optical readout apparatus of
since it is a normal requirement that the submarine sur FIG. 4;
face periodically in order to correct gyro positional devia FIG. 5 is a schematic view of the summing network
tions caused by inherent drift. 50 applied with the apparatus of FIG. 4.
It is therefore a principal object of this invention to In general, this invention contemplates a suspension
provide an inertial reference device in which the drift rate system for a zero drift inertial reference device, includ
is Zero. ing a first body formed of a super-conductive material
The field of cryogenics has been founded on the knowl and a second body also formed of a Super-conductive
edge that certain materials consisting of metals and al material surrounding and spaced from the first body. A
loys have the property of superconductivity which they magnetic field exists between the bodies and means are
exhibit at extremely low temperatures. Super-conductiv provided for sustaining super-conductivity within both
ity or the state of zero electrical resistance in many metals bodies. Since magnetic lines will not penetrate a Super
is due to the appearance at low temperatures of electrons conducting body, the magnetic field will be confined be
endowed with the remarkable property of being able to 60 tween the bodies and the inner body seeks a position of
travel through certain materials without the slightest trace minimum magnetic field energy corresponding to a central
of electrical friction. A second characteristic of a super position within the outer body. In one embodiment, the
conductive material, is the fact that a magnetic field cannot first body is of hollow, generally torus configuration in
penetrate a super-conductor. With these characteristics cluding an inner cylindrical wall and an outer spherical
of a super-conductor in mind, and the principle that mag 65 wall, with means associated with the inner cylindrical
netic lines have elastic characteristics, that is, either the wall for providing a magnetic suspension field. Optical
compression of a magnetic field or the stretching of the windows are formed in the Super-conductive elements
length of the magnetic line increases the magnetic field along the axis of the magnetic field to allow optical read
energy, it is a further object of this invention to make use out means to indicate deviation of the outer body with
of these principles to provide a frictionless, magnetic sup respect to the inner body about orthogonal axes.
porting system for an inertial reference device which is Referring to the drawing, there is shown in FIG. 1 a
inherently stable in three dimensions. first body 10 consisting of a shell of torus shape having
3. 4.
an outer spherical wall 12 and an inner cylindrical wall While the float 10 is shown to be a torus with the
14 forming a torus with a central hole or opening 16. spherical portion of its periphery concentric with the
The torus shaped shell or float 10 may be formed totally spherical inner surface of the outer shell 18, the float can
of a material exhibiting super-conductive properties such take other forms such as for example, an ellipsoid. Con
as niobium, which at 4 K. has a critical field intensity siderable variation in the lateral restoring force may be
H of approximately 2000 gauss. However, a choice obtained by a slight variation of float contour. With
of materials may be used, providing the materials are respect to any translation of the outer shell 18, the float
properly matched to the operating temperature and mag or shell 10 will be likewise translated with no induced
netic field strength. Construction my be simplified and rotation of the float as long as the restoring force is
made less expensive by use of a material having the de 10 directed through the center of the mass of the float. It
sirable mechanical properties without restricting it to may, therefore, sometimes be necessary to adjust the
being a super-conductor as long as it is capable of Sup float contour so that the restoring force resulting from
porting a super-conducting surface. For the purposes displacement is the same in all directions to insure that
desired, the super-conducting surfaces need only to be a translation will not induce rotation of the float with re
few thousandths of an inch thick and a niobium surface spect to the shell. Since a frictionless suspension system
on a quartz support would provide a desirable structure. is provided, no energy is dissipated in a displacement of
A spherical shell forms the second Super-conductive the float with respect to the spherical shell, and the dis
body, the shell 18 surrounding the torus shell 10. Shell placements will result in undamped oscillation of the float.
