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The Roles of Plant Hormones and Their Interactions With Regulatory Genes in Determining Meristem Activity

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International Journal of

Molecular Sciences

The Roles of Plant Hormones and Their Interactions
with Regulatory Genes in Determining
Meristem Activity
Ze Hong Lee 1 , Takeshi Hirakawa 1 , Nobutoshi Yamaguchi 1,2 and Toshiro Ito 1, *
1 Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and
Technology, 8916-5, Takayama, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan
2 Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 4-1-8,
Honcho, Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan
* Correspondence: itot@bs.naist.jp; Tel.: +81-743-72-5500

Received: 5 July 2019; Accepted: 16 August 2019; Published: 20 August 2019 

Abstract: Plants, unlike animals, have developed a unique system in which they continue to form
organs throughout their entire life cycle, even after embryonic development. This is possible because
plants possess a small group of pluripotent stem cells in their meristems. The shoot apical meristem
(SAM) plays a key role in forming all of the aerial structures of plants, including floral meristems
(FMs). The FMs subsequently give rise to the floral organs containing reproductive structures.
Studies in the past few decades have revealed the importance of transcription factors and secreted
peptides in meristem activity using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Recent advances in genomic,
transcriptomic, imaging, and modeling technologies have allowed us to explore the interplay between
transcription factors, secreted peptides, and plant hormones. Two different classes of plant hormones,
cytokinins and auxins, and their interaction are particularly important for controlling SAM and
FM development. This review focuses on the current issues surrounding the crosstalk between the
hormonal and genetic regulatory network during meristem self-renewal and organogenesis.

Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana; shoot apical meristem; floral meristem; auxin; cytokinin; WUSCHEL;

1. Introduction
Throughout their entire life cycle, plants possess a small group of pluripotent stem cells in
their meristems [1–3]. The shoot apical meristem (SAM) at the top of the plant is responsible for
postembryonic growth and gives rise to plant aerial structures (Figure 1a) [4]. To sustain proper
continuous growth, the SAM maintains the balance between self-renewal of stem cells and cell
recruitment for lateral organ formation. Stem cells in the SAM produce daughter cells, which remain
stem cells or become differentiated. The SAM also establishes phyllotaxy, i.e., the arrangement of
lateral organs along the stem [5–9]. (Figure 1b). In Arabidopsis thaliana, the SAM produces rosette
leaves during the vegetative phase (Figure 1a). Just after the floral transition, a few cauline leaves and
branches form from the SAM [10] (Figure 1a). During the reproductive phase, flowers are produced
from the SAM (Figure 1a). The phase-specific activities of the SAM determine plant architecture
(Figure 1a). The SAM is divided into the outer tunica and corpus. The outer layer is composed of
epidermal (L1) and subepidermal (L2) layers (Figure 1c). L1 and L2 are single cell layers that divide
anticlinally to the plane of the tissue surface. By contrast, the corpus, or inner L3, is a collection of
cells whose division occurs in all planes [11]. The SAM harbors a set of stem cells within the central
zone (CZ) surrounded by the peripheral zone (PZ) (Figure 1c). Cells located in the CZ divide slowly,
while cells located in the PZ divide rapidly (Figure 1c). The balance of cell division in the CZ and PZ

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4065; doi:10.3390/ijms20164065 www.mdpi.com/journal/ijms

