circulating nut coupling wherein a shaft, such as shown) via line 133. It is to be understood that the
the extension of the drive shaft 58, will be provided , glass from which glass gobs are formed is ex-
with spiral grooves 62 and in which balls 63 con- truded as a solid mass and is sheared at intervals.
tinuously circulate. The balls 63 are received in Upon each shearing of the glass runner, a signal is
grooves 64 in a nut 65. The nut 65 is suitably 5 directed to the computer through the lead 133. This
fixedly secured to the slide unit 37. A mounting coordinates the timing of the motion profile com-
bearing 31a is mounted in support 31 which is puter with that of the feeder/shears assembly. A
designed to prevent linear motion of shaft 58. timing adjustment may be made to account for the
Thus, as the motor 55 rotates, it will advance "drop time" of severed gobs from the shears to the
or retract the nut 65 which, in turn, will advance or w top of the scoops.
retract the slide unit 37. With respect to the slide CPU 131 also receives signals from the for-
unit 37, it will be seen that suitable stops 66 and 67 ming machine controller (not shown) via line 134 to
will be adjustably carried by the mounting plates ensure that the gob delivery sequence follows the
31 , 32 to limit the travel of the slide unit 37. firing order of forming machine 24, and to prevent
Referring now to FIGURE 5, it will be seen that is delivery of gobs to those sections not prepared for
a bracket 70 extends forwardly from the mounting receiving them.
plate 32 and carries a vertical pivot pin 71 on which Operation of the servomotor 55 is directly con-
a pivot sleeve 72 is channeled for pivoting. The trolled by a position control servo mechanism drive
pivot sleeve 72 is carried by an elongated housing 138 within computer 130, which outputs position
73 which caries the scoops 21. The scoops 21, in 20 command signals to servo-amplifier 135. A tacho-
turn, are supported in a manner which is not part of meter 59 on the servomotor 55 is connected to the
this invention, but do include pinions 74 through position-control servo mechanism drive 135
which the gob receiving openings 25 extend. through lead 136. The position control 138 receives
A rack 75 is positioned within the housing 73 signals from the digital-to-analog converter 132,
and meshed with the pinions 74. The left part of 25 which converts position command signals from the
the rack 75 is carried by a circular shaft portion 76 motion profile computer 131 to analog form. An
which is suitably journaled within the left portion of address and data bus 137 links CPU 131 to D/A
the housing 73. the right portion of rack 75 is in 132, and is also connected to an input/output inter-
alignment with a smaller diameter shaft 77 which is face 145 which supports operator communications
journaled in the right end of the housing 73 and is 30 via display terminal 150 and hand-held terminal
in the form of a piston rod of an air cylinder 78 and 290.
carries a piston 80 whereby the shaft is biased The servo-amplifier 135 provides drive signals
against the rack 75. to the servo-motor 55 via line 138 based upon the
In order that the housing 73 and the compo- position command signals form the computer 130,
nents carried thereby may be pivoted to an out-of- 35 and receives signals from tachometer 59 indicative
the-way position, as shown in phantom lines in of the servo-motor velocity.
FIGURE 1, the support plate 30 carries a mounting Position transducer 53 tracks the linear dis-
block 81 , as is shown in FIGURE 3, on which an air placement of rack 75 and provides position feed-
cylinder 82 is mounted by means of a pivot pin 83. back signals to the Position Control module 138.
The air cylinder 82 has a piston rod 84 which 40 FIGURE 2 omits the second transducer 53, and
extends to the right through the mounting plate 32 associated circuitry. As disclosed in U.S. Patent
and carries a fitting 85, including a pivot pin 86 No. 4,459,101 the second transducer 53 is a redun-
which extends through a bracket 87 carried by the dant transducer which reduces the impact of trans-
housing 73. When the air cylinder 82 is actuated in ducer output errors. As discussed below, in an
the position illustrated in FIGURE 5, the piston rod 45 alternative embodiment of the invention, an analog
84 is retracted, causing the housing 73 to pivot in a to digital converter (not shown in Figure 2) may be
clockwise direction. included to digitalize the position feedback signal
Alternative structural designs for the gob distri- on line 142 and feed this directly back to CPU 131.