18 is of sufficient diameter as to provide a space or gap These oscillations could be reinforced by random accelera
20 between the two shells 10 and 18. In like manner to 20 tions of the system and thus result in errors due to the
shell 10, the shell 8 may be constructed wholly of a non-linear characteristics of large displacements. Several
super-conductive material, or it may include only a thin methods of dampening may be introduced. One of the
layer of niobium or the like on the inner surface. The simplest is the introduction of a fluid into the region
inner surface of the outer shell 18 acts in conjunction between the float and the spherical shell. In this respect,
with the outer surface of the inner shell 10 to sandwich 25 viscous damping would be achieved and in the case of
a magnetic field 22 therebetween. a non-spinning float, only small errors would be intro
The magnetic field 22 is produced initially in a device duced as a result of the friction inherent in the use of
shown in the drawing by suitable energization of an elec the fluid. Since necessarily, the float 10 and the shell
tromagnetic coil 24 which is positioned axially and cen 18 must be subjected to extremely low temperatures to
trally within the central opening 16 of shell 10. The 30 insure that the materials remain super-conductive, liquid
electromagnetic coil 24 is preferably imbedded in a sleeve helium or liquid hydrogen is a suitable damping fluid,
26 which may be formed of any conventional non-mag since these fluids also provide the refrigeration neces
netic insulating material such as Teflon, talc, or amber, sary. In order to reduce the error which would be in
etc. The coil may be suitably connected to a source of herently present in the use of a fluid between the float
direct current through the use of opposed contacting sur 35 and the spherical shell, an alternative method of dampen
faces 25 and 27 which are insulated from each other and ing would be achieved by mounting the spherical shell
are fixed to one end of the sleeve 26. The contact sur 18 in a gimbal system such that damped translational (non
faces 25 and 27 are connected to opposite ends of the coil rotational) displacement is permitted. In this case, the
24. Removable leads 29 are inserted through appropriate energy of oscillation of the float 10 is then transferred to
gasket means 31 formed at the bottom of the outer shell 40 displacements of the shell which may then be absorbed by
i8 allowing initial energization of the electromagnetic a viscous movement of the helium or hydrogen bath out
coil 24 to produce the supporting magnetic field. After side the shell or by auxiliary dampeners attached to the
energization and Suspension of the magnetic field, the axis of the gimbal system.
D.C. current supply is shut off and the leads 29 are re While the magnetic field 22 is originally set up in the
moved through the gasket members 31. Energization apparatus shown in the drawing by electromagnetic coff
of the coil 24 produces the magnetic field 22 surrounding 24, a simplified System may include a permanent magnet
the torus shaped shell 10. Since the magnetic field can positioned within the opening 16 of the float 12 with axial
not penetrate a Superconductor, such as shell 10 or shell poles for providing the desired magnetic field. The most
18, the magnetic field 22 is confined between the two suitable type of magnet would be one having low density
super-conducting surfaces. Further, since either com
pression of the field or stretching the length of the lines to reduce the acceleration effects and one having great
magnetic stability. One such suitable permanent mag
increases the field energy, the internal shell 10 will seek netic material is "Ferrimag” (barium ferrite, BaOFeO)
a position at the center of the spherical shell 18 which which hasofa coercive forceper
in excess of 1500Flux
oersteds and
corresponds to minimum field energy. The only limita a density 0.170 pound cubic inch. densities
tion with respect to the field strength of the magnetic field in excess of 2000 gauss are obtainable, which are greater
22 is that the field strength lies below the critical field than
(He) for transition of the super-conductors to the normal of 106required. This material has a resistivity in excess
ohm-centimeters at 25° C. which should minimize
conducting state. Providing there is no trapped magnetic any eddy current effects due to "frozen in" fields in the
flux in the super-conductors and that the surfaces of the spherical shell. The space 20 is subjected to a vacuum
shells 10 and 18 are geometrically perfect, the float or 60 by conventional means in order to first reduce the drag
inner shell 10 is then supported with a complete absence forces between the relatively moving shells and secondly
of disturbing torques and with zero drag or friction. With because the operating temperatures to which the shells are
this suspension system, the spherical shell 18 may be subjected will freeze any residual air. While it is es
rotated about any axis, and the float or shell 10 will re Sential that the Super-conducting surfaces be geometrical
main in its position in a truly inertial state and will not ly accurate and that only symmetrical deviations which
follow the rotation of shell 18. However, if shell 18 is are balanced may exist, the float system is statically and
displaced by a translation, the float 10 will follow the dynamically balanced to a much lesser degree than a
displacement with considerable rigidity. Specifically, the gyrio normally including a spinning rotor.