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determines organ size and number. The PZ is active in the production of lateral organs. The rib zone
(RZ) provides multipotent cells to form stem cells, which support the SAM. The CZ acts as a reservoir
of stem cells. CZ activity is maintained by the underlying organizing center (OC). The CZ and OC
partially overlap and form the stem cell niche (Figure 1c) [12,13].
The WUSCHEL (WUS) transcription factor and CLAVATA (CLV) ligand–receptor system are
key determinants of meristematic activity in the SAM [14–18]. Mutations in the WUS gene result in
premature termination of the SAM after a few organs have formed [16]. WUS, which is expressed
in the OC, controls biological processes through the transcriptional regulation of downstream target
genes related to meristem growth, cell division, and hormonal signaling [19–22]. In particular, WUS
specifies stem cell identity, partially through the direct activation of CLV3. On the other hand,
the loss-of-function CLV3 mutant aberrantly accumulates stem cells in the SAM [23]. CLV3, which is
expressed in the CZ, encodes a founding member of the CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED (CLE) family
of small peptides. The CLV3 peptide binds to the CLV receptor proteins [24]. CLV1 encodes a
receptor kinase containing an extracellular leucine-rich repeat domain and an intracellular kinase
domain. CLV2 is similar to CLV1 but lacks a cytoplasmic kinase domain [12,25,26]. CLV1 forms
homodimers, while CLV2 forms heterodimers with the receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase CORYNE (also
known as SUPPRESSOR OF LLP1 2 (SOL2)) for signal transduction [12,27–30]. CLV signaling itself
represses WUS expression to restrict its spatial expression domain [12,13]. The negative feedback loop
between stem cells and the OC mediated by these two proteins ensures stem cell homeostasis in the
SAM and indefinite organ formation (Figure 1d). Components of the CLV-WUS negative feedback
pathway are well conserved in model and crop plants [31,32]. In rice (Oryza sativa), FON2-LIKE CLE
PROTEIN1 (FCP1) and FCP2, which encode CLV3-related CLE proteins, play key roles in vegetative
SAM maintenance [33]. FCP1 and FCP2 act redundantly to repress WUSCHEL RELATED HOMEOBOX4
(WOX4) expression [33]. In maize (Zea mays), ZmFCP1 also acts as a ligand for the receptor kinase
FASCIATED EAR3 (FEA3) [34,35]. ZmFCP1 and FEA3 negatively regulate ZmWUS1 expression to
maintain reproductive SAM activity [34,35]. Thus, molecular evidence indicates that the CLV-WUS
pathway is critical for SAM maintenance in higher plants.
During the reproductive phase, SAMs give rise to floral meristems (FMs) in a regular, geometric
fashion. FMs also contain stem cell populations during their early growth stages. The balance between
the rates of stem cell proliferation and differentiation in the FM is pivotal for the proper formation of
flower organs, such as sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels (Figure 1d) [36]. Floral organ patterning is
determined by the combined actions of homeotic genes [37,38]. Sepals, stamens, carpels, and petals
become visible in order (Figure 1d–f). Like the SAM, FM activity is also regulated by WUS activity
during floral organ formation [16]. Mutations in WUS also result in premature termination of the FM.
The regulatory principles that determine stem cell homeostasis in the SAM and FM are largely similar
to each other. Like the SAM, the FM is also maintained by the CLV–WUS pathway in higher plants.
In rice, FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1 (FON1) and FON2 control FM sizes [39–41]. FON1 encodes
an ortholog of the CLV1 receptor, whereas FON2 encodes a CLV3-like protein. These two proteins
act in the same pathway for FM maintenance [39,40]. In tomato, the FACIATED AND BRANCHED
(FAB) receptor and the SlCLV3 (ligand) signaling pathway also control FM size [42]. In Arabidopsis,
the SAM is indeterminate and the FM is determinate, while SAMs can also be determinate in many
species and can vary within a single plant species [6,43–45]. Precocious FM termination leads to the
formation of fewer floral organs. By contrast, delayed FM termination leads to increased numbers of
floral organs. Thus, the timing of FM termination is crucial for the production of a fixed number of
organs, including the female structure, the gynoecium. This termination is controlled by multiple gene
regulatory networks. The precise control of the termination of the FM by multiple factors ensures stem
cell homeostasis in the FM and the formation of determinate floral organs.
Plant hormones (also known as phytohormones) are signaling molecules that influence a variety of
physiological processes. Phytohormones are classified into several different groups depending on their
chemical structures [46,47]. Plant hormones are synthesized in one location and move to other locations
Int. J.J.Mol.
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locations in the plant. Hormones trigger many biological and cellular processes in locally targeted
in the such
cells, plant.asHormones trigger many
seed dormancy, biological
growth, and cellular
metabolism, organprocesses in locally
formation, targeted cells,
reproduction, andsuch as
seed dormancy, growth, metabolism, organ formation, reproduction, and stress
responses [48–53]. Plant hormone biosynthesis, transport, perception, signal transduction, and responses [48–53].
Plant hormone
downstream biosynthesis,
effects coordinatetransport,
the hormonal perception,
control ofsignal transduction,
cell division, growth, and
anddownstream effects
Recentthe hormonal
studies of thecontrol of cell division,
regulators of the SAMgrowth,
have revealed that plant hormones
contribute of the regulators
the fine-tuning of themaintenance
of meristem SAM and FM have
and revealed
organ that plant
formation. hormones
Cytokinin andcontribute
auxin are
to the
two fine-tuning
core of meristem
plant hormones thatmaintenance andSAM
function in the organand
formation. Cytokinin
FM regulatory and auxin
network. are two core
Cytokinins are
plant hormones that function in the SAM and FM regulatory network. Cytokinins are
required for cell division in meristematic tissues, whereas auxins promote organ formation, growth, required for cell
and in meristematic
differentiation. tissues,and
Cytokinins whereas
auxins auxins
oftenpromote organ formation,
work together in multiplegrowth,
organs,and differentiation.
tissues, and cells
[46]. Although andthese
auxinstwooften work together
hormones in multiple
were originally organs, tissues,
considered and cells [46].
to be antagonists, Although
recent these
studies have
two hormones were originally considered to be antagonists, recent studies have
revealed their synergistic interactions as well [54–56]. In this review, we discuss recent findings revealed their
the molecular interactions
basis of SAM as well [54–56].
and FM In thiswith
regulation, review, we discuss
an emphasis onrecent findings
the roles on theand
of cytokinin molecular
basis of SAM and FM regulation, with an emphasis on the roles of cytokinin and auxin.