butor drive assembly are discussed in U.S. Patent Reference should now be had to FIGURE 6,
No. 4,599,101. 50 which is a state transition diagram showing the
Reference should now be had to Figure 2, various operational states of the motion profile
wherein controls for the servo-motor 55 are illus- computer 131. This computer controls two basic
trated. First, there is a computer unit, generally operational modes of the gob distributor 20, the
identified by the numeral 130. The computer unit manual mode and the automatic mode; the oper-
130 includes a motion profile computer 131 and a 55 ator selects one of these modes using an appro-
digital-to-analog converter 132. The central pro- priate switch or button on the control panel. In the
cessing unit (CPU) 131 of the motion control com- manual mode, which is used for setting up of gob
puter receives timing pulses from the feeder (not distributor 20, the interceptor 29 (FIGURE 1) is
0 268 414 10
positioned to divert gobs to prevent these from power is not lost, the system enters "not at out
reaching the scoop 21 . As further explained below, position" state 215 wherein it waits for an indication
this mode allows the operator to establish suitable that the scoop has been moved to its "out" posi-
position settings for the scoop 21 with respect to tion. (In the illustrated embodiment, this is identical
each of the troughs 23 (FIGURE 12), without requir- 5 with the reject or center dump position). This en-
ing mechanical adjustment of scoop 21 . ables the motion profile computer to return to the
With further reference to FIGURE 6, the auto- idle state 201.
matic mode is the normal operational mode of gob The state transitions for the manual mode (i.e,
distributor 20; the C.P.U. 131 passes through a the left-hand branch of the FIGURE 6 diagram) for
sequence of states to insure that the gob distributor io the most part correspond to those of the automatic
20 is ready for delivery. This system enters the idle mode. In the manual mode, however, the system
state 201 after power-up, or in any other of the does not test for synchronization with the feeder
operational states, if the system encounters an pulse.
alarm condition or if the operator pushes the stop The manual Move state differs from the auto-
button. If the operator selects the auto-start mode, 75 matic Move state in that the former is designed to
CPU 131 enters "scoop not found" state 202, in cause the scoop to move to a requested position in
which the system searches for the position of rack response to a position request entered by the
75 based upon the signal received from the posi- operator at hand-held terminal 290. The automatic
tiora transducer 52. Further details of this search Move state, on the other hand, provides automatic
process are discussed below with reference to the 20 motion control, in which gobs are delivered to
flow chart diagram of FIGURE 9. If the scoop is requesting sections or to the reject position.
located, the system enters "scoop not at reject" FIGURE 8 is a state transition diagram for the
mode, in which it remains until the scoop is moved Move, Search and Dwell functions of the motion
to the reject position (in the illustrated embodiment, profile computer 131. In the Dwell state 220, CPU
position of deflector chute 28). This is used as the 25 131 outputs constant position signals to D/A Con-
starting position for any subsequent move to a verter 132. CPU 131 enters the Move state 225 in
given trough 23. If the scoop is located at the reject response to a command to move to a given sec-
position, the system progresses to "not swung in" tion, and reverts to dwell state 220 when the move
state 206. This reflects the feature discussed above has been completed. The system enters the
wherein certain components of gob distributor 20 30 Search state 223 in response to a command to find
occluding the housing 73 and the components car- the scoop, and reverts to the Dwell state when the
ried thereby (FIGURE 5) may be pivoted to an out- scoop has been found or if the scoop cannot be
of-the-way position, i.e., "swung out". CPU 131 located. As shown in the flow chart diagram of
remains in "not swung in" state 206 until it is Figure 11, in the Dwell state CPU 131 continues to
signaled that the gob distributor mechanism has 35 test for Move request and Search request signals
been swung into position. at 263 and 266 and causes an appropriate state
Move state 208 is the principal operating state change should either comparison prove positive. If
of the system. In this state, motion profile computer both comparisons are negative, the system contin-
131 compares signals from the electronic controller ues to fetch the current scoop position and deliver
for the forming machine (via line 134) with a user- 40 this to D/A converter 132.