outer shell 18 together with its appurtenances is supported While the device incorporating a permanent magnet
in a three-axis gimbal system and positioned by the out 70 for. providing the necessary magnetic field will operate
put signals from the position indicators 70 and 80 in such satisfactorily, the permanent magnet would introduce a
a manner as to cause the shell 18 and its appurtenances problem of "frozen in" fields since it can not be “turned
to maintain a coaxial relationship of the fioat 10 and said off' while the float and shell are made Super-conducting.
outer shell 18. The action of the servo system thereby A preferred embodiment provides a means for replacing
provides a read-out signal of position of the float. 75 the permanent magnet with a persistent current on the
S. @
inner Super-conducting wall 14 of the float 10 which will through window 28 into casing 36 which includes the
provide a magnetic field indefinitely. In the present in photo-sensitive detector means for detecting triaxial de
vention, a circulating electrical current is induced by re flection. The arrangement for measuring the angular
movable electrical leads 31, and maintained in a ma deflection of the float with respect to its axis of symmetry
terial held at Super-conducting temperature with no trace 5 includes a photoconductor inclination detector indicated
whatsoever of electrical resistance to the circulation of generally at 52 which consists of a photoconductive sur
the current present. While this current generates a mag face which receives the light beam 50. When there is no
netic field identical to that of the permanent magnet it deflection, the light beam is centered on the surface
replaces, it is much easier to induce this persistent cur of the detector 52 and all of the resistances between
rent after the inner surface of the shell has been made common lead 56 and the leads 58, 60, 62 and 64, at
Super-conducting than it is to insert the permanent mag
net after the outer element is super-conducting. This is tached to the four outer edges respectively are equal.
extremely desirable since it permits a greatly reduced shell 18 theif light
However, the float 10 is rotated with respect to the
level of "frozen in" flux and the attendant difficulties re luminating more ofbeam the
50 is deflected to a position ill
material between the common
Sulting from the presence of this flux. 15 lead 56 and terminals 62 and 64, for example, causing
Float 10 is preferably formed of material having a larger currents to flow to these two terminials and thus
lower temperature for transition to the superconducting directing the servo system (not shown) to make a cor
State than that of the material forming the outer shell recting rotation of the shell 18 in the proper direction.
18. The outer shell 18 could be, for example, made of In order to obtain readout of the rotation about the
nibium and the inner float 10 could be made of tin. 20 axis of float symmetry, polarized light means are em
After the shell 18 has been made super-conducting while ployed.
