Construction Safety Management Plan
Construction Safety Management Plan
Construction Safety Management Plan
Revision History...............................................................................................................................2
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................4
1.1 Project Overview and Description..............................................................................4
1.2 Construction Safety Management Plan (CSMP).......................................................4
1.3 CSMP Review and Revision......................................................................................4
2.0 Contractor Site Safety Management Plans (CSSMPs)........................................................4
2.1 CSSMP Content.........................................................................................................4
2.2 COMPANY Review of CSSMPs................................................................................4
3.2 Pre-Work Orientation Meetings..................................................................................6
3.3 Pre-job Meetings........................................................................................................6
4.0 Safety Management Activities...............................................................................................6
4.1 Formal Review...........................................................................................................6
4.2 Incident Management System...................................................................................6
4.3 Monitoring, Auditing and Testing...............................................................................6
5.0 Construction Safety Management Plan Specifications.........................................................8
5.1 Emergency Response................................................................................................8
5.1.1 Emergency Action Plan...................................................................................8
5.1.2 Emergency Planning Guide............................................................................9
5.1.3 Contractors Emergency Response Plans.......................................................9
5.2 Fire Hazard and Abatement Plan.............................................................................10
5.2.1 Objective.......................................................................................................10
5.2.2 Statutory Requirements................................................................................10
5.2.3 Potential Fire Hazards, Mitigation and Safety...............................................10
5.2.4 Fire Risk Assessment...................................................................................11
5.2.5 Fire Risk Reduction.......................................................................................11
5.3 Safety Management Plan.........................................................................................15
5.3.1 Objective.........................................................................................................15
Project Activity Zone Area within which the Project components will
be found or will occur, but not including existing
transportation infrastructure that will be used
without modification to transport materials or
personnel required for the Project Consequence
The Incident Consequence Rating (ICR) within the Risk Matrix table on the next page refers to:
Fatality Fatality 5
Risk Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Incident Likelihood
certain LOW (1)
LOW (2)
1: in cases when the hazard identification and assessment process indicates that there are no adverse
consequences related to a particular activity (and the ICR rating assigned to this activity is 0), the resulting risk
rating is LOW instead of MEDIUM.
2: In specific instances where all reasonable measures have been taken to reduce exposure to zero for a
dangerous area, a risk rating of LOW can be assigned for a consequence rating of 5 and a likelihood rating of 1. Risk Levels
Determining the risk level of each activity follows a three part process.
1. Incident Likelihood and Incident Consequence ratings are determined by examining the
“as is” condition of each activity within a component area with respect to identifiable
hazards with no risk reduction measures in place.
2. The overall risk level of the activity being examined is then determined by multiplying the
Likelihood and Consequence ratings together.
3. New or modified risk reduction measures are then applied and Likelihood
and Consequence ratings are reassessed with the additional measures.
The above three steps are repeated for each activity within the component area until sufficient
risk reduction measures are implemented to eliminate or to significantly reduce initial high risk
levels to medium or low.
High 8 to 25
Medium 5 to 7
Low 1 to 4 Fences
Fences will be installed as required to prevent access to construction sites
5.5 Worker Health and Safety Management Plan (WHSMP)
5.5.1 Objective and Scope
The objective of the worker health and safety management plan is to meet COMPANY’s
obligations in communicating all known hazards and for Contractors to mitigate and control risk
to workers’ health and safety.
5.5.2 Statutory Requirements
It is the Contractors’ responsibility to ensure that all required permits and safe work plans
necessary to manage risk to workers health and safety are in place prior to the start of
construction activities.
5.5.3 Project Effects, Mitigation and Safety Measures Project Effects
Hazards in and around the active construction site have the potential to affect workers’ health
and safety. These hazards may relate to gravitational, chemical, pressure, kinetic, electrical or
social energy sources. Mitigation and Safety Measures
Prior to commencing activities on the site, Contractors shall:
Engage a qualified professional to develop a detailed, site-specific worker health and
safety management plan
Retain qualified safety resources for the construction site depending on the scope of the
project and competency required to meet WorkSafeBC Regulations
Provide Contractors’ Worker Health and Safety Management Plan to the identified
COMPANY representative for review as to completeness prior to the start of work.