Figure 1.
Figure Morphologyof
1. Morphology of the
the shoot
shoot apical
apical meristem
meristem (SAM) (SAM) and
and floral
floral meristems
meristems (FM).(FM). (a)
(a) Side
Side view
of an
of an Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis plant. plant. Aerial
whichisis located
located at at the
the top
top of
of the
the plant
(arrowhead). Thirty-day-old
(arrowhead). Thirty-day-oldplants plantsare areshown.
suchas asrosette
branches, and flowers form from the SAM. (b) Overhead view of the
branches, and flowers form from the SAM. (b) Overhead view of the SAM. Numbers indicate floral SAM. Numbers indicate floral
stages [57]. The longitudinal sections shown in (c,e,f) were obtained by cutting across the SAM, stage3
stages [57]. The longitudinal sections shown in (c,e,f) were obtained by cutting across the SAM, stage
3FMFMand andstage
stage66FM FMalong
dashed lines,
lines, respectively.
respectively. Thirty-day-old
Thirty-day-old SAMs SAMs andand FMsFMsareareshown.
(c) Organization of the SAM showing functional zones and cell layers. The
(c) Organization of the SAM showing functional zones and cell layers. The central zone (CZ) consists central zone (CZ) consists
of stemcells
(blue)and andthethe organizing
organizing center
center (OC) (OC) (pink).
(pink). PZ andPZ RZ
andare RZtheare the peripheral
peripheral and riband rib
zones, respectively. Epidermal (L1) and subepidermal (L2) layers are
respectively. Epidermal (L1) and subepidermal (L2) layers are shown in green and light green, shown in green and light green,
respectively. Scale
respectively. Scale barbar ==2020µm.
µm. (d)(d)Top
Top view
view ofof an
an Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis flower
flower at at stage
stage 13.
13. A A flower
flower consists
of four
of four sepals,
sepals, six
six stamens,
stamens, fourfour petals,
petals, and
and two
two carpels.
carpels. AAflower
30-day-oldplant plantisisshown.
(e) Top view of the FM at stage 3. Scale bar = 20 µm. (f) Top view of the FM
(e) Top view of the FM at stage 3. Scale bar = 20 µm. (f) Top view of the FM at stage 6. Organization at stage 6. Organization of
the FM showing functional zones and cell layers. The OC, which exhibits
of the FM showing functional zones and cell layers. The OC, which exhibits weak WUS expression weak WUS expression only
at stage
only 3 and3 early
at stage stagestage
and early 6, is shown in pink.
6, is shown in pink. bar =bar
ScaleScale 20 =µm.
20 µm.

2. Hormonal Control of Meristematic and Primordial Fate in the SAM

2.1. The Role of Cytolonin in Specifying Meristem Fate in the SAM

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2. Hormonal Control of Meristematic and Primordial Fate in the SAM

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2.1. The Role of Cytolonin in Specifying Meristem Fate in the SAM

2.1.1. Cytokinin and Its Role in Specifying the Fate of the SAM
Cytokinin which
and Itstriggers
Role in cell
of the SAM more than 50 years ago. This plant
hormone controls
Cytokinin, every
which aspectcell
triggers ofdivision,
plant growth
was firstanddiscovered
moreincluding meristem
than 50 years function,
ago. This plant
vascular development, stress responses, and senescence. Cytokinin maintains
hormone controls every aspect of plant growth and development, including meristem function, vascular the stem cell
population in stress
development, the SAM. In Arabidopsis,
responses, and senescence.high Cytokinin
levels of cytokinin
maintainssignaling induce
the stem cell ectopic in
population WUS
expression and lead to stem cell fate in the surrounding cells (Figure 2a). This
SAM. In Arabidopsis, high levels of cytokinin signaling induce ectopic WUS expression and lead to finding suggests that
stem is sufficient
cell fate for the induction
in the surrounding of WUS
cells (Figure 2a).and thefinding
This specification of that
suggests stemcytokinin
cell fate. WUS levels are
is sufficient for
the inductionby oftwo
and the cytokinin-dependent
specification of stempathways: CLV-dependent
cell fate. WUS and CLV-independent
levels are regulated by two different
pathways [58]. Cytokinins
cytokinin-dependent pathways:are transported
CLV-dependent fromand rootCLV-independent
to shoot and accumulate
pathways in [58].
the OC of the SAM
Cytokinins are
[59]. Cytokinin
transported fromactivity
root to is further
shoot and fine-tuned
accumulateby in cytokinin biosynthesis,
the OC of the SAM [59]. degradation, transport,
Cytokinin activity and
is further
signaling [60,61].
fine-tuned Tissue-specific
by cytokinin transcription
biosynthesis, factors
degradation, and environmental
transport, and signalingsignals alsoTissue-specific
[60,61]. contribute to
this activity [62].
transcription factors and environmental signals also contribute to this activity [62].