programmed sequence of the gob distributor deliv- FIGURE 9 is a flow chart of an advantageous
ery order. In addition to a confirmation that the search routine 230. At 231 the system retrieves
firing orders match, the system must verify that the from memory the value of the minimum possible
"delivery state" signals are "on" for the particular position of the scoop, and at 232 sends this posi-
section, i.e., that the section is ready for delivery. 45 tion signal to A/D 132. At 233 the processor incre-
Finally, the "delivery enable" pulse from that sec- ments the position command signal. At 235 this
tion must fall within a prescribed time window with position signal is compared with the maximum pos-
respect to the feeder pulse received over line 133 sible position, stored in memory, and if this com-
(FIGURE 2). Cf. commonly assigned U.S. Patent parison is positive a "scoop not found" error mes-
No. 4,453,963 for a disclosure of a gob delivery 50 sage is generated at 241 . With a negative result at
control system of this type. If delivery is autho- 235, however, the commanded position value is
rized, the motion profile computer follows a Move compared with the actual position signal received
routine for providing outputs to the digital to analog by position control 138. The system continues to
converter 132 to achieve rapid, accurate movement loop through steps 232, 233, 235, and 237 until the
of the scoops; this routine is discussed below with 55 commanded position either exceeds the maximum
reference to FIGURES 7 and 10. possible position (i.e., "scoop not found") or until
If the operator presses the automatic stop but- the position latch (i.e., position control 138) be-
ton, or in the event of an alarm condition in which comes activated, signalling coincidence between
11 0 268 414 12
the commanded position and the actual scoop po- lowed by 24b, etc. wherein at the end of each
sition. In the latter event, i.e., a positive comparison delivery cycle the gob distributor jumps from one
at 237, the system reverts to the Dwell state at 241 end of the machine (24j) to the other. Such firing
and advances to the "scoop not at reject" state order, when usable, facilitates the operator's efforts
(FIGURE 6). 5 in mold swabbing and other operations, provides
An alternative Search routine utilizes direct improved deadplate differentials, and other advan-
feeding back of the position feedback signals from tages.
position transducer 52 (Figure 2), via an analog-to- This motion control technique relies upon the
digital converter. In this routine, the A/D circuit is unit profile to permit the scoop to be moved be-
read to determine whether a scoop position signal io tween any two arbitrary locations within a range
is present. If such signal is present, it is analyzed defined by the user. With reference to the Move
to determine whether the scoop is moving, and if routine of 243 of FIGURE 10, at 245, 246, and 248
so whether the motion is in the proper direction. If the system subtracts the current position of the
the scoop is not moving, its position is compared scoop from a desired position, resulting in a vector
with the expected position. A failure of any of these 75 representing relative distance and direction of trav-
tests results in an error message. el. This vector is used as a multiplier for- the unit
The Move routine relies upon a digitalized re- profile (FIGURE 7), scaling such profile to the de-
presentation of an ideal motion curve to control the sired amplitude and direction necessary for moving
movement of the gob distributor scoop in a rapid the scoop to a desired position (step 249). The
and accurate manner. A variety "cam" profiles may 20 scaled profile is then added to the current position,
be employed for the motion profile curve. The thereby shifting the reference or bias point of the
acceleration profile should be designed to achieve scaled profile (step 251). The loop consisting of
the maximum speed of operation of gob distributor steps 252 and 254 is timed by a one millisecond
20. Inasmuch as the drive source is servo-motor interrupt. Illustratively, the digitalized motion profile
55, the motor torque characteristics (peak torque, 25 curve (FIGURE 7) consists of one hundred and
R.M.S. torque) should be consistent with such ac- eighty digital position values. At 252 the motion
celeration profile. While it is desirable to keep profile computer 131 delivers to the D/A converter
within reasonable limits the peak acceleration, it is 132 one of the 180 scaled, bias shifted digital
also advisable to avoid abrupt change in accelera- position values previously generated. This process
tion (i.e. high "pulse" or "jerk"), which will lead to 30 has continued until point number 180 is reached,
backlash problems. Such cam profiles as cycloidal, i.e., the motion profile computer has follpwed the
3-4-5 and 4-5-6-7 polynomial, cycloidal, entire CPC curve.
