Tempo Lesson Plan
Tempo Lesson Plan
Tempo Lesson Plan
Central Focus of
Objectives: Label domain and include the behavior, condition and criteria parts of a well-written objective. Assessment: Indicate below and attach
Indicate targeted SHAPE & NJSLS standard(s) after each objective. Create new rows as needed assessment artifacts to lesson.
n SHAPE NJSLS Objective(s) Assessment tool(s)
(P,C,A) Informal)
SWBAT perform physical movements and actions to songs with varying
P 1 2.2.5.MSC.2 tempos during the Tempo Activity by scoring a 4 out of 5 on the Tempo Formal Tempo Dance Checklist
Dance Checklist.
SWBAT verbally define tempo in reference to songs and movement during
C 2 2.2.5.MSC.2 Informal Q&A
class discussion.
SWBAT verbally express two ways fast and slow tempo make them feel
A 5 2.2.5.MSC.2 Informal Q&A
during the class discussion.
College and Career Practices: Check the college & career ready practices you will introduce or build upon during this lesson.
☐ CRP 1 X CRP 2 X CRP 3 X CRP 4 ☐ CRP 5 ☐ CRP 6 ☐ CRP 7 ☐ CRP 8 X CRP 9 ☐ CRP 10 ☐ CRP 11 ☐ CRP 12
Content Development (includes lead up / culminating games and activities, skill development; create new rows as needed)
Cardio Club Arms up above your If student is unable to perform jumping jacks,
The students will stand up in a clear space preparing for head give them the option to jog in place or march
jumping jacks. The teacher will call out the interval for each Teacher telling the fast in place
student to stop at- intervals include 15 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 interval time
min, 1 min 15 sec, 1 min 30 sec, 1 min 45 sec. Feet move in and out
Keep moving
10 min
When the teacher says “GO” and starts the timer, the students You got this
will start performing jumping jacks with proper form. The
teacher will call out intervals as the timer goes on. If a student
stops before their interval is called, they stay at that interval
for the next class. If students succeed to their goal time, they
will move up 15 seconds for the next class.
Review of Last Week Who remembers what For students with audio impairments, the
5 min The teacher will ask questions about the prior lesson- beat. we learned about last teacher can screen share onto a document for
After the students share what they remember, everyone will week? visual cues
stand up and move to a song. Once the teacher starts the Can someone raise their
music, the students will listen to the beat and dance or make hand and share with me Closed captioning may be turned on for
movements that correspond with the beat. what they remember students with audio impairments.
about the word “beat”?
Some movements: clapping, snapping, shimmying, jumping What types of beat did Pre-typed class notes may be provided when
jacks, sidestep, skaters we learn about? - needed.
heartbeat and music beat
Intro to Tempo Raise your hand if you
Introduce the word “tempo” in music. Ask students if they have heard of the word For students with audio impairments, the
have heard of the word tempo. If they have not, recite the “tempo”. teacher can screen share onto a document for
word as a class and proceed to explain the definition of the Keep your hand raised if visual cues
word “tempo”. you would like to share
5 min Relate beat to tempo what you know about Closed captioning may be turned on for
“tempo” students with audio impairments.
The tempo is the speed
of the music. The tempo
is how fast or slow the
beat is going.
Tempo Activity What is different about The teacher can play songs with a slower tempo
The students will start standing up. The teacher will play the two songs?
music of different tempos. When the music starts, the students Did the last song have a For students with audio impairments, the
will move around and perform various types of movement i.e. fast or slow tempo? teacher can screen share onto a document for
dance, march, jump, clap, exercises. When the teacher says Did you vary your visual cues
“freeze” and the music stops, the students will assume the movements to the tempo
frozen position- hands on knees, eyes on me. of the song? Closed captioning may be turned on for
Fast song: Blingling Lights by Kids Bop Check your HR- was students with audio impairments.
Slow song: Let It Go by Kids Bop your HR different at all?
13 min
Pre-typed class notes may be provided when
The students should vary the speed of their movements Tempo Dance Checklist needed.
depending on the tempo of the song that is played.
*The teacher will complete the Tempo Dance Checklist
during this time.*
After each song, students will check their pulse and observe if
it is beating faster or slower.
Closure (includes lesson extension, summary, homework; create new rows as needed)
2 min Discussion: Q&A What word did we learn If students are not comfortable with sharing,
The teacher will ask the class reflecting questions on the today? tempo they may choose to privately email the teacher.
lesson. What does tempo mean
in regards to music?
How might your
exercise or movement
change if the tempo of
the song was fast?
How might your
exercise or movement
change if the tempo of
the song was slow?
Name: Date:
Tempo changed successfully Tempo changed somewhat successfully Tempo did not change successfully whatsoever
Song 1
Song 2
Song 3
Song 4
Song 5