in a Zero magnetic field by lowering the temperature float 10 soThethatsingle the
polarizer lens 48 is attached to the
light beam 42 produces a polarized
Sufficiently, a magnetic field is applied by means of electro beam with an angle of polarization which rotates with
magnetic coil 24 which generates the same number of flux the float. The polarized beam 50 entering
linkages through the center of the torus as the desired 25 housing 36 may then be split for example, bythea detector quarter
Support field. When the magnetic field is applied by silvered mirror 66 with a portion 68 of the beam contact
Subjecting coil 24 to a suitable current flow, the system ing a photocell 70 after passing through a second polarizer
should be at a temperature such that H for the shell 72. A second portion 74 of beam 50 is reflected, for
18 is greater than H while the float 10 is not super
conducting. After further lowering the system tempera 30 isexample, through a beam splitting silvered mirror 76 and
directed through an associated cooperating polarizer
ture, until torus 10 is also made super-conducting with 78 which is oriented at a slightly different angle from
He greater than H, the magnet is either shut off or re
moved depending upon the particular design. In the polarizer 72 onto a second photocell 80. Thus, rotation
of the polarizer 48 from a neutral position would result
embodiment shown, the magnet remains within the ap in increasing the light falling on one of the photocells
paratus and is merely shut off and the converting elec such as photocell 70 and decrease the light falling on
trical leads removed. As a result, a persistent current photocell 80 to indicate the degree and direction of rota
is then generated within the torus which will flow in tion of float 10 with respect to shell 13. The system
definitely without reduction in strength. Therefore, once
the System is placed into operation, no further electrical shown therefore, permits a single float to provide a three
energy is required to effect support of the inertial mass, 40 flux field 22. without
axis readout any substantial interference with the
since the persistent current within the torus provides this center receivingReference to FIGURE 1 shows a control
the signals indicating relative rotation
function. The only requirement to sustaining operation of the float 10 with respect to the outer sphere 18 about
is to provide sufficient energy to maintain the operating any one of the three axes. The control center provides
temperature low enough so that the float 10 and the shell a suitable signal to a three-axis follow-up servo system
18 remain super-conductive. 45 for reorienting the outer sphere with respect to the immov
Since the inertial reference device of the present in able float 10 to ensure alignment of sphere 18 with float
vention allows an orthogonal output, means must be in 10 with respect to all three axes.
cluded for reading out or detecting the relative positional Since penetrations larger than infinitesimal interfere
change between the float 10 and the spherical shell 18. with the flux path at the nodal point, the penetration does
The present invention advantageously makes use of the induce some coupling of the float to the shell. If the coul
flux nodal point of the flux field to allow penetration of pling unduly limits the performance of the system, it can
the opaque Super-conductive shell for three axis readout be greatly reduced by the inclusion of another super
with negligible effect on the suspension system. With conducting element which may act to isolate the majority
regard to the embodiment of FIGURE 1, since the flux is of the magnetic flux from the inner wall 14 of float 10
theoretically zero at the pole positions the shell 18 is 55 providing the magnetic field. In the FIGURE 1 embodi
penetrated at this point to provide opposed openings 28 ment, a tube 82 of super-conducting material is positioned
and 30. A circular window 32 is positioned in opening about the axis of symmetry and is of a larger diameter
28 and lens 34 is positioned in opening 30. Elements 32 than the penetration. The length of the tube is slightly
and 34 are optically and magnetically permeable but less than the internal diameter of the shell so that it does
fluid impermeable. Either element may be associated 60 not interfere with relative movement between the float
with means (not shown) to provide and maintain a 12 and the shell 18, but it does serve to reduce the flux
vacuum between the inner float and the outer shell. The fringing into the shell penetrations.
penetrations at points 28 and 30 allows the use of a A second embodiment is shown in FIGURES 2, 3 and
simple optical system which detects the displacement of 4 which offers certain advantages over the embodiment
float 10 and develops proper command signals for a 65 shown in FIGURE 1. The inertial reference device con
Servo System (not shown) which serves to control a sists of a spherical super-conductor 100 which serves as
stable inertial platform (not shown). The optical system a reference mass in the same manner as the float 10 of
employs a pair of casing members 36 and 38 positioned the FIGURE 1 embodiment. The sphere 100 is sur
adjacent the openings 30, and 28, and are shown as being rounded by a second super-conducting spherical shell 102
coupled to the outer Surface of shell 18. In the lower 70 which acts both as a source of and the means for confining
casing 38 there is provided a light source 40 which di a magnetic suspension field which is employed to position
rects a light beam 42 through lenses 44 and 34 into the the sphere 100 centrally of the shell 102. The spherical
shell 18 and through the hole 16 of float 10. A pair of shell 162 is penetrated by a number of openings 104 which
lenses 46 are positioned on either side of a light polariz are circular in form. The perimeter of each of these
ing lens 48 for directing a beam 50 of polarized light 75 circular openings constitutes a closed loop electrical cir
7 3.