trapezoidal, and modified trapezoidal are illustra- Reference should be had to the plot of Figure
tive. 15, showing rack displacement (vertical axis) as a
In the preferred embodiment, the motion profile 35 function of time (horizontal axis). The motion profile
curve is a "cubic-parabolic-cubic" or CPU curve (a for a series of scoop movements comprises a
trapezoidal acceleration curve), as shown in the series of scaled move profiles based upon the
displacement-vs.-time plot of FIGURE 7. (In the standard curve of Figure 7, with intervening dwell
preferred drive system of U.S. Patent No. periods. Thus, with a starting location correspond-
4,559,104, this curve represents the displacement 40 ing to the digital position value at plateau 305, and
of slide unit 37). Corresponding time profiles of a desired target location corresponding to plateau
velocity and acceleration; are plotted in Figures 13 310, the standard displacement profile is scaled to
and 14, respectively. The "trapezoidal" accelera- distance Di. This distance is traversed during the
tion characteristic includes symmetrical accelera- move period Tm , at 306, followed by a dwell period
tion and deceleration portions, each including suc- 45 Td, so that the move cycle constitutes T = Tm +
cessive cubic, parabolic, and cubic sections (e.g. Td. This move cycle may be repeated for succes-
281, 282, 283). The parabolic sections provided sive target locations 315, 320, etc. in accordance
limited peak acceleration, while the cubic sections with the prescribed gob delivery "firing order",
provide limited peak pulse. In this particular profile, each time using the prior target location as the
equal time intervals are alotted to each section. so starting value, and appropriately scaling the dis-
The above characteristics enable the gob distri- placement profile.
butor to attain higher velocities and dramatically Applicants have found that the use of a stan-
increase the maximum distance over which the dardized time interval for scoop motion regardless
scoop can be moved as compared with the prior of distance to be traveled accommodates the ob-
art, and furthermore reduce the time required to 55 jectives of improving the speed of the gob distribu-
move the scoop. This allows the gob distributor to tor, and of allowing sufficient time for the gob to
follow a "sequential firing order"; e.g., with refer- travel from the top of the scoop 21 to a trough 23
ence to FIGURE 12, delivery to Section 24a, fol- or to the deflector chute 28. Important parameters
13 Q 268 414 14
of the system in this regard include the speed of sequences through the stages 201, 203, 205, 207,
the feeder assembly; the height between the top of to the manual move stage 209, in which he elec-
the scoop and the shears, which affects the ve- tronically adjusts the alignment of the scoop 21
locity of the gobs falling down the scoop; and the with each of the section troughs 23 with deflector
number of forming machine sections 24 (which 5 chute 28. Proper alignment may be verified visu-
determines the number of cuts per minute). With ally, and advantageously also using a suitable me-
reference to Figure 15, the feeder cycle time (time chanical aid such as a bar configured to fit between
between cuts) T equals the scoop motion time Tm scoop and trough when these are properly aligned.
plus the dwell time Td between scoop motions. It In the manual Move state, the operator uses a
is necessary to allow sufficient dwell time to permit w hand-held terminal of the type illustrated at 290 in
the gob to travel down the length of the scoop and FIGURE 13 in order to provide appropriate com-
into the trough before the scoop returns to the mands to the control electronics; this may be the
reject position. same hand-held terminal used to control the for-
To illustrate the relationship of these param- ming machine, as disclosed in commonly assigned
eters, the 180 millisecond scoop motion period is 75 European patent number 0117075. Hand-held ter-
about the fastest motion time consistent with a ten minal 290 is used to select the trough with respect
section machine operating at a 200 cuts per minute to which the scoop position is to be adjusted; when
feeder cycle. This corresponds to 300 milliseconds a given section number is selected the scoop will
between cuts and therefore a 180 millisecond mo- move to a pre-set position proximate the respective
tion period results in a minimum dwell time of 120 20 trough 21, permitting the operator to adjust the
milliseconds. 120 milliseconds has been found to scoop position setting for that section. Using the