5.5.4 Safety Management and Leadership
All Contractors must submit a site-specific Occupational Health and Safety Program and Plan to
COMPANY. The plan must be accepted by COMPANY prior to the start of work
The site-specific plan and program shall include:
An Occupational Health & Safety Policy that outlines the Contractors’s intentions
related to planning, compliance, responsibility, communication, training and
performance. The policy must illustrate how these components are structured and will be
implemented to the requirements of relevant regulatory requirements.
A statement of commitment to supporting COMPANY’s role as owner throughout the
project, including supporting safety audits, safety inspections, safety reviews, and other
safety related requests as needed.
An Occupational Health & Safety responsibility statement that defines the key
Occupational Health & Safety responsibilities of all levels of management and workers.
The statement must also define the responsibilities of the Contractors’s identified site
safety coordinator.
A standard or rule regarding worker behavioral conduct and the potential consequence
for contravention of any safety or health policy, commitment, responsibility or other rule
or standards. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
The Contractors shall outline the process for hazard identification, risk assessment and hazard
mitigation for all project specific hazards relating to the Contractors’s work activities and work
The hazard identification must include:
Detailed information on the Contractors’s activities and known hazards related to
those activities;
An assessment of previously identified hazards and control measures, safeguards
and/or barriers planned or implemented to address them
The hazard identification and review process shall be completed by qualified professional and
reviewed by COMPANY for completeness. Health and Safety Communication
The Contractors shall outline the communication process to ensure occupational health and
safety programs and safe work plans are clearly and consistently communicated to all
employees. The Contractors’s worker health and safety plan shall include:
A process for submission of a Notice of Project for activities identified under the
Occupational Health & Safety regulation.
A list of key personnel on-site their role, and how to contact them. At a minimum, this
information shall include the person responsible for the work, the person responsible for
coordination of safety, the person responsible for emergency response, and first aid
A requirement for pre-job and tail board meetings that provide detail of particular jobs,
the hazards associated with them, safe work plans, and any other relevant safety
messaging pertinent to the job. These meetings shall be conducted at least at the
commencement of each shift before work commences, and during the course of the
work whenever new hazards are identified or existing work plans change Safe Work Practices
Contractors shall, as a minimum, develop safe work practices for:
All high hazard and or non-routine work activities and work environments.
All work involving exposure to occupational hygiene hazards (asbestos, silica, lead etc.) Safety Equipment
Contractors shall provide, maintain and require the use of personal protective equipment based
on the hazards of the worksite and the work.
Contractors shall:
Identify all personal protective equipment required.
Communicate the requirements for personal protective equipment to the workforce.
Ensure personal protective equipment is maintained in proper working order.
Ensure that workers are highly visible at all times and work areas. First Aid
A well equipped primary health care facility and staff able to provide first aid and medical aid will
be available on site. Contractors’ Worker Health and Safety Management Plan shall include a
first aid assessment and a listing of first aid personnel, equipment and supplies that will be
provided. Training and Human Resource Planning
Those responsible for the management, implementation, and operation of any aspect of the
Worker Health and Safety Management Plan shall be competent for their role.
Prior to the commencement of work on-site all workers shall:
Receive training on the worker health and safety management plan and associated work
All training must be documented. Monitoring and Reporting
Contractors shall monitor compliance with the Worker Health and Safety Management Plan.
Contractors shall engage a qualified Site Safety Coordinator whose duty shall include:
Informing employers and workers of any hazards created by the work
Ensuring that those hazards are addressed throughout the duration of the
work activities.
Producing a site drawing, which must be posted, showing project layout, first aid
location, emergency transportation provisions, and the evacuation marshalling station
Producing a set of construction plans designed to protect the health and safety of
workers at the workplace, developed in accordance with the requirements of this
Inspecting the worksite to ensure conditions and plans are safe.
Producing monthly reports for COMPANY outlining the safety management
related activities, including leading and lagging safety performance indicators.
Contractors Worker Health and Safety Management Plan shall include a program for reporting
an investigation of all accidents, near misses, and the actions taken to prevent recurrence.
The contractor shall provide monthly monitoring reports.