cuit about the opening 104. Each opening which may The temperature is then lowered before the inner float
be designated as magnetically positive, will be surrounded reaches the critical temperature, thereby lowering the tem
by openings designated as magnetically negative and each perature of the outer shell to the point where it reaches
negative pole will likewise be surrounded by positive poles. the critical temperature, and thus both the float and the
The positive and negative designations are derived from 5 outer shell will be super-conducting. At this point the
the direction in which the current flows through the per energizing coils .06 are shut off with the apparatus in an
sistant current perimeters, and are thus based on the mag operating state.
netic polarity of the magnetic field within the circular In the embodiment shown in FIGURES 2 and 4, all of
openings 104. One such arrangement requires eight the openings 104 of shell 102 may be closed off by a non
equally spaced openings. The openings 104, FIGURES O magnetic, non-super-conducting material which may be
2 and 3, are covered by fluid impermeable material which opaque with the exception of opening 104 adjacent the
is magnetically permeable, while opening 164A has no aperture 16 of support member 112 which in this case
covering. Opening 104A allows the creation and main is used as part of the optical sensing system. In addition,
tenance of a suitable vacuum between the inner and outer one of the other holes or openings 104 is used to allow
spherical members without interferring with the passage 5 a vacuum line to be inserted between the inner float 100
of magentic fields through openings 104. One arrange and the outer shell 102 to insure that the float is positioned
ment is shown in FIGURE 4, wherein opening 104A pro in a vacuum and suspended by the magnetic means. This
vides fluid communiction between vacuum line 91 from arrangement of course insures that the liquid helium bath
a source (not shown) to support tube 113 which surrounds 108 is prevented from entering the vacuum space between
the uncovered opening 104A. The level of the liquid 20 the float 100 and the shell 102.
helium 108 is above the plane of the opening 104A and In the embodiment of FIGURE 1, the torus shaped
tube 113 fixedly couples the spherical shell 192 to table float and outer spherical shell are constructed of materials
E 12. The spherical float is suspended by a total magnetic having different super-conductive characteristics. In this
field which is imposed by persistent circulating currents case, the temperature of the system is lowered until the
in the rim of the openings 104. While it would be pos 25 outer spherical shell 18 becomes super-conductive, the
sible to float the spheres by having only two openings, electromagnetic coil 24 is energized to create the neces
one of which would allow ingress of the field and the Sary magnetic suspension field and then the temperature
other of which would permit its exit, such as geometry of the system further lowered until torus 10 becomes
undergoes small changes in field energy for a lateral dis Super-conductive and a persistent current is set up therein.
placement of the float. The additional openings provide However, the float 10 and the shell 18 may be constructed
a much greater change of field energy for a given displace of the same material having identical super-conductive
ment and thus provide a stiffer suspension. The same characteristics, whereby the sequence of events required
general requirements as discussed above exist for the selec to set up a persistent current in the torus shaped float 10
tion of material in regard to the critical field strength may be achieved wholly through temperature control.