Figure 2. Hormonal control of the SAM to specify meristematic and primordium fate. (a) Top:
Figure 2. Hormonal control of the SAM to specify meristematic and primordium fate. (a) Top:
Cytokinin-mediated SAM regulatory network for meristematic fate specification. Bottom:
Cytokinin-mediated SAM regulatory network for meristematic fate specification. Bottom: Auxin-
Auxin-mediated SAM regulatory network for meristematic and floral primordium fate specification.
mediated SAM regulatory network for meristematic and floral primordium fate specification. Green
Green indicates hormonal gradients. The arrows represent the activation of gene expression, while the
indicates hormonal gradients. The arrows represent the activation of gene expression, while the flat
flat arrows represent its repression. (b) Chromatin state switch for primordium specification by the
arrows represent its repression. (b) Chromatin state switch for primordium specification by the
ARF5/MP complex in response to auxin. The arrows represent the activation of gene expression,
ARF5/MP complex in response to auxin. The arrows represent the activation of gene expression, while
while the flat arrows represent its repression. (c) Chromatin state switch for primordium specification
the flat arrows represent its repression. (c) Chromatin state switch for primordium specification by
by ARF3 and the FIL complex. The arrows represent the activation of gene expression, while the flat
ARF3 and the FIL complex. The arrows represent the activation of gene expression, while the flat
arrows represent its repression.
arrows represent its repression.
2.1.2. Cytokinin Biosynthesis Controls WUS Expression in the SAM
2.1.2. Cytokinin Biosynthesis Controls WUS Expression in the SAM
Cytokinin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis begins with the addition of a prenyl group to the N6
position biosynthesis
of adenosine in Arabidopsis begins
diphosphate/adenosine with the(ADP/ATP).
triphosphate addition of This
a prenyl group
reaction to the N6
is catalyzed
by of adenosine
adenosine diphosphate/adenosine triphosphate
phosphate-isopentenyltransferase (ADP/ATP).
(IPT) proteins This reactioncontains
[63]. Arabidopsis is catalyzed by
11 IPT
adenosine phosphate-isopentenyltransferase (IPT) proteins [63]. Arabidopsis contains 11 IPT
homologs [64,65], which are differentially expressed to produce cytokinins in a tissue-specific manner.
homologs [64,65], which are differentially expressed to produce cytokinins in a tissue-specific
manner. In the SAM, IPT7 expression is activated by another pluripotency factor, SHOOT
MERISTEMLESS (STM) (Figure 2a) [66]. IPT7 is localized to the mitochondria [63,67]. The resulting
N6-isopentenyladenine (iP) ribotides produced via IPTs are subsequently converted to trans-zeatin
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In the SAM, IPT7 expression is activated by another pluripotency factor, SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM)
(Figure 2a) [66]. IPT7 is localized to the mitochondria [63,67]. The resulting N6-isopentenyladenine
(iP) ribotides produced via IPTs are subsequently converted to trans-zeatin (tZ—the most abundant
form of cytokinin in plants) via hydroxylation of the isoprenoid side chain [68,69]. Another group
of enzymes, LONELY GUY (LOG) cytokinin nucleoside 50 -monophosphate phosphoribohydrolases,
contribute to the production of cytokinin [70,71]. LOG genes were originally identified in rice [70].
Arabidopsis contains nine LOG genes (LOG1 to LOG9) [71]. Among these, LOG4 and LOG7 are
expressed in the L1 layer of the SAM and floral primordia, respectively [72]. The cytokinin pathway
also contributes to WUS expression in response to environmental conditions, such as changes in light
and nitrate availability (Figure 2a) [73–75]. CYTOKININ OXIDASE5 (CKX5) and CKX6 catalyze the
irreversible degradation of cytokinin. CKX5 and CKX6 repress WUS expression via the degradation of
cytokinin in the dark [74]. Cytokinins also mediate stem cell size through WUS expression in response
to nutritional status. Grafting experiments revealed that cytokinin precursors function as long-distance
signals to control SAM size and WUS expression [75]. Cytokinin accumulation is adjusted accordingly
based on these environmental inputs. The resulting cytokinin functions as a systemic signal to the
SAM and determines WUS expression and stem cell activity. Thus, cytokinin biosynthesis is mediated
by both multiple enzymes and environmental inputs and governs WUS expression in the SAM.

2.1.3. Cytokinin Transport and its Role in Specifying the Fate of the SAM
Cytokinin transport is mediated by three types of cytokinin transporters: purine permeases (PUPs),
equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs), and ATP-binding cassette G (ABCG) transporters [76–81].
Arabidopsis contains 23 PUP and 8 ENT family members [76,77]. PUP1, PUP2, PUP14, and ENT1
control cytokinin uptake, as revealed in a yeast expression system [76,82,83]. On the other hand,
the ABCG14 transporter coordinates cytokinin export [80,81,84–86]. The ABCG transporter gene family,
comprising 28 genes, plays diverse roles in cytokinin transport [86,87]. Although ABCG14 is mainly
expressed in roots, a mutation in ABCG14 leads to reduced shoot growth [80,81]. ABCG14 localizes
to the plasma membrane and transports tZ, as revealed by a tracer experiment [81]. Phenotypic and
molecular experiments suggest that long-distance cytokinin transport is essential for the regulation of
SAM activity. Whether these transporters contribute to the establishment of cytokinin activity at the
OC of the SAM has not yet been addressed (Figure 2a).