be sufficient to ensure delivery of the gobs given a hand-held terminal 290, the operator selects the
shears-to-scoop height of at least six inches. "scoop adjust" function displayed at 293. By
Although the illustrated motion profile involves pressing the "do" key 291 the section number
a standard period, it is possible to permit the 25 display 296 will be changed to read "0". While
operator to "stretch" or reduce the time span of the looking at the scoops the operator then presses the
curve to reflect different machine requirements JOG UP and JOG DOWN keys 292, 296 to cause
(gear ratios, larger forming machines requiring the scoops to be aligned with the deflector chute
longer maximum travels, etc.). This could be done 298 (center dump position). JOG UP moves the
by changing the number of digital position values 30 scoop toward the higher section numbers, while
comprising . the motion profile, or by raising or JOG DOWN moves the scoop toward the lower
lowering the time interval between successive section numbers; the digital position value is dis-
points (defined by an interrupt signal within CPU played at 297. After centering for section zero the
131). Another approach would be to adjust the operator presses the next key 293 to advance to
required dwell time as a percentage of the top 35 the next section number; the previous key is used
feeder speed: One can reduce the maximum cuts to revert to the previous section. During this align-
per minute of the feeder assembly thereby increas- ment process, the operator may also adjust the
ing the minimum cycle time, and accordingly in- trough position, as known from the prior art. After
creasing the dwell time. The crucial consideration completing this initial alignment the operator
is to ensure that the gob distributor cycle provides 40 presses the manual stop to cause gob distributor
atleasi-the minimum dwell time required to ensure 20 to swing out. Thereafter, the settings arrived at
thatlhe gobs will travel the length of the scoops. in this set-up process may be used to control the
In order that the gob distributor 20 will properly scoop movement in the automatic mode.
load glass into the troughs 23 of the forming ma- In addition to scoop alignment in the set-up
chine, in operation the scoop must be aligned with 45 phase, described above, the invention permits real-
each of the troughs to form a straight line. Prior art ignment while the gob distributor is operating
mechanical gob distributors defined fixed positions (automatic mode). Again, this relies upon using the
for the scoop in the drive cam, so that during set- SCOOP ADJUST function of the hand-held terminal
up only the troughs could be adjusted for align- 290 in order to adjust the digital position value for a
ment purposes. In such prior systems, although it so particular section, relying upon the operator's visual
is possible to adjust the troughs so that they meet inspection. This allows continuing re-alignment of
the scoop, it is impossible to get true alignment. the scoops in response to trough vibration and
The present invention permits electronic adjust- other causes of misalignment.
ment of the scoop position during the set-up
phase, i.e., in the manual mode. With further refer- 55
ence to the state transition diagram of FIGURE 6,
for the purposes of aligning the scoops with the
various troughs in later operations, the operator
15 0 268 414 16
0 268 414
F I G . 1 2
^ 2 3 a
P r i o r A r t
" ^ - 2 9
2 0
23 i
F I G . 8
Power up
0 268 414
0 268 414
I 7 - 4
t o -
0 268 414
0 268 414
F I G . 6
2 0 0 2 0 2
2 0 4
2 0 6
2 0 8
0 268 414
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3 3 N V 1 S I Q
0 268 414
f SEARCHV^2-'?"^n
V r o u t i n e / -c-*aj
F I G . 9
MINIMUM ^ 2 3 1
SIGNAL - " 2 - 2 3 2
POSITION - 2 3 3
S is \ Y E S
POSITION > M A X ^ 1 1 - 0
/ IS X.
CHANGE ^ 2 4 2
0 268 414
F I G . 1 0
MOVE ^ v
ROUTINE ) F I G . 1 1
2 4 3 - ^
2 4 5
FETCH "^261
2 4 6 I
;ul CURRENT T - 2 S 2
249 - ^ 'PROFILE
u z .
2 6 4 z<sr
2 5 4 YES
2 5 6 - ^ DWELL
0 268 414
F I G . 1 2
2>6 2 3 3 / 2 9 7
^ - 2 9 2
2 9
0 268 414
F I G . 1 4
200 h
cc -100-
0 268 414
^ 5 ^
European Patent Application number
EP 87309932.9
Citation of document with indication, where appropriate, Relevant CLASSIFICATION OF THE
Category of relevant passages to claim APPLICATION (Int. CM)
D , A US - E - 28 759 (BYSTRIANYK et al . )
* Column 1, line 63 -
column 2, line 27 *
The present search report has been drawn up lor alt claim*
Place of search Date of completion ol the search Examiner