at the operating temperature. In a typical construction, It is only necessary that the spherical member of the sys
the spherical float 100 may comprise a quartz sphere hav tem become Super-conducting first. In this respect, with
ing a thick film of niobium on its outer surface while the regard to the embodiment of FIGURE 2, both the inner
spherical shell 102 may be made of any suitable structural spherical float 100 and the outer shell 102 may also be
material coated on its inner surface with a thick film of of the same Super-conductive material, but in this case
niobium. The whole system is positioned within a mag 40 the inner spherical float would be made super-conductive
netic shield, evacuated and immersed in liquid helium first, magnetic suspension fields set up in the openings 104
108 within a cryostat 10 in the same manner as discussed and 104A and then the outer shell be made super
with regard to the embodiment of FIGURE 1. In setting conducting. In both the embodiments shown in FIGURE
up the system for operations, the spherical shell is posi 1 and FIGURE 2, it is apparent that the adjacent sur
tioned around the float and the elements placed in a mag 4 5 faces of the bodies are of such configuration as to allow
netic shield and evacuated. The temperature of the sys complete freedom of relative rotary movement in all direc
tem is lowered to a point where the surface of the spheri tions. In either case, one of the bodies is completely
cal float 100 would become super-conducting with a value Spherical and substantially magnetically and physically
of the critical field strength being greater than the maxi unfeatured. For the purposes of the present invention,
mum operating flux. At this point the magnetic field of 50 the Surface must be physically smooth to allow complete
appropriate polarity is generated by magnets or coils freedom of relative rotary movement in all directions,
located at each of the openings in the shell. Coils, such While at the same time being characterized by the absence
as 101, are positioned exteriorly of shell 102 and coaxial of magnetic anomalies of a macroscopic scale which
with openings 104 and 104A. The coils are selectively Would tend to present a returning force to one of the
connected to a source of voltage, such as battery 195 by 55 bodies with respect to the other as a result of said relative
closing switch 107, thereby completing the electrical cir rotary movement in any one of the directions. The term
cuit through line 103. With the openings being subjected "substantially” is used to indicate that any departure from
to appropriate magnetic fields, the temperature is reduced, a completely featureless condition does not in any way
until the outer shell becomes super-conducting, at which affect the operation of the system. Thus, in the FIG.
point the external field forces would be removed or turned 60 URE 1 embodiment, the presence of the covered aligned
off. The apparatus is then in an operating state. One openings on opposite ends of the outer shell 18 occurs at
specific method which would be applicable in a system in the nodal point of the confined magnetic field and there
which both the inner float and the outer shell have super fore, the departure does not in any way affect the opera
conductive surfaces of the same material, the procedure tion of the System. In this case, elements 32 and 34 are
in this case would entail the lowering of both materials 65 magnetically permeable closures which are fluid imper
to a temperature below the critical temperature wherein meable and which, in this case, are optically clear. In
both the outer shell and the inner float become super the embodiment of FIGURE 2, the coverings or closures
conducting. If the temperature is then raised, is is appar about the openings 104 are likewise impermeable to fluids
ent that the outer shell will reach a temperature above but permeable to magnetic fields.
the critical temperature before the inner float, due to the 70 In the embodiment of FIGURE 2, the readout can be
thermal coupling of the inner sphere or float to the outer accomplished by optical means wherein orthogonal rota
shell which would naturally cause it to lag. If the coils tion of the external shell with respect to the internal ISS
106 are energized during this lag time when the outer is detected by beam reflections from the surface of the
shell is in the normal state and the inner float is super inner sphere instead of transmission through a hole in the
conducting, a magnetic suspension field will be set up. 75 float. With this type of design the float can be reduced
to a completely symmetrical spherical body rather than beam passes to a pair of associated photocells indicated
having the torus shape configuration as in FIGURE 1, at beta and beta 2.
which would eliminate the problem of contouring the sur it can be seen from reference to FIGURE 4a that it
face to provide a restoring force always directed through is possible for the reflected light beam 134, which con
the center of the mass. In the use of a spherical float, tains the hexagonal character pattern of dots 128 to be
this condition is an inherent feature. aligned with respect to the pattern of the mask com
Specifically, FIGURE 4 shows the cryostat 110 coupled prising the alternate, dual series of equally spaced trans
to a rotating table 112 which together with the servo parent and opaque segments, such that at certain posi
systems (8 and y rotates about the vertical or alpha axis tions of the mask, maximum light will be transmitted.
in response to energization of the alpha servo motor indi 0 In addition, due to the slight displacement of the two
cated at 114 to which it is coupled mechanically. It may portions 39 and 141 of the mask, it is possible to detect
be stated at this point that the outer shell 102 is fixed to the phase or angular direction of error in alignment.