2.1.4. Another Feedback Loop between Cytokinin Signal Transduction and WUS Specifies SAM Fate
Cytokinin signaling is mediated by three ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE KINASE (AHK) receptors,
AHK2, AHK3, and AHK4 (also known as CYTOKININ RESPONSE1), through a multistep
His–Asp phosphorelay similar to that found in bacterial two-component signaling systems.
AHK receptors contain both histidine kinase and receiver domains. Upon sensing cytokinin, the AHKs
autophosphorylate at a His residue and transfer the phosphate to an aspartate residue on the
receiver domain. Subsequently, this phosphate is transferred to a histidine residue on authentic
histidine-containing phospho-transmitters (AHPs) [88–92]. This phosphorylation step allows the
AHPs to be translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus to activate Arabidopsis response regulators
(ARRs). To date, 22 ARR genes have been identified. Typical ARRs are categorized into type A
or type B [93,94]. Type-B ARRs are transcriptional activators that promote the cytokinin response,
whereas most type-A ARRs are transcriptional repressors [89,95]. Type-B ARRs, such as ARR1, ARR10,
and ARR12, activate WUS expression by directly binding to its promoter [96–100]. The type-B ARR
binding cis-element located in the promoter region of WUS plays primary roles in the activation of this
gene by ARR1, ARR10, and ARR12 (Figure 2a) [98]. WUS represses the expression of type-A ARR
genes ARR5, ARR6, ARR7, and ARR15 (Figure 2a) [101]. WUS binds directly to the ARR7 and ARR15
promoters. Thus, WUS possesses another feedback loop controlling its expression pattern in the SAM.
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2.1.5. WUS and HEC Compete for Shared Cytokinin Signal Transduction Genes to Specify SAM Fate
The interplay between WUS–CLV and cytokinin is fine-tuned by tissue-specific transcription
factors. The basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor HECATE1 (HEC1) is directly repressed
by high concentrations of WUS protein (Figure 2a) [101–104]. HEC1 physically interacts with other
bHLH transcription factors, such as HEC2 and HEC3. Consistent with this role in repression, HEC1 is
expressed throughout the SAM except in the OC, where WUS highly accumulates. Ectopic expression
of HEC1 in the OC interferes with the maintenance of the SAM. HEC1 represses CLV3 expression and
activates type-A ARR7 and ARR15 expression (Figure 2a). Shared target genes of HEC1 and WUS,
such as ARR7 and ARR15, are regulated in an opposite manner. How this competitive regulation
by HEC1 and WUS is regulated remains to be elucidated. Multiple feedback systems mediated by
hormonal components and transcription factors act in parallel to control meristematic fate and WUS
expression in the SAM. A feedback circuit-driven regulatory mechanism is a common strategy for
reliable, irreversible cell fate determination [105–108].

2.2. The Role of Auxin in Specifying Meristem and Primordium Fate in the SAM

2.2.1. AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORs Specify Meristem and Primordium Fate in the SAM
Auxin controls almost every aspect of plant growth and development, including cell division,
elongation, and differentiation, with important effects on the final shapes and functions of plant cells
and tissues. During SAM development, a classic role of auxin is to specify organ primordium fate in the
PZ of the SAM. Mutants in components of auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling exhibit naked
inflorescences lacking flowers, even though the earlier products from the SAM, such as rosette leaves,
are generally present (Figure 2a) [109–112]. Recent evidence suggests that in addition to specifying
organ primordium fate, auxin specifies meristematic fate in the SAM (Figure 2a). AUXIN RESPONSE
FACTORs (ARFs) are transcription factors that play roles in specifying these identities [113,114].
To date, 23 ARF genes have been identified in Arabidopsis. ARFs function as transcription factors
by binding to auxin-responsive elements (AuxREs) in the promoters of their target genes [113,114].
Individual ARFs control distinct developmental processes. Recent studies have identified downstream
genes of ARFs, which play key roles in SAM development.

2.2.2. MP/ARF5 Specifies Meristem and Primordium Fate in the SAM

Among ARF transcription factors, ARF5 (also known as MONOPTEROS (MP)) plays a key
role in specifying meristematic and primordium fate by orchestrating gene expression [114–118].
MP is a canonical ARF (class A) that modulates auxin signaling [119,120]. MP dimerizes with
AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (Aux/IAA) repressor proteins in the absence of auxin [115–118].
In the nucleus, auxin is perceived by TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESISTANT1 (TIR1)/AUXIN
SIGNALING F-BOX proteins [121,122]. These F-box proteins form the substrate recognition subunits of
SKP-CULLIN-box (SCF) ubiquitin ligases [123]. Upon sensing auxin, Aux/IAA proteins are degraded
through the action of SCFTIR1 ubiquitin ligase. MP activity is subsequently derepressed and triggers
the expression of many auxin response genes. MP proteins are present at low levels in the CZ
and at high levels in the PZ of the SAM [124,125]. Consistent with this accumulation pattern, MP
modulates different downstream target genes in the CZ and PZ. To control meristematic fate in the
CZ, MP directly represses ARR7/ARR15 and activates AHP6 through the regulation of cytokinin
homeostasis (Figure 2a) [91,126]. AHP6 establishes inhibitory fields of cytokinin signaling to define
organ initiation sites [91]. ARR7 and ARR15 integrate cytokinin and auxin signals and relay them to
the WUS–CLV network [126]. MP also represses the expression of DORNRÖSCHEN/ENHANCER OF
SHOOT REGENERATION1 (DRN/ESR1) to promote CLV3 expression (Figure 2a) [116–118,127,128].
Whether other transcription factors are required for the transcriptional activation of CLV3 by DRN at
the CZ of the SAM has not yet been addressed.
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To specify primordium fate in the PZ, MP directly activates the auxin transporter gene
PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1), the floral meristem identity gene LEAFY (LFY), the organ size regulatory
genes AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 (AIL6), and the abaxial identity gene
FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) [129–135]. The MP homodimer might bind to the LFY promoter via an
AuxRE variant for MP homodimer binding [136]. MP also induces the expression of MACCHI-BOU4
(MAB4) family genes in the PZ to control basipetal auxin transport (Figure 2a) [137]. The target
specificity of MP occurs in a zone-dependent manner, perhaps due to threshold levels of MP protein,
different affinities of MP binding sites, and/or chromatin-mediated regulation of gene expression.
In fact, the expression of several MP targets, which specify primordium identity, requires the activity of
Switch/Sucrose Non-Fermentable (SWI/SNF) family chromatin remodelers [138–141]. In the presence
of auxin, MP interacts with SWI/SNF chromatin remodelers to open up the promoter regions of
downstream target genes for their activation [141]. This structural change in chromatin allows
additional transcription factors and/or general transcriptional machinery (Figure 2b). Hence, MP
coordinates fate specification in the meristem and primordium in response to auxin in the SAM.
The crosstalk between hormonal transcription factors and epigenetic regulators plays prominent roles
in fate specification.

2.2.3. ETT/ARF3 and ARF4 Switch Off Meristematic Cell Fate in the PZ of the SAM
ARF3 (also known as ETTIN (ETT)) and ARF4 are noncanonical class B ARFs that lack a domain
for interaction with Aux/IAA proteins [113,142,143]. Both ETT and ARF4 are highly expressed in the PZ
of the SAM [144]. ETT shares redundant functions with ARF4 during plant development. Unlike MP,
an auxin-dependent interaction between ETT and process-specific transcription factors determines
the transcriptional activity of ETT [144]. The molecular nature of the interaction between ETT and
auxin remains to be addressed. To specify primordium fate, an ETT-FIL dimer directly represses the
expression of the pluripotency factor gene STM through histone deacetylation and negatively regulates
the STM target, IPT7 (Figure 2a,c) [145]. Since FIL is a direct target of MP, MP also indirectly helps
specify primordium fate by terminating the meristem (Figure 2a) [145]. The organogenic program that
terminates the meristem is conserved between plants and animals. Furthermore, genome-wide analyses
identified direct targets of ETT whose expression is ETT- and auxin-dependent. ETT directly controls
the expression of LFY and the auxin biosynthetic gene YUCCA4 (YUC4) in an auxin-dependent manner
(Figure 2a) [144,146,147]. Like MP, ETT might also specify primordium fate via LFY in the PZ [144].
Furthermore, ETT might provide direct positive feedback regulation of auxin biosynthesis by activating
YUC4 during primordium fate specification. The proper control of gene activation and repression by
auxin-dependent transcription factors switches the fates of meristematic and primordium cells.

3. Hormonal Control of the Termination of Meristematic Fate in the FM for

Subsequent Organogenesis

3.1. The Roles of Cytokinin and Auxin in FM Development and Subsequent Organ Differentiation
Unlike the SAM, the FM is determinate, and its meristematic fate must be terminated. WUS ensures
the maintenance of the stem cell pool in the SAM and FM. The MADS-box transcription factor
AGAMOUS (AG) plays central roles in early stages of FM development and the termination of
the meristematic fate of the FM during later stages of development [36,45,148–151]. In addition to
mutations in AG, ectopic WUS expression beyond stage 6 is sufficient to trigger indeterminacy of
the FM. AG is expressed throughout FM formation beginning at stage 3 of flower development and
terminates FM activity at stage 6 of flower development by regulating gene expression. Recent studies
have shown that AG influences cytokinin and auxin homeostasis during both the earlier and later
stages of FM development. After FM termination, cytokinin and auxin homeostasis play key roles in
gynoecium formation.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4065 8 of 19

3.2. AG Controls Auxin and Cytokinin Levels during FM Formation

During the early stages of FM formation, AG controls FM activity by maintaining proper hormone
levels. AG modulates ETT expression partially though GIANT KILLER (GIK), which encodes an
proteins interact with each other to form homo- or heterodimer complexes. AHLs also interact with
other components, such as DOMAIN OF UNKNOWN FUNCTION296 (DUF296) [154]. The availability
of many different forms of AHL protein complexes might enable the fine-tuning of downstream genes
of AG in a spatiotemporal manner. ETT then directly represses the expression cytokinin biosynthetic
genes IPT3, IPT5, and IPT7 and mediates cell-cycle-related gene expression [155]. AG also activates
another downstream target, SUPERMAN (SUP), which encodes a transcriptional repressor with a
C2H2 zinc-finger DNA-binding domain and an EAR repression motif [156–159]. SUP downregulates
the expression of YUC1 and YUC4 to decrease local auxin biosynthesis. SUP interacts with histone
modification enzymes to deposit negative histone marks, thereby silencing gene expression [160–162].
Proper hormone levels are required for maintaining FM activity and floral organ formation [162].