the rotating table 112 by suitable means while the beta The other portion 136 of the light beam passes through
servo motor 160 and the gamma servo motor 162 are also a second disc 150 which has a mask 152 identical to the
fixed to the rotating table 112 in the position shown. mask portion 146 of disc 138. The beam splitter 154
Therefore, any rotation of the output means of the alpha acts to split the portion of the beam 136 passing through
servo motor 14 will result in rotation of the table 112 mask 52 and to direct separate beams onto a pair of
about the vertical or alpha axis and will also rotate the associated photocells gamma 1 and gamma 2 with the
servo motors 160 and 162 and their associated members operation occurring in an identical manner to the ap
about the same axis. Centrally of the rotating table 112 20 paratus associated with servo motor. 160. It is apparent
is an opening 116 which is aligned generally with one of that rotation of float 100 about the gamna axis, that is,
the openings 184A formed within the outer spherical shell an axis normal to the plane of the paper, FIGURE 4,
102. A suitable light source 118 projects a light beam will require a rotation of the gamma servomotor 162
through lens 120 onto a concave mirror 22, with the and its mask 152 by a like amount, if the condition of
mirror orientated to direct the light beam downwardly 25 maximum light transmission is to be maintained. For
through the aligned openings 116 and 104 onto the surface a rotation about a beta axis, that is, an axis lying hori
of the reference sphere 100. The light beam 132 is re Zontally in the plane of the paper, no change in the
flected from this surface and passes upwardly through a position of the gamma servosystem is required to mini
central opening 124 formed within the mirror onto a sec mize the error signal. However, such rotation about
ond lens 126 to provide a real image of the reflected 30 the beta axis will produce a displacement of the optical
pattern from the surface of the reference sphere 100. In pattern of dots 28 with respect to the beta mask 138.
order to provide a surface character to the sphere 100, it The resulting error signals out of the beta amplifiers will
is overprinted with a hexagonal array of non-reflective produce rotation of the beta servomotor in the same
dots 128, this being an appropriate pattern which will fit direction as the displacement of the optical pattern of
the surface of the sphere without any break in the uni 35 dots 128 about the beta axis by the float rotation divided
formity of the pattern at any point on the sphere and, by by the sin of 60'. The position readouts are then given
use of vector summation, allow orthogonal readout. It by a simple trigonometric relationship as follows: Gam
is an object of the readout system to observe the move ma axis readout equals the gamma servo rotation and
ment of the optically reflected hexagonal pattern of dots the alpha axis readout equals the alpha servo rotation
and thus compute the rotational displacement of the sphere 40 divided by the ratio of gears connecting it to the optical
about orthogonal axes. The appropriate selection of the table 112. Beta axis readout equals the beta servomotor
lenses 120 and 26, the mirror 122, and the positioning rotation divided by 0.866 minus one-half the gamma
of these elements provides a focal length which will pro Servomotor rotation divided by 0.866 if the dot pattern
vide a real image at the position of the masks 1409 and is a hexagonal array.
152. A half-silvered mirror 130 intercepts the beam 132 The portion of the optical readout system associated
from lens 126 and divides the light beam 132 into two with the beta servo motor 160 will act to determine a
equal portions 134 and 136, which are oriented at right rotational deviation of the test reference system with
angles to each other. Additional focusing lenses may be respect to the inner sphere 100 about the horizontal or
utilized to determine the conditions of proper focusing. beta axis. Since the gamma readout system axis is not
Each of the split beams next passes through the periphery orthogonal to the beta axis, the second orthogonal read
of a circular disc which contains a suitable optical mask. out is obtained by a proper vector summation of the
For instance, beam 134 passes through the periphery of beta axis and gamma axis readouts. One such set of
a circular disc 138 which contains an optical mask portion orthogonal axes is given by
140 at the outer periphery thereof. FIGURE 4a is an
enlarged view of the portion of this disc containing the 55 at= a; y = (63— a sin 30°) cos 30°” 2 row"'r cy