3.3. Proper Control of Cytokinin Homeostasis Promotes Cell Proliferation in the Terminating FM
During FM termination, AG controls cytokinin homeostasis [155]. Exogenous cytokinin treatment
enhances the FM indeterminacy of ag mutants [155]. This phenotype is enhanced in cytokinin-treated ag
ett double mutants, suggesting that ETT genetically interacts with cytokinin to regulate FM determinacy.
ETT integrates AG and auxin inputs to repress cytokinin activity. ETT negatively controls cytokinin
biosynthesis. Similar to its activity during FM formation, ETT directly represses the expression of the
cytokinin biosynthetic genes IPT3, IPT5, and IPT7 during FM termination (Figure 3a) [155]. In addition,
ETT indirectly represses the expression of several LOG genes to fine-tune cytokinin levels [155].
In addition to controlling cytokinin levels, ETT controls the level of cytokinin signaling. ETT binds to
the AHK4 promoter to repress its expression (Figure 3a) [155]. AuxREs play key roles in the direct
binding of ETT to IPT7 and AHK4 [155]. The role of auxin downstream of ETT adds multiple layers
of complexity to the role of cytokinin in regulating FM termination to provide cells for subsequent
gynoecium formation.

3.4. Proper Control of Auxin Homeostasis Terminates Meristematic Fate in the FM

During FM termination, AG also activates its direct target, CRABS CLAW (CRC), to enable
FM determinacy via auxin (Figure 3b) [163–166]. AG binds to the CRC promoter and promotes its
expression. CRC belongs to the YABBY family of transcription factors, which contain a zinc finger and
a helix-loop-helix domain. CRC expression begins during stage 6 of flower development and localizes
to the abaxial region of the developing carpels [157]. In addition to AG, CRC increases auxin levels
through the direct activation of YUC4 [167]. AG interacts with the SWI/SNF chromatin remodelers and
evicts well-positioned nucleosomes (Figure 3c) [141,168–170]. The pioneer activity of AG, together
with SWI/SNF chromatin remodelers, opens up the promoter region of YUC4 from stage 3 of flower
development (Figure 3c) [167]. Subsequently, CRC associates the YUC4 promoter near the AG binding
site (Figure 3c). The feed-forward activation of YUC4 via the synergistic interaction between AG and
CRC specifies primordium cell fate. Consistent with this finding, mutations in multiple YUC genes,
including YUC4, induce FM indeterminacy. CRC also represses another direct target, TORNADO2
(TRN2) (also known as TETERASPANIN1 or EKEKO), which encodes a transmembrane protein of
the tetraspanin family [171–174]. Tetraspanins interact with numerous partner proteins to control
multiple cellular processes, such as cell adhesion, cell fusion, and intracellular membrane trafficking.
This transcriptional repression of TRN2 by CRC partially contributes to the creation of auxin maxima by
interfering with auxin transport [175]. How TRN2 affects auxin accumulation remains to be addressed.
These two direct CRC targets, YUC4 and TRN2, act in parallel to repress WUS expression for FM
Mol. Sci. 2019, 20,
Sci. 2019, 20, 4065
x 9 of
of 19

(Figure 3b) [171]. The sequential actions of transcription factors control auxin homeostasis in the FM
determinacy andcarpel
for subsequent subsequent organ formation (Figure 3b) [171]. The sequential actions of transcription
factors control auxin homeostasis in the FM for subsequent carpel formation.

Figure3.3. Hormonal
Figure Hormonal control
control of
meristematic fate
fate termination
termination in in the
stage6 6ofofflower
development. (b) (b) Auxin-mediated
primordium fate specification in the FM. The terminating OC is shown in pale pink. The
fate specification in the FM. The terminating OC is shown in pale pink. The arrows
represent the activation of gene expression, while the flat arrows represent its repression.
represent the activation of gene expression, while the flat arrows represent its repression. (c) Chromatin(c)
state switchstate
Chromatin for termination of floral meristematic
switch for termination fate by CRC
of floral meristematic fateand the AG
by CRC andcomplex. The arrow
the AG complex. The
represents the activation
arrow represents of gene of
the activation expression.
gene expression.
3.5. Synergistic Interaction between Auxin and Cytokinin Promotes Gynoecium Formation
3.5. Synergistic Interaction between Auxin and Cytokinin Promotes Gynoecium Formation
Although it is well known that auxin and cytokinin act antagonistically during plant growth
Although it is well known that auxin and cytokinin act antagonistically during plant growth and
and development, several studies on the molecular mechanism between these phytohormones have
development, several studies on the molecular mechanism between these phytohormones have
focused on their synergistic activity, which maximizes their effects during gynoecium formation [54–56].
focused on their synergistic activity, which maximizes their effects during gynoecium formation [54–
Unlike the SAM, in carpels, the auxin and cytokinin accumulation patterns partially overlap after FM
56]. Unlike the SAM, in carpels, the auxin and cytokinin accumulation patterns partially overlap after
termination. SPATULA (SPT), a bHLH transcription factor, induces cytokinin accumulation in the
FM termination. SPATULA (SPT), a bHLH transcription factor, induces cytokinin accumulation in
carpel margin via an unknown mechanism [163,176–178]. SPT activates the expression of the auxin
the carpel margin via an unknown mechanism [163,176–178]. SPT activates the expression of the
efflux carrier gene PIN3 [177,179–181]. This expression change also promotes auxin accumulation in the
auxin efflux carrier gene PIN3 [177,179–181]. This expression change also promotes auxin
apical region of the carpel. One remaining question that needs to be addressed is how one transcription
accumulation in the apical region of the carpel. One remaining question that needs to be addressed
factor mediates the activities of two antagonistic hormones in the same manner. The target specificity
is how one transcription factor mediates the activities of two antagonistic hormones in the same
of SPT could be due to the presence of cofactors and/or the different affinities of SPT binding sites.
manner. The target specificity of SPT could be due to the presence of cofactors and/or the different
Since most transcription factors that regulate gynoecium development are categorized into only four
affinities of SPT binding sites. Since most transcription factors that regulate gynoecium development
classes based on mRNA distribution [182], threshold regulation at the protein level could also be
are categorized into only four classes based on mRNA distribution [182], threshold regulation at the
important. SPT forms multiple complexes with transcription factors, such as HEC and INDEHISCENT
protein level could also be important. SPT forms multiple complexes with transcription factors, such
(IND) [163,176,183]. Proteomic-based studies of protein interactions might help reveal cofactors of SPT
as HEC and INDEHISCENT (IND) [163,176,183]. Proteomic-based studies of protein interactions
that function in response to auxin or cytokinin.
might help reveal cofactors of SPT that function in response to auxin or cytokinin.
4. Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives
4. Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives
The robust establishment of the SAM and FM is primarily controlled by conserved secreted
peptides robust establishment
master of the
transcriptional SAM and
regulators. In FM is primarily
the past controlled
five years, plant stembycell
conserved secreted
researchers have
peptides and master transcriptional regulators. In the past five years, plant stem cell researchers
identified various interactions between these key factors and phytohormones using a candidate gene have
identified various interactions between these key factors and phytohormones using
approach or omics data. Phytohormones help determine when and where these factors function. a candidate gene
approach or omics data. Phytohormones help determine when and where these factors function. The
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4065 10 of 19

The spatiotemporal fine-tuning of these factors by phytohormones appears to be regulated by complex

multilayered networks of hormonal components, since hormones affect not only transcription, but also
the epigenetic state, protein stability/protein–protein interactions, and metabolic rates of meristematic
cells. However, in practice, most omics data are available only for bulk samples rather than single
cells. Furthermore, technologies to integrate multilayer omics data are not yet well established.
To elucidate these networks, multi-omics data at the single-cell level are needed. The integration of
multilayered omics data via high-resolution readouts across hierarchies will provide new insights into
phytohormone-mediated meristem activities.

Author Contributions: Writing—original draft preparation, Z.H.L. and N.Y.; writing—review and editing, Z.H.L.,
T.H., N.Y., and T.I.; visualization, T.H. and N.Y.; supervision, N.Y. and T.I.; project administration, N.Y. and T.I.;
funding acquisition, T.H., N.Y., and T.I.
Funding: This research was funded by JSPS, grant number 19J00658 to T.H., Japan Science and Technology Agency
‘Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology’ (JPMJPR15QA), JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (No. 18H04782), JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B
(No. 18H02465), and the LOTTE Foundation to N.Y., and JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
on Innovative Areas (No. 18H04839, 19H04865), JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A
(No. 15H02405), Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research (No. 18K19342) to T.I.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Hitomi Ichiwaka for sharing the photographs of tissue
sections photos and Sachi Ando for editing the first draft of this manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

SAM Shoot apical meristem
FM Floral meristem
L1 layer 1
L2 layer 2
L3 layer 3
CZ central zone
PZ peripheral zone
ADP adenosine diphosphate
ATP adenosine triphosphate
iP isopentenyladenine
tZ trans-zeatin
PUP purine permease
ENT equilibrative nucleoside transporter
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4065 11 of 19

ABCG ATP-binding cassette G

ARR Arabidopsis response regulators
AHP authentic histidine-containing phospho-transmitter
AuxRE auxin-responsive element

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